
Nameembrace JSON
Version 4.3.0 PyPI version JSON
SummaryEmbrace SQL keeps your SQL queries in SQL files. An anti-ORM inspired by HugSQL and PugSQL
upload_time2023-07-18 11:31:08
authorOliver Cope
keywords sql hugsql pugsql orm anti-orm files dapper
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            An interface for using plain SQL, in files.

Does writing complex queries in an ORM feel like driving with the handbrake on?
Embrace SQL! Put your SQL queries in regular ``.sql`` files, and embrace will
load them.


    pip install embrace


    import embrace

    # Connect to your database, using any db-api connector.
    # If python supports it, so does embrace.
    conn = psycopg2.connect("postgresql:///mydb")

    # Create a module populated with queries from a collection of *.sql files:
    queries = embrace.module("resources/sql")

    # Run a query
    users = queries.list_users(conn, order_by='created_at')

Add ``resources/sql/list_users.sql`` containing an SQL query::

    -- :name list_users :many
    select * from users where active = :active order by :identifier:order_by

What is the format of a query SQL file?

Embrace-SQL tries to stick close to the format used by HugSQL and PugSQL.
SQL files contain special comments to specify the query name and result type.


    -- :name get_user_count
    -- :result :scalar
    SELECT count(1) FROM users

If a result type is omitted, it will default to ``cursor``. The result type
can be included in the same line as the name:


    -- :name get_user_count :scalar

If ``:name`` is omitted, it will default to the filename without extension.

A single file may contain multiple SQL queries, separated by a structured SQL
comment. For example to create two query objects accessible as
``queries.list_users()`` and ``queries.get_user_by_id()``:


    -- :name list_users :many
    select * from users

    -- :name get_user_by_id :one
    select * from users where id=:id

But if you *don't* have the separating comment, embrace-sql can run
multiple statements in a single query call, returning the result from just the last one.

Why? Because it makes this possible in MySQL:


    -- :result :column
    insert into users (name, email) values (:name, :email);
    select last_insert_id();

Including queries

You may include one query inside another using the ``:include:`` directive. For


    -- :name select_valid_users
    SELECT * FROM users WHERE deleted_at IS NULL;

    -- :name select_user_by_email
    SELECT * FROM (:include:select_valid_users) WHERE email = :email;

What can queries return?

The following result types are supported:

========================= ======================================================
``:affected``, ``:n``     The number of rows affected

``:first``                The first row, as returned by ``cursor.fetchone()``,
                          or ``None`` if no row is found.

``:one``, ``:1``          A single row, as returned by ``cursor.fetchone()``,
                          usually as a tuple (but most db-api modules have
                          extensions allowing you to access rows as dicts or
                          named tuples.

                          If no row is generated by the query,
                          ``embrace.exceptions.NoResultFound`` will be raised.
                          If more than one row is generated by the query,
                          ``embrace.exceptions.MultipleResultsFound`` will be

``exactly-one`, ``:=1``   Synonyms for ``:one``, retained for compatibility

``:one-or-none``          As ``one``, but returns None if no row is returned by
                          the query.

``:many``, ``:*``         An iterator over a number of rows. Each row will be
                          the value returned by ``cursor.fetchone()``, usually
                          a tuple.

``:cursor``, ``:raw``     The cursor object.

``:scalar``               The value of the first column of the  first row
                          returned by the query.

                          If no row is generated by the query, a
                          ``NoResultFound`` will be raised.

``:column``               An iterator over the values in the first column

``:resultset``            An object supporting access to query results as any of
                          the above result types.

                          **This is the default result type if no result type is
========================= ======================================================

You can override the return type specified by the query from Python code by
using one of the following methods on the ``Query`` object:

    - ``affected``
    - ``one``
    - ``exactlyone``
    - ``many``
    - ``cursor``
    - ``scalar``
    - ``column``
    - ``resultset``

Use ``resultset`` to get access to both the results and cursor metadata, for example::

    result = Query("SELECT * from mytable").resultset(conn)

How do I return rows as dicts, namedtuples or dataclasses?

Queries return rows directly from the underlying db-api driver.
Many drivers have options to return data structures other than tuples (for
example ``sqlite3.Row`` or ``psycopg2.extras.DictCursor``). You will need to
configure these at the connection level.

See the next section for how to use ``embrace.query.mapobject`` to map rows
to dicts, namedtuples, dataclasses or your own ORM-style model classes.

How do I map rows onto objects?

