
Namedocker2mqtt JSON
Version 2.1.0 PyPI version JSON
SummarySend your docker stats and and events to mqtt and discovery them in home assistant.
upload_time2024-09-19 18:01:10
authorCyrill Raccaud
keywords mqtt paho docker metrics
requirements paho-mqtt
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # docker2mqtt - Deliver docker status information over MQTT


This program uses `docker events` to watch for changes in your docker containers, and `docker stats` for metrics about those containers, and delivers current status to MQTT. It will also publish Home Assistant MQTT Discovery messages so that (binary) sensors automatically show up in Home Assistant.

_This is part of a family of similar tools:_

* [miaucl/linux2mqtt](
* [miaucl/docker2mqtt](
* [miaucl/systemctl2mqtt](

## Installation and Deployment

It is available as python package on [pypi/docker2mqtt]( or as a docker image on [](

### Pypi package

[![PyPI version](](

pip install docker2mqtt
docker2mqtt --name MyDockerName --events -vvvvv


from docker2mqtt import Docker2Mqtt, DEFAULT_CONFIG

cfg = Docker2MqttConfig({ 
  "host": "mosquitto",
  "enable_events": True

  docker2mqtt = Docker2Mqtt(cfg)

except Exception as ex:
  # Do something

### Docker image

[![1] ![2] ![3]](

[1]: <>
[2]: <,*-rc*&n=3&label=image&trim=>
[3]: <>

Use docker to launch this. Please note that you must give it access to your docker socket, which is typically located at `/var/run/docker.sock`. A typical invocation is:

`docker run --network mqtt -e MQTT_HOST=mosquitto -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock`

You can also use docker compose:

    container_name: docker2mqtt
      - DOCKER2MQTT_HOSTNAME=my_docker_host
      - MQTT_HOST=mosquitto
      - MQTT_USER=username
      - MQTT_PASSWD=password
      - EVENTS=1
      - STATS=1
    restart: unless-stopped
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro

## Default Configuration

You can use environment variables to control the behavior.

| Config | Env Variable | Default | Description |
| `log_level`| `LOG_LEVEL` | `INFO` | Set to `DEBUG,INFO,WARN,ERROR,CRITICAL` to enable different levels of verbosity. |
| `docker2mqtt_hostname`| `DOCKER2MQTT_HOSTNAME` | docker2mqtt Container Hostname | The hostname of your docker host. This will be the container's hostname by default, you probably want to override it. |
| `homeassistant_prefix`| `HOMEASSISTANT_PREFIX` | `homeassistant` | The prefix for Home Assistant discovery. Must be the same as `discovery_prefix` in your Home Assistant configuration. |
| `mqtt_client_id`| `MQTT_CLIENT_ID` | `mqtt2discord` | The client id to send to the MQTT broker. |
| `mqtt_host`| `MQTT_HOST` | `localhost` | The MQTT broker to connect to. |
| `mqtt_port`| `MQTT_PORT` | `1883` | The port on the broker to connect to. |
| `mqtt_user`| `MQTT_USER` | | The user to send to the MQTT broker. Leave unset to disable authentication. |
| `mqtt_password`| `MQTT_PASSWD` | | The password to send to the MQTT broker. Leave unset to disable authentication. |
| `mqtt_timeout`| `MQTT_TIMEOUT` | `30` | The timeout for the MQTT connection. |
| `mqtt_topic_prefix`| `MQTT_TOPIC_PREFIX` | `docker` | The MQTT topic prefix. With the default data will be published to `docker/<hostname>`. |
| `mqtt_qos`| `MQTT_QOS` | `1` | The MQTT QOS level |
| `container_whitelist` | `CONTAINER_WHITELIST` | | Define a whitelist for containers to consider, if empty, everything is monitored. The entries are either match as literal strings or as regex. |
| `container_blacklist` | `CONTAINER_BLACKLIST` | | Define a blacklist for containers to consider, takes priority over whitelist. The entries are either match as literal strings or as regex. |
| `destroyed_container_ttl`| `DESTROYED_CONTAINER_TTL` | `86400` | How long, in seconds, before destroyed containers are removed from Home Assistant. Containers won't be removed if the service is restarted before the TTL expires. |
| `stats_record_seconds`| `STATS_RECORD_SECONDS` | `30` | The number of seconds to record state and make an average |
| `enable_events`| `EVENTS` | `0` | 1 Or 0 for processing events |
| `enable_stats`| `STATS` | `0` | 1 Or 0 for processing statistics |

## Consuming The Data

Data is published to the topic `docker/<DOCKER2MQTT_HOSTNAME>/<container>/events` using JSON serialization. It will arrive whenever a change happens and its type can be inspected in []( or the documentation.

