.. _collectstatic: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/contrib/staticfiles/#django-admin-collectstatic
.. _Deno: https://deno.land
.. _deno lock.json: https://deno.land/manual/linking_to_external_code/integrity_checking
.. _deno import_map.json: https://deno.land/manual/linking_to_external_code/import_maps
.. _DENO_OUTPUT_MODULE_TYPE: https://github.com/Dmitri-Sintsov/django-deno/search?l=Python&q=DENO_OUTPUT_MODULE_TYPE&type=code
.. _DENO_ROLLUP_BUNDLES: https://github.com/Dmitri-Sintsov/django-deno/search?q=DENO_ROLLUP_BUNDLES&type=code
.. _DENO_ROLLUP_ENTRY_POINTS: https://github.com/Dmitri-Sintsov/django-deno/search?q=DENO_ROLLUP_ENTRY_POINTS&type=code
.. _DENO_ROLLUP_INSTALL_OPTIONS: https://github.com/Dmitri-Sintsov/django-deno/search?q=DENO_ROLLUP_INSTALL_OPTIONS&type=code
.. _DENO_ROLLUP_COLLECT_OPTIONS: https://github.com/Dmitri-Sintsov/django-deno/search?q=DENO_ROLLUP_COLLECT_OPTIONS&type=code
.. _DENO_ROLLUP_COMPILE_OPTIONS: https://github.com/Dmitri-Sintsov/django-deno/search?q=DENO_ROLLUP_COMPILE_OPTIONS&type=code
.. _DENO_ROLLUP_SERVE_OPTIONS: https://github.com/Dmitri-Sintsov/django-deno/search?q=DENO_ROLLUP_SERVE_OPTIONS&type=code
.. _deno compile: https://docs.deno.com/runtime/reference/cli/compiler/
.. _deno install: https://docs.deno.com/runtime/reference/cli/install/
.. _Django: https://www.djangoproject.com
.. _DJANGO_DEBUG: https://github.com/Dmitri-Sintsov/djk-sample/search?q=DJANGO_DEBUG&type=code
.. _django_deno settings: https://github.com/Dmitri-Sintsov/django-deno/blob/main/django_deno/conf/settings.py
.. _django_deno.lzma: https://github.com/Dmitri-Sintsov/django-deno/blob/main/django_deno/deno/django_deno.Linux.x86_64.lzma
.. _Django management commands: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/django-admin/
.. _Django packages static files: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/howto/static-files/
.. _djk-sample: https://github.com/Dmitri-Sintsov/djk-sample
.. _djk-sample settings: https://github.com/Dmitri-Sintsov/djk-sample/blob/master/djk_sample/settings.py
.. _drf-gallery: https://github.com/Dmitri-Sintsov/drf-gallery
.. _drollup: https://deno.land/x/drollup
.. _es6 modules: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Modules
.. _getStaticFilesResolver: https://github.com/Dmitri-Sintsov/django-deno/search?l=TypeScript&q=getStaticFilesResolver&type=code
.. _globstar: https://www.linuxjournal.com/content/globstar-new-bash-globbing-option
.. _isVirtualEntry: https://github.com/Dmitri-Sintsov/django-deno/search?l=TypeScript&q=isVirtualEntry&type=code
.. _node binary module: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@swc/core-linux-x64-gnu
.. _setVirtualEntryPoint: https://github.com/Dmitri-Sintsov/django-deno/search?l=TypeScript&q=setVirtualEntryPoint&type=code
.. _rollup.js: https://rollupjs.org/
.. _runserver: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/django-admin/#runserver
.. _server.ts: https://github.com/Dmitri-Sintsov/django-deno/blob/main/django_deno/deno/server.ts
.. _synthetic named exports: https://rollupjs.org/plugin-development/#synthetic-named-exports
.. _SystemJS: https://github.com/systemjs/systemjs
.. _sucrase: https://github.com/alangpierce/sucrase
.. _swc: https://swc.rs/
.. _terser: https://terser.org
.. _TypeScript: https://www.typescriptlang.org/
`Deno`_ front-end integration for `Django`_, version 0.2.0.
