
Namedynbps JSON
Version 0.0.14 PyPI version JSON
SummaryPython code for Dynamic BPS
upload_time2023-06-25 21:49:09
licenseApache Software License 2.0
keywords nbdev jupyter notebook python
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # dynbps


## Install

``` sh
pip install dynbps

## Background

### Base Level Oveview

Bayesian Predictive Synthesis (BPS) is an ensemble method designed to
aggregate and synthesize density predictions from multiple
agents/experts/judges. There is quite a wide field of literature for
ensembling point forecasts, but point forecasts are very limited because
they do not convey uncertainty. The shape and variance of a distribution
is equally important as the mean. Therefore, consider soliciting density
predictions from $J$ judges. Each judge, $j = 1,...,J$ gives a density
$h_j(\cdot)$. The set of these predictions is
$H = \{h_1(\cdot), ... , h_J(\cdot)\}$. We would like to predict an
outcome $y$, given this information $H$. Typically, in Bayesian
analysis, we would find the posterior $p(y|H)$ and be done with it.
However, the posterior is found via $p(y|H) \propto p(H|y)p(y)$, and
$p(H|y)$ is either impossible to find or necessitates significant
modeling assumptions, making the value highly subjective.

If we introduce a latent variable $\vec{x}$, then we can write the
posterior as
$$p(y|H) = \int_{\vec{x}}p(y|\vec{x}, H)p(\vec{x}|H)d\vec{x}$$

We can also assume $(y|\vec{x}) \perp H$, simplifying the posterior
$$p(y|H) = \int_{\vec{x}}p(y|\vec{x})p(\vec{x}|H)d\vec{x}$$

Let’s say that the latent variable $\vec{x}$ is a J-dimensional random
variable from $\vec{x}\sim p(\vec{x}|H)$. The next question is how to we
get $\vec{x} \sim p(\vec{x}|H)$? Quite simply, we can say these latent
variables are “generated independently from the $h_j$”, that is
$x_j \sim h_j(\cdot)$ for $j=1:J$, and then $\vec{x} = (x_1,..., x_J)$.
Due to independence of the random draws, we can write:
$$p(y|H) = \int_{\vec{x}}p(y|\vec{x})\prod_{j=1:J} h_j(x_j) d\vec{x}$$

Now, how do we formulate $p(y|\vec{x})$? It’s actually not too
complicated! We are given covariates $\vec{x}$, and asked to predict an
outcome $y$. Therefore, we can use tools that we are all familiar with,
such as a linear regression. One of the nice things about BPS is that
this conditional density $p(y|\vec{x})$, or “synthesis function”, is not
set in stone. There are limitless choices, and you can use your favorite
method in this role. In traditional BPS literature, we use the symbol
$\alpha(y|\vec{x})$ to represent this synthesis function.

### Dynamic BPS

This package implements a dynamic version of BPS. The synthesis function
follows a dynamic linear model (Prado and West Chapter 4). A dynamic
linear model (DLM) predicts a time series outcome $y_t$ for $t=1:T$, and
can be described by a pair of equations. First there is an observation
equation: $$y_t = \vec{F}_t\vec{\theta}_t + \nu_t$$ In the observation
equation, $\vec{F}_t$ is the covariate vector. This vector is known and
contains all the predictors. In BPS, an example is
$\vec{F}_t = (1, x_{1,t}, x_{2,t}, ..., x_{J,t})$, where $x_{j,t}$ is a
latent draw from Judge j’s prediction at time t, and 1 is a constant
that allows for an intercept term. The $\vec{\theta}_t$ are unobserved
states, which act as the coefficients to the covariates in $\vec{F}_t$.
Finally, $\nu_t$ is the measurement noise. The coefficients,
$\vec{\theta}_t$, evolve via a second equation:
$$\vec{\theta}_t = G_t\vec{\theta}_{t-1} + \vec{w}_t  $$

$G_t$ is called the state evolution matrix, and $\vec{w}_t$ is noise in
this process. In this implementation, $G_t =I$, and the states evolve
via a random walk.

This pair of equations describes the DLM that is our aforementioned
synthesis function, which now varies through time

Going through time, the math behind dynamic BPS is quite involved. An
arxiv of the orginal paper by McAlinn and West can be found at
https://arxiv.org/abs/1601.07463. In broad strokes, BPS works by
sampling latent states from the posterior given by the DLM, and then
builds the DLM using these states and continues to alternate between
sampling and building for the pre-specified number of MCMC iterations.
This back and fourth is closely related to the Forward Filter Backwards
Smoothing algorithm (Prado and West Chapter 4), and allows BPS to
correct for agent biases, codependencies, and mispecifications

## How to use

There are three steps to using this method. First, create an object
using the training information. Second, use the .fit() method to fit the
model to the training data. Finally, use the .predict() method, which
takes the new agent means, variances, and degrees of freedom as
arguments, to predict the outcome at time T+1. Inflation forecasting
data, originally provided at
https://www2.stat.duke.edu/~mw/mwsoftware/BPS/index.html, is made
available through the dynbps package, and is used in this example

### Step 0: Read in the data and set priors

