
Namedjangocms-charts JSON
Version 3.0.4 PyPI version JSON
SummaryDjangoCMS Plugin to add and edit ChartJs charts
upload_time2023-03-26 06:48:18
authorMichael Carder Ltd
licenseMIT License
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # DjangoCMS_Charts

[![PyPI version](](
[![PyPi downloads](](

A plugin for DjangoCMS that creates easy to use and fully customisable ChartJs (ver 2.x) charts - with a table and csv upload interface.

## Updates

- 3.0.0
    - **CAUTION** - This is a complete refactoring of DjangoCMS Charts to ChartJS version 2.x
    - ***All Models, Fields, and Options have changed***
    - ***Due to changes in ChartJS 1.x > 2.x - Not all Custom settings will be migrated***
    - The migrations attempt to bring over any settings changed from the default values from each previous chart.
    - ChartJS is enabled by default - update settings to disable as below
    - All chart types are now available in the ChartsJS Plugin
    - Multiple Datasets can be added as Child Plugins of the parent ChartJS Plugin
    - Global Options are added in the Admin, as required.
    - All Options come from the ChartJS object/dictionary and are using a Select2 list

## Quick start
1. Add 'djangocms_charts' to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this::


2. Run `python migrate` to create the djangocms_charts models.

3. Ensure you have your own version of jQuery added to block 'js'. See here:

4. Add a DjangoCMS ChartJS Plugin to your web page!

## Caching [Optional]
The queries and building up of each chart can be expensive for many options/data rows/charts etc. 
To speed this up set up a dedicated DjangoCMS Charts cache.
This **should be a unique cache** as it will require to be cleared after saving any charts object due to the complex relationship between all objects.

1. In `` add `DJANGOCMS_CHARTS_CACHE = 'djangocms_charts'` which should map to a unique cache.

2. In your `CACHES` add the charts cache - sample backend below - use your own cache system:
    'default': {
        'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.locmem.LocMemCache',
        'LOCATION': 'djangocms_charts',
        'OPTIONS': {
            'MAX_ENTRIES': 5000

## URLS [Optional]
If access to the JSON Vesion of the chart is required add the following to your `` :

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^chartjs/', include('djangocms_charts.urls')),
The JSON view can then be accessed via:
 - Chart View: `[url]/chartjs/get_chart_as_json/[chart_id]/`
 - Global Options View: `[url]/get_global_options_as_json/[options_id]/`

## ChartJs-Sass [Optional]
All chart dataset colours (backgroundColor, borderColor, etc) can be set using CSS via ChartJS-Sass. This JS library will update any unspecified colors with those specified in the CSS and built using SASS.
For more details see:

1. To disable/enable, in `` add `DJANGOCMS_CHARTS_ENABLE_CHARTJS_SASS = True or False (default=True)` 

## Usage

### Chart Types
The following chart types can be selected with options (see below)
- Line
- Line XY (Scatter with line)
- Bar
- Horizontal Bar
- Radar
- Polar
- Pie
- Doughnut
- Bubble
- Scatter
- Mixed (see Multiple Datasets)

### Input Data
All input data will be used as below.
NB: Multiple datasets can be added as either:
- Dataset Plugins as child to each Chart Plugin (customisable colours/formats etc)
- Multiple rows or columns within a Chart input table (scriptable colours/formats)

    # Line, Bar, Radar, Doughnut, Pie, PolarArea
    # ------------------------------------------
    # Datasets in 'cols' > TRANSPOSED
    #       Label_1,    Label_2, ...
    # Jan-20    10      30
    # Feb-20    20      40
    # ...
    # OR
    # Datasets in 'rows'    > USES THIS FORMAT INTERNALLY
    #       Jan-20      Feb-20, ...
    # Label_1   10      20
    # Label_2   30      40
    # ...
    # Bubble [r], Scatter, Line_XY
    # ----------------------------
    # [r - radius - is ignored for line and scatter]
    # Datasets in 'cols' > TRANSPOSED
    #   x   10   20     ...
    #   y   30   40     ...
    #  [r]   5   10     ...
    # OR
    # Datasets in 'rows'    > USES THIS FORMAT INTERNALLY
    #   x,      y,      [r]
    #   10      30      5
    #   20      40      10
    #   ...