* `rollup.js`_ - bundling for `Django packages static files`_ with importmap resolver.
* `sucrase`_ / `swc`_ - optional `TypeScript`_ support.
* `terser`/ `swc`_ - optional compression of bundles.
* The deno server may be extended to support any of deno api, when applicable.
* Uses parts of `drollup`_ code, refactored for Deno v2.
* `Deno`_ 2.1.1 or newer.
* `Django`_ 4.2 / Django 5.1 was tested with continuous integration demo app `djk-sample`_.
In Ubuntu Linux::
curl -fsSL https://deno.land/install.sh | sh
export DENO_INSTALL=$HOME/.deno
In Windows run PowerShell then invoke::
irm https://deno.land/install.ps1 | iex
set DENO_INSTALL=%userprofile%\.deno
``DENO_INSTALL`` environment variable specifies directory where `Deno`_ is installed.
* In case currently installed `Deno`_ version is older than 2.1.1, please use ``deno upgrade`` command to install the
newer `Deno`_ version. Deno 1.x is supported only with ``django-deno`` versions lower than 0.2.0.
* This package was tested with Deno version 2.1.1::
deno upgrade --version 2.1.1
The package was not tested with newer versions of Deno, thus may fail.
To have stable running environment there is precompiled binary for Linux available. See `deno_compile`_ management
command for more info.
To install the development version of ``django_deno`` in python3 ``virtualenv``::
pip install -U git+https://github.com/Dmitri-Sintsov/django-deno.git
To install the stable version of ``django_deno`` in python3 ``virtualenv``::
pip install -U git+https://github.com/Dmitri-Sintsov/django-deno.git@v0.2.0
``django_deno`` installs Deno web service which is used to communicate with `Django`_ projects.
Currently the web service `server.ts`_ supports Deno version of `rollup.js`_ bundler to automatically generate
`es6 modules`_ bundles for `Django`_ projects, including scripts from `Django packages static files`_.
It's possible to generate `es6 modules`_ bundles and / or `systemjs`_ bundles with optional minification via
Transpiling of `TypeScript`_ is supported with `sucrase`_ or with `swc`_.
* `swc`_ is faster and is updated more frequently, but it uses `node binary module`_, which are not supported by
`deno compile`_
* `sucrase`_ is used by default and is always used with bundled vendored ``django_deno`` binary (see `deno_compile`_
management command for more info)
To use `swc`_, one need to set first::
which should turn on `swc`_ usage.
See `deno_compile`_ management command for more info.
When transpiling is not enabled, it's expected that the developing code has es6 imports / exports while the rest of code
is written with es5 syntax.
At `Django`_ side ``django_deno`` provides the following `Django management commands`_:
* ``collectrollup`` - similar to Django `collectstatic`_ command, but uses `rollup.js`_ to generate Javascript bundles.
It's preferable to run the ``collectrollup`` command this way from the `Django`_ project ``virtualenv``::
python3 manage.py collectrollup --clear --noinput
``--clear`` option is suggested because the target output may vary depending on the source scripts.
There is `djk-sample`_ script for running ``collectrollup`` in Linux::
DJANGO_DEBUG='False' python3 $VIRTUAL_ENV/djk-sample/manage.py collectrollup --noinput --clear
* https://github.com/Dmitri-Sintsov/djk-sample/blob/master/cli/collectrollup.sh
in Windows::
if not defined DENO_INSTALL (
set "DJANGO_DEBUG=False" & python %VIRTUAL_ENV%/djk-sample/manage.py collectrollup --noinput --clear
* https://github.com/Dmitri-Sintsov/djk-sample/blob/master/cli/collectrollup.cmd
The script also sets the environment variable `DJANGO_DEBUG`_ to ``False`` which is parsed in `djk-sample`_ settings.py::
DEBUG = os.environ.get('DJANGO_DEBUG', 'true').lower() in TRUE_STR
to set the value of `DENO_OUTPUT_MODULE_TYPE`_ which determines the type of Javascript modules generated, either
``module`` for modern browsers that support es6 natively, or `SystemJS`_ modules, which are compatible with IE11::
# Do not forget to re-run collectrollup management command after changing rollup.js bundles module type:
DENO_OUTPUT_MODULE_TYPE = 'module' if DEBUG else 'systemjs-module'
The additional settings for `rollup.js`_ running `collectrollup`_ management command are specified with
`DENO_ROLLUP_COLLECT_OPTIONS`_ setting, which allows to enable / disable `terser`_ compression and to enable / disable
`sucrase`_ / `swc`_ transpiling of `TypeScript`_::