``` python
yI, a, A, n = loadDataInf()
T = yI.shape[0] # total time in analysis
J = a.shape[1] # number of agents
p = J + 1 # number of agents plus intercept
# set priors
delta = [0.95, 0.99] # discount factors 
m_0 = np.ones(shape = [J + 1])/J # prior mean for agent coefficients 
m_0[0] = 0 # prior mean for intercept
C_0 = np.eye(p) * 1 # prior for covariance matrix
n_0 = 1/(1 - delta[1]) # prior on BPS degrees of freedom
s_0 = 0.01 # prior on BPS observation variance 
burn_in, mcmc_iter = 2000, 3000

### Step 1: Create a BPS object

When creating the BPS object, I provide all inputs. The user must
specify the first three inputs: target series, agent means, and agent
variances. If the degrees of freedom are not given, they default to 30,
effectively implementing a normal distribution instead of a
t-distribution. The default entries for all other parameters are equal
to their respective values in the code above.

``` python
## Remove the last observation to prevent data leak
yT = yI[0:-1]
aT = a[0:-1,]
AT = A[0:-1,]
nT = n[0:-1,]
model = BPS(yT,aT,AT,nT,delta,m_0,C_0,n_0,s_0,burn_in,mcmc_iter)

### Step 2: Fit the model

Now that the object is created, we can fit the model using the .fit()
method. The .fit() method will print out the current MCMC iteration
every 1000 iterations. The total number of iterations is burn_in +
mcmc_iter = 5000. This process may take a few minutes.

``` python


### Step 3: Predict the next outcome

Finally, feed the new agent means $a$, variances $A$, and degrees of
freedom $n$ into the .predict() method to get a predicted mean and
variance for $y_{T+1}$.

``` python
a_new = a[-1,]
A_new = A[-1,]
n_new = n[-1,]
answer = model.predict(a_new, A_new, n_new)
predicted_mean = answer[0]
predicted_variance = answer[1]



## Motivating Example

When combining predictive densities, most ensemble methods are linear
combinations of the densities themselves.

$$f(X|A_{1:J}) = \sum_{j=1:J} w_j h_j(X)$$

The most prominent example is Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA), where the
weights are the posterior probability of the model (or agent), given the
data $D$

$$w_k = P(A_k|D) = \frac{P(D|A_k)P(A_k)}{\sum_{j=1:J} P(D|A_j)P(A_j)}$$

This linear combination of the densities is intuitive and useful, but it
is ultimately underparametrized. When the agents are correlated and/or
misspecified, the linear combination of the densities struggles. In many
cases, linear combination methods converge to one singular model (the
one that has performed best so far), throwing away the potential
information in the correlation structure of the agent predictions.
Furthermore, in the likely situation where the forecasting problem is
“$M-open$”, (none of the models are correct) the underparamterization of
the ensemble is exacerbated.

In this section, I present a simple motivating example that I hope will
educate the reader on latent synthesis, and bolster their understanding
of BPS. This example is in the “$M-open$” setting, where all agents are
incorrected. The agents are not correlated, and are constant through
time. These simplifications are intentional, and are designed to
highlight the advantages of latent synthesis. I want to acknowledge that
there are many examples where BMA and other linear density combinations
have been used to great success. However, this example highlights a
weakness in linear combination, one that we should not ignore in more
complicated applications.

Consider the following data generating process

$$Y = 0.5*X_1 + 0.5*X_2$$

where $X_1$ and $X_2$ are unobserved variables that are correlated via a
bivariate normal distribution

X_1 \\ X_2 \end{pmatrix}\sim N\bigg(\begin{pmatrix}
1 \\
1 & 0.5\\
0.5 & 1

Assume that there are 100 observations of $Y$ and a decision maker wants
to use two agents in an ensemble. Agent 1 always submits density
forecast $h_1(\cdot) := N(1,1)$, and Agent 2 always submits
$h_2(\cdot):=N(4,1)$. The agents struggle at predicting $Y$, but they
perfectly describe the marginal distributions of $X_1$, and $X_2$.
Therefore, the decision maker has all the necessary information to
create a reasonable ensemble forecast for $Y$.

