
Nameearnbase-common JSON
Version 0.2.7 PyPI version JSON
SummaryCommon utilities for Earnbase services
upload_time2025-01-12 10:07:04
keywords logging utilities microservices fastapi mongodb redis
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # Earnbase Common

Core library for Earnbase Platform services.

## Overview

Earnbase Common provides shared components, utilities, and standards for building microservices in the Earnbase Platform. It implements common patterns and best practices to ensure consistency across services.

## Features

### Domain Models

Base classes for domain-driven design:

- **BaseModel**: Enhanced Pydantic model with common functionality
from earnbase_common.models import BaseModel
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Optional

class User(BaseModel):
    name: str
    email: str
    created_at: datetime
    status: Optional[str] = None

# Models are immutable by default
user = User(

- **Entity**: Base class for domain entities
from earnbase_common.models import Entity
from typing import Optional

class Product(Entity):
    name: str
    price: float
    description: Optional[str] = None

product = Product(name="Phone", price=999.99)
print(str(product))  # Product(id=123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000)

- **AggregateRoot**: Base class for aggregate roots with event management
from earnbase_common.models import AggregateRoot, DomainEvent

class OrderCreated(DomainEvent):
    order_id: str
    total_amount: float

class Order(AggregateRoot):
    customer_id: str
    total: float
    status: str = "pending"

    def place(self) -> None:
        """Place the order."""
        self.status = "placed"
        # Add domain event
        # Update version

# Create and place order
order = Order(customer_id="123", total=100.0)

# Access events and version
print(order.events)  # [OrderCreated(...)]
print(order.version)  # 2

Key features:
- Immutable models with Pydantic validation
- Event sourcing with domain events
- Automatic versioning and timestamps
- UUID generation for entities
- Type safety and validation

For detailed documentation, see [Models](docs/models.md).

### Security

Comprehensive security utilities:

from earnbase_common.security import (

# JWT token management
config = JWTConfig(secret_key="your-secret-key")
manager = TokenManager(config)

# Create tokens
access_token = manager.create_token(
    data={"user_id": "123"},

# Password management
hasher = PasswordHasher()
hash_value = await hasher.hash("StrongP@ssw0rd")
is_valid = await hasher.verify("StrongP@ssw0rd", hash_value.value)

# Security policies
policy = SecurityPolicy()
min_length = policy.PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH  # 8
max_attempts = policy.MAX_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS  # 5
token_expire = policy.ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRE_MINUTES  # 30

Key features:
- JWT token creation and verification
- Password hashing with policy validation
- Security policy configuration
- Session management
- Account lockout protection
- Token expiration control

For detailed documentation, see [Security](docs/security.md).

### Value Objects

Immutable value objects for common domain concepts:

from earnbase_common.value_objects import (
from decimal import Decimal

# Email validation
email = Email(value="user@example.com")
print(str(email))  # user@example.com

# Phone number with country code
phone = PhoneNumber(
print(str(phone))  # +841234567890

# Money with currency
price = Money(amount=Decimal("99.99"), currency="USD")
discount = Money(amount=Decimal("10.00"), currency="USD")
final = price - discount
print(str(final))  # 89.99 USD

# Address with optional unit
address = Address(
    street="123 Main St",
    city="San Francisco",
# Unit 4B, 123 Main St, San Francisco, CA 94105, USA

Key features:
- Immutable value objects
- Format validation
- Pattern matching
- String representation
- Equality comparison
- Type safety
- Arithmetic operations (Money)

For detailed documentation, see [Value Objects](docs/value_objects.md).

### Core Components

- **Database**: MongoDB integration and repository patterns
from earnbase_common.database import MongoDB, BaseRepository
from pydantic import BaseModel

# MongoDB client with automatic retries and connection pooling
mongodb = MongoDB()
await mongodb.connect(

# Type-safe repository pattern
class User(BaseModel):
    name: str
    email: str
    status: str = "active"

class UserRepository(BaseRepository[User]):
    def __init__(self, mongodb: MongoDB):

# Use repository
repo = UserRepository(mongodb)
user = await repo.find_one({"email": "user@example.com"})
users = await repo.find_many({"status": "active"})

Key features:
- MongoDB client with automatic retries
- Connection pooling and lifecycle management
- Type-safe repository pattern with Pydantic
- Automatic metrics collection
- Built-in error handling

For detailed documentation, see [Database](docs/database.md).