# Run $VIRTUAL_ENV/djk-sample/cherry_django.py to check the validity of collectrollup command output bundle.
'swc': False,
'sucrase': True,
'terser': True,
``swc`` key also supports options, which can be passed as Python dict, for example to enable faster `swc`_ minifier, use
the following setting::
'swc': {
'minify': True,
'sucrase': False,
'terser': False,
while the default is::
# 'relativePaths': True,
'staticFilesResolver': 'collect',
# terser compresses better than swc usually:
'terser': True,
'bundles': getattr(settings, 'DENO_ROLLUP_BUNDLES', {}),
'syntheticNamedExports': getattr(settings, 'DENO_SYNTHETIC_NAMED_EXPORTS', {}),
* ``syntheticNamedExports`` allows to specify the list of `synthetic named exports`_ for `es6 modules`_ manually, e,g::
'document.js': 'ActionTemplateDialog, Actions, Dialog, Grid, GridActions, GridRow, globalIoc, inherit, ui, TabPane',
* See the complete default settings: `django_deno settings`_
* ``runrollup`` - starts the built-in http development server, similar to Django `runserver`_ command, using `rollup.js`_
to dynamically generate Javascript bundle in RAM, providing real-time `es6 modules`_ compatibility for older browsers
and `TypeScript`_ compatibility for newer browsers.
Set `DENO_ROLLUP_SERVE_OPTIONS`_ for the `rollup.js`_ options of the `runrollup`_ command. The default is::
'inlineFileMap': True,
'relativePaths': True,
'terser': False,
'preserveEntrySignatures': False,
'staticFilesResolver': 'serve',
'withCache': True,
* When ``staticFilesResolver`` is set to ``serve``, `getStaticFilesResolver`_ is used to resolve `Django packages static files`_
at `Deno`_ side via automatically generated import maps.
* ``deno_compile`` - compiles built-in `server.ts`_ to ``django_deno`` binary file with `deno compile`_ for the package
distribution. This management command allows to have stable production running environment. Since v0.2.0 it's a
preferred way to perform vendoring / bundling of the package.
* Binary compression is supported via ``--compress`` option. github hosted compressed `django_deno.lzma`_ Linux binary
can be downloaded and extracted automatically, with the following ``settings.py`` value::
* Windows / OSX binaries are not provided by default and can be built separately.
* `DENO_ROLLUP_COMPILE_OPTIONS`_ are used to select either `sucrase`_ or `swc`_ for the compilation, but `swc`_ is not
currently supported::
'swc': False,
'sucrase': True,
Setting both ``swc`` and ``sucrase`` keys to ``False`` will enable the inclusion of both transpilers, which is not recommended.
Such setting is intended for testing purposes only.
* See https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/23266 for more info.
* ``deno_install`` management command generates updated `deno install`_ bundle for the built-in deno server. This command
should be used only for the package updating / redistribution.
Updating `deno_install`_ should be performed with the following steps:
* Run the project `collectrollup`_ command with the following ``settings.py`` to reload the dependencies::
* Run the project `deno_install`_ command to create local `deno install`_::
python3 manage.py deno_install
* Run the project `collectrollup`_ command with the following ``settings.py``, to use the updated local `deno_install`_::
* `DENO_ROLLUP_INSTALL_OPTIONS`_ are used to select either `sucrase`_ or `swc`_ for installation.
* Since Deno v2, it seems impossible to create the source bundle without remote dependencies, thus setting
``DENO_NO_REMOTE`` to ``True`` may fail.
* See https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/26488
* Because of that, `deno_compile`_ currently is the preferred way to perform vendoring / bundling of the package.
