|pypi| |actions| |codecov| |downloads|
``edc-metadata`` puts a "metadata" layer on top of your data collection forms, namely CRFs and Requisitions. The "metadata" is used on the data entry dashboard (see also `edc_dashboard`). The metadata may be queried directly by a data manager to review the completion status of CRF and Requisition forms.
* Metadata is stored in two models, ``CrfMetaData`` and ``RequisitionMetaData``. One metadata record is created per form per visit. Metadata is only created for the data collection forms of a visit as defined in the ``visit schedule``.
* Metadata model instances are created for each visit when the ``visit`` model is saved. ``edc_metadata`` reads from the ``visit_schedule`` to decide which data collection form metadata model instances to create for a visit. (Note: See ``edc_visit_schedule``)
* Metadata is guaranteed to exist for every form defined in a visit after the visit form has been submitted.
``metadata`` model instances
Each ``metadata`` model instance, ``CrfMetadata`` or ``RequisitionMetadata``, is managed by
an actual CRF or REQUISITION model listed in the ``visit_schedule``.
``CrfMetadata` model instances are created for each CRF listed in the visit schedule. That is,
if the visit schedule schedules a CRF for 5 different visits, 5 ``CrfMetadata` model instances
will eventually be created. Metadata model instances are created when the ``visit`` model for a
timepoint is saved.
When you ``save`` a CRF within a visit, the ``entry_status`` of the the metadata instance`s
it manages is updated from ``REQUIRED`` to ``KEYED``.
The same applies to ``RequisitionMetadata`` for REQUISITIONS.
Entry status
By default the ``entry_status`` field attribute is set to ``REQUIRED``. You can change the default of each CRF to ``NOT_REQUIRED`` in your declaration in the visit schedule. See ``visit_schedule.crf``.
The same applies to REQUISITIONS.
``metadata_rules`` manipulate ``metadata`` model instances
``metadata_rules`` are declared to manipulate ``metadata`` model instances. The rules change the ``entry_status`` field attribute from ``REQUIRED`` to ``NOT_REQUIRED`` or visa-versa.
If the manager of the metadata instance, the CRF or REQUISITION model instance, exists, the entry status is updated to ``KEYED``and the ``metadata_rules`` targeting the metadata instance are ignored.
``metadata rules`` are run on each ``save`` of the visit and managing model instances.
If a value on some other form implies that your form should not be completed, your form`s metadata "entry_status" will change from REQUIRED to NOT REQUIRED upon ``save`` of the other form.
Metadata is ``updated`` through a ``post_save`` signal that re-runs the ``metadata rules``.
See also ``edc_metadata_rules``
Getting started
Models: Visit, Crfs and Requisitions
Let`s prepare the models that will be used in the scheduled data collection. These models are your visit models, crf models and requisition models.
Your application also has one or more ``Visit`` models. Each visit model is declared with the ``CreatesMetadataModelMixin``:
.. code-block:: python
class SubjectVisit(CreatesMetadataModelMixin, PreviousVisitMixin, VisitModelMixin,
RequiresConsentModelMixin, BaseUuidModel):
appointment = models.OneToOneField(Appointment)
class Meta(RequiresConsentModelMixin.Meta):
app_label = 'example'
Your ``Crf`` models are declared with the ``CrfModelMixin``:
.. code-block:: python
class CrfOne(CrfModelMixin, BaseUuidModel):
subject_visit = models.ForeignKey(SubjectVisit)
f1 = models.CharField(max_length=10, default='erik')
class Meta:
app_label = 'example'
Your ``Requisition`` models are declared with the ``RequisitionModelMixin``:
.. code-block:: python
class SubjectRequisition(RequisitionModelMixin, BaseUuidModel):
subject_visit = models.ForeignKey(SubjectVisit)
f1 = models.CharField(max_length=10, default='erik')
class Meta:
app_label = 'example'
As described above, ``metadata_rules`` manipulate the ``entry_status`` of CRF and Requisition ``metadata``. ``metadata_rules`` are registered to ``site_metadata_rules`` in module ``metadata_rules.py``. Place this file in the root of your app. Each app can have one ``metadata_rules.py``.
See also ``edc_metadata_rules``
autodiscovering metadata_rules
AppConfig will ``autodiscover`` the rule files and print to the console whatever it finds:
* checking for metadata_rules ...