### Axes

Multiple Axes can be added using X Axis or Y Axis. Each Axis can be used multiple times (e.g. Linear axis).
Options for Axes are set below.

### Multiple Datasets

Multiple datasets can be added as rows/columns of the main chart, or added as Dataset child plugins.
The rendering order for ChartJS is that the first dataset is top-most - this plugin prepends the subsequent child datasets so the last dataset is top-most.

### Mixed Types

Each child Dataset can have a different type, thus creating a Mixed Chart. 
**NB:** Some types do not mix well (Radar/Bar etc) - we make no validation on each possible combination.

## Dataset Colors
Dataset Color Groups can be specified as a user-friendly list of colors, with a click-and-drag sortable feature.

### Specifying the color group
Specifications for each group require the following:
- Type (select multiple types with Ctrl)
    - the Chart/Dataset type that these colors will be applied to
- Namespace Labels (select multiple types with Ctrl)
    - the dataset namespace labels that will use these colors
    - e.g. `backgroundColor, borderColor, pointBackgroundColor, ...`
- Colors 
    - a text list of **hex only** colors
    - these can be selected/edited/rearranged through the interface

### Application of Color Groups 
These color groups can then be applied as follows:
- Globally 
    - by assigning the color group to the Global Settings
    - any Chart/Dataset (without colors specified) will use these colors
- By Chart
    - all of the Chart datasets and any sub-datasets (without colors specified) will have these colors applied
- By Dataset
    - any Dataset can specifically use this Color Group 

### Color By Dataset or Series
The flag to set 'Color by Dataset' will do the following:
- Color by Dataset: `True`
    - Each individual Dataset will use one color from the color array based on its index
    - e.g. with a color array of `[red, green, blue]`
    #       Jan-20      Feb-20, ...
    # Label_1   10      20      <- red
    # Label_2   30      40      <- green
    # Label_3   50      60      <- blue
- Color by Series: `False`
    - Each individual Dataset will get the full color array to use for each element in Series
    - e.g. with a color array of `[red, green, blue]`
    #           Jan-20      Feb-20, ...
    # Label_1   10  <- red    20      <- green
    # Label_2   30  <- red    40      <- green
    # Label_3   50  <- red    60      <- green

## Options

Options are set in JavaScript using the settings provided by ChartJS - Use this documentation: 

The Options are assigned in ascending order of priority as:
- `<option>` - see GlobalOptionsGroup in Admin
- `chart.options.<option>` - see ChartOptions Group selectable for each chart
- `chart.options.<option>` - see ChartSpecificOptions assigned to each chart individually
- `dataset.<option>` - see DatasetOptionsGroup selectable for each dataset
- `dataset.<option>` - see DatasetSpecificOptions assigned to each dataset individually
- `chart.options.scales.<axes>.<option>` - see AxisOptionsGroup selectable for each axis 

### Option Input Types

ChartJS accepts various input option formats, some can be scripted, functions, numbers, or text.
DjangoCMS Charts options can be input as any one of the following types:

**NB. there is no validation of input types - Errors will appear in the console** 
- text
    - Any form of text input, such as a colour. e.g.  `#28aece`
    - Sample output: `{"option_name": "#28aece"}`
- number
    - Either an integer or float can be input e.g. `2 or 3.5`
    - A float (with a '.') will be converted to float
    - Sample output: `{"option_name": 2}`  
- boolean
    - Text or number be cast to a boolean, can be any of `'true', 'false', 1, 0`
    - Sample output: `{"option_name": true}`
- json
    - Text to be parsed and loaded as valid Json, e.g. `['red', 'blue', 'green']`
    - Sample output: `{"option_name": ["red", "blue", "green"]}`
- array
    - Will split a string array into elements using the following (in order): 
        - `"\n"`  (new line)
        - `","`   (comma)
        - `"\t"`  (tab)
        - `" "`   (space)
    - Sample input: `red blue green`
    - Sample output: `{"option_name": ["red", "green", "blue"}]`
- function
    - A js function string that will be cleaned (new lines etc.) and injected into the code.
    - Can be a valid function name or complete function **without comments**
    - Sample: 
  function(context) {
    var index = context.dataIndex;
    var value =[index];
    return value < 0 ? 'red' :
        index % 2 ? 'blue' :  