Data is also published to the topic `docker/<DOCKER2MQTT_HOSTNAME>/<container>/stats` using JSON serialization. It will arrive every `STATS_RECORD_SECONDS` seconds or so and its type can be inspected in []( or the documentation.

## Home Assistant

Once `docker2mqtt` is collecting data and publishing it to MQTT, it's rather trivial to use the data in Home Assistant.

A few assumptions:

* **Home Assistant is already configured to use a MQTT broker.** Setting up MQTT and HA is beyond the scope of this documentation. However, there are a lot of great tutorials on YouTube. An external broker (or as add-on) like [Mosquitto]( will need to be installed and the HA MQTT integration configured.
* **The HA MQTT integration is configured to use `homeassistant` as the MQTT autodiscovery prefix.** This is the default for the integration and also the default for `docker2mqtt`. If you have changed this from the default, use the `--prefix` parameter to specify the correct one.
* **You're not using TLS to connect to the MQTT broker.** Currently `docker2mqtt` only works with unencrypted connections. Username / password authentication can be specified with the `--username` and `--password` parameters, but TLS encryption is not yet supported.

After you start the service (binary) sensors should show up in Home Assistant immediately. Look for sensors that start with `(binary_)sensor.docker`. Metadata about the container will be available as attributes for events, which you can then expose using template sensors if you wish.

![Screenshot of Home Assistant sensor showing status and attributes.](

## Documentation

Using `mkdocs`, the documentation and reference is generated and available on [github pages](

## Dev

Setup the dev environment using VSCode, it is highly recommended.

python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements_dev.txt

Install [pre-commit](

pre-commit install

# Run the commit hooks manually
pre-commit run --all-files

Following VSCode integrations may be helpful:

* [ruff](
* [mypy](
* [markdownlint](

### Releasing

It is only possible to release a _final version_ on the `master` branch. For it to pass the gates of the `publish` workflow, it must have the same version in the `tag`, the `setup.cfg`, the `bring_api/` and an entry in the `` file.

To release a prerelease version, no changelog entry is required, but it can only happen on a feature branch (**not** `master` branch). Also, prerelease versions are marked as such in the github release page.

## Credits

This is a detached fork from the repo <>, which does not seem to get evolved anymore.


## 2.1.0

* Update version package identifier and bump setuptools
* Fix mypy setup

## 2.0.5

* Re-release due to bad deploy pipeline

## 2.0.4

* Update the discovery jsons for home assistant

## 2.0.3

* Transform the mqtt port cli arg to int as a str is not accepted by the paho.mqtt library
* Fix the container filter not only at startup but also at runtime

## 2.0.2

* Add version cli options to display package version
* Separate the entrypoints for cli (using cli arguments) and docker (using env vars)

## 2.0.1

* Fix white- and blacklist config via docker env where and empty string resulted in a pass-all regex overwriting the blacklist.

## 2.0.0

* Rework of the complete structure, but no functional changes.


