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The ``Open edx Enterprise Service`` app provides enterprise features to the Open
edX platform. The majority of these features are structured around the concept
of an ``Enterprise Customer``, which is an organization or a group of people
that "consumes" courses published on the Open edX platform.
Full documentation for the Open edX Enterprise Service can be found at
The code in this repository is licensed under the AGPL 3.0 unless otherwise noted.
Please see ``LICENSE.txt`` for details.
How To Contribute
Contributions are very welcome.
Please read `How To Contribute <https://github.com/openedx/.github/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md>`_ for details.
A Pull Request Description Template can be found at`PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md`_ - this
template is automatically applied when you open a pull request from GitHub. Please
make sure to include this template if submitting a pull request via other channels.
.. _PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md: https://github.com/openedx/edx-enterprise/blob/master/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE_TEMPLATE.md
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Reporting Security Issues
Please do not report security issues in public. Please email security@openedx.org.
Getting Help
Have a question about this repository, or about Open edX in general? Please
refer to this `list of resources`_ if you need any assistance.
.. _list of resources: https://openedx.org/getting-help
Change Log
All enhancements and patches to edx-enterprise will be documented
in this file. It adheres to the structure of http://keepachangelog.com/ ,
but in reStructuredText instead of Markdown (for ease of incorporation into
Sphinx documentation and the PyPI description). Additionally, we no longer
track the date here since PyPi has its own history of dates based on when
the package is published.
This project adheres to Semantic Versioning (http://semver.org/).
.. There should always be an "Unreleased" section for changes pending release.
* nothing unreleased
* feat: exclude unlinked member records from enterprise-customer-members and enterprise_group endpoints
* fix: Add dry_run_mode_enabled field to SAP admin panel
* fix: Log all learner transmission records.
* feat: Adds sorting support to enterprise-customer-members endpoint
* feat: Add page_size support to enterprise-customer-members endpoint
* fix: Fixed the query fetching enterprise customer members
* feat: introduce Waffle flag for enabling the Learner Portal BFF API.
* feat: Added a management command to update the Social Auth UID's for an enterprise.
* fix: The default enrollment ``learner_status`` view now considers intended courses
from which the requested user has unenrolled as no-longer realizable.
* chore: Update python requirements.
* fix: rely on single constant to define course mode priority order (i.e., ensure all enrollable modes are considered; previously missing honor mode in `enroll_learners_in_courses`).
* fix: prevent fetching catalog list without a resolved course run in the property `applicable_enterprise_catalog_uuids` within `DefaultEnterpriseEnrollmentIntention`.
* refactor: Removed unused django setting.
* feat: removed custom pagination for reporting configurations.
* feat: update EnterpriseGroupMembershipSerializer to include learner course enrollment count
* feat: updated learner query to filter by full name
* refactor: Removed `plotly_token/` API endpoint and related views from enterprise API.
* feat: Creating enterprise customer members endpoint for admin portal
* feat: Updated pagination for reporting configurations.
* chore: Update python requirements.
* fix: ensure admin_users in EnterpriseCustomerUserViewSet is correct.
* feat: enable search filter on learner data transmission audit admin views for all integrated channels.
* feat: create DefaultEnterpriseEnrollmentRealization objects in bulk enrollment API, when applicable.
* fix: Alter the realized_enrollment field in DefaultEnterpriseEnrollmentRealization to be a OneToOneField.
* fix: rename metadata field in DefaultEnterpriseEnrollmentIntentionLearnerStatusSerializer.
* feat: add test cases for newly added unlink_self endpoint.
* fix: fixed query for monthly_impact_report command.
* feat: add new endpoint to unlink the logged in user.
* fix: serialize best_mode_for_course_run field in DefaultEnterpriseEnrollmentIntentionSerializer.
* feat: REST APIs for default-enterprise-enrollment-intentions
* feat: Create django admin for default enrollments
* feat: updating the character count for group name to 255
* feat: removing all references of to-be-deleted field
* fix: added content_title, progress_status in get_learner_data_records for derived classed of learner data exporters.
* feat: making to-be-deleted model field nullable
* feat: add default enrollment models
* fix: Updating the EnterpriseGroup serializer with created variable
* fix: updates `get_all_learners` to remove `_get_implicit_group_members`
* chore: remove `replaces` sections from squashing migrations.
* chore: Add index to the username field in the `Consent` model
* feat: proxy login now redirects to LMS register page instead of login page
* feat: add new field to EnterpriseGroup model and EnterpriseGroupSerializer
* feat: remove logging to debug SAP SuccessFactors transmission issues
* chore: requirement updates
* feat: add pagination to the support tool customer list
* feat: add a waffle flag for enterprise groups v2 feature
* fix: Don't import HttpClientError from edx-rest-api-client
* This version was incorretly tagged and so wasn't properly released.
* feat: add logging to debug SAP SuccessFactors transmission issues
* feat: add username query to enterprise customer user query
* feat: add username query to enterprise customer user query
* feat: update Enterprise Braze API key
* fix: send LEARNER_CREDIT_COURSE_ENROLLMENT_REVOKED from the correct place.
* feat: added migration for removing unencrypted client credentials
* refactor: removed unencrypted credentials from sap config model
* refactor: making unencrypted credentials nullable so after removing refs tests can run
* feat: changing django enterprise customer summary columns
* feat: replaced references from unencrypted to encrypted columns.
* feat: added data migration to populate encrypted columns.
* feat: added encrypted client secret for SAP config
* feat: added migration file for removing char field decrypted_secret
* feat: removed char field decrypted_secret references
* feat: emit learner credit unenrollment event
* fix: customer sorting error in customer support tool endpoint and added user query param
* feat: added migrations to remove client_id and client_secret from CanvasEnterpriseCustomerConfiguration
* revert: added migrations to remove client_id and client_secret from CanvasEnterpriseCustomerConfiguration
* revert: revert "altered decrypted_secret to be encrypted and made credentials nullable" in #2219
* feat: added migrations to remove client_id and client_secret from CanvasEnterpriseCustomerConfiguration
* feat: remove references to client_id and client_secret from CanvasEnterpriseCustomerConfiguration
* feat: altered decrypted_secret to be encrypted and made credentials nullable
* feat: populate encrypted client id and secret for canvas integration and remove references to unencrypted fields
* feat: added encrypted columns for user credentials for SAP config
* feat: feat: added encrypted client id and secret for canvas integration
* feat: implement back-off and retry for SAP SuccessFactors
* fix: 403 for provisioning-admins due to crum and middleware
* feat: Add option to show soft deleted group memberships in django admin
* feat: updating enterprise-customer-support endpoint
* feat: add migration for model updateroleassignmentswithcustomersconfig
* feat: replace PAs group based permission with edx-rbac
* chore: requirement updates
* refactor: added logs for data dog inspection for permission check in handler function.
* fix: add missing migration for content_filter help text
* test: pii check stage actually checks PII instead of not at all.
* fix: don't allow saving duplicate EnterpriseCatalogQuery content_filter
* feat: add created time to reponse
* chore: requirement updates
* feat: Adding enterprise-customer-support endpoint
* bump enterprise to 4.22.3.
* fix: Serializes `course_key` field from the federated-content-metadata, `CourseDetails` model within the `EnterpriseCourseEnrollmentSerializer`.
* bump enterprise to 4.22.1.
* created migration to create a system-wide enterprise role named `enterprise_provisioning_admin`.
* fix: fixed search fetch crashing because of server taking too long for api request logs.
* fix: fixed 500 error for search filter for api request logs in admin view.
* feat: extend enterprise customer serializer to add detail for support tool
* feat: add waffle flag for enterprise customer support tool
* feat: allow PAs to access all enterprise customers
* fix: Updates messaging on disable expiry for learner credit
* chore: rename PAs django group name
* feat: Updated EnterpriseCustomerSerializer to include additional fields
* feat: add is_mobile transorfmer for CSOD content metadata exporter
* refactor: replace openai usage with xpert api
* chore: Update requirements
* feat: added failed statuses for groups and new endpoint to update statuses
* feat: added support for testing sftp connection inside ``EnterpriseCustomerReportingConfiguration`` instance.
* fix: setting existing user group membership statuses
* fix: fixing the status and datetime of removed group memberships
* feat: Update permissions to grant access to provisioning admins
* feat: atomically re-activate ECE when re-activating SCE
* feat: When listing unenrolled fulfillments, exclude ones with active enrollments
* fix: add name from profile to group membership details
* refactor: Removes ``career_engagement_network_message`` from ``EnterpriseCustomer``.
* fix: submit the ``create_enterprise_enrollment`` task with a configurable countdown
* feat: Populates ``learner_portal_sidebar_content`` in ``EnterpriseCustomer`` and removes references to old fields.
* feat: Makes ``career_engagement_network_message`` field nullable in ``EnterpriseCustomer``.
* fix: cancel-fulfillment endpoint is now idempotent
Additionally, this fixes a bug whereby users with the
``enterprise.can_manage_enterprise_fulfillment`` or
``enterprise.can_access_admin_dashboard`` permissions in at least
one enterprise could successfully authenticate against these endpoints
for *any* enterprise.
* feat: Updating autocomplete field for Enteprise Group creation form
* feat: Added a new field show_videos_in_learner_portal_search_results in the EnterpriseCustomer model.
* feat: Adds new fields enable_learner_portal_sidebar_message and learner_portal_sidebar_content in EnterpriseCustomer.
* feat: submit ``create_enterprise_enrollment`` task on commit
* feat: added filtering for transmitted records using the is_transmitted column.
* feat: reverts an errant 4.19.12
* feat: added more integrated channels in mark_learner_transmissions_transmitted_true management command
* feat: (reverted)
* revert: Reversed the previous reversion of PR #2125, removing blackboard unencrypted columns again.
* revert: revert "making blackboard unencrypted client credentials nullable" in #2126
* feat: making unencrypted client credentials nullable, so they can be removed
* chore: updated permission class ``IsInProvisioningAdminGroup`` for ``PendingEnterpriseCustomerAdminUser`` viewpoint and handled exceptions in serializer.
* feat: schema level improvement in integrated-channels
* feat: allowing for group members removal endpoint to support remove all
* feat: replaced unencrypted user credentials from view and test
* feat: removed unencrypted columns of user data credentials in blackboard config ENT 8010
* feat: allowing for group members to be specified when fetched
* feat: added endpoint for pending_enterprise_customer_admin_user.
* fix: Update language for disable_expiry_messaging_for_learner_credit field
* feat: Introduce disable_expiry field on the enterprise customer model
* feat: allowing for group members to be revived by reassigning
* feat: force transmit content metadata if customer configs are modified
* fix: only creating membership records for relevant ECUs
* fix: indentation error in for loop
* fix: update enterprise model lookup in removal email task
* chore: debugging log lines
* feat: updates tasks usage of create_recipient to create_recipients
* fix: adding missing migration file
* fix: update group invite and removal notification tasks
* fix: allowing for search lookup of group members in django admin
* fix: hard deleting expired group memberships
* fix: update language cookie if langauge cookie is not same as user's language preference
* feat: replacing non encrypted fields of blackboard config model with encypted ones
* feat: added fields for holding encrypted data in database for blackboard
* revert: revert async task functionality implemented in 4.15.6
* fix: update language cookie for an enterprise learner
* feat: limit the number of resulting learners in Django admin manage learners view
* feat: splitting out group membership serializer learner id into lms user ID and ecu ID
* revert: fix: set default langauge for all learners linked with an enteprise customer
* fix: fixing the removal logic for EnterpriseGroupMemberships, adding optional flag
* fix: fix the PATCH method of ``EnterpriseCourseEnrollmentView``.
* fix: add enterprise audit reporting status in plotly auth token
* feat: Adding python3.11 support. Dropped django32 support.
* feat: update enterprise customer serializer to include active integration codes
* fix: support `force_enrollment` in serializers used by bulk enrollment (ENT-8788)
* fix: set default langauge for all learners linked with an enteprise customer
* fix: return a 404 response for inactive CSOD customers while fetching courses
* fix: SSO self-serve tool invalid entityId parsing
* feat: add send group membership invite and removal braze emails
* perf: update user preferences inside an async task to void request timeout
* fix: Improved the query to only fetch active configs for CSOD customers.
* fix: allowing for existing pecus to be added to enterprise groups
* feat: replacing non encrypted fields of degreed config model with encrypted ones
* feat: save cornerstone learner's information received from frontend.
* feat: allowing for sorting and filtering of the enterprise group learner endpoints
* feat: Add new languages in enterprise customer admin
* Added the ability for enterprise customers to enable One Academy for its learners.
* feat: handle Degreed 409 case (mark as active instead of recreating course)
* fix: adding additional info to the enterprise group serializer
* feat: adding additional info to the enterprise group membership serializer
* feat: pass force_enrollment when bulk enrolling learners
* fix: remove filter to debug failing transmissions
* fix: add missing filter to disable failing transmissions for 24hrs
* feat: adding an activated_at value to group membership records
* fix: adding get_queryset for fix of integrated channel api logs loading
* feat: disable failing transmissions for 24hrs
* feat: added autocomplete for enterprise customer in EnterpriseCustomerCatalogAdmin
* feat: admin pages for enterprise groups and enterprise group memberships
* feat: adding management command to remove expired pending group memberships
* feat: add a waffle flag for enterprise groups feature
* feat: adding soft delete functionality for groups and group memberships
* feat: add Waffle-based `enterprise_features` to the `EnterpriseCustomerUserViewSet`.
* fix: Proximus learner transmission failures
* feat: adding a group membership to the EnterpriseCustomerUserReadOnlySerializer
* feat: adding assign_learners and remove_learners api endpoints for enterprise groups
* feat: management command to clear out excessive records for API log table
* feat: add api /learners/ endpoint to the enterprise group viewset
* feat: unlink canvas user if decommissioned on canvas side
* feat: Remove history tables for integrated channels customers configurations.
* feat: CRUD api endpoints for the enterprise group table
* feat: added channel_name for api call logs records
* feat: Update IntegratedChannelAPIRequestLogs list view
* feat: new enterprise models relating to enterprise groups
* feat: record degreed API calls
* feat: add unique constraint on learner data transmission audit models
* feat: register admin view for IntegratedChannelAPIRequestLogs
* chore: Update requirements
* feat: update canvas client to store API calls in DB
* feat: Added a flag for prequery search suggestions
* fix: Added logs and remove cornerstone from management command
* feat: update blackboard client to store API calls in DB
* feat: update cornerstone client to store API calls in DB
* feat: added caching for fetching degreed course id
* Added management command to fix `LearnerDataTransmissionAudit` table records.
* Added the ability for enterprise customers to enable/disable academies.
* fix: add missing comma to catalog query fields list.
feat: remove ability to edit catalog `include_exec_ed_2u_courses`
feat: added logs temporarily for ENT-8276
fix: guard against null content_filters
feat: mgmt command to add exec-ed exclusions to catalogs
fix: tweak catalog compare mgmt command
fix: tweak catalog compare mgmt command
revert: 4.10.1
feat: management command to test query migration
feat: removed unencrypted user credentials data columns
feat: added json field in learner transmission audit to record 3 most latest response statuses
feat: enrollment API enhancements
- Allows Enrollment API Admin to see all enrollments.
- Makes the endpoint return more fields, such as: enrollment_track,
enrollment_date, user_email, course_start and course_end.
- Changes EnterpriseCourseEnrollment's default ordering from 'created'
to 'id', which equivalent, but faster in some cases (due to the
existing indes on 'id').
feat: replacing non encrypted fields of moodle config model with encrypted ones
feat: Add model for integrated channel API request log table (ENT-8018)
fix: Remove SAP debug logs
refactor: learner data transmission audit record to utilize the existing records (ENT-8005)
fix: enable printing of error messages from the SSO Orchestrator API (ENT-8169)
feat: add "Setup Auth org id" action for Enterprise Customers (ENT-8169)
feat: added logs to debug ENT-8130
fix: remove logs from Degreed2 client
fix: removed course completion check from is_already_transmitted utility (ENT 7837)
fix: restructured response from moodle request wrapper
feat: replacing non encrypted fields of moodle config model with encrypted ones (ENT 5613)
feat: Modified existing content transmission job to post skills metadata to Degreed2
fix: fixed create_course_completion request's response handling in case return body is 0
* chore: update paragon npm dependency to move to the new @openedx scope.
feat: allow incomplete course learner transmissions till completion
refactor: adding log inside moodle request wrapper
feat: not submitting sso orchestrator records if no changes occur
feat: adding timeouts to sso orchestrator configurations and api cleanup
fix: added more logs and handled edge cases in Degreed assign skills job
refactor: Override the default save method of ``EnterpriseCustomerPluginConfiguration`` to update only changed fields
feat: add marked_authorized flag to SSO config
feat: Added a management command to assign skills to Degreed courses
fix: changed relative resumeCourseRunUrl to an absolute URL
refactor: adding log for learner data transmission
feat: integrated resumeCourseRunUrl into enrollments API
chore: remove unnecessary logs from the integrated channels
feat: added flag to allow in progress course learner data transmission
feat: added fields for holding encrypted data in database
feat: added management command to re-encrypt enterprise customer reporting configs
feat: stop learner data transmissions for course runs
chore: retire Degreed v1 code from the set of channels
feat: Add an ``api-docs`` page that lives at ``[LMS_ROOT_URL]/enterprise/api-docs/``
feat: unlink degreed2 inactive user
chore: Aligning SAP naming conventions
chore: Update requirements
chore: returning SP metadata url from the sso orchestrator to the API caller
feat: truncate API Response before writing to the APIResponseRecord
fix: initiate filtering the API Response only when a successful response is received
feat: filter courses from API Response of SAPSF to store in the APIResponseRecord table
chore: orchestrator exception handling and submission refinements
feat: Added logs for Degreed2 client
chore: updating sso orchestrator self service api endpoints
fix: Remove not required fields
fix: clarify contact email helper text for enterprise customer
feat: Added the disable_subject_metadata_transmission flag to CornerstoneEnterpriseCustomerConfiguration.
feat: Added enable_source_demo_data_for_analytics_and_lpr field to EnterpriseCustomer.
fix: Fixed ChatGPT prompt and a few model modifications for better readability for admins.
feat: Added logs for learner completion data post request[moodle]
chore: sso orchestrator configs should start inactive and be activated upon successful configuration
feat: inactive moodle course instead of true delete
feat: added dry run mode for content metadata transmission
chore: adding a more flexible way of fetching api request data
fix: fix how we determine the value of active flag within schedule for SAP
feat: Add the ``enable_programs`` field for EnterpriseCustomer
feat: Add the ``enable_pathways`` field for EnterpriseCustomer
feat: add migrations for Django 4.2
chore: adding display name to the sso orchestrator table
fix: enterprise sso orchestrator api cleanup
chore: use lms_update_or_create_enrollment without feature flag
feat: Added the ``enable_career_engagement_network_on_learner_portal`` field for EnterpriseCustomer
feat: create generic ``PaginationWithFeatureFlags`` to add a ``features`` property to DRF's default pagination response containing Waffle-based feature flags.
feat: integrate ``PaginationWithFeatureFlags`` with ``EnterpriseCustomerViewSet``.
feat: enterprise sso orchestrator api client implementation
feat: adding read only field to EnterpriseCustomerCatalogSerializer model
feat: adding braze email task to sso orchestration endpoint
feat: enterprise sso orchestration record table api implementation
fix: adding api credential boolean into django
chore: adding more logging to the _sanitize_and_set_item_metadata flow
Fixing typos
Added support for Django 4.2
fix: enterprise api credentials endpoint cleanup.
fix: putting api_credentials bool in api response to access in admin portal
feat: implementing sso enterprise sso orchestrator config table
feat: enterprise API Credentials generation endpoints
fix: bringing changelog and version number back in sync (re-release of 4.1.2).
feat: implementing sso enterprise sso orchestrator config table
feat: Added patch endpoint to update an enterprise customer catalog.
feat: Added the ability to get AI generated learner engagement and learner progress summary.
fix: enrolled course card grouping behavior for exec-ed courses
chore: restoring licensed enrollment table if it does not exist
feat: Replace deprecated `django-fernet-fields` with its forked `django-fernet-fields-v2`.
fix: make api-record in lms admin read only
bug: swapping grades api grade_percent return value type from string to float
fix: more flexible default site
fix: allow sub directories in moodle base URLs
feat: upgrade django-simple-history to 3.1.1
chore: fixing import path error in management command
feat: customizable management command to generate local enterprise data
fix: reorganizing enterprise customer django admin portal
feat: add grade value to learner transmission for degreed v2
fix: variable name conflicts in monthly_impact_report command
feat: incorporate additional attributes to degreed v2
feat: remove content transmission audits without a catalog uuid
fix: changing sap transmit metadata flow to account for rate limiting
fix: removing items to delete dependency on the catalog service
chore: upgrade course_enrollment from audit to verified
chore: upgrade node from version 16 to version 18
fix: content metadata exporter sanitizing content to delete
refactor: Replaced the deprecated `NullBooleanField` with `BooleanField(null=True)`
fix: pick first object from CourseDetails
feat: add more metadata into `EnterpriseCourseEnrollmentView`
feat: marking orphaned content audits when catalogs are deleted
chore: fixing doc string linter errors
chore: better formatting of the enterprise api views
feat: add button to update customer modified time
feat: adding management command to clear error state
fix: fixing name of table used by model fetching method
chore: more orphaned content transmission logging
feat!: upgraded to Node v18, added .nvmrc and updated workflows.
fix: compare lowered input email address to lowered auth user record email address during bulk enrollment.
fix: optional x-request-id logging
feat: optional x-request-id logging
* feat: increase the throttle limit of service users for EnterpriseCustomerViewSet
* Switch from ``edx-sphinx-theme`` to ``sphinx-book-theme`` since the former is
chore: set default expiration_date for EnterpriseCustomerInviteKey
feat: add more logging in the bulk enrollment flow
fix: prevent org_id param addition to exec-ed course home url when auth_org_id is not present
chore: unique constraint on transmission audits to prevent duplicates
fix: Fixed url encoding issue with org_id in executive education course url
feat: Added org_id for executive education courses landing page
fix: swapping enterprise unenrolled bool to timestamp and minor code cleanup
feat: extending the enterprise fulfillment api serializer to contain more info
fix: making sure unenrollment is saved while revoking fulfillment
feat: new enterprise endpoint to surface filterable unenrolled subsidized enrollments
fix: Reverted course_run_url for Executive Education courses
feat: Updated course_run_url for Executive Education courses
feat: Hooking enterprise enrollments up to platform signals to write unenrollment records.
New field `unenrolled` on enterprise enrollments to track enrollment status, defaults to `None`.
feat: include obsolete attribute in degreed content transmissions
chore: adding better logging to the remove dup audit management command
feat: include auth_org_id in enterprise customer api
fix: duplicate records reading queryset length then splicing
feat: Add idempotent catalog creation endpoint
fix: management command fix- reading queryset length in a mysql supported way
feat: new management command to remove duplicate transmission audits
feat: Add 'auth_org_id' field to EnterpriseCustomer for Auth0 integration
feat: Q filtering to enterprise customer basic list
feat: Add customer catalog write only viewset
fix: Integrated channels metadata exporter now considers failed update audits as existing records
feat: expands pagination page size from enterprise catalog query view
chore: remove codecov from requirements as it removed from PyPi and is breaking CI when trying to install the package. Pinned ``pip-tools`` and ``tox`` in ``common_constraints.txt`` due to dependency resolution issues with ``click`` and ``filelock``.
feat: include owners and longer descriptions for degreed2 content metadata transmissions
feat: new tagging orphaned content test for integrated channels
feat: Serialize and create a viewset for enterpriseCatalogQuery as readonly
feat: added enterprise fulfillment viewset
feat: surfacing subsidized enrollment uuid value in the bulk enrollment endpoint
feat: Add user_id support to enroll_learners_in_courses endpoint
fix: Ensure `EnterpriseCustomerBrandingConfigurationSerializer` returns correct logo URL on stage/production after `settings.DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE` changed to use `storages.backends.s3boto3.S3Boto3Storage` instead of `storages.backends.s3boto.S3BotoStorage`.
fix: improved admin screen for system wide enterprise role assignments
chore: cleanup squashed migration files
fix: migrating uuid and updating column constraints
fix: allowing for uuid column migration to be non-unique
feat: enterprise entitlements and subsidy based fulfillment models hierarchy rework
feat: django admin bulk action to clear remote_deleted_at on ContentMetadataItemTransmission records
fix: changing api client to parse grades api response body
fix: applied validations on report delivery_method
fix: checking for response attr in http exception handling
fix: making backend generated fields read only on django admin
fix: adding backoff and retry logic to the grades api client
feat: allowing manage learners form enroll learners using exec ed modes
feat: adding exec ed course mode to enterprise
fix: handle file compression check and test
feat: adding last modified timestamp to single LMS config endpoints
fix: integrations log TypeErrors
fix: making moodle client return value match other channels
fix: memoize synced_at datetimes on config record
fix: failed content deletes and creates are never retried
fix: cleaning up serializer field inheritance
fix: password is required when pgp key is provided
fix: adding an index for performance, non-blocking syntax
fix: add back squashed migrations (fixes devstack provisioning)
feat: exec ed content is tagged and distinguishable from edx content
fix: sorting error reporting audits by all datetimes at once instead of three separate order bys
fix: adding an index for performance, testing syntax for no-lock
build: write an updated pylintrc and quiet a noisy logging statement
chore: allowing for page size specification in error reporting api
fix: cleaning up integrated channels inheritance column types
refactor: Removed unused code related to tableau.
fix: internal service error fix for enterprise branding
fix: fixed a bug that didn't allow admins to create an account or update password
fix: fix bug that didn't allow admins to customize branding
fix: catch update transmissions that failed and need to be resent
feat: Add health check for canvas integrated channels
feat: Add in learner and content sync time records to integrated channel configs
fix: make integrated channels api response record field readonly in admin view
fix: Added model field validation for pgp_encryption_key
refactor: update enterprise manual reporting to make it generic
fix: Added validation for PGP encryption key entered by the user.
feat: integration sync reporting viewset improvements
feat: populate friendly_status_message in content and learner metadata api
chore: smarter canvas client update course behavior (course deleted)
feat: integrated channels customer configs soft delete support
chore: fixing api view that included unneeded values
feat: transmission audit admin view and api improvements
fix: integrated channels not picking up courses to update
feat: adding new variables to the learner transmission audit model
feat: Add a new endpoint to generate a signed token for plotly analytics.
feat: remove debug logging used to investigate missing CSOD deletes
feat: Added POST support for catalog query preview
fix: improving transmission records by moving response body to new table
* feat: adds an EnterpriseCatalogQuery.include_exec_ed_2u_courses field.
When True for an EnterpriseCatalogQuery record, this field indicates that
course content with type ``executive-education-2u`` should not be excluded from being associated with that record.
See related enterprise-catalog PR, which includes an ADR: https://github.com/openedx/enterprise-catalog/pull/507
feat: integration sync status self service endpoints
feat: tagging exported content records for transmission
chore: add plugin_configuration_id to standard integration logging
chore: smarter canvas client update course behavior
chore: adding http status response code to content record django admin table
chore: cleaning up Canvas client url construction
fix: adhering to urljoin patterns in integrated channels API views
fix: properly truncate payload to resolve missing CSOD deletes
feat: add debug logging to investigate missing CSOD deletes
feat: add debug logging to investigate missing CSOD deletes
feat: expand utility of CSOD deleted_at reset job
fix: properly pass SAP client status back to content transmission records
fix: open redirect url whitelisting for data sharing consent and change enterprise page
fix: replace id with uuid in branding logo file path
fix: refactor the way we send cornerstone content metadata deletes
fix: accounting for integrated Canvas instances that have no root account Ids.
feat: refactor content metadata jobs to save api call status
fix: accurately selecting content key values when filtering for existing content metadata transmission audits.
fix: integrated channels properly handling customers with multiple catalogs that have overlapping content.
fix: properly removing update transmission payloads from SAP transmissions before saving completed records.
feat: add `enable_executive_education_2U_fulfillment` to `EnterpriseCustomer`
fix: follow-on to cornerstone learner records foreign keys job
fix: create cornerstone learner audit records with new foreign keys
feat: Remove progress, progress_v2 option from reporting configs and move all v1, v2 to v3.
fix: update course run selection logic for SAP content exporter
feat: mark Cornerstone session token fields read-only in admin
feat: update data sharing consent request language
feat: Django Admin tweaks for integrations
feat: Added management command for weekly nudge to dormant enterprise learners
feat: add `enable_portal_learner_credit_management_screen` to `EnterpriseCustomer`
feat: basic integrated channels task concurrency control
feat: Added command for monthly impact report for enterprise administrators
feat: add `enable_learner_portal_offers` to `EnterpriseCustomer`
fix: append backslash to ecommerce url and change `get` to `get_or_create` in `fulfill_pending_course_enrollments`
feat: add source query param in data sharing consent url
chore: add logs for dsc
fix: parsing improvements to incorrect learner completion completed-at dates
fix: incorrect learner completion completed-at dates
feat: add lms_user_id to serialized admin users
feat: add dry-run mode to integrated channels
fix: don't transmit schedule data to SAP if start or end date is empty
feat: improved channel logging
fix: add stricter validation on system wide role assignments
fix: Return None for context if a ``SystemWideEnterpriseUserRoleAssignment`` has no enterprise_customer and does not apply to all contexts.
We'll no longer fall back on granting context based on enterprise membership when there is no explicit context.
chore: add migration to remove is_active from role assignment model schema
chore: remove is_active field from role assignment model
chore: remove data-cleaning management commands. prepare for column-removal migration
temp: adding system wide role assignment field and management commands to clean data
fix: correctly handle multiple canvas and blackboard oauth configs
fix: degreed2 improperly tracking completion status
fix: Degreed2 estimated time to complete in hours
fix: update logic for parsing course price for SAP
fix: Degreed2 estimated time to complete in days
feat: admin view improvements
fix: modify signature of EmbargoApiClient.redirect_if_blocked
Make this signature match and use the same signature that
``openedx.core.djangoapps.embargo.api.redirect_if_blocked()`` now uses.
fix: implement back-off and retry for degreed2
fix: drop tpa_hint param in redirects when no SSO
fix: Undoes revert of 3.44.0, while also ensuring that
``SystemWideEnterpriseUserRoleAssignment.get_assignments()`` can handle and respect any null values returned
from ``get_context()``.
- feat: configure django admin for degreed2 audit records
- fix: Moodle client should accept treat duplicate course id on create as a success
fix: no-op version bump (skipping 3.44.0) to account for a revert:
fix: [REVERTED] override get_assignments() so that active enterprise uuids come first.
Overrides the SystemWideEnterpriseUserRoleAssignment.get_assignments() method to return
a list of (role, context) assignments, where the first item in the list corresponds
to the currently active enterprise for the user.
chore: replace enterprise customer drop-downs in django admin
feat: allow admins to remove learners from org
fix: improve guards on fk data backfill job
feat: updated logic for completions in integrated channels
feat: additional fk data backfill performance improvements
feat: speed up fk data backfill
feat: use new foreign keys on integrated channels audit models
feat: add admin_users to ``EnterpriseCustomerSerializer``
fix: remove backfill management command arguments
fix: Use enterprise customer uuid coming in request data
fix: Add unique_together constraint in SystemWideEnterpriseUserRoleAssignment
fix: Add management command to backfill missing audit record foreign keys.
fix: Squash SAP Success Factors migrations to remove reference to ``PositiveIntegerField``.
fix: Alter `enterprise_course_enrollment_id` field from `PositiveIntegerField` to `IntegerField` in `BlackboardLearnerAssessmentDataTransmissionAudit` and `SapSuccessFactorsLearnerDataTransmissionAudit`. This change
require to run migrations on mysql8.
fix: add foreign keys to integrated channels audit models
fix: making making degreed token base url optional
feat: add missing logging for grades api results in integrated channels exporter
feat: added html pages for oauth authorization success/failure
fix: allow null completed_timestamp field for integrated channels learner audit models
feat: setting customer identity provider config is_valid on first SSO login
feat: Allow partial_update on `EnterpriseCustomerViewSet`
fix: CSOD Learner Audit Django Admin Timeouts
fix: Use correct completions URL for Degreed2
fix: CornerstoneLearnerDataTransmissionAudit admin view timeout
fix: Degreed2 Missing Learner Data Audit Records
fix: Degreed2 Missing Learner Data Audit Records
feat: New integrated channels Blackboard api endpoint to fetch global config creds
feat: Add drafting functionality to save incorrect fields
feat: new integrated channels customer configs list view, new integrated channels config serializer `is_valid` field
feat: add enable_browse_and_request field to `EnterpriseCustomer`
fix: Broken Canvas oauth authorization url
feat: SAPSF content metadata transmission now also sends course schedule
feat: adding CornerstoneLearnerDataTransmissionAudit admin view
feat: log if-modified-since + content metadata for CSOD
feat: support filtering by a list of user ids for `EnterpriseCustomerUserViewSet`
feat: show field show_course_price in SAPSF Django admin form
feat: override chunk size default to match channel capability
chore: squash migrations for blackboard and sap_success_factor apps.
fix: Alter `enterprise_course_enrollment_id` field from `PositiveIntegerField` to `IntegerField` in `BlackboardLearnerAssessmentDataTransmissionAudit` and `SapSuccessFactorsLearnerDataTransmissionAudit`. This change
require to run migrations on mysql8.
fix: switching blackboard integrated channels from client based auth credentials to global creds
fix: ensure `active` field on EnterpriseCustomerUser objects are set to `False` appropriately
feat: add management command to clean up `active` fields on EnterpriseCustomerUser objects
feat: customer configs draft saving that makes all variables optional
feat: feat: Add field for Display name for LMS configs
chore: dropped Django22, 30 and 31 support
feat: add created to enterprise course enrollment serializer fields
fix: update link_learners action to respond with error when payload is empty.
fix: bugfix for Cornerstone missing completion records
fix: more logging to debug missing completion records
fix: Django Admin bugfix
feat: New crud viewset for IC degreed2 configurations
feat: Adds toggle_universal_link endpoint
feat: Dependency upgrades
fix: check if instance is an iterable rather than a list in ``EnterpriseCustomerUserReadOnlySerializer``
feat: add enterprise role assignments to ``EnterpriseCustomerUserReadOnlySerializer``
fix: Integrated channels Degreed2 exporter now handles invalid start/end date in content metadata item
fix: add `basic_list` action to ``EnterpriseCustomerInviteKeyViewSet`` to return unpaginated set of invite keys.
feat: new oauth state for multi-lms-configuration
feat: allow more than 1 lms configuration per lms-kind
feat: update `enterprise_customer_invite_key` filter and serializer
feat: Show OAuth Auth link for Blackboard Admin
fix: add support for an ``enterprise_customer_invite_key`` UUID query parameter to be passed and handled by the ``EnterpriseProxyLoginView``
feat: OAuth Auth link for Blackboard Admin
feat: Integrated channels, grade send logic only logs instead of raising when enterprise_customer_user record is inactive
feat: add is_active on enterprise customer invite key
feat: improved integrated channel log consistency
feat: added view to link learners from a enterprise customer key
fix: require expiry date on ``EnterpriseCustomerInviteKey`` model
feat: reformat integrated channels logging to be more splunk friendly
docs: Updating help_text for universal_link field on EnterpriseCustomer model
feat: Adding universal_link field to EnterpriseCustomer model
feat: add try catch block to skip unfound courses
feat: add enterprise customer invite key model and viewset
feat: New management command to revert enrollment data
feat: SAPSF integrated no longer considers grade change as a reason to retransmit completions.
feat: New management command to backfill end dates on Canvas
fix: incorrectly skipping completion transmissions
feat: allow filtering enterprise learners by enterprise uuid and enterprise role
fix: Moodle duplicate content metadata records detected
fix: allow for records to be saved for integrated channels' content across catalogs
fix: CSOD API session tokens bugfix
fix: CSOD API session tokens are now saved to the customer's configuration instead of individual transmission audits
feat: integrated channels only requests content metadata for courses that need updating
feat: Change Bulk Enrollment Assignment Logic for Pending learners
fix: no longer notify learners of already existing enrollments
fix: Rename model field from key to client_id: Degreed2
feat: New Integrated channel Degreed v2.
feat: Added management command to fix DSC records having spaces instead of +.
fix: pip-tools upgrade
feat: new integrated channels content metadata transmitter flow
fix: blackboard logging function was not returning desired string
fix: properly weight blackboard grades
* chore: update course enrollments through lms
* docs: added adr for zero state browsing with universal link
* fix: refactor moodle _post to use body params
* chore: Don't expire courses that have been modified after given date
* feat: Added a boolean in EnterpriseCustomer to specify whether labor market data should be available in learner portal
* update admin banner notification text field with following changes
* increase max_length from 255 to 512
* update help text
* use textarea widget in django admin
* maint: Integrated channels detection system of catalog changes needed is now disabled via override.
* fix: Integrated channels data transforming generates json serializable fields.
* fix: Blackboard integrated channel now correctly synchronizes the one-and-only valid refresh_token
* fix: content_filter in django admin was broken after the jsonfield upgrade, so this contains fix for that
* fix: switch is_revoked to True on LicensedEnterpriseCourseEnrollment after license expiration
* Allowing management commands to optionally run on inactive Integrated Channel configurations
* Switched back to ``jsonfield`` from ``jsonfield2``
* Added api for fetching field choices from EnterpriseCustomerReportingConfiguration
* Integrated channels Canvas: now fills in Start/end dates in description, and uses Course participation type
* Fix cornerstone character limit bug with dict database table
* fix: Adding error handling for role assignment backfill management command
* bug: The exporter now properly handles instances when enterprise customer catalogs do no need updates.
* feat: Added enterprise_learner role assignment backfill management command
* fix: additional Moodle field changes
* Added customer config based learner data transmission feature flag
* Improve error logging in the Moodle integration
* Fix import error used by bulk enrollment in utils
* integrated channels: single learner assessment exporter logging is not helpful right now so improve it.
* logging improvement when calling integrated channels extract_integration_id
* fixes the way moodle queries for courses ENT-4806
* Integrated channels automatically fill in current date for audit completions if date not available.
* Create "enterprise_learner" role when ``EnterpriseCustomerUser`` records are re-linked.
* When ``EnterpriseCustomerUser`` records get deleted, also delete the "enterprise_admin" role specific to the relevant enterprise customer.
* Integrated channel transmitter completions routine now logs as error, any status codes greater than or equal to 400
* Include a ``failure_reason=dsc_denied`` to the DSC failure url when learner denies the DSC terms.
* SAP integrated channel django form gets missing idp id field
* Degreed integrated channel now uses idp_id explicitly when calling get_remote_id()
* SAP integrated channel now uses idp_id explicitly when calling get_remote_id()
* Fixed datetime issue in email_drip_for_missing_dsc_records.