Embrace supports simple ORM style mapping.


    import embrace
    from dataclasses import dataclass

    class User:
        id: int
        name: str

    query = queries.query("SELECT * from users").returning(User)
    users = query.many(conn)

Map multiple classes in a single query::

    query = queries.query(
        "SELECT * FROM posts JOIN users ON posts.user_id = users.id"
    ).returning((Post, User))
    for post, user in query.many(conn):

By default embrace looks for fields named ``id`` (case insensitive) to
split up the row.

If you need to split on different columns, use ``mapobject`` to specify how to
map the returned columns onto objects::

    from embrace import mapobject

    query = queries.query(
        SELECT posts.*, users.*
        FROM posts JOIN users ON posts.user_id = users.user_id
            mapobject(Post, split="post_id"),
            mapobject(User, split="user_id")
    for post, user in query.many(conn):

``mapobject`` can also load columns into dicts, namedtuples and dataclasses::

    from embrace import mapobject

    query = queries.query(
        SELECT posts.*, categories.*, users.*
        FROM posts
            JOIN categories ON posts.category_id = categories.id
            JOIN users ON posts.user_id = users.id
    for post, category, user in query.many(conn):

When mapping dataclasses, you can specify additional fields for the dataclass
by providing a list of fields in the format expected by

            ('owner', typing.Any),
            ('images', list[Image], dataclasses.fields(default_factory=list))

Or as keyword arguments::

        images=(list[Image], dataclasses.fields(default_factory=list)),

``mapobject.passthrough`` passes individual columns through unchanged::

    query = queries.query(
        SELECT posts.*, count(*) as reply_count
        FROM posts JOIN replies ON posts.id = replies.post_id
            mapobject(Post, split="post_id"),
    for post, reply_count in query.many(conn):

You can also tell embrace to populate join relationships::

    from embrace import one_to_many
    from embrace import one_to_one

    query = queries.query(
        SELECT users.*, orders.*, products.*
        FROM users
        JOIN orders ON orders.user_id = users.id
        JOIN products ON orders.product_id = products.id
        ORDER BY users.id, orders.id
        # Each row of this query returns data for a User, Order and Product
        # object. The `key` parameter tells embrace to map items with identical
        # key values to the same python object.
            mapobject(User, key="id"),
            mapobject(Order, key="id"),
            mapobject(Product, key="id"),
            # Populate User.orders with the list of Order objects
            one_to_many(User, 'orders', Order),

            # Populate Order.product with the product object
            one_to_one(Order, 'product', Product),

    for user in query.many(conn):
        for order in user.order:
            product = order.product

Note that methods like ``query.one`` operate at the level of the database
If you use ``joins`` to consolidate multiple database rows into a single
you will still need to call ``query.many`` even if you only require a
single object to be returned.

How do parameters work?

Placeholders inserted using the ``:name`` syntax are escaped by the db-api


    -- Outputs `select * from user where name = 'o''brien'`;
    select * from users where name = :name

You can interpolate lists and tuples too:

``:tuple:`` creates a placeholder like this ``(?, ?, ?)``

``:value*:`` creates a placeholder like this ``?, ?, ?``

``:tuple*:`` creates a placeholder like this ``(?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?), …``
(useful for multiple insert queries)


    -- Call this with `queries.insert_foo(data=(1, 2, 3))`
    INSERT INTO foo (a, b, c) VALUES :tuple:data

    -- Call this with `queries.get_matching_users(names=("carolyn", "douglas"))`
    SELECT * from users WHERE name in (:value*:names)

You can escape identifiers with ``:identifier:``, like this:


    -- Outputs `select * from "some random table"`
    select * from :identifier:table_name

You can pass through raw sql too. This leaves you open to SQL injection attacks if you allow user input into such parameters:


    -- Outputs `select * from users order by name desc`
    select * from users order by :raw:order_clause

How do I handle connections? Transactions?

You must pass a db-api connection object every time you call a query.
You can manage these connections yourself, but Embrace also offers a connection
pooling module.


    from embrace import pool

    # Create a connection pool
    connection_pool = pool.ConnectionPool(
        partial(psycopg2.connect, database='mydb'),

    # Example 1 - explicit calls to getconn/release
    conn = connection_pool.getconn()

    # Example 2 - context manager
    with connection_pool.connect() as conn:

Transaction handling may be handled manually by calling ``commit()`` or
``rollback()`` on the connection object, or you can also use the
``transaction`` context run to queries in a transaction:


    with queries.transaction(conn) as q:

The transaction will be commited when the ``with`` block exits, or rolled back
if an exception occurred.

