
Nameelmat JSON
Version 0.1.16 PyPI version JSON
SummaryExtended License Matrix
upload_time2024-06-22 17:59:01
authorHenrik Sanklef
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Henrik Sandklef <hesa@sandklef.com>

SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

# elmat (El Mat) - Extension to License Matrix

This project provides:

* Compatibility for proprietary license called `Proprietary-linked`

* Python API

* Command line program

# Compatibility for proprietary license

This can be used in combination with Further information [OSADL's License Checklist](https://www.osadl.org/Access-to-raw-data.oss-compliance-raw-data-access.0.html) and more specifically to extend the license matrix with a propprietary license.

## Extending flict

[flict](https://github.com/vinland-technology/flict) can be extend with support for the proprietary license. This is done in two steps:

* create a new license matrix file (using elmat)

* use the new matrix file to flict

###  Create a new license matrix file

Assuming we want to call the new matrix file `extended-matrix.json`

$ elmat merge > extended-matrix.json

### Use the new matrix file to flict

use the new matrix file `extended-matrix.json` as input to flict  to verify if elmat's proprietary license, `Proprietary-linked`, can be used as outbound for the inbound license "MIT OR BSD-3-Clause".

$ flict --license-matrix-file extended-matrix.json -of text verify -il MIT OR BSD-3-Clause -ol Proprietary-linked

# Python API

See [Python API](PYTHON_API.md).

# Command line program

The command line program can do four things:

* merge licenses

* list supported licenses

* verify an outbound license with an inbound license

* get compatibility for an outbound #license with an inbound license

* extend elmat with your own licenses

# Merge licenses

To merge and output [osadl_matrix](https://github.com/priv-kweihmann/osadl-matrix) with elmat's license:

$ elmat merge 

# List supported licenses

$ elmat list

# Verify an outbound license with an inbound license

Elmat can verify a single outbound license with a single inbound license. As an example elmat can check if the inbound license "BSD-3-Clause" be used by the outbound license "Proprietary-linked" and vice versa.


$ elmat verify -il BSD-3-Clause -ol Proprietary-linked
$ elmat verify -il Proprietary-linked -ol BSD-3-Clause

*Note: If you need support for complex license expressions (e.g. `MIT OR BSD-3-Clause`), check out [flict](https://github.com/vinland-technology/flict)*

# Get compatibility for an outbound license with an inbound license

If you want a more detailed answer, then from `verify`, you can get the actual compatibility status with the `compatibility` command.


$ elmat/__main__.py compatibility -il BSD-3-Clause -ol Proprietary-linked
$ elmat/__main__.py compatibility -il Proprietary-linked -ol BSD-3-Clause
*Note: If you need support for complex license expressions (e.g. `MIT OR BSD-3-Clause`), check out [flict](https://github.com/vinland-technology/flict)*

# Extend elmat with your own licenses

This can be done in combination with the commands above using the option `--license-file`. Let's assume you have a file, called `foobar-license.json`, defining the compatiblity for the license `FooBar` that you would like to extend elmat with.

Example without extending elmat with your license file:
$ elmat/__main__.py -of text compatibility -il BSD-3-Clause -ol FooBar
Outbound license "FooBar" not supported.

Example when extending elmat with your license file:

$ elmat --license-file foobar-license.json -of text compatibility -il BSD-3-Clause -ol FooBar
$ elmat --license-file foobar-license.json -of text compatibility -il Apache-2.0 -ol FooBar
$ elmat --license-file foobar-license.json -of text compatibility -il BSD-2-Clause -ol FooBar
*Note: read more about the format for extending the elmat in [Extending Elmat](EXTENDING_ELMAT.md).

License definitions used in the example above (`foobar-license.json`):
    "extended_licenses": {
	"FooBar": {
	    "BSD-3-Clause": "Yes",
	    "Apache-2.0": "No"

# Related projects

* [flict](https://github.com/vinland-technology/flict) - License Compatibility Tool

* [FOSS Licenses](https://github.com/hesa/foss-licenses) - A database with meta data for FOSS licenses adding useful information to existing licenses aiming at simplifying compliance work.

* [Open Source License Checklists](https://www.osadl.org/OSADL-Open-Source-License-Checklists.oss-compliance-lists.0.html) - Open Source License Obligations Checklists

* [osadl_matrix](https://github.com/priv-kweihmann/osadl-matrix) - Python API on top of OSADL license compatibility matrix

* [ScanCode LicenseDB](https://scancode-licensedb.aboutcode.org/) - LicenseDB is likely the largest collection of software licenses available on earth and may be beyond.