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "docker2mqtt",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.11",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": "mqtt, paho, docker, metrics",
    "author": "Cyrill Raccaud",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# docker2mqtt - Deliver docker status information over MQTT\n\n[![Mypy](](\n[![Ruff](](\n[![Markdownlint](](\n[![Publish](](\n\nThis program uses `docker events` to watch for changes in your docker containers, and `docker stats` for metrics about those containers, and delivers current status to MQTT. It will also publish Home Assistant MQTT Discovery messages so that (binary) sensors automatically show up in Home Assistant.\n\n_This is part of a family of similar tools:_\n\n* [miaucl/linux2mqtt](\n* [miaucl/docker2mqtt](\n* [miaucl/systemctl2mqtt](\n\n## Installation and Deployment\n\nIt is available as python package on [pypi/docker2mqtt]( or as a docker image on [](\n\n### Pypi package\n\n[![PyPI version](](\n\n```bash\npip install docker2mqtt\ndocker2mqtt --name MyDockerName --events -vvvvv\n```\n\nUsage\n\n```python\nfrom docker2mqtt import Docker2Mqtt, DEFAULT_CONFIG\n\ncfg = Docker2MqttConfig({ \n  **DEFAULT_CONFIG,\n  \"host\": \"mosquitto\",\n  \"enable_events\": True\n})\n\ntry:\n  docker2mqtt = Docker2Mqtt(cfg)\n  docker2mqtt.loop_busy()\n\nexcept Exception as ex:\n  # Do something\n```\n\n### Docker image\n\n[![1] ![2] ![3]](\n\n[1]: <>\n[2]: <,*-rc*&n=3&label=image&trim=>\n[3]: <>\n\nUse docker to launch this. Please note that you must give it access to your docker socket, which is typically located at `/var/run/docker.sock`. A typical invocation is:\n\n`docker run --network mqtt -e MQTT_HOST=mosquitto -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock`\n\nYou can also use docker compose:\n\n```yaml\nservices:\n  docker2mqtt:\n    container_name: docker2mqtt\n    image:\n    environment:\n      - DOCKER2MQTT_HOSTNAME=my_docker_host\n      - MQTT_HOST=mosquitto\n      - MQTT_USER=username\n      - MQTT_PASSWD=password\n      - EVENTS=1\n      - STATS=1\n    restart: unless-stopped\n    volumes:\n      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro\n```\n\n## Default Configuration\n\nYou can use environment variables to control the behavior.\n\n| Config | Env Variable | Default | Description |\n|--------|--------------|---------|-------------|\n| `log_level`| `LOG_LEVEL` | `INFO` | Set to `DEBUG,INFO,WARN,ERROR,CRITICAL` to enable different levels of verbosity. |\n| `docker2mqtt_hostname`| `DOCKER2MQTT_HOSTNAME` | docker2mqtt Container Hostname | The hostname of your docker host. This will be the container's hostname by default, you probably want to override it. |\n| `homeassistant_prefix`| `HOMEASSISTANT_PREFIX` | `homeassistant` | The prefix for Home Assistant discovery. Must be the same as `discovery_prefix` in your Home Assistant configuration. |\n| `mqtt_client_id`| `MQTT_CLIENT_ID` | `mqtt2discord` | The client id to send to the MQTT broker. |\n| `mqtt_host`| `MQTT_HOST` | `localhost` | The MQTT broker to connect to. |\n| `mqtt_port`| `MQTT_PORT` | `1883` | The port on the broker to connect to. |\n| `mqtt_user`| `MQTT_USER` | | The user to send to the MQTT broker. Leave unset to disable authentication. |\n| `mqtt_password`| `MQTT_PASSWD` | | The password to send to the MQTT broker. Leave unset to disable authentication. |\n| `mqtt_timeout`| `MQTT_TIMEOUT` | `30` | The timeout for the MQTT connection. |\n| `mqtt_topic_prefix`| `MQTT_TOPIC_PREFIX` | `docker` | The MQTT topic prefix. With the default data will be published to `docker/<hostname>`. |\n| `mqtt_qos`| `MQTT_QOS` | `1` | The MQTT QOS level |\n| `container_whitelist` | `CONTAINER_WHITELIST` | | Define a whitelist for containers to consider, if empty, everything is monitored. The entries are either match as literal strings or as regex. |\n| `container_blacklist` | `CONTAINER_BLACKLIST` | | Define a blacklist for containers to consider, takes priority over whitelist. The entries are either match as literal strings or as regex. |\n| `destroyed_container_ttl`| `DESTROYED_CONTAINER_TTL` | `86400` | How long, in seconds, before destroyed containers are removed from Home Assistant. Containers won't be removed if the service is restarted before the TTL expires. |\n| `stats_record_seconds`| `STATS_RECORD_SECONDS` | `30` | The number of seconds to record state and make an average |\n| `enable_events`| `EVENTS` | `0` | 1 Or 0 for processing events |\n| `enable_stats`| `STATS` | `0` | 1 Or 0 for processing statistics |\n\n## Consuming The Data\n\nData is published to the topic `docker/<DOCKER2MQTT_HOSTNAME>/<container>/events` using JSON serialization. It will arrive whenever a change happens and its type can be inspected in []( or the documentation.