
Namedrove-cli JSON
Version 0.0.2 PyPI version JSON
SummaryDrove Command Line Interface
upload_time2024-07-22 06:19:02
maintainerSantanu Sinha
authorSantanu Sinha
keywords container docker podman distributed-systems container-orchestrator
requirements Requests tabulate tenacity urllib3
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # Drove CLI

Command line interface for the Drove Container Orchestrator.

# Getting Started

## Installation

You can install the cli from from PyPI.

pip install drove-cli

Reactivate/deactivate virtual environment based on the need to utilize drove cli.

## Running using docker
The cli is pushed as a docker for easy access. This also elimintates the need for having python etc setup on your system.

1) Pull the image:
docker pull ghcr.io/phonepe/drove-cli:latest

2) Create a shell script called `drove` with the following content:

#! /bin/sh
docker run \
    --rm --interactive --tty --network host \
    --name drove-cli -v ${HOME}/.drove:/root/.drove:ro  \
    ghcr.io/phonepe/drove-cli:latest "$@"


3) Make the script executable
chmod a+x drove

4) Put the path to this script in your `~/.bashrc`.

export PATH="${PATH}:/path/to/your/script"

5) Logout/login or run `. ~/.bashrc` to load the new [path]

6) Run drove cli
drove -h

## Requirements
The CLI is written in Python 3x

## Accessing the Documentation
The arguments needed by the script are self documenting. Please use `-h` or `--help` in different sections and sub-sections of the CLI to get descriptions of commands, sub-commands, their arguments and options.

To see basic help:

$ drove -h

usage: drove [-h] [--file FILE] [--cluster CLUSTER] [--endpoint ENDPOINT] [--auth-header AUTH_HEADER] [--insecure INSECURE] [--username USERNAME] [--password PASSWORD] [--debug]
             {executor,cluster,apps,appinstances,tasks} ...

positional arguments:
                        Available plugins
    executor            Drove cluster executor related commands
    cluster             Drove cluster related commands
    apps                Drove application related commands
    appinstances        Drove application instance related commands
    tasks               Drove task related commands

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --file FILE, -f FILE  Configuration file for drove client
  --cluster CLUSTER, -c CLUSTER
                        Cluster name as specified in config file
  --endpoint ENDPOINT, -e ENDPOINT
                        Drove endpoint. (For example: https://drove.test.com)
  --auth-header AUTH_HEADER, -t AUTH_HEADER
                        Authorization header value for the provided drove endpoint
  --insecure INSECURE, -i INSECURE
                        Do not verify SSL cert for server
  --username USERNAME, -u USERNAME
                        Drove cluster username
  --password PASSWORD, -p PASSWORD
                        Drove cluster password
  --debug, -d           Print details of errors


To see documentation for a command/section:
$ drove cluster -h
usage: drove cluster [-h] {ping,summary,leader,endpoints,events,maintenance-on,maintenance-off} ...

positional arguments:
                        Available commands for cluster management
    ping                Ping the cluster
    summary             Show cluster summary
    leader              Show leader for cluster
    endpoints           Show all exposed endpoints
    events              Events on the cluster
    maintenance-on      Set cluster to maintenance mode
    maintenance-off     Removed maintenance mode on cluster

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

To further drill down into options for a sub-command/subsection:
$ drove cluster events -h
usage: drove cluster events [-h] [--follow] [--type TYPE] [--count COUNT] [--textfmt TEXTFMT]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --follow, -f          Follow events (Press CTRL-C to kill)
  --type TYPE, -t TYPE  Output events of only the matching type
  --count COUNT, -c COUNT
                        Fetch <count> events at a time.
  --textfmt TEXTFMT, -s TEXTFMT
                        Use the format string to print message

# Connecting to the Drove cluster

In order to use the CLI, we need to provide coordinates to the cluster to connect to. This can be done in the following manner:

## Drove CLI config file
The config file can be located in the following paths:
* `.drove` file in your home directory (Typically used for the default cluster you frequently connect to)
*  A file in any path that can be passed as a parameter to the CLI with the `-f FILE` option

### Config File format
This file is in ini format and is arranged in sections.

stage_token = <token1>
prod_token = <token2>

endpoint = http://localhost:10000
username = admin
password = admin

endpoint = https://stage.testdrove.io
auth_header = %(stage_token)s

endpoint = https://prod.testdrove.io
auth_header = %(prod_token)s


The `DEFAULT` section can be used to define common variables like Insecure etc. The `local`, `stage`, `production` etc are names for inidividual clusters and these sections can be used to define configuration for individual clusters. Cluster name is referred to in the command line by using the `-c` command line option.\
*Interpolation* of values is supported and can be acieved by using `%(variable_name)s` references.

