
Namedjango-admin-easy JSON
Version 0.8.0 PyPI version JSON
SummaryCollection of admin fields and decorators to help to create computed or custom fields more friendly and easy way
upload_time2024-08-28 02:28:54
authorEzequiel Bertti
licenseMIT License
keywords admin field django easy simple
requirements model-bakery Sphinx Pillow tox coverage django-debug-toolbar
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.

Collection of admin fields, decorators and mixin to help to create computed or custom fields more friendly and easy way

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1. Requirements: **Django > 3** and **Python > 3**

    ``pip install django-admin-easy==0.8.0``

* For **Django < 1.8** or **Python 2.x**

    ``pip install django-admin-easy==0.4.1``

* For **Django < 2**

    ``pip install django-admin-easy==0.7.0``

How it Works

When you want to display a field on Django Admin, and this field doesn't exist in your Model
or you need to compute some information, like a Image or Link, you will need to create a method on your ModelAdminClass like this:

.. code-block:: python

    from django.contrib import admin

    class YourAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
        fields = ('sum_method', 'some_img', 'is_true')

        def sum_method(self, obj):
            sum_result = obj.field1 + obj.field2 + obj.field3
            return '<b>%s</b>' % sum_result
        sum_method.short_description = 'Sum'
        sum_method.admin_order_field = 'field1'
        sum_method.allow_tags = True

        def some_img(self, obj):
            return '<img scr="%s">' % obj.image
        some_img.short_description = 'image'
        some_img.admin_order_field = 'id'
        some_img.allow_tags = True

        def is_true(self, obj):
            return obj.value > 0
        is_true.short_description = 'Positive'
        is_true.admin_order_field = 'value'
        is_true.boolean = True

It takes too much lines! =D

With **django-admin-easy** you can easily create this field with less lines:

.. code-block:: python

    from django.contrib import admin
    import easy

    class YourAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
        fields = ('sum_method', 'some_img', 'is_true')

        sum_method = easy.SimpleAdminField(lambda obj: '<b>%s</b>' % (obj.field1 + obj.field2 + obj.field3), 'Sum', 'field1', True)
        some_img = easy.ImageAdminField('image', 'id')
        is_true = easy.BooleanAdminField('Positive', 'value')

If you still prefer using a custom method, you can use our decorators, like this:

.. code-block:: python

    from django.contrib import admin
    import easy

    class YourAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
        fields = ('sum_method', 'some_img', 'is_true')'Sum', admin_order_field='field1', allow_tags=True )
        def sum_method(self, obj):
            sum_result = obj.field1 + obj.field2 + obj.field3
            return '<b>%s</b>' % sum_result

        @easy.short(desc='image', order='id', tags=True)
        def some_img(self, obj):
            return '<img scr="%s">' % obj.image

        @easy.short(desc='Positive', order='value', bool=True)
        def is_true(self, obj):
            return obj.value > 0

Another Decorators

In all of this extra decorators, you can use `short` or `smart` arguments to complement field information.

* **Allow HTML tags**

.. code-block:: python

    def some_field_with_html(self, obj):
        return '<b>{}</b>'.format(obj.value)
    # output some as: mark_safe("<b>something</b>")

if value is `5`, will display:

**5** and not `<b>5</b>` on admin page.

* **Cached field**

If you, for some reason, need to cache a custom field on admin

.. code-block:: python

    @easy.cache(10)# in secondd, default is 60
    def some_field_with_html(self, obj):
        return obj.related.some_hard_word()

If you change something on your model, or some related object, you can clean this cache using this easy way:

.. code-block:: python

    import easy
    # wherever you want

    # or
    class MyModel(models.Model):
        # ... fields

        def save(*args, **kwargs):
            super(MyModel, self).save(*args, **kwargs)

* **Django template filter**

Can be used with all template filters on your project.