``` python
#### Code for Generating Y
p = 2
n = 100
means = [1,4]
vars = [1,1]
Sigma = np.matrix([[vars[0],0.5],[0.5,vars[1]]])
X = np.random.multivariate_normal(means, Sigma, n).T

Y = 0.5*X[0] + 0.5*X[1]

### Calculating True Distribution of Y
transform = np.matrix([0.5,0.5])
mu_true = np.matmul(transform, means)
var_true = np.matmul(np.matmul(transform, Sigma), transform.T)
sd_true = np.sqrt(var_true)

Below, I create a plot that shows the true density of $Y$ (black), the
observed density of $Y$ (gray), and the predicted densities from the
agents (green). In light red, I show the range of possible results from
a linear ensemble of the agent densities, when weights are restricted to
the unit simplex. It is important to note that the unit simplex includes
$(w_1, w_2) = (1,0)$ and $(w_1, w_2)= (0,1)$, where the ensemble
converges to one of the agents.

``` python
dist_space = linspace( -3, 8, 1000 ) ## For evaluation of the KDE for Y

plt.plot(dist_space, norm.pdf(dist_space, loc = means[0], scale = 1), color = "darkgreen", alpha = 0.9, label = "Agents")
plt.plot(dist_space, norm.pdf(dist_space, loc = means[1], scale = 1), color = "darkgreen", alpha = 0.9)
plt.plot(dist_space, norm.pdf(dist_space, loc = mu_true, scale =sd_true)[0], color = "black", label = "Truth")
plt.plot(dist_space, gaussian_kde(Y)(dist_space), color = "gray", label = "Observed")
for j in range(0,11):
  plt.plot(dist_space, (j/10)*norm.pdf(dist_space, loc = means[0], scale = 1) + ((10-j)/10)*norm.pdf(dist_space, loc = means[1], scale = 1), color = "red", alpha = .2)
plt.title("Possible Combinations")


From this plot, it is clear that no linear combination of densities with
weights on the unit simplex will give a satisfactory result. In fact, no
linear combination, even without restriction on weights, will capture
the distribution of $Y$. Writing $h_Y$ in terms of $h_1$ and $h_2$ is
complicated and requires an interaction term $h_1(x)*h_2(x)$.
Furthermore, while adding interaction terms is possible in this simple
example it quickly becomes infeasible when $J$ becomes large, and does
not provide guarantees when the DGP is more complicated.

Latent ensemble models such as BPS take latent draws from
$H = (h_1,h_2)$ to get $(\hat{x}_1, \hat{x_2})$. Then, using the latent
draws, BPS will predict $Y$ through the synthesis function. Therefore,
while latent synthesis sounds intimidating, and its strong performance
makes people assume it is complex, the underlying motivation is quite
intuitive. Combining densities directly creates an inflexible ensemble.
Combining latent draws from a distribution helps combat misspecification
and codependencies between agents.

