
Namedjango-labs-accounts JSON
Version 0.9.5 PyPI version JSON
SummaryReusable Django app for Penn Labs accounts
upload_time2024-03-03 03:03:40
authorPenn Labs
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # Django Labs Accounts

[![Coverage Status](](
[![PyPi Package](](

## Requirements

* Python 3.6+
* Django 2.1+

## Installation

Install with pip `pip install django-labs-accounts`

Add `accounts` to `INSTALLED_APPS`

    'identity.apps.IdentityConfig', # If you want to enable B2B IPC

Add the new accounts backend to `AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS`


(Optional) Add the new Platform DRF authentication class to rest framework's `DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION_CLASSES`. This authentication class should go at the end of the list of authentication classes in most cases.


Add the following to ``

urlpatterns = [
    path('accounts/', include('accounts.urls', namespace='accounts')),

## Documentation

All settings are handled within a `PLATFORM_ACCOUNTS` dictionary.


    'CLIENT_ID': 'id',
    'CLIENT_SECRET': 'secret',
    'REDIRECT_URI': 'example',
    'ADMIN_PERMISSION': 'example_admin'
    'CUSTOM_ADMIN': True

The available settings are:

`CLIENT_ID` the client ID to connect to platform with. Defaults to `LABS_CLIENT_ID` environment variable.

`CLIENT_SECRET` the client secret to connect to platform with. Defaults to `LABS_CLIENT_SECRET` environment variable.

`REDIRECT_URI` the redirect uri to send to platform. Defaults to first the `LABS_REDIRECT_URI` environment variable and then generating the value from the request object.

`SCOPE` the scope for this applications tokens. Must include `introspection`. Defaults to `['read', 'introspection']`.

`PLATFORM_URL` URL of platform server to connect to. Should be `https://platform(-dev)` (no trailing slash)

`ADMIN_PERMISSION` The name of the permission on platform to grant admin access. Defaults to `example_admin`

`CUSTOM_ADMIN` enable the custom admin login page to log in users through platform. Defaults to `True`

When developing locally with an http (not https) callback URL, it may be helpful to set the `OAUTHLIB_INSECURE_TRANSPORT` environment variable.


## Custom post authentication

If you want to customize how DLA saves user information from platform into User objects, you can subclass `accounts.backends.LabsUserBackend` and redefine the post_authenticate method. This method will be run after the user is logged in. The parameters are:

* `user` the user object
* `created` a boolean delineating if the user was just created
* `dictionary` a dictionary of user information from platform.

Then just set the `AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS` setting to be the subclassed backend.

Here is an example of a custom backend that sets every user's first name to `"Modified"`.

from accounts.backends import LabsUserBackend

class CustomBackend(LabsUserBackend):
    def post_authenticate(self, user, created, dictionary):
        user.first_name = 'Modified'

## B2B IPC

DLA also provides an interface for backend to backend IPC requests. With B2B IPC implemented, the backend of a product will—at startup time—request platform for a JWT to verify its identity. Each product will have an allow-list, and this will enable products to make requests to each other.

In order to limit a view to only be available to a B2B IPC request, you can use the included DRF permission:

from identity.permissions import B2BPermission
class TestView(APIView):
    permission_classes = [B2BPermission("urn:pennlabs:example")]

Make sure to define an URN to limit access. Valid URNs are either a specific product (ex. `urn:pennlabs:platform`) or a wildcard (ex. `urn:pennlabs:*`)

In order to make an IPC request, use the included helper function:

from identity.identity import authenticated_b2b_request
result = authenticated_b2b_request('GET', 'http://url/path')

## Use in Production

DLA and Penn Labs' templates are set up so that no configuration is needed to run in development. However, in production a client ID and client secret need to be set. These values should be set in vault. Contact platform for both credentials and any questions you have.

## B2B IPC

DLA also provides an interface for backend to backend IPC requests. In order to limit a view to only be available to a B2B IPC request, you can use the included DRF permission:

from identity.permissions import B2BPermission

class TestView(APIView):
    permission_classes = [B2BPermission("urn:pennlabs:example")]

Make sure to define an URN to limit access. Valid URNs are either a specific product (ex. `urn:pennlabs:platform`) or a wildcard (ex. `urn:pennlabs:*`)

In order to make an IPC request, use the included helper function:

from identity.identity import authenticated_b2b_request

result = authenticated_b2b_request('GET', 'http://url/path')

## Development Setup

### Install poetry:

`pipx install poetry`

### Install Dependencies:

`poetry install`

### Testing:

`export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=tests.settings && poetry run pytest`