How do I reload queries when the underlying files change?

Pass auto_reload=True when constructing a module:


    m = module('resources/sql', auto_reload=True)


Exceptions raised from the underlying db-api connection are wrapped in
exception classes from ``embrace.exceptions``, with PEP-249 compliant names.
You can use this like so:


        queries.execute("SELECT 1.0 / 0.0")
    except embrace.exceptions.DataError:

The original exception is available in the ``__cause__`` attribute of the
embrace exception object.


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "https://hg.sr.ht/~olly/embrace-sql",
    "name": "embrace",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": "",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "sql hugsql pugsql orm anti-orm files dapper",
    "author": "Oliver Cope",
    "author_email": "oliver@redgecko.org",
    "download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/89/96/8b43a6af433e38d96c18c43bc34b2b2bc3d0a883cc37161cd12b832eef4c/embrace-4.3.0.tar.gz",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "An interface for using plain SQL, in files.\n=============================================\n\nDoes writing complex queries in an ORM feel like driving with the handbrake on?\nEmbrace SQL! Put your SQL queries in regular ``.sql`` files, and embrace will\nload them.\n\nInstallation::\n\n    pip install embrace\n\n\nUsage::\n\n    import embrace\n\n    # Connect to your database, using any db-api connector.\n    # If python supports it, so does embrace.\n    conn = psycopg2.connect(\"postgresql:///mydb\")\n\n    # Create a module populated with queries from a collection of *.sql files:\n    queries = embrace.module(\"resources/sql\")\n\n    # Run a query\n    users = queries.list_users(conn, order_by='created_at')\n\nAdd ``resources/sql/list_users.sql`` containing an SQL query::\n\n    -- :name list_users :many\n    select * from users where active = :active order by :identifier:order_by\n\n\n\nWhat is the format of a query SQL file?\n----------------------------------------\n\nEmbrace-SQL tries to stick close to the format used by HugSQL and PugSQL.\nSQL files contain special comments to specify the query name and result type.\n\n::\n\n    -- :name get_user_count\n    -- :result :scalar\n    SELECT count(1) FROM users\n\nIf a result type is omitted, it will default to ``cursor``. The result type\ncan be included in the same line as the name:\n\n::\n\n    -- :name get_user_count :scalar\n\nIf ``:name`` is omitted, it will default to the filename without extension.\n\nA single file may contain multiple SQL queries, separated by a structured SQL\ncomment. For example to create two query objects accessible as\n``queries.list_users()`` and ``queries.get_user_by_id()``:\n\n::\n\n    -- :name list_users :many\n    select * from users\n\n    -- :name get_user_by_id :one\n    select * from users where id=:id\n\nBut if you *don't* have the separating comment, embrace-sql can run\nmultiple statements in a single query call, returning the result from just the last one.\n\nWhy? Because it makes this possible in MySQL:\n\n::\n\n    -- :result :column\n    insert into users (name, email) values (:name, :email);\n    select last_insert_id();\n\n\nIncluding queries\n`````````````````\n\nYou may include one query inside another using the ``:include:`` directive. For\nexample:\n\n\n::\n\n    -- :name select_valid_users\n    SELECT * FROM users WHERE deleted_at IS NULL;\n\n    -- :name select_user_by_email\n    SELECT * FROM (:include:select_valid_users) WHERE email = :email;\n\n\n\nWhat can queries return?\n------------------------------\n\nThe following result types are supported:\n\n========================= ======================================================\n``:affected``, ``:n``     The number of rows affected\n\n``:first``                The first row, as returned by ``cursor.fetchone()``,\n                          or ``None`` if no row is found.\n\n``:one``, ``:1``          A single row, as returned by ``cursor.fetchone()``,\n                          usually as a tuple (but most db-api modules have\n                          extensions allowing you to access rows as dicts or\n                          named tuples.\n\n                          If no row is generated by the query,\n                          ``embrace.exceptions.NoResultFound`` will be raised.\n                          If more than one row is generated by the query,\n                          ``embrace.exceptions.MultipleResultsFound`` will be\n                          raised.\n\n``exactly-one`, ``:=1``   Synonyms for ``:one``, retained for compatibility\n\n``:one-or-none``          As ``one``, but returns None if no row is returned by\n                          the query.