``` python
## Code Updating Plot with BPS and BMA

### BMA: Find Posterior Model Probabilities 
M1L = sum(np.log(norm.pdf(Y, loc = means[0], scale = 1)))
M2L = sum(np.log(norm.pdf(Y, loc = means[1], scale = 1)))
w1 = np.exp(M1L)/(np.exp(M1L) + np.exp(M2L))
w2 = np.exp(M2L)/(np.exp(M1L) + np.exp(M2L))

a = np.tile(np.array(means), (100, 1)) ## Create input mean array for BPS
A = np.tile(np.array(vars),(100,1)) ## Create input variance array for BPS

model = BPS(y=Y[:-1,], a_j=a[:-1,], A_j = A[:-1,], s_0 = 1, mcmc_iter = 500, burn_in = 500)
bps_mean, bps_var = model.predict(a[-1,], A[-1,])

plt.plot(dist_space, norm.pdf(dist_space, loc = means[0], scale = 1), color = "darkgreen", alpha = 0.5, label = "Agent 1")
plt.plot(dist_space, norm.pdf(dist_space, loc = means[1], scale = 1), color = "darkgreen", alpha = 0.5, label = "Agent 2")
plt.plot(dist_space, norm.pdf(dist_space, loc = mu_true, scale =sd_true)[0], color = "black", label = "Truth")
plt.plot(dist_space, gaussian_kde(Y)(dist_space), color = "gray", label = "Observed")
plt.plot(dist_space, w1*norm.pdf(dist_space, loc = means[0], scale = 1) + (w2)*norm.pdf(dist_space, loc = means[1], scale = 1), color = "red", label = "BMA")
plt.plot(dist_space, norm.pdf(dist_space, loc = bps_mean, scale =np.sqrt(bps_var)), color = "blue", label = "BPS")
plt.title("Results of Comparison")




We see above that BMA converges to one of our mispecified agents. On the
other hand, BPS is able to overcome the agent mispecification and give
an accurate distribution for $Y$.

Linear density combinations can give great results, but they are
underparametrized, and struggle when agents are mispecified or
codependent. Mispecification and codependencies are almost certain in
real world applications, and latent synthesis methods, such as BPS, are
among the best tools for the job.

## Acknowledgements

I would like to acknowledge the efforts of Srikar Katta in creating the
inital draft of python code for BPS. He gratiously shared his code with
me - giving me a strong launching point. Srikar is now studying for his
PhD at Duke University. His webpage is located at
https://scholars.duke.edu/person/srikar.katta/academic-experience. Thank
you Srikar!


