.. image:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/elapouya/django-listing/master/docs/_static/readme_intro1.png
.. image:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/elapouya/django-listing/master/docs/_static/readme_intro2.png
Django app for building HTML listings / tables, it includes many features :
* Any iterable, Django QuerySet or model can be used.
* Most listings can be configured into a template file without touching a python file
* A class-based ListingView is provided if you want to code a listing at python side
* It as an Ajax mode to save requests to the server
* Uses JQuery if ajax is activated
* Customized for Bootstrap by default, but can be easily customized in many way (templates, icons, etc...)
* You can select columns to display, columns title, default sorting etc..
* Pagination is highly customizable (buttons to display, goto page, ellipsis, icons et labels)
* Rows can be <div> instead of <tr>, so it is possible to format data in many ways
* A lot of column types are provided, they are automatically created when a
QuerySet or a model is provided
* Columns are class-bases and one can create custom ones
* Columns manage One-to-many, Many-to-many and foreign relations
* Provides aggregation columns : sum, avg, min, max values
* Provides page-level and global aggregation : sum, avg, min, max values displayed at listing last row
* Provides columns to make a link to the object, a custom link, checkbox, select box, text input...
* Provides "action column" that comes with many actions : show, edit, delete, move up, move down...
* is able to manage multiple variations to present data in multiple way at the same place
(text only listing, text+image listing, image only listing for example)
* Uses Django translation framework : one can translate the listing as needed
* Toolbars can be added at the top and/or at the bottom to make actions
* Built-in toolbar action are : sorting, select a listing variation, number of rows per page,
export data. They are customizable.
* Toolbar items are class-based : one can create a custom one easily
* django-listing can automatically create a filter form (aka search form)
* Listing rows can be selectable in order to apply some actions
* Listings can be editable for mass updates
* django-listing can automatically create a form for inserting data to database
* One can upload files/images into a listing, it uses DropzoneJS (Work in progress)
* ListingView can manage itself database inserting, editing, deleting, filtering, uploads and actions :
no need to develop any code for that.
* django-listing comes with hundreds of icons as a scalable font
* django-listing is faster than django-table2
A demo is included in source code, you will need `poetry <https://python-poetry.org/docs/>`_ to install python environment::
curl -sSL https://install.python-poetry.org | python3 -
Get the source code::
git clone https://github.com/elapouya/django-listing.git
To install the python envionment::
cd django_listing/showcase
poetry install --no-root
Check you are in ``showcase/`` directory, then start the Django from poetry environment::
poetry run python manage.py runserver 8123
A sqlite database is already included, you do not have to make any migration,
just open your brower at http://localhost:8123
Django-listing is licensed under the GPLv3 license for all open source applications.
A commercial license is required for all commercial applications or non-open applications
See `LICENSE.rst <https://github.com/elapouya/django-listing/blob/master/LICENSE.rst>`_ file for more informations.