\n\n``:many``, ``:*``         An iterator over a number of rows. Each row will be\n                          the value returned by ``cursor.fetchone()``, usually\n                          a tuple.\n\n``:cursor``, ``:raw``     The cursor object.\n\n``:scalar``               The value of the first column of the  first row\n                          returned by the query.\n\n                          If no row is generated by the query, a\n                          ``NoResultFound`` will be raised.\n\n``:column``               An iterator over the values in the first column\n                          returned.\n\n``:resultset``            An object supporting access to query results as any of\n                          the above result types.\n\n                          **This is the default result type if no result type is\n                          specified**\n========================= ======================================================\n\nYou can override the return type specified by the query from Python code by\nusing one of the following methods on the ``Query`` object:\n\n    - ``affected``\n    - ``one``\n    - ``exactlyone``\n    - ``many``\n    - ``cursor``\n    - ``scalar``\n    - ``column``\n    - ``resultset``\n\nUse ``resultset`` to get access to both the results and cursor metadata, for example::\n\n    result = Query(\"SELECT * from mytable\").resultset(conn)\n    print(result.many())\n    print(result.cursor.description)\n\nHow do I return rows as dicts, namedtuples or dataclasses?\n----------------------------------------------------------\n\nQueries return rows directly from the underlying db-api driver.\nMany drivers have options to return data structures other than tuples (for\nexample ``sqlite3.Row`` or ``psycopg2.extras.DictCursor``). You will need to\nconfigure these at the connection level.\n\nSee the next section for how to use ``embrace.query.mapobject`` to map rows\nto dicts, namedtuples, dataclasses or your own ORM-style model classes.\n\nHow do I map rows onto objects?\n-------------------------------\n\nEmbrace supports simple ORM style mapping.\n\nExample::\n\n\n    import embrace\n    from dataclasses import dataclass\n\n    @dataclass\n    class User:\n        id: int\n        name: str\n\n    query = queries.query(\"SELECT * from users\").returning(User)\n    users = query.many(conn)\n\n\nMap multiple classes in a single query::\n\n    query = queries.query(\n        \"SELECT * FROM posts JOIN users ON posts.user_id = users.id\"\n    ).returning((Post, User))\n    for post, user in query.many(conn):\n        \u2026\n\n\nBy default embrace looks for fields named ``id`` (case insensitive) to\nsplit up the row.\n\nIf you need to split on different columns, use ``mapobject`` to specify how to\nmap the returned columns onto objects::\n\n    from embrace import mapobject\n\n    query = queries.query(\n        \"\"\"\n        SELECT posts.*, users.*\n        FROM posts JOIN users ON posts.user_id = users.user_id\n        \"\"\"\n    ).returning(\n        (\n            mapobject(Post, split=\"post_id\"),\n            mapobject(User, split=\"user_id\")\n        )\n    )\n    for post, user in query.many(conn):\n        \u2026\n\n``mapobject`` can also load columns into dicts, namedtuples and dataclasses::\n\n    from embrace import mapobject\n\n    query = queries.query(\n        \"\"\"\n        SELECT posts.*, categories.*, users.*\n        FROM posts\n            JOIN categories ON posts.category_id = categories.id\n            JOIN users ON posts.user_id = users.id\n        \"\"\"\n    ).returning(\n        (\n            mapobject.dict(),\n            mapobject.namedtuple()\n            mapobject.dataclass()\n        )\n    )\n    for post, category, user in query.many(conn):\n        \u2026\n\n\nWhen mapping dataclasses, you can specify additional fields for the dataclass\nby providing a list of fields in the format expected by\n``dataclasses.make_dataclass``::\n\n    mapobject.dataclass(\n        [\n            ('owner', typing.Any),\n            ('images', list[Image], dataclasses.fields(default_factory=list))\n        ]\n    )\n\nOr as keyword arguments::\n\n    mapobject.dataclass(\n        owner=typing.Any,\n        images=(list[Image], dataclasses.fields(default_factory=list)),\n    )\n\n``mapobject.passthrough`` passes individual columns through unchanged::\n\n    query = queries.query(\n        \"\"\"\n        SELECT posts.*, count(*) as reply_count\n        FROM posts JOIN replies ON posts.id = replies.post_id\n        \"\"\"\n    ).returning(\n        (\n            mapobject(Post, split=\"post_id\"),\n            mapobject.passthrough(split=\"reply_count\"),\n        )\n    )\n    for post, reply_count in query.many(conn):\n        \u2026\n\nYou can also tell embrace to populate join relationships::\n\n    from embrace import one_to_many\n    from embrace import one_to_one\n\n    query = queries.query(\n        \"\"\"\n        SELECT users.