* Integrated channels: audit track completion status now based on incomplete non-gated content
* Integrated channels: log response code and message if SAP post fails
* Add `progress_v3` report type for enterprise reporting.
* Inject a failure reason into the ``failure_url`` query params when a verified course mode
is not available for DSC-based enrollments.
* Added support for Django 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2
* Adds enterprise catalog query title as an optional attribute to create/update post requests on the catalog service.
* Refactor data-sharing consent GET and POST handlers to not have too many statements,
because readability matters.
* Blackboard Integrated channel oauth2 refresh token handling fixes.
* Adding a new EnterpriseEnrollmentSource to be used for bulk enrollment.
* Add logging of user id for troubleshooting in a couple of locations.
* Clean up pylint suppressions and rules using latest rules set by edx-lint.
* Prevent failures on integrated channels delete requests when courses are not found.
* Encode invalid course keys for CSOD customers
* Handle content_last_modified not provided by enterprise catalog
* Localize timezones on catalog modified min (not found) values
* Integrated channels util functions needed to base64 urlsafe encode/decode course keys for use with some LMS systems like Cornerstone.
* Integrated channels now checks and uses catalog modified times to determine if an update is needed before retrieving content metadata.
* Making bulk catalog query ID update params optional
* Added title field in ``AdminNotification`` table.
* Adding the ability to specify parameters in the bulk catalog query ID updated management command.
* Revert 'Start my course' links in bulk enrollment emails to courseware based links instead of learner portal.
* Prevent django admin deletions of catalog queries. Added management command to bulk update catalogs of their query IDs
* Avoid failure when an email send in the learners loop fails, for notify_enrolled_learners
* Use celery tasks for emails sent using EnterpriseCustomer's notify_enrolled_learners method
* Fix SAP Course Completion payload format again.
* Fix SAP Course Completion payload format.
* Replace EnrollmentApiClient calls from Bulk enrollment with a newly minted python api call (non-REST) from edx-platform
* Filter available IDPs for Enterprise Customers by new boolean flag on ProviderConfig model.
* Removing CSOD Integrated Channel from the list of supported channels for the content metadata transmission task.
* Add pagination handling to integrated channels Blackboard client
* Adds flag to SAP Success Factors customer configuration to switch SAP endpoints for learner completion calls.
* Ensure deletion and unlinking of a ``EnterpriseCustomerUser`` record only deletes the ``enterprise_learner`` system-wide role for that
particular ``EnterpriseCustomerUser``, as opposed to all ``enterprise_learner`` roles associated with the user.
* Updates bulk enrollment email template.
* Added enterprise uuid support in course enrollment. ERTE-5
* Fix the way that ``page_size`` is passed as a param to the ``get_content_metadata`` endpoint.
Add a unit test for the ``EnterpriseCatalogApiClient.get_content_metadata()`` method, which
was previously untested.
* Set the EnterpriseCatalogApiClient get_content_metadata request page_size parameter to 50; the enterprise-catalog
service has a default page_size of 10. This change means that we'll make a smaller overall number of SELECTs
against the enterprise-catalog database.
* Adds error handling and logging to the assignment deduplication management command.
* Updates requirements and style changes to match the latest Pylint.
* Updates to integrated channels catalogs to transmit help text.
* Overriding default chunk size for SAP and Canvas integrations.
* Adds Segment tracking for bulk enrollment method.
* Added history tables for EnterpriseCustomerUser and SystemWideEnterpriseUserRoleAssignment.
* Added management command to clean up duplicate transmitted assignments for the integrated channels.
* Fixed issue with API version in Tableau client.
* Fixed issue with CourseEnrollment receiver when learner has multiple enterprises.
* Canvas integrated channel now supports create_or_update pattern for courses. Detects/logs deleted courses.
* Fix forward for parameter rename changing the signals API in 3.26.7
* Added support to use default idp in Enterprise slug login if there are multiple.
* added support for redirecting user to default IDP, in case multiple IDPs's attached
* developer-only facing updates to standardize LMS Integrated Channels logging.
* added an update api call to assign tableau user roles
* fix: Bypass slumber's getattr definition when requesting enrollments for usernames starting with '_'
(because slumber will raise an AttributeError from getattr when requesting a resource that starts with '_').
* removed unnecessary call to ecom in bulk enrollment (process of assigning a license already accounts for this)
* added --skip-unlink param in unlink_enterprise_customer_learners command to just remove DSC records.
* Added logs for enterprise users created in tableau.
* Added check to configure reports only for Catalog over SFTP.
* Added support for admin scheduled banners that run from date x to date y.
* Log exception stack trace during DSC licensed-enrollment flow, so that
we can look at log messages and understand what exactly is failing.
* bug fix, properly handle API response pagination from Canvas.
* added management command to unlink learners from their enterprise and
deleting DSC and EnterpriseCourseEnrolment records.
* added ``enable_compression`` flag in EnterpriseCustomerReportConfiguration table.
* Database based template system for enrollment emails, including support for Admin and Self enroll modes.
Admin mode for Bulk enrollment, existing enrollment emails still use the current template.
* Log more specific information about HTTP client errors that are caught when using the LMS
enrollment API. Also send an exception event to the monitoring service when this happens, even
though we handle the exception "gracefully".
* Send long dsc url in missing DSC email as individual params.
* Reduced the DSC url size to account for character limit in Segment event properties.
* Remove hardcoded admin permission constraints for ContentMetadataItemTransmission integrated channel model.
* Canvas integrated channel now 'concludes' course when sending deletion event, instead of 'delete'.
* Optimized handling of conditions defining the absence of a DSC.
* Added exception handling in consent missing email.
* Added a check for enterprise DSC configuration in missing DSC drip.
* Added a check for course access before sending Segment event for missing DSC.
* Added new field reply_to in enterprise customer where learner's reply to enterprise emails will be delivered.
* Removed migrations that have been merged into squashed migrations.
* Fix: filter out EnterpriseCourseEnrollments without corresponding CourseEnrollment records in learner portal view.
* Added support for ``--enrollment-before`` and ``--no-commit`` params in ``email_drip_for_missing_dsc_records`` command.
* Fixed Segment json string issue for DSC email drip
* Added additional Segment event properties for missing DSC drip email
* Fixed timezone issue in comparison of course start datetime
* Make enterprise customer uuid mandatory for `TableauAuthView`
* Change the verbose name and help text for the ``enable_integrated_customer_learner_portal_search`` field on the ``EnterpriseCustomer`` model.
* No longer call into the removed email_marketing platform djangoapp
* Use Braze for sending data sharing consent drop emails, add the DSC link inside the drip email.
* Expose enterprise catalog uuids associated with an Enterprise Customer in the ``enterprise-customer`` API endpoint.
* Add dashboard admin rbac role permission on tableau auth view so that only
enterprise dashboard admins can access this view.
* Add support to generate tableau auth token based on incoming enterprise customer's uuid
* chore: upgrade edx-enterprise requirements
* Improves performance of enterprise role assignment admin page
* Deletes custom get_search_results() method, since ``enterprise_customer__name`` is now a viable search field
* Improves pagination by asking for an estimated row count from Mysql ``INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES``
* Turns 1 + N query into 1 query via proper use of ``list_select_related``
* Fix: no longer stringifying `None` values passed to enterprise catalog creations calls
* Fix: learner_data exporter bug fix and refactor for cleaner enrollment filtering
* Feature: including EnterpriseCatalogQuery UUID field in request payload to enterprise-catalog on EnterpriseCatalog updates
* Feature: new UUID field on EnterpriseCatalogQuery model (and update to all existing query objects)
* Refactor: integrated channels learner exporter replace course api client
* Added a management command to send emails to learners with missing DSC
* allow searching of enterprise customer records with hyphenated uuid
* add typeahead search dropdown to improve enterprise customer search on
enterprise reporting configuration
* When a learner is linked from manage learners page, in-activate learner's other enterprises
* Added support of multiple identity_providers in enterprise.models.get_remote_id.
* Added multiple identity_providers in EnterpriseCustomerApi
* Added the ability to link/unlink enterprise customer catalogs with enterprise reporting configuration via its API endpoint.
* Integrated channels learner_data module refactored to avoid making some LMS REST API calls
* Refactored code in `proxied_get()` to clean up duplicate logic.
* Removing unused and out of date endpoints for Bulk Enrollment
* Allow licensed audit enrollment to have a path to upgrade into verified
* update edx-rbac to 1.4.2, plus a bunch of other version bumps.
* feat: add support for enterprise admins to create pending enterprise users
* feat: add support for creating multiple pending enterprise users
* Refactored bulk enrollment serializer and bug fixes to the bulk enrollment endpoint.
* fix: The update_role_assignments_with_customers command no longer updates records. It only creates
new records, which helps de-risk the operation.
* fix: do not include unpublished courses when enrollment link resolves course_runs
* fix: The update_role_assignments_with_customers command no longer deletes open assignments. Allowing it to do so
left us prone to error when an explicit enterprise_customer_uuid arg is provided. We should modify this command
in the future to perform deletions of open assignments as its only action, and it should only be invoked this way
after we have verified that all backfilled enterprise_customer fields on the assignments have been set correctly.
* Adds the catalog admin role to ``roles_api.roles_by_name()``.
* Removes course mode as a required parameter to the bulk subscription enrollment endpoint.
* Adds bulk enterprise learner in bulk courses enrollment endpoint with pending user support.
* Adds a management command to update all ``SystemWideEnterpriseUserRoleAssignment`` records in a way
that makes them more explicitly defined.
* Bug fix to remove a deprecated parameter that was causing bulk enrollments to fail.
* Made help text of sender_alias more generic.
* Fix bulk enrollment endpoint to process email_csv and email as well
* Replaced an LMS Enrollment API call with direct call the DB to avoid LMS rate limiting during integrated channels bulk jobs.
* Updated the default IDP priority of enterprises for social auth.
* Change canvas_course_id to BigInteger: Integrated Channels
* Upgrade django-ipware to version 3.0.2
* Read CSV files using `utf-8-sig` encoding to handle Byte Order Mark
* Rename `Owners` field to `Partners` for Cornerstone Integration
* Omitting assessment level reporting from integrated Canvas learners final grade to not have redundant reported points
between final grades and subsection grades.
* Refactor to only create an ``EnterpriseCourseEnrollment`` if we successfully create/update a ``CourseEnrollment`` record
* Properly filtering integrated channels that support assessment level reporting.
* Map "estimated_hours" to "credit_hours" in addition to "total_hours" in SAP.
* Removing temporary logs from integrated channels.
* Enable manually adding learners to multiple enterprises
* Adding the logic to select default provider in case an enterprise has multiple identity providers attached.
* Change moodle course title in exporter, to include edX text.
* Investigatory logging to track down Integrated Channels transmission issues.
* Prevent NoneType string concatenation when handling multiple enterprises logistration without redirects.
* Adds default field in enterprise customer identity provider table to select default IDP if there are more than one
IDPs attached with enterprise.
* Adding Logging to single learner assessment level reporting task.
* Updating docs to reflect method behaviors.
* Making failed SAP user remote ID retrievals log relevant context data.
* Making sure Canvas Integrated Channel properly url encodes user identifier fields.
* Fixing assessment level reporting audit retrieval.
* Adds content metadata item transmission table to Django Admin.
* Introduce and use a ``roles_api`` module and use the roles API in signal receivers
that need to create or delete role assignments.
* For created or updated learner and admin enterprise users, associate their user-role
with the ``enterprise_customer`` to which that user is linked.
* Install django-cache-memoize.
* Adds better exception handling to the SAP integrated channels.
* Adds better logging to the base transmission process in the integrated channels.
* Removes the sync_enterprise_catalog_query boolean field from the EnterpriseCustomerCatalog model.
* Adds migration to remove the sync_enterprise_catalog_query boolean field.
* Removes all references to the sync_enterprise_catalog_query boolean field from the EnterpriseCustomerCatalog model.
* Updates all conditional use of the sync_enterprise_catalog_query field to be True.
* A second PR will follow to remove the model field and perform the db migration (blue/green deployment safe).
* Added a catch all exception block to ensure login flow is not interrupted by analytics user sync.
* Include course mode for the user's ``student.CourseEnrollment`` in the ``EnterpriseCourseEnrollmentSerializer``.
* In ``SystemWideEnterpriseUserRoleAssignment``, Use either ``applies_to_all_contexts`` or ``enterprise_customer``
if they are True or non-null, respectively, in determining the result of ``get_context()``,
but continue to return list of all linked enterprise customer UUIDs if not, (which is the current behavior).
This is a small step on our journey to explicitly defining user-role assignments.
* On the ``SystemWideEnterpriseUserRoleAssignment`` model, adds an ``enterprise_customer`` FK (nullable)
and an ``applies_to_all`` boolean field (defaults to False) that indicates if the user has wildcard permissions.
* Updates the admin to show the "effective" customer in the detail view, and the explicit value in the list view.
The effective value is the deprecated way we currently determine role assignment -
by implicitly assigning the role on every customer to which the user is linked.
* In the detail view/form, the "Enterprise customer" dropdown contains only customers
to which the user is currently linked.
* added check to make sure enterprise user can only use linked IdP with their enterprise customer.
* Conditionally allows the deletion of individual ``EnterpriseCourseEnrollment`` and related
``LicensedEnterpriseCourseEnrollment`` records via the Django Admin site, so that site admins can manually
delete enterprise enrollments that were created in error.
This is only allowed if a Django settings feature flag is set to ``True``.
* Apply edx-rbac migration to add ``applies_to_all_contexts`` field to ``SystemWideEnterpriseUserRoleAssignment``.
* Added endpoints for Cornerstone integrated channel.
* added home page logo for EnterpriseSelectionView and EnterpriseLoginView
* Fix deprecation warning: ``third_party_auth`` should be imported as ``common.djangoapps.third_party_auth``.
* Added new API endpoints for Degreed integrated channel.
* Added new field ``sender_alias`` in enterprise customer which will be used in emails except of default alias.
* Non-effectual code cleanup / refactor to remove some final pieces of duplication (canvas, blackboard).
* Ensure enterprise course enrollments return valid course run statuses such that when a learner earns a passing certificate, the ``enterprise_course_enrollments`` API endpoint deems the course is complete even though the course itself may not have ended yet per the configured dates.
* Add some info to the ``EnterpriseCourseEnrollment`` docstring, add ``is_active`` property to same.
* Fixed unnecessary integrated channel signal transmission on course completion to inactive customers by adding guard condition.
* Stop listening for ``student.CourseEnrollment`` unenrollment signal, as introduced in 3.17.0
* Add management command to process expired subscriptions and field on subscriptions to persist that the subscription expiration has been processed
* Listen for ``student.CourseEnrollment`` unenrollment signal and delete associated
``EnterpriseCourseEnrollment`` record if one exists (we will have a historical record of the deletion).
* Retrieve ``EnterpriseCustomerUser`` by both user_id and enterprise_customer to handle users who are pending for more than 1 enterprise.
* Forcing embedded enrollment links within integrated Blackboard courses to open new windows to avoid security alert
* Upgrade celery to 5.0.4
* Added ClientError exception handling for SAPSuccessFactorsAPIClient.
* Modify the learner portal enterprise_course_enrollments endpoint to include an ``is_enrollment_active``
key that indicates the status of the enterprise enrollment's related ``student.CourseEnrollment`.
Allow the endpoint to optionally accept an ``?is_active`` query param, so that clients may request
only active enrollments from it.
* Improved error handling for SAP Success Factors OAuth2 response.
* Refactoring title content metadata in integrated course creation within the Blackboard integrated channel.
* Add SuccessFactors Customer Configuration API endpoint.
* Update unique constraints for pending Enterprise learners/admins to support users who may be pending for more than 1 Enterprise.
* Fix ``handle_user_post_save`` to account for the potential of being a pending learner/admin for more than 1 Enterprise.
* Refactor ``handle_user_post_save`` to be responsible for linking PendingEnterpriseCustomerUser records and granting admin permissions.
* Adding backend support for admin portal Blackboard configuration.
* Added the ability to enable multiple Identity Providers for a single enterprise customer.
* Converted relation between enterprise customer and identity provider to a one-to-many.
* Adds new API for Canvas LMS configurations.
* Rebranding update: Change fonts and colors, change mobile layout
* Adding decorators to missed integrated channel tasks.
* Add new API for external LMS configurations.
* Use logo from ``get_platform_logo_url`` in the legacy Django templates
* Adding Blackboard support for assessment level reporting in the integrated channels.
* Bug fix with course key lookup in the Canvas assessment level grade reporting flow.
* Rebranding update: move to more robust ``get_platform_logo_url`` and update default branding colors.
* Add log for enterprise enrollment page.
* Fixed deprecation warnings related with drf methods (detail_route, list_route).
* Empty sequence bugfix in catalog api.
* Course end date bugfix.
* Add course end date to course level metadata.
* Base implementation of assessment level reporting for Integrated Channels.
* Use full paths for edx-platform/common/djangoapps imports, as described in
`edx-platform ADR #7 <https://github.com/openedx/edx-platform/blob/master/docs/decisions/0007-sys-path-modification-removal.rst>`_.
* Fix silent exception in catalog api call.
* Add code_owner custom attribute for celery tasks.
* Refresh catalog metadata on create and update
* added support for grade, completion and course_structure type reports in enterprise report configurations. Added validation to allow these reports for Pearson enterprises only.
* Support uploading a ``course_id`` column in the "Manage Learners" CSV bulk upload to allow manual enrollments in multiple courses at once.
* Fixes the issue where user preference value can not be null.
* Added spanish translations for data sharing consent page.
* Update Moodle integration to single transmission to handle responses properly.
* Remove hyphens from enterprise_customer_uuid for admin user creation and tableau authentication.
* Fix timeout on update.
* Updated the logic to clear enterprise learner language in a way that db lock does not happen.
* change username with enterprise_customer_uuid for tableau trusted authentication and tableau user creation.
* Tests only: upgrade to pytest 6+ and factoryboy 3+ to bring up to date with edx-platform.
* Adding Blackboard customization to integrated channel content metadata creation.
* change username with user_id for tableau trusted authentication and tableau user creation.
* add logs to know if data sharing consent is failing because catalog does not contain the course
* added POST enterprise-customer/<uuid>/enterprise_learner endpoint to mimic Manage Learners admin form functionality
* upgrade version to create new release on pypi.
* added error_codes in the logging/error messages for the CourseEnrollmentView for better debugging capability.
* Unset learners language so that default_language from enterprise customer may take effect.
* Fix DSC tests to verify enrolling a learner with a license_uuid
* ENT-2450: Add action to kick off jobs to refresh enterprise catalogs so changes will be immediately visible
* Style/UX changes for Moodle integration.
* Adding integrated course customization for Blackboard courses.
* Re-add check for license uuid when enrolling learners into a course
* Added the EnterpriseAnalyticsUser model and tableau integration functions.
* Enable enterprise to have a default language configuration for its learners.
* ENT-3557: Improve blackboard view logging to better report root cause of auth failure.
* ENT-3460: Adding properties to safely use branding config.
* Embedded enterprise in the username was removed for tableau trusted authentication.
* Bug fix: SAML stripping for unlinking was not properly removing saml prefix.
* Blackboard client update/delete and unit tests.
* Reverting changes to EnterpriseCustomerBrandingConfig.
* Using python properties for EnterpriseCustomerBrandingConfiguration colors.
* Authenticate user with Tableau.
* Add default branding config object to the Customer record if null.
* Implementing Blackboard completion data transmission.
* During license revocation, if no audit track exists for the course, attempt to unenroll the learner from it.
* Catches/Handles error occurring with Moodle integrated channel.
* Refactors the revoke endpoint into smaller parts, so that implementing new logic is easier to manage.
* Moodle client bug fix
* Make email field optional for sftp delivery for enterprise reporting config
* Blackboard exporter
* Update ``get_service_usernames()`` to read from a list variable (that may not exist).
* Moodle completion data implementation
* Blackboard client Oauth2 implementation
[3.8.24] 2020-10-02
* Allow learners to enroll with their license in courses when DSC is disabled.
[3.8.23] 2020-10-01
* Added Audit grade for Audit mode enrollments in integrated channels.
* Updated seed_enterprise_devstack_data to enable the test customer's subscription management screen
[3.8.21] 2020-09-28
* Add functionality to save logo file at only one location when saving EnterpriseCustomerBrandingConfiguration instance
[3.8.20] 2020-09-24
* Better exception handling for integrated channels.
[3.8.19] 2020-09-24
* Copy test from edx-platform over to enterprise to test migrations early.
[3.8.18] 2020-09-23
* Initial setup for Blackboard Integrated Channel.
[3.8.17] 2020-09-23
* Update logo name and path after the instance is saved to replace None with instance id.
[3.8.16] 2020-09-22
* Token expiration handling in canvas client.
[3.8.15] 2020-09-22
* Update Data Sharing Consent language.
[3.8.14] 2020-09-21
* Add Moodle integration to integrated_channels.
[3.8.13] 2020-09-20
* Fix issue with canvas channel not finding a course, by using search endpoint
[3.8.12] 2020-09-21
* Fix column width issue for DSC and other pages
[3.8.11] 2020-09-18
* Upgrading celery version to 4.4.7 for python 3.8 support
[3.8.10] 2020-09-17
* Reverting PR #952.
[3.8.9] 2020-09-16
* Standardizing log format in integrated channels learner data export.
[3.8.8] 2020-09-15
* Fixing the construction of the next param in the proxy login view for SSO.
[3.8.7] 2020-09-15
* Adding more informative logs to the integrated channels.
[3.8.6] 2020-09-15
* Using viewname in reverse as part of args to prevent IndexOutOfRange exception
[3.8.5] 2020-09-14
* Add a field to EnterpriseCustomer to disable main menu navigation for integrated channel customer users.
[3.8.4] 2020-09-14
* Add a field for enabling analytics screen in the admin portal for an EnterpriseCustomer.
[3.8.3] 2020-09-14
* Add management command to create DSC records.
[3.8.2] 2020-09-11
* Course and Course Run enrollment_url now points to learner portal course page if LP enabled.
[3.8.1] 2020-09-10
* Canvas channel discovery improvements assorted changes.
[3.8.0] 2020-09-09
* Assign "enterprise_admin" system-wide role to pending admin users when registering their user account.
[3.7.8] 2020-09-09
* Fixes migration mismatch for Canvas models.
[3.7.7] 2020-09-04
* The ``seed_enterprise_devstack_data`` management command now accepts an enterprise name when creating an enterprise,
and the learner portal is activated by default.
[3.7.6] 2020-09-09
* Adds the learner data exporter and transmitter to the Canvas integrated channel.
[3.7.5] 2020-09-08
* Celery version is now upgraded to latest one
[3.7.4] 2020-09-04
* Adds support to capture contract discounts from the Enrollment API by adding ``default_contract_discount``
to the ``EnterpriseCustomer`` model and passing it to ecommerce when creating orders
[3.7.3] 2020-09-01
* Override the ``EnterpriseContentCatalog.save()`` method to sync the ``content_filter`` from an associated
``EnterpriseCatalogQuery``, if appropriate.
* Add some logging to the ``update_enterprise_catalog_query`` signal.
[3.7.2] 2020-09-01
* The ``seed_enterprise_devstack_data`` management command is now idempotent when creating an enterprise,
and creates users and operator roles for the license-manager and enterprise-catalog workers.
[3.7.1] 2020-08-28
* Also send course image_url to Canvas when creating course.
[3.7.0] 2020-08-27
* Fixed Duplicate Calls to OCN API.
[3.6.9] 2020-08-26
* Return requested user's linked enterprises only. For staff user return all enterprises.
[3.6.8] 2020-08-26
* Added course update and deletion capabilities to the canvas integrated channel.
[3.6.7] 2020-08-26
* Changed strings in Manage Learners DSC view.
[3.6.6] 2020-08-24
* Added a fix for "Manual Order Not Fulfilled" bug.
[3.6.5] 2020-08-24
* Added course mode in ecommerce manual enrollment API.
[3.6.4] 2020-08-18
* Canvas transmitter implementation for course creation
[3.6.3] 2020-08-19
* Adding Django admin forms for Canvas integration config and cleanup on models.
[3.6.2] 2020-08-17
* Adding Canvas integrated channels API endpoint for the oauth process completion
[3.6.1] 2020-08-17
* Added logging in enrollment endpoint for test purposes.
[3.6.0] 2020-08-12
* ENT-2939: removing waffle flag and utility function used in enterprise-catalog transition
[3.5.4] 2020-08-12
* Fixed date format in Cornerstone catalog sync call
[3.5.3] 2020-08-11
* Fix permissions issue with license_revoke endpoint in LicensedEnterpriseCourseEnrollmentViewSet.
[3.5.2] 2020-08-11
* Add Content Metadata Exporter for Canvas Integration.
[3.5.1] 2020-08-11
* Add client instantiation and oauth validation for Canvas integration.
[3.5.0] 2020-08-10
* Add `update_course_enrollment_mode_for_user` method to the EnrollmentApiClient.
* Create new API endpoint to update the mode for a user's licensed enterprise course enrollments when their enterprise license is revoked.
* Introduce new course run status for `saved_for_later`.
* On revocation of an enterprise license, mark the user's licensed course enrollments as `saved_for_later` and `is_revoked`.
[3.4.40] 2020-08-05
* Create fresh migrations from scratch for Canvas since this app is yet to run migrations in platform.
[3.4.39] 2020-08-04
* Remove field 'key' from a canvas integrated_channel model (but not migration yet), step 2/3
[3.4.38] 2020-08-04
* Migration to remove ``banner_border_color`` and ``banner_background_color`` branding config fields.
[3.4.37] 2020-08-04
* Add new field client_id to canvas model for removing older key field (step 1/3)
[3.4.36] 2020-08-04
* Remove references to deprecated ``banner_border_color`` and ``banner_background_color`` branding config fields.
[3.4.35] 2020-08-04
* Add postman collection for Canvas integrated channel
[3.4.34] 2020-08-03
* Migration to copy old color field values to new field.
[3.4.33] 2020-08-03
* Add BrandingConfiguration primary/secondary/tertiary color fields.
[3.4.32] 2020-07-31
* Add Canvas integrated_channel first cut.
[3.4.31] 2020-07-30
* The PendingEnterpriseCustomerUser create action will create an EnterpriseCustomerUser
if an ``auth.User`` record with the given user_email already exists.
[3.4.30] 2020-07-29
* Add flag to sync updates in an EnterpriseCatalogQuery with its associated EnterpriseCustomerCatalogs.
* Create a post_save signal to overwrite the content_filter with the update.
* Changes should also be sent to the Enterprise Catalog service.
[3.4.29] 2020-07-29
* Added new view for requesting the DSC for learners for specific course.
[3.4.28] 2020-07-24
* Add query params to proxy login redirect for new welcome template to be rendered.
* Fixing proxy_login SSO redirect, adding default next param from proxy_login.
[3.4.27] 2020-07-23
* Adds hide_course_original_price field to the serializer for the EnterpriseCustomer endpoint.
[3.4.26] 2020-07-20
* Adds proxy login view to allow unauthenticated enterprise learners to login via existing flow from the learner portal.
[3.3.26] 2020-07-17
* Uses correct course mode slugs during enrollment from GrantDataSharingPermissions.
[3.3.25] 2020-07-16
* Use the GrantDataSharingPermissions view to enroll licensed users in courses
[3.3.24] 2020-07-15
* Remove get_due_dates and always return an empty list for due_dates
[3.3.23] 2020-07-13
* Remove unnecessary data migration
[3.3.22] 2020-07-13
* Final removal of marked_done field
[3.3.21] - 2020-07-10
* Gracefully handle when list of subjects for content metadata contains either a list of strings and list of dictionaries
[3.3.20] - 2020-07-09
* Added new SAML Config option to EnterpriseCustomer in Django admin.
[3.3.19] - 2020-07-08
* Remove database references to marked_done.
[3.3.18] - 2020-07-07
* Admin dashboard rules predicates now pass an object into the edx-rbac utility functions.
[3.3.17] - 2020-07-07
* Created LicensedEnterpriseCourseEnrollment.
[3.3.16] - 2020-07-02
* Change marked_done on EnterpriseCourseEnrollment mode nullable.
[3.3.15] - 2020-06-30
* Added health checks for enterprise service.
[3.3.14] - 2020-06-30
* Added saved_for_later field to the EnterpriseCourseEnrollment model. This will eventually replace the marked_done field.
[3.3.13] - 2020-06-29
* Changed GrantDataSharingPermission to redirect to the intended course instead of dashboard, if consent is not required
[3.3.12] - 2020-06-27
* Repair invalid key references in Discovery API Client method.
[3.3.11] - 2020-06-25
* Restore EnterpriseCatalogQuery functionality to previous state.
[3.3.10] - 2020-06-24
* xAPI: Include course UUID in activity extensions collection
[3.3.9] - 2020-06-24
* Remove verbose names from EnterpriseCourseEnrollment model Meta class
[3.3.8] - 2020-06-23
* Add support to override enrollment attributes for learners
[3.3.7] - 2020-06-19
* Bug fix: Added missing migration for content_filter validation changes.
[3.3.6] - 2020-06-17
* Add validation for content_filter subfields in EnterpriseCatalogQuery and EnterpriseCustomerCatalog
[3.3.5] - 2020-06-17
* Update processing of marked_done field slightly for cleaner boolean usage in client
[3.3.4] - 2020-06-15
* Update GrantDataSharingPermissionView to accept both; course_run_id as well as course_key
[3.3.3] - 2020-06-12
* Exclude unpublished course runs when determining available/enrollable status
[3.3.2] - 2020-06-10
* Added status key to default content filter for EnterpriseCustomerCatalog.
[3.3.1] - 2020-06-10
* Added marked_done field in /enterprise_course_enrollments/ response
[3.3.0] - 2020-06-09
* xAPI Integrated Reporting Channel, Version 2
[3.2.22] - 2020-06-09
* Added rollback for EnterpriseCourseEnrollment enroll
[3.2.21] - 2020-06-03
* Downgrade an error log to a warning to reduce alert noise
[3.2.20] - 2020-06-01
* Suppress the 404 exception in get_enterprise_catalog when we expect it
* Add enterprise_customer_uuid to an error message to be more informative
* Delete "enterprise_learner" role assignment when an EnterpriseCustomerUser record is soft deleted (i.e., `linked` attribute is False)
* Update seed_enterprise_devstack_data command to include name on user profiles when creating enterprise users
[3.2.19] - 2020-06-01
* Updating the catalog preview URL to use the Catalog Service
[3.2.18] - 2020-05-28
* Added the enterprise slug login functionality.
[3.2.17] - 2020-05-27
* Improve xAPI enrollment/completion event filtering, transmitting, and recording
[3.2.16] - 2020-05-27
* Removing caniusepython3 as it is no longer needed since python3 upgrade.
[3.2.15] - 2020-05-26
* Improve EnterpriseRoleAssignment exception messaging
[3.2.14] - 2020-05-19
* Converting UUID fields to string for use in can_use_enterprise_catalog
[3.2.13] - 2020-05-15
* Added can_use_enterprise_catalog utility function to exclude enterprises from the transition to enterprise-catalog
[3.2.12] - 2020-05-13
* Created migration to `update_or_create` a system-wide enterprise role named `enterprise_catalog_admin`
[3.2.11] - 2020-05-12
* Moving the post model save logic for Enterprise Catalog to signals.py.
[3.2.10] - 2020-05-08
* Updated EnterpriseCustomerCatalogAdmin save hook to check if a corresponding catalog exists in the enterprise-catalog service. If it does, the save hook will update the existing catalog; otherwise, a new catalog will be created.
* Added extra logging when syncing Enterprise Catalog data to the Enterprise Catalog Service.
[3.2.9] - 2020-05-08
* Added a flag to enable the slug login for an enterprise customer.
[3.2.8] - 2020-05-07
* Makes the data sharing consent template guard against empty/null branding configuration logo values.
[3.2.7] - 2020-05-07
* Added extra logging in 'create_enterprise_course_enrollments' management command.
[3.2.6] - 2020-05-06
* Added use of traverse_pagination for get_content_metadata in the enterprise_catalog api client.
[3.2.5] - 2020-05-06
* Pass enterprise customer's name to enterprise-catalog service during create/update of enterprise catalogs
* Refactor `migrate_enterprise_catalogs` management command to check if a catalog already exists in the enterprise-catalog service. If a catalog already exists, it will be updated with a PUT request; otherwise, a new catalog will be created with a POST request.
[3.2.4] - 2020-05-06
* Specified python3.5 version for PyPI release
[3.2.3] - 2020-05-06
* Removed support for Django<2.2 & Python3.6
* Added support for python3.8.
* Changes to use catalog query content filter if defined instead of catalog content filter.
[3.2.2] - 2020-05-05
* Made enrollment reason optional when linking learners without enrollment.
[3.2.1] - 2020-05-04
* Added extra logging in 'create_enterprise_course_enrollments' management command.
[3.2.0] - 2020-04-23
* Squashed the sap_success_factors and integrated_channel app migrations.
[3.1.3] - 2020-04-23
* Revised "end date" window for determining course active/inactive status in catalog API responses.
[3.1.2] - 2020-04-21
* Added extra exception handling in `create_enterprise_course_enrollments` management command.
[3.1.1] - 2020-04-20
* removed get_cache_key and using it from edx-django-utils.
[3.1.0] - 2020-04-14
* Squashed the enterprise app migrations.
[3.0.15] - 2020-04-14
* Fixed HTML tags bug from short course description in enterprise course enrollment page
[3.0.14] - 2020-04-10
* Fixing the traversal of results in get_content_metadata for the enterprise-catalog API client
[3.0.13] - 2020-04-10
* Switch catalog_contains_course method to use enterprise catalog service behind waffle sample
[3.0.12] - 2020-04-10
* Add USE_ENTERPRISE_CATALOG waffle sample, and remove USE_ENTERPRISE_CATALOG waffle flag
* Switch the use of waffle.flag_is_active to waffle.sample_is_active
* Updates the EnterpriseCatalogApiClient to make the user argument optional. If the user argument is not provided, it will use the "enterprise_worker" user instead
* No longer passes user to the EnterpriseCatalogApiClient during initialization in places where a request and/or user object doesn't already exist
[3.0.11] - 2020-04-10
* Fix issue with matching urls for redirect to enterprise selection page
[3.0.10] - 2020-04-08
* Use the USE_ENTERPRISE_CATALOG waffle flag for transitioning integrated channels to using the enterprise-catalog service
[3.0.9] - 2020-04-08
* Switch get_course, get_course_run, get_program, and get_course_and_course_run methods to use enterprise catalog service behind waffle flag
[3.0.8] - 2020-04-08
* Converted the EnrollmentApiClient to JWT client.
[3.0.7] - 2020-04-07
* Additional xAPI transmission workflow logging
[3.0.6] - 2020-04-06
* Added support for bypassing enterprise selection page for enrollment url triggered login
[3.0.5] - 2020-03-31
* Added "active" key in enterprise_catalog API for "course" content_type if the "course" has "course_run" available for enrollment.
[3.0.4] - 2020-03-31
* Removed the 'EDX_API_KEY' from CourseApiClient.
[3.0.3] - 2020-03-27
* Updated enterprise-catalog endpoint urls to match rename
[3.0.2] - 2020-03-26
* Improved xApi logging to include statement and LRS endpoint'
[3.0.1] - 2020-03-18
* Updated xApi integrated channel to use the updated CourseOverview method 'get_from_ids()'
[3.0.0] - 2020-03-16
* Removed use of Bearer Authentication
[2.5.5] - 2020-03-13
* Add field for enabling subscription management screen in the admin portal to EnterpriseCustomer.
[2.5.4] - 2020-03-12
* Reset authentication cookies on enterprise selection to update JWT cookie with user's enterprise
[2.5.3] - 2020-03-11
* Added the salesforce opportunity_id in manage learner django admin.
[2.5.2] - 2020-03-10
* Fixed formatting on JSON fields in django admin forms
[2.5.1] - 2020-03-05
* Added new data type for enterprise report configurations
[2.5.0] - 2020-03-03
* Removing enterprise_learner_portal_hostname from ent cust model (including api)
[2.4.2] - 2020-02-27
* Removed the code for enrolling the program from manage learner django admin panel.
[2.4.1] - 2020-02-26
* Update log level from INFO to DEBUG for transmit_content_metadata management command
[2.4.0] - 2020-02-25
* Restricted PendingEnterpriseCustomerUser to be linked with only one EnterpriseCustomer at a time
[2.3.9] - 2020-02-17
* Added discount percentage support in pending enrollment use case.
[2.3.8] - 2020-02-10
* Added totalHours field for successfactors completion event
[2.3.7] - 2020-02-07
* Learner attached to multiple enterprises, logging in via SSO should be taken to Enterprise selection page
[2.3.6] - 2020-02-06
* Fixed learner data transmission command when grades API return `user_not_enrolled` error
[2.3.4] - 2020-02-04
* Remove totalHours field from content metadata export
[2.3.3] - 2020-02-03
* Added exception handling for enrollment api calls during manual enrollment
[2.3.2] - 2020-01-31
* Adding contact_email to enterprisecustomer admin form
[2.3.1] - 2020-01-29
* Updated calls to `manual enrollments api` to include enterprise customer info
[2.3.0] - 2020-01-29
* Add soft deletion support for EnterpriseCustomerUser model
[2.2.0] - 2020-01-28
* Adding new fields to EnterpriseCustomer and EnterpriseCustomerBrandingConfiguration models
[2.1.7] - 2020-01-28
* Revert Edx-Api-Key-replacement-changes
[2.1.6] - 2020-01-27
* Updating enterprise catalog migration management command
[2.1.5] - 2020-01-27
* Added totalHours field for successfactors export
[2.1.4] - 2020-01-24
* add boolean field to track linked/unlinked EnterpriseCustomerUser records
[2.1.03] - 2020-01-24
* Code refactor and ability to send learner completion if grade is changed
[2.1.01] - 2020-01-21
* Initialized EnrollmentApiClient with enterprise service worker user
[2.1.0] - 2020-01-16
* Added hooks to sync EnterpriseCustomerCatalog creation, deletion, and model updates in Django Admin to the new enterprise-catalog service
[2.0.50] - 2020-01-16
* Replaced EnrollmentApiClientJwt name back to original client's name.
[2.0.49] - 2020-01-15
* Added management command to reset SAPSF completion data.
[2.0.48] - 2020-01-14
* Updated enterprise catalog client json formatting.
[2.0.47] - 2020-01-13
* Replaced Edx-Api-Key in the remaining endpoints of EnrollmentApiClient
[2.0.46] - 2020-01-10
* Introduced management command to migrate enterprise catalog data to new service.