Please, `read the doc <http://django-listing.readthedocs.org>`_ (Work in progress)
0.10.14 (2025-02-23)
- Add dynamic attached form layout
- Add animation on attached form layout change
0.10.12 (2025-02-18)
- Improved Group-By
0.10.9 (2025-02-13)
- Add TemplateColumn
- Improve filters
0.10.7 (2025-02-11)
- Add support for checkbox in attached form
0.10.6 (2025-02-06)
- Send source DOM element info in post when user submit filter form
0.10.5 (2025-02-04)
- Fix "Apply grouping" button
0.10.4 (2025-01-24)
- Fix filters form
0.10.3 (2025-01-23)
- Fix variation selection
0.10.2 (2025-01-21)
- Fix filters form
0.10.1 (2025-01-17)
- Improve form hidden fields management
0.10.0 (2025-01-07)
- Django-listing can now generate charts with given data (no documentation yet)
0.9.18 (2025-01-01)
- Improve group-by feature
- Add djlst_format_digits() jquery function to have numbers with space every 3 digits
- Add format_numbers options in Listing
- Add update_page_records() method in Listing
- Add default_value_func attribute to Filter object
- Better Filter.required value handling
- Add has_cell_filter_single column attribute
- Improve ActionsButtonsColumn
- Add offset_max param to avoid display lines with too high offset
- Fix export toolbar item
- Do not override widget attribute data-related-model in forms
- Better filters form POST request data handling
- Add has_nb_unfiltered_rows listing attribute
- Accept listings with filters.form_attrs = {"method": "POST"}
- Bottom action buttons now works with accept_ajax=True
- Better mass-update management
- No form clean on mass delete in attached form
- Add data-related-model in form fields html attributes if relevant
- Better mass update management : now dynamic checkboxes are displayed
to choose fields to update
0.8.5 (2024-09-10)
- If using django-modeltranslation, do not consider localized fields
- Raise exception when trying to add form errors in attached form proccessing
- Attached form can be sticky : add class "stick" to .attached-form-container
- Remove attached form validation errors on row selection
- Better css for attached form
0.7.40 (2024-08-26)
- Improve BooleanColumn to manage not nullable booleans in attached forms
- Fix column form field parameters retrieval
- Auto show advanced filters if one or more are used
- Update translation
- Add form_layout_advanced, and advanced button for filters form
- Add object-link css class on cells in link_object_columns
- Add extra spans in attached form buttons for better customization
- Add title in attached form buttons
- Better autocomplete filters management
- Attached form buttons can now be on several lines
- Initialize some dicts/lists in __init__
- Give the possibility to patch json response data via
listing_patch_json_response_data(data) method to be put in view
- Better ajax request context management
- Re-compute the current page records after processing attached form actions
- Add view context data on ajax rendering
- Sort SortSelectToolbarItem choices
- Improve checkbox selection
- Fix selection column to avoid duplicates
- New empty msg management + some little fixes
- Add MultipleForeignKeyFilter
- Fix filter reset button
- Update showcase poetry env
- Add some manage_listing_attached_form_clean* methods
- Fix up & down icons in SortSelectToolbarItem to be displayed on Firefox
- Add some documentions
- Add icons on buttons for filter form and attached form
- Update showcase poetry.lock
- Update showcase installation documentation
- Many little fixes
- Add a lot of documentation in the showcase
- Fix django_listing.js for autocomplete multi-select
- Add some documentation
- Fix to get context processors executed during POST rendering
- Add widget_class and widget_params for Filter
- Fix widget creation
- Fix attached form reset button
- Add per-action attached form initial data
- Trigger JS event on selection change
- Add qs-first & qs-last css class on relevant rows.
- Add AutoCompleteColumn
- Add attached_form customize method
- De-serialize data into UTF-8 in attached form.
- Fix #19
- Fix action column
- Add export toolbar button permission
- Add spinner while exporting listing to file
- Check export select file format to not be empty
- Better default listing name
- Exported file name has now a timestamp
- Sanitize strings for Excel export
- Columns to be exported are now customizable
- Use base64 for attached form serialization encoding
- Fix attached_form auto-fill
- Add animation on attached_form insert
- Fix pagination
- Improve insert button management in attached_form
- Fix group by
- Add ModelMethodRef and RelatedModelMethodRef
