
Namedjango-spicy-id JSON
Version 1.0.0 PyPI version JSON
SummaryFancy ID fields for django models.
upload_time2023-12-25 21:56:05
keywords django timeseries
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # django-spicy-id

A drop-in replacement for Django's `AutoField` that gives you "Stripe-style" self-identifying string object IDs, like `user_1234`.

**Status:** Stable. No warranty, see `LICENSE.txt`.

[![PyPI version](](
[![PyPI Supported Python Versions](]( ![Test status](

## Table of Contents

<!-- START doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update -->

- [What is a "spicy" id?](#what-is-a-spicy-id)
- [Why use spicy ids?](#why-use-spicy-ids)
- [Installation](#installation)
  - [Requirements](#requirements)
  - [Instructions](#instructions)
- [Usage](#usage)
  - [Field types](#field-types)
  - [Required Parameters](#required-parameters)
  - [Optional Parameters](#optional-parameters)
  - [Registering URLs](#registering-urls)
  - [Django REST Framework](#django-rest-framework)
  - [Field Attributes](#field-attributes)
    - [`.validate_string(strval)`](#validate_stringstrval)
    - [`.re`](#re)
    - [`.re_pattern`](#re_pattern)
  - [Utility methods](#utility-methods)
    - [`get_url_converter(model_class, field_name)`](#get_url_convertermodel_class-field_name)
  - [Errors](#errors)
    - [`django.db.utils.ProgrammingError`](#djangodbutilsprogrammingerror)
    - [`django_spicy_id.MalformedSpicyIdError`](#django_spicy_idmalformedspicyiderror)
- [Tips and tricks](#tips-and-tricks)
  - [Don't change field configuration](#dont-change-field-configuration)
- [Changelog](#changelog)

<!-- END doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update -->

## What is a "spicy" id?

It's a made-up name (because I couldn't think of a better one) for a numeric primary keys type that is shown and manipulated as a string, prefixed with a constant value.

Here are some examples. You can use this library to make your Django row IDs look like:

- `user_1234`
- `account-00000000deadbeef`
- `bloop:1a2k3841x`

Although you should always treat these values as opaque and _never_ decode or parse the string's contents elsewhere (see _Errors_), you can think of every spicy id as being composed of:

<prefix> <separator> <encoded_value>

- **`prefix`**: A fixed string value that will be the same for all IDs of this record type, forever.
- **`separator`**: A configurable separator which, like `prefix`, is fixed forever; usually `_` (the default) or `-` (another popular choice).
- **`encoded_value`**: The numeric portion of the id. This library supports using base 16 (hex) or base 62.

Importantly, the underlying database value is still stored and retrieved as a _numeric type_, just like an `AutoField`, `SmallAutoField`, or `BigAutoField`.

## Why use spicy ids?

Briefly: Because they're so much nicer for humans to work with.

- **Readability:** While row-level primary keys are typically treated as "anonymous" (as in "not something anyone should have to care about"), the fact is these values still _show up_ in lots of situations: They're in URLs, dumped in logfiles, shown in queries, and so on. In these situations, it's just plain faster to understand "what am I looking at" when the identifier itself tells you its type.
- **Conflict and accident prevention:** When your systems require you to pass around typed identifiers like `acct_1234` and `invoice_5432beef`, certain kinds of accidents become impossible. For example, `HTTP DELETE /users/invoice_21` fails fast.
- **Future-proofing:** Adopting spicy IDs means your systems and APIs are developed to accept a basically-opaque string as an ID. While their underlying type is numeric, in very advanced situations you may be able to migrate to a different type or datastore "behind" the abstraction the string ID creates.

For a more detailed look at this pattern, see Stripe's ["Object IDs: Designing APIs for Humans"](

## Installation

### Requirements

This package supports and is tested against the latest patch versions of:

- **Python:** 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12
- **Django:** 3.2, 4.2
- **MySQL:** 5.7, 8.0
- **PostgreSQL:** 9.5, 10, 11, 12
- **SQLite:** 3.9.0+

All database backends are tested with the latest versions of their drivers. SQLite is also tested on GitHub Actions' latest macOS virtual environment.