.. code-block:: python

    # builtin template filter like {{ value|title }}
    def some_field_with_html(self, obj):
        return 'ezequiel bertti'
    # output: "Ezequiel Bertti"

    # like {% load i10n %} and {{ value|localize }}
    @easy.filter('localize', 'l10n')
    def some_field_with_html(self, obj):
        return 10000
    # output: "10.000"

    # like {{ value|date:'y-m-d' }}
    @easy.filter('date', 'default', 'y-m-d')
    def some_field_with_html(self, obj):
        return datetime(2016, 06, 28)
    # output: "16-06-28"

* **Django utils functions**

Tested with:

.. code-block:: python

    def your_method(self, obj):
        return obj.value

More Examples

.. code-block:: python

    from django.contrib import admin
    import easy

    class YourAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
        list_fields = ('id', 'custom1', 'custom2', 'custom3' ... 'customN')

        actions = ('simples_action',)

        @easy.action('My Little Simple Magic Action')
        def simple_action(self, request, queryset):
            return queryset.update(magic=True)

        # actoin only for user that has change permission on this model
        @easy.action('Another Simple Magic Action', 'change')
        def simple_action(self, request, queryset):
            return queryset.update(magic=True)

        # render a value of field, method, property or your model or related model
        simple1 = easy.SimpleAdminField('model_field')
        simple2 = easy.SimpleAdminField('method_of_model')
        simple3 = easy.SimpleAdminField('related.attribute_or_method')
        simple4 = easy.SimpleAdminField('related_set.count', 'count')
        simple5 = easy.SimpleAdminField(lambda x: x.method(), 'show', 'order_by')

        # render boolean fields
        bool1 = easy.BooleanAdminField(lambda x: x.value > 10, 'high')

        # render with string format fields
        format1 = easy.FormatAdminField('{o.model_field} - {o.date_field:Y%-%m}', 'column name')

        # render foreignkey with link to change_form in admin
        fk1 = easy.ForeignKeyAdminField('related')

        # render foreignkey with link to change_form in admin and related_id content as text
        fk2 = easy.ForeignKeyAdminField('related', 'related_id')

        # render foreignkey_id, like raw_id_fields, with link to change_form in admin and related_id content as text
        # without extra queries or select_related to prevent extra n-1 queries
        raw1 = easy.RawIdAdminField('related')

        # render template
        template1 = easy.TemplateAdminField('test.html', 'shorty description', 'order_field')

        # render to change_list of another model with a filter on query
        link1 = easy.LinkChangeListAdminField('app_label', 'model_name', 'attribute_to_text',

        link2 = easy.LinkChangeListAdminField('app_label', 'model_name', 'attribute_to_text',
                                              {'another_field': 'static_value'})

        # render link to generic content type fields
        # don't forget to use select_related with content-type to avoid N+1 queries like example below
        generic = easy.GenericForeignKeyAdminField('generic')

        def get_queryset(self, request):
            qs = super().get_queryset(request)

            return qs.select_related('content_type')

        # or enable cache
        generic = easy.GenericForeignKeyAdminField('generic', cache_content_type=True)

        # display image of some model
        image1 = easy.ImageAdminField('image', {'image_attrs':'attr_value'})

        # use django template filter on a field
        filter1 = easy.FilterAdminField('model_field', 'upper')
        filter2 = easy.FilterAdminField('date_field', 'date', 'django', 'y-m-d')
        filter3 = easy.FilterAdminField('float_field', 'localize', 'l18n')'Field Description 12', admin_order_field='model_field')
        def custom12(self, obj):
            return obj.something_cool()

        @easy.short(desc='Field Description 1', order='model_field', tags=True)
        def decorator1(self, obj):
            return '<b>' + obj.model_field + '</b>'

        @easy.short(desc='Field Description 2', order='model_field', bool=True)
        def decorator2(self, obj):
            return obj.model_field > 10

If you want to use on admin form to show some information,
don't forget to add your custom field on ``readonly_fields`` attribute of your admin class

.. code-block:: python

    from django.contrib import admin
    import easy

    class YourAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
        fields = ('custom1', 'custom2', 'custom3' ... 'customN')
        readonly_fields = ('custom1', 'custom2', 'custom3' ... 'customN')

        custom1 = easy.ForeignKeyAdminField('related')
        # ...

Another way to use is directly on ``list_fields`` declaration:

.. code-block:: python

    from django.contrib import admin
    import easy

    class YourAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
        list_fields = (
            easy.TemplateAdminField('test.html', 'shorty description', 'order_field'),
            easy.ImageAdminField('image', {'image_attrs':'attr_value'}),
            # ...