Raw data

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    "home_page": "https://github.com/josephrilling/dynbps",
    "name": "dynbps",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.7",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "nbdev jupyter notebook python",
    "author": "josephrilling",
    "author_email": "tun52698@gmail.com",
    "download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/e0/78/68f0a87338b04edc21ff4d029fe701e91895f7c6719d77f4b85b46d33eb8/dynbps-0.0.14.tar.gz",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# dynbps\n\n<!-- WARNING: THIS FILE WAS AUTOGENERATED! DO NOT EDIT! -->\n\n## Install\n\n``` sh\npip install dynbps\n```\n\n## Background\n\n### Base Level Oveview\n\nBayesian Predictive Synthesis (BPS) is an ensemble method designed to\naggregate and synthesize density predictions from multiple\nagents/experts/judges. There is quite a wide field of literature for\nensembling point forecasts, but point forecasts are very limited because\nthey do not convey uncertainty. The shape and variance of a distribution\nis equally important as the mean. Therefore, consider soliciting density\npredictions from $J$ judges. Each judge, $j = 1,...,J$ gives a density\n$h_j(\\cdot)$. The set of these predictions is\n$H = \\{h_1(\\cdot), ... , h_J(\\cdot)\\}$. We would like to predict an\noutcome $y$, given this information $H$. Typically, in Bayesian\nanalysis, we would find the posterior $p(y|H)$ and be done with it.\nHowever, the posterior is found via $p(y|H) \\propto p(H|y)p(y)$, and\n$p(H|y)$ is either impossible to find or necessitates significant\nmodeling assumptions, making the value highly subjective.\n\nIf we introduce a latent variable $\\vec{x}$, then we can write the\nposterior as\n$$p(y|H) = \\int_{\\vec{x}}p(y|\\vec{x}, H)p(\\vec{x}|H)d\\vec{x}$$\n\nWe can also assume $(y|\\vec{x}) \\perp H$, simplifying the posterior\n$$p(y|H) = \\int_{\\vec{x}}p(y|\\vec{x})p(\\vec{x}|H)d\\vec{x}$$\n\nLet\u2019s say that the latent variable $\\vec{x}$ is a J-dimensional random\nvariable from $\\vec{x}\\sim p(\\vec{x}|H)$. The next question is how to we\nget $\\vec{x} \\sim p(\\vec{x}|H)$? Quite simply, we can say these latent\nvariables are \u201cgenerated independently from the $h_j$\u201d, that is\n$x_j \\sim h_j(\\cdot)$ for $j=1:J$, and then $\\vec{x} = (x_1,..., x_J)$.\nDue to independence of the random draws, we can write:\n$$p(y|H) = \\int_{\\vec{x}}p(y|\\vec{x})\\prod_{j=1:J} h_j(x_j) d\\vec{x}$$\n\nNow, how do we formulate $p(y|\\vec{x})$? It\u2019s actually not too\ncomplicated! We are given covariates $\\vec{x}$, and asked to predict an\noutcome $y$. Therefore, we can use tools that we are all familiar with,\nsuch as a linear regression. One of the nice things about BPS is that\nthis conditional density $p(y|\\vec{x})$, or \u201csynthesis function\u201d, is not\nset in stone. There are limitless choices, and you can use your favorite\nmethod in this role. In traditional BPS literature, we use the symbol\n$\\alpha(y|\\vec{x})$ to represent this synthesis function.\n\n### Dynamic BPS\n\nThis package implements a dynamic version of BPS. The synthesis function\nfollows a dynamic linear model (Prado and West Chapter 4). A dynamic\nlinear model (DLM) predicts a time series outcome $y_t$ for $t=1:T$, and\ncan be described by a pair of equations. First there is an observation\nequation: $$y_t = \\vec{F}_t\\vec{\\theta}_t + \\nu_t$$ In the observation\nequation, $\\vec{F}_t$ is the covariate vector. This vector is known and\ncontains all the predictors. In BPS, an example is\n$\\vec{F}_t = (1, x_{1,t}, x_{2,t}, ..., x_{J,t})$, where $x_{j,t}$ is a\nlatent draw from Judge j\u2019s prediction at time t, and 1 is a constant\nthat allows for an intercept term. The $\\vec{\\theta}_t$ are unobserved\nstates, which act as the coefficients to the covariates in $\\vec{F}_t$.