
Nameesi-acme JSON
Version 2023.12 PyPI version JSON
SummaryAsynchronous Computing Made ESI
upload_time2023-12-07 15:24:37
authorErnst Strüngmann Institute (ESI) for Neuroscience in Cooperation with Max Planck Society
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage
Copyright (c) 2023 Ernst Strüngmann Institute (ESI) for Neuroscience
in Cooperation with Max Planck Society
SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-NC-SA-1.0


# ACME: Asynchronous Computing Made ESI

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## Table of Contents

1. [Summary](#summary)
1. [Installation](#installation)
1. [Usage](#usage)
   - [Basic Examples](#basic-examples)
   - [Intermediate Examples](#intermediate-examples)
   - [Advanced Use](#advanced-use)
1. [Handling Results](#handling-results)
   - [Load Results From Files](#load-results-from-files)
   - [Collect Results in Single HDF5 Dataset](#collect-results-in-single-hdf5-dataset)
   - [Collect Results in Local Memory](#collect-results-in-local-memory)
1. [Debugging](#debugging)
1. [Documentation and Contact](#documentation-and-contact)
   - [Resources](#resources)

## Summary

The objective of ACME (pronounced *"ak-mee"*) is to provide easy-to-use
wrappers for calling Python functions concurrently ("embarassingly parallel workloads").
ACME is developed at the
[Ernst Strüngmann Institute (ESI) gGmbH for Neuroscience in Cooperation with Max Planck Society](>)
and released free of charge under the
[BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License](,_%22Revised_BSD_License%22,_%22New_BSD_License%22,_or_%22Modified_BSD_License%22)).
ACME relies heavily on the concurrent processing library [dask](>)
and was primarily designed to facilitate the use of [SLURM](
on the ESI HPC cluster (although other HPC infrastructure running SLURM can be
leveraged as well). Local multi-processing hardware (i.e., multi-core CPUs)
is fully supported too. ACME is itself used as the parallelization engine of [SyNCoPy](


## Installation

ACME can be installed with `pip`

pip install esi-acme

or via `conda`

conda install -c conda-forge esi-acme

To get the latest development version, simply clone our GitHub repository:

git clone
cd acme/
pip install -e .

## Usage

### Basic Examples

Simplest use, everything is done automatically.

from acme import ParallelMap

def f(x, y, z=3):
  return (x + y) * z

with ParallelMap(f, [2, 4, 6, 8], 4) as pmap:

See also our [Quickstart Guide](

### Intermediate Examples

Set number of function calls via `n_inputs`

import numpy as np
from acme import ParallelMap

def f(x, y, z=3, w=np.zeros((3, 1)), **kwargs):
    return (sum(x) + y) * z * w.max()

pmap = ParallelMap(f, [2, 4, 6, 8], [2, 2], z=np.array([1, 2]), w=np.ones((8, 1)), n_inputs=2)

with pmap as p:

More details in
[Override Automatic Input Argument Distribution](

### Advanced Use

Allocate custom `client` object and recycle it for several computations
(use `slurm_cluster_setup` on non-ESI HPC infrastructure or `local_cluster_setup`
when working on your local machine)

import numpy as np
from acme import ParallelMap, esi_cluster_setup

def f(x, y, z=3, w=np.zeros((3, 1)), **kwargs):
    return (sum(x) + y) * z * w.max()

def g(x, y, z=3, w=np.zeros((3, 1)), **kwargs):
    return (max(x) + y) * z * w.sum()

n_workers = 200
client = esi_cluster_setup(partition="8GBXS", n_workers=n_workers)

x = [2, 4, 6, 8]
z = range(n_workers)
w = np.ones((8, 1))

pmap = ParallelMap(f, x, np.random.rand(n_workers), z=z, w=w, n_inputs=n_workers)
with pmap as p:

pmap = ParallelMap(g, x, np.random.rand(n_workers), z=z, w=w, n_inputs=n_workers)
with pmap as p:

For more information see [Reuse Worker Clients](

## Handling Results

### Load Results From Files

By default, results are saved to disk in HDF5 format and can be accessed using
the `results_container` attribute of `ParallelMap`:

def f(x, y, z=3):
  return (x + y) * z

with ParallelMap(f, [2, 4, 6, 8], 4) as pmap:
  filenames = pmap.compute()

Example loading code:

import h5py
import numpy as np
out = np.zeros((4,))

with h5py.File(pmap.results_container, "r") as h5f:
  for k, key in enumerate(h5f.keys()):
    out[k] = h5f[key]["result_0"][()]

See also [Where Are My Results?](

### Collect Results in Single HDF5 Dataset

If possible, results can be slotted into a single HDF5 dataset:

def f(x, y, z=3):
  return (x + y) * z

with ParallelMap(f, [2, 4, 6, 8], 4, result_shape=(None,)) as pmap:

Example loading code:

import h5py

with h5py.File(pmap.results_container, "r") as h5f:
  out = h5f["result_0"][()] # returns a NumPy array of shape (4,)

More examples can be found in
[Collect Results in Single Dataset](

### Collect Results in Local Memory

This is possible but not recommended.

def f(x, y, z=3):
  return (x + y) * z

with ParallelMap(f, [2, 4, 6, 8], 4, write_worker_results=False) as pmap:
  result = pmap.compute() # returns a 4-element list

Alternatively, create an in-memory NumPy array

with ParallelMap(f, [2, 4, 6, 8], 4, write_worker_results=False, result_shape=(None,)) as pmap:
  result = pmap.compute() # returns a NumPy array of shape (4,)

## Debugging

Use the `debug` keyword to perform all function calls in the local thread of
the active Python interpreter

def f(x, y, z=3):
  return (x + y) * z

with ParallelMap(f, [2, 4, 6, 8], 4, z=None) as pmap:
    results = pmap.compute(debug=True)

This way tools like `pdb` or ``%debug`` IPython magics can be used.
More information can be found in the [FAQ](

## Documentation and Contact

To report bugs or ask questions please use our
[GitHub issue tracker](
More usage details and background information is available in our
[online documentation](

### Resources

- [ACME Presentation](
  at [deRSE23 - Conference for Research Software Engineering in Germany](
- [ACME Demo]( presented at the 4th annual Data Scientist Community Meeting
- [ACME Tutorials](