* registered metadata_rules from application 'edc_example'
Inspect metadata_rules
Inspect ``metadata_rules`` from the site registry:
.. code-block:: python
>>> from edc_metadata.rules.site_metadata_rules import site_metadata_rules
>>> for rule_groups in site_metadata_rules.registry.values():
>>> for rule_group in rule_groups:
>>> print(rule_group._meta.rules)
(<edc_example.rule_groups.ExampleRuleGroup: crfs_male>, <edc_example.rule_groups.ExampleRuleGroup: crfs_female>)
(<edc_example.rule_groups.ExampleRuleGroup2: bicycle>, <edc_example.rule_groups.ExampleRuleGroup2: car>)
Writing metadata_rules
``metadata_rules`` are declared in a ``RuleGroup``. The syntax is similar to the ``django``
model class.
Let`s start with an example from the perspective of the person entering subject data.
On a dashboard there are 4 forms (models) to complete. The "rule" is that if the subject
is male, only the first two forms should be complete. If the subject is female, only the
last two forms should be complete. So the metadata should show:
**Subject is Male:**
* crf_one - REQUIRED, link to entry screen available
* crf_two - REQUIRED, link to entry screen available
* crf_three - NOT REQUIRED, link to entry screen not available
* crf_four - NOT REQUIRED, link to entry screen not available
**Subject is Female:**
* crf_one - NOT REQUIRED
* crf_two - NOT REQUIRED
* crf_three - REQUIRED
* crf_four - REQUIRED
A ``Rule`` that changes the ``metadata`` if the subject is male would look like this:
.. code-block:: python
crfs_male = CrfRule(
predicate=P('gender', 'eq', 'MALE'),
target_models=['crfone', 'crftwo'])
The rule above has a ``predicate`` that evaluates to True or not. If ``gender`` is equal
to ``MALE`` the consequence is ``REQUIRED``, else ``NOT_REQUIRED``. For this rule, for a
MALE, the metadata ``entry_status`` for ``crf_one`` and ``crf_two`` will be updated to
``REQUIRED``. For a FEMALE both will be set to ``NOT_REQUIRED``.
Rules are declared as attributes of a RuleGroup much like fields in a ``django`` model:
.. code-block:: python
class ExampleRuleGroup(CrfRuleGroup):
crfs_male = CrfRule(
predicate=P('gender', 'eq', 'MALE'),
target_models=['crfone', 'crftwo'])
crfs_female = CrfRule(
predicate=P('gender', 'eq', FEMALE),
target_models=['crfthree', 'crffour'])
class Meta:
app_label = 'edc_example'
``RuleGroup`` class declarations are placed in file ``metadata_rules.py`` in the root of
your application. They are registered in the order in which they appear in the file. All rule
groups are available from the ``site_metadata_rules`` global.
**IMPORTANT** If the related visit model (e.g. SubjectVisit) has a different ``app_label`` than
``Meta.app_label``, a ``RuleGroupError`` will be raised because the ``RuleGroup`` assumes
the app_labels are the same. To avoid this, specify the related visit model ``label_lower``
on ``Meta``.
For example:
.. code-block:: python
class ExampleRuleGroup(CrfRuleGroup):
crfs_male = CrfRule(
predicate=P('gender', 'eq', 'MALE'),
target_models=['crfone', 'crftwo'])
class Meta:
app_label = 'edc_example'
related_visit_model = "edc_visit_tracking.subjectvisit"
When using single inheritance, set Meta class `abstract` on the base class:
.. code-block:: python
class ExampleRuleGroup(CrfRuleGroup):
crfs_male = CrfRule(
predicate=P('gender', 'eq', 'MALE'),
target_models=['crfone', 'crftwo'])
class Meta:
abstract = True
class MyRuleGroup(ExampleRuleGroup):
class Meta:
app_label = 'edc_example'
related_visit_model = "edc_visit_tracking.subjectvisit"
More on Rules
The rule ``consequence`` and ``alternative`` accept these values:
.. code-block:: python
from edc_metadata.constants import REQUIRED, NOT_REQUIRED
from edc_metadata.rules.constants import DO_NOTHING
It is recommended to write the logic so that the ``consequence`` is REQUIRED if the
``predicate`` evaluates to ``True``.
In the examples above, the rule ``predicate`` can only access values that can be found
on the subjects`s current ``visit`` instance or ``registered_subject`` instance. If the
value you need for the rule ``predicate`` is not on either of those instances, you can
pass a ``source_model``. With the ``source_model`` declared you would have these data
* current visit model instance
* registered subject (see ``edc_registration``)
* source model instance for the current visit
Let`s say the rules changes and instead of refering to ``gender`` (male/female) you wish
to refer to the value field of ``favorite_transport`` on model ``CrfTransport``.