**Note:** Django 4.x is recommended due to an [upstream bug]( that is present in 3.x. See [#6]( for further details.

### Instructions

pip install django_spicy_id

## Usage

Given the following example model:

from django.db import models
from django_spicy_id import SpicyBigAutoField

class User(models.model):
    id = SpicyBigAutoField(primary_key=True, prefix='usr')

Example usage:

>>> u = models.User.objects.create()
>>> u2 = models.User.objects.create(id=123456789)
>>> found_user = models.User.objects.filter(id='usr_8M0kX').first()
>>> found_user == u2

### Field types

- `SpicyBigAutoField`: A spicy id which is backed by a `BigAutoField` (i.e. 64-bit int) column.
- `SpicyAutoField`: A spicy id which is backed by a `AutoField` (i.e. 32-bit int) column.
- `SpicySmallAutoField`: A spicy id which is backed by a `SmallAutoField` (i.e. 16-bit int) column.

### Required Parameters

The following parameters are required at declaration:

* **`prefix`**: The prefix to use in the encoded form. Typically this is a short, descriptive string, like `user` or `acct` and similar. **Note:** This library does not ensure the string you provide is unique within your project. You should ensure that.

### Optional Parameters

In addition to all parameters you can provide a normal `AutoField`, each of the field types above supports the following additional optional paramters:

- **`encoding`**: What numeric encoding scheme to use. One of `django_spicy_id.ENCODING_BASE_62` (default), `django_spicy_id.ENCODING_BASE_58`, or `django_spicy_id.ENCODING_HEX`.
- **`sep`**: The separator character. Defaults to `_`. Can be any string.
- **`pad`**: Whether the encoded portion of the id should be zero-padded so that all values are the same string length. Either `False` (default) or `True`.
  - Example without padding: `user_8M0kX`
  - Example with padding: `user_0000008M0kX`
- **`randomize`**: If `True`, the default value of a new record will be generated randomly using `secrets.randbelow()`. If `False` (the default), works just like a normal `AutoField` i.e. the default value comes from the database upon `INSERT`.
  - When `randomize` is set, an error will be thrown if `default` is also set, since `randomize` is essentially a special and built-in `default` function.
  - Since `randomize` installs a special `default` function, a new but unsaved model instance will have a non-`None` value for `` / ``. You must used `object._state.adding` to determine whether an instance is a new but unsaved object.
  - If you use this feature, be aware of its hazards: 
      - The generated ID may conflict with an existing row, with probability [determined by the birthday problem]( (i.e. the column size and the size of the existing dataset).
      - A conflict can also arise if two processes generate the same value for `secrets.randbelow()` (i.e. if system entropy is identical or misconfigured for some reason).

### Registering URLs

When installing routes that must match a specific spicy id, you can use the `get_url_converter()` helper method to install a Django [custom path converter](

Using this method will ensure that _only_ valid spicy ID strings for that field will be presented to your view.


class User(models.model):
    id = SpicyBigAutoField(primary_key=True, prefix='usr')

from . import models
from django.urls import path, register_converter
from django_spicy_id import get_url_converter

# Register the pattern for `` as "spicy_user_id". You should do this
# once for each unique spicy ID field.
register_converter(get_url_converter(models.User, 'id'), 'spicy_user_id')

urlpatterns = [
    path('users/<spicy_user_id:id>', views.user_detail),


def user_detail(request, id):
  user = models.User.objects.get(id=id)

### Django REST Framework

Django REST Framework (DRF) works mostly without issue with `django-spicy-id`. However, an additional step is needed so that DRF treats spicy ID fields as strings, not integers, in serializers.

You can use the included utility function to monkey patch DRF. It is safe to call this method multiple times.

from django_spicy_id import monkey_patch_drf


### Field Attributes

The following attributes are available on the field once constructed

#### `.validate_string(strval)`

Checks whether `strval` is a legal value for the field, throwing `django_spicy_id.errors.MalformedSpicyIdError` if not.

#### `.re`

A compiled regex which can be used to validate a string.

#### `.re_pattern`

A string regex pattern which can be used to validate a string. Unlike the pattern used in `re`, this pattern does not include the leading `^` and trailing `$` boundary characters, making it easier to use in things like Django url patterns.

You probably don't need to use this directly, instead see `get_url_converter()`.

### Utility methods

These utility methods are provided on the top-level `django_spicy_id` module.

#### `get_url_converter(model_class, field_name)`

Returns a Django [custom path converter]( for `field_name` on `model_class`.

See [Registering URLs](#registering-urls) for example usage.