# More details on ChartJs
ChartJs is a dynamic JS charting application giving users an interactive and visually appealing chart in an html 5 canvas. Each type of chart is available:


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "djangocms-charts",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": "",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "",
    "author": "Michael Carder Ltd",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# DjangoCMS_Charts\r\n\r\n\r\n[![PyPI version](](\r\n[![PyPi downloads](](\r\n\r\nA plugin for DjangoCMS that creates easy to use and fully customisable ChartJs (ver 2.x) charts - with a table and csv upload interface.\r\n\r\n## Updates\r\n\r\n- 3.0.0\r\n    - **CAUTION** - This is a complete refactoring of DjangoCMS Charts to ChartJS version 2.x\r\n    - ***All Models, Fields, and Options have changed***\r\n    - ***Due to changes in ChartJS 1.x > 2.x - Not all Custom settings will be migrated***\r\n    - The migrations attempt to bring over any settings changed from the default values from each previous chart.\r\n    - ChartJS is enabled by default - update settings to disable as below\r\n    - All chart types are now available in the ChartsJS Plugin\r\n    - Multiple Datasets can be added as Child Plugins of the parent ChartJS Plugin\r\n    - Global Options are added in the Admin, as required.\r\n    - All Options come from the ChartJS object/dictionary and are using a Select2 list\r\n\r\n## Quick start\r\n1. Add 'djangocms_charts' to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this::\r\n\r\n    INSTALLED_APPS = [\r\n        ...\r\n        'djangocms_charts',\r\n    ]\r\n\r\n2. Run `python migrate` to create the djangocms_charts models.\r\n\r\n3. Ensure you have your own version of jQuery added to block 'js'. See here:\r\n\r\n4. Add a DjangoCMS ChartJS Plugin to your web page!\r\n\r\n## Caching [Optional]\r\nThe queries and building up of each chart can be expensive for many options/data rows/charts etc. \r\nTo speed this up set up a dedicated DjangoCMS Charts cache.\r\nThis **should be a unique cache** as it will require to be cleared after saving any charts object due to the complex relationship between all objects.\r\n\r\n1. In `` add `DJANGOCMS_CHARTS_CACHE = 'djangocms_charts'` which should map to a unique cache.\r\n\r\n2. In your `CACHES` add the charts cache - sample backend below - use your own cache system:\r\n```\r\nCACHES = {\r\n    'default': {\r\n        ...\r\n    },\r\n    'djangocms_charts':{\r\n        'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.locmem.LocMemCache',\r\n        'LOCATION': 'djangocms_charts',\r\n        'TIMEOUT': CACHE_MIDDLEWARE_SECONDS,\r\n        'OPTIONS': {\r\n            'MAX_ENTRIES': 5000\r\n        }\r\n    },\r\n}\r\n```\r\n\r\n## URLS [Optional]\r\nIf access to the JSON Vesion of the chart is required add the following to your `` :\r\n\r\n```\r\nurlpatterns = [\r\n    ...\r\n    url(r'^chartjs/', include('djangocms_charts.urls')),\r\n    ...\r\n]\r\n```\r\nThe JSON view can then be accessed via:\r\n - Chart View: `[url]/chartjs/get_chart_as_json/[chart_id]/`\r\n - Global Options View: `[url]/get_global_options_as_json/[options_id]/`\r\n\r\n\r\n## ChartJs-Sass [Optional]\r\nAll chart dataset colours (backgroundColor, borderColor, etc) can be set using CSS via ChartJS-Sass. This JS library will update any unspecified colors with those specified in the CSS and built using SASS.