Creation of `rollup.js`_ bundles has two steps, first one is the definition of `Entry points`_, second is the
definition of `Chunks`_. Both are specified in Django project ``settings.py``.
Entry points
At the first step, one has to specify Javascript entry points with `DENO_ROLLUP_ENTRY_POINTS`_ setting, for example
`djk-sample settings`_::
These are the top scripts of es6 module loader hierarchy.
Alternatively, the script may specify ``use rollup`` directive at the first line of Javascript code, which is used for
Django packages entry points and is discouraged for project entry points.
To specify manual bundles / chunks, `DENO_ROLLUP_BUNDLES`_ setting is used. For example `djk-sample settings`_::
'djk': {
# 'useGlobStar': False,
'writeEntryPoint': 'sample/js/app.js',
'matches': [
'excludes': [],
'virtualEntryPoints': 'matches',
'virtualEntryPointsExcludes': 'excludes',
* ``djk`` key specifies the chunk name which will result in generation of ``djk.js`` bundle.
* ``writeEntryPoint`` key specifies main entry point, which is used to generate ``djk.js`` bundle. ``djk.js`` bundle is
shared among the some / all of `Entry points`_, reducing code redundancy.
* ``matches`` key specifies the list of matching dirs which scripts that will be included into ``djk.js`` bundle.
* ``excludes`` specifies the list of scripts which are excluded from the ``djk.js`` bundle.
* ``virtualEntryPoints`` specifies either the list of dirs or ``matches`` string value to set `es6 modules`_ virtual
entry points. Such modules are bundled as a virtual ones, included into ``djk.js`` bundle only, not being duplicated
as separate standalone module files. See `isVirtualEntry`_ / `setVirtualEntryPoint`_ code for more info.
* ``useGlobStar``, when set to ``False``, disables `globstar`_ ``**`` matching. ``True`` by default.
* To see the actual settings / usage, demo apps `djk-sample`_ and `drf-gallery`_ are available.
In memoriam
In the memory of the best friend, Pegasik tomcat:
.. image:: Pegasik-2023-03-11.jpeg
Rest in peace, dear friend! Friendship transcends death. A true friend is never truly gone.
Raw data
"_id": null,
"home_page": "https://github.com/Dmitri-Sintsov/django-deno",
"name": "django-deno",
"maintainer": null,
"docs_url": null,
"requires_python": null,
"maintainer_email": null,
"keywords": "django, deno, rollup, runserver, collectstatic",
"author": "Dmitriy Sintsov",
"author_email": "questpc256@gmail.com",
"download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/c3/9a/90efe3a7cfa70854ee75c7f72898e93d010ff7ff91132430741b3e3fbf1e/django-deno-0.2.0.tar.gz",
"platform": null,
"description": "===========\ndjango-deno\n===========\n\n.. _collectstatic: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/contrib/staticfiles/#django-admin-collectstatic\n.. _Deno: https://deno.land\n.. _deno lock.json: https://deno.land/manual/linking_to_external_code/integrity_checking\n.. _deno import_map.json: https://deno.land/manual/linking_to_external_code/import_maps\n.. _DENO_OUTPUT_MODULE_TYPE: https://github.com/Dmitri-Sintsov/django-deno/search?l=Python&q=DENO_OUTPUT_MODULE_TYPE&type=code\n.. _DENO_ROLLUP_BUNDLES: https://github.com/Dmitri-Sintsov/django-deno/search?q=DENO_ROLLUP_BUNDLES&type=code\n.. _DENO_ROLLUP_ENTRY_POINTS: https://github.com/Dmitri-Sintsov/django-deno/search?q=DENO_ROLLUP_ENTRY_POINTS&type=code\n.. _DENO_ROLLUP_INSTALL_OPTIONS: https://github.com/Dmitri-Sintsov/django-deno/search?q=DENO_ROLLUP_INSTALL_OPTIONS&type=code\n.. _DENO_ROLLUP_COLLECT_OPTIONS: https://github.com/Dmitri-Sintsov/django-deno/search?q=DENO_ROLLUP_COLLECT_OPTIONS&type=code\n.. _DENO_ROLLUP_COMPILE_OPTIONS: https://github.com/Dmitri-Sintsov/django-deno/search?q=DENO_ROLLUP_COMPILE_OPTIONS&type=code\n.. _DENO_ROLLUP_SERVE_OPTIONS: https://github.com/Dmitri-Sintsov/django-deno/search?q=DENO_ROLLUP_SERVE_OPTIONS&type=code\n.. _deno compile: https://docs.deno.com/runtime/reference/cli/compiler/\n.. _deno install: https://docs.deno.com/runtime/reference/cli/install/\n.. _Django: https://www.djangoproject.com\n.. _DJANGO_DEBUG: https://github.com/Dmitri-Sintsov/djk-sample/search?q=DJANGO_DEBUG&type=code\n.. _django_deno settings: https://github.com/Dmitri-Sintsov/django-deno/blob/main/django_deno/conf/settings.py\n.. _django_deno.lzma: https://github.com/Dmitri-Sintsov/django-deno/blob/main/django_deno/deno/django_deno.Linux.x86_64.lzma\n.. _Django management commands: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/django-admin/\n.. _Django packages static files: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/howto/static-files/\n.. _djk-sample: https://github.com/Dmitri-Sintsov/djk-sample\n.. _djk-sample settings: https://github.com/Dmitri-Sintsov/djk-sample/blob/master/djk_sample/settings.py\n.. _drf-gallery: https://github.com/Dmitri-Sintsov/drf-gallery\n.. _drollup: https://deno.land/x/drollup\n.. _es6 modules: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Modules\n.. _getStaticFilesResolver: https://github.com/Dmitri-Sintsov/django-deno/search?l=TypeScript&q=getStaticFilesResolver&type=code\n.. _globstar: https://www.linuxjournal.com/content/globstar-new-bash-globbing-option\n.. _isVirtualEntry: https://github.com/Dmitri-Sintsov/django-deno/search?l=TypeScript&q=isVirtualEntry&type=code\n.. _node binary module: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@swc/core-linux-x64-gnu\n.. _setVirtualEntryPoint: https://github.com/Dmitri-Sintsov/django-deno/search?l=TypeScript&q=setVirtualEntryPoint&type=code\n.. _rollup.js: https://rollupjs.org/\n.. _runserver: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/django-admin/#runserver\n.. _server.ts: https://github.com/Dmitri-Sintsov/django-deno/blob/main/django_deno/deno/server.ts\n.. _synthetic named exports: https://rollupjs.org/plugin-development/#synthetic-named-exports\n.. _SystemJS: https://github.com/systemjs/systemjs\n.. _sucrase: https://github.com/alangpierce/sucrase\n.. _swc: https://swc.rs/\n.. _terser: https://terser.org\n.. _TypeScript: https://www.typescriptlang.org/\n\n`Deno`_ front-end integration for `Django`_, version 0.2.0.\n\n* `rollup.js`_ - bundling for `Django packages static files`_ with importmap resolver.\n* `sucrase`_ / `swc`_ - optional `TypeScript`_ support.\n* `terser`/ `swc`_ - optional compression of bundles.\n* The deno server may be extended to support any of deno api, when applicable.\n* Uses parts of `drollup`_ code, refactored for Deno v2.\n\nRequirements\n------------\n\n* `Deno`_ 2.1.1 or newer.\n* `Django`_ 4.2 / Django 5.1 was tested with continuous integration demo app `djk-sample`_.\n\nInstallation\n------------\n\nIn Ubuntu Linux::\n\n curl -fsSL https://deno.land/install.sh | sh\n export DENO_INSTALL=$HOME/.deno\n\nIn Windows run PowerShell then invoke::\n\n irm https://deno.land/install.ps1 | iex\n set DENO_INSTALL=%userprofile%\\.deno\n\n``DENO_INSTALL`` environment variable specifies directory where `Deno`_ is installed.\n\n* In case currently installed `Deno`_ version is older than 2.1.1, please use ``deno upgrade`` command to install the\n newer `Deno`_ version. Deno 1.x is supported only with ``django-deno`` versions lower than 0.2.0.