### Errors

#### `django.db.utils.ProgrammingError`

Thrown when attempting to access or query this field using an illegal value. Some examples of this situation:

* Providing a spicy id with the wrong prefix or separator (e.g `id="acct_1234"` where `id="invoice_1234"` is expected).
* Providing a string with illegal characters in it (i.e. where the encoded part isn't decodable)
* Providing an unpadded value when padding is enabled.
* Providing a padded value when padded is disabled.

You can consider these situations analogous to providing a wrongly-typed object to any other field type, for example `SomeModel.objects.filter(id=object())`.

You can avoid this situation by validating inputs first. See _Field Attributes_.

**🚨 Warning:** Regardless of field configuration, the string value of a spicy id must **always** be treated as an _exact value_. Just like you would never modify the contents of a `UUID4`, a spicy id string must never be translated, re-interpreted, or changed by a client.

#### `django_spicy_id.MalformedSpicyIdError`

A subclass of `ValueError`, raised by `.validate_string(strval)` when the provided string is invalid for the field's configuration.

## Tips and tricks

### Don't change field configuration

Changing `prefix`, `sep`, `pad`, or `encoding` after you have started using the field should be considered a _breaking change_ for any external callers.

Although the stored row IDs are never changed, any spicy IDs generated previously, with a different encoding configuration, may now be invalid or (potentially catastrophically) resolve to a different object.

For just one example, `user_10` would naturally refer to a different numeric row id if parsed as `hex` versus `base62` or `base58`. You should avoid changing the field configuration.

## Changelog

See [``]( for a summary of changes.