[2.0.45] - 2020-01-09
* ENT-2489 | Extracting JSON from discovery service response to calculate size
[2.0.43] - 2020-01-08
* Replaced Edx-Api-Key in the ThirdPartyAuthApiClient
* Changed the client in one endpoint of ThirdPartyAuthApiClient
* Endpoint name: model-EnterpriseCustomerUser
[2.0.42] - 2020-01-07
* Updated context for user with multiple linked enterprises
[2.0.41] - 2020-01-06
* Added enterprise discount percentage in a manual enrollment
[2.0.40] - 2020-01-06
* Replaced Edx-Api-Key in the EnrollmentApiClient
* Changed the client in one endpoint of EnrollmentApiClient
* Endpoint name: admin-views-EnterpriseCustomerManageLearnersView
[2.0.39] - 2020-01-06
* Replaced Edx-Api-Key in the CourseApiClient
* Changed the client in one endpoint of CourseApiClient
* Endpoint name: exporters-learnerdata
[2.0.38] - 2020-01-02
* Changed logging of response size from 2.0.37 (ENT-2489) to use size of response in bytes
[2.0.37] - 2020-01-02
* Added logging of response size when requests are made to discovery service for data not in cache
[2.0.36] - 2019-12-30
* Use `edx-tincan-py35` PYPI package instead of downloading via git
[2.0.35] - 2019-12-30
* Version upgrade for edx-rbac
[2.0.34] - 2019-12-24
* Disabled the manual enrollment orders for audit mode enterprise learners.
[2.0.33] - 2019-12-23
* Added ability to include or exclude date from the report configuration file name.
[2.0.32] - 2019-12-17
* Aligned xAPI statement formats with TinCan/Rustici standards
* While uploading bulk users in 'manager learners' from django admin, better handling if invalid encoding found.
[2.0.31] - 2019-12-11
* Added ADR for Multiple User Enterprises.
[2.0.30] - 2019-12-04
* Get the enterprise_customer linked with SAML and mark it active.
[2.0.29] - 2019-12-04
* Update the enterprise customer in the session in case of customer with multiple linked enterprises
[2.0.28] - 2019-12-3
* Added logic to set the EnterpriseCourseEnrollmentSource for the Enterprise Enrollments through offers and management task.
[2.0.27] - 2019-11-26
* Make the SAML enterprise active at login and de-activate other enterprises learner is linked to.
[2.0.26] - 2019-11-26
* Updated xapi exports with an active enterprise setting for users with multiple linked enterprises.
[2.0.25] - 2019-11-22
* Added logic to set the EnterpriseCourseEnrollmentSource for the Enterprise Enrollments background task.
[2.0.24] - 2019-11-21
* Added logic to set the EnterpriseCourseEnrollmentSource for Enterprise Enrollments by URL.
[2.0.23] - 2019-11-20
* Display enterprise course enrollments separate from non-enterprise course enrollments in the "Enterprise Customer Learner" Django admin form
[2.0.22] - 2019-11-18
* Custom get function in EnterpriseCustomerUserManager to enable multiple user enterprises.
[2.0.21] - 2019-11-14
* Remove success url validation for select enterprise page.
[2.0.20] - 2019-11-13
* Added Source to Enterprise API Enrollments.
[2.0.19] - 2019-13-08
* Add manual enrollment audit creation for enrollments created in Manage Learners form.
[2.0.19] - 2019-11-13
* Sorted results of enterprise-learner API by active flag in descending order so active enterprises are on the top
[2.0.18] - 2019-11-13
* Better handling when Integrated Channels return unexpected results
[2.0.17] - 2019-11-08
* Added in models to track enterprise enrollment source and updated the Enterprise Course Enrollments and PendingEnrollments to track that source.
[2.0.16] - 2019-11-07
* Address defect ENT-2463. Add protection within EnterpriseCustomerUser model in enroll method during course enrollments.
[2.0.15] - 2019-11-07
* Added missing migration for EnterpriseCustomerUser
[2.0.14] - 2019-11-07
* Add Enterprise selection page to allow a learner to select one of linked enterprises
[2.0.13] - 2019-11-07
* Add manual order creation to enterprise manual enrollment admin form
[2.0.12] - 2019-11-06
* Update 'EnterpriseCustomerUser' model. Add 'create_order_for_enrollment'. Called during 'enroll'. Will create an ecommerce order for pending course enrollments.
[2.0.11] - 2019-11-06
* Add management command to populate sample enterprise data in the LMS within devstack
[2.0.10] - 2019-10-29
* Add method to Ecommerce API client to call the manual enrollment order API
[2.0.9] - 2019-10-28
* Updated image url field in content metadata export for cornerstone and degreed
[2.0.8] - 2019-10-22
* Adding logging to search/all/ endpoint in discovery api client
[2.0.7] - 2019-10-21
* Added certificate and grades api calls for transmitting learner export to integrated channels
[2.0.6] - 2019-10-18
* Add query_param to remove expired course runs from /enterprise/api/v1/enterprise_catalogs/UUID/ endpoint
[2.0.5] - 2019-10-15
* Adding migration file to remove EnterpriseCustomerEntitlement from table schema
[2.0.4] - 2019-10-10
* Added preview button for EnterpriseCustomerCatalogs in EnterpriseCustomer admin page
[2.0.3] - 2019-10-09
* Add message box to code management page and admin portal
[2.0.2] - 2019-10-07
* Updating create_enterprise_course_enrollment task to accept object ids instead of python objects to play nicely with async.
* Also converts course_id to str before handing it to task to play nicely with async.
[2.0.1] - 2019-10-07
* Commenting out code while troubleshooting signal issue in the LMS
[2.0.0] - 2019-10-02
* Removing EnterpriseCustomerEntitlement code
[1.11.0] - 2019-10-02
* Adding post-save receiver to spin off EnterpriseCourseEnrollment creation tasks on CourseEnrollment creation signals
[1.10.8] - 2019-10-01
* Resolved issue with content_metadata image_url.
[1.10.7] - 2019-09-25
* Added support to transmit single learner data.
[1.10.6] - 2019-09-25
* Added ability set supported languages in Cornerstone Global Config.
[1.10.5] - 2019-09-23
* Updating enterprise_learner_portal LMS API calls to refer to new function locations in the LMS.
[1.10.4] - 2019-09-05
* Added new endpoint basic_list to EnterpriseEnrollment.
[1.10.3] - 2019-09-19
* Add enable_portal_reporting_config_screen field to EnterpriseCustomer model.
* Add enable_portal_reporting_config_screen to EnterpriseCustomerSerializer.
[1.10.2] - 2019-09-18
* Added ability to set password on reporting configuration.
[1.10.1] - 2019-09-16
* Upgrading requirements.
[1.10.0] - 2019-09-16
* Add learner portal configuration fields to EnterpriseCustomer model.
[1.9.12] - 2019-09-06
* Implement "move to completed" functionality for Enterprise Enrollments.
[1.9.11] - 2019-09-05
* Add new field 'marked_done' to EnterpriseCourseEnrollment.
[1.9.10] - 2019-09-04
* Improved enterprise enrollment workflow logging.
[1.9.9] - 2019-08-29
* Updated learner portal enrollments endpoint to require an enterprise id.
[1.9.8] - 2019-08-29
* Corrected missing db migration data for the EnterpriseCustomerReportingConfigurations model
[1.9.7] - 2019-08-28
* Added API endpoints for EnterpriseCustomerReportingConfigurations and updated permissions to use Feature role based auth.
[1.9.6] - 2019-08-23
* Added XAPILearnerDataTransmissionAudit model for xapi integrated channel.
[1.9.5] - 2019-08-21
* Preventing another error in enterprise_learner_portal serializer when certificate info is None.
[1.9.4] - 2019-08-20
* Adding type check to enterprise_learner_portal serializer.
* Adding enterprise_learner_portal to quality check commands.
[1.9.3] - 2019-08-20
* Fix for include course run dates and pacing type in the course description sent to SAP. Prior release (1.9.2) did not include bumping the version in __init__.py.
[1.9.2] - 2019-08-20
* Include course run dates and pacing type in the course description sent to SAP.
[1.9.1] - 2019-08-19
* Added enterprise_learner_portal to MANIFEST.in file to recursively grab files app on build
* Minor fixes to typos and an image link
[1.9.0] - 2019-08-12
* Adding enterprise_learner_portal app to support data needs of frontend enterprise learner portal app
[1.8.9] - 2019-08-15
* Remove tincan from src directory
[1.8.8] - 2019-08-01
* For CornerstoneCourseListAPI handled corner cases for default values.
[1.8.7] - 2019-07-31
* Added history models for PendingEnrollment and PendingEnterpriseCustomerUser.
* Sending default values for required fields in Cornerstone Course List API
[1.8.6] - 2019-07-25
* Add/Update logs for GrantDataSharingPermissions and DataSharingConsentView views to improve monitoring.
[1.8.5] - 2019-07-25
* Change coupon code request email from address.
[1.8.4] - 2019-07-24
* Introduce enterprise catalog queries.
[1.8.3] - 2019-07-24
* Upgrade python requirements.
[1.8.2] - 2019-07-23
* Log success of coupon code request email send.
[1.8.1] - 2019-07-22
* Show linked enterprise customer on `Enterprise Customer Learners` and `System wide Enterprise User Role Assignments` admin screen
[1.8.0] - 2019-07-22
* Replace edx-rbac jwt utils with edx-drf-extensions jwt utils
[1.7.3] - 2019-07-19
* Change the way we declare dependencies so we can avoid breaking make upgrade in edx-platform.
[1.7.2] - 2019-07-18
* Added ability to send user's progress to cornerstone
[1.7.1] - 2019-07-15
* Reverted page size of SAPSF inactive user results from 1000 to 500
[1.7.0] - 2019-07-15
* Pin certain constraints from edx-platform so that edx-enterprise will install properly there.
[1.6.23] - 2019-07-15
* Upgrade python requirements
[1.6.22] - 2019-07-11
* Revert changes made in 1.6.20
[1.6.21] - 2019-07-11
* Added additional logging for enterprise api
[1.6.20] - 2019-07-10
* Updated catalog preview URL on enterprise customer catalog admin list display
[1.6.19] - 2019-07-09
* Added ability to skip keys if their value is None for content exporter
[1.6.18] - 2019-06-24
* Changed page size of SAPSF inactive user results from 500 to 1000
[1.6.17] - 2019-06-20
* Fixed Server Error on enterprise course enroll url caused by week_to_complete None value
[1.6.16] - 2019-06-20
* Capture user attributes sent by cornerstone
[1.6.15] - 2019-06-18
* Fix error where the search/all/ endpoint in discovery is called with course_key=None
[1.6.14] - 2019-06-18
* Pass language code instead of language name in languages field of course-list API for cornerstone
[1.6.13] - 2019-06-17
* Improved logging of `unlink_inactive_sap_learners` command and matching social auth user by `uid` field
[1.6.12] - 2019-06-14
* Updated discovery clients to always call the enterprise customer site if available
[1.6.11] - 2019-06-14
* Update the format of course_duration in xAPI payload data.
[1.6.10] - 2019-06-13
* Remove old catalog model field.
[1.6.9] - 2019-06-12
* Install django-filter so this app is compatible with newer DRF packages.
[1.6.8] - 2019-06-11
* Fix error in enrollment flow caused by the way course keys were parsed.
[1.6.7] - 2019-06-11
* added enable_audit_data_reporting in EnterpriseCustomerSerializer
[1.6.6] - 2019-06-10
* Use OAuth2AuthenticationAllowInactiveUser as oauth2 authentication instead of BearerAuthentication for course-list API.
[1.6.5] - 2019-06-06
* Use edx-rbac functions and pin edx-rbac so that we can continue to release edx-enterprise.
[1.6.4] - 2019-06-05
* Upgrade packages to get latest edx-drf-extensions version.
[1.6.3] - 2019-06-04
* Remove RBAC waffle switch
[1.6.2] - 2019-05-31
* Remove old style catalogs
[1.6.1] - 2019-05-30
* Fallback to request.auth if JWT cookies are not found.
[1.6.0] - 2019-05-29
* Added new integrated channel `cornerstone` with course-list API.
[1.5.9] - 2019-05-27
* Reverting changes from 1.5.6.
[1.5.8] - 2019-05-24
* Bumping version to 1.5.8. 1.5.7 was tagged and released without actually bumping the version
[1.5.7] - 2019-05-24
* Updating get_paginated_content ent catalog method to use count value given from discovery service
[1.5.6] - 2019-05-24
* Fix the way a course identifier is found for a given course run.
[1.5.5] - 2019-05-21
* Clean up rbac authorization related waffle switches and logic
[1.5.4] - 2019-05-20
* Updating test packages to be inline with edx-platform. Specifically Bleach >2.1.3
[1.5.3] - 2019-05-16
* Add total number of weeks to view from data consent screen
[1.5.2] - 2019-05-15
* Remove usages of get_decoded_jwt_from_request from rbac in favor of get_decoded_jwt from edx-drf-extensions
[1.5.1] - 2019-05-09
* Updating consent granted view to redirect to dashboard if consent is not required
[1.5.0] - 2019-05-08
* Add sync_learner_profile_data flag to data returned by enterprise-learner endpoint
[1.4.10] - 2019-05-08
* Add enterprise customer column in the list_display admin interface for `SystemWideEnterpriseUserRoleAssignment`
* Update `SystemWideEnterpriseUserRoleAssignment` admin interface search to support search by enterprise customer
[1.4.9] - 2019-05-02
* Upgrade edx-rbac version
[1.4.8] - 2019-04-26
* Reduce course mode match exception log level
[1.4.7] - 2019-04-17
* Fix invalid object attribute references in exception message
[1.4.6] - 2019-04-17
* Stop masking discovery call failures from the client for enterprise catalog endpoint calls.
[1.4.5] - 2019-04-12
* Revise course mode match exception message in CourseEnrollmentView.
[1.4.4] - 2019-04-11
* Revise course load exception message in CourseEnrollmentView.
[1.4.3] - 2019-04-11
* Added `availability` key to default content filter for ECC.
[1.4.2] - 2019-04-11
* Update `assign_enterprise_user_roles` management command to also assign catalog and enrollment api admin roles.
[1.4.1] - 2019-04-10
* Update `RouterView` if user is already enrolled in course run of a course then user will land on that course_run.
[1.4.0] - 2019-04-08
* Add new rbac permission checks to enterprise api endpoints.
[1.3.11] - 2019-04-07
* Update context for `enterprise-openedx-operator` role.
[1.3.10] - 2019-04-03
* Provide ability to add ECE even if course is closed from manage learners admin interface.
[1.3.9] - 2019-03-29
* Update role metadata for `edx-openedx-operator` role.
[1.3.8] - 2019-03-29
* Update `assign_enterprise_user_roles` management command to also assign enterprise operator role.
[1.3.7] - 2019-03-28
* Add data migration for adding edx enterprise operator role.
[1.3.6] - 2019-03-27
* Introduce rbac models for feature specific roles within edx-enterprise.
[1.3.5] - 2019-03-22
* Assign an enterprise learner role to new EnterpriseCustomerUser.
[1.3.4] - 2019-03-21
* Management command to assign enterprise roles to users.
[1.3.3] - 2019-03-21
* Fixed error in enrollment flow when audit track is selected and no DSC required.
[1.3.2] - 2019-03-18
* Adding django admin for SystemWideEnterpriseUserRoleAssignments.
[1.3.1] - 2019-03-13
* Optimizations around unlinking of SAP Success factor inactive users
[1.3.0] - 2019-03-07
* Introducing Enterprise System Wide Roles and edx-rbac.
[1.2.12] - 2019-02-15
* Updating enterprise views with new logging
* Updating enterprise views to render new error page in a number of circumstances
[1.2.11] - 2019-02-07
* Allow admins with enterprise permissions to edit Data Sharing Consent Records
[1.2.10] - 2019-01-30
* Include Enterprise Catalog UUID in Enterprise Customer django admin inline.
[1.2.9] - 2019-01-23
* Upgrade requirements, and add code-annotations.
* Add PII annotations to all apps in this repo.
* Enable PII checking during CI.
[1.2.8] - 2019-01-22
* Revert 1.2.4 to restore DSC functionality.
[1.2.7] - 2019-01-18
* Replace error level log with info level log when enterprise user is not enrolled in course yet and the `transmit_learner_data` command is run
[1.2.5] - 2019-01-16
* Updating launch_points data in SapSuccessFactorsContentMetadataExporter so SuccessFactors can be mobile ready
[1.2.4] - 2019-01-16
* Remove HandleConsentEnrollment view and replaced with a function inside GrantDataSharingPermissions view. Removed
GET side effect
[1.2.3] - 2019-01-10
* Add management command "unlink_inactive_sap_learners" to unlink inactive SAP learners from the related enterprises
[1.2.2] - 2019-01-09
* Update styling for future courses start date visibility
[1.2.1] - 2018-12-21
* Handle /search/all/ endpoint large catalog queries to discovery through HTTP POST
[1.2.0] - 2018-12-19
* Updating the course grade api url called in lms api
[1.1.4] - 2018-12-19
* Upgrade django-simple-history required version
[1.1.3] - 2018-12-18
* Add option on EnterpriseCustomer for displaying code management in portal
[1.1.2] - 2018-12-12
* Update EnterpriseCustomer model to introduce customer type field
[1.1.1] - 2018-12-11
* Use LMS-defined segment track() method
[1.1.0] - 2018-12-06
* Updating EnterpriseCustomerReportingConfiguration model. ManyToMany relationship with EnterpriseCustomerCatalog
* Updating EnterpriseCustomerReportingConfigurationAdminForm validation
* Updating EnterpriseCustomerReportingConfigurationSerializer
[1.0.6] - 2018-11-28
* Added username and user email in EnterpriseCustomerUserAdmin list display.
* Added search by username and user email in EnterpriseCustomerUserAdmin.
[1.0.5] - 2018-11-14
* Added enterprise api for requesting additional coupon codes.
[1.0.4] - 2018-11-07
* Make HTTP POST request to get catalog results from discovery.
[1.0.3] - 2018-11-02
* Fix translations for enterprise pages.
[1.0.2] - 2018-10-25
* Updated EnterpriseCustomerReportingConfiguration model with PGP key
[1.0.1] - 2018-10-24
* Made autocohorting API availability based on a configuration option.
[1.0.0] - 2018-10-16
* Upgrade edx-drf-extensions with refactored imports.
* Remove Hawthorn testing for upcoming backward incompatible change.
[0.73.6] - 2018-10-04
* SuccessFactors: Submit batch/chunk of OCN items to tenants until error status
[0.73.5] - 2018-09-21
* Added ability to query enterprises by slug on the with_access_to endpoint
[0.73.4] - 2018-09-17
* Added ability to assign cohort upon enrollment.
* Added ability to unenroll in enrollment API.
[0.73.3] - 2018-09-14
* Added Country field to the EnterpriseCustomer model.
[0.73.2] - 2018-09-11
* Fixed 500 error on enterprise customer admin screen.
[0.73.1] - 2018-08-30
* Remove the SailThru flags for enterprise learner when un-linking it from enterprise.
[0.73.0] - 2018-08-21
* Changed permission logic and added filtering options for the enterprise with_access_to endpoint.
[0.72.7] - 2018-08-20
* Added preview field that takes user to Discovery with elastic search results for the catalog
[0.72.6] - 2018-08-17
* Added management command to send course enrollment and course completion info for enterprise customers.
[0.72.5] - 2018-08-09
* Revise management command query to include all potentially-applicable enrollment records
[0.72.4] - 2018-08-08
* Move some fields from Global Degreed Configuration to Enterprise Degreed Configuration.
[0.72.3] - 2018-08-08
* Added LearnerInfoSerializer and CourseInfoSerializer for serializing xAPI payload data.
[0.72.2] - 2018-07-27
* Added endpoint to check a user's authorization to Enterprises based on membership in a given django group.
[0.72.1] - 2018-07-26
* Added missing migrations for xAPI LRS Configuration model
[0.72.0] - 2018-07-24
* Implemented reporting channel of course completion via X-API
[0.71.2] - 2018-07-23
* Add thumbnail images in exported metadata content by content type.
[0.71.1] - 2018-07-23
* Updated message for invalid Enterprise Customer Catalog references in B2B enrollment workflow.
[0.71.0] - 2018-07-20
* Updated TinCanPython package to support python 3
* Updated UUID field to nowrap in admin interface of enterprise customer catalog model.
[0.70.8] - 2018-07-13
* Display customer catalog content filter's default value on enterprise customer admin.
[0.70.7] - 2018-07-12
* Make customer catalog content filter's default value configurable.
[0.70.6] - 2018-07-09
* Pass catalog value only when provided on enterprise course enrollment page.
[0.70.5] - 2018-07-06
* Send learner data transmissions to integrated channels by course key and course run id.
[0.70.4] - 2018-07-03
* Use query param "catalog" instead of "enterprise_customer_catalog_uuid" for catalog based enterprise discounts.
[0.70.3] - 2018-06-29
* Apply enterprise catalog conditional offer by the provided enterprise catalog UUID.
[0.70.2] - 2018-06-28
* Modify enterprise branding config API to use enterprise slug as the lookup_field.
[0.70.1] - 2018-06-27
* Paginate linked learners list on manage learners Django admin view.
[0.70.0] - 2018-06-26
* Add unique slug field to EnterpriseCustomer.
[0.69.6] - 2018-06-25
* Update requirements to fix pip install issues and to keep in line with edx-platform.
[0.69.5] - 2018-06-25
* Fix the Direct-to-Audit enrollment issue in case of course instead of course run.
[0.69.4] - 2018-06-20
* Strip locale values.
[0.69.3] - 2018-06-20
* Add and transmit customer specific locales so that SuccessFactors show course title and description.
[0.69.2] - 2018-06-18
* Fix the Direct-to-Audit enrollment issue in case of course.
[0.69.1] - 2018-06-07
* 500 error when attempting to enroll using course-level URL.
[0.69.0] - 2018-05-31
* Add a `progress_v2` option in the reporting config to be used for data API fetching.
[0.68.9] - 2018-05-31
* Increased character limit from 20 to 255 for field title in EnterpriseCustomerCatalog model
* Reorder list display for EnterpriseCustomerCatalogAdmin
* Add sorting order for EnterpriseCustomerCatalogAdmin
[0.68.8] - 2018-05-30
* Mark ECU as inactive internally if SAPSF says the ECU is inactive on their side.
[0.68.7] - 2018-05-24
* Admin tooling enterprise customer reporting configuration enhancement - Order by Enterprise Customer Name.
[0.68.6] - 2018-05-22
* Update DSC to show notification interstitial communicating to enterprise learner they are leaving company's site.
[0.68.5] - 2018-05-17
* Configuration to show/hide original price on enterprise course landing page.
[0.68.4] - 2018-05-16
* Remove constraints on the reporting config.
[0.68.3] - 2018-05-11
* Update enrollment api authorization to check group permissions.
[0.68.2] - 2018-05-10
* Dropped sap_success_factors_historicalsapsuccessfactorsenterprisecus80ad table.
[0.68.1] - 2018-05-09
* Add `json` report type.
[0.68.0] - 2018-05-09
* Allow reporting configs to work for arbitrary data and report types.
[0.67.8] - 2018-05-04
* Added ordering to resolve warnings of probable invalid pagination data.
[0.67.7] - 2018-04-23
* Update the messages when an enterprise learner leave an organization.
[0.67.6] - 2018-04-20
* Update user session when they become an Enterprise learner.
[0.67.5] - 2018-04-18
* Added ability to specify data sharing consent wording on a per enterprise basis.
[0.67.4] - 2018-04-12
* Add configuration to allow replacing potentially sensitive SSO usernames.
[0.67.3] - 2018-04-05
* Improved integrated channel logging.
[0.67.2] - 2018-04-05
* Fix the enterprise manage learner django admin tool is loading correctly for chrome users.
[0.67.1] - 2018-04-04
* Integrated channel refactoring cleanup.
[0.67.0] - 2018-03-26
* Refactored integrated channel code to allow for greater flexibility when transmitting content metadata.
[0.66.2] - 2018-03-26
* Update isort version and sort imports after making consent and integrated_channels first party apps.
[0.66.1] - 2018-03-23
* Temporarily disable linked learners list on manage learners Django admin view until paging can be added.
[0.66.0] - 2018-03-05
* Add EnterpriseCustomerCatalog course detail endpoint.
[0.65.8] - 2018-02-23
* Add "Enrollment Closed" in course title if the course is no longer open for enrollment.
[0.65.7] - 2018-02-14
* Support multiple emails in EnterpriseCustomerReportingConfiguration.
* Only require email(s) in EnterpriseCustomerReportingConfiguration if the selected delivery method is email.
[0.65.6] - 2018-02-13
* Remove the renderer.py file.
[0.65.5] - 2018-02-13
* Add functionality in enterprise django admin for transmitting courses metadata related to a specific enterprise.
[0.65.4] - 2018-02-09
* Indicate when a course is no longer open for enrollment by updating course title for transmit courses metadata.
[0.65.3] - 2018-02-06
* Decreased SuccessFactors course metadata chunk size from 1000 to 500, per SAP's recommendation.
[0.65.2] - 2018-02-05
* Updated the "Data Sharing Policy" language.
[0.65.1] - 2018-02-02
* Provide an option for enterprise to pull enterprise catalog API in XML format not just JSON.
[0.65.0] - 2018-01-30
* Add migration for removing old password fields from the database.
[0.64.0] - 2018-01-29
* Removed code references to old password fields.
[0.63.0] - 2018-01-25
* Improved handling of password fields on database models.
[0.62.0] - 2018-01-18
* Exclude credit course mode option from course enrollment page.
[0.61.6] - 2018-01-18
* Group Name, Active, Site, and Logo together.
* Rename "Provider id" form label to "Identity Provider"
* Rename "Entitlement id" form label to "Seat Entitlement"
* Rename "Coupon URL" form label to "Seat Entitlement URL"
* Add a "View details" hyperlink next to identity provider drop-down.
* Add a "Create a new catalog" link under the Catalog drop-down.
* Add a "View details" hyperlink next to catalog field, if catalog is selected.
* Add a "Create a new identity provider" link under the Identity Provider drop-down.
[0.61.5] - 2018-01-18
* Include start date in all course runs title when pushing to Integrated Channels.
[0.61.4] - 2018-01-12
* Add localized currency to enterprise landing page.
[0.61.3] - 2018-01-11
* Fix enterprise logo stretching issue in enterprise sidebar on course/program enrollment pages.
[0.61.2] - 2018-01-09
* Add missing migrations for sap_success_factors and degreed.
[0.61.1] - 2018-01-09
* Update django admin list view for enterprise customer model.
[0.61.0] - 2018-01-09
* SuccessFactors Admin Update: Enterprise Customer Configuration.
[0.60.0] - 2018-01-03
* Add sftp configuration options for EnterpriseCustomerReportingConfiguration.
[0.59.0] - 2017-12-28
* Add check for active companies when getting list of channels
[0.58.0] - 2017-12-22
* Add save_enterprise_customer_users command.
[0.57.0] - 2017-12-21
* Remove references to SSO IdP config drop_existing_session flag.
[0.56.5] - 2017-12-20
* Fix templates to use new bootstrap bundle library.
[0.56.4] - 2017-12-19
* Fix syntax error in template-embedded Javascript.
[0.56.3] - 2017-12-14
* Make sure root url has a fallback for proxy enrollment email links.
[0.56.2] - 2017-12-13
* Add course_enrollments API endpoint to swagger specification.
[0.56.1] - 2017-12-13
* Add publish_audit_enrollment_url flag to EnterpriseCustomerCatalog.
[0.56.0] - 2017-12-13
* Update create_enterprise_course_enrollment command.
[0.55.7] - 2017-12-13
* Ensure that proxy enrollment email links trigger SSO.
[0.55.6] - 2017-12-12
* Check site configuration for from email address first
[0.55.5] - 2017-12-11
* Added course start date to title string for instructor-led courses
[0.55.4] - 2017-12-06
* Redirect to embargo restriction message page if user is blocked from accessing course.
[0.55.3] - 2017-12-05
* Add integrated channel configuration info to course metadata push task logging.
[0.55.2] - 2017-12-04
* Include additional context for learner data transmission job exceptions.
[0.55.1] - 2017-11-30
* Track enterprise course enrollment events.
[0.55.0] - 2017-11-29
* Add Degreed as new integrated channel.
[0.54.1] - 2017-11-29
* Increase font size on data sharing consent page.
[0.54.0] - 2017-11-28
* Introduce the bulk enrollment/upgrade api endpoint for Enterprise Customers.
[0.53.19] - 2017-11-28
* Do not change EnterpriseCustomerReportingConfiguration.password on update.
[0.53.18] - 2017-11-28
* Add Identity Provider's ID to enterprise customer API response.
[0.53.17] - 2017-11-27
* Remove inaccurate landing page audit track language.
[0.53.16] - 2017-11-22
* Use LMS_INTERNAL_ROOT_URL instead of LMS_ROOT_URL for API base.
[0.53.15] - 2017-11-16
* Use the cryptography package instead of the unmaintained pycrypto.
[0.53.14] - 2017-11-14
* Link learner to enterprise customer directly using "tpa_hint" URL parameter.
[0.53.13] - 2017-11-14
* Update DSC policy to match legal requirements.
[0.53.12] - 2017-11-09
* Remove "Discount provided by..." text on the program landing page.
[0.53.11] - 2017-11-06
* Removing SAP_USE_ENTERPRISE_ENROLLMENT_PAGE switch via django waffle and use landing page URL instead of track selection page.
[0.53.10] - 2017-11-02
* Move data sharing policy to its own partial to improve theming of the data sharing consent page
[0.53.9] - 2017-11-02
* Apply appropriate content filtering to the EnterpriseCustomerCatalog detail endpoints.
[0.53.8] - 2017-11-02
* Show generic info message on enterprise course enrollment page.
[0.53.7] - 2017-10-30
* Added inline admin form to EnterpriseCustomer admin for EnterpriseCustomerCatalog.
[0.53.6] - 2017-10-30
* Fix error for empty course start date on DSC page.
[0.53.5] - 2017-10-26
* Fetch catalog courses in large chunks to avoid API limit.
[0.53.4] - 2017-10-26
* Preserve catalog querystring on declining DSC.
[0.53.3] - 2017-10-26
* Fixing logo size on themed enterprise pages
[0.53.2] - 2017-10-24
* Remove unused dependency on django-extensions
[0.53.1] - 2017-10-24
* Fix alteration in querystring parameters for decorator "enterprise_login_required".
[0.53.0] - 2017-10-24
* Get rid of the `EnterpriseIntegratedChannel` model and any other related but unused code.
[0.52.10] - 2017-10-23
* Fix migration issue for `enabled-course-modes` field of EnterpriseCustomerCatalog
[0.52.9] - 2017-10-20
* Update the call level to enrollment uls from EnterpriseCustomer to EnterpriseCustomerCatalog.
[0.52.8] - 2017-10-20
* Update EnterpriseApiClient.get_enterprise_courses to account for EnterpriseCustomerCatalogs.
[0.52.7] - 2017-10-20
* Update course enrollment view for enterprise enabled course modes.
[0.52.6] - 2017-10-19
* Update the EnterpriseCustomerCatalog migration.
[0.52.5] - 2017-10-19
* Add EnterpriseCustomerCatalog UUID as query parameter "catalog" in enterprise course and program enrollment URL's.
[0.52.4] - 2017-10-18
* Upgrade django-simple-history to 1.9.0. Add needed migrations.
[0.52.3] - 2017-10-18
* Introducing EnterpriseCustomerReportingConfig model for enterprise_reporting.
[0.52.2] - 2017-10-18
* If a course is unenrollable, the program and course enrollment landing pages will display only a subset of information.
[0.52.1] - 2017-10-15
* Change a log level from `error` to `info` in our LMS API Client, as it wasn't really an error.
[0.52.0] - 2017-10-14
* Implement a direct-audit-enrollment pathway for course enrollment.
* Implement a RouterView that the enrollment URLs have to go through before redirection to a downstream view.
[0.51.5] - 2017-10-11
* Added enabled_course_modes JSONField to EnterpriseCustomerCatalog model
[0.51.4] - 2017-10-11
* Added UTM parameters to marketing, track selection, and course/program enrollment URLs returned by Enterprise API.
[0.51.3] - 2017-10-10
* Fix bug related to EnterpriseCustomer creation form introduced with 0.51.0.
[0.51.2] - 2017-10-10
* Modify EnterpriseCustomer.catalog_contains_course to check EnterpriseCustomerCatalogs.
[0.51.1] - 2017-10-06
* Refactor user-facing DSC view's logic.
[0.51.0] - 2017-10-05
* Make discovery-service lookups site-aware
[0.50.1] - 2017-10-03
* Improved robustness for `force_fresh_session` decorator in conjunction with `enterprise_login_required`
* Consciously avoid attempting to sync back details for SAPSF users who aren't linked via SSO
[0.50.0] - 2017-10-03
* Add contains_content_items endpoint to EnterpriseCustomerViewSet and EnterpriseCustomerCatalogViewSet.
[0.49.0] - 2017-10-02
* Rewrite all of our CSS in SASS/SCSS.
* Use Bootstrap for our modals.
* Fix existing course modal UI issues using Bootstrap & SASS/SCSS.
[0.48.2] - 2017-09-29
* Step 2 in making enrollment email template linked to enterprise. Remove site from model. No migration.
[0.48.1] - 2017-09-25
* Step 1 in making enrollment email template linked to enterprise. Make 'site' nullable, add 'enterprise_customer'.
[0.48.0] - 2017-09-25
* Add extra details to the program enrollment landing page.
[0.47.1] - 2017-09-25
* Add proper permissions/filtering schemes for all of our endpoints.
[0.47.0] - 2017-09-21
* Step 3 in safe deployment of removing old consent models: make migrations to delete the outstanding fields/models.
[0.46.8] - 2017-09-21
* Step 2 in safe deployment of removing old consent models: remove `require_account_level_consent`, but no migration.
[0.46.7] - 2017-09-21
* Step 1 in safe deployment of removing old consent models: make `require_account_level_consent` nullable.
[0.46.6] - 2017-09-21
* Added some log messages to trace possible 404 issue.
[0.46.5] - 2017-09-21
* Remove old account-level consent features as well as consent from EnterpriseCourseEnrollment.
[0.46.4] - 2017-09-20
* Abstract away usage of `configuration_helpers`.
[0.46.3] - 2017-09-19
* Make bulk enrollment emails more intelligent
[0.46.2] - 2017-09-19
* Add exception handling for transmit course metadata task.
[0.46.1] - 2017-09-18
* Remove the `auth-user` endpoint completely.
[0.46.0] - 2017-09-15
* Allow multi-course enrollment for enterprise users in admin.
[0.45.0] - 2017-09-14
* Modified enterprise-learner API endpoint to include the new DataSharingConsent model data.
[0.44.0] - 2017-09-08
* Added MVP version of the Programs Enrollment Landing Page.
[0.43.5] - 2017-09-08
* Wrapped API error handling into the clients themselves.
[0.43.4] - 2017-09-07
* Removed the text if there is no discount on the course enrollment landing page.
[0.43.3] - 2017-09-06
* Ensure that segment is loaded and firing page events for all user facing enterprise views.
[0.43.2] - 2017-09-06
* Display the enterprise discounted text on the course enrollment landing page.
[0.43.1] - 2017-09-05
* Remove support for writing consent_granted in enterprise-course-enrollment api.
[0.43.0] - 2017-08-31
* Add architecture for program-scoped data sharing consent.
[0.42.0] - 2017-08-24
* Do not create baskets and orders for audit enrollments.
[0.41.0] - 2017-08-24
* Migrate the codebase to the new `consent.models.DataSharingConsent` model for when dealing with consent.
[0.40.7] - 2017-08-23
* Fix bug causing 500 error on course enrollment page when the course does not have a course image configured.
[0.40.6] - 2017-08-23
* Update Consent API to use Discovery worker user for auth, rather than request user.
[0.40.5] - 2017-08-23
* Update SAP course export to use enterprise courses API.
[0.40.4] - 2017-08-23
* Fix 500 server error on enterprise course enrollment page.
[0.40.3] - 2017-08-21
* Change landing page course modal to use discovery api for populating course details.
[0.40.2] - 2017-08-16
* Increase capability and compatibility of Consent API.
[0.40.1] - 2017-08-11
* Add new unified DataSharingConsent model to the `consent` app.
[0.40.0] - 2017-08-08
* Add Enterprise API Gateway for new Enterprise Catalogs and Programs endpoints.
* Add /enterprise/api/v1/enterprise-catalogs/ endpoint.
* Add /enterprise/api/v1/enterprise-catalogs/{uuid}/ endpoint.
* Add /enterprise/api/v1/programs/{uuid}/ endpoint.
[0.39.9] - 2017-08-08
* Added management command "create_enterprise_course_enrollments" for missing enterprise course enrollments.
[0.39.8] - 2017-08-04
* Fixed session reset decorator bug.
[0.39.7] - 2017-08-04
* Make whether Enterprise Customers get data for audit track enrollments configurable.
[0.39.6] - 2017-08-02
* Fixed the text cutoff in the bottom of the course info overlay.
[0.39.5] - 2017-08-02
* Only send one completion status per enrollment for SAP SuccessFactors.
[0.39.4] - 2017-08-01
* Create Audit enrollment in E-Commerce system when user enrolls in the audit mode in enterprise landing page.
[0.39.3] - 2017-07-28
* Remove Macro use from swagger api config as it is not supported by AWS.
[0.39.2] - 2017-07-27
* Introduce new endpoint to the Enterprise API to query for courses by enterprise id.
[0.39.1] - 2017-07-27
* Ensure catalog courses API endpoint users are associated with an EnterpriseCustomer.
[0.39.0] - 2017-07-24
* Officially include Consent application by ensuring it is installable.
[0.38.7] - 2017-07-22
* Add a new Consent application.
* Add initial implementation of a generic Consent API.
[0.38.6] - 2017-07-21
* Remove SSO-related consent capabilities
[0.38.5] - 2017-07-19
* Add page_size in querystring and data mapping template to fix "next" and "previous" urls in API response.
[0.38.4] - 2017-07-18
* Fix DSC Policy Language Needs
[0.38.3] - 2017-07-14
* Fix dependency installation process in setup.py.
[0.38.2] - 2017-07-14
* Add consent declined message to course enrollment landing page.
[0.38.1] - 2017-07-13
* Remove requirement on too-new django-simple-history version
* Require slightly older django-config-models version
[0.38.0] - 2017-07-11
* Move to edx-platform release-focused testing
* Add Django 1.11 support in Hawthorn testing branch
[0.37.1] - 2017-07-11
* Update Enterprise landing page styling/language
[0.37.0] - 2017-07-06
* Update enterprise catalog api endpoint so that api returns paginated catalogs.