\r\nFor more details see:\r\n\r\n1. To disable/enable, in `` add `DJANGOCMS_CHARTS_ENABLE_CHARTJS_SASS = True or False (default=True)` \r\n\r\n\r\n## Usage\r\n\r\n### Chart Types\r\nThe following chart types can be selected with options (see below)\r\n- Line\r\n- Line XY (Scatter with line)\r\n- Bar\r\n- Horizontal Bar\r\n- Radar\r\n- Polar\r\n- Pie\r\n- Doughnut\r\n- Bubble\r\n- Scatter\r\n- Mixed (see Multiple Datasets)\r\n\r\n\r\n### Input Data\r\nAll input data will be used as below.\r\n \r\nNB: Multiple datasets can be added as either:\r\n- Dataset Plugins as child to each Chart Plugin (customisable colours/formats etc)\r\n- Multiple rows or columns within a Chart input table (scriptable colours/formats)\r\n\r\n```\r\n    # Line, Bar, Radar, Doughnut, Pie, PolarArea\r\n    # ------------------------------------------\r\n    # Datasets in 'cols' > TRANSPOSED\r\n    #       Label_1,    Label_2, ...\r\n    # Jan-20    10      30\r\n    # Feb-20    20      40\r\n    # ...\r\n    #\r\n    # OR\r\n    #\r\n    # Datasets in 'rows'    > USES THIS FORMAT INTERNALLY\r\n    #       Jan-20      Feb-20, ...\r\n    # Label_1   10      20\r\n    # Label_2   30      40\r\n    # ...\r\n    #\r\n    # Bubble [r], Scatter, Line_XY\r\n    # ----------------------------\r\n    # [r - radius - is ignored for line and scatter]\r\n    #\r\n    # Datasets in 'cols' > TRANSPOSED\r\n    #   x   10   20     ...\r\n    #   y   30   40     ...\r\n    #  [r]   5   10     ...\r\n    #\r\n    # OR\r\n    #\r\n    # Datasets in 'rows'    > USES THIS FORMAT INTERNALLY\r\n    #   x,      y,      [r]\r\n    #   10      30      5\r\n    #   20      40      10\r\n    #   ...\r\n```\r\n\r\n### Axes\r\n\r\n\r\nMultiple Axes can be added using X Axis or Y Axis. Each Axis can be used multiple times (e.g. Linear axis).\r\nOptions for Axes are set below.\r\n\r\n### Multiple Datasets\r\n\r\n\r\nMultiple datasets can be added as rows/columns of the main chart, or added as Dataset child plugins.\r\nThe rendering order for ChartJS is that the first dataset is top-most - this plugin prepends the subsequent child datasets so the last dataset is top-most.\r\n\r\n### Mixed Types\r\n\r\n\r\nEach child Dataset can have a different type, thus creating a Mixed Chart. \r\n**NB:** Some types do not mix well (Radar/Bar etc) - we make no validation on each possible combination.\r\n\r\n## Dataset Colors\r\nDataset Color Groups can be specified as a user-friendly list of colors, with a click-and-drag sortable feature.\r\n\r\n### Specifying the color group\r\nSpecifications for each group require the following:\r\n- Type (select multiple types with Ctrl)\r\n    - the Chart/Dataset type that these colors will be applied to\r\n- Namespace Labels (select multiple types with Ctrl)\r\n    - the dataset namespace labels that will use these colors\r\n    - e.g. `backgroundColor, borderColor, pointBackgroundColor, ...`\r\n- Colors \r\n    - a text list of **hex only** colors\r\n    - these can be selected/edited/rearranged through the interface\r\n\r\n### Application of Color Groups \r\nThese color groups can then be applied as follows:\r\n- Globally \r\n    - by assigning the color group to the Global Settings\r\n    - any Chart/Dataset (without colors specified) will use these colors\r\n- By Chart\r\n    - all of the Chart datasets and any sub-datasets (without colors specified) will have these colors applied\r\n- By Dataset\r\n    - any Dataset can specifically use this Color Group \r\n\r\n### Color By Dataset or Series\r\nThe flag to set 'Color by Dataset' will do the following:\r\n- Color by Dataset: `True`\r\n    - Each individual Dataset will use one color from the color array based on its index\r\n    - e.g. with a color array of `[red, green, blue]`\r\n    ```\r\n    #       Jan-20      Feb-20, ...