> * Note: The `DEFAULT` section is mandatory
> * Note: The `s` at the end of `%(var)s` is mandatory for interpolation

### Contents of a Section
endpoint = https://yourcluster.yourdomain.com # Endpoint for cluster
insecure = true
username = <your_username>
password = <your_password>
auth_header= <Authorization value here if using header based auth>

Authentication priority:
* If both `username` and `password` are provided, basic auth is used.
* If a value is provided in the `auth_header` parameter, it is passed as the value for the `Authorization` header in the upstream HTTP calls to the Drove server verbatim.
* If neither, no auth is set

> NOTE: Use the `insecure` option to skip certificate checks on the server endpoint (comes in handy for internal domains)

To use a custom config file, invoke drove in the following form:

$ drove -f custom.conf ...

This will connect to the cluster if an endpoint is mentioned in the `DEFAULT` section.

$ drove -f custom.conf -c stage ...

This will connect to the cluster whose config is mentioned in the `[stage]` config section.

$ drove -c stage ...

This will connect to the cluster whose config is mentioned in the `[stage]` config section in `$HOME/.drove` config file.

## Command line options
Pass the endpoint and other options using `--endpoint|-e` etc etc. Options can be obtained using `-h` as mentioned above. Invocation will be in the form:

$ drove -e http://localhost:10000 -u guest -p guest ...

## CLI format
The following cli format is followed:

usage: drove [-h] [--file FILE] [--cluster CLUSTER] [--endpoint ENDPOINT] [--auth-header AUTH_HEADER] [--insecure INSECURE] [--username USERNAME] [--password PASSWORD] [--debug]
             {executor,cluster,apps,appinstances,tasks} ...
### Basic Arguments
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --file FILE, -f FILE  Configuration file for drove client
  --cluster CLUSTER, -c CLUSTER
                        Cluster name as specified in config file
  --endpoint ENDPOINT, -e ENDPOINT
                        Drove endpoint. (For example: https://drove.test.com)
  --auth-header AUTH_HEADER, -t AUTH_HEADER
                        Authorization header value for the provided drove endpoint
  --insecure INSECURE, -i INSECURE
                        Do not verify SSL cert for server
  --username USERNAME, -u USERNAME
                        Drove cluster username
  --password PASSWORD, -p PASSWORD
                        Drove cluster password
  --debug, -d           Print details of errors


## Commands
Commands in drove are meant to address specific functionality. They can be summarized as follows:
    list                List all executors
    info                Show details about executor
    appinstances        Show app instances running on this executor
    tasks               Show tasks running on this executor
    blacklist           Blacklist executors
    unblacklist         Un-blacklist executors
### executor
Drove cluster executor related commands

drove executor [-h] {list,info,appinstances,tasks} ...

#### Sub-commands

##### list

List all executors

drove executor list [-h]

##### info

Show details about executor

drove executor info [-h] executor-id

###### Positional Arguments

`executor-id` - Executor id for which info is to be shown

##### appinstances

Show app instances running on this executor

drove executor appinstances [-h] [--sort {0,1,2,3,4,5}] [--reverse] executor-id
###### Positional Arguments

`executor-id` - Executor id for which info is to be shown

###### Arguments

  --sort {0,1,2,3,4,5}, -s {0,1,2,3,4,5}
                        Sort output by column
  --reverse, -r         Sort in reverse order

##### tasks

Show tasks running on this executor

drove executor tasks [-h] [--sort {0,1,2,3,4,5}] [--reverse] executor-id

###### Positional Arguments

`executor-id` - Executor id for which info is to be shown

###### Named Arguments
  --sort {0,1,2,3,4,5}, -s {0,1,2,3,4,5}
                        Sort output by column
  --reverse, -r         Sort in reverse order

##### blacklist

Take executors out of rotation.

drove executor blacklist executor-id [executor-id ...]

###### Positional Arguments

`executor-id` - List of executor ids to be blacklisted. At least one is mandatory.

##### unblacklist

Bring blacklisted executors back into rotation.

drove executor blacklist executor-id [executor-id ...]

###### Positional Arguments

`executor-id` - List of executor ids to be blacklisted. At least one is mandatory.

### cluster
Drove cluster related commands

drove cluster [-h] {ping,summary,leader,endpoints,events} ...

#### Sub-commands

##### ping

Ping the cluster

drove cluster ping [-h]

##### summary

Show cluster summary

drove cluster summary [-h]

##### leader

Show leader for cluster
drove cluster leader [-h]
##### endpoints

Show all exposed endpoints
drove cluster endpoints [-h] [--vhost VHOST]

###### Named Arguments

  --vhost VHOST, -v VHOST
                        Show details only for the specific vhost

##### events

Events on the cluster

drove cluster events [-h] [--follow] [--type TYPE] [--count COUNT] [--textfmt TEXTFMT]

###### Named Arguments

  --follow, -f          Follow events (Press CTRL-C to kill)
  --type TYPE, -t TYPE  Output events of only the matching type
  --count COUNT, -c COUNT
                        Fetch <count> events at a time.
  --textfmt TEXTFMT, -s TEXTFMT
                        Use the format string to print message
                        Default: “{type: <25} | {id: <36} | {time: <20} | {metadata}”
##### maintenance-on
Set cluster to maintenance mode.