``favorite_transport`` can be "car" or "bicycle". You want the first rule ``predicate``
to read as:
* If ``favorite_transport`` is equal to ``bicycle`` then set the metadata ``entry_status`` for ``crf_one`` and ``crf_two`` to REQUIRED, if not, set both to NOT_REQUIRED
and the second to read as:
* If ``favorite_transport`` is equal to ``car`` then set the metadata ``entry_status`` for ``crf_three`` and ``crf_four`` to REQUIRED, if not, set both to NOT_REQUIRED.
The field for car/bicycle, ``favorite_transport`` is on model ``CrfTransport``. The
RuleGroup might look like this:
.. code-block:: python
class ExampleRuleGroup(RuleGroup):
bicycle = CrfRule(
predicate=P('favorite_transport', 'eq', 'bicycle'),
target_models=['crfone', 'crftwo'])
car = CrfRule(
predicate=P('favorite_transport', 'eq', car),
target_models=['crfthree', 'crffour'])
class Meta:
app_label = 'edc_example'
source_model = 'CrfTransport'
Note that ``CrfTransport`` is a ``crf`` model in the Edc. That is, it has a ``foreign key``
to the visit model. Internally the query will be constructed like this:
.. code-block:: python
# source model instance for the current visit
visit_attr = 'subject_visit'
source_obj = CrfTansport.objects.get(**{visit_attr: visit})
# queryset of source model for the current subject_identifier
visit_attr = 'subject_visit'
source_qs = CrfTansport.objects.filter(**{'{}__subject_identifier'.format(visit_attr): subject_identifier})
* If the source model instance does not exist, the rules in the rule group will not run.
* If the target model instance exists, no rule can change it`s metadata from KEYED.
More Complex Rule Predicates
There are two provided classes for the rule ``predicate``, ``P`` and ``PF``. With ``P`` you
can make simple rule predicates like those used in the examples above. All standard opertors
can be used.
For example:
.. code-block:: python
predicate = P('gender', 'eq', 'MALE')
predicate = P('referral_datetime', 'is not', None)
predicate = P('age', '<=', 64)
If the logic needs to a bit more complicated, the ``PF`` class allows you to pass a ``lambda`` function directly:
.. code-block:: python
predicate = PF('age', func=lambda x: True if x >= 18 and x <= 64 else False)
predicate = PF('age', 'gender', func=lambda x, y: True if x >= 18 and x <= 64 and y == MALE else False)
Rule predicates as functions
If the logic needs to be more complicated than is recommended for a simple lambda, you can
just pass a function. When writing your function just remember that the rule ``predicate``
must always evaluate to True or False.
The function will be called with:
* ``visit``: the related_visit model instance
* ``registered_subject``: the instance for the current subject
* ``source_obj``: the model instance who triggered the post_save signal
* ``source_qs``
.. code-block:: python
def my_func(visit, registered_subject, source_obj, source_qs) -> bool:
if registered_subject.age_in_years >= 18 and registered_subject.gender == FEMALE:
return True
return False
The function is then called on the RuleGroup like this:
.. code-block:: python
class ExampleRuleGroup(RuleGroup):
some_rule = CrfRule(
target_models=['crfone', 'crftwo'])
class Meta:
app_label = 'edc_example'
source_model = 'CrfTransport'
Grouping rule predicate functions with ``PredicateCollection``
If you have many ``RuleGroups`` and predicate functions, it is useful to collect your predicate functions into a class:
.. code-block:: python
class Predicates:
household_head_model = "edc_he.healtheconomicshouseholdhead"
patient_model = "edc_he.healtheconomicspatient"
def hoh_model_cls(self):
return django_apps.get_model(self.household_head_model)
def patient_model_cls(self):
return django_apps.get_model(self.patient_model)
def patient_required(self, visit, **kwargs) -> bool:
required = False
if (
and not self.patient_model_cls.objects.filter(
required = hoh_obj.hoh == YES
return required
then you might do something like this in your ``metadata_rules`` module:
.. code-block:: python
pc = Predicates()
class ExampleRuleGroup(RuleGroup):
some_rule = CrfRule(
some_other_rule = CrfRule(
class Meta:
app_label = 'edc_he'
source_model = "edc_he.healtheconomics"
related_visit_model = "edc_visit_tracking.subjectvisit"
Setting a custom ``PredicateCollection`` for a RuleGroup using Meta
If a ``RuleGroup`` has its own ``Predicate`` class you can declare it on the ``Meta`` class. Set the ``predicate`` attribute to the name of the function to call.