- Add AttachedForm feature with ajax autofill and actions processing
0.6.4 (2024-01-18)
- Improve listing insert form
- add no_foreignkey_link to ManyColumn class
- add range selection (press shift on second selection)
- fix FloatColumn
- fix gettext
- fix group-by buttons
- Many fixes when accept_ajax = True
- Add "Group By" and annotations feature
0.5.17 (2023-11-28)
- Add FloatFilter
- Fix XSS issues on ForeignKeyColumns and LinkColumn
- Improve get_absolute_url() usage
- Improve default_value on Filter()
- Add default_value on Filter()
- Improve foreign key column title
- Fix word search with filter_queryset_method
- Fix listing export for Excel
- Better focus when using Select2 widget
- Strip HTML tags on data exports
- Fix exception management for Django 4
- Add add_one_day option on DateFilter
- Fix unexpected SQL query with ListingVariations
- Data Export works with active filters and ajax=True
- Add filter_queryset_method filter attribute
- Update fr translations
- Add links in ManyColumn if get_absolute_url() exists on related objects
- Add __url_func parameter for edit/delete/view action buttons
0.0.28 (2023-06-27)
- Add AutocompleteMultipleForeignKeyFilter
- Add ForeignKeyFilter and AutocompleteForeignKeyFilter
- Added edit and delete action buttons
- Fixed action button "see details" modal
- Improved CSS for small device
- Auto-detect many-to-many model fields if present in select_columns
- Fixed choices widgets
- Improved radio and checkbox in filter form
- Fixed ModelColumns
- Added LineNumberColumn()
- Use scss to generate css files
- Added showcase with many demo pages see showcase/README.rst
- Fixed bad form closing
- Fixed ListingVariation with Ajax
- Added django-like filter syntax for sequences
- Added JsonDateTimeColumn class
- Added support for python 3.10
- Added possibility to create custom action button linked with listing method
0.0.7 (2020-07-14)
- First running version
0.0.1 (2018-02-03)
- Skeleton commit
Raw data
"_id": null,
"home_page": "https://github.com/elapouya/django-listing",
"name": "django-listing",
"maintainer": null,
"docs_url": null,
"requires_python": null,
"maintainer_email": null,
"keywords": "table, datatable, listing, data grid",
"author": "Eric Lapouyade",
"author_email": "elapouya@gmail.com",
"download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/1f/b6/d02dac27e87305ba68dbfedcfafaf02064eead2c7cd56f4e828e17b29a6c/django_listing-0.10.14.tar.gz",
"platform": null,
"description": "\n==============\ndjango-listing\n==============\n\n.. image:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/elapouya/django-listing/master/docs/_static/readme_intro1.png\n.. image:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/elapouya/django-listing/master/docs/_static/readme_intro2.png\n\nDjango app for building HTML listings / tables, it includes many features :\n\n* Any iterable, Django QuerySet or model can be used.\n* Most listings can be configured into a template file without touching a python file\n* A class-based ListingView is provided if you want to code a listing at python side\n* It as an Ajax mode to save requests to the server\n* Uses JQuery if ajax is activated\n* Customized for Bootstrap by default, but can be easily customized in many way (templates, icons, etc...)\n* You can select columns to display, columns title, default sorting etc..\n* Pagination is highly customizable (buttons to display, goto page, ellipsis, icons et labels)\n* Rows can be <div> instead of <tr>, so it is possible to format data in many ways\n* A lot of column types are provided, they are automatically created when a\n QuerySet or a model is provided\n* Columns are class-bases and one can create custom ones\n* Columns manage One-to-many, Many-to-many and foreign relations\n* Provides aggregation columns : sum, avg, min, max values\n* Provides page-level and global aggregation : sum, avg, min, max values displayed at listing last row\n* Provides columns to make a link to the object, a custom link, checkbox, select box, text input...\n* Provides \"action column\" that comes with many actions : show, edit, delete, move up, move down...\n* is able to manage multiple variations to present data in multiple way at the same place\n (text only listing, text+image listing, image only listing for example)\n* Uses Django translation framework : one can translate the listing as needed\n* Toolbars can be added at the top and/or at the bottom to make actions\n* Built-in toolbar action are : sorting, select a listing variation, number of rows per page,\n export data. They are customizable.