        # ...


To help you to create a custom view on django admin, we create the MixinEasyViews for your Admin Classes

.. code-block:: python

    from django.contrib import admin
    import easy

    class MyModelAdmin(easy.MixinEasyViews, admin.ModelAdmin):
        # ...

        def easy_view_jump(self, request, pk=None):
            # do something here
            return HttpResponse('something')

To call this view, you can use this reverse:

.. code-block:: python

    from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse

    # to do something with one object of a model
    reverse('admin:myapp_mymodel_easy', args=(, 'jump'))

    # or to do something with a model
    reverse('admin:myapp_mymodel_easy', args=('jump',))

Or one HTML template

.. code-block:: html

    #<!-- to do something with one object of a model -->
    {% url 'admin:myapp_mymodel_easy' 'jump' %}

    #<!-- or to do something with a model -->
    {% url 'admin:myapp_mymodel_easy' 'jump' %}


* Response for admin actions

  Return for the change list and show some message for the user keeping or not the filters.

.. code-block:: python

    from django.contrib import admin
    from django.contrib import messages
    import easy

    class YourAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
        # ...
        actions = ('simples_action',)

        def simples_action(self, request, queryset):

            success = queryset.do_something()
            if success:
                return easy.action_response(request, 'Some success message for user', keep_querystring=False)
                return easy.action_response(request, 'Some error for user', messages.ERROR)

            # or just redirect to changelist with filters
            return easy.action_response()

So easy, no?


Using example of poll of django tutorial

.. image::

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Please help us
This project is still under development. Feedback and suggestions are very welcome and I encourage you to use the `Issues list <>`_ on Github to provide that feedback.

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The django-admin-easy was originally created by Ezequiel Bertti `@ebertti <>`_ October 2014.

* 0.8.0

   Add new field GenericForeignKeyAdminField
   Add Support for Django 5.0 and 5.1
   Add Support for Python 3.12
   Drop support for Django < 2.0
   Add typing and docstring (thanks `codeium <>`_)

* 0.7.0

   Add support for Django 4.0, 4.1 and 4.2
   Add support for Python 3.10 and 3.11
   Add Github Actions for testing
   Add job to realease on pypi
   Thanks @Lex98

* 0.6.1

   Add support for Django 3.2 and Python 3.9

* 0.6

   Add RawIdAdminField

* 0.5.1

   Add permission on action decorator

* 0.4.1

   Django 2.0

* 0.4

   Django 1.11
   Create module utils with action_response

* 0.3.2

   Add params_static to LinkChangeListAdminField

* 0.3.1

   Add FormatAdminField

* 0.3

   Add import from `__future__` on all files
   Django 1.10
   More decorators
   More admin fields

* 0.2.2

   Add MixinEasyViews

* 0.2.1

   Fix for Django 1.7 from `@kevgathuku <>`_

Star History

.. image::