[0.36.11] - 2017-06-29
* Update DSC page language.
[0.36.10] - 2017-06-29
* Introducing SAP_USE_ENTERPRISE_ENROLLMENT_PAGE switch via django waffle.
[0.36.9] - 2017-06-28
* Refactor of automatic session termination logic.
[0.36.8] - 2017-06-28
* Enforce data sharing consent at login for SSO users only if data sharing consent is requested at login.
[0.36.7] - 2017-06-25
* UI tweaks to the enterprise landing page and course overview modal.
[0.36.6] - 2017-06-25
* Disable atomic transactions for CourseEnrollmentView to ensure that new EnterpriseCustomerUser records are saved to
the database in time for ecommerce API calls.
[0.36.5] - 2017-06-23
* Apply automatic session termination logic to enterprise landing page based on enterprise customer configuration.
[0.36.4] - 2017-06-21
* Sort course modes in landing page.
[0.36.3] - 2017-06-21
* Fix for being unable to create course catalog clients due to upstream removal of the library.
[0.36.2] - 2017-06-21
* Add the ability to pass limit, offset and page_size parameters to enterprise catalog courses.
[0.36.1] - 2017-06-20
* Properly bump PyPI to latest changes from v0.36.0.
[0.36.0] - 2017-06-20
* Migrate from old, monolithic python-social-auth to latest, split version.
* Rework the NotConnectedToOpenEdX exception to be just one, and to say which method/dependency is missing.
[0.35.2] - 2017-06-20
* Fix Next and Previous page urls for enterprise catalog courses.
[0.35.1] - 2017-06-15
* Displayed course run price with entitlement on landing page and course information overlay
[0.35.0] - 2017-06-15
* Allow account-level data sharing consent in a course-specific context
[0.34.7] - 2017-06-14
* Enable "Continue" button flows on enterprise landing page
[0.34.6] - 2017-06-14
* Fixed layout of data sharing consent decline modal on mobile view
[0.34.5] - 2017-06-09
* Add Django 1.10 support back
[0.34.4] - 2017-06-09
* Added course information overlay
[0.34.3] - 2017-06-07
* Make enterprise landing page url available in the enterprise api and SAP course export.
[0.34.2] - 2017-06-06
* Fix UI issues (unexpected html escape) on enterprise landing page.
[0.34.1] - 2017-06-06
* Bug fix for Data sharing consent pop up page.
[0.34.0] - 2017-06-05
* Update data backing and behavior of enterprise landing page
* Fix template prioritization bug
* Fix URL rendering in enterprise login decorator
[0.33.24] - 2017-06-02
* UI updates for data sharing consent page.
[0.33.23] - 2017-06-02
* Fix a bug with unexpected image data in SAP course export job.
[0.33.22] - 2017-06-02
* Add an `EnterpriseApiClient` method for getting enrollment data about a single user+course pair
* Add logic to enterprise landing page that redirects users to the course when already registered
[0.33.21] - 2017-06-01
* UI updates for course mode selection in enterprise landing page.
[0.33.20] - 2017-05-23
* Migrate from mako templates to django templates
[0.33.19] - 2017-05-18
* Display account created/linked messages on enterprise landing page
[0.33.18] - 2017-05-17
* Add Enable audit enrollment flag
[0.33.17] - 2017-05-16
* Add django admin for enterprise course enrollment models
[0.33.16] - 2017-05-15
* Bug fixes for SAP learner completion data passback.
[0.33.15] - 2017-05-10
* Additional minor UI updates for enterprise landing page.
[0.33.14] - 2017-05-10
* Add new externally managed consent option for enterprise customers.
[0.33.13] - 2017-05-09
* Fix invalid API Gateway URIs
[0.33.12] - 2017-05-03
* Add enterprise landing page
[0.33.11] - 2017-05-02
* Add tpa hint if available for launchURLs for SAP Course metadata push.
[0.33.10] - 2017-05-02
* Fix bug with inactivating SAP courses that are no longer in the catalog.
[0.33.9] - 2017-04-26
* Fix enterprise logo validation message for max image size limit
[0.33.8] - 2017-04-26
* Updated calls to get_edx_api_data as its signature has changed in openedx.
[0.33.7] - 2017-04-24
* Redirect to login instead of raising Http404 if EnterpriseCustomer missing.
* Add confirmation_alert_prompt_warning to context of account-level consent view.
[0.33.6] - 2017-04-21
* Increase max size limit for enterprise logo
[0.33.5] - 2017-04-20
* Added vertical hanging indent mode to isort settings and adjusted current imports
[0.33.4] - 2017-04-18
* Enforce login for course-specific data sharing consent views.
[0.33.3] - 2017-04-18
* Fixed the CSS for the expand arrow in the data sharing consent page.
[0.33.2] - 2017-04-17
* Update Data Sharing Consent message.
[0.33.1] - 2017-04-17
* Order enterprise customers by name on enterprise customer django admin
[0.33.0] - 2017-04-11
* Improve accounting for inactive courses for SAP course export.
[0.32.1] - 2017-04-06
* Bug Fix: Added Handling for user enrollment to courses that do not have a start date.
[0.32.0] - 2017-04-06
* Refine SAP course export parameters
[0.31.4] - 2017-04-05
* Added missing migration file for recent string updates
[0.31.3] - 2017-04-04
* Modified SAP completion status data to correctly indicate a failing grade to SAP systems.
[0.31.2] - 2017-04-03
* Bugfix: Resolve IntegrityError getting raised while linking existing enterprise users when data sharing consent is
disabled for the related enterprise.
[0.31.1] - 2017-03-31
* Bugfix: Allow unlinking of enterprise learners with plus sign or certain other characters in email address.
[0.31.0] - 2017-03-30
* Edited UI and error strings.
[0.30.0] - 2017-03-27
* Fully implements sap_success_factors transmitters and client to communicate with the SAP SuccessFactors API,
and to handle auditing and other business logic for both catalog and learner data calls.
[0.29.1] - 2017-03-27
* Support for segment.io events on data sharing consent flow
[0.29.0] - 2017-03-23
* Updates integrated_channels management command `transmit_learner_data` to support sending completion data for
self-paced courses, and to use the Certificates API for instructor-paced courses.
[0.28.0] - 2017-03-23
* New data sharing consent view supporting failure_url parameter
[0.27.6] - 2017-03-21
* Removed OAuth2Authentication class from API viewset definitions
[0.27.5] - 2017-03-17
* Updated api.yaml to resolve swagger configuration issues.
[0.27.4] - 2017-03-17
* Allows enterprise enrollments to be made on servers that sit behind a load balancer.
[0.27.3] - 2017-03-16
* Added integrated_channels management command to transmit courseware metadata to SAP SuccessFactors.
[0.27.2] - 2017-03-10
* Added integrated_channels management command to transmit learner completion data to SAP SuccessFactors.
[0.27.1] - 2017-03-13
* Added api.yaml and api-compact.yaml files to introduce api endpoints for catalog api-manager.
[0.27.0] - 2017-03-02
* Added API endpoint for fetching catalogs and catalog courses.
[0.26.3] - 2017-03-02
* Added integrated_channels to MANIFEST.in to properly include migrations for the new packages.
[0.26.2] - 2017-03-02
* Fixed package listing in setup.py to avoid import errors when using as a library
[0.26.1] - 2017-02-28
* Added support for retrieving access token from SAP SuccessFactors
* Added indicator in Sap SuccessFactors admin tool for checking the configuration's access to SuccessFactors.
[0.26.0] - 2017-02-28
* Formally introducing new integrated_channels apps
* Adding new models and admin interfaces for integrated_channel and sap_success_factors
[0.25.0] - 2017-02-28
* Refactor _enroll_users() method to pay down technical debt
* Improve admin messaging around enrollment actions
[0.24.0] - 2017-02-27
* API for SSO pipeline is simplified to a single element.
* SSO users are linked to relevant Enterprise Customer when data sharing consent is disabled.
[0.23.2] - 2017-02-22
* SSO users are not created as EnterpriseCustomerUsers until all consent requirements have been fulfilled.
[0.22.1] - 2017-02-20
* Course Catalog API degrades gracefully in absence of Course Catalog service.
[0.22.0] - 2017-02-14
* Added API endpoint for fetching entitlements available to an enterprise learner
[0.21.2] - 2017-02-07
* Add id in EnterpriseCustomerUserSerializer fields
[0.21.0] - 2017-01-30
* Add UI handling for course-specific data sharing consent
[0.20.0] - 2017-01-30
* Add ability to select existing learners to be enrolled in courses from admin
[0.19.1] - 2017-01-30
* Resolved conflicting urls for User API endpoint.
[0.19.0] - 2017-01-30
* Added read-only enterprise API endpoint for IDAs.
* Moved utility functions from api.py to utils.py
[0.18.0] - 2017-01-27
* Add the ability to notify manually-enrolled learners via email.
[0.17.0] - 2017-01-25
* Add the EnterpriseCourseEnrollment model and related methods
[0.16.0] - 2017-01-25
* Fix a bug preventing a course catalog from being unlinked from an EnterpriseCustomer
[0.15.0] - 2017-01-25
* Enroll users in a program.
[0.14.0] - 2017-01-20
* Added view of seat entitlements on enterprise admin screen
[0.13.0] - 2017-01-06
* Dynamically fetch available course modes in the Manage learners admin
[0.12.0] - 2017-01-05
* Create pending enrollment for users who don't yet have an account.
[0.11.0] - 2017-01-05
* Added links from the Manage Learners admin panel to individual learners.
[0.10.0] - 2017-01-04
* Added the ability to search the Manage Learners admin panel by username and email address.
[0.9.0] - 2016-12-29
* In django admin page for enterprise customer added alphabetical ordering for
catalog drop down and displayed catalog details link next to selected catalog.
[0.8.0] - 2016-12-08
* added the branding information api methods to return the enterprise customer logo on the basis of provider_id or uuid.
* Updated the logo image validator to take an image of size maximum of 4kb.
[0.7.0] - 2016-12-07
* Added a feature to enroll users in a course while linking them to an
enterprise customer.
[0.6.0] - 2016-12-04
* Fixed EnterpriseCustomer form to make Catalog field optional
* Added user bulk linking option
* Added Data Sharing Consent feature
[0.5.0] - 2016-11-28
* Added checks to make sure enterprise customer and identity provider has one-to-one relation.
* Added a helper method to retrieve enterprise customer branding information
[0.4.1] - 2016-11-24
* Fixed User.post_save handler causing initial migrations to fail
[0.4.0] - 2016-11-21
* Set up logic to call course catalog API to retrieve catalog listing to attach to EnterpriseCustomer.
[0.3.1] - 2016-11-21
* Fixed missing migration.
[0.3.0] - 2016-11-16
* Added Pending Enterprise Customer User model - keeps track of user email linked to Enterprise Customer, but not
yet used by any user.
* Added custom "Manage Learners" admin view.
Technical features
* Added sphinx-napoleon plugin to support rendering Google Style docstrings into documentation properly (i.e.
make it recognize function arguments, returns etc.)
* Added translation files
[0.2.0] - 2016-11-15
* Linked EnterpriseCustomer model to Identity Provider model
[0.1.2] - 2016-11-04
* Linked EnterpriseCustomer model to django Site model
[0.1.1] - 2016-11-03
* Enterprise Customer Branding Model and Django admin integration
[0.1.0] - 2016-10-13
* First release on PyPI.
* Models and Django admin integration
Raw data
"_id": null,
"home_page": "https://github.com/openedx/edx-enterprise",
"name": "edx-enterprise",
"maintainer": null,
"docs_url": null,
"requires_python": null,
"maintainer_email": null,
"keywords": "Django edx",
"author": "edX",
"author_email": "oscm@edx.org",
"download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/93/43/e58496b7d2c341810956a604d5bcc5c176b46c77a01c32e7237dae25087c/edx-enterprise-5.6.3.tar.gz",
"platform": null,
"description": "enterprise\n==========\n\n.. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/edx-enterprise.svg\n :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/edx-enterprise/\n :alt: PyPI\n\n.. image:: http://codecov.io/github/edx/edx-enterprise/coverage.svg?branch=master\n :target: http://codecov.io/github/edx/edx-enterprise?branch=master\n :alt: Codecov\n\n.. image:: https://readthedocs.org/projects/open-edx-enterprise-service-documentation/badge/?version=latest\n :target: http://open-edx-enterprise-service-documentation.readthedocs.io/en/latest/\n :alt: Documentation\n\n.. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/edx-enterprise.svg\n :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/edx-enterprise/\n :alt: Supported Python versions\n\n.. image:: https://img.shields.io/github/license/edx/edx-enterprise.svg\n :target: https://github.com/openedx/edx-enterprise/blob/master/LICENSE.txt\n :alt: License\n\nThe ``Open edx Enterprise Service`` app provides enterprise features to the Open\nedX platform. The majority of these features are structured around the concept\nof an ``Enterprise Customer``, which is an organization or a group of people\nthat \"consumes\" courses published on the Open edX platform.\n\nDocumentation\n-------------\n\nFull documentation for the Open edX Enterprise Service can be found at\nhttp://open-edx-enterprise-service-documentation.readthedocs.io/en/latest/.\n\nLicense\n-------\n\nThe code in this repository is licensed under the AGPL 3.0 unless otherwise noted.\n\nPlease see ``LICENSE.txt`` for details.\n\nHow To Contribute\n-----------------\n\nContributions are very welcome.\n\nPlease read `How To Contribute <https://github.com/openedx/.github/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md>`_ for details.\n\nA Pull Request Description Template can be found at`PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md`_ - this\ntemplate is automatically applied when you open a pull request from GitHub. Please\nmake sure to include this template if submitting a pull request via other channels.\n\n.. _PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md: https://github.com/openedx/edx-enterprise/blob/master/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE_TEMPLATE.md\n\nAfter submitting a pull request, please use the Github \"Reviewers\" widget to add\nrelevant reviewers and track review process.\n\nReporting Security Issues\n-------------------------\n\nPlease do not report security issues in public. Please email security@openedx.org.\n\nGetting Help\n------------\n\nHave a question about this repository, or about Open edX in general? Please\nrefer to this `list of resources`_ if you need any assistance.\n\n.. _list of resources: https://openedx.org/getting-help\n\n\nChange Log\n==========\n\n..\n All enhancements and patches to edx-enterprise will be documented\n in this file. It adheres to the structure of http://keepachangelog.com/ ,\n but in reStructuredText instead of Markdown (for ease of incorporation into\n Sphinx documentation and the PyPI description). Additionally, we no longer\n track the date here since PyPi has its own history of dates based on when\n the package is published.\n\n This project adheres to Semantic Versioning (http://semver.org/).\n\n.. There should always be an \"Unreleased\" section for changes pending release.\n\nUnreleased\n----------\n* nothing unreleased\n\n[5.6.3]\n--------\n* feat: exclude unlinked member records from enterprise-customer-members and enterprise_group endpoints\n\n[5.6.2]\n--------\n* fix: Add dry_run_mode_enabled field to SAP admin panel\n\n[5.6.1]\n--------\n* fix: Log all learner transmission records.\n\n[5.6.0]\n--------\n* feat: Adds sorting support to enterprise-customer-members endpoint \n\n[5.5.2]\n--------\n* feat: Add page_size support to enterprise-customer-members endpoint\n\n[5.5.1]\n--------\n* fix: Fixed the query fetching enterprise customer members\n\n[5.5.0]\n-------\n* feat: introduce Waffle flag for enabling the Learner Portal BFF API.\n\n[5.4.2]\n--------\n* feat: Added a management command to update the Social Auth UID's for an enterprise.\n\n[5.4.1]\n-------\n* fix: The default enrollment ``learner_status`` view now considers intended courses\n from which the requested user has unenrolled as no-longer realizable.\n\n[5.4.0]\n-------\n* chore: Update python requirements.\n\n[5.3.1]\n-------\n* fix: rely on single constant to define course mode priority order (i.e., ensure all enrollable modes are considered; previously missing honor mode in `enroll_learners_in_courses`).\n* fix: prevent fetching catalog list without a resolved course run in the property `applicable_enterprise_catalog_uuids` within `DefaultEnterpriseEnrollmentIntention`.\n\n[5.3.0]\n--------\n* refactor: Removed unused django setting.\n\n[5.2.0]\n--------\n* feat: removed custom pagination for reporting configurations.\n\n[5.1.0]\n--------\n* feat: update EnterpriseGroupMembershipSerializer to include learner course enrollment count\n* feat: updated learner query to filter by full name\n\n[5.0.0]\n--------\n* refactor: Removed `plotly_token/` API endpoint and related views from enterprise API.\n\n[4.33.1]\n--------\n* feat: Creating enterprise customer members endpoint for admin portal\n\n[4.33.0]\n--------\n* feat: Updated pagination for reporting configurations.\n\n[4.32.3]\n--------\n* chore: Update python requirements.\n\n[4.32.2]\n--------\n* fix: ensure admin_users in EnterpriseCustomerUserViewSet is correct.\n\n[4.32.1]\n--------\n* feat: enable search filter on learner data transmission audit admin views for all integrated channels.\n\n[4.32.0]\n--------\n* feat: create DefaultEnterpriseEnrollmentRealization objects in bulk enrollment API, when applicable.\n* fix: Alter the realized_enrollment field in DefaultEnterpriseEnrollmentRealization to be a OneToOneField.\n* fix: rename metadata field in DefaultEnterpriseEnrollmentIntentionLearnerStatusSerializer.\n\n[4.31.2]\n--------\n* feat: add test cases for newly added unlink_self endpoint.\n\n[4.31.1]\n--------\n* fix: fixed query for monthly_impact_report command.\n\n[4.31.0]\n--------\n* feat: add new endpoint to unlink the logged in user.\n\n[4.30.1]\n--------\n* fix: serialize best_mode_for_course_run field in DefaultEnterpriseEnrollmentIntentionSerializer.\n\n[4.30.0]\n--------\n* feat: REST APIs for default-enterprise-enrollment-intentions\n\n[4.29.0]\n--------\n* feat: Create django admin for default enrollments\n\n[4.28.4]\n--------\n* feat: updating the character count for group name to 255\n\n[4.28.3]\n--------\n* feat: removing all references of to-be-deleted field\n\n[4.28.2]\n--------\n* fix: added content_title, progress_status in get_learner_data_records for derived classed of learner data exporters.\n\n[4.28.1]\n--------\n* feat: making to-be-deleted model field nullable\n\n[4.28.0]\n--------\n* feat: add default enrollment models\n\n[4.27.3]\n--------\n* fix: Updating the EnterpriseGroup serializer with created variable\n\n[4.27.2]\n--------\n* fix: updates `get_all_learners` to remove `_get_implicit_group_members`\n\n[4.27.1]\n--------\n* chore: remove `replaces` sections from squashing migrations.\n\n[4.27.0]\n--------\n* chore: Add index to the username field in the `Consent` model\n\n[4.26.1]\n--------\n* feat: proxy login now redirects to LMS register page instead of login page\n\n[4.26.0]\n--------\n* feat: add new field to EnterpriseGroup model and EnterpriseGroupSerializer\n\n[4.25.19]\n---------\n* feat: remove logging to debug SAP SuccessFactors transmission issues\n\n[4.25.18]\n---------\n* chore: requirement updates\n\n[4.25.17]\n---------\n* feat: add pagination to the support tool customer list\n\n[4.25.16]\n---------\n* feat: add a waffle flag for enterprise groups v2 feature\n\n[4.25.15]\n---------\n* fix: Don't import HttpClientError from edx-rest-api-client\n\n[4.25.14]\n---------\n* This version was incorretly tagged and so wasn't properly released.\n\n[4.25.13]\n----------\n* feat: add logging to debug SAP SuccessFactors transmission issues\n\n[4.25.12]\n----------\n* feat: add username query to enterprise customer user query\n\n[4.25.11]\n----------\n* feat: add username query to enterprise customer user query\n\n[4.25.10]\n----------\n* feat: update Enterprise Braze API key\n\n[4.25.9]\n----------\n* fix: send LEARNER_CREDIT_COURSE_ENROLLMENT_REVOKED from the correct place.\n\n[4.25.8]\n----------\n* feat: added migration for removing unencrypted client credentials\n\n[4.25.7]\n----------\n* refactor: removed unencrypted credentials from sap config model\n\n[4.25.6]\n----------\n* refactor: making unencrypted credentials nullable so after removing refs tests can run\n\n[4.25.5]\n----------\n* feat: changing django enterprise customer summary columns\n\n[4.25.4]\n----------\n* feat: replaced references from unencrypted to encrypted columns.\n* feat: added data migration to populate encrypted columns.\n\n[4.25.3]\n----------\n* feat: added encrypted client secret for SAP config\n\n[4.25.2]\n----------\n* feat: added migration file for removing char field decrypted_secret\n\n[4.25.1]\n----------\n* feat: removed char field decrypted_secret references\n\n[4.25.0]\n----------\n* feat: emit learner credit unenrollment event\n\n[4.24.0]\n----------\n* fix: customer sorting error in customer support tool endpoint and added user query param\n\n[4.23.20]\n----------\n* feat: added migrations to remove client_id and client_secret from CanvasEnterpriseCustomerConfiguration\n\n[4.23.19]\n----------\n* revert: added migrations to remove client_id and client_secret from CanvasEnterpriseCustomerConfiguration\n\n[4.23.18]\n----------\n* revert: revert \"altered decrypted_secret to be encrypted and made credentials nullable\" in #2219\n\n[4.23.17]\n----------\n* feat: added migrations to remove client_id and client_secret from CanvasEnterpriseCustomerConfiguration\n\n[4.23.16]\n----------\n* feat: remove references to client_id and client_secret from CanvasEnterpriseCustomerConfiguration\n\n[4.23.15]\n----------\n* feat: altered decrypted_secret to be encrypted and made credentials nullable\n\n[4.23.14]\n----------\n* feat: populate encrypted client id and secret for canvas integration and remove references to unencrypted fields\n\n[4.23.13]\n----------\n* feat: added encrypted columns for user credentials for SAP config\n\n[4.23.12]\n----------\n* feat: feat: added encrypted client id and secret for canvas integration\n\n[4.23.11]\n----------\n* feat: implement back-off and retry for SAP SuccessFactors\n\n[4.23.10]\n----------\n* fix: 403 for provisioning-admins due to crum and middleware\n\n[4.23.9]\n----------\n* feat: Add option to show soft deleted group memberships in django admin\n\n[4.23.8]\n----------\n* feat: updating enterprise-customer-support endpoint\n\n[4.23.7]\n---------\n* feat: add migration for model updateroleassignmentswithcustomersconfig\n\n[4.23.6]\n---------\n* feat: replace PAs group based permission with edx-rbac\n\n[4.23.5]\n---------\n* chore: requirement updates\n\n[4.23.4]\n---------\n* refactor: added logs for data dog inspection for permission check in handler function.\n\n[4.23.3]\n---------\n* fix: add missing migration for content_filter help text\n\n[4.23.2]\n---------\n* test: pii check stage actually checks PII instead of not at all.\n\n[4.23.1]\n---------\n* fix: don't allow saving duplicate EnterpriseCatalogQuery content_filter\n\n[4.22.6]\n----------\n* feat: add created time to reponse\n\n[4.22.5]\n----------\n* chore: requirement updates\n\n[4.22.4]\n----------\n* feat: Adding enterprise-customer-support endpoint\n\n[4.22.3]\n----------\n* bump enterprise to 4.22.3.\n\n[4.22.2]\n----------\n* fix: Serializes `course_key` field from the federated-content-metadata, `CourseDetails` model within the `EnterpriseCourseEnrollmentSerializer`.\n\n[4.22.1]\n----------\n* bump enterprise to 4.22.1.\n\n[4.21.10]\n----------\n* created migration to create a system-wide enterprise role named `enterprise_provisioning_admin`.\n\n[4.21.9]\n---------\n* fix: fixed search fetch crashing because of server taking too long for api request logs.\n\n[4.21.8]\n---------\n* fix: fixed 500 error for search filter for api request logs in admin view.\n\n[4.21.7]\n---------\n* feat: extend enterprise customer serializer to add detail for support tool\n\n[4.21.6]\n---------\n* feat: add waffle flag for enterprise customer support tool\n\n[4.21.5]\n---------\n* feat: allow PAs to access all enterprise customers\n\n[4.21.4]\n---------\n* fix: Updates messaging on disable expiry for learner credit\n\n[4.21.3]\n---------\n* chore: rename PAs django group name\n\n[4.21.2]\n---------\n* feat: Updated EnterpriseCustomerSerializer to include additional fields\n\n[4.21.1]\n---------\n* feat: add is_mobile transorfmer for CSOD content metadata exporter\n\n[4.21.0]\n---------\n* refactor: replace openai usage with xpert api\n\n[4.20.14]\n---------\n* chore: Update requirements\n\n[4.20.13]\n---------\n* feat: added failed statuses for groups and new endpoint to update statuses\n\n[4.20.12]\n---------\n* feat: added support for testing sftp connection inside ``EnterpriseCustomerReportingConfiguration`` instance.\n\n[4.20.11]\n---------\n* fix: setting existing user group membership statuses\n\n[4.20.10]\n---------\n* fix: fixing the status and datetime of removed group memberships\n\n[4.20.9]\n--------\n* feat: Update permissions to grant access to provisioning admins\n\n[4.20.8]\n--------\n* feat: atomically re-activate ECE when re-activating SCE\n* feat: When listing unenrolled fulfillments, exclude ones with active enrollments\n\n[4.20.7]\n--------\n* fix: add name from profile to group membership details\n\n[4.20.6]\n--------\n* refactor: Removes ``career_engagement_network_message`` from ``EnterpriseCustomer``.\n\n[4.20.5]\n--------\n* fix: submit the ``create_enterprise_enrollment`` task with a configurable countdown\n\n[4.20.4]\n--------\n* feat: Populates ``learner_portal_sidebar_content`` in ``EnterpriseCustomer`` and removes references to old fields.\n\n[4.20.3]\n--------\n* feat: Makes ``career_engagement_network_message`` field nullable in ``EnterpriseCustomer``.\n\n[4.20.2]\n--------\n* fix: cancel-fulfillment endpoint is now idempotent\n\nAdditionally, this fixes a bug whereby users with the\n``enterprise.can_manage_enterprise_fulfillment`` or\n``enterprise.can_access_admin_dashboard`` permissions in at least\none enterprise could successfully authenticate against these endpoints\nfor *any* enterprise.\n\n[4.20.1]\n--------\n* feat: Updating autocomplete field for Enteprise Group creation form\n\n[4.20.0]\n--------\n* feat: Added a new field show_videos_in_learner_portal_search_results in the EnterpriseCustomer model.\n\n[4.19.17]\n---------\n* feat: Adds new fields enable_learner_portal_sidebar_message and learner_portal_sidebar_content in EnterpriseCustomer.\n\n[4.19.16]\n---------\n* feat: submit ``create_enterprise_enrollment`` task on commit\n\n[4.19.15]\n---------\n* feat: added filtering for transmitted records using the is_transmitted column.\n\n[4.19.14]\n---------\n* feat: reverts an errant 4.19.12\n\n[4.19.13]\n---------\n* feat: added more integrated channels in mark_learner_transmissions_transmitted_true management command\n\n[4.19.12]\n---------\n* feat: (reverted)\n\n[4.19.11]\n---------\n* revert: Reversed the previous reversion of PR #2125, removing blackboard unencrypted columns again.\n\n[4.19.10]\n---------\n* revert: revert \"making blackboard unencrypted client credentials nullable\" in #2126\n\n[4.19.9]\n--------\n* feat: making unencrypted client credentials nullable, so they can be removed\n\n[4.19.8]\n--------\n* chore: updated permission class ``IsInProvisioningAdminGroup`` for ``PendingEnterpriseCustomerAdminUser`` viewpoint and handled exceptions in serializer.\n\n[4.19.7]\n--------\n* feat: schema level improvement in integrated-channels\n\n[4.19.6]\n--------\n* feat: allowing for group members removal endpoint to support remove all\n\n[4.19.5]\n--------\n* feat: replaced unencrypted user credentials from view and test\n\n[4.19.4]\n--------\n* feat: removed unencrypted columns of user data credentials in blackboard config ENT 8010\n\n[4.19.3]\n--------\n* feat: allowing for group members to be specified when fetched\n\n[4.19.2]\n--------\n* feat: added endpoint for pending_enterprise_customer_admin_user.\n\n[4.19.1]\n--------\n* fix: Update language for disable_expiry_messaging_for_learner_credit field\n\n[4.19.0]\n--------\n* feat: Introduce disable_expiry field on the enterprise customer model\n\n[4.18.6]\n--------\n* feat: allowing for group members to be revived by reassigning\n\n[4.18.5]\n--------\n* feat: force transmit content metadata if customer configs are modified\n\n[4.18.4]\n--------\n* fix: only creating membership records for relevant ECUs\n\n[4.18.3]\n--------\n* fix: indentation error in for loop\n\n[4.18.2]\n--------\n* fix: update enterprise model lookup in removal email task\n\n[4.18.1]\n--------\n* chore: debugging log lines\n\n[4.18.0]\n--------\n* feat: updates tasks usage of create_recipient to create_recipients\n\n[4.17.8]\n--------\n* fix: adding missing migration file\n\n[4.17.7]\n--------\n* fix: update group invite and removal notification tasks\n\n[4.17.6]\n--------\n* fix: allowing for search lookup of group members in django admin\n\n[4.17.5]\n--------\n* fix: hard deleting expired group memberships\n\n[4.17.4]\n--------\n* fix: update language cookie if langauge cookie is not same as user's language preference\n\n[4.17.3]\n--------\n* feat: replacing non encrypted fields of blackboard config model with encypted ones\n\n[4.17.2]\n--------\n* feat: added fields for holding encrypted data in database for blackboard\n\n[4.17.1]\n--------\n* revert: revert async task functionality implemented in 4.15.6\n* fix: update language cookie for an enterprise learner\n\n[4.17.0]\n--------\n* feat: limit the number of resulting learners in Django admin manage learners view\n\n[4.16.5]\n--------\n* feat: splitting out group membership serializer learner id into lms user ID and ecu ID\n\n[4.16.4]\n--------\n* revert: fix: set default langauge for all learners linked with an enteprise customer\n\n[4.16.3]\n--------\n* fix: fixing the removal logic for EnterpriseGroupMemberships, adding optional flag\n\n[4.16.2]\n---------\n* fix: fix the PATCH method of ``EnterpriseCourseEnrollmentView``.\n\n[4.16.1]\n---------\n* fix: add enterprise audit reporting status in plotly auth token\n\n[4.16.0]\n---------\n* feat: Adding python3.11 support. Dropped django32 support.\n\n[4.15.12]\n---------\n* feat: update enterprise customer serializer to include active integration codes\n\n[4.15.11]\n---------\n* fix: support `force_enrollment` in serializers used by bulk enrollment (ENT-8788)\n\n[4.15.10]\n---------\n* fix: set default langauge for all learners linked with an enteprise customer\n\n[4.15.9]\n--------\n* fix: return a 404 response for inactive CSOD customers while fetching courses\n\n[4.15.8]\n--------\n* fix: SSO self-serve tool invalid entityId parsing\n\n[4.15.7]\n--------\n* feat: add send group membership invite and removal braze emails\n\n[4.15.6]\n--------\n* perf: update user preferences inside an async task to void request timeout\n\n[4.15.5]\n--------\n* fix: Improved the query to only fetch active configs for CSOD customers.\n\n[4.15.4]\n--------\n* fix: allowing for existing pecus to be added to enterprise groups\n\n[4.15.3]\n--------\n* feat: replacing non encrypted fields of degreed config model with encrypted ones\n\n[4.15.2]\n--------\n* feat: save cornerstone learner's information received from frontend.\n\n[4.15.1]\n--------\n* feat: allowing for sorting and filtering of the enterprise group learner endpoints\n\n[4.15.0]\n---------\n* feat: Add new languages in enterprise customer admin\n\n[4.14.0]\n---------\n* Added the ability for enterprise customers to enable One Academy for its learners.\n\n[4.13.14]\n---------\n* feat: handle Degreed 409 case (mark as active instead of recreating course)\n\n[4.13.13]\n---------\n* fix: adding additional info to the enterprise group serializer\n\n\n[4.13.12]\n---------\n* feat: adding additional info to the enterprise group membership serializer\n\n[4.13.11]\n---------\n* feat: pass force_enrollment when bulk enrolling learners\n\n[4.13.10]\n---------\n* fix: remove filter to debug failing transmissions\n\n[4.13.9]\n---------\n* fix: add missing filter to disable failing transmissions for 24hrs\n\n[4.13.8]\n---------\n* feat: adding an activated_at value to group membership records\n\n[4.13.7]\n---------\n* fix: adding get_queryset for fix of integrated channel api logs loading\n\n[4.13.6]\n---------\n* feat: disable failing transmissions for 24hrs\n\n[4.13.5]\n---------\n* feat: added autocomplete for enterprise customer in EnterpriseCustomerCatalogAdmin\n\n[4.13.4]\n---------\n* feat: admin pages for enterprise groups and enterprise group memberships\n\n[4.13.3]\n---------\n* feat: adding management command to remove expired pending group memberships\n\n[4.13.2]\n---------\n* feat: add a waffle flag for enterprise groups feature\n\n[4.13.1]\n---------\n* feat: adding soft delete functionality for groups and group memberships\n\n[4.13.0]\n---------\n* feat: add Waffle-based `enterprise_features` to the `EnterpriseCustomerUserViewSet`.\n\n[4.12.6]\n---------\n* fix: Proximus learner transmission failures\n\n[4.12.5]\n---------\n* feat: adding a group membership to the EnterpriseCustomerUserReadOnlySerializer\n\n[4.12.4]\n---------\n* feat: adding assign_learners and remove_learners api endpoints for enterprise groups\n\n[4.12.3]\n---------\n* feat: management command to clear out excessive records for API log table\n\n[4.12.2]\n---------\n* feat: add api /learners/ endpoint to the enterprise group viewset\n\n[4.12.1]\n---------\n* feat: unlink canvas user if decommissioned on canvas side\n\n[4.12.0]\n---------\n* feat: Remove history tables for integrated channels customers configurations.\n\n[4.11.15]\n---------\n* feat: CRUD api endpoints for the enterprise group table\n\n[4.11.14]\n---------\n* feat: added channel_name for api call logs records\n\n[4.11.13]\n---------\n* feat: Update IntegratedChannelAPIRequestLogs list view\n\n[4.11.12]\n---------\n* feat: new enterprise models relating to enterprise groups\n\n[4.11.11]\n---------\n* feat: record degreed API calls\n\n[4.11.10]\n---------\n* feat: add unique constraint on learner data transmission audit models\n\n[4.11.9]\n---------\n* feat: register admin view for IntegratedChannelAPIRequestLogs\n\n[4.11.8]\n---------\n* chore: Update requirements\n\n[4.11.7]\n---------\n* feat: update canvas client to store API calls in DB\n\n[4.11.6]\n---------\n* feat: Added a flag for prequery search suggestions\n\n[4.11.5]\n---------\n* fix: Added logs and remove cornerstone from management command\n\n[4.11.4]\n---------\n* feat: update blackboard client to store API calls in DB\n\n[4.11.3]\n---------\n* feat: update cornerstone client to store API calls in DB\n\n[4.11.2]\n---------\n* feat: added caching for fetching degreed course id\n\n[4.11.1]\n---------\n* Added management command to fix `LearnerDataTransmissionAudit` table records.\n\n[4.11.0]\n---------\n* Added the ability for enterprise customers to enable/disable academies.\n\n[4.10.11]\n---------\n* fix: add missing comma to catalog query fields list.\n\n[4.10.10]\n---------\n\nfeat: remove ability to edit catalog `include_exec_ed_2u_courses`\n\n\n[4.10.9]\n--------\n\nfeat: added logs temporarily for ENT-8276\n\n[4.10.8]\n--------\n\nfix: guard against null content_filters\n\n\n[4.10.7]\n--------\n\nfeat: mgmt command to add exec-ed exclusions to catalogs\n\n\n[4.10.6]\n--------\n\nfix: tweak catalog compare mgmt command\n\n\n[4.10.5]\n--------\n\nfix: tweak catalog compare mgmt command\n\n\n[4.10.4]\n--------\n\nrevert: 4.10.1\n\n[4.10.3]\n--------\n\nfeat: management command to test query migration\n\n\n[4.10.2]\n--------\n\nfeat: removed unencrypted user credentials data columns\n\n\n[4.10.1]\n--------\n\nfeat: added json field in learner transmission audit to record 3 most latest response statuses\n\n[4.10.0]\n--------\n\nfeat: enrollment API enhancements\n\n- Allows Enrollment API Admin to see all enrollments.\n- Makes the endpoint return more fields, such as: enrollment_track,\n enrollment_date, user_email, course_start and course_end.\n- Changes EnterpriseCourseEnrollment's default ordering from 'created'\n to 'id', which equivalent, but faster in some cases (due to the\n existing indes on 'id').\n\n[4.9.5]\n--------\n\nfeat: replacing non encrypted fields of moodle config model with encrypted ones\n\n[4.9.4]\n--------\n\nfeat: Add model for integrated channel API request log table (ENT-8018)\n\n[4.9.3]\n--------\n\nfix: Remove SAP debug logs\n\n[4.9.2]\n--------\n\nrefactor: learner data transmission audit record to utilize the existing records (ENT-8005)\n\n[4.9.1]\n--------\n\nfix: enable printing of error messages from the SSO Orchestrator API (ENT-8169)\n\n[4.9.0]\n--------\n\nfeat: add \"Setup Auth org id\" action for Enterprise Customers (ENT-8169)\n\n[4.8.18]\n--------\n\nfeat: added logs to debug ENT-8130\n\n[4.8.17]\n--------\n\nfix: remove logs from Degreed2 client\n\n[4.8.16]\n--------\n\nfix: removed course completion check from is_already_transmitted utility (ENT 7837)\n\n[4.8.15]\n--------\n\nfix: restructured response from moodle request wrapper\nfeat: replacing non encrypted fields of moodle config model with encrypted ones (ENT 5613)\n\n[4.8.14]\n--------\n\nfeat: Modified existing content transmission job to post skills metadata to Degreed2\n\n[4.8.13]\n--------\n\nfix: fixed create_course_completion request's response handling in case return body is 0\n\n[4.8.12]\n--------\n\n* chore: update paragon npm dependency to move to the new @openedx scope.