.. code-block:: python
class ExampleRuleGroup(RuleGroup):
some_rule = CrfRule(
some_other_rule = CrfRule(
class Meta:
app_label = 'edc_he'
source_model = "edc_he.healtheconomics"
related_visit_model = "edc_visit_tracking.subjectvisit"
predicates = Predicates()
Rule Group Order
**IMPORTANT**: RuleGroups are evaluated in the order they are registered and the rules within each rule group are evaluated in the order they are declared on the RuleGroup.
Updating metadata
It is a good idea to updata metadata after code changes and data migrations. To do so just
run the management command:
.. code-block:: bash
python manage.py update_metadata
Since the order in which rules run matters, it is essential to test the rules together. See
``tests`` for some examples. When writing tests it may be helpful to know the following:
* the standard Edc model configuration assumes you have consent->enrollment->appointments->visit->crfs and requisitions.
* rules can be instected after boot up in the global registry ``site_metadata_rules``.
* all rules are run when the visit is saved.
More examples
See ``edc_example`` for working RuleGroups and how models are configured with the ``edc_metadata`` mixins. The ``tests`` in ``edc_metadata.rules`` use the rule group and model classes in ``edc_example``.
Notes on Edc
The standard Edc model configuration assumes you have a data entry flow like this:::
consent->enrollment->appointment->visit (1000)->crfs and requisitions
appointment->visit (2000)->crfs and requisitions
appointment->visit (3000)->crfs and requisitions
appointment->visit (4000)->crfs and requisitions
You should also see the other dependencies, ``edc_consent``, ``edc_visit_schedule``, ``edc_appointment``, ``edc_visit_tracking``, ``edc_metadata``, etc.
In the ``signals`` file:
**visit model ``post_save``:**
* Metadata is created for a particular visit and visit code, e.g. 1000, when the ``visit`` model is saved for a subject and visit code using the default ``entry_status`` configured in the ``visit_schedule``.
* Immediately after creating metadata, all rules for the ``app_label`` are run in order. The ``app_label`` is the ``app_label`` of the visit model.
**crf or requisition model ``post_save``:**
* the metadata instance for the crf/requisition is updated and then all rules are run.
**crf or requisition model ``post_delete``:**
* the metadata instance for the crf/requisition is reset to the default ``entry_status`` and then all rules are run.
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Raw data
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"home_page": "https://github.com/clinicedc/edc-metadata",
"name": "edc-metadata",
"maintainer": null,
"docs_url": null,
"requires_python": ">=3.12",
"maintainer_email": null,
"keywords": "django, edc, clinicedc, clinical trials",
"author": "Erik van Widenfelt",
"author_email": "ew2789@gmail.com",
"download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/7e/18/c4616240228d15f5769cb074c5b4416fa3b02d618bbfd853c837bc424697/edc_metadata-1.0.1.tar.gz",
"platform": null,
"description": "|pypi| |actions| |codecov| |downloads|\n\nedc_metadata\n------------\n\n``edc-metadata`` puts a \"metadata\" layer on top of your data collection forms, namely CRFs and Requisitions. The \"metadata\" is used on the data entry dashboard (see also `edc_dashboard`). The metadata may be queried directly by a data manager to review the completion status of CRF and Requisition forms.\n\n* Metadata is stored in two models, ``CrfMetaData`` and ``RequisitionMetaData``. One metadata record is created per form per visit. Metadata is only created for the data collection forms of a visit as defined in the ``visit schedule``.\n* Metadata model instances are created for each visit when the ``visit`` model is saved. ``edc_metadata`` reads from the ``visit_schedule`` to decide which data collection form metadata model instances to create for a visit. (Note: See ``edc_visit_schedule``)\n* Metadata is guaranteed to exist for every form defined in a visit after the visit form has been submitted.\n\n\n``metadata`` model instances\n============================\n\nEach ``metadata`` model instance, ``CrfMetadata`` or ``RequisitionMetadata``, is managed by\nan actual CRF or REQUISITION model listed in the ``visit_schedule``.\n``CrfMetadata` model instances are created for each CRF listed in the visit schedule. That is,\nif the visit schedule schedules a CRF for 5 different visits, 5 ``CrfMetadata` model instances\nwill eventually be created. Metadata model instances are created when the ``visit`` model for a\ntimepoint is saved.