\n* Toolbar items are class-based : one can create a custom one easily\n* django-listing can automatically create a filter form (aka search form)\n* Listing rows can be selectable in order to apply some actions\n* Listings can be editable for mass updates\n* django-listing can automatically create a form for inserting data to database\n* One can upload files/images into a listing, it uses DropzoneJS (Work in progress)\n* ListingView can manage itself database inserting, editing, deleting, filtering, uploads and actions :\n no need to develop any code for that.\n* django-listing comes with hundreds of icons as a scalable font\n* django-listing is faster than django-table2\n\n\nShowcase\n--------\n\nA demo is included in source code, you will need `poetry <https://python-poetry.org/docs/>`_ to install python environment::\n\n curl -sSL https://install.python-poetry.org | python3 -\n\nGet the source code::\n\n git clone https://github.com/elapouya/django-listing.git\n\nTo install the python envionment::\n\n cd django_listing/showcase\n poetry install --no-root\n\nCheck you are in ``showcase/`` directory, then start the Django from poetry environment::\n\n poetry run python manage.py runserver 8123\n\nA sqlite database is already included, you do not have to make any migration,\njust open your brower at http://localhost:8123\n\n\nLicense\n-------\nDjango-listing is licensed under the GPLv3 license for all open source applications.\nA commercial license is required for all commercial applications or non-open applications\n\nSee `LICENSE.rst <https://github.com/elapouya/django-listing/blob/master/LICENSE.rst>`_ file for more informations.\n\n\nDocumentation\n-------------\n\nPlease, `read the doc <http://django-listing.readthedocs.org>`_ (Work in progress)\n\nNews\n----\n\n0.10.14 (2025-02-23)\n--------------------\n- Add dynamic attached form layout\n- Add animation on attached form layout change\n\n0.10.12 (2025-02-18)\n--------------------\n- Improved Group-By\n\n0.10.9 (2025-02-13)\n-------------------\n- Add TemplateColumn\n- Improve filters\n\n0.10.7 (2025-02-11)\n-------------------\n- Add support for checkbox in attached form\n\n0.10.6 (2025-02-06)\n-------------------\n- Send source DOM element info in post when user submit filter form\n\n0.10.5 (2025-02-04)\n-------------------\n- Fix \"Apply grouping\" button\n\n0.10.4 (2025-01-24)\n-------------------\n- Fix filters form\n\n0.10.3 (2025-01-23)\n-------------------\n- Fix variation selection\n\n0.10.2 (2025-01-21)\n-------------------\n- Fix filters form\n\n0.10.1 (2025-01-17)\n-------------------\n- Improve form hidden fields management\n\n0.10.0 (2025-01-07)\n-------------------\n- Django-listing can now generate charts with given data (no documentation yet)\n\n0.9.18 (2025-01-01)\n-------------------\n- Improve group-by feature\n- Add djlst_format_digits() jquery function to have numbers with space every 3 digits\n- Add format_numbers options in Listing\n- Add update_page_records() method in Listing\n- Add default_value_func attribute to Filter object\n- Better Filter.required value handling\n- Add has_cell_filter_single column attribute\n- Improve ActionsButtonsColumn\n- Add offset_max param to avoid display lines with too high offset\n- Fix export toolbar item\n- Do not override widget attribute data-related-model in forms\n- Better filters form POST request data handling\n- Add has_nb_unfiltered_rows listing attribute\n- Accept listings with filters.form_attrs = {\"method\": \"POST\"}\n- Bottom action buttons now works with accept_ajax=True\n- Better mass-update management\n- No form clean on mass delete in attached form\n- Add data-related-model in form fields html attributes if relevant\n- Better mass update management : now dynamic checkboxes are displayed\n to choose fields to update\n\n0.8.5 (2024-09-10)\n------------------\n- If using django-modeltranslation, do not consider localized fields\n- Raise exception when trying to add form errors in attached form proccessing\n- Attached form can be sticky : add class \"stick\" to .attached-form-container\n- Remove attached form validation errors on row selection\n- Better css for attached form\n\n0.7.40 (2024-08-26)\n-------------------\n- Improve BooleanColumn to manage not nullable booleans in attached forms\n- Fix column form field parameters retrieval\n- Auto show advanced filters if one or more are used\n- Update translation\n- Add form_layout_advanced, and advanced button for filters form\n- Add object-link css class on cells in link_object_columns\n- Add extra spans in attached form buttons for better customization\n- Add title in