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "django-admin-easy",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": null,
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": "admin field django easy simple",
    "author": "Ezequiel Bertti",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": "OS Independent",
    "description": "django-admin-easy\n=================\n\nCollection of admin fields, decorators and mixin to help to create computed or custom fields more friendly and easy way\n\n\n\n.. image::\n  :target:\n\n.. image::\n  :target:\n\n.. image::\n  :target:\n\n.. image::\n  :target:\n\n.. image::\n  :target:\n\n.. image::\n  :target:\n\n.. image::\n  :target:\n\n\nInstallation\n------------\n\n1. Requirements: **Django > 3** and **Python > 3**\n\n    ``pip install django-admin-easy==0.8.0``\n\n\n* For **Django < 1.8** or **Python 2.x**\n\n    ``pip install django-admin-easy==0.4.1``\n\n* For **Django < 2**\n\n    ``pip install django-admin-easy==0.7.0``\n\n\nHow it Works\n------------\n\nWhen you want to display a field on Django Admin, and this field doesn't exist in your Model\nor you need to compute some information, like a Image or Link, you will need to create a method on your ModelAdminClass like this:\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n    from django.contrib import admin\n\n    class YourAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):\n        fields = ('sum_method', 'some_img', 'is_true')\n\n        def sum_method(self, obj):\n            sum_result = obj.field1 + obj.field2 + obj.field3\n            return '<b>%s</b>' % sum_result\n        sum_method.short_description = 'Sum'\n        sum_method.admin_order_field = 'field1'\n        sum_method.allow_tags = True\n\n        def some_img(self, obj):\n            return '<img scr=\"%s\">' % obj.image\n        some_img.short_description = 'image'\n        some_img.admin_order_field = 'id'\n        some_img.allow_tags = True\n\n        def is_true(self, obj):\n            return obj.value > 0\n        is_true.short_description = 'Positive'\n        is_true.admin_order_field = 'value'\n        is_true.boolean = True\n\nIt takes too much lines! =D\n\nWith **django-admin-easy** you can easily create this field with less lines:\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n    from django.contrib import admin\n    import easy\n\n    class YourAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):\n        fields = ('sum_method', 'some_img', 'is_true')\n\n        sum_method = easy.SimpleAdminField(lambda obj: '<b>%s</b>' % (obj.field1 + obj.field2 + obj.field3), 'Sum', 'field1', True)\n        some_img = easy.ImageAdminField('image', 'id')\n        is_true = easy.BooleanAdminField('Positive', 'value')\n\nIf you still prefer using a custom method, you can use our decorators, like this:\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n    from django.contrib import admin\n    import easy\n\n    class YourAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):\n        fields = ('sum_method', 'some_img', 'is_true')\n\n'Sum', admin_order_field='field1', allow_tags=True )\n        def sum_method(self, obj):\n            sum_result = obj.field1 + obj.field2 + obj.field3\n            return '<b>%s</b>' % sum_result\n\n        @easy.short(desc='image', order='id', tags=True)\n        def some_img(self, obj):\n            return '<img scr=\"%s\">' % obj.image\n\n        @easy.short(desc='Positive', order='value', bool=True)\n        def is_true(self, obj):\n            return obj.value > 0\n\nAnother Decorators\n------------------\n\nIn all of this extra decorators, you can use `short` or `smart` arguments to complement field information.\n\n* **Allow HTML tags**\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n    @easy.with_tags()\n    def some_field_with_html(self, obj):\n        return '<b>{}</b>'.format(obj.value)\n    # output some as: mark_safe(\"<b>something</b>\")\n\n\nif value is `5`, will display:\n\n**5** and not `<b>5</b>` on admin page.\n\n* **Cached field**\n\nIf you, for some reason, need to cache a custom field on admin\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n    @easy.cache(10)# in secondd, default is 60\n    def some_field_with_html(self, obj):\n        return obj.related.some_hard_word()\n\nIf you change something on your model, or some related object, you can clean this cache using this easy way:\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n    import easy\n    # wherever you want\n    easy.cache_clear(my_model_instance)\n\n    # or\n    class MyModel(models.Model):\n        # ... fields\n\n        def save(*args, **kwargs):\n            easy.cache_clear(self)\n            super(MyModel, self).save(*args, **kwargs)\n\n\n* **Django template filter**\n\nCan be used with all template filters on your project.