
Nameeolib JSON
Version 1.1.1 PyPI version JSON
SummaryCore library for writing applications related to Endless Online.
upload_time2024-08-22 11:22:11
keywords endless-online
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # EOLib

[![PyPI - Version](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/eolib.svg)](https://pypi.org/project/eolib)
[![PyPI - Python Version](https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/eolib.svg)](https://pypi.org/project/eolib)
[![Quality Gate Status](https://sonarcloud.io/api/project_badges/measure?project=Cirras_eolib-python&metric=alert_status)](https://sonarcloud.io/summary/new_code?id=Cirras_eolib-python)

A core Python library for writing applications related to Endless Online.

## Installation

pip install eolib

## Features

Read and write the following EO data structures:

- Client packets
- Server packets
- Endless Map Files (EMF)
- Endless Item Files (EIF)
- Endless NPC Files (ENF)
- Endless Spell Files (ESF)
- Endless Class Files (ECF)


- Data reader
- Data writer
- Number encoding
- String encoding
- Data encryption
- Packet sequencer

## Development

### Requirements

- [Python](https://www.python.org/downloads/) 3.8+
- [Hatch](https://hatch.pypa.io/latest/install/)

### Available Commands

| Command                     | Description                                            |
| --------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------ |
| `hatch build`               | Build package                                          |
| `hatch clean`               | Remove build artifacts                                 |
| `hatch run test`            | Run unit tests with coverage                           |
| `hatch run lint:format`     | Format source files using `black`                      |
| `hatch run lint:style`      | Check formatting using `black`                         |
| `hatch run lint:typing`     | Check typing using `mypy`                              |
| `hatch run lint:all`        | Check formatting using `black` and typing using `mypy` |
| `hatch run docs:build`      | Build documentation using `mkdocs`                     |
| `hatch run docs:serve`      | Build and serve documentation using `mkdocs`           |
| `hatch run docs:deploy`     | Build and deploy documentation using `mkdocs` & `mike` |
| `hatch run release:prepare` | Prepare and tag a new release                          |

Raw data

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    "requires_python": ">=3.8",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": "endless-online",
    "author": null,
    "author_email": "Jonah Jeleniewski <cirrasbu@hotmail.com>",
    "download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/37/1f/8d437256983143f80482021ea7f2eaab482247b6b7151c45391197fe6981/eolib-1.1.1.tar.gz",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# EOLib\n\n[![PyPI - Version](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/eolib.svg)](https://pypi.org/project/eolib)\n[![PyPI - Python Version](https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/eolib.svg)](https://pypi.org/project/eolib)\n[![Quality Gate Status](https://sonarcloud.io/api/project_badges/measure?project=Cirras_eolib-python&metric=alert_status)](https://sonarcloud.io/summary/new_code?id=Cirras_eolib-python)\n[![Lint](https://github.com/Cirras/eolib-python/actions/workflows/lint.yml/badge.svg?event=push)](https://github.com/Cirras/eolib-python/actions/workflows/lint.yml)\n\nA core Python library for writing applications related to Endless Online.\n\n## Installation\n\n```console\npip install eolib\n```\n\n## Features\n\nRead and write the following EO data structures:\n\n- Client packets\n- Server packets\n- Endless Map Files (EMF)\n- Endless Item Files (EIF)\n- Endless NPC Files (ENF)\n- Endless Spell Files (ESF)\n- Endless Class Files (ECF)\n\nUtilities:\n\n- Data reader\n- Data writer\n- Number encoding\n- String encoding\n- Data encryption\n- Packet sequencer\n\n## Development\n\n### Requirements\n\n- [Python](https://www.python.org/downloads/) 3.8+\n- [Hatch](https://hatch.pypa.io/latest/install/)\n\n### Available Commands\n\n| Command                     | Description                                            |\n| --------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------ |\n| `hatch build`               | Build package                                          |\n| `hatch clean`               | Remove build artifacts                                 |\n| `hatch run test`            | Run unit tests with coverage                           |\n| `hatch run lint:format`     | Format source files using `black`                      |\n| `hatch run lint:style`      | Check formatting using `black`                         |\n| `hatch run lint:typing`     | Check typing using `mypy`                              |\n| `hatch run lint:all`        | Check formatting using `black` and typing using `mypy` |\n| `hatch run docs:build`      | Build documentation using `mkdocs`                     |\n| `hatch run docs:serve`      | Build and serve documentation using `mkdocs`           |\n| `hatch run docs:deploy`     | Build and deploy documentation using `mkdocs` & `mike` |\n| `hatch run release:prepare` | Prepare and tag a new release                          |",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
    "license": null,
    "summary": "Core library for writing applications related to Endless Online.",
    "version": "1.1.1",
    "project_urls": {
        "Documentation": "https://github.com/Cirras/eolib-python#readme",
        "Issues": "https://github.com/Cirras/eolib-python/issues",
        "Source": "https://github.com/Cirras/eolib-python"
    "split_keywords": [
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