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "django-spicy-id",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.9.0",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "django timeseries",
    "author": "mik3y",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": "any",
    "description": "# django-spicy-id\n\nA drop-in replacement for Django's `AutoField` that gives you \"Stripe-style\" self-identifying string object IDs, like `user_1234`.\n\n**Status:** Stable. No warranty, see `LICENSE.txt`.\n\n[![PyPI version](](\n[![PyPI Supported Python Versions](]( ![Test status](\n\n## Table of Contents\n\n<!-- START doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update -->\n<!-- DON'T EDIT THIS SECTION, INSTEAD RE-RUN doctoc TO UPDATE -->\n\n- [What is a \"spicy\" id?](#what-is-a-spicy-id)\n- [Why use spicy ids?](#why-use-spicy-ids)\n- [Installation](#installation)\n  - [Requirements](#requirements)\n  - [Instructions](#instructions)\n- [Usage](#usage)\n  - [Field types](#field-types)\n  - [Required Parameters](#required-parameters)\n  - [Optional Parameters](#optional-parameters)\n  - [Registering URLs](#registering-urls)\n  - [Django REST Framework](#django-rest-framework)\n  - [Field Attributes](#field-attributes)\n    - [`.validate_string(strval)`](#validate_stringstrval)\n    - [`.re`](#re)\n    - [`.re_pattern`](#re_pattern)\n  - [Utility methods](#utility-methods)\n    - [`get_url_converter(model_class, field_name)`](#get_url_convertermodel_class-field_name)\n  - [Errors](#errors)\n    - [`django.db.utils.ProgrammingError`](#djangodbutilsprogrammingerror)\n    - [`django_spicy_id.MalformedSpicyIdError`](#django_spicy_idmalformedspicyiderror)\n- [Tips and tricks](#tips-and-tricks)\n  - [Don't change field configuration](#dont-change-field-configuration)\n- [Changelog](#changelog)\n\n<!-- END doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update -->\n\n## What is a \"spicy\" id?\n\nIt's a made-up name (because I couldn't think of a better one) for a numeric primary keys type that is shown and manipulated as a string, prefixed with a constant value.\n\nHere are some examples. You can use this library to make your Django row IDs look like:\n\n- `user_1234`\n- `account-00000000deadbeef`\n- `bloop:1a2k3841x`\n\nAlthough you should always treat these values as opaque and _never_ decode or parse the string's contents elsewhere (see _Errors_), you can think of every spicy id as being composed of:\n\n```\n<prefix> <separator> <encoded_value>\n```\n\n- **`prefix`**: A fixed string value that will be the same for all IDs of this record type, forever.\n- **`separator`**: A configurable separator which, like `prefix`, is fixed forever; usually `_` (the default) or `-` (another popular choice).\n- **`encoded_value`**: The numeric portion of the id. This library supports using base 16 (hex) or base 62.\n\nImportantly, the underlying database value is still stored and retrieved as a _numeric type_, just like an `AutoField`, `SmallAutoField`, or `BigAutoField`.\n\n## Why use spicy ids?\n\nBriefly: Because they're so much nicer for humans to work with.\n\n- **Readability:** While row-level primary keys are typically treated as \"anonymous\" (as in \"not something anyone should have to care about\"), the fact is these values still _show up_ in lots of situations: They're in URLs, dumped in logfiles, shown in queries, and so on. In these situations, it's just plain faster to understand \"what am I looking at\" when the identifier itself tells you its type.\n- **Conflict and accident prevention:** When your systems require you to pass around typed identifiers like `acct_1234` and `invoice_5432beef`, certain kinds of accidents become impossible. For example, `HTTP DELETE /users/invoice_21` fails fast.\n- **Future-proofing:** Adopting spicy IDs means your systems and APIs are developed to accept a basically-opaque string as an ID. While their underlying type is numeric, in very advanced situations you may be able to migrate to a different type or datastore \"behind\" the abstraction the string ID creates.\n\nFor a more detailed look at this pattern, see Stripe's [\"Object IDs: Designing APIs for Humans\"](\n\n## Installation\n\n### Requirements\n\nThis package supports and is tested against the latest patch versions of:\n\n- **Python:** 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12\n- **Django:** 3.2, 4.2\n- **MySQL:** 5.7, 8.0\n- **PostgreSQL:** 9.5, 10, 11, 12\n- **SQLite:** 3.9.0+\n\nAll database backends are tested with the latest versions of their drivers. SQLite is also tested on GitHub Actions' latest macOS virtual environment.\n\n**Note:** Django 4.x is recommended due to an [upstream bug]( that is present in 3.x. See [#6]( for further details.\n\n### Instructions\n\n```\npip install django_spicy_id\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nGiven the following example model:\n\n```py\nfrom django.db import models\nfrom django_spicy_id import SpicyBigAutoField\n\nclass User(models.model):\n    id = SpicyBigAutoField(primary_key=True, prefix='usr')\n```\n\nExample usage:\n\n```py\n>>> u = models.User.objects.create()\n>>>\n'usr_1'\n>>> u2 = models.User.objects.create(id=123456789)\n>>>\n'usr_8M0kX'\n>>> found_user = models.User.objects.filter(id='usr_8M0kX').first()\n>>> found_user == u2\nTrue\n```\n\n### Field types\n\n- `SpicyBigAutoField`: A spicy id which is backed by a `BigAutoField` (i.e. 64-bit int) column.\n- `SpicyAutoField`: A spicy id which is backed by a `AutoField` (i.e. 32-bit int) column.\n- `SpicySmallAutoField`: A spicy id which is backed by a `SmallAutoField` (i.e. 16-bit int) column.\n\n### Required Parameters\n\nThe following parameters are required at declaration:\n\n* **`prefix`**: The prefix to use in the encoded form. Typically this is a short, descriptive string, like `user` or `acct` and similar. **Note:** This library does not ensure the string you provide is unique within your project. You should ensure that.