*, orders.*, products.*\n        FROM users\n        JOIN orders ON orders.user_id = users.id\n        JOIN products ON orders.product_id = products.id\n        ORDER BY users.id, orders.id\n        \"\"\"\n    ).returning(\n        # Each row of this query returns data for a User, Order and Product\n        # object. The `key` parameter tells embrace to map items with identical\n        # key values to the same python object.\n        (\n            mapobject(User, key=\"id\"),\n            mapobject(Order, key=\"id\"),\n            mapobject(Product, key=\"id\"),\n        ),\n        joins=[\n            # Populate User.orders with the list of Order objects\n            one_to_many(User, 'orders', Order),\n\n            # Populate Order.product with the product object\n            one_to_one(Order, 'product', Product),\n        ],\n    )\n\n    for user in query.many(conn):\n        for order in user.order:\n            product = order.product\n            \u2026\n\nNote that methods like ``query.one`` operate at the level of the database\ncursor.\nIf you use ``joins`` to consolidate multiple database rows into a single\nobject,\nyou will still need to call ``query.many`` even if you only require a\nsingle object to be returned.\n\nHow do parameters work?\n------------------------\n\nPlaceholders inserted using the ``:name`` syntax are escaped by the db-api\ndriver:\n\n::\n\n    -- Outputs `select * from user where name = 'o''brien'`;\n    select * from users where name = :name\n\nYou can interpolate lists and tuples too:\n\n``:tuple:`` creates a placeholder like this ``(?, ?, ?)``\n\n``:value*:`` creates a placeholder like this ``?, ?, ?``\n\n``:tuple*:`` creates a placeholder like this ``(?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?), \u2026``\n(useful for multiple insert queries)\n\n::\n\n    -- Call this with `queries.insert_foo(data=(1, 2, 3))`\n    INSERT INTO foo (a, b, c) VALUES :tuple:data\n\n    -- Call this with `queries.get_matching_users(names=(\"carolyn\", \"douglas\"))`\n    SELECT * from users WHERE name in (:value*:names)\n\n\nYou can escape identifiers with ``:identifier:``, like this:\n\n::\n\n    -- Outputs `select * from \"some random table\"`\n    select * from :identifier:table_name\n\nYou can pass through raw sql too. This leaves you open to SQL injection attacks if you allow user input into such parameters:\n\n::\n\n    -- Outputs `select * from users order by name desc`\n    select * from users order by :raw:order_clause\n\n\nHow do I handle connections? Transactions?\n------------------------------------------\n\nYou must pass a db-api connection object every time you call a query.\nYou can manage these connections yourself, but Embrace also offers a connection\npooling module.\n\n::\n\n    from embrace import pool\n\n    # Create a connection pool\n    connection_pool = pool.ConnectionPool(\n        partial(psycopg2.connect, database='mydb'),\n        limit=10\n    )\n\n    # Example 1 - explicit calls to getconn/release\n    conn = connection_pool.getconn()\n    try:\n        queries.execute_some_query(conn)\n    finally:\n        connection_pool.release(conn)\n\n    # Example 2 - context manager\n    with connection_pool.connect() as conn:\n        queries.execute_some_query(conn)\n\n\nTransaction handling may be handled manually by calling ``commit()`` or\n``rollback()`` on the connection object, or you can also use the\n``transaction`` context run to queries in a transaction:\n\n::\n\n    with queries.transaction(conn) as q:\n        q.increment_counter()\n\nThe transaction will be commited when the ``with`` block exits, or rolled back\nif an exception occurred.\n\n\n\nHow do I reload queries when the underlying files change?\n---------------------------------------------------------\n\nPass auto_reload=True when constructing a module:\n\n::\n\n    m = module('resources/sql', auto_reload=True)\n\n\nExceptions\n----------\n\nExceptions raised from the underlying db-api connection are wrapped in\nexception classes from ``embrace.exceptions``, with PEP-249 compliant names.\nYou can use this like so:\n\n::\n\n    try:\n        queries.execute(\"SELECT 1.0 / 0.0\")\n    except embrace.exceptions.DataError:\n        pass\n\nThe original exception is available in the ``__cause__`` attribute of the\nembrace exception object.\n",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
    "license": "Apache",
    "summary": "Embrace SQL keeps your SQL queries in SQL files. An anti-ORM inspired by HugSQL and PugSQL",
    "version": "4.3.0",
    "project_urls": {
        "Homepage": "https://hg.sr.ht/~olly/embrace-sql"
    "split_keywords": [
    "urls": [
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