- **Redis**: Caching and session management
from earnbase_common.redis import RedisClient, Cache

# Use Redis for caching
cache = Cache()
await cache.set("key", "value", expire=300)  # 5 minutes
value = await cache.get("key")

# Use Redis for session
session = await RedisClient.get_session("session_id")
await session.set("user_id", "123")
user_id = await session.get("user_id")

- **HTTP**: HTTP client and request handling
from earnbase_common.http import HTTPClient

# Make HTTP requests
client = HTTPClient()
response = await client.get("https://api.example.com/users")
user = await client.post(
    json={"name": "John"}

- **Metrics**: Performance monitoring and metrics collection
from earnbase_common.metrics import metrics

# Counter metric
request_counter = metrics.counter(
    labelnames=["method", "path"]
request_counter.labels(method="GET", path="/users").inc()

# Histogram metric
request_duration = metrics.histogram(
    label_names=["method", "path"],
    buckets=(0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 1.0)
with request_duration.time():
    # Process request

# Gauge metric
active_users = metrics.gauge(

# Summary metric
response_size = metrics.summary(

Key features:
- Multiple metric types (Counter, Histogram, Gauge, Summary)
- Automatic metrics collection for HTTP and Database operations
- Built-in service metrics (uptime, info)
- Prometheus integration
- Decorator-based metrics collection

For detailed documentation, see [Metrics](docs/metrics.md).

- **Logging**: Structured logging and error tracking
from earnbase_common.logging import get_logger, setup_logging

# Configure logging
    debug=False  # True for development

# Get logger
logger = get_logger(__name__)

# Structured logging with context
    "Processing request",

# Error logging with details
    result = await process_data()
except Exception as e:
        "Operation failed",

Key features:
- Structured logging with JSON/Console formats
- Automatic log rotation and size limits
- Sensitive data filtering
- Service context enrichment
- Multiple output handlers (console, file, error file)

For detailed documentation, see [Logging](docs/logging.md).

## Database Operations

The MongoDB client now includes a retry mechanism using tenacity. This helps handle temporary connection issues and improves reliability.

### Retry Configuration

You can customize the retry behavior:

from earnbase_common.retry import RetryConfig
from earnbase_common.database import mongodb

# Custom retry config
retry_config = RetryConfig(
    exceptions=(ConnectionError, TimeoutError)

# Apply to MongoDB client
await mongodb.connect(

Default retry configuration:
- Max attempts: 3
- Max delay: 5 seconds
- Min delay: 1 second
- Retried exceptions: ConnectionFailure, ServerSelectionTimeoutError

All database operations (find, insert, update, delete) automatically use the configured retry mechanism.

## Project Structure

├── config/         # Configuration management
├── database/       # Database integration
├── errors/         # Error handling
├── http/          # HTTP utilities
├── logging/       # Logging configuration
├── metrics/       # Metrics collection
├── middleware/    # HTTP middleware
├── models/        # Domain models
├── redis/         # Redis integration
├── responses/     # API responses
├── security/      # Security utilities
└── value_objects/ # Domain value objects

## Installation

pdm add earnbase-common

## Contributing

1. Fork the repository
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b feature/amazing-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -m 'Add amazing feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin feature/amazing-feature`)
5. Open a Pull Request

## License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details.

## Dependency Injection with Containers

The `containers` module provides a standardized way to manage dependencies across services using the dependency-injector package.

### BaseContainer

The `BaseContainer` class serves as a foundation for service-specific containers, providing common functionality:

from earnbase_common.containers import BaseContainer
from dependency_injector import providers

class ServiceContainer(BaseContainer):
    """Service-specific container."""
    # Override config with service-specific settings
    config = providers.Singleton(ServiceSettings)
    # Add service-specific providers
    service = providers.Singleton(MyService)
    repository = providers.Singleton(MyRepository)

### Common Providers

The `BaseContainer` includes several pre-configured providers:

1. **MongoDB**:
# Automatically configured from settings
mongodb = providers.Singleton(MongoDB)

# Access in your code
mongodb_client = container.mongodb()
await mongodb_client.connect(

2. **Redis**:
# Optional Redis support
redis = providers.Singleton(RedisClient)

# Access in your code if configured
redis_client = container.redis()
if redis_url:
    await redis_client.connect(

3. **Metrics**:
# Metrics collection
metrics = providers.Singleton(

### Resource Lifecycle

The `BaseContainer` manages resource lifecycle automatically:

async def lifespan(app: FastAPI):
    """Application lifespan manager."""
    container = ServiceContainer()
        # Initialize resources (MongoDB, Redis, etc.)
        await container.init_resources()
        # Wire container
        # Cleanup resources
        await container.shutdown_resources()