drove cluster maintenance-on
##### maintenance-off
Set cluster to normal mode.

drove cluster maintenance-off

### apps
Drove application related commands

drove apps [-h] {list,summary,spec,create,destroy,deploy,scale,suspend,restart,cancelop} ...
#### Sub-commands

##### list

List all applications

drove apps list [-h] [--sort {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}] [--reverse]

###### Named Arguments

  --sort {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}, -s {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}
                        Sort output by column
  --reverse, -r         Sort in reverse order

##### summary

Show a summary for an application
drove apps summary [-h] app-id
###### Positional Arguments

`app-id` - Application ID

##### spec

Print the raw json spec for an application
drove apps spec [-h] app-id
###### Positional Arguments

`app-id` - Application ID

##### create

Create application on cluster
drove apps create [-h] spec-file
###### Positional Arguments

`spec-file` - JSON spec file for the application

##### destroy

Destroy an app with zero instances
drove apps destroy [-h] app-id
###### Positional Arguments

`app-id` - Application ID

##### deploy

Deploy new app instances.
drove apps deploy [-h] [--parallelism PARALLELISM] [--timeout TIMEOUT] app-id instances
###### Positional Arguments

`app-id` - Application ID\
`instances` - Number of new instances to be created

###### Named Arguments

                        Number of parallel threads to be used to execute operation (default: 1)
  --timeout TIMEOUT, -t TIMEOUT
                        Timeout for the operation on the cluster (default: 5 minutes)
  --wait, -w            Wait to ensure instance count is reached
##### scale

Scale app to required instances. Will increase or decrease instances on the cluster to match this number

drove apps scale [-h] [--parallelism PARALLELISM] [--timeout TIMEOUT] app-id instances
###### Positional Arguments

`app-id` - Application ID\
`instances` - Number of instances. Setting this to 0 will suspend the app

###### Named Arguments

                        Number of parallel threads to be used to execute operation (default: 1)
  --timeout TIMEOUT, -t TIMEOUT
                        Timeout for the operation on the cluster (default: 5 minutes)
  --wait, -w            Wait to ensure instance count is reached

##### suspend

Suspend the app
drove apps suspend [-h] [--parallelism PARALLELISM] [--timeout TIMEOUT] app-id
###### Positional Arguments[¶](#Positional%20Arguments_repeat9 "Link to this heading")

`app-id` - Application ID

###### Named Arguments

                        Number of parallel threads to be used to execute operation (default: 1)
  --timeout TIMEOUT, -t TIMEOUT
                        Timeout for the operation on the cluster (default: 5 minutes)
  --wait, -w            Wait to ensure all instances are suspended

##### restart

Restart am existing app instances.

drove apps restart [-h] [--parallelism PARALLELISM] [--timeout TIMEOUT] app-id

###### Positional Arguments

`app-id` - Application ID

###### Named Arguments
                        Number of parallel threads to be used to execute operation (default: 1)
  --timeout TIMEOUT, -t TIMEOUT
                        Timeout for the operation on the cluster (default: 5 minutes)
  --wait, -w            Wait to ensure all instances are replaced
##### cancelop

Cancel current operation
drove apps cancelop [-h] app-id
###### Positional Arguments
`app-id` - Application ID

### appinstances
Drove application instance related commands
drove appinstances [-h] {list,info,logs,tail,download,replace,kill} ...
#### Sub-commands

##### list

List all application instances
drove appinstances list [-h] [--old] [--sort {0,1,2,3,4,5}] [--reverse] app-id
###### Positional Arguments
`app-id` - Application ID

###### Named Arguments

                        Number of parallel threads to be used to execute operation (default: 1)
  --timeout TIMEOUT, -t TIMEOUT
                        Timeout for the operation on the cluster (default: 5 minutes)
##### info

Print details for an application instance
drove appinstances info [-h] app-id instance-id
###### Positional Arguments
`app-id` - Application ID\
`instance-id` - Application Instance ID

##### logs

Print list of logs for application instance
drove appinstances logs [-h] app-id instance-id
###### Positional Arguments

`app-id` - Application ID\
`instance-id` - Application Instance ID

##### tail

Tail log for application instance
drove appinstances tail [-h] [--file FILE] app-id instance-id
###### Positional Arguments

`app-id` - Application ID\
`instance-id` - Application Instance ID

###### Named Arguments

  --log LOG, -l LOG  Log filename to tail. Default is to tail output.log

##### download

Download log for application instance
drove appinstances download [-h] [--out OUT] app-id instance-id file
###### Positional Arguments

`app-id` - Application ID\
`instance-id` - Application Instance ID\
`file` - Log filename to download

###### Named Arguments
--out, -o Filename to download to. Default is the same filename as provided.
##### replace

Replace specific app instances with fresh instances
drove appinstances replace [-h] [--parallelism PARALLELISM] [--timeout TIMEOUT] app-id instance-id [instance-id ...]
###### Positional Arguments
`app-id` - Application ID\
`instance-id` - Application Instance IDs