\n\n* This package was tested with Deno version 2.1.1::\n \n deno upgrade --version 2.1.1\n\nThe package was not tested with newer versions of Deno, thus may fail.\n\nTo have stable running environment there is precompiled binary for Linux available. See `deno_compile`_ management\ncommand for more info.\n\nTo install the development version of ``django_deno`` in python3 ``virtualenv``::\n\n pip install -U git+https://github.com/Dmitri-Sintsov/django-deno.git\n\nTo install the stable version of ``django_deno`` in python3 ``virtualenv``::\n\n pip install -U git+https://github.com/Dmitri-Sintsov/django-deno.git@v0.2.0\n\nDescription\n-----------\n\n``django_deno`` installs Deno web service which is used to communicate with `Django`_ projects.\n\nCurrently the web service `server.ts`_ supports Deno version of `rollup.js`_ bundler to automatically generate\n`es6 modules`_ bundles for `Django`_ projects, including scripts from `Django packages static files`_.\n\nIt's possible to generate `es6 modules`_ bundles and / or `systemjs`_ bundles with optional minification via\n`terser`_.\n\nTranspiling of `TypeScript`_ is supported with `sucrase`_ or with `swc`_.\n\n* `swc`_ is faster and is updated more frequently, but it uses `node binary module`_, which are not supported by\n `deno compile`_\n* `sucrase`_ is used by default and is always used with bundled vendored ``django_deno`` binary (see `deno_compile`_\n management command for more info)\n\nTo use `swc`_, one need to set first::\n\n DENO_USE_COMPILED_BINARY = False\n\nwhich should turn on `swc`_ usage.\n\nSee `deno_compile`_ management command for more info.\n\nWhen transpiling is not enabled, it's expected that the developing code has es6 imports / exports while the rest of code\nis written with es5 syntax.\n\nAt `Django`_ side ``django_deno`` provides the following `Django management commands`_:\n\ncollectrollup\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n* ``collectrollup`` - similar to Django `collectstatic`_ command, but uses `rollup.js`_ to generate Javascript bundles.\n\nIt's preferable to run the ``collectrollup`` command this way from the `Django`_ project ``virtualenv``::\n\n python3 manage.py collectrollup --clear --noinput\n\n``--clear`` option is suggested because the target output may vary depending on the source scripts.\n\nThere is `djk-sample`_ script for running ``collectrollup`` in Linux::\n\n #!/bin/sh\n DJANGO_DEBUG='False' python3 $VIRTUAL_ENV/djk-sample/manage.py collectrollup --noinput --clear\n\n* https://github.com/Dmitri-Sintsov/djk-sample/blob/master/cli/collectrollup.sh\n\nin Windows::\n\n if not defined DENO_INSTALL (\n set DENO_INSTALL=%USERPROFILE%\\.deno\n )\n set \"DJANGO_DEBUG=False\" & python %VIRTUAL_ENV%/djk-sample/manage.py collectrollup --noinput --clear\n\n* https://github.com/Dmitri-Sintsov/djk-sample/blob/master/cli/collectrollup.cmd\n\nThe script also sets the environment variable `DJANGO_DEBUG`_ to ``False`` which is parsed in `djk-sample`_ settings.py::\n\n DEBUG = os.environ.get('DJANGO_DEBUG', 'true').lower() in TRUE_STR\n\nto set the value of `DENO_OUTPUT_MODULE_TYPE`_ which determines the type of Javascript modules generated, either\n``module`` for modern browsers that support es6 natively, or `SystemJS`_ modules, which are compatible with IE11::\n\n # Do not forget to re-run collectrollup management command after changing rollup.js bundles module type:\n DENO_OUTPUT_MODULE_TYPE = 'module' if DEBUG else 'systemjs-module'\n\nThe additional settings for `rollup.js`_ running `collectrollup`_ management command are specified with\n`DENO_ROLLUP_COLLECT_OPTIONS`_ setting, which allows to enable / disable `terser`_ compression and to enable / disable\n`sucrase`_ / `swc`_ transpiling of `TypeScript`_::\n\n # Run $VIRTUAL_ENV/djk-sample/cherry_django.py to check the validity of collectrollup command output bundle.