### Configuration Integration

The container works seamlessly with the configuration system:

from earnbase_common.config import BaseSettings

class ServiceSettings(BaseSettings):
    """Service-specific settings."""
    def _load_yaml_mappings(self, config: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        """Load service-specific mappings."""
        mappings = super()._load_yaml_mappings(config)
        # Add service-specific mappings
        service_mappings = {
            "SERVICE_NAME": config["service"]["name"],
            "MONGODB_URL": config["mongodb"]["url"],
            "REDIS_URL": config["redis"].get("url"),
            "METRICS_ENABLED": config["metrics"].get("enabled", True),
        return mappings

### Best Practices

1. **Resource Management**:
   - Always use `init_resources()` and `shutdown_resources()`
   - Handle optional resources like Redis gracefully
   - Implement proper error handling for resource initialization

2. **Configuration**:
   - Use type-safe configuration with proper defaults
   - Handle optional settings gracefully
   - Validate configuration during initialization

3. **Dependency Wiring**:
   - Wire containers at application startup
   - Use proper package scoping for wiring
   - Avoid circular dependencies

4. **Error Handling**:
   - Handle resource initialization failures
   - Implement proper cleanup in shutdown
   - Log resource lifecycle events

### Configuration

The configuration system provides a flexible and type-safe way to manage settings:

from earnbase_common.config import BaseSettings

class ServiceSettings(BaseSettings):
    """Service-specific settings."""
    # Default values with type hints
    DEBUG: bool = True
    HTTP_PORT: int = 8000

# Load from file
settings = ServiceSettings("config.yaml")

# Load with environment variables
# SERVICE_NAME=my-service python app.py

# Load with direct arguments
settings = ServiceSettings(

Key features:
- Multiple configuration sources (YAML, env vars, direct args)
- Type validation and immutability
- Environment-specific settings
- Secure handling of sensitive data
- Service-specific prefixes for env vars

For detailed documentation, see [Configuration](docs/config.md).

### Dependency Injection

The containers module provides a powerful dependency injection system:

from earnbase_common.containers import BaseContainer
from dependency_injector import providers

class ServiceContainer(BaseContainer):
    """Service container."""
    # Common providers are pre-configured:
    # - config: Settings management
    # - mongodb: Database connection
    # - redis: Cache client
    # - metrics: Metrics collection
    # Add service-specific providers
    repository = providers.Singleton(
    service = providers.Singleton(

# Resource lifecycle management
async def lifespan(app: FastAPI):
    container = ServiceContainer()
        await container.init_resources()
        await container.shutdown_resources()

Key features:
- Pre-configured common providers
- Resource lifecycle management
- Integration with FastAPI
- Testing support with provider overrides
- Async resource providers
- Factory and contextual providers

For detailed documentation, see [Containers](docs/containers.md).

- **Middleware**: HTTP middleware components
from fastapi import FastAPI
from earnbase_common.middleware import (

app = FastAPI()

# Add security headers
app.add_middleware(SecurityHeadersMiddleware)  # Adds security headers

# Add request tracking
app.add_middleware(RequestTrackingMiddleware)  # Tracks request details

async def get_users(request: Request):
    # Access request tracking info
    request_id = request.state.request_id
    start_time = request.state.start_time
    return {"request_id": request_id}

Key features:
- Security headers middleware (XSS, CSP, HSTS)
- Request tracking with unique IDs
- Request/Response logging
- Performance monitoring
- Error handling

For detailed documentation, see [Middleware](docs/middleware.md).

### Redis

Redis client with caching and session management:

from earnbase_common.redis import RedisClient

# Connect to Redis
redis = await RedisClient.connect(
    prefix="myapp",  # Optional key prefix
    ttl=3600        # Default TTL in seconds

# Basic operations
await redis.set("user:123", "John Doe")
value = await redis.get("user:123")  # "John Doe"

# Custom expiration
await redis.set("session:abc", "data", expire=1800)  # 30 minutes

# Check existence and TTL
exists = await redis.exists("user:123")  # True
ttl = await redis.ttl("session:abc")     # Seconds remaining

# Close connection
await redis.close()

Key features:
- Connection pooling and management
- Key prefixing and TTL configuration
- Structured error handling and logging
- Support for caching and sessions
- Distributed locks and rate limiting
- Pub/Sub messaging

For detailed documentation, see [Redis](docs/redis.md).