\n\n\n[4.8.11]\n--------\nfeat: allow incomplete course learner transmissions till completion\nrefactor: adding log inside moodle request wrapper\n\n[4.8.10]\n--------\nfeat: not submitting sso orchestrator records if no changes occur\n\n[4.8.9]\n-------\nfeat: adding timeouts to sso orchestrator configurations and api cleanup\n\n[4.8.8]\n--------\nfix: added more logs and handled edge cases in Degreed assign skills job\n\n[4.8.7]\n--------\nrefactor: Override the default save method of ``EnterpriseCustomerPluginConfiguration`` to update only changed fields\n\n[4.8.6]\n--------\nfeat: add marked_authorized flag to SSO config\n\n[4.8.5]\n--------\nfeat: Added a management command to assign skills to Degreed courses\n\n[4.8.4]\n--------\nfix: changed relative resumeCourseRunUrl to an absolute URL\n\n[4.8.3]\n--------\nrefactor: adding log for learner data transmission\n\n[4.8.1]\n--------\nfeat: integrated resumeCourseRunUrl into enrollments API\n\n[4.7.6]\n--------\nchore: remove unnecessary logs from the integrated channels\n\n[4.7.5]\n--------\nfeat: added flag to allow in progress course learner data transmission\n\n[4.7.4]\n--------\nfeat: added fields for holding encrypted data in database\n\n[4.7.3]\n--------\nfeat: added management command to re-encrypt enterprise customer reporting configs\n\n[4.7.2]\n--------\nfeat: stop learner data transmissions for course runs\n\n[4.7.1]\n--------\nchore: retire Degreed v1 code from the set of channels\n\n[4.7.0]\n--------\nfeat: Add an ``api-docs`` page that lives at ``[LMS_ROOT_URL]/enterprise/api-docs/``\n\n[4.6.12]\n--------\nfeat: unlink degreed2 inactive user\n\n[4.6.11]\n--------\nchore: Aligning SAP naming conventions\n\n[4.6.10]\n--------\nchore: Update requirements\n\n[4.6.9]\n-------\nchore: returning SP metadata url from the sso orchestrator to the API caller\n\n[4.6.8]\n-------\nfeat: truncate API Response before writing to the APIResponseRecord\nfix: initiate filtering the API Response only when a successful response is received\n\n[4.6.7]\n-------\nfeat: filter courses from API Response of SAPSF to store in the APIResponseRecord table\n\n[4.6.6]\n-------\nchore: orchestrator exception handling and submission refinements\n\n[4.6.5]\n-------\nfeat: Added logs for Degreed2 client\n\n[4.6.4]\n-------\nchore: updating sso orchestrator self service api endpoints\n\n[4.6.3]\n-------\nfix: Remove not required fields\n\n[4.6.2]\n-------\nfix: clarify contact email helper text for enterprise customer\n\n[4.6.1]\n-------\nfeat: Added the disable_subject_metadata_transmission flag to CornerstoneEnterpriseCustomerConfiguration.\n\n[4.6.0]\n-------\nfeat: Added enable_source_demo_data_for_analytics_and_lpr field to EnterpriseCustomer.\n\n[4.5.7]\n-------\nfix: Fixed ChatGPT prompt and a few model modifications for better readability for admins.\n\n[4.5.6]\n-------\nfeat: Added logs for learner completion data post request[moodle]\n\n[4.5.5]\n-------\nchore: sso orchestrator configs should start inactive and be activated upon successful configuration\n\n[4.5.4]\n-------\nfeat: inactive moodle course instead of true delete\n\n[4.5.3]\n-------\nfeat: added dry run mode for content metadata transmission\n\n[4.5.2]\n-------\nchore: adding a more flexible way of fetching api request data\n\n[4.5.1]\n-------\nfix: fix how we determine the value of active flag within schedule for SAP\n\n[4.5.0]\n-------\nfeat: Add the ``enable_programs`` field for EnterpriseCustomer\n\n[4.4.0]\n-------\nfeat: Add the ``enable_pathways`` field for EnterpriseCustomer\n\n[4.3.4]\n-------\nfeat: add migrations for Django 4.2\n\n[4.3.3]\n-------\nchore: adding display name to the sso orchestrator table\n\n[4.3.2]\n-------\nfix: enterprise sso orchestrator api cleanup\n\n[4.3.1]\n-------\nchore: use lms_update_or_create_enrollment without feature flag\n\n[4.3.0]\n-------\nfeat: Added the ``enable_career_engagement_network_on_learner_portal`` field for EnterpriseCustomer\n\n[4.2.0]\n-------\nfeat: create generic ``PaginationWithFeatureFlags`` to add a ``features`` property to DRF's default pagination response containing Waffle-based feature flags.\nfeat: integrate ``PaginationWithFeatureFlags`` with ``EnterpriseCustomerViewSet``.\n\n[4.1.15]\n--------\nfeat: enterprise sso orchestrator api client implementation\n\n[4.1.14]\n--------\nfeat: adding read only field to EnterpriseCustomerCatalogSerializer model\n\n[4.1.13]\n--------\nfeat: adding braze email task to sso orchestration endpoint\n\n[4.1.12]\n--------\nfeat: enterprise sso orchestration record table api implementation\n\n[4.1.11]\n--------\nfix: adding api credential boolean into django\n\n[4.1.10]\n--------\nchore: adding more logging to the _sanitize_and_set_item_metadata flow\n\n[4.1.9]\n--------\nFixing typos\n\n[4.1.8]\n--------\nAdded support for Django 4.2\n\n[4.1.7]\n-------\nfix: enterprise api credentials endpoint cleanup.\n\n[4.1.6]\n-------\nfix: putting api_credentials bool in api response to access in admin portal\n\n[4.1.5]\n-------\nfeat: implementing sso enterprise sso orchestrator config table\n\n[4.1.4]\n-------\nfeat: enterprise API Credentials generation endpoints\n\n[4.1.3]\n-------\nfix: bringing changelog and version number back in sync (re-release of 4.1.2).\n\n[4.1.2]\n-------\nfeat: implementing sso enterprise sso orchestrator config table\n\n[4.1.1]\n-------\nfeat: Added patch endpoint to update an enterprise customer catalog.\n\n[4.1.0]\n-------\nfeat: Added the ability to get AI generated learner engagement and learner progress summary.\n\n[4.0.18]\n--------\nfix: enrolled course card grouping behavior for exec-ed courses\n\n[4.0.17]\n--------\nchore: restoring licensed enrollment table if it does not exist\n\n[4.0.16]\n--------\nfeat: Replace deprecated `django-fernet-fields` with its forked `django-fernet-fields-v2`.\n\n[4.0.15]\n--------\nfix: make api-record in lms admin read only\n\n[4.0.14]\n--------\nbug: swapping grades api grade_percent return value type from string to float\n\n[4.0.13]\n--------\nfix: more flexible default site\n\n[4.0.12]\n--------\nfix: allow sub directories in moodle base URLs\n\n[4.0.11]\n--------\nfeat: upgrade django-simple-history to 3.1.1\n\n[4.0.10]\n--------\nchore: fixing import path error in management command\n\n[4.0.9]\n-------\nfeat: customizable management command to generate local enterprise data\n\n[4.0.8]\n-------\nfix: reorganizing enterprise customer django admin portal\n\n[4.0.7]\n--------\n\nfeat: add grade value to learner transmission for degreed v2\n\n[4.0.6]\n--------\nfix: variable name conflicts in monthly_impact_report command\n\n[4.0.5]\n--------\nfeat: incorporate additional attributes to degreed v2\n\n[4.0.4]\n--------\nfeat: remove content transmission audits without a catalog uuid\n\n[4.0.3]\n-------\nfix: changing sap transmit metadata flow to account for rate limiting\n\n[4.0.2]\n-------\nfix: removing items to delete dependency on the catalog service\n\n[4.0.1]\n--------\nchore: upgrade course_enrollment from audit to verified\n\n[4.0.0]\n--------\nchore: upgrade node from version 16 to version 18\n\n[3.69.1]\n--------\nfix: content metadata exporter sanitizing content to delete\n\n[3.69.0]\n--------\nrefactor: Replaced the deprecated `NullBooleanField` with `BooleanField(null=True)`\n\n[3.68.1]\n--------\nfix: pick first object from CourseDetails\n\n[3.68.0]\n--------\nfeat: add more metadata into `EnterpriseCourseEnrollmentView`\n\n[3.67.7]\n--------\nfeat: marking orphaned content audits when catalogs are deleted\n\n[3.67.6]\n--------\nchore: fixing doc string linter errors\n\n[3.67.5]\n--------\nchore: better formatting of the enterprise api views\n\n[3.67.4]\n--------\nfeat: add button to update customer modified time\n\n[3.67.3]\n--------\nfeat: adding management command to clear error state\n\n[3.67.2]\n--------\nfix: fixing name of table used by model fetching method\n\n[3.67.1]\n--------\nchore: more orphaned content transmission logging\n\n[4.0.0]\n-------\nfeat!: upgraded to Node v18, added .nvmrc and updated workflows.\n\n[3.67.0]\n--------\nfix: compare lowered input email address to lowered auth user record email address during bulk enrollment.\n\n[3.66.8]\n--------\nfix: optional x-request-id logging\n\n[3.66.7]\n--------\nfeat: optional x-request-id logging\n\n[3.66.6]\n--------\n* feat: increase the throttle limit of service users for EnterpriseCustomerViewSet\n* Switch from ``edx-sphinx-theme`` to ``sphinx-book-theme`` since the former is\n deprecated\n\n[3.66.5]\n--------\nchore: set default expiration_date for EnterpriseCustomerInviteKey\n\n[3.66.4]\n--------\nfeat: add more logging in the bulk enrollment flow\n\n[3.66.3]\n--------\nfix: prevent org_id param addition to exec-ed course home url when auth_org_id is not present\n\n[3.66.2]\n--------\nchore: unique constraint on transmission audits to prevent duplicates\n\n[3.66.1]\n--------\nfix: Fixed url encoding issue with org_id in executive education course url\n\n[3.66.0]\n--------\nfeat: Added org_id for executive education courses landing page\n\n[3.65.4]\n--------\nfix: swapping enterprise unenrolled bool to timestamp and minor code cleanup\n\n[3.65.2]\n--------\nfeat: extending the enterprise fulfillment api serializer to contain more info\n\n[3.65.1]\n--------\nfix: making sure unenrollment is saved while revoking fulfillment\n\n[3.65.0]\n--------\nfeat: new enterprise endpoint to surface filterable unenrolled subsidized enrollments\n\n[3.64.1]\n--------\nfix: Reverted course_run_url for Executive Education courses\n\n[3.64.0]\n--------\nfeat: Updated course_run_url for Executive Education courses\n\n[3.63.0]\n--------\nfeat: Hooking enterprise enrollments up to platform signals to write unenrollment records.\n New field `unenrolled` on enterprise enrollments to track enrollment status, defaults to `None`.\n\n[3.62.7]\n--------\nfeat: include obsolete attribute in degreed content transmissions\n\n[3.62.6]\n--------\nchore: adding better logging to the remove dup audit management command\n\n[3.62.5]\n--------\nfeat: include auth_org_id in enterprise customer api\n\n[3.62.4]\n--------\nfix: duplicate records reading queryset length then splicing\n\n[3.62.3]\n--------\nfeat: Add idempotent catalog creation endpoint\n\n[3.62.2]\n--------\nfix: management command fix- reading queryset length in a mysql supported way\n\n[3.62.1]\n--------\nfeat: new management command to remove duplicate transmission audits\n\n[3.62.0]\n--------\nfeat: Add 'auth_org_id' field to EnterpriseCustomer for Auth0 integration\n\n[3.61.16]\n---------\nfeat: Q filtering to enterprise customer basic list\n\n[3.61.15]\n---------\nfeat: Add customer catalog write only viewset\n\n[3.61.14]\n---------\nfix: Integrated channels metadata exporter now considers failed update audits as existing records\n\n[3.61.13]\n---------\nfeat: expands pagination page size from enterprise catalog query view\n\n[3.61.12]\n---------\nchore: remove codecov from requirements as it removed from PyPi and is breaking CI when trying to install the package. Pinned ``pip-tools`` and ``tox`` in ``common_constraints.txt`` due to dependency resolution issues with ``click`` and ``filelock``.\n\n[3.61.11]\n---------\nfeat: include owners and longer descriptions for degreed2 content metadata transmissions\n\n[3.61.10]\n---------\nfeat: new tagging orphaned content test for integrated channels\n\n[3.61.9]\n--------\nfeat: Serialize and create a viewset for enterpriseCatalogQuery as readonly\n\n[3.61.8]\n--------\nfeat: added enterprise fulfillment viewset\n\n[3.61.7]\n--------\nfeat: surfacing subsidized enrollment uuid value in the bulk enrollment endpoint\n\n[3.61.6]\n--------\nfeat: Add user_id support to enroll_learners_in_courses endpoint\n\n[3.61.5]\n--------\nfix: Ensure `EnterpriseCustomerBrandingConfigurationSerializer` returns correct logo URL on stage/production after `settings.DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE` changed to use `storages.backends.s3boto3.S3Boto3Storage` instead of `storages.backends.s3boto.S3BotoStorage`.\n\n[3.61.4]\n--------\nfix: improved admin screen for system wide enterprise role assignments\n\n[3.61.3]\n--------\nchore: cleanup squashed migration files\n\n[3.61.2]\n--------\nfix: migrating uuid and updating column constraints\n\n[3.61.1]\n--------\nfix: allowing for uuid column migration to be non-unique\n\n[3.61.0]\n--------\nfeat: enterprise entitlements and subsidy based fulfillment models hierarchy rework\n\n[3.60.21]\n---------\nfeat: django admin bulk action to clear remote_deleted_at on ContentMetadataItemTransmission records\n\n[3.60.20]\n---------\nfix: changing api client to parse grades api response body\n\n[3.60.19]\n---------\nfix: applied validations on report delivery_method\n\n[3.60.18]\n---------\nfix: checking for response attr in http exception handling\n\n[3.60.17]\n---------\nfix: making backend generated fields read only on django admin\n\n[3.60.16]\n---------\nfix: adding backoff and retry logic to the grades api client\n\n[3.60.15]\n---------\nfeat: allowing manage learners form enroll learners using exec ed modes\n\n[3.60.14]\n---------\nfeat: adding exec ed course mode to enterprise\n\n[3.60.13]\n---------\nfix: handle file compression check and test\n\n[3.60.12]\n---------\nfeat: adding last modified timestamp to single LMS config endpoints\n\n[3.60.11]\n---------\nfix: integrations log TypeErrors\n\n[3.60.10]\n---------\nfix: making moodle client return value match other channels\n\n[3.60.9]\n--------\nfix: memoize synced_at datetimes on config record\n\n[3.60.8]\n--------\nfix: failed content deletes and creates are never retried\n\n[3.60.7]\n--------\nfix: cleaning up serializer field inheritance\n\n[3.60.6]\n--------\nfix: password is required when pgp key is provided\n\n[3.60.5]\n--------\nfix: adding an index for performance, non-blocking syntax\n\n[3.60.4]\n--------\nfix: add back squashed migrations (fixes devstack provisioning)\n\n[3.60.3]\n--------\nfeat: exec ed content is tagged and distinguishable from edx content\n\n[3.60.2]\n--------\nfix: sorting error reporting audits by all datetimes at once instead of three separate order bys\n\n[3.60.1]\n--------\nfix: adding an index for performance, testing syntax for no-lock\n\n[3.60.0]\n--------\nbuild: write an updated pylintrc and quiet a noisy logging statement\n\n[3.59.2]\n--------\nchore: allowing for page size specification in error reporting api\n\n[3.59.1]\n--------\nfix: cleaning up integrated channels inheritance column types\n\n[3.59.0]\n--------\nrefactor: Removed unused code related to tableau.\n\n[3.58.18]\n---------\nfix: internal service error fix for enterprise branding\n\n[3.58.17]\n---------\nfix: fixed a bug that didn't allow admins to create an account or update password\n\n[3.58.16]\n---------\nfix: fix bug that didn't allow admins to customize branding\n\n[3.58.15]\n---------\nfix: catch update transmissions that failed and need to be resent\n\n[3.58.14]\n---------\nfeat: Add health check for canvas integrated channels\n\n[3.58.13]\n---------\nfeat: Add in learner and content sync time records to integrated channel configs\n\n[3.58.12]\n---------\nfix: make integrated channels api response record field readonly in admin view\n\n[3.58.11]\n---------\nfix: Added model field validation for pgp_encryption_key\n\n[3.58.10]\n---------\nrefactor: update enterprise manual reporting to make it generic\n\n[3.58.9]\n--------\nfix: Added validation for PGP encryption key entered by the user.\n\n[3.58.8]\n--------\nfeat: integration sync reporting viewset improvements\n\n[3.58.7]\n--------\nfeat: populate friendly_status_message in content and learner metadata api\n\n[3.58.6]\n--------\nchore: smarter canvas client update course behavior (course deleted)\n\n[3.58.5]\n--------\nfeat: integrated channels customer configs soft delete support\n\n[3.58.4]\n--------\nchore: fixing api view that included unneeded values\n\n[3.58.3]\n--------\nfeat: transmission audit admin view and api improvements\n\n[3.58.2]\n--------\nfix: integrated channels not picking up courses to update\n\n[3.58.1]\n--------\nfeat: adding new variables to the learner transmission audit model\n\n[3.58.0]\n--------\nfeat: Add a new endpoint to generate a signed token for plotly analytics.\n\n[3.57.3]\n--------\nfeat: remove debug logging used to investigate missing CSOD deletes\n\n[3.57.2]\n--------\nfeat: Added POST support for catalog query preview\n\n[3.57.1]\n--------\nfix: improving transmission records by moving response body to new table\n\n[3.57.0]\n---------\n* feat: adds an EnterpriseCatalogQuery.include_exec_ed_2u_courses field.\n When True for an EnterpriseCatalogQuery record, this field indicates that\n course content with type ``executive-education-2u`` should not be excluded from being associated with that record.\n See related enterprise-catalog PR, which includes an ADR: https://github.com/openedx/enterprise-catalog/pull/507\n\n[3.56.16]\n---------\nfeat: integration sync status self service endpoints\n\n[3.56.15]\n---------\nfeat: tagging exported content records for transmission\n\n[3.56.14]\n---------\nchore: add plugin_configuration_id to standard integration logging\n\n[3.56.13]\n---------\nchore: smarter canvas client update course behavior\n\n[3.56.12]\n---------\nchore: adding http status response code to content record django admin table\n\n[3.56.11]\n---------\nchore: cleaning up Canvas client url construction\n\n[3.56.10]\n---------\nfix: adhering to urljoin patterns in integrated channels API views\n\n[3.56.9]\n--------\nfix: properly truncate payload to resolve missing CSOD deletes\n\n[3.56.8]\n--------\nfeat: add debug logging to investigate missing CSOD deletes\n\n[3.56.7]\n--------\nfeat: add debug logging to investigate missing CSOD deletes\n\n[3.56.6]\n--------\nfeat: expand utility of CSOD deleted_at reset job\n\n[3.56.5]\n--------\nfix: properly pass SAP client status back to content transmission records\n\n[3.56.4]\n--------\nfix: open redirect url whitelisting for data sharing consent and change enterprise page\n\n[3.56.3]\n--------\nfix: replace id with uuid in branding logo file path\n\n[3.56.2]\n--------\nfix: refactor the way we send cornerstone content metadata deletes\n\n[3.56.1]\n--------\nfix: accounting for integrated Canvas instances that have no root account Ids.\n\n[3.56.0]\n--------\nfeat: refactor content metadata jobs to save api call status\n\n[3.55.3]\n--------\nfix: accurately selecting content key values when filtering for existing content metadata transmission audits.\n\n[3.55.2]\n--------\nfix: integrated channels properly handling customers with multiple catalogs that have overlapping content.\n\n[3.55.1]\n--------\nfix: properly removing update transmission payloads from SAP transmissions before saving completed records.\n\n[3.55.0]\n--------\nfeat: add `enable_executive_education_2U_fulfillment` to `EnterpriseCustomer`\n\n[3.54.2]\n--------\nfix: follow-on to cornerstone learner records foreign keys job\n\n[3.54.1]\n--------\nfix: create cornerstone learner audit records with new foreign keys\n\n[3.54.0]\n--------\nfeat: Remove progress, progress_v2 option from reporting configs and move all v1, v2 to v3.\n\n[3.53.4]\n--------\nfix: update course run selection logic for SAP content exporter\n\n[3.53.3]\n--------\nfeat: mark Cornerstone session token fields read-only in admin\n\n[3.53.2]\n--------\nfeat: update data sharing consent request language\n\n[3.53.1]\n--------\nfeat: Django Admin tweaks for integrations\n\n[3.53.0]\n--------\nfeat: Added management command for weekly nudge to dormant enterprise learners\n\n[3.52.0]\n--------\nfeat: add `enable_portal_learner_credit_management_screen` to `EnterpriseCustomer`\n\n[3.51.1]\n--------\nfeat: basic integrated channels task concurrency control\n\n[3.51.0]\n--------\nfeat: Added command for monthly impact report for enterprise administrators\n\n[3.50.0]\n--------\nfeat: add `enable_learner_portal_offers` to `EnterpriseCustomer`\n\n[3.49.10]\n---------\nfix: append backslash to ecommerce url and change `get` to `get_or_create` in `fulfill_pending_course_enrollments`\n\n[3.49.9]\n--------\nfeat: add source query param in data sharing consent url\n\n[3.49.8]\n--------\nchore: add logs for dsc\n\n[3.49.7]\n--------\nfix: parsing improvements to incorrect learner completion completed-at dates\n\n[3.49.6]\n--------\nfix: incorrect learner completion completed-at dates\n\n[3.49.5]\n--------\nfeat: add lms_user_id to serialized admin users\n\n[3.49.4]\n--------\nfeat: add dry-run mode to integrated channels\n\n[3.49.3]\n--------\nfix: don't transmit schedule data to SAP if start or end date is empty\n\n[3.49.2]\n--------\nfeat: improved channel logging\n\n[3.49.1]\n--------\nfix: add stricter validation on system wide role assignments\n\n[3.49.0]\n--------\nfix: Return None for context if a ``SystemWideEnterpriseUserRoleAssignment`` has no enterprise_customer and does not apply to all contexts.\n We'll no longer fall back on granting context based on enterprise membership when there is no explicit context.\n\n[3.48.0]\n--------\nchore: add migration to remove is_active from role assignment model schema\n\n[3.47.2]\n--------\nchore: remove is_active field from role assignment model\n\n[3.47.1]\n--------\nchore: remove data-cleaning management commands. prepare for column-removal migration\n\n[3.47.0]\n--------\ntemp: adding system wide role assignment field and management commands to clean data\n\n[3.46.6]\n--------\nfix: correctly handle multiple canvas and blackboard oauth configs\n\n[3.46.5]\n--------\nfix: degreed2 improperly tracking completion status\n\n[3.46.4]\n--------\nfix: Degreed2 estimated time to complete in hours\n\n[3.46.3]\n--------\nfix: update logic for parsing course price for SAP\n\n[3.46.2]\n--------\nfix: Degreed2 estimated time to complete in days\n\n[3.46.1]\n--------\nfeat: admin view improvements\n\n[3.46.0]\n--------\nfix: modify signature of EmbargoApiClient.redirect_if_blocked\nMake this signature match and use the same signature that\n``openedx.core.djangoapps.embargo.api.redirect_if_blocked()`` now uses.\n\n[3.44.4]\n--------\nfix: implement back-off and retry for degreed2\nfix: drop tpa_hint param in redirects when no SSO\n\n[3.44.3]\n--------\nfix: Undoes revert of 3.44.0, while also ensuring that\n``SystemWideEnterpriseUserRoleAssignment.get_assignments()`` can handle and respect any null values returned\nfrom ``get_context()``.\n\n[3.44.2]\n--------\n- feat: configure django admin for degreed2 audit records\n- fix: Moodle client should accept treat duplicate course id on create as a success\n\n[3.44.1]\n--------\nfix: no-op version bump (skipping 3.44.0) to account for a revert:\nhttps://github.com/openedx/edx-enterprise/pull/1534\n\n[3.44.0]\n--------\nfix: [REVERTED] override get_assignments() so that active enterprise uuids come first.\n\nOverrides the SystemWideEnterpriseUserRoleAssignment.get_assignments() method to return\na list of (role, context) assignments, where the first item in the list corresponds\nto the currently active enterprise for the user.\n\n[3.43.1]\n---------\nchore: replace enterprise customer drop-downs in django admin\n\n[3.43.0]\n---------\nfeat: allow admins to remove learners from org\n\n[3.42.5]\n---------\nfix: improve guards on fk data backfill job\n\n[3.42.4]\n---------\nfeat: updated logic for completions in integrated channels\n\n[3.42.3]\n---------\nfeat: additional fk data backfill performance improvements\n\n[3.42.2]\n---------\nfeat: speed up fk data backfill\n\n[3.42.1]\n---------\nfeat: use new foreign keys on integrated channels audit models\n\n[3.42.0]\n---------\nfeat: add admin_users to ``EnterpriseCustomerSerializer``\n\n[3.41.13]\n---------\nfix: remove backfill management command arguments\n\n[3.41.12]\n---------\nfix: Use enterprise customer uuid coming in request data\n\n[3.41.11]\n---------\nfix: Add unique_together constraint in SystemWideEnterpriseUserRoleAssignment\n\n[3.41.10]\n---------\nfix: Add management command to backfill missing audit record foreign keys.\n\n[3.41.9]\n---------\nfix: Squash SAP Success Factors migrations to remove reference to ``PositiveIntegerField``.\n\n[3.41.8]\n---------\nfix: Alter `enterprise_course_enrollment_id` field from `PositiveIntegerField` to `IntegerField` in `BlackboardLearnerAssessmentDataTransmissionAudit` and `SapSuccessFactorsLearnerDataTransmissionAudit`. This change\nrequire to run migrations on mysql8.\n\n[3.41.7]\n---------\nfix: add foreign keys to integrated channels audit models\n\n[3.41.6]\n---------\nfix: making making degreed token base url optional\n\n[3.41.5]\n---------\nfeat: add missing logging for grades api results in integrated channels exporter\n\n[3.41.4]\n---------\nfeat: added html pages for oauth authorization success/failure\n\n[3.41.3]\n---------\nfix: allow null completed_timestamp field for integrated channels learner audit models\n\n[3.41.2]\n---------\nfeat: setting customer identity provider config is_valid on first SSO login\n\n[3.41.0]\n---------\nfeat: Allow partial_update on `EnterpriseCustomerViewSet`\n\n[3.40.16]\n---------\nfix: CSOD Learner Audit Django Admin Timeouts\n\n[3.40.15]\n---------\nfix: Use correct completions URL for Degreed2\n\n[3.40.14]\n---------\nfix: CornerstoneLearnerDataTransmissionAudit admin view timeout\n\n[3.40.13]\n---------\nfix: Degreed2 Missing Learner Data Audit Records\n\n[3.40.12]\n---------\nfix: Degreed2 Missing Learner Data Audit Records\n\n[3.40.11]\n---------\nfeat: New integrated channels Blackboard api endpoint to fetch global config creds\n\n[3.40.10]\n---------\nfeat: Add drafting functionality to save incorrect fields\n\n\n[3.40.9]\n---------\nfeat: new integrated channels customer configs list view, new integrated channels config serializer `is_valid` field\n\n[3.40.8]\n---------\nfeat: add enable_browse_and_request field to `EnterpriseCustomer`\n\n[3.40.7]\n---------\nfix: Broken Canvas oauth authorization url\n\n[3.40.6]\n---------\nfeat: SAPSF content metadata transmission now also sends course schedule\n\n[3.40.5]\n---------\nfeat: adding CornerstoneLearnerDataTransmissionAudit admin view\nfeat: log if-modified-since + content metadata for CSOD\n\n[3.40.4]\n---------\nfeat: support filtering by a list of user ids for `EnterpriseCustomerUserViewSet`\n\n[3.40.3]\n---------\nfeat: show field show_course_price in SAPSF Django admin form\n\n[3.40.2]\n---------\nfeat: override chunk size default to match channel capability\n\n[3.40.1]\n---------\nchore: squash migrations for blackboard and sap_success_factor apps.\n\n[3.40.0]\n---------\nfix: Alter `enterprise_course_enrollment_id` field from `PositiveIntegerField` to `IntegerField` in `BlackboardLearnerAssessmentDataTransmissionAudit` and `SapSuccessFactorsLearnerDataTransmissionAudit`. This change\nrequire to run migrations on mysql8.\n\n[3.39.1]\n---------\nfix: switching blackboard integrated channels from client based auth credentials to global creds\n\n[3.39.0]\n---------\nfix: ensure `active` field on EnterpriseCustomerUser objects are set to `False` appropriately\nfeat: add management command to clean up `active` fields on EnterpriseCustomerUser objects\n\n[3.38.7]\n---------\nfeat: customer configs draft saving that makes all variables optional\nfeat: feat: Add field for Display name for LMS configs\n\n[3.39.0]\nchore: dropped Django22, 30 and 31 support\n\n[3.38.6]\n---------\nfeat: add created to enterprise course enrollment serializer fields\n\n[3.38.5]\n---------\nfix: update link_learners action to respond with error when payload is empty.\n\n[3.38.4]\n---------\nfix: bugfix for Cornerstone missing completion records\n\n[3.38.3]\n---------\nfix: more logging to debug missing completion records\n\n[3.38.2]\n---------\nfix: Django Admin bugfix\n\n[3.38.1]\n---------\nfeat: New crud viewset for IC degreed2 configurations\n\n[3.38.0]\n---------\nfeat: Adds toggle_universal_link endpoint\n\n[3.37.0]\n---------\nfeat: Dependency upgrades\n\n[3.36.13]\n---------\nfix: check if instance is an iterable rather than a list in ``EnterpriseCustomerUserReadOnlySerializer``\n\n[3.36.12]\n---------\nfeat: add enterprise role assignments to ``EnterpriseCustomerUserReadOnlySerializer``\n\n[3.36.11]\n---------\nfix: Integrated channels Degreed2 exporter now handles invalid start/end date in content metadata item\n\n[3.36.10]\n---------\nfix: add `basic_list` action to ``EnterpriseCustomerInviteKeyViewSet`` to return unpaginated set of invite keys.\n\n[3.36.9]\n--------\nfeat: new oauth state for multi-lms-configuration\n\n[3.36.8]\n--------\nfeat: allow more than 1 lms configuration per lms-kind\n\n[3.36.7]\n--------\nfeat: update `enterprise_customer_invite_key` filter and serializer\n\n[3.36.6]\n--------\nfeat: Show OAuth Auth link for Blackboard Admin\n\n[3.36.5]\n--------\nfix: add support for an ``enterprise_customer_invite_key`` UUID query parameter to be passed and handled by the ``EnterpriseProxyLoginView``\n\n[3.36.4]\n--------\nfeat: OAuth Auth link for Blackboard Admin\n\n[3.36.3]\n--------\nfeat: Integrated channels, grade send logic only logs instead of raising when enterprise_customer_user record is inactive\n\n[3.36.2]\n--------\nfeat: add is_active on enterprise customer invite key\n\n[3.36.1]\n--------\nfeat: improved integrated channel log consistency\n\n[3.36.0]\n--------\nfeat: added view to link learners from a enterprise customer key\n\n[3.35.3]\n--------\nfix: require expiry date on ``EnterpriseCustomerInviteKey`` model\n\n[3.35.2]\n--------\nfeat: reformat integrated channels logging to be more splunk friendly\n\n[3.35.1]\n--------\ndocs: Updating help_text for universal_link field on EnterpriseCustomer model\n\n[3.35.0]\n--------\nfeat: Adding universal_link field to EnterpriseCustomer model\n\n[3.34.2]\n--------\nfeat: add try catch block to skip unfound courses\n\n[3.34.1]\n--------\nfeat: add enterprise customer invite key model and viewset\n\n[3.34.0]\n--------\nfeat: New management command to revert enrollment data\n\n[3.33.12]\n---------\nfeat: SAPSF integrated no longer considers grade change as a reason to retransmit completions.\n\n[3.33.11]\n---------\nfeat: New management command to backfill end dates on Canvas\n\n[3.33.10]\n---------\nfix: incorrectly skipping completion transmissions\n\n[3.33.9]\n---------\nfeat: allow filtering enterprise learners by enterprise uuid and enterprise role\n\n[3.33.8]\n---------\nfix: Moodle duplicate content metadata records detected\n\n[3.33.7]\n---------\nfix: allow for records to be saved for integrated channels' content across catalogs\n\n[3.33.6]\n---------\nfix: CSOD API session tokens bugfix\n\n[3.33.5]\n---------\nfix: CSOD API session tokens are now saved to the customer's configuration instead of individual transmission audits\n\n[3.33.4]\n---------\nfeat: integrated channels only requests content metadata for courses that need updating\n\n[3.33.3]\n---------\nfeat: Change Bulk Enrollment Assignment Logic for Pending learners\n\n[3.33.2]\n---------\nfix: no longer notify learners of already existing enrollments\n\n[3.33.1]\n---------\nfix: Rename model field from key to client_id: Degreed2\n\n[3.33.0]\n---------\nfeat: New Integrated channel Degreed v2.\n\n[3.32.0]\n---------\nfeat: Added management command to fix DSC records having spaces instead of +.\n\n[3.31.1]\n---------\nfix: pip-tools upgrade\n\n[3.31.0]\n---------\nfeat: new integrated channels content metadata transmitter flow\n\n[3.30.14]\n---------\nfix: blackboard logging function was not returning desired string\n\n[3.30.13]\n---------\nfix: properly weight blackboard grades\n\n[3.30.12]\n---------\n* chore: update course enrollments through lms\n\n[3.30.11]\n---------\n* docs: added adr for zero state browsing with universal link\n\n[3.30.10]\n---------\n* fix: refactor moodle _post to use body params\n\n[3.30.9]\n---------\n* chore: Don't expire courses that have been modified after given date\n\n[3.30.8]\n---------\n* feat: Added a boolean in EnterpriseCustomer to specify whether labor market data should be available in learner portal\n\n[3.30.7]\n---------\n* update admin banner notification text field with following changes\n* increase max_length from 255 to 512\n* update help text\n* use textarea widget in django admin\n\n[3.30.6]\n--------\n* maint: Integrated channels detection system of catalog changes needed is now disabled via override.\n\n[3.30.5]\n--------\n* fix: Integrated channels data transforming generates json serializable fields.\n\n[3.30.4]\n--------\n* fix: Blackboard integrated channel now correctly synchronizes the one-and-only valid refresh_token\n\n[3.30.3]\n--------\n* fix: content_filter in django admin was broken after the jsonfield upgrade, so this contains fix for that\n\n[3.30.2]\n--------\n* fix: switch is_revoked to True on LicensedEnterpriseCourseEnrollment after license expiration\n\n[3.30.1]\n--------\n* Allowing management commands to optionally run on inactive Integrated Channel configurations\n\n[3.30.0]\n---------\n* Switched back to ``jsonfield`` from ``jsonfield2``\n\n[3.29.0]\n---------\n* Added api for fetching field choices from EnterpriseCustomerReportingConfiguration\n\n[3.28.24]\n---------\n* Integrated channels Canvas: now fills in Start/end dates in description, and uses Course participation type\n\n[3.28.23]\n---------\n* Fix cornerstone character limit bug with dict database table\n\n[3.28.22]\n---------\n* fix: Adding error handling for role assignment backfill management command\n\n[3.28.21]\n---------\n* bug: The exporter now properly handles instances when enterprise customer catalogs do no need updates.\n\n[3.28.20]\n---------\n* feat: Added enterprise_learner role assignment backfill management command\n\n[3.28.19]\n---------\n* fix: additional Moodle field changes\n\n[3.28.18]\n---------\n* Added customer config based learner data transmission feature flag\n\n[3.28.17]\n---------\n* Improve error logging in the Moodle integration\n\n[3.28.16]\n---------\n* Fix import error used by bulk enrollment in utils\n\n[3.28.15]\n---------\n* integrated channels: single learner assessment exporter logging is not helpful right now so improve it.\n\n[3.28.14]\n---------\n* logging improvement when calling integrated channels extract_integration_id\n\n[3.28.13]\n---------\n* fixes the way moodle queries for courses ENT-4806\n\n[3.28.12]\n---------\n* Integrated channels automatically fill in current date for audit completions if date not available.\n\n[3.28.11]\n---------\n* Create \"enterprise_learner\" role when ``EnterpriseCustomerUser`` records are re-linked.\n* When ``EnterpriseCustomerUser`` records get deleted, also delete the \"enterprise_admin\" role specific to the relevant enterprise customer.\n\n[3.28.10]\n---------\n* Integrated channel transmitter completions routine now logs as error, any status codes greater than or equal to 400\n\n[3.28.9]\n---------\n* Include a ``failure_reason=dsc_denied`` to the DSC failure url when learner denies the DSC terms.\n\n[3.28.8]\n---------\n* SAP integrated channel django form gets missing idp id field\n\n[3.28.7]\n---------\n* Degreed integrated channel now uses idp_id explicitly when calling get_remote_id()\n\n[3.28.6]\n---------\n* SAP integrated channel now uses idp_id explicitly when calling get_remote_id()\n\n[3.28.5]\n---------\n* Fixed datetime issue in email_drip_for_missing_dsc_records.\n\n[3.28.4]\n---------\n* Integrated channels: audit track completion status now based on incomplete non-gated content\n\n[3.28.3]\n---------\n* Integrated channels: log response code and message if SAP post fails\n\n[3.28.2]\n---------\n* Add `progress_v3` report type for enterprise reporting.\n\n[3.28.1]\n---------\n* Inject a failure reason into the ``failure_url`` query params when a verified course mode\n is not available for DSC-based enrollments.\n\n[3.28.0]\n---------\n* Added support for Django 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2\n\n[3.27.27]\n---------\n* Adds enterprise catalog query title as an optional attribute to create/update post requests on the catalog service.\n\n[3.27.26]\n---------\n* Refactor data-sharing consent GET and POST handlers to not have too many statements,\n because readability matters.\n\n[3.27.25]\n---------\n* Blackboard Integrated channel oauth2 refresh token handling fixes.\n\n[3.27.24]\n---------\n* Adding a new EnterpriseEnrollmentSource to be used for bulk enrollment.\n\n[3.27.23]\n---------\n* Add logging of user id for troubleshooting in a couple of locations.\n* Clean up pylint suppressions and rules using latest rules set by edx-lint.\n\n[3.27.22]\n---------\n* Prevent failures on integrated channels delete requests when courses are not found.\n\n[3.27.21]\n---------\n* Encode invalid course keys for CSOD customers\n\n[3.27.20]\n---------\n* Handle content_last_modified not provided by enterprise catalog\n\n[3.27.19]\n---------\n* Localize timezones on catalog modified min (not found) values\n\n[3.27.18]\n---------\n* Integrated channels util functions needed to base64 urlsafe encode/decode course keys for use with some LMS systems like Cornerstone.\n\n[3.27.17]\n---------\n* Integrated channels now checks and uses catalog modified times to determine if an update is needed before retrieving content metadata.