\nWhen you ``save`` a CRF within a visit, the ``entry_status`` of the the metadata instance`s\nit manages is updated from ``REQUIRED`` to ``KEYED``.\n\n The same applies to ``RequisitionMetadata`` for REQUISITIONS.\n\nEntry status\n============\n\nBy default the ``entry_status`` field attribute is set to ``REQUIRED``. You can change the default of each CRF to ``NOT_REQUIRED`` in your declaration in the visit schedule. See ``visit_schedule.crf``.\n\n The same applies to REQUISITIONS.\n\n\n``metadata_rules`` manipulate ``metadata`` model instances\n==========================================================\n\n``metadata_rules`` are declared to manipulate ``metadata`` model instances. The rules change the ``entry_status`` field attribute from ``REQUIRED`` to ``NOT_REQUIRED`` or visa-versa.\nIf the manager of the metadata instance, the CRF or REQUISITION model instance, exists, the entry status is updated to ``KEYED``and the ``metadata_rules`` targeting the metadata instance are ignored.\n``metadata rules`` are run on each ``save`` of the visit and managing model instances.\nIf a value on some other form implies that your form should not be completed, your form`s metadata \"entry_status\" will change from REQUIRED to NOT REQUIRED upon ``save`` of the other form.\nMetadata is ``updated`` through a ``post_save`` signal that re-runs the ``metadata rules``.\n\n See also ``edc_metadata_rules``\n\n\nGetting started\n---------------\n\nModels: Visit, Crfs and Requisitions\n====================================\n\nLet`s prepare the models that will be used in the scheduled data collection. These models are your visit models, crf models and requisition models.\n\nYour application also has one or more ``Visit`` models. Each visit model is declared with the ``CreatesMetadataModelMixin``:\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n class SubjectVisit(CreatesMetadataModelMixin, PreviousVisitMixin, VisitModelMixin,\n RequiresConsentModelMixin, BaseUuidModel):\n\n appointment = models.OneToOneField(Appointment)\n\n class Meta(RequiresConsentModelMixin.Meta):\n app_label = 'example'\n\nYour ``Crf`` models are declared with the ``CrfModelMixin``:\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n class CrfOne(CrfModelMixin, BaseUuidModel):\n\n subject_visit = models.ForeignKey(SubjectVisit)\n\n f1 = models.CharField(max_length=10, default='erik')\n\n class Meta:\n app_label = 'example'\n\nYour ``Requisition`` models are declared with the ``RequisitionModelMixin``:\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n class SubjectRequisition(RequisitionModelMixin, BaseUuidModel):\n\n subject_visit = models.ForeignKey(SubjectVisit)\n\n f1 = models.CharField(max_length=10, default='erik')\n\n class Meta:\n app_label = 'example'\n\nmetadata_rules\n--------------\n\nAs described above, ``metadata_rules`` manipulate the ``entry_status`` of CRF and Requisition ``metadata``. ``metadata_rules`` are registered to ``site_metadata_rules`` in module ``metadata_rules.py``. Place this file in the root of your app. Each app can have one ``metadata_rules.py``.\n\n See also ``edc_metadata_rules``\n\nautodiscovering metadata_rules\n==============================\n\nAppConfig will ``autodiscover`` the rule files and print to the console whatever it finds:\n\n* checking for metadata_rules ...\n* registered metadata_rules from application 'edc_example'\n\nInspect metadata_rules\n======================\n\nInspect ``metadata_rules`` from the site registry:\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n >>> from edc_metadata.rules.site_metadata_rules import site_metadata_rules\n\n >>> for rule_groups in site_metadata_rules.registry.values():\n >>> for rule_group in rule_groups:\n >>> print(rule_group._meta.rules)\n\n (<edc_example.rule_groups.ExampleRuleGroup: crfs_male>, <edc_example.rule_groups.ExampleRuleGroup: crfs_female>)\n (<edc_example.rule_groups.ExampleRuleGroup2: bicycle>, <edc_example.rule_groups.ExampleRuleGroup2: car>)\n\nWriting metadata_rules\n======================\n\n``metadata_rules`` are declared in a ``RuleGroup``. The syntax is similar to the ``django``\nmodel class.\n\nLet`s start with an example from the perspective of the person entering subject data.