###### Named Arguments
                        Number of parallel threads to be used to execute operation (default: 1)
  --timeout TIMEOUT, -t TIMEOUT
                        Timeout for the operation on the cluster (default: 5 minutes)
  --wait, -w            Wait to ensure all instances are replaced

##### kill

Kill specific app instances
drove appinstances kill [-h] [--parallelism PARALLELISM] [--timeout TIMEOUT] app-id instance-id [instance-id ...]
###### Positional Arguments
`app-id` - Application ID\
`instance-id` - Application Instance IDs

###### Named Arguments

                        Number of parallel threads to be used to execute operation
  --timeout TIMEOUT, -t TIMEOUT
                        Timeout for the operation on the cluster (default: 5 minutes)
  --wait, -w            Wait to ensure all instances are killed
### tasks
Drove task related commands
drove tasks [-h] {create,kill,list,show,logs,tail,download} ...
#### Sub-commands

##### create

Create a task on cluster
drove tasks create [-h] spec-file
###### Positional Arguments

`spec-file` - JSON spec file for the task

##### kill

Kill a running task
drove tasks kill [-h] source-app-name task-id
###### Positional Arguments

`source-app-name` - Source app name as specified in spec\
`task-id` - ID of the task as specified in the spec

##### list

List all active tasks
drove tasks list [-h] [--app APP] [--sort {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}] [--reverse]
###### Named Arguments
  --app APP, -a APP     Show tasks only for the given source app
  --sort {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}, -s {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}
                        Sort output by column
  --reverse, -r         Sort in reverse order
##### show

Shows details about a task
drove tasks show [-h] source-app task-id
###### Positional Arguments
`source-app` - Name of the Drove application that started the task\
`task-id` - Task ID

##### logs

Print list of logs for task
drove tasks logs [-h] source-app task-id
###### Positional Arguments
`source-app` - Name of the Drove application that started the task\
`task-id` - Task ID

##### tail

Tail log for task
drove tasks tail [-h] [--file FILE] source-app task-id
###### Positional Arguments
`source-app` - Name of the Drove application that started the task\
`task-id` - Task ID

###### Named Arguments

  --file FILE, -f FILE  Log filename to tail. Default is to tail output.log
##### download

Download log for task

drove tasks download [-h] [--out OUT] source-app task-id file
###### Positional Arguments
`source-app` - Name of the Drove application that started the task\
`task-id` - Task ID\
`file` - Log filename to download

###### Named Arguments

  --out OUT, -o OUT  Filename to download to. Default is the same filename as provided.

©2024, Santanu Sinha.