\n\n### Optional Parameters\n\nIn addition to all parameters you can provide a normal `AutoField`, each of the field types above supports the following additional optional paramters:\n\n- **`encoding`**: What numeric encoding scheme to use. One of `django_spicy_id.ENCODING_BASE_62` (default), `django_spicy_id.ENCODING_BASE_58`, or `django_spicy_id.ENCODING_HEX`.\n- **`sep`**: The separator character. Defaults to `_`. Can be any string.\n- **`pad`**: Whether the encoded portion of the id should be zero-padded so that all values are the same string length. Either `False` (default) or `True`.\n  - Example without padding: `user_8M0kX`\n  - Example with padding: `user_0000008M0kX`\n- **`randomize`**: If `True`, the default value of a new record will be generated randomly using `secrets.randbelow()`. If `False` (the default), works just like a normal `AutoField` i.e. the default value comes from the database upon `INSERT`.\n  - When `randomize` is set, an error will be thrown if `default` is also set, since `randomize` is essentially a special and built-in `default` function.\n  - Since `randomize` installs a special `default` function, a new but unsaved model instance will have a non-`None` value for `` / ``. You must used `object._state.adding` to determine whether an instance is a new but unsaved object.\n  - If you use this feature, be aware of its hazards: \n      - The generated ID may conflict with an existing row, with probability [determined by the birthday problem]( (i.e. the column size and the size of the existing dataset).\n      - A conflict can also arise if two processes generate the same value for `secrets.randbelow()` (i.e. if system entropy is identical or misconfigured for some reason).\n\n### Registering URLs\n\nWhen installing routes that must match a specific spicy id, you can use the `get_url_converter()` helper method to install a Django [custom path converter](\n\nUsing this method will ensure that _only_ valid spicy ID strings for that field will be presented to your view.\n\nExample:\n\n```py\n#\nclass User(models.model):\n    id = SpicyBigAutoField(primary_key=True, prefix='usr')\n```\n\n```py\n#\nfrom . import models\nfrom django.urls import path, register_converter\nfrom django_spicy_id import get_url_converter\n\n# Register the pattern for `` as \"spicy_user_id\". You should do this\n# once for each unique spicy ID field.\nregister_converter(get_url_converter(models.User, 'id'), 'spicy_user_id')\n\nurlpatterns = [\n    path('users/<spicy_user_id:id>', views.user_detail),\n    ...\n]\n```\n\n```py\n#\n\ndef user_detail(request, id):\n  user = models.User.objects.get(id=id)\n  ...\n```\n\n### Django REST Framework\n\nDjango REST Framework (DRF) works mostly without issue with `django-spicy-id`. However, an additional step is needed so that DRF treats spicy ID fields as strings, not integers, in serializers.\n\nYou can use the included utility function to monkey patch DRF. It is safe to call this method multiple times.\n\n```py\nfrom django_spicy_id import monkey_patch_drf\n\nmonkey_patch_drf()\n```\n\n### Field Attributes\n\nThe following attributes are available on the field once constructed\n\n#### `.validate_string(strval)`\n\nChecks whether `strval` is a legal value for the field, throwing `django_spicy_id.errors.MalformedSpicyIdError` if not.\n\n#### `.re`\n\nA compiled regex which can be used to validate a string.\n\n#### `.re_pattern`\n\nA string regex pattern which can be used to validate a string. Unlike the pattern used in `re`, this pattern does not include the leading `^` and trailing `$` boundary characters, making it easier to use in things like Django url patterns.\n\nYou probably don't need to use this directly, instead see `get_url_converter()`.\n\n### Utility methods\n\nThese utility methods are provided on the top-level `django_spicy_id` module.\n\n#### `get_url_converter(model_class, field_name)`\n\nReturns a Django [custom path converter]( for `field_name` on `model_class`.\n\nSee [Registering URLs](#registering-urls) for example usage.\n\n### Errors\n\n#### `django.db.utils.ProgrammingError`\n\nThrown when attempting to access or query this field using an illegal value. Some examples of this situation:\n\n* Providing a spicy id with the wrong prefix or separator (e.g `id=\"acct_1234\"` where `id=\"invoice_1234\"` is expected).\n* Providing a string with illegal characters in it (i.e. where the encoded part isn't decodable)\n* Providing an unpadded value when padding is enabled.\n* Providing a padded value when padded is disabled.\n\nYou can consider these situations analogous to providing a wrongly-typed object to any other field type, for example `SomeModel.objects.filter(id=object())`.\n\nYou can avoid this situation by validating inputs first. See _Field Attributes_.\n\n**\ud83d\udea8 Warning:** Regardless of field configuration, the string value of a spicy id must **always** be treated as an _exact value_. Just like you would never modify the contents of a `UUID4`, a spicy id string must never be translated, re-interpreted, or changed by a client.\n\n#### `django_spicy_id.MalformedSpicyIdError`\n\nA subclass of `ValueError`, raised by `.validate_string(strval)` when the provided string is invalid for the field's configuration.\n\n## Tips and tricks\n\n### Don't change field configuration\n\nChanging `prefix`, `sep`, `pad`, or `encoding` after you have started using the field should be considered a _breaking change_ for any external callers.\n\nAlthough the stored row IDs are never changed, any spicy IDs generated previously, with a different encoding configuration, may now be invalid or (potentially catastrophically) resolve to a different object.\n\nFor just one example, `user_10` would naturally refer to a different numeric row id if parsed as `hex` versus `base62` or `base58`. You should avoid changing the field configuration.\n\n## Changelog\n\nSee [``]( for a summary of changes.\n",
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