attached form buttons\n- Better autocomplete filters management\n- Attached form buttons can now be on several lines\n- Initialize some dicts/lists in __init__\n- Give the possibility to patch json response data via\n listing_patch_json_response_data(data) method to be put in view\n- Better ajax request context management\n- Re-compute the current page records after processing attached form actions\n- Add view context data on ajax rendering\n- Sort SortSelectToolbarItem choices\n- Improve checkbox selection\n- Fix selection column to avoid duplicates\n- New empty msg management + some little fixes\n- Add MultipleForeignKeyFilter\n- Fix filter reset button\n- Update showcase poetry env\n- Add some manage_listing_attached_form_clean* methods\n- Fix up & down icons in SortSelectToolbarItem to be displayed on Firefox\n- Add some documentions\n- Add icons on buttons for filter form and attached form\n- Update showcase poetry.lock\n- Update showcase installation documentation\n- Many little fixes\n- Add a lot of documentation in the showcase\n- Fix django_listing.js for autocomplete multi-select\n- Add some documentation\n- Fix to get context processors executed during POST rendering\n- Add widget_class and widget_params for Filter\n- Fix widget creation\n- Fix attached form reset button\n- Add per-action attached form initial data\n- Trigger JS event on selection change\n- Add qs-first & qs-last css class on relevant rows.\n- Add AutoCompleteColumn\n- Add attached_form customize method\n- De-serialize data into UTF-8 in attached form.\n- Fix #19\n- Fix action column\n- Add export toolbar button permission\n- Add spinner while exporting listing to file\n- Check export select file format to not be empty\n- Better default listing name\n- Exported file name has now a timestamp\n- Sanitize strings for Excel export\n- Columns to be exported are now customizable\n- Use base64 for attached form serialization encoding\n- Fix attached_form auto-fill\n- Add animation on attached_form insert\n- Fix pagination\n- Improve insert button management in attached_form\n- Fix group by\n- Add ModelMethodRef and RelatedModelMethodRef\n- Add AttachedForm feature with ajax autofill and actions processing\n\n0.6.4 (2024-01-18)\n------------------\n- Improve listing insert form\n- add no_foreignkey_link to ManyColumn class\n- add range selection (press shift on second selection)\n- fix FloatColumn\n- fix gettext\n- fix group-by buttons\n- Many fixes when accept_ajax = True\n- Add \"Group By\" and annotations feature\n\n0.5.17 (2023-11-28)\n-------------------\n- Add FloatFilter\n- Fix XSS issues on ForeignKeyColumns and LinkColumn\n- Improve get_absolute_url() usage\n- Improve default_value on Filter()\n- Add default_value on Filter()\n- Improve foreign key column title\n- Fix word search with filter_queryset_method\n- Fix listing export for Excel\n- Better focus when using Select2 widget\n- Strip HTML tags on data exports\n- Fix exception management for Django 4\n- Add add_one_day option on DateFilter\n- Fix unexpected SQL query with ListingVariations\n- Data Export works with active filters and ajax=True\n- Add filter_queryset_method filter attribute\n- Update fr translations\n- Add links in ManyColumn if get_absolute_url() exists on related objects\n- Add __url_func parameter for edit/delete/view action buttons\n\n0.0.28 (2023-06-27)\n-------------------\n- Add AutocompleteMultipleForeignKeyFilter\n- Add ForeignKeyFilter and AutocompleteForeignKeyFilter\n- Added edit and delete action buttons\n- Fixed action button \"see details\" modal\n- Improved CSS for small device\n- Auto-detect many-to-many model fields if present in select_columns\n- Fixed choices widgets\n- Improved radio and checkbox in filter form\n- Fixed ModelColumns\n- Added LineNumberColumn()\n- Use scss to generate css files\n- Added showcase with many demo pages see showcase/README.rst\n- Fixed bad form closing\n- Fixed ListingVariation with Ajax\n- Added django-like filter syntax for sequences\n- Added JsonDateTimeColumn class\n- Added support for python 3.10\n- Added possibility to create custom action button linked with listing method\n\n0.0.7 (2020-07-14)\n------------------\n- First running version\n\n0.0.1 (2018-02-03)\n------------------\n- Skeleton commit\n\n",
"bugtrack_url": null,
"license": "GPLv3+",
"summary": "Library for creating HTML listing / table / data grid",
"version": "0.10.14",
"project_urls": {
"Homepage": "https://github.com/elapouya/django-listing"
"split_keywords": [
" datatable",
" listing",
" data grid"
"urls": [
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