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "https://github.com/PhonePe/drove-cli",
    "name": "drove-cli",
    "maintainer": "Santanu Sinha",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": "<4.0,>=3.7",
    "maintainer_email": "santanu.sinha@gmail.com",
    "keywords": "container, docker, podman, distributed-systems, container-orchestrator",
    "author": "Santanu Sinha",
    "author_email": "santanu.sinha@gmail.com",
    "download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/13/c8/5bc6f3c0ef373716cf401708ed64c1fd6ca7731e4c0f2a40a19c6eba69e2/drove_cli-0.0.2.tar.gz",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# Drove CLI\n\nCommand line interface for the Drove Container Orchestrator.\n\n# Getting Started\n\n## Installation\n\nYou can install the cli from from PyPI.\n\n```bash\npip install drove-cli\n```\n\nReactivate/deactivate virtual environment based on the need to utilize drove cli.\n\n## Running using docker\nThe cli is pushed as a docker for easy access. This also elimintates the need for having python etc setup on your system.\n\n1) Pull the image:\n```shell\ndocker pull ghcr.io/phonepe/drove-cli:latest\n```\n\n2) Create a shell script called `drove` with the following content:\n\n```shell\n#! /bin/sh\ndocker run \\\n    --rm --interactive --tty --network host \\\n    --name drove-cli -v ${HOME}/.drove:/root/.drove:ro  \\\n    ghcr.io/phonepe/drove-cli:latest \"$@\"\n\n```\n\n3) Make the script executable\n```shell\nchmod a+x drove\n```\n\n4) Put the path to this script in your `~/.bashrc`.\n\n```shell\nexport PATH=\"${PATH}:/path/to/your/script\"\n```\n\n5) Logout/login or run `. ~/.bashrc` to load the new [path]\n\n\n6) Run drove cli\n```shell\ndrove -h\n```\n\n## Requirements\nThe CLI is written in Python 3x\n\n\n## Accessing the Documentation\nThe arguments needed by the script are self documenting. Please use `-h` or `--help` in different sections and sub-sections of the CLI to get descriptions of commands, sub-commands, their arguments and options.\n\nTo see basic help:\n```\n\n$ drove -h\n\nusage: drove [-h] [--file FILE] [--cluster CLUSTER] [--endpoint ENDPOINT] [--auth-header AUTH_HEADER] [--insecure INSECURE] [--username USERNAME] [--password PASSWORD] [--debug]\n             {executor,cluster,apps,appinstances,tasks} ...\n\npositional arguments:\n  {executor,cluster,apps,appinstances,tasks}\n                        Available plugins\n    executor            Drove cluster executor related commands\n    cluster             Drove cluster related commands\n    apps                Drove application related commands\n    appinstances        Drove application instance related commands\n    tasks               Drove task related commands\n\noptions:\n  -h, --help            show this help message and exit\n  --file FILE, -f FILE  Configuration file for drove client\n  --cluster CLUSTER, -c CLUSTER\n                        Cluster name as specified in config file\n  --endpoint ENDPOINT, -e ENDPOINT\n                        Drove endpoint. (For example: https://drove.test.com)\n  --auth-header AUTH_HEADER, -t AUTH_HEADER\n                        Authorization header value for the provided drove endpoint\n  --insecure INSECURE, -i INSECURE\n                        Do not verify SSL cert for server\n  --username USERNAME, -u USERNAME\n                        Drove cluster username\n  --password PASSWORD, -p PASSWORD\n                        Drove cluster password\n  --debug, -d           Print details of errors\n\n```\n\nTo see documentation for a command/section:\n```\n$ drove cluster -h\nusage: drove cluster [-h] {ping,summary,leader,endpoints,events,maintenance-on,maintenance-off} ...\n\npositional arguments:\n  {ping,summary,leader,endpoints,events,maintenance-on,maintenance-off}\n                        Available commands for cluster management\n    ping                Ping the cluster\n    summary             Show cluster summary\n    leader              Show leader for cluster\n    endpoints           Show all exposed endpoints\n    events              Events on the cluster\n    maintenance-on      Set cluster to maintenance mode\n    maintenance-off     Removed maintenance mode on cluster\n\noptions:\n  -h, --help            show this help message and exit\n```\n\nTo further drill down into options for a sub-command/subsection:\n```\n$ drove cluster events -h\nusage: drove cluster events [-h] [--follow] [--type TYPE] [--count COUNT] [--textfmt TEXTFMT]\n\noptional arguments:\n  -h, --help            show this help message and exit\n  --follow, -f          Follow events (Press CTRL-C to kill)\n  --type TYPE, -t TYPE  Output events of only the matching type\n  --count COUNT, -c COUNT\n                        Fetch <count> events at a time.\n  --textfmt TEXTFMT, -s TEXTFMT\n                        Use the format string to print message\n```\n\n# Connecting to the Drove cluster\n\nIn order to use the CLI, we need to provide coordinates to the cluster to connect to. This can be done in the following manner:\n\n## Drove CLI config file\nThe config file can be located in the following paths:\n* `.drove` file in your home directory (Typically used for the default cluster you frequently connect to)\n*  A file in any path that can be passed as a parameter to the CLI with the `-f FILE` option\n\n### Config File format\nThis file is in ini format and is arranged in sections.\n\n```ini\n[DEFAULT]\n...