
Nameevm-wallet JSON
Version 2.0.2 PyPI version JSON
SummaryThe package, containing wrapper over EVM operations for interacting through Wallet entities
upload_time2024-04-22 19:36:44
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # evm-wallet

[![Croco Logo](https://i.ibb.co/G5Pjt6M/logo.png)](https://t.me/crocofactory)

The package, containing wrapper over EVM operations for interacting through Wallet entities.

- **[Telegram channel](https://t.me/crocofactory)**
- **[Overview](#quick-overview)**
- **[Bug reports](https://github.com/blnkoff/evm-wallet/issues)**

Web3.py suggests to interact with instance of Web3 as primary entity. We offer way to use Wallet entity, that is more 
familiar, since we try to provide the similar to digital wallet apps' logic. We introduce:
- possibility to set and change current wallet's network by network's name
- swift and robust performing transactions
- quick performing useful functions of Web3.py
evm-wallet's source code is made available under the [MIT License](LICENSE)

##  Quick start
You can quickly use supported networks as RPC:  

| Network          | Native Token | Testnet |
| Arbitrum Goerli  | ETH          | ✅       |
| Arbitrum Sepolia | ETH          | ✅       |
| Arbitrum         | ETH          | ❌       |
| Avalanche        | AVAX         | ❌       |
| Base             | ETH          | ❌       |
| Base Sepolia     | ETH          | ✅       |
| Base Goerli      | ETH          | ✅       |
| BSC              | BNB          | ❌       |
| BSC Testnet      | BNB          | ✅       |
| Ethereum         | ETH          | ❌       |
| Fantom           | FTM          | ❌       |
| Fantom Testnet   | FTM          | ✅       |
| Fuji             | AVAX         | ✅       |
| Goerli           | ETH          | ✅       |
| Linea            | ETH          | ❌       |
| Linea Goerli     | ETH          | ✅       |
| Linea Sepolia    | ETH          | ✅       |
| Mumbai           | MATIC        | ✅       |
| opBNB            | BNB          | ❌       |
| opBNB Testnet    | BNB          | ✅       |
| Optimism         | ETH          | ❌       |
| Optimism Sepolia | ETH          | ✅       |
| Optimism Goerli  | ETH          | ✅       |
| Polygon          | MATIC        | ❌       |
| Sepolia          | ETH          | ❌       |
| Scroll           | ETH          | ❌       |
| zkSync           | ETH          | ❌       |

For specifying network you only need to pass network's name.
from evm_wallet import Wallet
my_wallet = Wallet('your_private_key', 'Arbitrum')

If you use unsupported network, you can specify it using type NetworkInfo
from evm_wallet import Wallet, NetworkInfo

network_info = NetworkInfo(
custom_wallet = Wallet('your_private_key', network_info)

Library supports asynchronous approach
from evm_wallet import AsyncWallet

async def validate_balance():
    async_wallet = AsyncWallet('your_private_key', 'Arbitrum')
    balance = await async_wallet.get_balance()
    assert balance > 0.1
<h2 id="quick-overview">Quick overview</h2> 
You can perform the following actions, using evm-wallet:

- **[approve](#approve)**
- **[build_and_transact](#build_and_transact)**
- **[build_tx_params](#build_tx_params)**
- **[create](#create)**
- **[estimate_gas](#estimate_gas)**
- **[get_balance](#get_balance)**
- **[get_balance_of](#get_balance_of)**
- **[get_token](#get_token)**
- **[get_explorer_url](#get_explorer_url)**
- **[is_native_token](#is_native_token)**
- **[transact](#transact)**
- **[transfer](#transfer)**

<h3 id="approve">approve</h3>

When you want to spend non-native tokens, for instance USDT, you need to perform approving operation.

from evm_wallet import Wallet
my_wallet = Wallet('your_private_key', 'Arbitrum')
provider = my_wallet.provider

stargate_router = '0x8731d54E9D02c286767d56ac03e8037C07e01e98'
usdt = my_wallet.get_token('0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7')
usdt_amount = provider.to_wei(0.001, 'ether')

my_wallet.approve(usdt, stargate_router, usdt_amount)

<h3 id="build_and_transact">build_and_transact</h3>
If you don't need to check estimated gas or directly use transact, you can call build_and_transact. It's based on getting
closure as argument. Closure is transaction's function, called with arguments. Notice that it has to be not built or 

from evm_wallet import Wallet
my_wallet = Wallet('your_private_key', 'Arbitrum')
provider = my_wallet.provider

stargate_abi = [...]
stargate_router = '0x8731d54E9D02c286767d56ac03e8037C07e01e98'
stargate = my_wallet.provider.eth.contract(stargate_router, abi=stargate_abi)

eth_amount = provider.to_wei(0.001, 'ether')
closure = stargate.functions.swapETH(...) 
my_wallet.build_and_transact(closure, eth_amount)