### Linting:

`poetry run black . && poetry run isort . && poetry run flake8`

## Changelog

See [](

## License



Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "django-labs-accounts",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.11,<4.0",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "",
    "author": "Penn Labs",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# Django Labs Accounts\n\n[![CircleCI](](\n[![Coverage Status](](\n[![PyPi Package](](\n\n## Requirements\n\n* Python 3.6+\n* Django 2.1+\n\n## Installation\n\nInstall with pip `pip install django-labs-accounts`\n\nAdd `accounts` to `INSTALLED_APPS`\n\n```python\nINSTALLED_APPS = (\n    ...\n    'accounts.apps.AccountsConfig',\n    'identity.apps.IdentityConfig', # If you want to enable B2B IPC\n    ...\n)\n```\n\nAdd the new accounts backend to `AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS`\n\n```python\nAUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = (\n    ...\n    'accounts.backends.LabsUserBackend',\n    'django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend',\n    ...\n)\n```\n\n(Optional) Add the new Platform DRF authentication class to rest framework's `DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION_CLASSES`. This authentication class should go at the end of the list of authentication classes in most cases.\n\n```python\nREST_FRAMEWORK = {\n    ...\n    'DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION_CLASSES': [\n        'rest_framework.authentication.SessionAuthentication',\n        'rest_framework.authentication.BasicAuthentication',\n        'accounts.authentication.PlatformAuthentication',\n    ]\n    ...\n}\n```\n\nAdd the following to ``\n\n```python\nurlpatterns = [\n    ...\n    path('accounts/', include('accounts.urls', namespace='accounts')),\n    ...\n]\n```\n\n## Documentation\n\nAll settings are handled within a `PLATFORM_ACCOUNTS` dictionary.\n\nExample:\n\n```python\nPLATFORM_ACCOUNTS = {\n    'CLIENT_ID': 'id',\n    'CLIENT_SECRET': 'secret',\n    'REDIRECT_URI': 'example',\n    'ADMIN_PERMISSION': 'example_admin'\n    'CUSTOM_ADMIN': True\n}\n```\n\nThe available settings are:\n\n`CLIENT_ID` the client ID to connect to platform with. Defaults to `LABS_CLIENT_ID` environment variable.\n\n`CLIENT_SECRET` the client secret to connect to platform with. Defaults to `LABS_CLIENT_SECRET` environment variable.\n\n`REDIRECT_URI` the redirect uri to send to platform. Defaults to first the `LABS_REDIRECT_URI` environment variable and then generating the value from the request object.\n\n`SCOPE` the scope for this applications tokens. Must include `introspection`. Defaults to `['read', 'introspection']`.\n\n`PLATFORM_URL` URL of platform server to connect to. Should be `https://platform(-dev)` (no trailing slash)\n\n`ADMIN_PERMISSION` The name of the permission on platform to grant admin access. Defaults to `example_admin`\n\n`CUSTOM_ADMIN` enable the custom admin login page to log in users through platform. Defaults to `True`\n\nWhen developing locally with an http (not https) callback URL, it may be helpful to set the `OAUTHLIB_INSECURE_TRANSPORT` environment variable.\n\n```python\nos.environ['OAUTHLIB_INSECURE_TRANSPORT'] = \"1\"\n```\n\n## Custom post authentication\n\nIf you want to customize how DLA saves user information from platform into User objects, you can subclass `accounts.backends.LabsUserBackend` and redefine the post_authenticate method. This method will be run after the user is logged in. The parameters are:\n\n* `user` the user object\n* `created` a boolean delineating if the user was just created\n* `dictionary` a dictionary of user information from platform.\n\nThen just set the `AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS` setting to be the subclassed backend.\n\nHere is an example of a custom backend that sets every user's first name to `\"Modified\"`.\n\n```python\nfrom accounts.backends import LabsUserBackend\n\nclass CustomBackend(LabsUserBackend):\n    def post_authenticate(self, user, created, dictionary):\n        user.first_name = 'Modified'\n\n```\n\n## B2B IPC\n\nDLA also provides an interface for backend to backend IPC requests. With B2B IPC implemented, the backend of a product will\u2014at startup time\u2014request platform for a JWT to verify its identity. Each product will have an allow-list, and this will enable products to make requests to each other.\n\nIn order to limit a view to only be available to a B2B IPC request, you can use the included DRF permission:\n\n```python\nfrom identity.permissions import B2BPermission\nclass TestView(APIView):\n    permission_classes = [B2BPermission(\"urn:pennlabs:example\")]\n```\n\nMake sure to define an URN to limit access. Valid URNs are either a specific product (ex. `urn:pennlabs:platform`) or a wildcard (ex. `urn:pennlabs:*`)\n\nIn order to make an IPC request, use the included helper function:\n\n```python\nfrom identity.identity import authenticated_b2b_request\nresult = authenticated_b2b_request('GET', 'http://url/path')\n```\n\n## Use in Production\n\nDLA and Penn Labs' templates are set up so that no configuration is needed to run in development. However, in production a client ID and client secret need to be set. These values should be set in vault. Contact platform for both credentials and any questions you have.\n\n## B2B IPC\n\nDLA also provides an interface for backend to backend IPC requests. In order to limit a view to only be available to a B2B IPC request, you can use the included DRF permission:\n\n```python\nfrom identity.permissions import B2BPermission\n\nclass TestView(APIView):\n    permission_classes = [B2BPermission(\"urn:pennlabs:example\")]\n```\n\nMake sure to define an URN to limit access. Valid URNs are either a specific product (ex. `urn:pennlabs:platform`) or a wildcard (ex. `urn:pennlabs:*`)\n\nIn order to make an IPC request, use the included helper function:\n\n```python\nfrom identity.identity import authenticated_b2b_request\n\nresult = authenticated_b2b_request('GET', 'http://url/path')\n```\n\n## Development Setup\n\n### Install poetry:\n\n`pipx install poetry`\n\n### Install Dependencies:\n\n`poetry install`\n\n### Testing:\n\n`export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=tests.settings && poetry run pytest`\n\n### Linting:\n\n`poetry run black . && poetry run isort . && poetry run flake8`\n\n## Changelog\n\nSee [](\n\n## License\n\nSee [LICENSE](\n",
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