\n\n[3.27.16]\n---------\n* Making bulk catalog query ID update params optional\n\n[3.27.15]\n---------\n* Added title field in ``AdminNotification`` table.\n\n[3.27.14]\n---------\n* Adding the ability to specify parameters in the bulk catalog query ID updated management command.\n\n[3.27.13]\n---------\n* Revert 'Start my course' links in bulk enrollment emails to courseware based links instead of learner portal.\n\n[3.27.12]\n---------\n* Prevent django admin deletions of catalog queries. Added management command to bulk update catalogs of their query IDs\n\n[3.27.11]\n---------\n* Avoid failure when an email send in the learners loop fails, for notify_enrolled_learners\n\n[3.27.10]\n---------\n* Use celery tasks for emails sent using EnterpriseCustomer's notify_enrolled_learners method\n\n[3.27.9]\n--------\n* Fix SAP Course Completion payload format again.\n\n[3.27.8]\n--------\n* Fix SAP Course Completion payload format.\n\n[3.27.7]\n--------\n* Replace EnrollmentApiClient calls from Bulk enrollment with a newly minted python api call (non-REST) from edx-platform\n\n[3.27.6]\n--------\n* Filter available IDPs for Enterprise Customers by new boolean flag on ProviderConfig model.\n\n[3.27.5]\n--------\n* Removing CSOD Integrated Channel from the list of supported channels for the content metadata transmission task.\n\n[3.27.4]\n--------\n* Add pagination handling to integrated channels Blackboard client\n\n[3.27.3]\n--------\n* Adds flag to SAP Success Factors customer configuration to switch SAP endpoints for learner completion calls.\n\n[3.27.2]\n--------\n* Ensure deletion and unlinking of a ``EnterpriseCustomerUser`` record only deletes the ``enterprise_learner`` system-wide role for that\n particular ``EnterpriseCustomerUser``, as opposed to all ``enterprise_learner`` roles associated with the user.\n\n[3.27.1]\n--------\n* Updates bulk enrollment email template.\n\n[3.27.0]\n--------\n* Added enterprise uuid support in course enrollment. ERTE-5\n\n[3.26.23]\n---------\n* Fix the way that ``page_size`` is passed as a param to the ``get_content_metadata`` endpoint.\n Add a unit test for the ``EnterpriseCatalogApiClient.get_content_metadata()`` method, which\n was previously untested.\n\n[3.26.22]\n---------\n* Set the EnterpriseCatalogApiClient get_content_metadata request page_size parameter to 50; the enterprise-catalog\n service has a default page_size of 10. This change means that we'll make a smaller overall number of SELECTs\n against the enterprise-catalog database.\n\n[3.26.21]\n---------\n* Adds error handling and logging to the assignment deduplication management command.\n\n[3.26.20]\n---------\n* Updates requirements and style changes to match the latest Pylint.\n\n[3.26.19]\n---------\n* Updates to integrated channels catalogs to transmit help text.\n\n[3.26.18]\n---------\n* Overriding default chunk size for SAP and Canvas integrations.\n\n[3.26.17]\n---------\n* Adds Segment tracking for bulk enrollment method.\n\n[3.26.16]\n---------\n* Added history tables for EnterpriseCustomerUser and SystemWideEnterpriseUserRoleAssignment.\n\n[3.26.15]\n---------\n* Added management command to clean up duplicate transmitted assignments for the integrated channels.\n\n[3.26.14]\n---------\n* Fixed issue with API version in Tableau client.\n\n[3.26.13]\n---------\n* Fixed issue with CourseEnrollment receiver when learner has multiple enterprises.\n\n[3.26.12]\n---------\n* Canvas integrated channel now supports create_or_update pattern for courses. Detects/logs deleted courses.\n\n[3.26.11]\n---------\n* Removed ``ENABLE_MULTIPLE_USER_ENTERPRISES_FEATURE`` waffle switch\n\n[3.26.10]\n---------\n* Fix forward for parameter rename changing the signals API in 3.26.7\n\n[3.26.9]\n--------\n* Added support to use default idp in Enterprise slug login if there are multiple.\n\n[3.26.8]\n--------\n* added support for redirecting user to default IDP, in case multiple IDPs's attached\n\n[3.26.7]\n--------\n* developer-only facing updates to standardize LMS Integrated Channels logging.\n\n[3.26.6]\n--------\n* added an update api call to assign tableau user roles\n\n[3.26.5]\n--------\n* fix: Bypass slumber's getattr definition when requesting enrollments for usernames starting with '_'\n (because slumber will raise an AttributeError from getattr when requesting a resource that starts with '_').\n\n[3.26.4]\n--------\n* removed unnecessary call to ecom in bulk enrollment (process of assigning a license already accounts for this)\n\n[3.26.3]\n--------\n* added --skip-unlink param in unlink_enterprise_customer_learners command to just remove DSC records.\n\n[3.26.2]\n---------\n* Added logs for enterprise users created in tableau.\n\n[3.26.1]\n--------\n* Added check to configure reports only for Catalog over SFTP.\n\n[3.26.0]\n---------\n* Added support for admin scheduled banners that run from date x to date y.\n\n[3.25.2]\n--------\n* Log exception stack trace during DSC licensed-enrollment flow, so that\n we can look at log messages and understand what exactly is failing.\n\n[3.25.1]\n--------\n* bug fix, properly handle API response pagination from Canvas.\n\n[3.25.0]\n--------\n* added management command to unlink learners from their enterprise and\n deleting DSC and EnterpriseCourseEnrolment records.\n\n[3.24.0]\n--------\n* added ``enable_compression`` flag in EnterpriseCustomerReportConfiguration table.\n\n[3.23.12]\n---------\n* Database based template system for enrollment emails, including support for Admin and Self enroll modes.\n Admin mode for Bulk enrollment, existing enrollment emails still use the current template.\n\n[3.23.11]\n---------\n* Log more specific information about HTTP client errors that are caught when using the LMS\n enrollment API. Also send an exception event to the monitoring service when this happens, even\n though we handle the exception \"gracefully\".\n\n[3.23.10]\n---------\n* Send long dsc url in missing DSC email as individual params.\n\n[3.23.9]\n---------\n* Reduced the DSC url size to account for character limit in Segment event properties.\n\n[3.23.8]\n---------\n* Remove hardcoded admin permission constraints for ContentMetadataItemTransmission integrated channel model.\n\n[3.23.7]\n---------\n* Canvas integrated channel now 'concludes' course when sending deletion event, instead of 'delete'.\n\n[3.23.6]\n---------\n* Optimized handling of conditions defining the absence of a DSC.\n\n[3.23.5]\n---------\n* Added exception handling in consent missing email.\n\n[3.23.4]\n---------\n* Added a check for enterprise DSC configuration in missing DSC drip.\n\n[3.23.3]\n---------\n* Added a check for course access before sending Segment event for missing DSC.\n\n[3.23.2]\n---------\n* Added new field reply_to in enterprise customer where learner's reply to enterprise emails will be delivered.\n\n* Removed migrations that have been merged into squashed migrations.\n\n[3.23.1]\n---------\n* Fix: filter out EnterpriseCourseEnrollments without corresponding CourseEnrollment records in learner portal view.\n\n[3.23.0]\n---------\n* Added support for ``--enrollment-before`` and ``--no-commit`` params in ``email_drip_for_missing_dsc_records`` command.\n\n[3.22.16]\n---------\n* Fixed Segment json string issue for DSC email drip\n\n[3.22.15]\n---------\n* Added additional Segment event properties for missing DSC drip email\n\n[3.22.14]\n---------\n* Fixed timezone issue in comparison of course start datetime\n\n[3.22.13]\n---------\n* Make enterprise customer uuid mandatory for `TableauAuthView`\n\n[3.22.12]\n---------\n* Change the verbose name and help text for the ``enable_integrated_customer_learner_portal_search`` field on the ``EnterpriseCustomer`` model.\n\n[3.22.11]\n---------\n* No longer call into the removed email_marketing platform djangoapp\n\n[3.22.10]\n---------\n* Use Braze for sending data sharing consent drop emails, add the DSC link inside the drip email.\n\n[3.22.9]\n--------\n* Expose enterprise catalog uuids associated with an Enterprise Customer in the ``enterprise-customer`` API endpoint.\n\n[3.22.8]\n--------\n* Add dashboard admin rbac role permission on tableau auth view so that only\n enterprise dashboard admins can access this view.\n* Add support to generate tableau auth token based on incoming enterprise customer's uuid\n\n[3.22.7]\n--------\n* chore: upgrade edx-enterprise requirements\n\n[3.22.6]\n--------\n* Improves performance of enterprise role assignment admin page\n* Deletes custom get_search_results() method, since ``enterprise_customer__name`` is now a viable search field\n* Improves pagination by asking for an estimated row count from Mysql ``INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES``\n* Turns 1 + N query into 1 query via proper use of ``list_select_related``\n\n[3.22.5]\n--------\n* Fix: no longer stringifying `None` values passed to enterprise catalog creations calls\n\n[3.22.4]\n--------\n* Fix: learner_data exporter bug fix and refactor for cleaner enrollment filtering\n\n[3.22.3]\n--------\n* Feature: including EnterpriseCatalogQuery UUID field in request payload to enterprise-catalog on EnterpriseCatalog updates\n\n[3.22.2]\n--------\n* Feature: new UUID field on EnterpriseCatalogQuery model (and update to all existing query objects)\n\n[3.22.1]\n--------\n* Refactor: integrated channels learner exporter replace course api client\n\n[3.22.0]\n--------\n* Added a management command to send emails to learners with missing DSC\n\n[3.21.4]\n--------\n* allow searching of enterprise customer records with hyphenated uuid\n* add typeahead search dropdown to improve enterprise customer search on\n enterprise reporting configuration\n\n[3.21.3]\n--------\n* When a learner is linked from manage learners page, in-activate learner's other enterprises\n\n[3.21.2]\n--------\n* Added support of multiple identity_providers in enterprise.models.get_remote_id.\n\n[3.21.1]\n--------\n* Added multiple identity_providers in EnterpriseCustomerApi\n\n[3.21.0]\n--------\n* Added the ability to link/unlink enterprise customer catalogs with enterprise reporting configuration via its API endpoint.\n\n[3.20.5]\n--------\n* Integrated channels learner_data module refactored to avoid making some LMS REST API calls\n\n[3.20.4]\n--------\n* Refactored code in `proxied_get()` to clean up duplicate logic.\n\n[3.20.3]\n--------\n\n* Removing unused and out of date endpoints for Bulk Enrollment\n\n[3.20.2]\n--------\n* Allow licensed audit enrollment to have a path to upgrade into verified\n\n[3.20.1]\n--------\n* update edx-rbac to 1.4.2, plus a bunch of other version bumps.\n\n[3.20.0]\n--------\n* feat: add support for enterprise admins to create pending enterprise users\n\n[3.19.0]\n--------\n* feat: add support for creating multiple pending enterprise users\n\n[3.18.7]\n--------\n\n* Refactored bulk enrollment serializer and bug fixes to the bulk enrollment endpoint.\n\n[3.18.6]\n--------\n\n* fix: The update_role_assignments_with_customers command no longer updates records. It only creates\n new records, which helps de-risk the operation.\n\n[3.18.5]\n--------\n* fix: do not include unpublished courses when enrollment link resolves course_runs\n\n[3.18.4]\n--------\n\n* fix: The update_role_assignments_with_customers command no longer deletes open assignments. Allowing it to do so\n left us prone to error when an explicit enterprise_customer_uuid arg is provided. We should modify this command\n in the future to perform deletions of open assignments as its only action, and it should only be invoked this way\n after we have verified that all backfilled enterprise_customer fields on the assignments have been set correctly.\n\n[3.18.3]\n--------\n\n* Adds the catalog admin role to ``roles_api.roles_by_name()``.\n\n[3.18.2]\n--------\n\n* Removes course mode as a required parameter to the bulk subscription enrollment endpoint.\n\n[3.18.1]\n--------\n\n* Adds bulk enterprise learner in bulk courses enrollment endpoint with pending user support.\n\n[3.18.0]\n--------\n\n* Adds a management command to update all ``SystemWideEnterpriseUserRoleAssignment`` records in a way\n that makes them more explicitly defined.\n\n[3.17.47]\n---------\n\n* Bug fix to remove a deprecated parameter that was causing bulk enrollments to fail.\n\n[3.17.46]\n---------\n\n* Made help text of sender_alias more generic.\n\n[3.17.45]\n---------\n\n* Fix bulk enrollment endpoint to process email_csv and email as well\n\n[3.17.44]\n---------\n\n* Replaced an LMS Enrollment API call with direct call the DB to avoid LMS rate limiting during integrated channels bulk jobs.\n\n[3.17.43]\n---------\n\n* Updated the default IDP priority of enterprises for social auth.\n\n[3.17.42]\n---------\n\n* Change canvas_course_id to BigInteger: Integrated Channels\n\n[3.17.41]\n---------\n\n* Upgrade django-ipware to version 3.0.2\n\n[3.17.40]\n---------\n\n* Read CSV files using `utf-8-sig` encoding to handle Byte Order Mark\n\n[3.17.39]\n---------\n\n* Rename `Owners` field to `Partners` for Cornerstone Integration\n\n[3.17.38]\n\n* Omitting assessment level reporting from integrated Canvas learners final grade to not have redundant reported points\n between final grades and subsection grades.\n\n[3.17.37]\n---------\n\n* Refactor to only create an ``EnterpriseCourseEnrollment`` if we successfully create/update a ``CourseEnrollment`` record\n\n[3.17.36]\n---------\n\n* Properly filtering integrated channels that support assessment level reporting.\n\n[3.17.35]\n---------\n\n* Map \"estimated_hours\" to \"credit_hours\" in addition to \"total_hours\" in SAP.\n\n[3.17.34]\n---------\n\n* Removing temporary logs from integrated channels.\n\n[3.17.33]\n---------\n\n* Enable manually adding learners to multiple enterprises\n\n[3.17.32]\n---------\n\n* Adding the logic to select default provider in case an enterprise has multiple identity providers attached.\n\n[3.17.31]\n---------\n\n* Change moodle course title in exporter, to include edX text.\n\n[3.17.30]\n---------\n\n* Investigatory logging to track down Integrated Channels transmission issues.\n\n[3.17.29]\n---------\n\n* Prevent NoneType string concatenation when handling multiple enterprises logistration without redirects.\n\n[3.17.28]\n---------\n\n* Adds default field in enterprise customer identity provider table to select default IDP if there are more than one\n IDPs attached with enterprise.\n\n[3.17.27]\n---------\n\n* Adding Logging to single learner assessment level reporting task.\n\n[3.17.26]\n---------\n\n* Updating docs to reflect method behaviors.\n\n[3.17.25]\n---------\n\n* Making failed SAP user remote ID retrievals log relevant context data.\n\n[3.17.24]\n---------\n\n* Making sure Canvas Integrated Channel properly url encodes user identifier fields.\n\n[3.17.23]\n---------\n\n* Fixing assessment level reporting audit retrieval.\n\n[3.17.22]\n---------\n\n* Adds content metadata item transmission table to Django Admin.\n\n[3.17.21]\n---------\n\n* Introduce and use a ``roles_api`` module and use the roles API in signal receivers\n that need to create or delete role assignments.\n* For created or updated learner and admin enterprise users, associate their user-role\n with the ``enterprise_customer`` to which that user is linked.\n* Install django-cache-memoize.\n\n[3.17.20]\n---------\n\n* Adds better exception handling to the SAP integrated channels.\n* Adds better logging to the base transmission process in the integrated channels.\n\n[3.17.19]\n---------\n\n* Removes the sync_enterprise_catalog_query boolean field from the EnterpriseCustomerCatalog model.\n* Adds migration to remove the sync_enterprise_catalog_query boolean field.\n\n[3.17.18]\n---------\n\n* Removes all references to the sync_enterprise_catalog_query boolean field from the EnterpriseCustomerCatalog model.\n* Updates all conditional use of the sync_enterprise_catalog_query field to be True.\n* A second PR will follow to remove the model field and perform the db migration (blue/green deployment safe).\n\n[3.17.17]\n---------\n\n* Added a catch all exception block to ensure login flow is not interrupted by analytics user sync.\n\n[3.17.16]\n---------\n\n* Include course mode for the user's ``student.CourseEnrollment`` in the ``EnterpriseCourseEnrollmentSerializer``.\n\n[3.17.15]\n---------\n\n* In ``SystemWideEnterpriseUserRoleAssignment``, Use either ``applies_to_all_contexts`` or ``enterprise_customer``\n if they are True or non-null, respectively, in determining the result of ``get_context()``,\n but continue to return list of all linked enterprise customer UUIDs if not, (which is the current behavior).\n This is a small step on our journey to explicitly defining user-role assignments.\n\n[3.17.14]\n---------\n\n* On the ``SystemWideEnterpriseUserRoleAssignment`` model, adds an ``enterprise_customer`` FK (nullable)\n and an ``applies_to_all`` boolean field (defaults to False) that indicates if the user has wildcard permissions.\n* Updates the admin to show the \"effective\" customer in the detail view, and the explicit value in the list view.\n The effective value is the deprecated way we currently determine role assignment -\n by implicitly assigning the role on every customer to which the user is linked.\n* In the detail view/form, the \"Enterprise customer\" dropdown contains only customers\n to which the user is currently linked.\n\n[3.17.13]\n---------\n\n* added check to make sure enterprise user can only use linked IdP with their enterprise customer.\n\n[3.17.12]\n---------\n\n* Conditionally allows the deletion of individual ``EnterpriseCourseEnrollment`` and related\n ``LicensedEnterpriseCourseEnrollment`` records via the Django Admin site, so that site admins can manually\n delete enterprise enrollments that were created in error.\n This is only allowed if a Django settings feature flag is set to ``True``.\n\n[3.17.11]\n---------\n\n* Apply edx-rbac migration to add ``applies_to_all_contexts`` field to ``SystemWideEnterpriseUserRoleAssignment``.\n* Added endpoints for Cornerstone integrated channel.\n\n[3.17.10]\n---------\n\n* added home page logo for EnterpriseSelectionView and EnterpriseLoginView\n\n[3.17.9]\n--------\n\n* Fix deprecation warning: ``third_party_auth`` should be imported as ``common.djangoapps.third_party_auth``.\n\n[3.17.8]\n--------\n\n* Added new API endpoints for Degreed integrated channel.\n\n[3.17.7]\n--------\n\n* Added new field ``sender_alias`` in enterprise customer which will be used in emails except of default alias.\n\n[3.17.6]\n--------\n\n* Non-effectual code cleanup / refactor to remove some final pieces of duplication (canvas, blackboard).\n\n[3.17.5]\n--------\n\n* Ensure enterprise course enrollments return valid course run statuses such that when a learner earns a passing certificate, the ``enterprise_course_enrollments`` API endpoint deems the course is complete even though the course itself may not have ended yet per the configured dates.\n\n[3.17.4]\n--------\n\n* Add some info to the ``EnterpriseCourseEnrollment`` docstring, add ``is_active`` property to same.\n\n[3.17.3]\n--------\n\n* Fixed unnecessary integrated channel signal transmission on course completion to inactive customers by adding guard condition.\n\n[3.17.2]\n--------\n\n* Stop listening for ``student.CourseEnrollment`` unenrollment signal, as introduced in 3.17.0\n\n[3.17.1]\n--------\n\n* Add management command to process expired subscriptions and field on subscriptions to persist that the subscription expiration has been processed\n\n[3.17.0]\n--------\n\n* Listen for ``student.CourseEnrollment`` unenrollment signal and delete associated\n ``EnterpriseCourseEnrollment`` record if one exists (we will have a historical record of the deletion).\n\n[3.16.11]\n---------\n\n* Retrieve ``EnterpriseCustomerUser`` by both user_id and enterprise_customer to handle users who are pending for more than 1 enterprise.\n\n[3.16.10]\n---------\n\n* Forcing embedded enrollment links within integrated Blackboard courses to open new windows to avoid security alert\n prompt.\n\n[3.16.9]\n--------\n\n* Upgrade celery to 5.0.4\n\n[3.16.8]\n--------\n\n* Added ClientError exception handling for SAPSuccessFactorsAPIClient.\n\n[3.16.7]\n--------\n\n* Modify the learner portal enterprise_course_enrollments endpoint to include an ``is_enrollment_active``\n key that indicates the status of the enterprise enrollment's related ``student.CourseEnrollment`.\n Allow the endpoint to optionally accept an ``?is_active`` query param, so that clients may request\n only active enrollments from it.\n\n[3.16.6]\n--------\n\n* Improved error handling for SAP Success Factors OAuth2 response.\n\n[3.16.5]\n--------\n\n* Refactoring title content metadata in integrated course creation within the Blackboard integrated channel.\n\n[3.16.4]\n--------\n\n* Add SuccessFactors Customer Configuration API endpoint.\n\n[3.16.3]\n--------\n\n* Update unique constraints for pending Enterprise learners/admins to support users who may be pending for more than 1 Enterprise.\n* Fix ``handle_user_post_save`` to account for the potential of being a pending learner/admin for more than 1 Enterprise.\n\n[3.16.2]\n--------\n\n* Refactor ``handle_user_post_save`` to be responsible for linking PendingEnterpriseCustomerUser records and granting admin permissions.\n\n[3.16.1]\n--------\n\n* Adding backend support for admin portal Blackboard configuration.\n\n[3.16.0]\n--------\n\n* Added the ability to enable multiple Identity Providers for a single enterprise customer.\n\n[3.15.0]\n--------\n\n* Converted relation between enterprise customer and identity provider to a one-to-many.\n\n[3.14.1]\n--------\n* Adds new API for Canvas LMS configurations.\n\n[3.14.0]\n--------\n\n* Rebranding update: Change fonts and colors, change mobile layout\n\n[3.13.12]\n---------\n\n* Adding decorators to missed integrated channel tasks.\n\n[3.13.11]\n---------\n\n* Add new API for external LMS configurations.\n\n[3.13.10]\n---------\n\n* Use logo from ``get_platform_logo_url`` in the legacy Django templates\n\n[3.13.9]\n--------\n\n* Adding Blackboard support for assessment level reporting in the integrated channels.\n\n[3.13.8]\n--------\n\n* Bug fix with course key lookup in the Canvas assessment level grade reporting flow.\n\n[3.13.7]\n--------\n\n* Rebranding update: move to more robust ``get_platform_logo_url`` and update default branding colors.\n\n[3.13.6]\n--------\n\n* Add log for enterprise enrollment page.\n\n[3.13.5]\n--------\n\n* Fixed deprecation warnings related with drf methods (detail_route, list_route).\n\n[3.13.4]\n--------\n\n* Empty sequence bugfix in catalog api.\n\n[3.13.3]\n--------\n\n* Course end date bugfix.\n\n[3.13.2]\n--------\n\n* Add course end date to course level metadata.\n\n[3.13.1]\n--------\n\n* Base implementation of assessment level reporting for Integrated Channels.\n\n[3.13.0]\n--------\n\n* Use full paths for edx-platform/common/djangoapps imports, as described in\n `edx-platform ADR #7 <https://github.com/openedx/edx-platform/blob/master/docs/decisions/0007-sys-path-modification-removal.rst>`_.\n\n[3.12.4]\n--------\n\n* Fix silent exception in catalog api call.\n\n[3.12.3]\n--------\n\n* Add code_owner custom attribute for celery tasks.\n\n[3.12.2]\n--------\n\n* Refresh catalog metadata on create and update\n\n[3.12.1]\n--------\n\n* added support for grade, completion and course_structure type reports in enterprise report configurations. Added validation to allow these reports for Pearson enterprises only.\n\n[3.12.0]\n--------\n\n* Support uploading a ``course_id`` column in the \"Manage Learners\" CSV bulk upload to allow manual enrollments in multiple courses at once.\n\n[3.11.1]\n--------\n\n* Fixes the issue where user preference value can not be null.\n\n[3.11.0]\n--------\n\n* Added spanish translations for data sharing consent page.\n\n[3.10.5]\n--------\n\n* Update Moodle integration to single transmission to handle responses properly.\n\n[3.10.4]\n--------\n\n* Remove hyphens from enterprise_customer_uuid for admin user creation and tableau authentication.\n\n[3.10.3]\n--------\n\n* Fix timeout on update.\n\n[3.10.2]\n--------\n\n* Updated the logic to clear enterprise learner language in a way that db lock does not happen.\n\n[3.10.1]\n--------\n\n* change username with enterprise_customer_uuid for tableau trusted authentication and tableau user creation.\n\n[3.10.0]\n--------\n\n* Tests only: upgrade to pytest 6+ and factoryboy 3+ to bring up to date with edx-platform.\n\n[3.9.13]\n--------\n\n* Adding Blackboard customization to integrated channel content metadata creation.\n\n[3.9.12]\n--------\n\n* change username with user_id for tableau trusted authentication and tableau user creation.\n\n[3.9.11]\n--------\n\n* add logs to know if data sharing consent is failing because catalog does not contain the course\n\n[3.9.10]\n--------\n\n* added POST enterprise-customer/<uuid>/enterprise_learner endpoint to mimic Manage Learners admin form functionality\n\n[3.9.9]\n--------\n\n* upgrade version to create new release on pypi.\n\n\n[3.9.8]\n--------\n\n* added error_codes in the logging/error messages for the CourseEnrollmentView for better debugging capability.\n\n[3.9.7]\n--------\n\n* Unset learners language so that default_language from enterprise customer may take effect.\n\n[3.9.6]\n--------\n\n* Fix DSC tests to verify enrolling a learner with a license_uuid\n\n[3.9.5]\n--------\n\n* ENT-2450: Add action to kick off jobs to refresh enterprise catalogs so changes will be immediately visible\n\n[3.9.4]\n--------\n\n* Style/UX changes for Moodle integration.\n\n[3.9.3]\n--------\n\n* Adding integrated course customization for Blackboard courses.\n\n[3.9.2]\n--------\n\n* Re-add check for license uuid when enrolling learners into a course\n\n[3.9.1]\n--------\n\n* Added the EnterpriseAnalyticsUser model and tableau integration functions.\n\n[3.9.0]\n--------\n\n* Enable enterprise to have a default language configuration for its learners.\n\n[3.8.43]\n--------\n\n* ENT-3557: Improve blackboard view logging to better report root cause of auth failure.\n\n[3.8.42]\n--------\n\n* ENT-3460: Adding properties to safely use branding config.\n\n[3.8.41]\n--------\n\n* Embedded enterprise in the username was removed for tableau trusted authentication.\n\n\n[3.8.40]\n--------\n\n* Bug fix: SAML stripping for unlinking was not properly removing saml prefix.\n\n[3.8.39]\n--------\n\n* Blackboard client update/delete and unit tests.\n\n[3.8.38]\n--------\n\n* Reverting changes to EnterpriseCustomerBrandingConfig.\n\n[3.8.37]\n--------\n\n* Using python properties for EnterpriseCustomerBrandingConfiguration colors.\n\n[3.8.36]\n--------\n\n* Authenticate user with Tableau.\n\n[3.8.35]\n--------\n\n* Add default branding config object to the Customer record if null.\n\n[3.8.34]\n--------\n\n* Implementing Blackboard completion data transmission.\n\n[3.8.33]\n--------\n\n* During license revocation, if no audit track exists for the course, attempt to unenroll the learner from it.\n\n[3.8.32]\n--------\n\n* Catches/Handles error occurring with Moodle integrated channel.\n\n[3.8.31]\n--------\n\n* Refactors the revoke endpoint into smaller parts, so that implementing new logic is easier to manage.\n\n[3.8.30]\n--------\n\n* Moodle client bug fix\n\n[3.8.29]\n--------\n\n* Make email field optional for sftp delivery for enterprise reporting config\n\n[3.8.28]\n--------\n\n* Blackboard exporter\n\n[3.8.27]\n--------\n\n* Update ``get_service_usernames()`` to read from a list variable (that may not exist).\n\n[3.8.26]\n--------\n\n* Moodle completion data implementation\n\n[3.8.25]\n--------\n\n* Blackboard client Oauth2 implementation\n\n[3.8.24] 2020-10-02\n-------------------\n\n* Allow learners to enroll with their license in courses when DSC is disabled.\n\n[3.8.23] 2020-10-01\n-------------------\n\n* Added Audit grade for Audit mode enrollments in integrated channels.\n\n[3.8.22]\n--------\n\n* Updated seed_enterprise_devstack_data to enable the test customer's subscription management screen\n\n[3.8.21] 2020-09-28\n-------------------\n\n* Add functionality to save logo file at only one location when saving EnterpriseCustomerBrandingConfiguration instance\n\n[3.8.20] 2020-09-24\n-------------------\n\n* Better exception handling for integrated channels.\n\n[3.8.19] 2020-09-24\n-------------------\n\n* Copy test from edx-platform over to enterprise to test migrations early.\n\n[3.8.18] 2020-09-23\n-------------------\n\n* Initial setup for Blackboard Integrated Channel.\n\n[3.8.17] 2020-09-23\n-------------------\n\n* Update logo name and path after the instance is saved to replace None with instance id.\n\n[3.8.16] 2020-09-22\n-------------------\n\n* Token expiration handling in canvas client.\n\n[3.8.15] 2020-09-22\n-------------------\n\n* Update Data Sharing Consent language.\n\n[3.8.14] 2020-09-21\n-------------------\n\n* Add Moodle integration to integrated_channels.\n\n[3.8.13] 2020-09-20\n-------------------\n\n* Fix issue with canvas channel not finding a course, by using search endpoint\n\n[3.8.12] 2020-09-21\n-------------------\n\n* Fix column width issue for DSC and other pages\n\n[3.8.11] 2020-09-18\n-------------------\n\n* Upgrading celery version to 4.4.7 for python 3.8 support\n\n[3.8.10] 2020-09-17\n-------------------\n\n* Reverting PR #952.\n\n[3.8.9] 2020-09-16\n-------------------\n\n* Standardizing log format in integrated channels learner data export.\n\n[3.8.8] 2020-09-15\n-------------------\n\n* Fixing the construction of the next param in the proxy login view for SSO.\n\n[3.8.7] 2020-09-15\n-------------------\n\n* Adding more informative logs to the integrated channels.\n\n[3.8.6] 2020-09-15\n-------------------\n\n* Using viewname in reverse as part of args to prevent IndexOutOfRange exception\n\n[3.8.5] 2020-09-14\n-------------------\n\n* Add a field to EnterpriseCustomer to disable main menu navigation for integrated channel customer users.\n\n[3.8.4] 2020-09-14\n-------------------\n\n* Add a field for enabling analytics screen in the admin portal for an EnterpriseCustomer.\n\n[3.8.3] 2020-09-14\n-------------------\n\n* Add management command to create DSC records.\n\n[3.8.2] 2020-09-11\n-------------------\n\n* Course and Course Run enrollment_url now points to learner portal course page if LP enabled.\n\n[3.8.1] 2020-09-10\n-------------------\n\n* Canvas channel discovery improvements assorted changes.\n\n[3.8.0] 2020-09-09\n-------------------\n\n* Assign \"enterprise_admin\" system-wide role to pending admin users when registering their user account.\n\n[3.7.8] 2020-09-09\n-------------------\n\n* Fixes migration mismatch for Canvas models.\n\n[3.7.7] 2020-09-04\n------------------\n\n* The ``seed_enterprise_devstack_data`` management command now accepts an enterprise name when creating an enterprise,\n and the learner portal is activated by default.\n\n[3.7.6] 2020-09-09\n-------------------\n\n* Adds the learner data exporter and transmitter to the Canvas integrated channel.\n\n[3.7.5] 2020-09-08\n-------------------\n\n* Celery version is now upgraded to latest one\n\n[3.7.4] 2020-09-04\n-------------------\n* Adds support to capture contract discounts from the Enrollment API by adding ``default_contract_discount``\n to the ``EnterpriseCustomer`` model and passing it to ecommerce when creating orders\n\n[3.7.3] 2020-09-01\n-------------------\n\n* Override the ``EnterpriseContentCatalog.save()`` method to sync the ``content_filter`` from an associated\n ``EnterpriseCatalogQuery``, if appropriate.\n* Add some logging to the ``update_enterprise_catalog_query`` signal.\n\n[3.7.2] 2020-09-01\n-------------------\n\n* The ``seed_enterprise_devstack_data`` management command is now idempotent when creating an enterprise,\n and creates users and operator roles for the license-manager and enterprise-catalog workers.\n\n[3.7.1] 2020-08-28\n-------------------\n\n* Also send course image_url to Canvas when creating course.\n\n[3.7.0] 2020-08-27\n-------------------\n\n* Fixed Duplicate Calls to OCN API.\n\n[3.6.9] 2020-08-26\n-------------------\n\n* Return requested user's linked enterprises only. For staff user return all enterprises.\n\n[3.6.8] 2020-08-26\n-------------------\n\n* Added course update and deletion capabilities to the canvas integrated channel.\n\n[3.6.7] 2020-08-26\n-------------------\n\n* Changed strings in Manage Learners DSC view.\n\n[3.6.6] 2020-08-24\n-------------------\n\n* Added a fix for \"Manual Order Not Fulfilled\" bug.\n\n[3.6.5] 2020-08-24\n-------------------\n\n* Added course mode in ecommerce manual enrollment API.\n\n[3.6.4] 2020-08-18\n-------------------\n\n* Canvas transmitter implementation for course creation\n\n[3.6.3] 2020-08-19\n-------------------\n\n* Adding Django admin forms for Canvas integration config and cleanup on models.\n\n[3.6.2] 2020-08-17\n-------------------\n\n* Adding Canvas integrated channels API endpoint for the oauth process completion\n\n[3.6.1] 2020-08-17\n-------------------\n\n* Added logging in enrollment endpoint for test purposes.\n\n[3.6.0] 2020-08-12\n-------------------\n\n* ENT-2939: removing waffle flag and utility function used in enterprise-catalog transition\n\n\n[3.5.4] 2020-08-12\n-------------------\n\n* Fixed date format in Cornerstone catalog sync call\n\n\n[3.5.3] 2020-08-11\n-------------------\n\n* Fix permissions issue with license_revoke endpoint in LicensedEnterpriseCourseEnrollmentViewSet.\n\n[3.5.2] 2020-08-11\n-------------------\n\n* Add Content Metadata Exporter for Canvas Integration.\n\n[3.5.1] 2020-08-11\n-------------------\n\n* Add client instantiation and oauth validation for Canvas integration.\n\n[3.5.0] 2020-08-10\n------------------\n\n* Add `update_course_enrollment_mode_for_user` method to the EnrollmentApiClient.\n* Create new API endpoint to update the mode for a user's licensed enterprise course enrollments when their enterprise license is revoked.\n* Introduce new course run status for `saved_for_later`.\n* On revocation of an enterprise license, mark the user's licensed course enrollments as `saved_for_later` and `is_revoked`.\n\n[3.4.40] 2020-08-05\n-------------------\n\n* Create fresh migrations from scratch for Canvas since this app is yet to run migrations in platform.\n\n[3.4.39] 2020-08-04\n-------------------\n\n* Remove field 'key' from a canvas integrated_channel model (but not migration yet), step 2/3\n\n[3.4.38] 2020-08-04\n-------------------\n\n* Migration to remove ``banner_border_color`` and ``banner_background_color`` branding config fields.\n\n[3.4.37] 2020-08-04\n-------------------\n\n* Add new field client_id to canvas model for removing older key field (step 1/3)\n\n[3.4.36] 2020-08-04\n-------------------\n\n* Remove references to deprecated ``banner_border_color`` and ``banner_background_color`` branding config fields.\n\n[3.4.35] 2020-08-04\n-------------------\n\n* Add postman collection for Canvas integrated channel\n\n[3.4.34] 2020-08-03\n-------------------\n\n* Migration to copy old color field values to new field.\n\n[3.4.33] 2020-08-03\n-------------------\n\n* Add BrandingConfiguration primary/secondary/tertiary color fields.\n\n[3.4.32] 2020-07-31\n-------------------\n\n* Add Canvas integrated_channel first cut.\n\n[3.4.31] 2020-07-30\n-------------------\n\n* The PendingEnterpriseCustomerUser create action will create an EnterpriseCustomerUser\n if an ``auth.User`` record with the given user_email already exists.\n\n[3.4.30] 2020-07-29\n-------------------\n\n* Add flag to sync updates in an EnterpriseCatalogQuery with its associated EnterpriseCustomerCatalogs.\n* Create a post_save signal to overwrite the content_filter with the update.\n* Changes should also be sent to the Enterprise Catalog service.\n\n[3.4.29] 2020-07-29\n-------------------\n\n* Added new view for requesting the DSC for learners for specific course.\n\n[3.4.28] 2020-07-24\n-------------------\n\n* Add query params to proxy login redirect for new welcome template to be rendered.\n* Fixing proxy_login SSO redirect, adding default next param from proxy_login.\n\n[3.4.27] 2020-07-23\n-------------------\n\n* Adds hide_course_original_price field to the serializer for the EnterpriseCustomer endpoint.\n\n[3.4.26] 2020-07-20\n-------------------\n\n* Adds proxy login view to allow unauthenticated enterprise learners to login via existing flow from the learner portal.\n\n[3.3.26] 2020-07-17\n-------------------\n\n* Uses correct course mode slugs during enrollment from GrantDataSharingPermissions.\n\n[3.3.25] 2020-07-16\n-------------------\n\n* Use the GrantDataSharingPermissions view to enroll licensed users in courses\n\n[3.3.24] 2020-07-15\n-------------------\n\n* Remove get_due_dates and always return an empty list for due_dates\n\n[3.3.23] 2020-07-13\n-------------------\n\n* Remove unnecessary data migration\n\n[3.3.22] 2020-07-13\n-------------------\n\n* Final removal of marked_done field\n\n[3.3.21] - 2020-07-10\n---------------------\n\n* Gracefully handle when list of subjects for content metadata contains either a list of strings and list of dictionaries\n\n\n[3.3.20] - 2020-07-09\n---------------------\n* Added new SAML Config option to EnterpriseCustomer in Django admin.