<h3 id="build_tx_params">build_tx_params</h3>
You can use build_tx_params to quickly get dictionary of params for building transaction. Public key, chain id 
and nonce are generated automatically. You also can also choose not to set a gas and the gas price

from evm_wallet import Wallet
my_wallet = Wallet('your_private_key', 'BSC')


  "from": "0xe977Fa8D8AE7D3D6e28c17A868EF04bD301c583f", 
  "chainId": 56, 
  "nonce": 168, 
  "value": 0, 
  "gas": 250000, 
  "gasPrice": 1000000000

<h3 id="create">create</h3>
You can use that, when you want to create all-new wallet

from evm_wallet import Wallet
wallet = Wallet.create('Arbitrum')
<h3 id="estimate_gas">estimate_gas</h3>
When you want to estimate an amount of gas to send a transaction, you can use estimate_gas

from evm_wallet import Wallet

my_wallet = Wallet('your_private_key', 'Arbitrum')
provider = my_wallet.provider

stargate_router = '0x8731d54E9D02c286767d56ac03e8037C07e01e98'
stargate_abi = [...]
eth_amount = provider.to_wei(0.001, 'ether')

stargate = my_wallet.provider.eth.contract(stargate_router, abi=stargate_abi)
params = my_wallet.build_tx_params(eth_amount)
tx_params = stargate.functions.swapETH(...).buildTransaction(params)
gas = my_wallet.estimate_gas(tx_params)
tx_params['gas'] = gas


<h3 id="get_balance">get_balance</h3>
You can get the balance of the native token of your wallet.

from evm_wallet import Wallet
my_wallet = Wallet('your_private_key', 'Arbitrum')
balance = my_wallet.get_balance()

<h3 id="get_balance_of">get_balance_of</h3>
You can get the balance of specified token of your wallet

from evm_wallet import Wallet
my_wallet = Wallet('your_private_key', 'Arbitrum')

usdt = my_wallet.get_token('0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7')
balance = my_wallet.get_balance_of(usdt, convert=True)

<h3 id="get_token">get_token</h3>
You can get the ERC20Token instance, containing information about symbol and decimals. Also this function used for 
another instance-methods of Wallet.

from evm_wallet import Wallet
my_wallet = Wallet('your_private_key', 'Arbitrum')
usdt = my_wallet.get_token('0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7')
<h3 id="get_explorer_url">get_explorer_url</h3>
You can get entire wallet's list of transactions

from evm_wallet import Wallet
from web3.contract import Contract
my_wallet = Wallet('your_private_key', 'Arbitrum')
provider = my_wallet.provider

stargate_router = '0x8731d54E9D02c286767d56ac03e8037C07e01e98'
stargate_abi = [...]
stargate = Contract(stargate_router, stargate_abi)

eth_amount = provider.to_wei(0.001, 'ether')
closure = stargate.functions.swapETH(...) 
tx_hash = my_wallet.build_and_transact(closure, eth_amount)

<h3 id="is_native_token">is_native_token</h3>
If you want to check, if the specific token is native token of network, you can use is_native_token.

You can use any case in a token's ticker.
from evm_wallet import Wallet
my_wallet = Wallet('your_private_key', 'Arbitrum')
assert my_wallet.is_native_token('eTh')

Or you can pass zero-address meaning address of network's native token.
from evm_wallet import Wallet, ZERO_ADDRESS
my_wallet = Wallet('your_private_key', 'Arbitrum')
assert my_wallet.is_native_token(ZERO_ADDRESS)

<h3 id="transact">transact</h3>
After building transaction you can perform it, passing transaction data to transact

from evm_wallet import Wallet
from web3.contract import Contract

my_wallet = Wallet('your_private_key', 'Arbitrum')
provider = my_wallet.provider

stargate_router = '0x8731d54E9D02c286767d56ac03e8037C07e01e98'
stargate_abi = [...]
eth_amount = provider.to_wei(0.001, 'ether')

stargate = my_wallet.provider.eth.contract(stargate_router, abi=stargate_abi)
params = my_wallet.build_tx_params(eth_amount)
tx_data = stargate.functions.swapETH(...).buildTransaction(params)
gas = my_wallet.estimate_gas(tx_data)
tx_data['gas'] = gas


<h3 id="transfer">transfer</h3>
You can transfer tokens to another wallet

from evm_wallet import Wallet
my_wallet = Wallet('your_private_key', 'Arbitrum')
provider = my_wallet.provider

recipient = '0xe977Fa8D8AE7D3D6e28c17A868EF04bD301c583f'
usdt = my_wallet.get_token('0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7')
usdt_amount = provider.to_wei(0.001, 'ether')

my_wallet.transfer(usdt, recipient, usdt_amount)