### Responses

Standardized API response models:

from earnbase_common.responses import (

# Success response
response = SuccessResponse(
    message="User created",
    data={"id": "123", "name": "John"},
    meta={"timestamp": "2024-01-12T00:00:00Z"}

# Error response
error = ErrorResponse(
    error="Validation failed",
    details={"field": "email", "message": "Invalid format"},
        {"field": "email", "message": "Invalid format"},
        {"field": "phone", "message": "Required field"}

# Paginated response
paginated = PaginatedResponse(
    data=[{"id": "1"}, {"id": "2"}],
        "page": 1,
        "per_page": 10,
        "total": 100,
        "total_pages": 10

# FastAPI integration
app = FastAPI()

async def get_user(user_id: str):
    return {
        "id": user_id,
        "name": "John Doe"

Key features:
- Standardized response structure
- Type validation with Pydantic
- Error handling with details
- Pagination support
- Custom JSON formatting
- FastAPI integration

For detailed documentation, see [Responses](docs/responses.md).

Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": null,
    "name": "earnbase-common",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.9",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": "logging, utilities, microservices, fastapi, mongodb, redis",
    "author": null,
    "author_email": "Earnbase Team <dev@earnbase.io>",
    "download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/43/07/a3b28976643d272e5daf638591d2266ab91a129e962dc41db8ad30f6574b/earnbase_common-0.2.7.tar.gz",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# Earnbase Common\n\nCore library for Earnbase Platform services.\n\n## Overview\n\nEarnbase Common provides shared components, utilities, and standards for building microservices in the Earnbase Platform. It implements common patterns and best practices to ensure consistency across services.\n\n## Features\n\n### Domain Models\n\nBase classes for domain-driven design:\n\n- **BaseModel**: Enhanced Pydantic model with common functionality\n```python\nfrom earnbase_common.models import BaseModel\nfrom datetime import datetime\nfrom typing import Optional\n\nclass User(BaseModel):\n    name: str\n    email: str\n    created_at: datetime\n    status: Optional[str] = None\n\n# Models are immutable by default\nuser = User(\n    name=\"John\",\n    email=\"john@example.com\",\n    created_at=datetime.utcnow()\n)\n```\n\n- **Entity**: Base class for domain entities\n```python\nfrom earnbase_common.models import Entity\nfrom typing import Optional\n\nclass Product(Entity):\n    name: str\n    price: float\n    description: Optional[str] = None\n\nproduct = Product(name=\"Phone\", price=999.99)\nprint(str(product))  # Product(id=123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000)\n```\n\n- **AggregateRoot**: Base class for aggregate roots with event management\n```python\nfrom earnbase_common.models import AggregateRoot, DomainEvent\n\nclass OrderCreated(DomainEvent):\n    order_id: str\n    total_amount: float\n\nclass Order(AggregateRoot):\n    customer_id: str\n    total: float\n    status: str = \"pending\"\n\n    def place(self) -> None:\n        \"\"\"Place the order.\"\"\"\n        self.status = \"placed\"\n        \n        # Add domain event\n        self.add_event(\n            OrderCreated(\n                event_type=\"OrderCreated\",\n                aggregate_id=str(self.id),\n                aggregate_type=\"Order\",\n                order_id=str(self.id),\n                total_amount=self.total\n            )\n        )\n        \n        # Update version\n        self.increment_version()\n\n# Create and place order\norder = Order(customer_id=\"123\", total=100.0)\norder.place()\n\n# Access events and version\nprint(order.events)  # [OrderCreated(...)]\nprint(order.version)  # 2\n```\n\nKey features:\n- Immutable models with Pydantic validation\n- Event sourcing with domain events\n- Automatic versioning and timestamps\n- UUID generation for entities\n- Type safety and validation\n\nFor detailed documentation, see [Models](docs/models.md).\n\n### Security\n\nComprehensive security utilities:\n\n```python\nfrom earnbase_common.security import (\n    JWTConfig,\n    TokenManager,\n    PasswordHasher,\n    SecurityPolicy\n)\n\n# JWT token management\nconfig = JWTConfig(secret_key=\"your-secret-key\")\nmanager = TokenManager(config)\n\n# Create tokens\naccess_token = manager.create_token(\n    data={\"user_id\": \"123\"},\n    token_type=\"access\"\n)\n\n# Password management\nhasher = PasswordHasher()\nhash_value = await hasher.hash(\"StrongP@ssw0rd\")\nis_valid = await hasher.verify(\"StrongP@ssw0rd\", hash_value.value)\n\n# Security policies\npolicy = SecurityPolicy()\nmin_length = policy.PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH  # 8\nmax_attempts = policy.MAX_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS  # 5\ntoken_expire = policy.ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRE_MINUTES  # 30\n```\n\nKey features:\n- JWT token creation and verification\n- Password hashing with policy validation\n- Security policy configuration\n- Session management\n- Account lockout protection\n- Token expiration control\n\nFor detailed documentation, see [Security](docs/security.md).\n\n### Value Objects\n\nImmutable value objects for common domain concepts:\n\n```python\nfrom earnbase_common.value_objects import (\n    Email,\n    PhoneNumber,\n    Money,\n    Address\n)\nfrom decimal import Decimal\n\n# Email validation\nemail = Email(value=\"user@example.com\")\nprint(str(email))  # user@example.com\n\n# Phone number with country code\nphone = PhoneNumber(\n    value=\"1234567890\",\n    country_code=\"84\"\n)\nprint(str(phone))  # +841234567890\n\n# Money with currency\nprice = Money(amount=Decimal(\"99.99\"), currency=\"USD\")\ndiscount = Money(amount=Decimal(\"10.00\"), currency=\"USD\")\nfinal = price - discount\nprint(str(final))  # 89.99 USD\n\n# Address with optional unit\naddress = Address(\n    street=\"123 Main St\",\n    city=\"San Francisco\",\n    state=\"CA\",\n    country=\"USA\",\n    postal_code=\"94105\",\n    unit=\"4B\"\n)\nprint(str(address))\n# Unit 4B, 123 Main St, San Francisco, CA 94105, USA\n```\n\nKey features:\n- Immutable value objects\n- Format validation\n- Pattern matching\n- String representation\n- Equality comparison\n- Type safety\n- Arithmetic operations (Money)\n\nFor detailed documentation, see [Value Objects](docs/value_objects.md).\n\n### Core Components\n\n- **Database**: MongoDB integration and repository patterns\n```python\nfrom earnbase_common.database import MongoDB, BaseRepository\nfrom pydantic import BaseModel\n\n# MongoDB client with automatic retries and connection pooling\nmongodb = MongoDB()\nawait mongodb.connect(\n    url=\"mongodb://localhost:27017\",\n    db_name=\"mydb\",\n    min_pool_size=10,\n    max_pool_size=100\n)\n\n# Type-safe repository pattern\nclass User(BaseModel):\n    name: str\n    email: str\n    status: str = \"active\"\n\nclass UserRepository(BaseRepository[User]):\n    def __init__(self, mongodb: MongoDB):\n        super().__init__(\n            collection=mongodb.db[\"users\"],\n            model=User\n        )\n\n# Use repository\nrepo = UserRepository(mongodb)\nuser = await repo.find_one({\"email\": \"user@example.com\"})\nusers = await repo.find_many({\"status\": \"active\"})\n```\n\nKey features:\n- MongoDB client with automatic retries\n- Connection pooling and lifecycle management\n- Type-safe repository pattern with Pydantic\n- Automatic metrics collection\n- Built-in error handling\n\nFor detailed documentation, see [Database](docs/database.md).\n\n- **Redis**: Caching and session management\n```python\nfrom earnbase_common.redis import RedisClient, Cache\n\n# Use Redis for caching\ncache = Cache()\nawait cache.set(\"key\", \"value\", expire=300)  # 5 minutes\nvalue = await cache.get(\"key\")\n\n# Use Redis for session\nsession = await RedisClient.get_session(\"session_id\")\nawait session.set(\"user_id\", \"123\")\nuser_id = await session.get(\"user_id\")\n```\n\n- **HTTP**: HTTP client and request handling\n```python\nfrom earnbase_common.http import HTTPClient\n\n# Make HTTP requests\nclient = HTTPClient()\nresponse = await client.get(\"https://api.example.com/users\")\nuser = await client.post(\n    \"https://api.example.com/users\",\n    json={\"name\": \"John\"}\n)\n```\n\n- **Metrics**: Performance monitoring and metrics collection\n```python\nfrom earnbase_common.metrics import metrics\n\n# Counter metric\nrequest_counter = metrics.counter(\n    \"http_requests_total\",\n    labelnames=[\"method\", \"path\"]\n)\nrequest_counter.labels(method=\"GET\", path=\"/users\").inc()\n\n# Histogram metric\nrequest_duration = metrics.histogram(\n    \"http_request_duration_seconds\",\n    label_names=[\"method\", \"path\"],\n    buckets=(0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 1.0)\n)\nwith request_duration.time():\n    # Process request\n    pass\n\n# Gauge metric\nactive_users = metrics.gauge(\n    \"active_users\",\n    labelnames=[\"status\"]\n)\nactive_users.labels(status=\"online\").set(42)\n\n# Summary metric\nresponse_size = metrics.summary(\n    \"response_size_bytes\",\n    labelnames=[\"content_type\"]\n)\nresponse_size.labels(content_type=\"json\").observe(1024)\n```\n\nKey features:\n- Multiple metric types (Counter, Histogram, Gauge, Summary)\n- Automatic metrics collection for HTTP and Database operations\n- Built-in service metrics (uptime, info)\n- Prometheus integration\n- Decorator-based metrics collection\n\nFor detailed documentation, see [Metrics](docs/metrics.md).