\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n    # builtin template filter like {{ value|title }}\n    @easy.filter('title')\n    def some_field_with_html(self, obj):\n        return 'ezequiel bertti'\n    # output: \"Ezequiel Bertti\"\n\n    # like {% load i10n %} and {{ value|localize }}\n    @easy.filter('localize', 'l10n')\n    def some_field_with_html(self, obj):\n        return 10000\n    # output: \"10.000\"\n\n    # like {{ value|date:'y-m-d' }}\n    @easy.filter('date', 'default', 'y-m-d')\n    def some_field_with_html(self, obj):\n        return datetime(2016, 06, 28)\n    # output: \"16-06-28\"\n\n* **Django utils functions**\n\nTested with:\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n    @easy.utils('html.escape')\n    @easy.utils('html.conditional_escape')\n    @easy.utils('html.strip_tags')\n    @easy.utils('safestring.mark_safe')\n    @easy.utils('safestring.mark_for_escaping')\n    @easy.utils('text.slugify')\n    @easy.utils('translation.gettext')\n    @easy.utils('translation.ugettext')\n    @easy.utils('translation.gettext_lazy')\n    @easy.utils('translation.ugettext_lazy')\n    @easy.utils('translation.gettext_noop')\n    @easy.utils('translation.ugettext_noop')\n    def your_method(self, obj):\n        return obj.value\n\nMore Examples\n-------------\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n    from django.contrib import admin\n    import easy\n\n    class YourAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):\n        list_fields = ('id', 'custom1', 'custom2', 'custom3' ... 'customN')\n\n        actions = ('simples_action',)\n\n        @easy.action('My Little Simple Magic Action')\n        def simple_action(self, request, queryset):\n            return queryset.update(magic=True)\n\n        # actoin only for user that has change permission on this model\n        @easy.action('Another Simple Magic Action', 'change')\n        def simple_action(self, request, queryset):\n            return queryset.update(magic=True)\n\n\n        # render a value of field, method, property or your model or related model\n        simple1 = easy.SimpleAdminField('model_field')\n        simple2 = easy.SimpleAdminField('method_of_model')\n        simple3 = easy.SimpleAdminField('related.attribute_or_method')\n        simple4 = easy.SimpleAdminField('related_set.count', 'count')\n        simple5 = easy.SimpleAdminField(lambda x: x.method(), 'show', 'order_by')\n\n        # render boolean fields\n        bool1 = easy.BooleanAdminField(lambda x: x.value > 10, 'high')\n\n        # render with string format fields\n        format1 = easy.FormatAdminField('{o.model_field} - {o.date_field:Y%-%m}', 'column name')\n\n        # render foreignkey with link to change_form in admin\n        fk1 = easy.ForeignKeyAdminField('related')\n\n        # render foreignkey with link to change_form in admin and related_id content as text\n        fk2 = easy.ForeignKeyAdminField('related', 'related_id')\n\n        # render foreignkey_id, like raw_id_fields, with link to change_form in admin and related_id content as text\n        # without extra queries or select_related to prevent extra n-1 queries\n        raw1 = easy.RawIdAdminField('related')\n\n        # render template\n        template1 = easy.TemplateAdminField('test.html', 'shorty description', 'order_field')\n\n        # render to change_list of another model with a filter on query\n        link1 = easy.LinkChangeListAdminField('app_label', 'model_name', 'attribute_to_text',\n                                              {'field_name':'dynamic_value_model'})\n\n        link2 = easy.LinkChangeListAdminField('app_label', 'model_name', 'attribute_to_text',\n                                              {'field_name':'dynamic_value_model'},\n                                              {'another_field': 'static_value'})\n\n        # render link to generic content type fields\n        # don't forget to use select_related with content-type to avoid N+1 queries like example below\n        generic = easy.GenericForeignKeyAdminField('generic')\n\n        def get_queryset(self, request):\n            qs = super().get_queryset(request)\n\n            return qs.select_related('content_type')\n\n        # or enable cache\n        generic = easy.GenericForeignKeyAdminField('generic', cache_content_type=True)\n\n        # display image of some model\n        image1 = easy.ImageAdminField('image', {'image_attrs':'attr_value'})\n\n        # use django template filter on a field\n        filter1 = easy.FilterAdminField('model_field', 'upper')\n        filter2 = easy.FilterAdminField('date_field', 'date', 'django', 'y-m-d')\n        filter3 = easy.FilterAdminField('float_field', 'localize', 'l18n')\n\n'Field Description 12', admin_order_field='model_field')\n        def custom12(self, obj):\n            return obj.something_cool()\n\n        @easy.short(desc='Field Description 1', order='model_field', tags=True)\n        def decorator1(self, obj):\n            return '<b>' + obj.model_field + '</b>'\n\n        @easy.short(desc='Field Description 2', order='model_field', bool=True)\n        def decorator2(self, obj):\n            return obj.model_field > 10\n\n\nIf you want to use on admin form to show some information,\ndon't forget to add your custom field on ``readonly_fields`` attribute of your admin class\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n    from django.contrib import admin\n    import easy\n\n    class YourAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):\n        fields = ('custom1', 'custom2', 'custom3' ... 