\n DENO_ROLLUP_COLLECT_OPTIONS = {\n 'swc': False,\n 'sucrase': True,\n 'terser': True,\n }\n\n``swc`` key also supports options, which can be passed as Python dict, for example to enable faster `swc`_ minifier, use\nthe following setting::\n\n DENO_ROLLUP_COLLECT_OPTIONS = {\n 'swc': {\n 'minify': True,\n },\n 'sucrase': False,\n 'terser': False,\n }\n\nwhile the default is::\n\n DENO_ROLLUP_COLLECT_OPTIONS = {\n # 'relativePaths': True,\n 'staticFilesResolver': 'collect',\n 'swc': not DENO_USE_COMPILED_BINARY,\n 'sucrase': DENO_USE_COMPILED_BINARY,\n # terser compresses better than swc usually:\n 'terser': True,\n 'bundles': getattr(settings, 'DENO_ROLLUP_BUNDLES', {}),\n 'moduleFormat': DENO_OUTPUT_MODULE_FORMATS[DENO_OUTPUT_MODULE_TYPE],\n 'syntheticNamedExports': getattr(settings, 'DENO_SYNTHETIC_NAMED_EXPORTS', {}),\n }\n\n* ``syntheticNamedExports`` allows to specify the list of `synthetic named exports`_ for `es6 modules`_ manually, e,g::\n\n DENO_SYNTHETIC_NAMED_EXPORTS = {\n 'document.js': 'ActionTemplateDialog, Actions, Dialog, Grid, GridActions, GridRow, globalIoc, inherit, ui, TabPane',\n }\n\n* See the complete default settings: `django_deno settings`_\n\nrunrollup\n~~~~~~~~~\n\n* ``runrollup`` - starts the built-in http development server, similar to Django `runserver`_ command, using `rollup.js`_\n to dynamically generate Javascript bundle in RAM, providing real-time `es6 modules`_ compatibility for older browsers\n and `TypeScript`_ compatibility for newer browsers.\n\nSet `DENO_ROLLUP_SERVE_OPTIONS`_ for the `rollup.js`_ options of the `runrollup`_ command. The default is::\n\n DENO_ROLLUP_SERVE_OPTIONS = {\n 'inlineFileMap': True,\n 'relativePaths': True,\n 'swc': not DENO_USE_COMPILED_BINARY,\n 'sucrase': DENO_USE_COMPILED_BINARY,\n 'terser': False,\n 'preserveEntrySignatures': False,\n 'staticFilesResolver': 'serve',\n 'withCache': True,\n }\n\n* When ``staticFilesResolver`` is set to ``serve``, `getStaticFilesResolver`_ is used to resolve `Django packages static files`_\n at `Deno`_ side via automatically generated import maps.\n\ndeno_compile\n~~~~~~~~~~~~\n* ``deno_compile`` - compiles built-in `server.ts`_ to ``django_deno`` binary file with `deno compile`_ for the package\n distribution. This management command allows to have stable production running environment. Since v0.2.0 it's a\n preferred way to perform vendoring / bundling of the package.\n\n* Binary compression is supported via ``--compress`` option. github hosted compressed `django_deno.lzma`_ Linux binary\n can be downloaded and extracted automatically, with the following ``settings.py`` value::\n\n DENO_USE_COMPILED_BINARY = True\n\n* Windows / OSX binaries are not provided by default and can be built separately.\n\n* `DENO_ROLLUP_COMPILE_OPTIONS`_ are used to select either `sucrase`_ or `swc`_ for the compilation, but `swc`_ is not\n currently supported::\n\n DENO_ROLLUP_COMPILE_OPTIONS = {\n 'swc': False,\n 'sucrase': True,\n }\n\nSetting both ``swc`` and ``sucrase`` keys to ``False`` will enable the inclusion of both transpilers, which is not recommended.\nSuch setting is intended for testing purposes only.\n\n* See https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/23266 for more info.\n\ndeno_install\n~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n* ``deno_install`` management command generates updated `deno install`_ bundle for the built-in deno server. This command\n should be used only for the package updating / redistribution.