\n\n- **Logging**: Structured logging and error tracking\n```python\nfrom earnbase_common.logging import get_logger, setup_logging\n\n# Configure logging\nsetup_logging(\n    service_name=\"my-service\",\n    log_file=\"/var/log/my-service/app.log\",\n    log_level=\"INFO\",\n    debug=False  # True for development\n)\n\n# Get logger\nlogger = get_logger(__name__)\n\n# Structured logging with context\nlogger.info(\n    \"Processing request\",\n    request_id=\"req-123\",\n    method=\"POST\",\n    path=\"/users\"\n)\n\n# Error logging with details\ntry:\n    result = await process_data()\nexcept Exception as e:\n    logger.error(\n        \"Operation failed\",\n        error=str(e),\n        operation=\"process_data\",\n        exc_info=True\n    )\n```\n\nKey features:\n- Structured logging with JSON/Console formats\n- Automatic log rotation and size limits\n- Sensitive data filtering\n- Service context enrichment\n- Multiple output handlers (console, file, error file)\n\nFor detailed documentation, see [Logging](docs/logging.md).\n\n## Database Operations\n\nThe MongoDB client now includes a retry mechanism using tenacity. This helps handle temporary connection issues and improves reliability.\n\n### Retry Configuration\n\nYou can customize the retry behavior:\n\n```python\nfrom earnbase_common.retry import RetryConfig\nfrom earnbase_common.database import mongodb\n\n# Custom retry config\nretry_config = RetryConfig(\n    max_attempts=5,\n    max_delay=10.0,\n    min_delay=1.0,\n    exceptions=(ConnectionError, TimeoutError)\n)\n\n# Apply to MongoDB client\nawait mongodb.connect(\n    url=\"mongodb://localhost:27017\",\n    db_name=\"earnbase\",\n    retry_config=retry_config\n)\n```\n\nDefault retry configuration:\n- Max attempts: 3\n- Max delay: 5 seconds\n- Min delay: 1 second\n- Retried exceptions: ConnectionFailure, ServerSelectionTimeoutError\n\nAll database operations (find, insert, update, delete) automatically use the configured retry mechanism.\n\n## Project Structure\n\n```\nearnbase_common/\n\u251c\u2500\u2500 config/         # Configuration management\n\u251c\u2500\u2500 database/       # Database integration\n\u251c\u2500\u2500 errors/         # Error handling\n\u251c\u2500\u2500 http/          # HTTP utilities\n\u251c\u2500\u2500 logging/       # Logging configuration\n\u251c\u2500\u2500 metrics/       # Metrics collection\n\u251c\u2500\u2500 middleware/    # HTTP middleware\n\u251c\u2500\u2500 models/        # Domain models\n\u251c\u2500\u2500 redis/         # Redis integration\n\u251c\u2500\u2500 responses/     # API responses\n\u251c\u2500\u2500 security/      # Security utilities\n\u2514\u2500\u2500 value_objects/ # Domain value objects\n```\n\n## Installation\n\n```bash\npdm add earnbase-common\n```\n\n## Contributing\n\n1. Fork the repository\n2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b feature/amazing-feature`)\n3. Commit your changes (`git commit -m 'Add amazing feature'`)\n4. Push to the branch (`git push origin feature/amazing-feature`)\n5. Open a Pull Request\n\n## License\n\nThis project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details.\n\n## Dependency Injection with Containers\n\nThe `containers` module provides a standardized way to manage dependencies across services using the dependency-injector package.\n\n### BaseContainer\n\nThe `BaseContainer` class serves as a foundation for service-specific containers, providing common functionality:\n\n```python\nfrom earnbase_common.containers import BaseContainer\nfrom dependency_injector import providers\n\nclass ServiceContainer(BaseContainer):\n    \"\"\"Service-specific container.