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "https://github.com/hesa/elmat",
    "name": "elmat",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.7",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": null,
    "author": "Henrik Sanklef",
    "author_email": "hesa@sandklef.com",
    "download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/45/8b/58508560d9c7a22fd52e86d6a9f247d2709acf5a1fa1c40c2a940b3b81e5/elmat-0.1.16.tar.gz",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "<!--\nSPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Henrik Sandklef <hesa@sandklef.com>\n\nSPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later\n-->\n\n# elmat (El Mat) - Extension to License Matrix\n\nThis project provides:\n\n* Compatibility for proprietary license called `Proprietary-linked`\n\n* Python API\n\n* Command line program\n\n# Compatibility for proprietary license\n\nThis can be used in combination with Further information [OSADL's License Checklist](https://www.osadl.org/Access-to-raw-data.oss-compliance-raw-data-access.0.html) and more specifically to extend the license matrix with a propprietary license.\n\n## Extending flict\n\n[flict](https://github.com/vinland-technology/flict) can be extend with support for the proprietary license. This is done in two steps:\n\n* create a new license matrix file (using elmat)\n\n* use the new matrix file to flict\n\n###  Create a new license matrix file\n\nAssuming we want to call the new matrix file `extended-matrix.json`\n\n```\n$ elmat merge > extended-matrix.json\n```\n\n### Use the new matrix file to flict\n\nuse the new matrix file `extended-matrix.json` as input to flict  to verify if elmat's proprietary license, `Proprietary-linked`, can be used as outbound for the inbound license \"MIT OR BSD-3-Clause\".\n\n```\n$ flict --license-matrix-file extended-matrix.json -of text verify -il MIT OR BSD-3-Clause -ol Proprietary-linked\n```\n\n# Python API\n\nSee [Python API](PYTHON_API.md).\n\n# Command line program\n\nThe command line program can do four things:\n\n* merge licenses\n\n* list supported licenses\n\n* verify an outbound license with an inbound license\n\n* get compatibility for an outbound #license with an inbound license\n\n* extend elmat with your own licenses\n\n# Merge licenses\n\nTo merge and output [osadl_matrix](https://github.com/priv-kweihmann/osadl-matrix) with elmat's license:\n\n```\n$ elmat merge \n```\n\n# List supported licenses\n\n```\n$ elmat list\n```\n\n# Verify an outbound license with an inbound license\n\nElmat can verify a single outbound license with a single inbound license. As an example elmat can check if the inbound license \"BSD-3-Clause\" be used by the outbound license \"Proprietary-linked\" and vice versa.\n\nExample:\n\n```\n$ elmat verify -il BSD-3-Clause -ol Proprietary-linked\ntrue\n$ elmat verify -il Proprietary-linked -ol BSD-3-Clause\nfalse\n```\n\n*Note: If you need support for complex license expressions (e.g. `MIT OR BSD-3-Clause`), check out [flict](https://github.com/vinland-technology/flict)*\n\n# Get compatibility for an outbound license with an inbound license\n\nIf you want a more detailed answer, then from `verify`, you can get the actual compatibility status with the `compatibility` command.\n\nExample:\n\n```\n$ elmat/__main__.py compatibility -il BSD-3-Clause -ol Proprietary-linked\n\"Yes\"\n$ elmat/__main__.py compatibility -il Proprietary-linked -ol BSD-3-Clause\n\"Unknown\"\n```\n*Note: If you need support for complex license expressions (e.g. `MIT OR BSD-3-Clause`), check out [flict](https://github.com/vinland-technology/flict)*\n\n# Extend elmat with your own licenses\n\nThis can be done in combination with the commands above using the option `--license-file`. Let's assume you have a file, called `foobar-license.json`, defining the compatiblity for the license `FooBar` that you would like to extend elmat with.\n\nExample without extending elmat with your license file:\n```\n$ elmat/__main__.py -of text compatibility -il BSD-3-Clause -ol FooBar\nOutbound license \"FooBar\" not supported.\n```\n\nExample when extending elmat with your license file:\n\n```\n$ elmat --license-file foobar-license.json -of text compatibility -il BSD-3-Clause -ol FooBar\nYes\n$ elmat --license-file foobar-license.json -of text compatibility -il Apache-2.0 -ol FooBar\nNo\n$ elmat --license-file foobar-license.json -of text compatibility -il BSD-2-Clause -ol FooBar\nUnknown\n```\n*Note: read more about the format for extending the elmat in [Extending Elmat](EXTENDING_ELMAT.md).\n\nLicense definitions used in the example above (`foobar-license.json`):\n```\n{\n    \"extended_licenses\": {\n\t\"FooBar\": {\n\t    \"BSD-3-Clause\": \"Yes\",\n\t    \"Apache-2.0\": \"No\"\n\t}\n    }\n}\n```\n\n\n\n# Related projects\n\n* [flict](https://github.com/vinland-technology/flict) - License Compatibility Tool\n\n* [FOSS Licenses](https://github.com/hesa/foss-licenses) - A database with meta data for FOSS licenses adding useful information to existing licenses aiming at simplifying compliance work.\n\n* [Open Source License Checklists](https://www.osadl.org/OSADL-Open-Source-License-Checklists.oss-compliance-lists.0.html) - Open Source License Obligations Checklists\n\n* [osadl_matrix](https://github.com/priv-kweihmann/osadl-matrix) - Python API on top of OSADL license compatibility matrix\n\n* [ScanCode LicenseDB](https://scancode-licensedb.aboutcode.org/) - LicenseDB is likely the largest collection of software licenses available on earth and may be beyond.\n\n\n\n\n",
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