\nstage_token = <token1>\nprod_token = <token2>\n\n[local]\nendpoint = http://localhost:10000\nusername = admin\npassword = admin\n\n[stage]\nendpoint = https://stage.testdrove.io\nauth_header = %(stage_token)s\n\n[production]\nendpoint = https://prod.testdrove.io\nauth_header = %(prod_token)s\n\n..\n```\n\nThe `DEFAULT` section can be used to define common variables like Insecure etc. The `local`, `stage`, `production` etc are names for inidividual clusters and these sections can be used to define configuration for individual clusters. Cluster name is referred to in the command line by using the `-c` command line option.\\\n*Interpolation* of values is supported and can be acieved by using `%(variable_name)s` references.\n\n> * Note: The `DEFAULT` section is mandatory\n> * Note: The `s` at the end of `%(var)s` is mandatory for interpolation\n\n### Contents of a Section\n```\nendpoint = https://yourcluster.yourdomain.com # Endpoint for cluster\ninsecure = true\nusername = <your_username>\npassword = <your_password>\nauth_header= <Authorization value here if using header based auth>\n```\n\nAuthentication priority:\n* If both `username` and `password` are provided, basic auth is used.\n* If a value is provided in the `auth_header` parameter, it is passed as the value for the `Authorization` header in the upstream HTTP calls to the Drove server verbatim.\n* If neither, no auth is set\n\n> NOTE: Use the `insecure` option to skip certificate checks on the server endpoint (comes in handy for internal domains)\n\nTo use a custom config file, invoke drove in the following form:\n\n```\n$ drove -f custom.conf ...\n```\n\nThis will connect to the cluster if an endpoint is mentioned in the `DEFAULT` section.\n\n```\n$ drove -f custom.conf -c stage ...\n```\n\nThis will connect to the cluster whose config is mentioned in the `[stage]` config section.\n\n```\n$ drove -c stage ...\n```\n\nThis will connect to the cluster whose config is mentioned in the `[stage]` config section in `$HOME/.drove` config file.\n\n\n## Command line options\nPass the endpoint and other options using `--endpoint|-e` etc etc. Options can be obtained using `-h` as mentioned above. Invocation will be in the form:\n\n```\n$ drove -e http://localhost:10000 -u guest -p guest ...\n```\n\n## CLI format\nThe following cli format is followed:\n\n```\nusage: drove [-h] [--file FILE] [--cluster CLUSTER] [--endpoint ENDPOINT] [--auth-header AUTH_HEADER] [--insecure INSECURE] [--username USERNAME] [--password PASSWORD] [--debug]\n             {executor,cluster,apps,appinstances,tasks} ...\n```\n### Basic Arguments\n```\n  -h, --help            show this help message and exit\n  --file FILE, -f FILE  Configuration file for drove client\n  --cluster CLUSTER, -c CLUSTER\n                        Cluster name as specified in config file\n  --endpoint ENDPOINT, -e ENDPOINT\n                        Drove endpoint. (For example: https://drove.test.com)\n  --auth-header AUTH_HEADER, -t AUTH_HEADER\n                        Authorization header value for the provided drove endpoint\n  --insecure INSECURE, -i INSECURE\n                        Do not verify SSL cert for server\n  --username USERNAME, -u USERNAME\n                        Drove cluster username\n  --password PASSWORD, -p PASSWORD\n                        Drove cluster password\n  --debug, -d           Print details of errors\n\n```\n\n## Commands\nCommands in drove are meant to address specific functionality. They can be summarized as follows:\n```\n    list                List all executors\n    info                Show details about executor\n    appinstances        Show app instances running on this executor\n    tasks               Show tasks running on this executor\n    blacklist           Blacklist executors\n    unblacklist         Un-blacklist executors\n```\n### executor\n---\nDrove cluster executor related commands\n\n```shell\ndrove executor [-h] {list,info,appinstances,tasks} ...\n```\n\n#### Sub-commands\n\n##### list\n\nList all executors\n\n```shell\ndrove executor list [-h]\n```\n\n##### info\n\nShow details about executor\n\n```shell\ndrove executor info [-h] executor-id\n```\n\n###### Positional Arguments\n\n`executor-id` - Executor id for which info is to be shown\n\n##### appinstances\n\nShow app instances running on this executor\n\n```shell\ndrove executor appinstances [-h] [--sort {0,1,2,3,4,5}] [--reverse] executor-id\n```\n###### Positional Arguments\n\n`executor-id` - Executor id for which info is to be shown\n\n###### Arguments\n\n```\n  --sort {0,1,2,3,4,5}, -s {0,1,2,3,4,5}\n                        Sort output by column\n  --reverse, -r         Sort in reverse order\n```\n\n##### tasks\n\nShow tasks running on this executor\n\n```shell\ndrove executor tasks [-h] [--sort {0,1,2,3,4,5}] [--reverse] executor-id\n```\n\n###### Positional Arguments\n\n`executor-id` - Executor id for which info is to be shown\n\n###### Named Arguments\n```\n  --sort {0,1,2,3,4,5}, -s {0,1,2,3,4,5}\n                        Sort output by column\n  --reverse, -r         Sort in reverse order\n```\n\n##### blacklist\n\nTake executors out of rotation.\n\n```shell\ndrove executor blacklist executor-id [executor-id ...]\n```\n\n###### Positional Arguments\n\n`executor-id` - List of executor ids to be blacklisted. At least one is mandatory.\n\n##### unblacklist\n\nBring blacklisted executors back into rotation.\n\n```shell\ndrove executor blacklist executor-id [executor-id ...]\n```\n\n###### Positional Arguments\n\n`executor-id` - List of executor ids to be blacklisted. At least one is mandatory.