\"\"\"\n    \n    # Override config with service-specific settings\n    config = providers.Singleton(ServiceSettings)\n    \n    # Add service-specific providers\n    service = providers.Singleton(MyService)\n    repository = providers.Singleton(MyRepository)\n```\n\n### Common Providers\n\nThe `BaseContainer` includes several pre-configured providers:\n\n1. **MongoDB**:\n```python\n# Automatically configured from settings\nmongodb = providers.Singleton(MongoDB)\n\n# Access in your code\nmongodb_client = container.mongodb()\nawait mongodb_client.connect(\n    url=config.MONGODB_URL,\n    db_name=config.MONGODB_DB_NAME\n)\n```\n\n2. **Redis**:\n```python\n# Optional Redis support\nredis = providers.Singleton(RedisClient)\n\n# Access in your code if configured\nredis_client = container.redis()\nif redis_url:\n    await redis_client.connect(\n        url=redis_url,\n        db=redis_db\n    )\n```\n\n3. **Metrics**:\n```python\n# Metrics collection\nmetrics = providers.Singleton(\n    MetricsManager,\n    enabled=config.METRICS_ENABLED\n)\n```\n\n### Resource Lifecycle\n\nThe `BaseContainer` manages resource lifecycle automatically:\n\n```python\nasync def lifespan(app: FastAPI):\n    \"\"\"Application lifespan manager.\"\"\"\n    container = ServiceContainer()\n    \n    try:\n        # Initialize resources (MongoDB, Redis, etc.)\n        await container.init_resources()\n        \n        # Wire container\n        container.wire(packages=[\"my_service\"])\n        \n        yield\n        \n    finally:\n        # Cleanup resources\n        await container.shutdown_resources()\n```\n\n### Configuration Integration\n\nThe container works seamlessly with the configuration system:\n\n```python\nfrom earnbase_common.config import BaseSettings\n\nclass ServiceSettings(BaseSettings):\n    \"\"\"Service-specific settings.\"\"\"\n    \n    def _load_yaml_mappings(self, config: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:\n        \"\"\"Load service-specific mappings.\"\"\"\n        mappings = super()._load_yaml_mappings(config)\n        \n        # Add service-specific mappings\n        service_mappings = {\n            \"SERVICE_NAME\": config[\"service\"][\"name\"],\n            \"MONGODB_URL\": config[\"mongodb\"][\"url\"],\n            \"REDIS_URL\": config[\"redis\"].get(\"url\"),\n            \"METRICS_ENABLED\": config[\"metrics\"].get(\"enabled\", True),\n        }\n        \n        mappings.update(service_mappings)\n        return mappings\n```\n\n### Best Practices\n\n1. **Resource Management**:\n   - Always use `init_resources()` and `shutdown_resources()`\n   - Handle optional resources like Redis gracefully\n   - Implement proper error handling for resource initialization\n\n2. **Configuration**:\n   - Use type-safe configuration with proper defaults\n   - Handle optional settings gracefully\n   - Validate configuration during initialization\n\n3. **Dependency Wiring**:\n   - Wire containers at application startup\n   - Use proper package scoping for wiring\n   - Avoid circular dependencies\n\n4. **Error Handling**:\n   - Handle resource initialization failures\n   - Implement proper cleanup in shutdown\n   - Log resource lifecycle events\n\n### Configuration\n\nThe configuration system provides a flexible and type-safe way to manage settings:\n\n```python\nfrom earnbase_common.config import BaseSettings\n\nclass ServiceSettings(BaseSettings):\n    \"\"\"Service-specific settings.\"\"\"\n    \n    # Default values with type hints\n    SERVICE_NAME: str\n    DEBUG: bool = True\n    HTTP_PORT: int = 8000\n\n# Load from file\nsettings = ServiceSettings(\"config.yaml\")\n\n# Load with environment variables\n# SERVICE_NAME=my-service python app.py\n\n# Load with direct arguments\nsettings = ServiceSettings(\n    config_path=\"config.yaml\",\n    DEBUG=False,\n    HTTP_PORT=9000\n)\n```\n\nKey features:\n- Multiple configuration sources (YAML, env vars, direct args)\n- Type validation and immutability\n- Environment-specific settings\n- Secure handling of sensitive data\n- Service-specific prefixes for env vars\n\nFor detailed documentation, see [Configuration](docs/config.md).\n\n### Dependency Injection\n\nThe containers module provides a powerful dependency injection system:\n\n```python\nfrom earnbase_common.containers import BaseContainer\nfrom dependency_injector import providers\n\nclass ServiceContainer(BaseContainer):\n    \"\"\"Service container.\"\"\"\n    \n    # Common providers are pre-configured:\n    # - config: Settings management\n    # - mongodb: Database connection\n    # - redis: Cache client\n    # - metrics: Metrics collection\n    \n    # Add service-specific providers\n    repository = providers.Singleton(\n        Repository,\n        mongodb=mongodb\n    )\n    \n    service = providers.Singleton(\n        Service,\n        repository=repository,\n        redis=redis\n    )\n\n# Resource lifecycle management\nasync def lifespan(app: FastAPI):\n    container = ServiceContainer()\n    try:\n        await container.init_resources()\n        container.wire(packages=[\"my_service\"])\n        yield\n    finally:\n        await container.shutdown_resources()\n```\n\nKey features:\n- Pre-configured common providers\n- Resource lifecycle management\n- Integration with FastAPI\n- Testing support with provider overrides\n- Async resource providers\n- Factory and contextual providers\n\nFor detailed documentation, see [Containers](docs/containers.md).