\n\nData is also published to the topic `docker/<DOCKER2MQTT_HOSTNAME>/<container>/stats` using JSON serialization. It will arrive every `STATS_RECORD_SECONDS` seconds or so and its type can be inspected in []( or the documentation.\n\n## Home Assistant\n\nOnce `docker2mqtt` is collecting data and publishing it to MQTT, it's rather trivial to use the data in Home Assistant.\n\nA few assumptions:\n\n* **Home Assistant is already configured to use a MQTT broker.** Setting up MQTT and HA is beyond the scope of this documentation. However, there are a lot of great tutorials on YouTube. An external broker (or as add-on) like [Mosquitto]( will need to be installed and the HA MQTT integration configured.\n* **The HA MQTT integration is configured to use `homeassistant` as the MQTT autodiscovery prefix.** This is the default for the integration and also the default for `docker2mqtt`. If you have changed this from the default, use the `--prefix` parameter to specify the correct one.\n* **You're not using TLS to connect to the MQTT broker.** Currently `docker2mqtt` only works with unencrypted connections. Username / password authentication can be specified with the `--username` and `--password` parameters, but TLS encryption is not yet supported.\n\nAfter you start the service (binary) sensors should show up in Home Assistant immediately. Look for sensors that start with `(binary_)sensor.docker`. Metadata about the container will be available as attributes for events, which you can then expose using template sensors if you wish.\n\n![Screenshot of Home Assistant sensor showing status and attributes.](\n\n## Documentation\n\nUsing `mkdocs`, the documentation and reference is generated and available on [github pages](\n\n## Dev\n\nSetup the dev environment using VSCode, it is highly recommended.\n\n```bash\npython -m venv .venv\nsource .venv/bin/activate\npip install -r requirements_dev.txt\n```\n\nInstall [pre-commit](\n\n```bash\npre-commit install\n\n# Run the commit hooks manually\npre-commit run --all-files\n```\n\nFollowing VSCode integrations may be helpful:\n\n* [ruff](\n* [mypy](\n* [markdownlint](\n\n### Releasing\n\nIt is only possible to release a _final version_ on the `master` branch. For it to pass the gates of the `publish` workflow, it must have the same version in the `tag`, the `setup.cfg`, the `bring_api/` and an entry in the `` file.\n\nTo release a prerelease version, no changelog entry is required, but it can only happen on a feature branch (**not** `master` branch). Also, prerelease versions are marked as such in the github release page.\n\n## Credits\n\nThis is a detached fork from the repo <>, which does not seem to get evolved anymore.\n\n# CHANGELOG\n\n## 2.1.0\n\n* Update version package identifier and bump setuptools\n* Fix mypy setup\n\n## 2.0.5\n\n* Re-release due to bad deploy pipeline\n\n## 2.0.4\n\n* Update the discovery jsons for home assistant\n\n## 2.0.3\n\n* Transform the mqtt port cli arg to int as a str is not accepted by the paho.mqtt library\n* Fix the container filter not only at startup but also at runtime\n\n## 2.0.2\n\n* Add version cli options to display package version\n* Separate the entrypoints for cli (using cli arguments) and docker (using env vars)\n\n## 2.0.1\n\n* Fix white- and blacklist config via docker env where and empty string resulted in a pass-all regex overwriting the blacklist.\n\n## 2.0.0\n\n* Rework of the complete structure, but no functional changes.\n",
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    "summary": "Send your docker stats and and events to mqtt and discovery them in home assistant.",
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    "requirements": [
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    "lcname": "docker2mqtt"
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