\n\n### cluster\n---\nDrove cluster related commands\n\n```shell\ndrove cluster [-h] {ping,summary,leader,endpoints,events} ...\n```\n\n#### Sub-commands\n\n##### ping\n\nPing the cluster\n\n```shell\ndrove cluster ping [-h]\n```\n\n##### summary\n\nShow cluster summary\n\n```shell\ndrove cluster summary [-h]\n```\n\n##### leader\n\nShow leader for cluster\n```shell\ndrove cluster leader [-h]\n```\n##### endpoints\n\nShow all exposed endpoints\n```shell\ndrove cluster endpoints [-h] [--vhost VHOST]\n```\n\n###### Named Arguments\n\n```\n  --vhost VHOST, -v VHOST\n                        Show details only for the specific vhost\n```\n\n##### events\n\nEvents on the cluster\n\n```shell\ndrove cluster events [-h] [--follow] [--type TYPE] [--count COUNT] [--textfmt TEXTFMT]\n```\n\n###### Named Arguments\n\n```\n  --follow, -f          Follow events (Press CTRL-C to kill)\n  --type TYPE, -t TYPE  Output events of only the matching type\n  --count COUNT, -c COUNT\n                        Fetch <count> events at a time.\n  --textfmt TEXTFMT, -s TEXTFMT\n                        Use the format string to print message\n                        Default: \u201c{type: <25} | {id: <36} | {time: <20} | {metadata}\u201d\n```\n##### maintenance-on\nSet cluster to maintenance mode.\n\n```shell\ndrove cluster maintenance-on\n```\n##### maintenance-off\nSet cluster to normal mode.\n\n```shell\ndrove cluster maintenance-off\n```\n\n### apps\n---\nDrove application related commands\n\n```shell\ndrove apps [-h] {list,summary,spec,create,destroy,deploy,scale,suspend,restart,cancelop} ...\n```\n#### Sub-commands\n\n##### list\n\nList all applications\n\n```shell\ndrove apps list [-h] [--sort {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}] [--reverse]\n```\n\n###### Named Arguments\n\n```\n  --sort {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}, -s {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}\n                        Sort output by column\n  --reverse, -r         Sort in reverse order\n```\n\n##### summary\n\nShow a summary for an application\n```shell\ndrove apps summary [-h] app-id\n```\n###### Positional Arguments\n\n`app-id` - Application ID\n\n##### spec\n\nPrint the raw json spec for an application\n```shell\ndrove apps spec [-h] app-id\n```\n###### Positional Arguments\n\n`app-id` - Application ID\n\n##### create\n\nCreate application on cluster\n```shell\ndrove apps create [-h] spec-file\n```\n###### Positional Arguments\n\n`spec-file` - JSON spec file for the application\n\n##### destroy\n\nDestroy an app with zero instances\n```shell\ndrove apps destroy [-h] app-id\n```\n###### Positional Arguments\n\n`app-id` - Application ID\n\n##### deploy\n\nDeploy new app instances.\n```shell\ndrove apps deploy [-h] [--parallelism PARALLELISM] [--timeout TIMEOUT] app-id instances\n```\n###### Positional Arguments\n\n`app-id` - Application ID\\\n`instances` - Number of new instances to be created\n\n###### Named Arguments\n\n```\n  --parallelism PARALLELISM, -p PARALLELISM\n                        Number of parallel threads to be used to execute operation (default: 1)\n  --timeout TIMEOUT, -t TIMEOUT\n                        Timeout for the operation on the cluster (default: 5 minutes)\n  --wait, -w            Wait to ensure instance count is reached\n```\n##### scale\n\nScale app to required instances. Will increase or decrease instances on the cluster to match this number\n\n```shell\ndrove apps scale [-h] [--parallelism PARALLELISM] [--timeout TIMEOUT] app-id instances\n```\n###### Positional Arguments\n\n`app-id` - Application ID\\\n`instances` - Number of instances. Setting this to 0 will suspend the app\n\n###### Named Arguments\n\n```\n  --parallelism PARALLELISM, -p PARALLELISM\n                        Number of parallel threads to be used to execute operation (default: 1)\n  --timeout TIMEOUT, -t TIMEOUT\n                        Timeout for the operation on the cluster (default: 5 minutes)\n  --wait, -w            Wait to ensure instance count is reached\n```\n\n##### suspend\n\nSuspend the app\n```shell\ndrove apps suspend [-h] [--parallelism PARALLELISM] [--timeout TIMEOUT] app-id\n```\n###### Positional Arguments[\u00b6](#Positional%20Arguments_repeat9 \"Link to this heading\")\n\n`app-id` - Application ID\n\n###### Named Arguments\n\n```\n  --parallelism PARALLELISM, -p PARALLELISM\n                        Number of parallel threads to be used to execute operation (default: 1)\n  --timeout TIMEOUT, -t TIMEOUT\n                        Timeout for the operation on the cluster (default: 5 minutes)\n  --wait, -w            Wait to ensure all instances are suspended\n```\n\n##### restart\n\nRestart am existing app instances.\n\n```shell\ndrove apps restart [-h] [--parallelism PARALLELISM] [--timeout TIMEOUT] app-id\n```\n\n###### Positional Arguments\n\n`app-id` - Application ID\n\n###### Named Arguments\n```\n  --parallelism PARALLELISM, -p PARALLELISM\n                        Number of parallel threads to be used to execute operation (default: 1)\n  --timeout TIMEOUT, -t TIMEOUT\n                        Timeout for the operation on the cluster (default: 5 minutes)\n  --wait, -w            Wait to ensure all instances are replaced\n```\n##### cancelop\n\nCancel current operation\n```shell\ndrove apps cancelop [-h] app-id\n```\n###### Positional Arguments\n`app-id` - Application ID\n\n### appinstances\n---\nDrove application instance related commands\n```shell\ndrove appinstances [-h] {list,info,logs,tail,download,replace,kill} ...