\n\n- **Middleware**: HTTP middleware components\n```python\nfrom fastapi import FastAPI\nfrom earnbase_common.middleware import (\n    SecurityHeadersMiddleware,\n    RequestTrackingMiddleware\n)\n\napp = FastAPI()\n\n# Add security headers\napp.add_middleware(SecurityHeadersMiddleware)  # Adds security headers\n\n# Add request tracking\napp.add_middleware(RequestTrackingMiddleware)  # Tracks request details\n\n@app.get(\"/users\")\nasync def get_users(request: Request):\n    # Access request tracking info\n    request_id = request.state.request_id\n    start_time = request.state.start_time\n    \n    return {\"request_id\": request_id}\n```\n\nKey features:\n- Security headers middleware (XSS, CSP, HSTS)\n- Request tracking with unique IDs\n- Request/Response logging\n- Performance monitoring\n- Error handling\n\nFor detailed documentation, see [Middleware](docs/middleware.md).\n\n### Redis\n\nRedis client with caching and session management:\n\n```python\nfrom earnbase_common.redis import RedisClient\n\n# Connect to Redis\nredis = await RedisClient.connect(\n    url=\"redis://localhost:6379\",\n    db=0,\n    prefix=\"myapp\",  # Optional key prefix\n    ttl=3600        # Default TTL in seconds\n)\n\n# Basic operations\nawait redis.set(\"user:123\", \"John Doe\")\nvalue = await redis.get(\"user:123\")  # \"John Doe\"\n\n# Custom expiration\nawait redis.set(\"session:abc\", \"data\", expire=1800)  # 30 minutes\n\n# Check existence and TTL\nexists = await redis.exists(\"user:123\")  # True\nttl = await redis.ttl(\"session:abc\")     # Seconds remaining\n\n# Close connection\nawait redis.close()\n```\n\nKey features:\n- Connection pooling and management\n- Key prefixing and TTL configuration\n- Structured error handling and logging\n- Support for caching and sessions\n- Distributed locks and rate limiting\n- Pub/Sub messaging\n\nFor detailed documentation, see [Redis](docs/redis.md).\n\n### Responses\n\nStandardized API response models:\n\n```python\nfrom earnbase_common.responses import (\n    SuccessResponse,\n    ErrorResponse,\n    PaginatedResponse,\n    CustomJSONResponse\n)\n\n# Success response\nresponse = SuccessResponse(\n    message=\"User created\",\n    data={\"id\": \"123\", \"name\": \"John\"},\n    meta={\"timestamp\": \"2024-01-12T00:00:00Z\"}\n)\n\n# Error response\nerror = ErrorResponse(\n    error=\"Validation failed\",\n    details={\"field\": \"email\", \"message\": \"Invalid format\"},\n    errors=[\n        {\"field\": \"email\", \"message\": \"Invalid format\"},\n        {\"field\": \"phone\", \"message\": \"Required field\"}\n    ]\n)\n\n# Paginated response\npaginated = PaginatedResponse(\n    data=[{\"id\": \"1\"}, {\"id\": \"2\"}],\n    meta={\n        \"page\": 1,\n        \"per_page\": 10,\n        \"total\": 100,\n        \"total_pages\": 10\n    }\n)\n\n# FastAPI integration\napp = FastAPI()\n\n@app.get(\n    \"/users/{user_id}\",\n    response_model=SuccessResponse,\n    response_class=CustomJSONResponse\n)\nasync def get_user(user_id: str):\n    return {\n        \"id\": user_id,\n        \"name\": \"John Doe\"\n    }\n```\n\nKey features:\n- Standardized response structure\n- Type validation with Pydantic\n- Error handling with details\n- Pagination support\n- Custom JSON formatting\n- FastAPI integration\n\nFor detailed documentation, see [Responses](docs/responses.md).\n``` \n</rewritten_file>",
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    "summary": "Common utilities for Earnbase services",
    "version": "0.2.7",
    "project_urls": {
        "Bug Tracker": "https://github.com/earnbaseio/earnbase-common/issues",
        "Changelog": "https://github.com/earnbaseio/earnbase-common/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md",
        "Documentation": "https://github.com/earnbaseio/earnbase-common#readme",
        "Homepage": "https://github.com/earnbaseio/earnbase-common",
        "Source Code": "https://github.com/earnbaseio/earnbase-common"
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        " microservices",
        " fastapi",
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