\r\n    # Label_1   10      20      <- red\r\n    # Label_2   30      40      <- green\r\n    # Label_3   50      60      <- blue\r\n    ```\r\n- Color by Series: `False`\r\n    - Each individual Dataset will get the full color array to use for each element in Series\r\n    - e.g. with a color array of `[red, green, blue]`\r\n    ```\r\n    #           Jan-20      Feb-20, ...\r\n    # Label_1   10  <- red    20      <- green\r\n    # Label_2   30  <- red    40      <- green\r\n    # Label_3   50  <- red    60      <- green\r\n    ```\r\n\r\n## Options\r\n\r\n\r\nOptions are set in JavaScript using the settings provided by ChartJS - Use this documentation: \r\n\r\nThe Options are assigned in ascending order of priority as:\r\n- `<option>` - see GlobalOptionsGroup in Admin\r\n- `chart.options.<option>` - see ChartOptions Group selectable for each chart\r\n- `chart.options.<option>` - see ChartSpecificOptions assigned to each chart individually\r\n- `dataset.<option>` - see DatasetOptionsGroup selectable for each dataset\r\n- `dataset.<option>` - see DatasetSpecificOptions assigned to each dataset individually\r\n- `chart.options.scales.<axes>.<option>` - see AxisOptionsGroup selectable for each axis \r\n\r\n### Option Input Types\r\n\r\n\r\nChartJS accepts various input option formats, some can be scripted, functions, numbers, or text.\r\nDjangoCMS Charts options can be input as any one of the following types:\r\n\r\n**NB. there is no validation of input types - Errors will appear in the console** \r\n- text\r\n    - Any form of text input, such as a colour. e.g.  `#28aece`\r\n    - Sample output: `{\"option_name\": \"#28aece\"}`\r\n- number\r\n    - Either an integer or float can be input e.g. `2 or 3.5`\r\n    - A float (with a '.') will be converted to float\r\n    - Sample output: `{\"option_name\": 2}`  \r\n- boolean\r\n    - Text or number be cast to a boolean, can be any of `'true', 'false', 1, 0`\r\n    - Sample output: `{\"option_name\": true}`\r\n- json\r\n    - Text to be parsed and loaded as valid Json, e.g. `['red', 'blue', 'green']`\r\n    - Sample output: `{\"option_name\": [\"red\", \"blue\", \"green\"]}`\r\n- array\r\n    - Will split a string array into elements using the following (in order): \r\n        - `\"\\n\"`  (new line)\r\n        - `\",\"`   (comma)\r\n        - `\"\\t\"`  (tab)\r\n        - `\" \"`   (space)\r\n    - Sample input: `red blue green`\r\n    - Sample output: `{\"option_name\": [\"red\", \"green\", \"blue\"}]`\r\n- function\r\n    - A js function string that will be cleaned (new lines etc.) and injected into the code.\r\n    - Can be a valid function name or complete function **without comments**\r\n    - Sample: \r\n    ```\r\n  function(context) {\r\n    var index = context.dataIndex;\r\n    var value =[index];\r\n    return value < 0 ? 'red' :\r\n        index % 2 ? 'blue' :  \r\n        'green';\r\n    }\r\n    ```\r\n\r\n# More details on ChartJs\r\n\r\n \r\nChartJs is a dynamic JS charting application giving users an interactive and visually appealing chart in an html 5 canvas. Each type of chart is available:\r\n\r\n",
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