\n```\n#### Sub-commands\n\n##### list\n\nList all application instances\n```shell\ndrove appinstances list [-h] [--old] [--sort {0,1,2,3,4,5}] [--reverse] app-id\n```\n###### Positional Arguments\n`app-id` - Application ID\n\n###### Named Arguments\n\n```\n  --parallelism PARALLELISM, -p PARALLELISM\n                        Number of parallel threads to be used to execute operation (default: 1)\n  --timeout TIMEOUT, -t TIMEOUT\n                        Timeout for the operation on the cluster (default: 5 minutes)\n```\n##### info\n\nPrint details for an application instance\n```shell\ndrove appinstances info [-h] app-id instance-id\n```\n###### Positional Arguments\n`app-id` - Application ID\\\n`instance-id` - Application Instance ID\n\n##### logs\n\nPrint list of logs for application instance\n```shell\ndrove appinstances logs [-h] app-id instance-id\n```\n###### Positional Arguments\n\n`app-id` - Application ID\\\n`instance-id` - Application Instance ID\n\n##### tail\n\nTail log for application instance\n```shell\ndrove appinstances tail [-h] [--file FILE] app-id instance-id\n```\n###### Positional Arguments\n\n`app-id` - Application ID\\\n`instance-id` - Application Instance ID\n\n###### Named Arguments\n\n```\n  --log LOG, -l LOG  Log filename to tail. Default is to tail output.log\n```\n\n##### download\n\nDownload log for application instance\n```shell\ndrove appinstances download [-h] [--out OUT] app-id instance-id file\n```\n###### Positional Arguments\n\n`app-id` - Application ID\\\n`instance-id` - Application Instance ID\\\n`file` - Log filename to download\n\n###### Named Arguments\n```\n--out, -o Filename to download to. Default is the same filename as provided.\n```\n##### replace\n\nReplace specific app instances with fresh instances\n```shell\ndrove appinstances replace [-h] [--parallelism PARALLELISM] [--timeout TIMEOUT] app-id instance-id [instance-id ...]\n```\n###### Positional Arguments\n`app-id` - Application ID\\\n`instance-id` - Application Instance IDs\n\n###### Named Arguments\n```\n  --parallelism PARALLELISM, -p PARALLELISM\n                        Number of parallel threads to be used to execute operation (default: 1)\n  --timeout TIMEOUT, -t TIMEOUT\n                        Timeout for the operation on the cluster (default: 5 minutes)\n  --wait, -w            Wait to ensure all instances are replaced\n```\n\n##### kill\n\nKill specific app instances\n```shell\ndrove appinstances kill [-h] [--parallelism PARALLELISM] [--timeout TIMEOUT] app-id instance-id [instance-id ...]\n```\n###### Positional Arguments\n`app-id` - Application ID\\\n`instance-id` - Application Instance IDs\n\n###### Named Arguments\n\n```\n  --parallelism PARALLELISM, -p PARALLELISM\n                        Number of parallel threads to be used to execute operation\n  --timeout TIMEOUT, -t TIMEOUT\n                        Timeout for the operation on the cluster (default: 5 minutes)\n  --wait, -w            Wait to ensure all instances are killed\n```\n### tasks\n---\nDrove task related commands\n```shell\ndrove tasks [-h] {create,kill,list,show,logs,tail,download} ...\n```\n#### Sub-commands\n\n##### create\n\nCreate a task on cluster\n```shell\ndrove tasks create [-h] spec-file\n```\n###### Positional Arguments\n\n`spec-file` - JSON spec file for the task\n\n##### kill\n\nKill a running task\n```shell\ndrove tasks kill [-h] source-app-name task-id\n```\n###### Positional Arguments\n\n`source-app-name` - Source app name as specified in spec\\\n`task-id` - ID of the task as specified in the spec\n\n##### list\n\nList all active tasks\n```shell\ndrove tasks list [-h] [--app APP] [--sort {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}] [--reverse]\n```\n###### Named Arguments\n```\n  --app APP, -a APP     Show tasks only for the given source app\n  --sort {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}, -s {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}\n                        Sort output by column\n  --reverse, -r         Sort in reverse order\n```\n##### show\n\nShows details about a task\n```shell\ndrove tasks show [-h] source-app task-id\n```\n###### Positional Arguments\n`source-app` - Name of the Drove application that started the task\\\n`task-id` - Task ID\n\n##### logs\n\nPrint list of logs for task\n```shell\ndrove tasks logs [-h] source-app task-id\n```\n###### Positional Arguments\n`source-app` - Name of the Drove application that started the task\\\n`task-id` - Task ID\n\n##### tail\n\nTail log for task\n```shell\ndrove tasks tail [-h] [--file FILE] source-app task-id\n```\n###### Positional Arguments\n`source-app` - Name of the Drove application that started the task\\\n`task-id` - Task ID\n\n###### Named Arguments\n\n```\n  --file FILE, -f FILE  Log filename to tail. Default is to tail output.log\n```\n##### download\n\nDownload log for task\n\n```shell\ndrove tasks download [-h] [--out OUT] source-app task-id file\n```\n###### Positional Arguments\n`source-app` - Name of the Drove application that started the task\\\n`task-id` - Task ID\\\n`file` - Log filename to download\n\n###### Named Arguments\n\n```\n  --out OUT, -o OUT  Filename to download to. Default is the same filename as provided.\n```\n\n\u00a92024, Santanu Sinha.\n",
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        "Repository": "https://github.com/PhonePe/drove-cli"
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