\nFinally, $\\nu_t$ is the measurement noise. The coefficients,\n$\\vec{\\theta}_t$, evolve via a second equation:\n$$\\vec{\\theta}_t = G_t\\vec{\\theta}_{t-1} + \\vec{w}_t  $$\n\n$G_t$ is called the state evolution matrix, and $\\vec{w}_t$ is noise in\nthis process. In this implementation, $G_t =I$, and the states evolve\nvia a random walk.\n\nThis pair of equations describes the DLM that is our aforementioned\nsynthesis function, which now varies through time\n$\\alpha_t(y_t|\\vec{x}_t)$\n\nGoing through time, the math behind dynamic BPS is quite involved. An\narxiv of the orginal paper by McAlinn and West can be found at\nhttps://arxiv.org/abs/1601.07463. In broad strokes, BPS works by\nsampling latent states from the posterior given by the DLM, and then\nbuilds the DLM using these states and continues to alternate between\nsampling and building for the pre-specified number of MCMC iterations.\nThis back and fourth is closely related to the Forward Filter Backwards\nSmoothing algorithm (Prado and West Chapter 4), and allows BPS to\ncorrect for agent biases, codependencies, and mispecifications\n\n## How to use\n\nThere are three steps to using this method. First, create an object\nusing the training information. Second, use the .fit() method to fit the\nmodel to the training data. Finally, use the .predict() method, which\ntakes the new agent means, variances, and degrees of freedom as\narguments, to predict the outcome at time T+1. Inflation forecasting\ndata, originally provided at\nhttps://www2.stat.duke.edu/~mw/mwsoftware/BPS/index.html, is made\navailable through the dynbps package, and is used in this example\n\n### Step 0: Read in the data and set priors\n\n``` python\nyI, a, A, n = loadDataInf()\nT = yI.shape[0] # total time in analysis\nJ = a.shape[1] # number of agents\np = J + 1 # number of agents plus intercept\n# set priors\ndelta = [0.95, 0.99] # discount factors \nm_0 = np.ones(shape = [J + 1])/J # prior mean for agent coefficients \nm_0[0] = 0 # prior mean for intercept\nC_0 = np.eye(p) * 1 # prior for covariance matrix\nn_0 = 1/(1 - delta[1]) # prior on BPS degrees of freedom\ns_0 = 0.01 # prior on BPS observation variance \nburn_in, mcmc_iter = 2000, 3000\n```\n\n### Step 1: Create a BPS object\n\nWhen creating the BPS object, I provide all inputs. The user must\nspecify the first three inputs: target series, agent means, and agent\nvariances. If the degrees of freedom are not given, they default to 30,\neffectively implementing a normal distribution instead of a\nt-distribution. The default entries for all other parameters are equal\nto their respective values in the code above.\n\n``` python\n## Remove the last observation to prevent data leak\nyT = yI[0:-1]\naT = a[0:-1,]\nAT = A[0:-1,]\nnT = n[0:-1,]\nmodel = BPS(yT,aT,AT,nT,delta,m_0,C_0,n_0,s_0,burn_in,mcmc_iter)\n```\n\n### Step 2: Fit the model\n\nNow that the object is created, we can fit the model using the .fit()\nmethod. The .fit() method will print out the current MCMC iteration\nevery 1000 iterations. The total number of iterations is burn_in +\nmcmc_iter = 5000. This process may take a few minutes.\n\n``` python\nmodel.fit()\n```\n\n    0\n    1000\n    2000\n    3000\n    4000\n\n### Step 3: Predict the next outcome\n\nFinally, feed the new agent means $a$, variances $A$, and degrees of\nfreedom $n$ into the .predict() method to get a predicted mean and\nvariance for $y_{T+1}$.\n\n``` python\na_new = a[-1,]\nA_new = A[-1,]\nn_new = n[-1,]\nanswer = model.predict(a_new, A_new, n_new)\npredicted_mean = answer[0]\npredicted_variance = answer[1]\n\nprint(predicted_mean)\nprint(predicted_variance)\n```\n\n    1.5999742312322198\n    0.01667075932173112\n\n## Motivating Example\n\nWhen combining predictive densities, most ensemble methods are linear\ncombinations of the densities themselves.