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "esi-acme",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": "<3.13,>=3.7",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "",
    "author": "Ernst Str\u00fcngmann Institute (ESI) for Neuroscience in Cooperation with Max Planck Society",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "<!--\nCopyright (c) 2023 Ernst Str\u00fcngmann Institute (ESI) for Neuroscience\nin Cooperation with Max Planck Society\nSPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-NC-SA-1.0\n-->\n\n![ACME_logo](\n\n# ACME: Asynchronous Computing Made ESI\n\n[![conda](](\n[![pypi](](\n[![license](](\n[![Open in Visual Studio Code](](\n[![OpenSSF Best Practices](](\n\nmain: [![tests](](\n[![codecov](](\n\ndev: [![tests](](\n[![codecov](](\n\n## Table of Contents\n\n1. [Summary](#summary)\n1. [Installation](#installation)\n1. [Usage](#usage)\n   - [Basic Examples](#basic-examples)\n   - [Intermediate Examples](#intermediate-examples)\n   - [Advanced Use](#advanced-use)\n1. [Handling Results](#handling-results)\n   - [Load Results From Files](#load-results-from-files)\n   - [Collect Results in Single HDF5 Dataset](#collect-results-in-single-hdf5-dataset)\n   - [Collect Results in Local Memory](#collect-results-in-local-memory)\n1. [Debugging](#debugging)\n1. [Documentation and Contact](#documentation-and-contact)\n   - [Resources](#resources)\n\n## Summary\n\nThe objective of ACME (pronounced *\"ak-mee\"*) is to provide easy-to-use\nwrappers for calling Python functions concurrently (\"embarassingly parallel workloads\").\nACME is developed at the\n[Ernst Str\u00fcngmann Institute (ESI) gGmbH for Neuroscience in Cooperation with Max Planck Society](>)\nand released free of charge under the\n[BSD 3-Clause \"New\" or \"Revised\" License](,_%22Revised_BSD_License%22,_%22New_BSD_License%22,_or_%22Modified_BSD_License%22)).\nACME relies heavily on the concurrent processing library [dask](>)\nand was primarily designed to facilitate the use of [SLURM](\non the ESI HPC cluster (although other HPC infrastructure running SLURM can be\nleveraged as well). Local multi-processing hardware (i.e., multi-core CPUs)\nis fully supported too. ACME is itself used as the parallelization engine of [SyNCoPy](\n\n![](\n\n## Installation\n\nACME can be installed with `pip`\n\n```shell\npip install esi-acme\n```\n\nor via `conda`\n\n```shell\nconda install -c conda-forge esi-acme\n```\n\nTo get the latest development version, simply clone our GitHub repository:\n\n```shell\ngit clone\ncd acme/\npip install -e .\n```\n\n## Usage\n\n### Basic Examples\n\nSimplest use, everything is done automatically.\n\n```python\nfrom acme import ParallelMap\n\ndef f(x, y, z=3):\n  return (x + y) * z\n\nwith ParallelMap(f, [2, 4, 6, 8], 4) as pmap:\n  pmap.compute()\n```\n\nSee also our [Quickstart Guide](\n\n### Intermediate Examples\n\nSet number of function calls via `n_inputs`\n\n```python\nimport numpy as np\nfrom acme import ParallelMap\n\ndef f(x, y, z=3, w=np.zeros((3, 1)), **kwargs):\n    return (sum(x) + y) * z * w.max()\n\npmap = ParallelMap(f, [2, 4, 6, 8], [2, 2], z=np.array([1, 2]), w=np.ones((8, 1)), n_inputs=2)\n\nwith pmap as p:\n  p.compute()\n```\n\nMore details in\n[Override Automatic Input Argument Distribution](\n\n### Advanced Use\n\nAllocate custom `client` object and recycle it for several computations\n(use `slurm_cluster_setup` on non-ESI HPC infrastructure or `local_cluster_setup`\nwhen working on your local machine)\n\n```python\nimport numpy as np\nfrom acme import ParallelMap, esi_cluster_setup\n\ndef f(x, y, z=3, w=np.zeros((3, 1)), **kwargs):\n    return (sum(x) + y) * z * w.max()\n\ndef g(x, y, z=3, w=np.zeros((3, 1)), **kwargs):\n    return (max(x) + y) * z * w.sum()\n\nn_workers = 200\nclient = esi_cluster_setup(partition=\"8GBXS\", n_workers=n_workers)\n\nx = [2, 4, 6, 8]\nz = range(n_workers)\nw = np.ones((8, 1))\n\npmap = ParallelMap(f, x, np.random.rand(n_workers), z=z, w=w, n_inputs=n_workers)\nwith pmap as p:\n    p.compute()\n\npmap = ParallelMap(g, x, np.random.rand(n_workers), z=z, w=w, n_inputs=n_workers)\nwith pmap as p:\n    p.compute()\n```\n\nFor more information see [Reuse Worker Clients](\n\n## Handling Results\n\n### Load Results From Files\n\nBy default, results are saved to disk in HDF5 format and can be accessed using\nthe `results_container` attribute of `ParallelMap`:\n\n```python\ndef f(x, y, z=3):\n  return (x + y) * z\n\nwith ParallelMap(f, [2, 4, 6, 8], 4) as pmap:\n  filenames = pmap.compute()\n```\n\nExample loading code:\n\n```python\nimport h5py\nimport numpy as np\nout = np.zeros((4,))\n\nwith h5py.File(pmap.results_container, \"r\") as h5f:\n  for k, key in enumerate(h5f.keys()):\n    out[k] = h5f[key][\"result_0\"][()]\n```\n\nSee also [Where Are My Results?](\n\n### Collect Results in Single HDF5 Dataset\n\nIf possible, results can be slotted into a single HDF5 dataset:\n\n```python\ndef f(x, y, z=3):\n  return (x + y) * z\n\nwith ParallelMap(f, [2, 4, 6, 8], 4, result_shape=(None,)) as pmap:\n  pmap.compute()\n```\n\nExample loading code:\n\n```python\nimport h5py\n\nwith h5py.File(pmap.results_container, \"r\") as h5f:\n  out = h5f[\"result_0\"][()] # returns a NumPy array of shape (4,)\n```\n\nMore examples can be found in\n[Collect Results in Single Dataset](\n\n### Collect Results in Local Memory\n\nThis is possible but not recommended.\n\n```python\ndef f(x, y, z=3):\n  return (x + y) * z\n\nwith ParallelMap(f, [2, 4, 6, 8], 4, write_worker_results=False) as pmap:\n  result = pmap.compute() # returns a 4-element list\n```\n\nAlternatively, create an in-memory NumPy array\n\n```python\nwith ParallelMap(f, [2, 4, 6, 8], 4, write_worker_results=False, result_shape=(None,)) as pmap:\n  result = pmap.compute() # returns a NumPy array of shape (4,)\n```\n\n## Debugging\n\nUse the `debug` keyword to perform all function calls in the local thread of\nthe active Python interpreter\n\n```python\ndef f(x, y, z=3):\n  return (x + y) * z\n\nwith ParallelMap(f, [2, 4, 6, 8], 4, z=None) as pmap:\n    results = pmap.compute(debug=True)\n```\n\nThis way tools like `pdb` or ``%debug`` IPython magics can be used.\nMore information can be found in the [FAQ](\n\n## Documentation and Contact\n\nTo report bugs or ask questions please use our\n[GitHub issue tracker](\nMore usage details and background information is available in our\n[online documentation](\n\n### Resources\n\n- [ACME Presentation](\n  at [deRSE23 - Conference for Research Software Engineering in Germany](\n- [ACME Demo]( presented at the 4th annual Data Scientist Community Meeting\n- [ACME Tutorials](\n- [ACME FAQ](\n",
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