\n\nUpdating `deno_install`_ should be performed with the following steps:\n\n* Run the project `collectrollup`_ command with the following ``settings.py`` to reload the dependencies::\n\n DENO_NO_REMOTE = False\n DENO_RELOAD = True\n DENO_CHECK_LOCK_FILE = False\n DENO_USE_COMPILED_BINARY = False\n\n* Run the project `deno_install`_ command to create local `deno install`_::\n\n python3 manage.py deno_install\n\n* Run the project `collectrollup`_ command with the following ``settings.py``, to use the updated local `deno_install`_::\n\n DENO_NO_REMOTE = True\n DENO_RELOAD = False\n DENO_CHECK_LOCK_FILE = True\n DENO_USE_COMPILED_BINARY = False\n\n* `DENO_ROLLUP_INSTALL_OPTIONS`_ are used to select either `sucrase`_ or `swc`_ for installation.\n* Since Deno v2, it seems impossible to create the source bundle without remote dependencies, thus setting\n ``DENO_NO_REMOTE`` to ``True`` may fail.\n* See https://github.com/denoland/deno/issues/26488\n* Because of that, `deno_compile`_ currently is the preferred way to perform vendoring / bundling of the package.\n\nBundles\n-------\nCreation of `rollup.js`_ bundles has two steps, first one is the definition of `Entry points`_, second is the\ndefinition of `Chunks`_. Both are specified in Django project ``settings.py``.\n\nEntry points\n~~~~~~~~~~~~\nAt the first step, one has to specify Javascript entry points with `DENO_ROLLUP_ENTRY_POINTS`_ setting, for example\n`djk-sample settings`_::\n\n DENO_ROLLUP_ENTRY_POINTS = [\n 'sample/js/app.js',\n 'sample/js/club-grid.js',\n 'sample/js/member-grid.js',\n ]\n\nThese are the top scripts of es6 module loader hierarchy.\n\nAlternatively, the script may specify ``use rollup`` directive at the first line of Javascript code, which is used for\nDjango packages entry points and is discouraged for project entry points.\n\nChunks\n~~~~~~\n\nTo specify manual bundles / chunks, `DENO_ROLLUP_BUNDLES`_ setting is used. For example `djk-sample settings`_::\n\n DENO_ROLLUP_BUNDLES = {\n 'djk': {\n # 'useGlobStar': False,\n 'writeEntryPoint': 'sample/js/app.js',\n 'matches': [\n 'djk/js/**',\n ],\n 'excludes': [],\n 'virtualEntryPoints': 'matches',\n 'virtualEntryPointsExcludes': 'excludes',\n },\n }\n\n* ``djk`` key specifies the chunk name which will result in generation of ``djk.js`` bundle.\n* ``writeEntryPoint`` key specifies main entry point, which is used to generate ``djk.js`` bundle. ``djk.js`` bundle is\n shared among the some / all of `Entry points`_, reducing code redundancy.\n* ``matches`` key specifies the list of matching dirs which scripts that will be included into ``djk.js`` bundle.\n* ``excludes`` specifies the list of scripts which are excluded from the ``djk.js`` bundle.\n* ``virtualEntryPoints`` specifies either the list of dirs or ``matches`` string value to set `es6 modules`_ virtual\n entry points. Such modules are bundled as a virtual ones, included into ``djk.js`` bundle only, not being duplicated\n as separate standalone module files. See `isVirtualEntry`_ / `setVirtualEntryPoint`_ code for more info.\n* ``useGlobStar``, when set to ``False``, disables `globstar`_ ``**`` matching. ``True`` by default.\n\n* To see the actual settings / usage, demo apps `djk-sample`_ and `drf-gallery`_ are available.\n\nIn memoriam\n~~~~~~~~~~~\n\nIn the memory of the best friend, Pegasik tomcat:\n\n.. image:: Pegasik-2023-03-11.jpeg\n\nRest in peace, dear friend! Friendship transcends death. A true friend is never truly gone.\n",
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