\nOn a dashboard there are 4 forms (models) to complete. The \"rule\" is that if the subject\nis male, only the first two forms should be complete. If the subject is female, only the\nlast two forms should be complete. So the metadata should show:\n\n**Subject is Male:**\n\n* crf_one - REQUIRED, link to entry screen available\n* crf_two - REQUIRED, link to entry screen available\n* crf_three - NOT REQUIRED, link to entry screen not available\n* crf_four - NOT REQUIRED, link to entry screen not available\n\n**Subject is Female:**\n\n* crf_one - NOT REQUIRED\n* crf_two - NOT REQUIRED\n* crf_three - REQUIRED\n* crf_four - REQUIRED\n\nA ``Rule`` that changes the ``metadata`` if the subject is male would look like this:\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n crfs_male = CrfRule(\n predicate=P('gender', 'eq', 'MALE'),\n consequence=REQUIRED,\n alternative=NOT_REQUIRED,\n target_models=['crfone', 'crftwo'])\n\nThe rule above has a ``predicate`` that evaluates to True or not. If ``gender`` is equal\nto ``MALE`` the consequence is ``REQUIRED``, else ``NOT_REQUIRED``. For this rule, for a\nMALE, the metadata ``entry_status`` for ``crf_one`` and ``crf_two`` will be updated to\n``REQUIRED``. For a FEMALE both will be set to ``NOT_REQUIRED``.\n\nRules are declared as attributes of a RuleGroup much like fields in a ``django`` model:\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n @register()\n class ExampleRuleGroup(CrfRuleGroup):\n\n crfs_male = CrfRule(\n predicate=P('gender', 'eq', 'MALE'),\n consequence=REQUIRED,\n alternative=NOT_REQUIRED,\n target_models=['crfone', 'crftwo'])\n\n crfs_female = CrfRule(\n predicate=P('gender', 'eq', FEMALE),\n consequence=REQUIRED,\n alternative=NOT_REQUIRED,\n target_models=['crfthree', 'crffour'])\n\n class Meta:\n app_label = 'edc_example'\n\n``RuleGroup`` class declarations are placed in file ``metadata_rules.py`` in the root of\nyour application. They are registered in the order in which they appear in the file. All rule\ngroups are available from the ``site_metadata_rules`` global.\n\n **IMPORTANT** If the related visit model (e.g. SubjectVisit) has a different ``app_label`` than\n ``Meta.app_label``, a ``RuleGroupError`` will be raised because the ``RuleGroup`` assumes\n the app_labels are the same. To avoid this, specify the related visit model ``label_lower``\n on ``Meta``.\n\nFor example:\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n @register()\n class ExampleRuleGroup(CrfRuleGroup):\n\n crfs_male = CrfRule(\n predicate=P('gender', 'eq', 'MALE'),\n consequence=REQUIRED,\n alternative=NOT_REQUIRED,\n target_models=['crfone', 'crftwo'])\n\n class Meta:\n app_label = 'edc_example'\n related_visit_model = \"edc_visit_tracking.subjectvisit\"\n\nInheritance\n===========\n\nWhen using single inheritance, set Meta class `abstract` on the base class:\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n class ExampleRuleGroup(CrfRuleGroup):\n\n crfs_male = CrfRule(\n predicate=P('gender', 'eq', 'MALE'),\n consequence=REQUIRED,\n alternative=NOT_REQUIRED,\n target_models=['crfone', 'crftwo'])\n\n class Meta:\n abstract = True\n\n\n class MyRuleGroup(ExampleRuleGroup):\n class Meta:\n app_label = 'edc_example'\n related_visit_model = \"edc_visit_tracking.subjectvisit\"\n\n\nMore on Rules\n=============\n\nThe rule ``consequence`` and ``alternative`` accept these values:\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n from edc_metadata.constants import REQUIRED, NOT_REQUIRED\n from edc_metadata.rules.constants import DO_NOTHING\n\n* REQUIRED\n* NOT_REQUIRED\n* DO_NOTHING\n\nIt is recommended to write the logic so that the ``consequence`` is REQUIRED if the\n``predicate`` evaluates to ``True``.\n\nIn the examples above, the rule ``predicate`` can only access values that can be found\non the subjects`s current ``visit`` instance or ``registered_subject`` instance. If the\nvalue you need for the rule ``predicate`` is not on either of those instances, you can\npass a ``source_model``. With the ``source_model`` declared you would have these data\navailable:\n\n* current visit model instance\n* registered subject (see ``edc_registration``)\n* source model instance for the current visit\n\nLet`s say the rules changes and instead of refering to ``gender`` (male/female) you wish\nto refer to the value field of ``favorite_transport`` on model ``CrfTransport``.\n``favorite_transport`` can be \"car\" or \"bicycle\". You want the first rule ``predicate``\nto read as:\n\n* If ``favorite_transport`` is equal to ``bicycle`` then set the metadata ``entry_status`` for ``crf_one`` and ``crf_two`` to REQUIRED, if not, set both to NOT_REQUIRED\n\nand the second to read as:\n\n* If ``favorite_transport`` is equal to ``car`` then set the metadata ``entry_status`` for ``crf_three`` and ``crf_four`` to REQUIRED, if not, set both to NOT_REQUIRED.