\n\n[3.3.19] - 2020-07-08\n---------------------\n\n* Remove database references to marked_done.\n\n[3.3.18] - 2020-07-07\n---------------------\n\n* Admin dashboard rules predicates now pass an object into the edx-rbac utility functions.\n\n\n[3.3.17] - 2020-07-07\n---------------------\n* Created LicensedEnterpriseCourseEnrollment.\n\n\n[3.3.16] - 2020-07-02\n---------------------\n\n* Change marked_done on EnterpriseCourseEnrollment mode nullable.\n\n[3.3.15] - 2020-06-30\n---------------------\n\n* Added health checks for enterprise service.\n\n[3.3.14] - 2020-06-30\n---------------------\n\n* Added saved_for_later field to the EnterpriseCourseEnrollment model. This will eventually replace the marked_done field.\n\n[3.3.13] - 2020-06-29\n---------------------\n\n* Changed GrantDataSharingPermission to redirect to the intended course instead of dashboard, if consent is not required\n\n[3.3.12] - 2020-06-27\n---------------------\n\n* Repair invalid key references in Discovery API Client method.\n\n[3.3.11] - 2020-06-25\n---------------------\n\n* Restore EnterpriseCatalogQuery functionality to previous state.\n\n[3.3.10] - 2020-06-24\n---------------------\n\n* xAPI: Include course UUID in activity extensions collection\n\n[3.3.9] - 2020-06-24\n---------------------\n\n* Remove verbose names from EnterpriseCourseEnrollment model Meta class\n\n[3.3.8] - 2020-06-23\n---------------------\n\n* Add support to override enrollment attributes for learners\n\n[3.3.7] - 2020-06-19\n---------------------\n\n* Bug fix: Added missing migration for content_filter validation changes.\n\n[3.3.6] - 2020-06-17\n---------------------\n\n* Add validation for content_filter subfields in EnterpriseCatalogQuery and EnterpriseCustomerCatalog\n\n[3.3.5] - 2020-06-17\n---------------------\n\n* Update processing of marked_done field slightly for cleaner boolean usage in client\n\n[3.3.4] - 2020-06-15\n---------------------\n\n* Update GrantDataSharingPermissionView to accept both; course_run_id as well as course_key\n\n\n[3.3.3] - 2020-06-12\n---------------------\n\n* Exclude unpublished course runs when determining available/enrollable status\n\n\n[3.3.2] - 2020-06-10\n---------------------\n\n* Added status key to default content filter for EnterpriseCustomerCatalog.\n\n\n[3.3.1] - 2020-06-10\n---------------------\n\n* Added marked_done field in /enterprise_course_enrollments/ response\n\n\n[3.3.0] - 2020-06-09\n---------------------\n\n* xAPI Integrated Reporting Channel, Version 2\n\n\n[3.2.22] - 2020-06-09\n---------------------\n\n* Added rollback for EnterpriseCourseEnrollment enroll\n\n[3.2.21] - 2020-06-03\n---------------------\n\n* Downgrade an error log to a warning to reduce alert noise\n\n\n[3.2.20] - 2020-06-01\n---------------------\n\n* Suppress the 404 exception in get_enterprise_catalog when we expect it\n* Add enterprise_customer_uuid to an error message to be more informative\n* Delete \"enterprise_learner\" role assignment when an EnterpriseCustomerUser record is soft deleted (i.e., `linked` attribute is False)\n* Update seed_enterprise_devstack_data command to include name on user profiles when creating enterprise users\n\n\n[3.2.19] - 2020-06-01\n---------------------\n\n* Updating the catalog preview URL to use the Catalog Service\n\n\n[3.2.18] - 2020-05-28\n---------------------\n\n* Added the enterprise slug login functionality.\n\n\n[3.2.17] - 2020-05-27\n---------------------\n\n* Improve xAPI enrollment/completion event filtering, transmitting, and recording\n\n\n[3.2.16] - 2020-05-27\n---------------------\n\n* Removing caniusepython3 as it is no longer needed since python3 upgrade.\n\n\n[3.2.15] - 2020-05-26\n---------------------\n\n* Improve EnterpriseRoleAssignment exception messaging\n\n\n[3.2.14] - 2020-05-19\n---------------------\n\n* Converting UUID fields to string for use in can_use_enterprise_catalog\n\n\n[3.2.13] - 2020-05-15\n---------------------\n\n* Added can_use_enterprise_catalog utility function to exclude enterprises from the transition to enterprise-catalog\n\n\n[3.2.12] - 2020-05-13\n---------------------\n\n* Created migration to `update_or_create` a system-wide enterprise role named `enterprise_catalog_admin`\n\n\n[3.2.11] - 2020-05-12\n---------------------\n\n* Moving the post model save logic for Enterprise Catalog to signals.py.\n\n\n[3.2.10] - 2020-05-08\n---------------------\n\n* Updated EnterpriseCustomerCatalogAdmin save hook to check if a corresponding catalog exists in the enterprise-catalog service. If it does, the save hook will update the existing catalog; otherwise, a new catalog will be created.\n* Added extra logging when syncing Enterprise Catalog data to the Enterprise Catalog Service.\n\n\n[3.2.9] - 2020-05-08\n--------------------\n\n* Added a flag to enable the slug login for an enterprise customer.\n\n\n[3.2.8] - 2020-05-07\n--------------------\n\n* Makes the data sharing consent template guard against empty/null branding configuration logo values.\n\n\n[3.2.7] - 2020-05-07\n--------------------\n\n* Added extra logging in 'create_enterprise_course_enrollments' management command.\n\n\n[3.2.6] - 2020-05-06\n--------------------\n\n* Added use of traverse_pagination for get_content_metadata in the enterprise_catalog api client.\n\n\n[3.2.5] - 2020-05-06\n--------------------\n\n* Pass enterprise customer's name to enterprise-catalog service during create/update of enterprise catalogs\n* Refactor `migrate_enterprise_catalogs` management command to check if a catalog already exists in the enterprise-catalog service. If a catalog already exists, it will be updated with a PUT request; otherwise, a new catalog will be created with a POST request.\n\n\n[3.2.4] - 2020-05-06\n--------------------\n\n* Specified python3.5 version for PyPI release\n\n\n[3.2.3] - 2020-05-06\n--------------------\n\n* Removed support for Django<2.2 & Python3.6\n* Added support for python3.8.\n* Changes to use catalog query content filter if defined instead of catalog content filter.\n\n\n[3.2.2] - 2020-05-05\n--------------------\n\n* Made enrollment reason optional when linking learners without enrollment.\n\n\n[3.2.1] - 2020-05-04\n--------------------\n\n* Added extra logging in 'create_enterprise_course_enrollments' management command.\n\n\n[3.2.0] - 2020-04-23\n--------------------\n\n* Squashed the sap_success_factors and integrated_channel app migrations.\n\n\n[3.1.3] - 2020-04-23\n--------------------\n\n* Revised \"end date\" window for determining course active/inactive status in catalog API responses.\n\n\n[3.1.2] - 2020-04-21\n--------------------\n\n* Added extra exception handling in `create_enterprise_course_enrollments` management command.\n\n\n[3.1.1] - 2020-04-20\n--------------------\n\n* removed get_cache_key and using it from edx-django-utils.\n\n\n[3.1.0] - 2020-04-14\n--------------------\n\n* Squashed the enterprise app migrations.\n\n\n[3.0.15] - 2020-04-14\n---------------------\n\n* Fixed HTML tags bug from short course description in enterprise course enrollment page\n\n\n[3.0.14] - 2020-04-10\n---------------------\n\n* Fixing the traversal of results in get_content_metadata for the enterprise-catalog API client\n\n\n[3.0.13] - 2020-04-10\n---------------------\n\n* Switch catalog_contains_course method to use enterprise catalog service behind waffle sample\n\n\n[3.0.12] - 2020-04-10\n---------------------\n\n* Add USE_ENTERPRISE_CATALOG waffle sample, and remove USE_ENTERPRISE_CATALOG waffle flag\n* Switch the use of waffle.flag_is_active to waffle.sample_is_active\n* Updates the EnterpriseCatalogApiClient to make the user argument optional. If the user argument is not provided, it will use the \"enterprise_worker\" user instead\n* No longer passes user to the EnterpriseCatalogApiClient during initialization in places where a request and/or user object doesn't already exist\n\n\n[3.0.11] - 2020-04-10\n---------------------\n\n* Fix issue with matching urls for redirect to enterprise selection page\n\n\n[3.0.10] - 2020-04-08\n---------------------\n\n* Use the USE_ENTERPRISE_CATALOG waffle flag for transitioning integrated channels to using the enterprise-catalog service\n\n\n[3.0.9] - 2020-04-08\n--------------------\n\n* Add USE_ENTERPRISE_CATALOG waffle flag\n* Switch get_course, get_course_run, get_program, and get_course_and_course_run methods to use enterprise catalog service behind waffle flag\n\n\n[3.0.8] - 2020-04-08\n--------------------\n\n* Converted the EnrollmentApiClient to JWT client.\n\n\n[3.0.7] - 2020-04-07\n--------------------\n\n* Additional xAPI transmission workflow logging\n\n\n[3.0.6] - 2020-04-06\n--------------------\n\n* Added support for bypassing enterprise selection page for enrollment url triggered login\n\n\n[3.0.5] - 2020-03-31\n--------------------\n\n* Added \"active\" key in enterprise_catalog API for \"course\" content_type if the \"course\" has \"course_run\" available for enrollment.\n\n\n[3.0.4] - 2020-03-31\n--------------------\n\n* Removed the 'EDX_API_KEY' from CourseApiClient.\n\n\n[3.0.3] - 2020-03-27\n--------------------\n\n* Updated enterprise-catalog endpoint urls to match rename\n\n[3.0.2] - 2020-03-26\n--------------------\n\n* Improved xApi logging to include statement and LRS endpoint'\n\n[3.0.1] - 2020-03-18\n--------------------\n\n* Updated xApi integrated channel to use the updated CourseOverview method 'get_from_ids()'\n\n[3.0.0] - 2020-03-16\n--------------------\n\n* Removed use of Bearer Authentication\n\n[2.5.5] - 2020-03-13\n--------------------\n\n* Add field for enabling subscription management screen in the admin portal to EnterpriseCustomer.\n\n[2.5.4] - 2020-03-12\n--------------------\n\n* Reset authentication cookies on enterprise selection to update JWT cookie with user's enterprise\n\n[2.5.3] - 2020-03-11\n--------------------\n\n* Added the salesforce opportunity_id in manage learner django admin.\n\n[2.5.2] - 2020-03-10\n--------------------\n\n* Fixed formatting on JSON fields in django admin forms\n\n[2.5.1] - 2020-03-05\n--------------------\n\n* Added new data type for enterprise report configurations\n\n[2.5.0] - 2020-03-03\n--------------------\n\n* Removing enterprise_learner_portal_hostname from ent cust model (including api)\n\n[2.4.2] - 2020-02-27\n--------------------\n\n* Removed the code for enrolling the program from manage learner django admin panel.\n\n[2.4.1] - 2020-02-26\n--------------------\n\n* Update log level from INFO to DEBUG for transmit_content_metadata management command\n\n[2.4.0] - 2020-02-25\n--------------------\n\n* Restricted PendingEnterpriseCustomerUser to be linked with only one EnterpriseCustomer at a time\n\n[2.3.9] - 2020-02-17\n--------------------\n\n* Added discount percentage support in pending enrollment use case.\n\n[2.3.8] - 2020-02-10\n--------------------\n\n* Added totalHours field for successfactors completion event\n\n[2.3.7] - 2020-02-07\n--------------------\n\n* Learner attached to multiple enterprises, logging in via SSO should be taken to Enterprise selection page\n\n[2.3.6] - 2020-02-06\n--------------------\n\n* Fixed learner data transmission command when grades API return `user_not_enrolled` error\n\n[2.3.4] - 2020-02-04\n--------------------\n\n* Remove totalHours field from content metadata export\n\n[2.3.3] - 2020-02-03\n--------------------\n\n* Added exception handling for enrollment api calls during manual enrollment\n\n[2.3.2] - 2020-01-31\n--------------------\n\n* Adding contact_email to enterprisecustomer admin form\n\n[2.3.1] - 2020-01-29\n---------------------\n\n* Updated calls to `manual enrollments api` to include enterprise customer info\n\n[2.3.0] - 2020-01-29\n--------------------\n\n* Add soft deletion support for EnterpriseCustomerUser model\n\n[2.2.0] - 2020-01-28\n--------------------\n\n* Adding new fields to EnterpriseCustomer and EnterpriseCustomerBrandingConfiguration models\n\n[2.1.7] - 2020-01-28\n--------------------\n\n* Revert Edx-Api-Key-replacement-changes\n\n[2.1.6] - 2020-01-27\n--------------------\n\n* Updating enterprise catalog migration management command\n\n[2.1.5] - 2020-01-27\n--------------------\n\n* Added totalHours field for successfactors export\n\n[2.1.4] - 2020-01-24\n--------------------\n\n* add boolean field to track linked/unlinked EnterpriseCustomerUser records\n\n[2.1.03] - 2020-01-24\n---------------------\n\n* Code refactor and ability to send learner completion if grade is changed\n\n[2.1.01] - 2020-01-21\n---------------------\n\n* Initialized EnrollmentApiClient with enterprise service worker user\n\n[2.1.0] - 2020-01-16\n--------------------\n\n* Added hooks to sync EnterpriseCustomerCatalog creation, deletion, and model updates in Django Admin to the new enterprise-catalog service\n\n[2.0.50] - 2020-01-16\n---------------------\n\n* Replaced EnrollmentApiClientJwt name back to original client's name.\n\n[2.0.49] - 2020-01-15\n---------------------\n\n* Added management command to reset SAPSF completion data.\n\n[2.0.48] - 2020-01-14\n---------------------\n\n* Updated enterprise catalog client json formatting.\n\n[2.0.47] - 2020-01-13\n---------------------\n\n* Replaced Edx-Api-Key in the remaining endpoints of EnrollmentApiClient\n\n[2.0.46] - 2020-01-10\n---------------------\n\n* Introduced management command to migrate enterprise catalog data to new service.\n\n[2.0.45] - 2020-01-09\n---------------------\n\n* ENT-2489 | Extracting JSON from discovery service response to calculate size\n\n[2.0.43] - 2020-01-08\n---------------------\n\n* Replaced Edx-Api-Key in the ThirdPartyAuthApiClient\n* Changed the client in one endpoint of ThirdPartyAuthApiClient\n* Endpoint name: model-EnterpriseCustomerUser\n\n[2.0.42] - 2020-01-07\n---------------------\n\n* Updated context for user with multiple linked enterprises\n\n[2.0.41] - 2020-01-06\n---------------------\n\n* Added enterprise discount percentage in a manual enrollment\n\n[2.0.40] - 2020-01-06\n---------------------\n\n* Replaced Edx-Api-Key in the EnrollmentApiClient\n* Changed the client in one endpoint of EnrollmentApiClient\n* Endpoint name: admin-views-EnterpriseCustomerManageLearnersView\n\n[2.0.39] - 2020-01-06\n---------------------\n\n* Replaced Edx-Api-Key in the CourseApiClient\n* Changed the client in one endpoint of CourseApiClient\n* Endpoint name: exporters-learnerdata\n\n[2.0.38] - 2020-01-02\n---------------------\n\n* Changed logging of response size from 2.0.37 (ENT-2489) to use size of response in bytes\n\n[2.0.37] - 2020-01-02\n---------------------\n\n* Added logging of response size when requests are made to discovery service for data not in cache\n\n[2.0.36] - 2019-12-30\n---------------------\n\n* Use `edx-tincan-py35` PYPI package instead of downloading via git\n\n[2.0.35] - 2019-12-30\n---------------------\n\n* Version upgrade for edx-rbac\n\n[2.0.34] - 2019-12-24\n---------------------\n\n* Disabled the manual enrollment orders for audit mode enterprise learners.\n\n[2.0.33] - 2019-12-23\n---------------------\n\n* Added ability to include or exclude date from the report configuration file name.\n\n[2.0.32] - 2019-12-17\n---------------------\n\n* Aligned xAPI statement formats with TinCan/Rustici standards\n* While uploading bulk users in 'manager learners' from django admin, better handling if invalid encoding found.\n\n[2.0.31] - 2019-12-11\n---------------------\n\n* Added ADR for Multiple User Enterprises.\n\n[2.0.30] - 2019-12-04\n---------------------\n\n* Get the enterprise_customer linked with SAML and mark it active.\n\n[2.0.29] - 2019-12-04\n---------------------\n\n* Update the enterprise customer in the session in case of customer with multiple linked enterprises\n\n[2.0.28] - 2019-12-3\n---------------------\n\n* Added logic to set the EnterpriseCourseEnrollmentSource for the Enterprise Enrollments through offers and management task.\n\n[2.0.27] - 2019-11-26\n---------------------\n\n* Make the SAML enterprise active at login and de-activate other enterprises learner is linked to.\n\n[2.0.26] - 2019-11-26\n---------------------\n\n* Updated xapi exports with an active enterprise setting for users with multiple linked enterprises.\n\n[2.0.25] - 2019-11-22\n---------------------\n\n* Added logic to set the EnterpriseCourseEnrollmentSource for the Enterprise Enrollments background task.\n\n[2.0.24] - 2019-11-21\n---------------------\n\n* Added logic to set the EnterpriseCourseEnrollmentSource for Enterprise Enrollments by URL.\n\n[2.0.23] - 2019-11-20\n---------------------\n\n* Display enterprise course enrollments separate from non-enterprise course enrollments in the \"Enterprise Customer Learner\" Django admin form\n\n[2.0.22] - 2019-11-18\n---------------------\n\n* Custom get function in EnterpriseCustomerUserManager to enable multiple user enterprises.\n\n[2.0.21] - 2019-11-14\n---------------------\n\n* Remove success url validation for select enterprise page.\n\n[2.0.20] - 2019-11-13\n---------------------\n\n* Added Source to Enterprise API Enrollments.\n\n[2.0.19] - 2019-13-08\n---------------------\n\n* Add manual enrollment audit creation for enrollments created in Manage Learners form.\n\n[2.0.19] - 2019-11-13\n---------------------\n\n* Sorted results of enterprise-learner API by active flag in descending order so active enterprises are on the top\n\n[2.0.18] - 2019-11-13\n\n---------------------\n\n* Better handling when Integrated Channels return unexpected results\n\n\n[2.0.17] - 2019-11-08\n---------------------\n\n* Added in models to track enterprise enrollment source and updated the Enterprise Course Enrollments and PendingEnrollments to track that source.\n\n[2.0.16] - 2019-11-07\n---------------------\n\n* Address defect ENT-2463. Add protection within EnterpriseCustomerUser model in enroll method during course enrollments.\n\n[2.0.15] - 2019-11-07\n---------------------\n\n* Added missing migration for EnterpriseCustomerUser\n\n[2.0.14] - 2019-11-07\n---------------------\n\n* Add Enterprise selection page to allow a learner to select one of linked enterprises\n\n[2.0.13] - 2019-11-07\n---------------------\n\n* Add manual order creation to enterprise manual enrollment admin form\n\n[2.0.12] - 2019-11-06\n---------------------\n\n* Update 'EnterpriseCustomerUser' model. Add 'create_order_for_enrollment'. Called during 'enroll'. Will create an ecommerce order for pending course enrollments.\n\n[2.0.11] - 2019-11-06\n---------------------\n\n* Add management command to populate sample enterprise data in the LMS within devstack\n\n[2.0.10] - 2019-10-29\n---------------------\n\n* Add method to Ecommerce API client to call the manual enrollment order API\n\n[2.0.9] - 2019-10-28\n---------------------\n\n* Updated image url field in content metadata export for cornerstone and degreed\n\n[2.0.8] - 2019-10-22\n---------------------\n\n* Adding logging to search/all/ endpoint in discovery api client\n\n[2.0.7] - 2019-10-21\n---------------------\n\n* Added certificate and grades api calls for transmitting learner export to integrated channels\n\n[2.0.6] - 2019-10-18\n---------------------\n\n* Add query_param to remove expired course runs from /enterprise/api/v1/enterprise_catalogs/UUID/ endpoint\n\n[2.0.5] - 2019-10-15\n---------------------\n\n* Adding migration file to remove EnterpriseCustomerEntitlement from table schema\n\n[2.0.4] - 2019-10-10\n--------------------\n\n* Added preview button for EnterpriseCustomerCatalogs in EnterpriseCustomer admin page\n\n\n[2.0.3] - 2019-10-09\n---------------------\n\n* Add message box to code management page and admin portal\n\n[2.0.2] - 2019-10-07\n--------------------\n\n* Updating create_enterprise_course_enrollment task to accept object ids instead of python objects to play nicely with async.\n* Also converts course_id to str before handing it to task to play nicely with async.\n\n[2.0.1] - 2019-10-07\n--------------------\n\n* Commenting out code while troubleshooting signal issue in the LMS\n\n[2.0.0] - 2019-10-02\n---------------------\n\n* Removing EnterpriseCustomerEntitlement code\n\n[1.11.0] - 2019-10-02\n---------------------\n\n* Adding post-save receiver to spin off EnterpriseCourseEnrollment creation tasks on CourseEnrollment creation signals\n\n[1.10.8] - 2019-10-01\n---------------------\n\n* Resolved issue with content_metadata image_url.\n\n[1.10.7] - 2019-09-25\n---------------------\n\n* Added support to transmit single learner data.\n\n[1.10.6] - 2019-09-25\n---------------------\n\n* Added ability set supported languages in Cornerstone Global Config.\n\n[1.10.5] - 2019-09-23\n---------------------\n\n* Updating enterprise_learner_portal LMS API calls to refer to new function locations in the LMS.\n\n\n[1.10.4] - 2019-09-05\n---------------------\n\n* Added new endpoint basic_list to EnterpriseEnrollment.\n\n[1.10.3] - 2019-09-19\n---------------------\n* Add enable_portal_reporting_config_screen field to EnterpriseCustomer model.\n* Add enable_portal_reporting_config_screen to EnterpriseCustomerSerializer.\n\n\n[1.10.2] - 2019-09-18\n---------------------\n* Added ability to set password on reporting configuration.\n\n[1.10.1] - 2019-09-16\n---------------------\n\n* Upgrading requirements.\n\n[1.10.0] - 2019-09-16\n---------------------\n\n* Add learner portal configuration fields to EnterpriseCustomer model.\n\n[1.9.12] - 2019-09-06\n---------------------\n\n* Implement \"move to completed\" functionality for Enterprise Enrollments.\n\n[1.9.11] - 2019-09-05\n---------------------\n\n* Add new field 'marked_done' to EnterpriseCourseEnrollment.\n\n[1.9.10] - 2019-09-04\n---------------------\n\n* Improved enterprise enrollment workflow logging.\n\n[1.9.9] - 2019-08-29\n--------------------\n\n* Updated learner portal enrollments endpoint to require an enterprise id.\n\n[1.9.8] - 2019-08-29\n--------------------\n\n* Corrected missing db migration data for the EnterpriseCustomerReportingConfigurations model\n\n[1.9.7] - 2019-08-28\n--------------------\n\n* Added API endpoints for EnterpriseCustomerReportingConfigurations and updated permissions to use Feature role based auth.\n\n[1.9.6] - 2019-08-23\n--------------------\n\n* Added XAPILearnerDataTransmissionAudit model for xapi integrated channel.\n\n[1.9.5] - 2019-08-21\n--------------------\n\n* Preventing another error in enterprise_learner_portal serializer when certificate info is None.\n\n[1.9.4] - 2019-08-20\n--------------------\n\n* Adding type check to enterprise_learner_portal serializer.\n* Adding enterprise_learner_portal to quality check commands.\n\n[1.9.3] - 2019-08-20\n--------------------\n\n* Fix for include course run dates and pacing type in the course description sent to SAP. Prior release (1.9.2) did not include bumping the version in __init__.py.\n\n[1.9.2] - 2019-08-20\n--------------------\n\n* Include course run dates and pacing type in the course description sent to SAP.\n\n[1.9.1] - 2019-08-19\n--------------------\n\n* Added enterprise_learner_portal to MANIFEST.in file to recursively grab files app on build\n* Minor fixes to typos and an image link\n\n[1.9.0] - 2019-08-12\n--------------------\n\n* Adding enterprise_learner_portal app to support data needs of frontend enterprise learner portal app\n\n[1.8.9] - 2019-08-15\n--------------------\n\n* Remove tincan from src directory\n\n[1.8.8] - 2019-08-01\n--------------------\n\n* For CornerstoneCourseListAPI handled corner cases for default values.\n\n[1.8.7] - 2019-07-31\n--------------------\n\n* Added history models for PendingEnrollment and PendingEnterpriseCustomerUser.\n* Sending default values for required fields in Cornerstone Course List API\n\n[1.8.6] - 2019-07-25\n--------------------\n\n* Add/Update logs for GrantDataSharingPermissions and DataSharingConsentView views to improve monitoring.\n\n[1.8.5] - 2019-07-25\n--------------------\n\n* Change coupon code request email from address.\n\n[1.8.4] - 2019-07-24\n--------------------\n\n* Introduce enterprise catalog queries.\n\n[1.8.3] - 2019-07-24\n--------------------\n\n* Upgrade python requirements.\n\n[1.8.2] - 2019-07-23\n--------------------\n\n* Log success of coupon code request email send.\n\n[1.8.1] - 2019-07-22\n--------------------\n\n* Show linked enterprise customer on `Enterprise Customer Learners` and `System wide Enterprise User Role Assignments` admin screen\n\n[1.8.0] - 2019-07-22\n--------------------\n\n* Replace edx-rbac jwt utils with edx-drf-extensions jwt utils\n\n[1.7.3] - 2019-07-19\n--------------------\n\n* Change the way we declare dependencies so we can avoid breaking make upgrade in edx-platform.\n\n[1.7.2] - 2019-07-18\n--------------------\n\n* Added ability to send user's progress to cornerstone\n\n\n[1.7.1] - 2019-07-15\n--------------------\n\n* Reverted page size of SAPSF inactive user results from 1000 to 500\n\n[1.7.0] - 2019-07-15\n--------------------\n\n* Pin certain constraints from edx-platform so that edx-enterprise will install properly there.\n\n[1.6.23] - 2019-07-15\n---------------------\n\n* Upgrade python requirements\n\n[1.6.22] - 2019-07-11\n---------------------\n\n* Revert changes made in 1.6.20\n\n[1.6.21] - 2019-07-11\n---------------------\n\n* Added additional logging for enterprise api\n\n[1.6.20] - 2019-07-10\n---------------------\n\n* Updated catalog preview URL on enterprise customer catalog admin list display\n\n[1.6.19] - 2019-07-09\n---------------------\n\n* Added ability to skip keys if their value is None for content exporter\n\n[1.6.18] - 2019-06-24\n---------------------\n\n* Changed page size of SAPSF inactive user results from 500 to 1000\n\n[1.6.17] - 2019-06-20\n---------------------\n\n* Fixed Server Error on enterprise course enroll url caused by week_to_complete None value\n\n[1.6.16] - 2019-06-20\n---------------------\n\n* Capture user attributes sent by cornerstone\n\n[1.6.15] - 2019-06-18\n---------------------\n\n* Fix error where the search/all/ endpoint in discovery is called with course_key=None\n\n[1.6.14] - 2019-06-18\n---------------------\n\n* Pass language code instead of language name in languages field of course-list API for cornerstone\n\n[1.6.13] - 2019-06-17\n---------------------\n\n* Improved logging of `unlink_inactive_sap_learners` command and matching social auth user by `uid` field\n\n[1.6.12] - 2019-06-14\n---------------------\n\n* Updated discovery clients to always call the enterprise customer site if available\n\n[1.6.11] - 2019-06-14\n---------------------\n\n* Update the format of course_duration in xAPI payload data.\n\n[1.6.10] - 2019-06-13\n---------------------\n\n* Remove old catalog model field.\n\n[1.6.9] - 2019-06-12\n--------------------\n\n* Install django-filter so this app is compatible with newer DRF packages.\n\n[1.6.8] - 2019-06-11\n--------------------\n\n* Fix error in enrollment flow caused by the way course keys were parsed.\n\n[1.6.7] - 2019-06-11\n--------------------\n\n* added enable_audit_data_reporting in EnterpriseCustomerSerializer\n\n[1.6.6] - 2019-06-10\n--------------------\n\n* Use OAuth2AuthenticationAllowInactiveUser as oauth2 authentication instead of BearerAuthentication for course-list API.\n\n[1.6.5] - 2019-06-06\n--------------------\n\n* Use edx-rbac functions and pin edx-rbac so that we can continue to release edx-enterprise.\n\n[1.6.4] - 2019-06-05\n--------------------\n\n* Upgrade packages to get latest edx-drf-extensions version.\n\n[1.6.3] - 2019-06-04\n--------------------\n\n* Remove RBAC waffle switch\n\n[1.6.2] - 2019-05-31\n--------------------\n\n* Remove old style catalogs\n\n[1.6.1] - 2019-05-30\n--------------------\n\n* Fallback to request.auth if JWT cookies are not found.\n\n[1.6.0] - 2019-05-29\n--------------------\n\n* Added new integrated channel `cornerstone` with course-list API.\n\n[1.5.9] - 2019-05-27\n--------------------\n\n* Reverting changes from 1.5.6.\n\n[1.5.8] - 2019-05-24\n--------------------\n\n* Bumping version to 1.5.8. 1.5.7 was tagged and released without actually bumping the version\n\n[1.5.7] - 2019-05-24\n--------------------\n\n* Updating get_paginated_content ent catalog method to use count value given from discovery service\n\n[1.5.6] - 2019-05-24\n--------------------\n\n* Fix the way a course identifier is found for a given course run.\n\n[1.5.5] - 2019-05-21\n--------------------\n\n* Clean up rbac authorization related waffle switches and logic\n\n[1.5.4] - 2019-05-20\n--------------------\n\n* Updating test packages to be inline with edx-platform. Specifically Bleach >2.1.3\n\n[1.5.3] - 2019-05-16\n--------------------\n\n* Add total number of weeks to view from data consent screen\n\n[1.5.2] - 2019-05-15\n--------------------\n\n* Remove usages of get_decoded_jwt_from_request from rbac in favor of get_decoded_jwt from edx-drf-extensions\n\n[1.5.1] - 2019-05-09\n--------------------\n\n* Updating consent granted view to redirect to dashboard if consent is not required\n\n[1.5.0] - 2019-05-08\n--------------------\n\n* Add sync_learner_profile_data flag to data returned by enterprise-learner endpoint\n\n[1.4.10] - 2019-05-08\n---------------------\n\n* Add enterprise customer column in the list_display admin interface for `SystemWideEnterpriseUserRoleAssignment`\n* Update `SystemWideEnterpriseUserRoleAssignment` admin interface search to support search by enterprise customer\n\n[1.4.9] - 2019-05-02\n--------------------\n\n* Upgrade edx-rbac version\n\n[1.4.8] - 2019-04-26\n--------------------\n\n* Reduce course mode match exception log level\n\n[1.4.7] - 2019-04-17\n--------------------\n\n* Fix invalid object attribute references in exception message\n\n[1.4.6] - 2019-04-17\n--------------------\n\n* Stop masking discovery call failures from the client for enterprise catalog endpoint calls.\n\n[1.4.5] - 2019-04-12\n--------------------\n\n* Revise course mode match exception message in CourseEnrollmentView.\n\n[1.4.4] - 2019-04-11\n--------------------\n\n* Revise course load exception message in CourseEnrollmentView.\n\n[1.4.3] - 2019-04-11\n--------------------\n\n* Added `availability` key to default content filter for ECC.\n\n[1.4.2] - 2019-04-11\n--------------------\n\n* Update `assign_enterprise_user_roles` management command to also assign catalog and enrollment api admin roles.\n\n[1.4.1] - 2019-04-10\n---------------------\n\n* Update `RouterView` if user is already enrolled in course run of a course then user will land on that course_run.\n\n[1.4.0] - 2019-04-08\n--------------------\n\n* Add new rbac permission checks to enterprise api endpoints.\n\n[1.3.11] - 2019-04-07\n---------------------\n\n* Update context for `enterprise-openedx-operator` role.\n\n[1.3.10] - 2019-04-03\n---------------------\n\n* Provide ability to add ECE even if course is closed from manage learners admin interface.\n\n[1.3.9] - 2019-03-29\n--------------------\n\n* Update role metadata for `edx-openedx-operator` role.\n\n----------\n\n[1.3.8] - 2019-03-29\n--------------------\n\n* Update `assign_enterprise_user_roles` management command to also assign enterprise operator role.\n\n[1.3.7] - 2019-03-28\n--------------------\n\n* Add data migration for adding edx enterprise operator role.\n\n[1.3.6] - 2019-03-27\n--------------------\n\n* Introduce rbac models for feature specific roles within edx-enterprise.\n\n[1.3.5] - 2019-03-22\n--------------------\n\n* Assign an enterprise learner role to new EnterpriseCustomerUser.\n\n[1.3.4] - 2019-03-21\n--------------------\n\n* Management command to assign enterprise roles to users.\n\n[1.3.3] - 2019-03-21\n--------------------\n\n* Fixed error in enrollment flow when audit track is selected and no DSC required.\n\n[1.3.2] - 2019-03-18\n--------------------\n\n* Adding django admin for SystemWideEnterpriseUserRoleAssignments.\n\n[1.3.1] - 2019-03-13\n--------------------\n\n* Optimizations around unlinking of SAP Success factor inactive users\n\n[1.3.0] - 2019-03-07\n--------------------\n\n* Introducing Enterprise System Wide Roles and edx-rbac.\n\n[1.2.12] - 2019-02-15\n---------------------\n\n* Updating enterprise views with new logging\n* Updating enterprise views to render new error page in a number of circumstances\n\n[1.2.11] - 2019-02-07\n---------------------\n\n* Allow admins with enterprise permissions to edit Data Sharing Consent Records\n\n\n[1.2.10] - 2019-01-30\n---------------------\n\n* Include Enterprise Catalog UUID in Enterprise Customer django admin inline.\n\n[1.2.9] - 2019-01-23\n--------------------\n\n* Upgrade requirements, and add code-annotations.\n* Add PII annotations to all apps in this repo.\n* Enable PII checking during CI.\n\n[1.2.8] - 2019-01-22\n--------------------\n\n* Revert 1.2.4 to restore DSC functionality.\n\n[1.2.7] - 2019-01-18\n--------------------\n\n* Replace error level log with info level log when enterprise user is not enrolled in course yet and the `transmit_learner_data` command is run\n\n[1.2.5] - 2019-01-16\n--------------------\n\n* Updating launch_points data in SapSuccessFactorsContentMetadataExporter so SuccessFactors can be mobile ready\n\n[1.2.4] - 2019-01-16\n--------------------\n\n* Remove HandleConsentEnrollment view and replaced with a function inside GrantDataSharingPermissions view. Removed\n GET side effect\n\n[1.2.3] - 2019-01-10\n---------------------\n\n* Add management command \"unlink_inactive_sap_learners\" to unlink inactive SAP learners from the related enterprises\n\n[1.2.2] - 2019-01-09\n---------------------\n\n* Update styling for future courses start date visibility\n\n[1.2.1] - 2018-12-21\n---------------------\n\n* Handle /search/all/ endpoint large catalog queries to discovery through HTTP POST\n\n[1.2.0] - 2018-12-19\n---------------------\n\n* Updating the course grade api url called in lms api\n\n[1.1.4] - 2018-12-19\n---------------------\n\n* Upgrade django-simple-history required version\n\n[1.1.3] - 2018-12-18\n---------------------\n\n* Add option on EnterpriseCustomer for displaying code management in portal\n\n[1.1.2] - 2018-12-12\n---------------------\n\n* Update EnterpriseCustomer model to introduce customer type field\n\n[1.1.1] - 2018-12-11\n---------------------\n\n* Use LMS-defined segment track() method\n\n[1.1.0] - 2018-12-06\n---------------------\n\n* Updating EnterpriseCustomerReportingConfiguration model. ManyToMany relationship with EnterpriseCustomerCatalog\n* Updating EnterpriseCustomerReportingConfigurationAdminForm validation\n* Updating EnterpriseCustomerReportingConfigurationSerializer\n\n[1.0.6] - 2018-11-28\n---------------------\n\n* Added username and user email in EnterpriseCustomerUserAdmin list display.\n* Added search by username and user email in EnterpriseCustomerUserAdmin.\n\n[1.0.5] - 2018-11-14\n---------------------\n\n* Added enterprise api for requesting additional coupon codes.\n\n[1.0.4] - 2018-11-07\n---------------------\n\n* Make HTTP POST request to get catalog results from discovery.\n\n[1.0.3] - 2018-11-02\n---------------------\n\n* Fix translations for enterprise pages.\n\n[1.0.2] - 2018-10-25\n---------------------\n\n* Updated EnterpriseCustomerReportingConfiguration model with PGP key\n\n[1.0.1] - 2018-10-24\n---------------------\n\n* Made autocohorting API availability based on a configuration option.\n\n[1.0.0] - 2018-10-16\n--------------------\n* Upgrade edx-drf-extensions with refactored imports.\n* Remove Hawthorn testing for upcoming backward incompatible change.\n\n[0.73.6] - 2018-10-04\n---------------------\n* SuccessFactors: Submit batch/chunk of OCN items to tenants until error status\n\n[0.73.5] - 2018-09-21\n---------------------\n* Added ability to query enterprises by slug on the with_access_to endpoint\n\n[0.73.4] - 2018-09-17\n---------------------\n\n* Added ability to assign cohort upon enrollment.\n* Added ability to unenroll in enrollment API.\n\n[0.73.3] - 2018-09-14\n---------------------\n\n* Added Country field to the EnterpriseCustomer model.\n\n[0.73.2] - 2018-09-11\n---------------------\n\n* Fixed 500 error on enterprise customer admin screen.\n\n[0.73.1] - 2018-08-30\n---------------------\n\n* Remove the SailThru flags for enterprise learner when un-linking it from enterprise.\n\n[0.73.0] - 2018-08-21\n---------------------\n\n* Changed permission logic and added filtering options for the enterprise with_access_to endpoint.\n\n[0.72.7] - 2018-08-20\n---------------------\n\n* Added preview field that takes user to Discovery with elastic search results for the catalog\n\n[0.72.6] - 2018-08-17\n---------------------\n\n* Added management command to send course enrollment and course completion info for enterprise customers.\n\n[0.72.5] - 2018-08-09\n---------------------\n\n* Revise management command query to include all potentially-applicable enrollment records\n\n[0.72.4] - 2018-08-08\n---------------------\n\n* Move some fields from Global Degreed Configuration to Enterprise Degreed Configuration.\n\n[0.72.3] - 2018-08-08\n---------------------\n\n* Added LearnerInfoSerializer and CourseInfoSerializer for serializing xAPI payload data.\n\n[0.72.2] - 2018-07-27\n---------------------\n\n* Added endpoint to check a user's authorization to Enterprises based on membership in a given django group.