\n\n$$f(X|A_{1:J}) = \\sum_{j=1:J} w_j h_j(X)$$\n\nThe most prominent example is Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA), where the\nweights are the posterior probability of the model (or agent), given the\ndata $D$\n\n$$w_k = P(A_k|D) = \\frac{P(D|A_k)P(A_k)}{\\sum_{j=1:J} P(D|A_j)P(A_j)}$$\n\nThis linear combination of the densities is intuitive and useful, but it\nis ultimately underparametrized. When the agents are correlated and/or\nmisspecified, the linear combination of the densities struggles. In many\ncases, linear combination methods converge to one singular model (the\none that has performed best so far), throwing away the potential\ninformation in the correlation structure of the agent predictions.\nFurthermore, in the likely situation where the forecasting problem is\n\u201c$M-open$\u201d, (none of the models are correct) the underparamterization of\nthe ensemble is exacerbated.\n\nIn this section, I present a simple motivating example that I hope will\neducate the reader on latent synthesis, and bolster their understanding\nof BPS. This example is in the \u201c$M-open$\u201d setting, where all agents are\nincorrected. The agents are not correlated, and are constant through\ntime. These simplifications are intentional, and are designed to\nhighlight the advantages of latent synthesis. I want to acknowledge that\nthere are many examples where BMA and other linear density combinations\nhave been used to great success. However, this example highlights a\nweakness in linear combination, one that we should not ignore in more\ncomplicated applications.\n\nConsider the following data generating process\n\n$$Y = 0.5*X_1 + 0.5*X_2$$\n\nwhere $X_1$ and $X_2$ are unobserved variables that are correlated via a\nbivariate normal distribution\n\n$$\\begin{pmatrix}\nX_1 \\\\ X_2 \\end{pmatrix}\\sim N\\bigg(\\begin{pmatrix}\n1 \\\\\n4\n\\end{pmatrix},\\begin{pmatrix}\n1 & 0.5\\\\\n0.5 & 1\n\\end{pmatrix}\\bigg)$$\n\nAssume that there are 100 observations of $Y$ and a decision maker wants\nto use two agents in an ensemble. Agent 1 always submits density\nforecast $h_1(\\cdot) := N(1,1)$, and Agent 2 always submits\n$h_2(\\cdot):=N(4,1)$. The agents struggle at predicting $Y$, but they\nperfectly describe the marginal distributions of $X_1$, and $X_2$.\nTherefore, the decision maker has all the necessary information to\ncreate a reasonable ensemble forecast for $Y$.\n\n``` python\n#### Code for Generating Y\np = 2\nn = 100\nmeans = [1,4]\nvars = [1,1]\nSigma = np.matrix([[vars[0],0.5],[0.5,vars[1]]])\nX = np.random.multivariate_normal(means, Sigma, n).T\n\nY = 0.5*X[0] + 0.5*X[1]\n\n### Calculating True Distribution of Y\ntransform = np.matrix([0.5,0.5])\nmu_true = np.matmul(transform, means)\nvar_true = np.matmul(np.matmul(transform, Sigma), transform.T)\nsd_true = np.sqrt(var_true)\n```\n\nBelow, I create a plot that shows the true density of $Y$ (black), the\nobserved density of $Y$ (gray), and the predicted densities from the\nagents (green). In light red, I show the range of possible results from\na linear ensemble of the agent densities, when weights are restricted to\nthe unit simplex. It is important to note that the unit simplex includes\n$(w_1, w_2) = (1,0)$ and $(w_1, w_2)= (0,1)$, where the ensemble\nconverges to one of the agents.