'customN')\n        readonly_fields = ('custom1', 'custom2', 'custom3' ... 'customN')\n\n        custom1 = easy.ForeignKeyAdminField('related')\n        # ...\n\nAnother way to use is directly on ``list_fields`` declaration:\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n    from django.contrib import admin\n    import easy\n\n    class YourAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):\n        list_fields = (\n            easy.TemplateAdminField('test.html', 'shorty description', 'order_field'),\n            easy.ImageAdminField('image', {'image_attrs':'attr_value'}),\n            # ...\n        )\n\n        # ...\n\nMixin\n-----\n\nTo help you to create a custom view on django admin, we create the MixinEasyViews for your Admin Classes\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n    from django.contrib import admin\n    import easy\n\n    class MyModelAdmin(easy.MixinEasyViews, admin.ModelAdmin):\n        # ...\n\n        def easy_view_jump(self, request, pk=None):\n            # do something here\n            return HttpResponse('something')\n\nTo call this view, you can use this reverse:\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n    from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse\n\n    # to do something with one object of a model\n    reverse('admin:myapp_mymodel_easy', args=(, 'jump'))\n\n    # or to do something with a model\n    reverse('admin:myapp_mymodel_easy', args=('jump',))\n\nOr one HTML template\n\n.. code-block:: html\n\n    #<!-- to do something with one object of a model -->\n    {% url 'admin:myapp_mymodel_easy' 'jump' %}\n\n    #<!-- or to do something with a model -->\n    {% url 'admin:myapp_mymodel_easy' 'jump' %}\n\nUtilities\n---------\n\n* Response for admin actions\n\n  Return for the change list and show some message for the user keeping or not the filters.\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n    from django.contrib import admin\n    from django.contrib import messages\n    import easy\n\n    class YourAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):\n        # ...\n        actions = ('simples_action',)\n\n        def simples_action(self, request, queryset):\n\n            success = queryset.do_something()\n            if success:\n                return easy.action_response(request, 'Some success message for user', keep_querystring=False)\n            else:\n                return easy.action_response(request, 'Some error for user', messages.ERROR)\n\n            # or just redirect to changelist with filters\n            return easy.action_response()\n\nSo easy, no?\n\nScreenshot\n----------\n\nUsing example of poll of django tutorial\n\n.. image::\n\n.. image::\n\nPlease help us\n--------------\nThis project is still under development. Feedback and suggestions are very welcome and I encourage you to use the `Issues list <>`_ on Github to provide that feedback.\n\n.. image::\n   :target:\n\n.. image::\n   :target:\n\n.. image::\n   :target:\n\n.. image::\n   :target:\n\nAuthors\n-------\nThe django-admin-easy was originally created by Ezequiel Bertti `@ebertti <>`_ October 2014.\n\nChangelog\n---------\n* 0.8.0\n\n   Add new field GenericForeignKeyAdminField\n   Add Support for Django 5.0 and 5.1\n   Add Support for Python 3.12\n   Drop support for Django < 2.0\n   Add typing and docstring (thanks `codeium <>`_)\n\n* 0.7.0\n\n   Add support for Django 4.0, 4.1 and 4.2\n   Add support for Python 3.10 and 3.11\n   Add Github Actions for testing\n   Add job to realease on pypi\n   Thanks @Lex98\n\n* 0.6.1\n\n   Add support for Django 3.2 and Python 3.9\n\n* 0.6\n\n   Add RawIdAdminField\n\n* 0.5.1\n\n   Add permission on action decorator\n\n* 0.4.1\n\n   Django 2.0\n\n* 0.4\n\n   Django 1.11\n   Create module utils with action_response\n\n* 0.3.2\n\n   Add params_static to LinkChangeListAdminField\n\n* 0.3.1\n\n   Add FormatAdminField\n\n* 0.3\n\n   Add import from `__future__` on all files\n   Django 1.10\n   More decorators\n   More admin fields\n\n* 0.2.2\n\n   Add MixinEasyViews\n\n* 0.2.1\n\n   Fix for Django 1.7 from `@kevgathuku <>`_\n\n\nStar History\n------------\n\n.. image::\n  :target:\n",
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    "license": "MIT License",
    "summary": "Collection of admin fields and decorators to help to create computed or custom fields more friendly and easy way",
    "version": "0.8.0",
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