\n\n[0.72.1] - 2018-07-26\n---------------------\n\n* Added missing migrations for xAPI LRS Configuration model\n\n\n[0.72.0] - 2018-07-24\n---------------------\n\n* Implemented reporting channel of course completion via X-API\n\n[0.71.2] - 2018-07-23\n---------------------\n\n* Add thumbnail images in exported metadata content by content type.\n\n[0.71.1] - 2018-07-23\n---------------------\n\n* Updated message for invalid Enterprise Customer Catalog references in B2B enrollment workflow.\n\n[0.71.0] - 2018-07-20\n---------------------\n\n* Updated TinCanPython package to support python 3\n* Updated UUID field to nowrap in admin interface of enterprise customer catalog model.\n\n[0.70.8] - 2018-07-13\n---------------------\n\n* Display customer catalog content filter's default value on enterprise customer admin.\n\n[0.70.7] - 2018-07-12\n---------------------\n\n* Make customer catalog content filter's default value configurable.\n\n[0.70.6] - 2018-07-09\n---------------------\n\n* Pass catalog value only when provided on enterprise course enrollment page.\n\n[0.70.5] - 2018-07-06\n---------------------\n\n* Send learner data transmissions to integrated channels by course key and course run id.\n\n[0.70.4] - 2018-07-03\n---------------------\n\n* Use query param \"catalog\" instead of \"enterprise_customer_catalog_uuid\" for catalog based enterprise discounts.\n\n[0.70.3] - 2018-06-29\n---------------------\n\n* Apply enterprise catalog conditional offer by the provided enterprise catalog UUID.\n\n[0.70.2] - 2018-06-28\n---------------------\n\n* Modify enterprise branding config API to use enterprise slug as the lookup_field.\n\n[0.70.1] - 2018-06-27\n---------------------\n\n* Paginate linked learners list on manage learners Django admin view.\n\n[0.70.0] - 2018-06-26\n---------------------\n\n* Add unique slug field to EnterpriseCustomer.\n\n[0.69.6] - 2018-06-25\n---------------------\n\n* Update requirements to fix pip install issues and to keep in line with edx-platform.\n\n[0.69.5] - 2018-06-25\n---------------------\n\n* Fix the Direct-to-Audit enrollment issue in case of course instead of course run.\n\n[0.69.4] - 2018-06-20\n---------------------\n\n* Strip locale values.\n\n[0.69.3] - 2018-06-20\n---------------------\n\n* Add and transmit customer specific locales so that SuccessFactors show course title and description.\n\n[0.69.2] - 2018-06-18\n---------------------\n\n* Fix the Direct-to-Audit enrollment issue in case of course.\n\n[0.69.1] - 2018-06-07\n---------------------\n\n* 500 error when attempting to enroll using course-level URL.\n\n[0.69.0] - 2018-05-31\n---------------------\n\n* Add a `progress_v2` option in the reporting config to be used for data API fetching.\n\n[0.68.9] - 2018-05-31\n---------------------\n\n* Increased character limit from 20 to 255 for field title in EnterpriseCustomerCatalog model\n* Reorder list display for EnterpriseCustomerCatalogAdmin\n* Add sorting order for EnterpriseCustomerCatalogAdmin\n\n[0.68.8] - 2018-05-30\n---------------------\n\n* Mark ECU as inactive internally if SAPSF says the ECU is inactive on their side.\n\n[0.68.7] - 2018-05-24\n---------------------\n\n* Admin tooling enterprise customer reporting configuration enhancement - Order by Enterprise Customer Name.\n\n[0.68.6] - 2018-05-22\n---------------------\n\n* Update DSC to show notification interstitial communicating to enterprise learner they are leaving company's site.\n\n[0.68.5] - 2018-05-17\n---------------------\n\n* Configuration to show/hide original price on enterprise course landing page.\n\n[0.68.4] - 2018-05-16\n---------------------\n\n* Remove constraints on the reporting config.\n\n[0.68.3] - 2018-05-11\n---------------------\n\n* Update enrollment api authorization to check group permissions.\n\n[0.68.2] - 2018-05-10\n---------------------\n\n* Dropped sap_success_factors_historicalsapsuccessfactorsenterprisecus80ad table.\n\n[0.68.1] - 2018-05-09\n---------------------\n\n* Add `json` report type.\n\n[0.68.0] - 2018-05-09\n---------------------\n\n* Allow reporting configs to work for arbitrary data and report types.\n\n[0.67.8] - 2018-05-04\n---------------------\n\n* Added ordering to resolve warnings of probable invalid pagination data.\n\n[0.67.7] - 2018-04-23\n---------------------\n\n* Update the messages when an enterprise learner leave an organization.\n\n[0.67.6] - 2018-04-20\n---------------------\n\n* Update user session when they become an Enterprise learner.\n\n[0.67.5] - 2018-04-18\n---------------------\n\n* Added ability to specify data sharing consent wording on a per enterprise basis.\n\n[0.67.4] - 2018-04-12\n---------------------\n\n* Add configuration to allow replacing potentially sensitive SSO usernames.\n\n[0.67.3] - 2018-04-05\n---------------------\n\n* Improved integrated channel logging.\n\n[0.67.2] - 2018-04-05\n---------------------\n\n* Fix the enterprise manage learner django admin tool is loading correctly for chrome users.\n\n[0.67.1] - 2018-04-04\n---------------------\n\n* Integrated channel refactoring cleanup.\n\n[0.67.0] - 2018-03-26\n---------------------\n\n* Refactored integrated channel code to allow for greater flexibility when transmitting content metadata.\n\n[0.66.2] - 2018-03-26\n---------------------\n\n* Update isort version and sort imports after making consent and integrated_channels first party apps.\n\n[0.66.1] - 2018-03-23\n---------------------\n\n* Temporarily disable linked learners list on manage learners Django admin view until paging can be added.\n\n[0.66.0] - 2018-03-05\n---------------------\n\n* Add EnterpriseCustomerCatalog course detail endpoint.\n\n[0.65.8] - 2018-02-23\n---------------------\n\n* Add \"Enrollment Closed\" in course title if the course is no longer open for enrollment.\n\n[0.65.7] - 2018-02-14\n---------------------\n\n* Support multiple emails in EnterpriseCustomerReportingConfiguration.\n* Only require email(s) in EnterpriseCustomerReportingConfiguration if the selected delivery method is email.\n\n[0.65.6] - 2018-02-13\n---------------------\n\n* Remove the renderer.py file.\n\n[0.65.5] - 2018-02-13\n---------------------\n\n* Add functionality in enterprise django admin for transmitting courses metadata related to a specific enterprise.\n\n[0.65.4] - 2018-02-09\n---------------------\n\n* Indicate when a course is no longer open for enrollment by updating course title for transmit courses metadata.\n\n[0.65.3] - 2018-02-06\n---------------------\n\n* Decreased SuccessFactors course metadata chunk size from 1000 to 500, per SAP's recommendation.\n\n[0.65.2] - 2018-02-05\n---------------------\n\n* Updated the \"Data Sharing Policy\" language.\n\n[0.65.1] - 2018-02-02\n---------------------\n\n* Provide an option for enterprise to pull enterprise catalog API in XML format not just JSON.\n\n[0.65.0] - 2018-01-30\n---------------------\n\n* Add migration for removing old password fields from the database.\n\n[0.64.0] - 2018-01-29\n---------------------\n\n* Removed code references to old password fields.\n\n[0.63.0] - 2018-01-25\n---------------------\n\n* Improved handling of password fields on database models.\n\n[0.62.0] - 2018-01-18\n---------------------\n\n* Exclude credit course mode option from course enrollment page.\n\n[0.61.6] - 2018-01-18\n---------------------\n\n* Group Name, Active, Site, and Logo together.\n* Rename \"Provider id\" form label to \"Identity Provider\"\n* Rename \"Entitlement id\" form label to \"Seat Entitlement\"\n* Rename \"Coupon URL\" form label to \"Seat Entitlement URL\"\n* Add a \"View details\" hyperlink next to identity provider drop-down.\n* Add a \"Create a new catalog\" link under the Catalog drop-down.\n* Add a \"View details\" hyperlink next to catalog field, if catalog is selected.\n* Add a \"Create a new identity provider\" link under the Identity Provider drop-down.\n\n[0.61.5] - 2018-01-18\n---------------------\n\n* Include start date in all course runs title when pushing to Integrated Channels.\n\n[0.61.4] - 2018-01-12\n---------------------\n\n* Add localized currency to enterprise landing page.\n\n[0.61.3] - 2018-01-11\n---------------------\n\n* Fix enterprise logo stretching issue in enterprise sidebar on course/program enrollment pages.\n\n[0.61.2] - 2018-01-09\n---------------------\n\n* Add missing migrations for sap_success_factors and degreed.\n\n[0.61.1] - 2018-01-09\n---------------------\n\n* Update django admin list view for enterprise customer model.\n\n[0.61.0] - 2018-01-09\n---------------------\n\n* SuccessFactors Admin Update: Enterprise Customer Configuration.\n\n[0.60.0] - 2018-01-03\n---------------------\n\n* Add sftp configuration options for EnterpriseCustomerReportingConfiguration.\n\n[0.59.0] - 2017-12-28\n---------------------\n\n* Add check for active companies when getting list of channels\n\n[0.58.0] - 2017-12-22\n---------------------\n\n* Add save_enterprise_customer_users command.\n\n[0.57.0] - 2017-12-21\n---------------------\n\n* Remove references to SSO IdP config drop_existing_session flag.\n\n[0.56.5] - 2017-12-20\n---------------------\n\n* Fix templates to use new bootstrap bundle library.\n\n[0.56.4] - 2017-12-19\n---------------------\n\n* Fix syntax error in template-embedded Javascript.\n\n[0.56.3] - 2017-12-14\n---------------------\n\n* Make sure root url has a fallback for proxy enrollment email links.\n\n[0.56.2] - 2017-12-13\n---------------------\n\n* Add course_enrollments API endpoint to swagger specification.\n\n[0.56.1] - 2017-12-13\n---------------------\n\n* Add publish_audit_enrollment_url flag to EnterpriseCustomerCatalog.\n\n[0.56.0] - 2017-12-13\n---------------------\n\n* Update create_enterprise_course_enrollment command.\n\n[0.55.7] - 2017-12-13\n---------------------\n\n* Ensure that proxy enrollment email links trigger SSO.\n\n[0.55.6] - 2017-12-12\n---------------------\n\n* Check site configuration for from email address first\n\n[0.55.5] - 2017-12-11\n---------------------\n\n* Added course start date to title string for instructor-led courses\n\n[0.55.4] - 2017-12-06\n---------------------\n\n* Redirect to embargo restriction message page if user is blocked from accessing course.\n\n[0.55.3] - 2017-12-05\n---------------------\n\n* Add integrated channel configuration info to course metadata push task logging.\n\n[0.55.2] - 2017-12-04\n---------------------\n\n* Include additional context for learner data transmission job exceptions.\n\n[0.55.1] - 2017-11-30\n---------------------\n\n* Track enterprise course enrollment events.\n\n[0.55.0] - 2017-11-29\n---------------------\n\n* Add Degreed as new integrated channel.\n\n[0.54.1] - 2017-11-29\n---------------------\n\n* Increase font size on data sharing consent page.\n\n[0.54.0] - 2017-11-28\n---------------------\n\n* Introduce the bulk enrollment/upgrade api endpoint for Enterprise Customers.\n\n[0.53.19] - 2017-11-28\n----------------------\n\n* Do not change EnterpriseCustomerReportingConfiguration.password on update.\n\n[0.53.18] - 2017-11-28\n----------------------\n\n* Add Identity Provider's ID to enterprise customer API response.\n\n[0.53.17] - 2017-11-27\n----------------------\n\n* Remove inaccurate landing page audit track language.\n\n[0.53.16] - 2017-11-22\n----------------------\n\n* Use LMS_INTERNAL_ROOT_URL instead of LMS_ROOT_URL for API base.\n\n[0.53.15] - 2017-11-16\n----------------------\n\n* Use the cryptography package instead of the unmaintained pycrypto.\n\n[0.53.14] - 2017-11-14\n----------------------\n\n* Link learner to enterprise customer directly using \"tpa_hint\" URL parameter.\n\n[0.53.13] - 2017-11-14\n----------------------\n\n* Update DSC policy to match legal requirements.\n\n[0.53.12] - 2017-11-09\n----------------------\n\n* Remove \"Discount provided by...\" text on the program landing page.\n\n[0.53.11] - 2017-11-06\n----------------------\n\n* Removing SAP_USE_ENTERPRISE_ENROLLMENT_PAGE switch via django waffle and use landing page URL instead of track selection page.\n\n[0.53.10] - 2017-11-02\n----------------------\n\n* Move data sharing policy to its own partial to improve theming of the data sharing consent page\n\n[0.53.9] - 2017-11-02\n---------------------\n\n* Apply appropriate content filtering to the EnterpriseCustomerCatalog detail endpoints.\n\n[0.53.8] - 2017-11-02\n---------------------\n\n* Show generic info message on enterprise course enrollment page.\n\n[0.53.7] - 2017-10-30\n---------------------\n\n* Added inline admin form to EnterpriseCustomer admin for EnterpriseCustomerCatalog.\n\n[0.53.6] - 2017-10-30\n---------------------\n\n* Fix error for empty course start date on DSC page.\n\n[0.53.5] - 2017-10-26\n---------------------\n\n* Fetch catalog courses in large chunks to avoid API limit.\n\n[0.53.4] - 2017-10-26\n---------------------\n\n* Preserve catalog querystring on declining DSC.\n\n[0.53.3] - 2017-10-26\n---------------------\n\n* Fixing logo size on themed enterprise pages\n\n[0.53.2] - 2017-10-24\n---------------------\n\n* Remove unused dependency on django-extensions\n\n[0.53.1] - 2017-10-24\n---------------------\n\n* Fix alteration in querystring parameters for decorator \"enterprise_login_required\".\n\n[0.53.0] - 2017-10-24\n---------------------\n\n* Get rid of the `EnterpriseIntegratedChannel` model and any other related but unused code.\n\n[0.52.10] - 2017-10-23\n----------------------\n\n* Fix migration issue for `enabled-course-modes` field of EnterpriseCustomerCatalog\n\n[0.52.9] - 2017-10-20\n---------------------\n\n* Update the call level to enrollment uls from EnterpriseCustomer to EnterpriseCustomerCatalog.\n\n[0.52.8] - 2017-10-20\n---------------------\n\n* Update EnterpriseApiClient.get_enterprise_courses to account for EnterpriseCustomerCatalogs.\n\n[0.52.7] - 2017-10-20\n---------------------\n\n* Update course enrollment view for enterprise enabled course modes.\n\n[0.52.6] - 2017-10-19\n---------------------\n\n* Update the EnterpriseCustomerCatalog migration.\n\n\n[0.52.5] - 2017-10-19\n---------------------\n\n* Add EnterpriseCustomerCatalog UUID as query parameter \"catalog\" in enterprise course and program enrollment URL's.\n\n[0.52.4] - 2017-10-18\n---------------------\n\n* Upgrade django-simple-history to 1.9.0. Add needed migrations.\n\n[0.52.3] - 2017-10-18\n---------------------\n\n* Introducing EnterpriseCustomerReportingConfig model for enterprise_reporting.\n\n[0.52.2] - 2017-10-18\n---------------------\n\n* If a course is unenrollable, the program and course enrollment landing pages will display only a subset of information.\n\n[0.52.1] - 2017-10-15\n---------------------\n\n* Change a log level from `error` to `info` in our LMS API Client, as it wasn't really an error.\n\n[0.52.0] - 2017-10-14\n---------------------\n\n* Implement a direct-audit-enrollment pathway for course enrollment.\n* Implement a RouterView that the enrollment URLs have to go through before redirection to a downstream view.\n\n[0.51.5] - 2017-10-11\n---------------------\n\n* Added enabled_course_modes JSONField to EnterpriseCustomerCatalog model\n\n[0.51.4] - 2017-10-11\n---------------------\n\n* Added UTM parameters to marketing, track selection, and course/program enrollment URLs returned by Enterprise API.\n\n[0.51.3] - 2017-10-10\n---------------------\n\n* Fix bug related to EnterpriseCustomer creation form introduced with 0.51.0.\n\n[0.51.2] - 2017-10-10\n---------------------\n\n* Modify EnterpriseCustomer.catalog_contains_course to check EnterpriseCustomerCatalogs.\n\n[0.51.1] - 2017-10-06\n---------------------\n\n* Refactor user-facing DSC view's logic.\n\n[0.51.0] - 2017-10-05\n---------------------\n\n* Make discovery-service lookups site-aware\n\n[0.50.1] - 2017-10-03\n---------------------\n\n* Improved robustness for `force_fresh_session` decorator in conjunction with `enterprise_login_required`\n* Consciously avoid attempting to sync back details for SAPSF users who aren't linked via SSO\n\n[0.50.0] - 2017-10-03\n---------------------\n\n* Add contains_content_items endpoint to EnterpriseCustomerViewSet and EnterpriseCustomerCatalogViewSet.\n\n[0.49.0] - 2017-10-02\n---------------------\n\n* Rewrite all of our CSS in SASS/SCSS.\n* Use Bootstrap for our modals.\n* Fix existing course modal UI issues using Bootstrap & SASS/SCSS.\n\n[0.48.2] - 2017-09-29\n---------------------\n\n* Step 2 in making enrollment email template linked to enterprise. Remove site from model. No migration.\n\n[0.48.1] - 2017-09-25\n---------------------\n\n* Step 1 in making enrollment email template linked to enterprise. Make 'site' nullable, add 'enterprise_customer'.\n\n\n[0.48.0] - 2017-09-25\n---------------------\n\n* Add extra details to the program enrollment landing page.\n\n[0.47.1] - 2017-09-25\n---------------------\n\n* Add proper permissions/filtering schemes for all of our endpoints.\n\n[0.47.0] - 2017-09-21\n---------------------\n\n* Step 3 in safe deployment of removing old consent models: make migrations to delete the outstanding fields/models.\n\n[0.46.8] - 2017-09-21\n---------------------\n\n* Step 2 in safe deployment of removing old consent models: remove `require_account_level_consent`, but no migration.\n\n[0.46.7] - 2017-09-21\n---------------------\n\n* Step 1 in safe deployment of removing old consent models: make `require_account_level_consent` nullable.\n\n[0.46.6] - 2017-09-21\n---------------------\n\n* Added some log messages to trace possible 404 issue.\n\n[0.46.5] - 2017-09-21\n---------------------\n\n* Remove old account-level consent features as well as consent from EnterpriseCourseEnrollment.\n\n[0.46.4] - 2017-09-20\n---------------------\n\n* Abstract away usage of `configuration_helpers`.\n\n[0.46.3] - 2017-09-19\n---------------------\n\n* Make bulk enrollment emails more intelligent\n\n[0.46.2] - 2017-09-19\n---------------------\n\n* Add exception handling for transmit course metadata task.\n\n[0.46.1] - 2017-09-18\n---------------------\n\n* Remove the `auth-user` endpoint completely.\n\n[0.46.0] - 2017-09-15\n---------------------\n\n* Allow multi-course enrollment for enterprise users in admin.\n\n[0.45.0] - 2017-09-14\n---------------------\n\n* Modified enterprise-learner API endpoint to include the new DataSharingConsent model data.\n\n[0.44.0] - 2017-09-08\n---------------------\n\n* Added MVP version of the Programs Enrollment Landing Page.\n\n[0.43.5] - 2017-09-08\n---------------------\n\n* Wrapped API error handling into the clients themselves.\n\n[0.43.4] - 2017-09-07\n---------------------\n\n* Removed the text if there is no discount on the course enrollment landing page.\n\n[0.43.3] - 2017-09-06\n---------------------\n\n* Ensure that segment is loaded and firing page events for all user facing enterprise views.\n\n[0.43.2] - 2017-09-06\n---------------------\n\n* Display the enterprise discounted text on the course enrollment landing page.\n\n[0.43.1] - 2017-09-05\n---------------------\n\n* Remove support for writing consent_granted in enterprise-course-enrollment api.\n\n[0.43.0] - 2017-08-31\n---------------------\n\n* Add architecture for program-scoped data sharing consent.\n\n[0.42.0] - 2017-08-24\n---------------------\n\n* Do not create baskets and orders for audit enrollments.\n\n[0.41.0] - 2017-08-24\n---------------------\n\n* Migrate the codebase to the new `consent.models.DataSharingConsent` model for when dealing with consent.\n\n[0.40.7] - 2017-08-23\n---------------------\n\n* Fix bug causing 500 error on course enrollment page when the course does not have a course image configured.\n\n[0.40.6] - 2017-08-23\n---------------------\n\n* Update Consent API to use Discovery worker user for auth, rather than request user.\n\n[0.40.5] - 2017-08-23\n---------------------\n\n* Update SAP course export to use enterprise courses API.\n\n[0.40.4] - 2017-08-23\n---------------------\n\n* Fix 500 server error on enterprise course enrollment page.\n\n[0.40.3] - 2017-08-21\n---------------------\n\n* Change landing page course modal to use discovery api for populating course details.\n\n[0.40.2] - 2017-08-16\n---------------------\n\n* Increase capability and compatibility of Consent API.\n\n[0.40.1] - 2017-08-11\n---------------------\n\n* Add new unified DataSharingConsent model to the `consent` app.\n\n[0.40.0] - 2017-08-08\n---------------------\n\n* Add Enterprise API Gateway for new Enterprise Catalogs and Programs endpoints.\n* Add /enterprise/api/v1/enterprise-catalogs/ endpoint.\n* Add /enterprise/api/v1/enterprise-catalogs/{uuid}/ endpoint.\n* Add /enterprise/api/v1/programs/{uuid}/ endpoint.\n\n[0.39.9] - 2017-08-08\n---------------------\n\n* Added management command \"create_enterprise_course_enrollments\" for missing enterprise course enrollments.\n\n[0.39.8] - 2017-08-04\n---------------------\n\n* Fixed session reset decorator bug.\n\n[0.39.7] - 2017-08-04\n---------------------\n\n* Make whether Enterprise Customers get data for audit track enrollments configurable.\n\n[0.39.6] - 2017-08-02\n---------------------\n\n* Fixed the text cutoff in the bottom of the course info overlay.\n\n[0.39.5] - 2017-08-02\n---------------------\n\n* Only send one completion status per enrollment for SAP SuccessFactors.\n\n[0.39.4] - 2017-08-01\n---------------------\n\n* Create Audit enrollment in E-Commerce system when user enrolls in the audit mode in enterprise landing page.\n\n[0.39.3] - 2017-07-28\n---------------------\n\n* Remove Macro use from swagger api config as it is not supported by AWS.\n\n\n[0.39.2] - 2017-07-27\n---------------------\n\n* Introduce new endpoint to the Enterprise API to query for courses by enterprise id.\n\n[0.39.1] - 2017-07-27\n---------------------\n\n* Ensure catalog courses API endpoint users are associated with an EnterpriseCustomer.\n\n[0.39.0] - 2017-07-24\n---------------------\n\n* Officially include Consent application by ensuring it is installable.\n\n[0.38.7] - 2017-07-22\n---------------------\n\n* Add a new Consent application.\n* Add initial implementation of a generic Consent API.\n\n[0.38.6] - 2017-07-21\n---------------------\n\n* Remove SSO-related consent capabilities\n\n[0.38.5] - 2017-07-19\n---------------------\n\n* Add page_size in querystring and data mapping template to fix \"next\" and \"previous\" urls in API response.\n\n[0.38.4] - 2017-07-18\n---------------------\n\n* Fix DSC Policy Language Needs\n\n[0.38.3] - 2017-07-14\n---------------------\n\n* Fix dependency installation process in setup.py.\n\n[0.38.2] - 2017-07-14\n---------------------\n\n* Add consent declined message to course enrollment landing page.\n\n[0.38.1] - 2017-07-13\n---------------------\n\n* Remove requirement on too-new django-simple-history version\n* Require slightly older django-config-models version\n\n[0.38.0] - 2017-07-11\n---------------------\n\n* Move to edx-platform release-focused testing\n* Add Django 1.11 support in Hawthorn testing branch\n\n[0.37.1] - 2017-07-11\n---------------------\n\n* Update Enterprise landing page styling/language\n\n[0.37.0] - 2017-07-06\n---------------------\n\n* Update enterprise catalog api endpoint so that api returns paginated catalogs.\n\n[0.36.11] - 2017-06-29\n----------------------\n\n* Update DSC page language.\n\n[0.36.10] - 2017-06-29\n----------------------\n\n* Introducing SAP_USE_ENTERPRISE_ENROLLMENT_PAGE switch via django waffle.\n\n[0.36.9] - 2017-06-28\n---------------------\n\n* Refactor of automatic session termination logic.\n\n[0.36.8] - 2017-06-28\n---------------------\n\n* Enforce data sharing consent at login for SSO users only if data sharing consent is requested at login.\n\n[0.36.7] - 2017-06-25\n---------------------\n\n* UI tweaks to the enterprise landing page and course overview modal.\n\n[0.36.6] - 2017-06-25\n---------------------\n\n* Disable atomic transactions for CourseEnrollmentView to ensure that new EnterpriseCustomerUser records are saved to\n the database in time for ecommerce API calls.\n\n\n[0.36.5] - 2017-06-23\n---------------------\n\n* Apply automatic session termination logic to enterprise landing page based on enterprise customer configuration.\n\n[0.36.4] - 2017-06-21\n---------------------\n\n* Sort course modes in landing page.\n\n\n[0.36.3] - 2017-06-21\n---------------------\n\n* Fix for being unable to create course catalog clients due to upstream removal of the library.\n\n[0.36.2] - 2017-06-21\n---------------------\n\n* Add the ability to pass limit, offset and page_size parameters to enterprise catalog courses.\n\n\n[0.36.1] - 2017-06-20\n---------------------\n\n* Properly bump PyPI to latest changes from v0.36.0.\n\n\n[0.36.0] - 2017-06-20\n---------------------\n\n* Migrate from old, monolithic python-social-auth to latest, split version.\n* Rework the NotConnectedToOpenEdX exception to be just one, and to say which method/dependency is missing.\n\n\n[0.35.2] - 2017-06-20\n---------------------\n\n* Fix Next and Previous page urls for enterprise catalog courses.\n\n\n[0.35.1] - 2017-06-15\n---------------------\n\n* Displayed course run price with entitlement on landing page and course information overlay\n\n\n[0.35.0] - 2017-06-15\n---------------------\n\n* Allow account-level data sharing consent in a course-specific context\n\n\n[0.34.7] - 2017-06-14\n---------------------\n\n* Enable \"Continue\" button flows on enterprise landing page\n\n\n[0.34.6] - 2017-06-14\n---------------------\n\n* Fixed layout of data sharing consent decline modal on mobile view\n\n\n[0.34.5] - 2017-06-09\n---------------------\n\n* Add Django 1.10 support back\n\n\n[0.34.4] - 2017-06-09\n---------------------\n\n* Added course information overlay\n\n\n[0.34.3] - 2017-06-07\n---------------------\n\n* Make enterprise landing page url available in the enterprise api and SAP course export.\n\n\n[0.34.2] - 2017-06-06\n---------------------\n\n* Fix UI issues (unexpected html escape) on enterprise landing page.\n\n\n[0.34.1] - 2017-06-06\n---------------------\n\n* Bug fix for Data sharing consent pop up page.\n\n\n[0.34.0] - 2017-06-05\n---------------------\n\n* Update data backing and behavior of enterprise landing page\n* Fix template prioritization bug\n* Fix URL rendering in enterprise login decorator\n\n\n[0.33.24] - 2017-06-02\n----------------------\n\n* UI updates for data sharing consent page.\n\n\n[0.33.23] - 2017-06-02\n----------------------\n\n* Fix a bug with unexpected image data in SAP course export job.\n\n\n[0.33.22] - 2017-06-02\n----------------------\n\n* Add an `EnterpriseApiClient` method for getting enrollment data about a single user+course pair\n* Add logic to enterprise landing page that redirects users to the course when already registered\n\n\n[0.33.21] - 2017-06-01\n----------------------\n\n* UI updates for course mode selection in enterprise landing page.\n\n\n[0.33.20] - 2017-05-23\n----------------------\n\n* Migrate from mako templates to django templates\n\n\n[0.33.19] - 2017-05-18\n----------------------\n\n* Display account created/linked messages on enterprise landing page\n\n\n[0.33.18] - 2017-05-17\n----------------------\n\n* Add Enable audit enrollment flag\n\n\n[0.33.17] - 2017-05-16\n----------------------\n\n* Add django admin for enterprise course enrollment models\n\n\n[0.33.16] - 2017-05-15\n----------------------\n\n* Bug fixes for SAP learner completion data passback.\n\n[0.33.15] - 2017-05-10\n----------------------\n\n* Additional minor UI updates for enterprise landing page.\n\n\n[0.33.14] - 2017-05-10\n----------------------\n\n* Add new externally managed consent option for enterprise customers.\n\n[0.33.13] - 2017-05-09\n----------------------\n\n* Fix invalid API Gateway URIs\n\n\n[0.33.12] - 2017-05-03\n----------------------\n\n* Add enterprise landing page\n\n\n[0.33.11] - 2017-05-02\n----------------------\n\n* Add tpa hint if available for launchURLs for SAP Course metadata push.\n\n[0.33.10] - 2017-05-02\n----------------------\n\n* Fix bug with inactivating SAP courses that are no longer in the catalog.\n\n\n[0.33.9] - 2017-04-26\n---------------------\n\n* Fix enterprise logo validation message for max image size limit\n\n\n[0.33.8] - 2017-04-26\n---------------------\n\n* Updated calls to get_edx_api_data as its signature has changed in openedx.\n\n\n[0.33.7] - 2017-04-24\n---------------------\n\n* Redirect to login instead of raising Http404 if EnterpriseCustomer missing.\n* Add confirmation_alert_prompt_warning to context of account-level consent view.\n\n\n[0.33.6] - 2017-04-21\n---------------------\n\n* Increase max size limit for enterprise logo\n\n\n[0.33.5] - 2017-04-20\n---------------------\n\n* Added vertical hanging indent mode to isort settings and adjusted current imports\n\n\n[0.33.4] - 2017-04-18\n---------------------\n\n* Enforce login for course-specific data sharing consent views.\n\n\n[0.33.3] - 2017-04-18\n---------------------\n\n* Fixed the CSS for the expand arrow in the data sharing consent page.\n\n\n[0.33.2] - 2017-04-17\n---------------------\n\n* Update Data Sharing Consent message.\n\n\n[0.33.1] - 2017-04-17\n---------------------\n\n* Order enterprise customers by name on enterprise customer django admin\n\n\n[0.33.0] - 2017-04-11\n---------------------\n\n* Improve accounting for inactive courses for SAP course export.\n\n\n[0.32.1] - 2017-04-06\n---------------------\n\n* Bug Fix: Added Handling for user enrollment to courses that do not have a start date.\n\n\n[0.32.0] - 2017-04-06\n---------------------\n\n* Refine SAP course export parameters\n\n\n[0.31.4] - 2017-04-05\n---------------------\n\n* Added missing migration file for recent string updates\n\n\n[0.31.3] - 2017-04-04\n---------------------\n\n* Modified SAP completion status data to correctly indicate a failing grade to SAP systems.\n\n[0.31.2] - 2017-04-03\n---------------------\n\n* Bugfix: Resolve IntegrityError getting raised while linking existing enterprise users when data sharing consent is\n disabled for the related enterprise.\n\n[0.31.1] - 2017-03-31\n---------------------\n\n* Bugfix: Allow unlinking of enterprise learners with plus sign or certain other characters in email address.\n\n[0.31.0] - 2017-03-30\n---------------------\n\n* Edited UI and error strings.\n\n[0.30.0] - 2017-03-27\n---------------------\n\n* Fully implements sap_success_factors transmitters and client to communicate with the SAP SuccessFactors API,\n and to handle auditing and other business logic for both catalog and learner data calls.\n\n\n[0.29.1] - 2017-03-27\n---------------------\n\n* Support for segment.io events on data sharing consent flow\n\n\n[0.29.0] - 2017-03-23\n---------------------\n\n* Updates integrated_channels management command `transmit_learner_data` to support sending completion data for\n self-paced courses, and to use the Certificates API for instructor-paced courses.\n\n[0.28.0] - 2017-03-23\n---------------------\n\n* New data sharing consent view supporting failure_url parameter\n\n\n[0.27.6] - 2017-03-21\n---------------------\n\n* Removed OAuth2Authentication class from API viewset definitions\n\n\n[0.27.5] - 2017-03-17\n---------------------\n\n* Updated api.yaml to resolve swagger configuration issues.\n\n\n[0.27.4] - 2017-03-17\n---------------------\n\n* Allows enterprise enrollments to be made on servers that sit behind a load balancer.\n\n\n[0.27.3] - 2017-03-16\n---------------------\n* Added integrated_channels management command to transmit courseware metadata to SAP SuccessFactors.\n\n[0.27.2] - 2017-03-10\n---------------------\n\n* Added integrated_channels management command to transmit learner completion data to SAP SuccessFactors.\n\n[0.27.1] - 2017-03-13\n---------------------\n\n* Added api.yaml and api-compact.yaml files to introduce api endpoints for catalog api-manager.\n\n\n[0.27.0] - 2017-03-02\n---------------------\n\n* Added API endpoint for fetching catalogs and catalog courses.\n\n[0.26.3] - 2017-03-02\n---------------------\n\n* Added integrated_channels to MANIFEST.in to properly include migrations for the new packages.\n\n[0.26.2] - 2017-03-02\n---------------------\n\n* Fixed package listing in setup.py to avoid import errors when using as a library\n\n[0.26.1] - 2017-02-28\n---------------------\n\n* Added support for retrieving access token from SAP SuccessFactors\n* Added indicator in Sap SuccessFactors admin tool for checking the configuration's access to SuccessFactors.\n\n[0.26.0] - 2017-02-28\n---------------------\n\n* Formally introducing new integrated_channels apps\n* Adding new models and admin interfaces for integrated_channel and sap_success_factors\n\n[0.25.0] - 2017-02-28\n---------------------\n\n* Refactor _enroll_users() method to pay down technical debt\n* Improve admin messaging around enrollment actions\n\n[0.24.0] - 2017-02-27\n---------------------\n\n* API for SSO pipeline is simplified to a single element.\n* SSO users are linked to relevant Enterprise Customer when data sharing consent is disabled.\n\n[0.23.2] - 2017-02-22\n---------------------\n\n* SSO users are not created as EnterpriseCustomerUsers until all consent requirements have been fulfilled.\n\n\n[0.22.1] - 2017-02-20\n---------------------\n\n* Course Catalog API degrades gracefully in absence of Course Catalog service.\n\n\n[0.22.0] - 2017-02-14\n---------------------\n\n* Added API endpoint for fetching entitlements available to an enterprise learner\n\n\n[0.21.2] - 2017-02-07\n---------------------\n\n* Add id in EnterpriseCustomerUserSerializer fields\n\n\n[0.21.0] - 2017-01-30\n---------------------\n\n* Add UI handling for course-specific data sharing consent\n\n\n[0.20.0] - 2017-01-30\n---------------------\n\n* Add ability to select existing learners to be enrolled in courses from admin\n\n\n[0.19.1] - 2017-01-30\n---------------------\n\n* Resolved conflicting urls for User API endpoint.\n\n\n[0.19.0] - 2017-01-30\n---------------------\n\n* Added read-only enterprise API endpoint for IDAs.\n* Moved utility functions from api.py to utils.py\n\n\n[0.18.0] - 2017-01-27\n---------------------\n\n* Add the ability to notify manually-enrolled learners via email.\n\n\n[0.17.0] - 2017-01-25\n---------------------\n\n* Add the EnterpriseCourseEnrollment model and related methods\n\n\n[0.16.0] - 2017-01-25\n---------------------\n\n* Fix a bug preventing a course catalog from being unlinked from an EnterpriseCustomer\n\n\n[0.15.0] - 2017-01-25\n---------------------\n\n* Enroll users in a program.\n\n\n[0.14.0] - 2017-01-20\n---------------------\n\n* Added view of seat entitlements on enterprise admin screen\n\n\n[0.13.0] - 2017-01-06\n---------------------\n\n* Dynamically fetch available course modes in the Manage learners admin\n\n\n[0.12.0] - 2017-01-05\n---------------------\n\n* Create pending enrollment for users who don't yet have an account.\n\n\n[0.11.0] - 2017-01-05\n---------------------\n\n* Added links from the Manage Learners admin panel to individual learners.\n\n\n[0.10.0] - 2017-01-04\n---------------------\n\n* Added the ability to search the Manage Learners admin panel by username and email address.\n\n\n[0.9.0] - 2016-12-29\n--------------------\n\n* In django admin page for enterprise customer added alphabetical ordering for\n catalog drop down and displayed catalog details link next to selected catalog.\n\n\n[0.8.0] - 2016-12-08\n--------------------\n\n* added the branding information api methods to return the enterprise customer logo on the basis of provider_id or uuid.\n* Updated the logo image validator to take an image of size maximum of 4kb.\n\n\n[0.7.0] - 2016-12-07\n--------------------\n\n* Added a feature to enroll users in a course while linking them to an\n enterprise customer.\n\n\n[0.6.0] - 2016-12-04\n--------------------\n\n* Fixed EnterpriseCustomer form to make Catalog field optional\n* Added user bulk linking option\n* Added Data Sharing Consent feature\n\n\n[0.5.0] - 2016-11-28\n--------------------\n\n* Added checks to make sure enterprise customer and identity provider has one-to-one relation.\n* Added a helper method to retrieve enterprise customer branding information\n\n\n[0.4.1] - 2016-11-24\n--------------------\n\n* Fixed User.post_save handler causing initial migrations to fail\n\n\n[0.4.0] - 2016-11-21\n--------------------\n\n* Set up logic to call course catalog API to retrieve catalog listing to attach to EnterpriseCustomer.\n\n\n[0.3.1] - 2016-11-21\n--------------------\n\n* Fixed missing migration.\n\n\n[0.3.0] - 2016-11-16\n--------------------\n\nAdded\n^^^^^\n\n* Added Pending Enterprise Customer User model - keeps track of user email linked to Enterprise Customer, but not\n yet used by any user.\n* Added custom \"Manage Learners\" admin view.\n\nTechnical features\n^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\n* Added sphinx-napoleon plugin to support rendering Google Style docstrings into documentation properly (i.e.\n make it recognize function arguments, returns etc.)\n* Added translation files\n\n\n[0.2.0] - 2016-11-15\n--------------------\n\n* Linked EnterpriseCustomer model to Identity Provider model\n\n\n[0.1.2] - 2016-11-04\n--------------------\n\n* Linked EnterpriseCustomer model to django Site model\n\n\n[0.1.1] - 2016-11-03\n--------------------\n\n* Enterprise Customer Branding Model and Django admin integration\n\n\n[0.1.0] - 2016-10-13\n--------------------\n\n* First release on PyPI.\n* Models and Django admin integration\n",
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