\n\n``` python\ndist_space = linspace( -3, 8, 1000 ) ## For evaluation of the KDE for Y\n\n\nplt.plot(dist_space, norm.pdf(dist_space, loc = means[0], scale = 1), color = \"darkgreen\", alpha = 0.9, label = \"Agents\")\nplt.plot(dist_space, norm.pdf(dist_space, loc = means[1], scale = 1), color = \"darkgreen\", alpha = 0.9)\nplt.plot(dist_space, norm.pdf(dist_space, loc = mu_true, scale =sd_true)[0], color = \"black\", label = \"Truth\")\nplt.plot(dist_space, gaussian_kde(Y)(dist_space), color = \"gray\", label = \"Observed\")\nfor j in range(0,11):\n  plt.plot(dist_space, (j/10)*norm.pdf(dist_space, loc = means[0], scale = 1) + ((10-j)/10)*norm.pdf(dist_space, loc = means[1], scale = 1), color = \"red\", alpha = .2)\nplt.title(\"Possible Combinations\")\nplt.legend()\nplt.show()\n```\n\n![](index_files/figure-commonmark/cell-7-output-1.png)\n\nFrom this plot, it is clear that no linear combination of densities with\nweights on the unit simplex will give a satisfactory result. In fact, no\nlinear combination, even without restriction on weights, will capture\nthe distribution of $Y$. Writing $h_Y$ in terms of $h_1$ and $h_2$ is\ncomplicated and requires an interaction term $h_1(x)*h_2(x)$.\nFurthermore, while adding interaction terms is possible in this simple\nexample it quickly becomes infeasible when $J$ becomes large, and does\nnot provide guarantees when the DGP is more complicated.\n\nLatent ensemble models such as BPS take latent draws from\n$H = (h_1,h_2)$ to get $(\\hat{x}_1, \\hat{x_2})$. Then, using the latent\ndraws, BPS will predict $Y$ through the synthesis function. Therefore,\nwhile latent synthesis sounds intimidating, and its strong performance\nmakes people assume it is complex, the underlying motivation is quite\nintuitive. Combining densities directly creates an inflexible ensemble.\nCombining latent draws from a distribution helps combat misspecification\nand codependencies between agents.\n\n``` python\n## Code Updating Plot with BPS and BMA\n\n\n### BMA: Find Posterior Model Probabilities \nM1L = sum(np.log(norm.pdf(Y, loc = means[0], scale = 1)))\nM2L = sum(np.log(norm.pdf(Y, loc = means[1], scale = 1)))\nw1 = np.exp(M1L)/(np.exp(M1L) + np.exp(M2L))\nw2 = np.exp(M2L)/(np.exp(M1L) + np.exp(M2L))\n\n\na = np.tile(np.array(means), (100, 1)) ## Create input mean array for BPS\nA = np.tile(np.array(vars),(100,1)) ## Create input variance array for BPS\n\nmodel = BPS(y=Y[:-1,], a_j=a[:-1,], A_j = A[:-1,], s_0 = 1, mcmc_iter = 500, burn_in = 500)\nmodel.fit()\nbps_mean, bps_var = model.predict(a[-1,], A[-1,])\n\n\n\nplt.plot(dist_space, norm.pdf(dist_space, loc = means[0], scale = 1), color = \"darkgreen\", alpha = 0.5, label = \"Agent 1\")\nplt.plot(dist_space, norm.pdf(dist_space, loc = means[1], scale = 1), color = \"darkgreen\", alpha = 0.5, label = \"Agent 2\")\nplt.plot(dist_space, norm.pdf(dist_space, loc = mu_true, scale =sd_true)[0], color = \"black\", label = \"Truth\")\nplt.plot(dist_space, gaussian_kde(Y)(dist_space), color = \"gray\", label = \"Observed\")\nplt.plot(dist_space, w1*norm.pdf(dist_space, loc = means[0], scale = 1) + (w2)*norm.pdf(dist_space, loc = means[1], scale = 1), color = \"red\", label = \"BMA\")\nplt.plot(dist_space, norm.pdf(dist_space, loc = bps_mean, scale =np.sqrt(bps_var)), color = \"blue\", label = \"BPS\")\nplt.title(\"Results of Comparison\")\nplt.legend()\n```\n\n    0\n\n    <matplotlib.legend.Legend>\n\n![](index_files/figure-commonmark/cell-8-output-3.png)\n\nWe see above that BMA converges to one of our mispecified agents. On the\nother hand, BPS is able to overcome the agent mispecification and give\nan accurate distribution for $Y$.\n\nLinear density combinations can give great results, but they are\nunderparametrized, and struggle when agents are mispecified or\ncodependent. Mispecification and codependencies are almost certain in\nreal world applications, and latent synthesis methods, such as BPS, are\namong the best tools for the job.\n\n## Acknowledgements\n\nI would like to acknowledge the efforts of Srikar Katta in creating the\ninital draft of python code for BPS. He gratiously shared his code with\nme - giving me a strong launching point. Srikar is now studying for his\nPhD at Duke University. His webpage is located at\nhttps://scholars.duke.edu/person/srikar.katta/academic-experience. Thank\nyou Srikar!\n",
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