\n\nThe field for car/bicycle, ``favorite_transport`` is on model ``CrfTransport``. The\nRuleGroup might look like this:\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n @register()\n class ExampleRuleGroup(RuleGroup):\n\n bicycle = CrfRule(\n predicate=P('favorite_transport', 'eq', 'bicycle'),\n consequence=REQUIRED,\n alternative=NOT_REQUIRED,\n target_models=['crfone', 'crftwo'])\n\n car = CrfRule(\n predicate=P('favorite_transport', 'eq', car),\n consequence=REQUIRED,\n alternative=NOT_REQUIRED,\n target_models=['crfthree', 'crffour'])\n\n class Meta:\n app_label = 'edc_example'\n source_model = 'CrfTransport'\n\nNote that ``CrfTransport`` is a ``crf`` model in the Edc. That is, it has a ``foreign key``\nto the visit model. Internally the query will be constructed like this:\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n # source model instance for the current visit\n visit_attr = 'subject_visit'\n source_obj = CrfTansport.objects.get(**{visit_attr: visit})\n\n # queryset of source model for the current subject_identifier\n visit_attr = 'subject_visit'\n source_qs = CrfTansport.objects.filter(**{'{}__subject_identifier'.format(visit_attr): subject_identifier})\n\n* If the source model instance does not exist, the rules in the rule group will not run.\n* If the target model instance exists, no rule can change it`s metadata from KEYED.\n\nMore Complex Rule Predicates\n============================\n\nThere are two provided classes for the rule ``predicate``, ``P`` and ``PF``. With ``P`` you\ncan make simple rule predicates like those used in the examples above. All standard opertors\ncan be used.\n\nFor example:\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n predicate = P('gender', 'eq', 'MALE')\n predicate = P('referral_datetime', 'is not', None)\n predicate = P('age', '<=', 64)\n\nIf the logic needs to a bit more complicated, the ``PF`` class allows you to pass a ``lambda`` function directly:\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n predicate = PF('age', func=lambda x: True if x >= 18 and x <= 64 else False)\n\n predicate = PF('age', 'gender', func=lambda x, y: True if x >= 18 and x <= 64 and y == MALE else False)\n\n\nRule predicates as functions\n============================\n\nIf the logic needs to be more complicated than is recommended for a simple lambda, you can\njust pass a function. When writing your function just remember that the rule ``predicate``\nmust always evaluate to True or False.\n\nThe function will be called with:\n\n* ``visit``: the related_visit model instance\n* ``registered_subject``: the instance for the current subject\n* ``source_obj``: the model instance who triggered the post_save signal\n* ``source_qs``\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n def my_func(visit, registered_subject, source_obj, source_qs) -> bool:\n if registered_subject.age_in_years >= 18 and registered_subject.gender == FEMALE:\n return True\n return False\n\nThe function is then called on the RuleGroup like this:\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n @register()\n class ExampleRuleGroup(RuleGroup):\n\n some_rule = CrfRule(\n predicate=my_func,\n consequence=REQUIRED,\n alternative=NOT_REQUIRED,\n target_models=['crfone', 'crftwo'])\n\n class Meta:\n app_label = 'edc_example'\n source_model = 'CrfTransport'\n\nGrouping rule predicate functions with ``PredicateCollection``\n==============================================================\n\nIf you have many ``RuleGroups`` and predicate functions, it is useful to collect your predicate functions into a class:\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n class Predicates:\n household_head_model = \"edc_he.healtheconomicshouseholdhead\"\n patient_model = \"edc_he.healtheconomicspatient\"\n\n @property\n def hoh_model_cls(self):\n return django_apps.get_model(self.household_head_model)\n\n @property\n def patient_model_cls(self):\n return django_apps.get_model(self.patient_model)\n\n def patient_required(self, visit, **kwargs) -> bool:\n required = False\n if (\n self.hoh_model_cls.objects.filter(\n subject_visit__subject_identifier=visit.subject_identifier\n ).exists()\n and not self.patient_model_cls.objects.filter(\n subject_visit__subject_identifier=visit.subject_identifier\n ).exists()\n ):\n required = hoh_obj.hoh == YES\n return required\n\n\nthen you might do something like this in your ``metadata_rules`` module:\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n pc = Predicates()\n\n @register()\n class ExampleRuleGroup(RuleGroup):\n\n some_rule = CrfRule(\n predicate=pc.household_head_required,\n consequence=REQUIRED,\n alternative=NOT_REQUIRED,\n target_models=['healtheconomicshouseholdhead'])\n\n some_other_rule = CrfRule(\n predicate=pc.patient_required,\n consequence=REQUIRED,\n alternative=NOT_REQUIRED,\n target_models=['healtheconomicspatient'])\n\n class Meta:\n app_label = 'edc_he'\n source_model = \"edc_he.healtheconomics\"\n related_visit_model = \"edc_visit_tracking.subjectvisit\"\n\nSetting a custom ``PredicateCollection`` for a RuleGroup using Meta\n===================================================================\n\nIf a ``RuleGroup`` has its own ``Predicate`` class you can declare it on the ``Meta`` class. Set the ``predicate`` attribute to the name of the function to call.\n\n.. code-block:: python\n\n @register()\n class ExampleRuleGroup(RuleGroup):\n\n some_rule = CrfRule(\n predicate=\"household_head_required\",\n consequence=REQUIRED,\n alternative=NOT_REQUIRED,\n target_models=['healtheconomicshouseholdhead'])\n\n some_other_rule = CrfRule(\n predicate=\"patient_required\",\n consequence=REQUIRED,\n alternative=NOT_REQUIRED,\n target_models=['healtheconomicspatient'])\n\n class Meta:\n app_label = 'edc_he'\n source_model = \"edc_he.healtheconomics\"\n related_visit_model = \"edc_visit_tracking.subjectvisit\"\n predicates = Predicates()\n\n\nRule Group Order\n================\n\n **IMPORTANT**: RuleGroups are evaluated in the order they are registered and the rules within each rule group are evaluated in the order they are declared on the RuleGroup.\n\nUpdating metadata\n=================\n\nIt is a good idea to updata metadata after code changes and data migrations. To do so just\nrun the management command:\n\n.. code-block:: bash\n\n python manage.py update_metadata\n\nTesting\n=======\n\nSince the order in which rules run matters, it is essential to test the rules together. See\n``tests`` for some examples. When writing tests it may be helpful to know the following:\n\n* the standard Edc model configuration assumes you have consent->enrollment->appointments->visit->crfs and requisitions.\n* rules can be instected after boot up in the global registry ``site_metadata_rules``.\n* all rules are run when the visit is saved.\n\nMore examples\n=============\n\nSee ``edc_example`` for working RuleGroups and how models are configured with the ``edc_metadata`` mixins. The ``tests`` in ``edc_metadata.rules`` use the rule group and model classes in ``edc_example``.\n\n\nNotes on Edc\n============\n\nThe standard Edc model configuration assumes you have a data entry flow like this:::\n\n consent->enrollment->appointment->visit (1000)->crfs and requisitions\n appointment->visit (2000)->crfs and requisitions\n appointment->visit (3000)->crfs and requisitions\n appointment->visit (4000)->crfs and requisitions\n\nYou should also see the other dependencies, ``edc_consent``, ``edc_visit_schedule``, ``edc_appointment``, ``edc_visit_tracking``, ``edc_metadata``, etc.\n\nSignals\n=======\n\nIn the ``signals`` file:\n\n**visit model ``post_save``:**\n\n* Metadata is created for a particular visit and visit code, e.g. 1000, when the ``visit`` model is saved for a subject and visit code using the default ``entry_status`` configured in the ``visit_schedule``.\n* Immediately after creating metadata, all rules for the ``app_label`` are run in order. The ``app_label`` is the ``app_label`` of the visit model.\n\n**crf or requisition model ``post_save``:**\n\n* the metadata instance for the crf/requisition is updated and then all rules are run.\n\n**crf or requisition model ``post_delete``:**\n\n* the metadata instance for the crf/requisition is reset to the default ``entry_status`` and then all rules are run.\n\n\n.. |pypi| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/edc-metadata.svg\n :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/edc-metadata\n\n.. |actions| image:: https://github.com/clinicedc/edc-metadata/actions/workflows/build.yml/badge.svg\n :target: https://github.com/clinicedc/edc-metadata/actions/workflows/build.yml\n\n.. |codecov| image:: https://codecov.io/gh/clinicedc/edc-metadata/branch/develop/graph/badge.svg\n :target: https://codecov.io/gh/clinicedc/edc-metadata\n\n.. |downloads| image:: https://pepy.tech/badge/edc-metadata\n :target: https://pepy.tech/project/edc-metadata\n",
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"license": "GPL license, see LICENSE",
"summary": "Add a metadata layer to data entry",
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" clinicedc",
" clinical trials"
"urls": [
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