# Installing evm-wallet
To install the package from GitHub you can use:

pip install git+https://github.com/blnkoff/evm-wallet.git

To install the package from PyPi you can use:
pip install evm-wallet


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "https://github.com/blnkoff/evm-wallet",
    "name": "evm-wallet",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": "<4.0,>=3.11",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": null,
    "author": "Alexey",
    "author_email": "axbelenkov@gmail.com",
    "download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/ec/10/90c8807bc6ae2630f1d58cd97426c33333d84912444e2d9cff5061fd3f2d/evm_wallet-2.0.2.tar.gz",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# evm-wallet\n\n[![Croco Logo](https://i.ibb.co/G5Pjt6M/logo.png)](https://t.me/crocofactory)\n\nThe package, containing wrapper over EVM operations for interacting through Wallet entities.\n\n- **[Telegram channel](https://t.me/crocofactory)**\n- **[Overview](#quick-overview)**\n- **[Bug reports](https://github.com/blnkoff/evm-wallet/issues)**\n\n\nWeb3.py suggests to interact with instance of Web3 as primary entity. We offer way to use Wallet entity, that is more \nfamiliar, since we try to provide the similar to digital wallet apps' logic. We introduce:\n \n- possibility to set and change current wallet's network by network's name\n- swift and robust performing transactions\n- quick performing useful functions of Web3.py\n   \nevm-wallet's source code is made available under the [MIT License](LICENSE)\n\n##  Quick start\nYou can quickly use supported networks as RPC:  \n\n| Network          | Native Token | Testnet |\n|------------------|--------------|---------|\n| Arbitrum Goerli  | ETH          | \u2705       |\n| Arbitrum Sepolia | ETH          | \u2705       |\n| Arbitrum         | ETH          | \u274c       |\n| Avalanche        | AVAX         | \u274c       |\n| Base             | ETH          | \u274c       |\n| Base Sepolia     | ETH          | \u2705       |\n| Base Goerli      | ETH          | \u2705       |\n| BSC              | BNB          | \u274c       |\n| BSC Testnet      | BNB          | \u2705       |\n| Ethereum         | ETH          | \u274c       |\n| Fantom           | FTM          | \u274c       |\n| Fantom Testnet   | FTM          | \u2705       |\n| Fuji             | AVAX         | \u2705       |\n| Goerli           | ETH          | \u2705       |\n| Linea            | ETH          | \u274c       |\n| Linea Goerli     | ETH          | \u2705       |\n| Linea Sepolia    | ETH          | \u2705       |\n| Mumbai           | MATIC        | \u2705       |\n| opBNB            | BNB          | \u274c       |\n| opBNB Testnet    | BNB          | \u2705       |\n| Optimism         | ETH          | \u274c       |\n| Optimism Sepolia | ETH          | \u2705       |\n| Optimism Goerli  | ETH          | \u2705       |\n| Polygon          | MATIC        | \u274c       |\n| Sepolia          | ETH          | \u274c       |\n| Scroll           | ETH          | \u274c       |\n| zkSync           | ETH          | \u274c       |\n\nFor specifying network you only need to pass network's name.\n```python\nfrom evm_wallet import Wallet\nmy_wallet = Wallet('your_private_key', 'Arbitrum')\n```\n\nIf you use unsupported network, you can specify it using type NetworkInfo\n```python\nfrom evm_wallet import Wallet, NetworkInfo\n\nnetwork_info = NetworkInfo(\n    network='Custom',\n    rpc='wss://custom.publicnode.com',\n    token='CUSTOM'\n)\ncustom_wallet = Wallet('your_private_key', network_info)\n```\n\nLibrary supports asynchronous approach\n```python\nfrom evm_wallet import AsyncWallet\n\nasync def validate_balance():\n    async_wallet = AsyncWallet('your_private_key', 'Arbitrum')\n    balance = await async_wallet.get_balance()\n    assert balance > 0.1\n```\n     \n<h2 id=\"quick-overview\">Quick overview</h2> \nYou can perform the following actions, using evm-wallet:\n\n- **[approve](#approve)**\n- **[build_and_transact](#build_and_transact)**\n- **[build_tx_params](#build_tx_params)**\n- **[create](#create)**\n- **[estimate_gas](#estimate_gas)**\n- **[get_balance](#get_balance)**\n- **[get_balance_of](#get_balance_of)**\n- **[get_token](#get_token)**\n- **[get_explorer_url](#get_explorer_url)**\n- **[is_native_token](#is_native_token)**\n- **[transact](#transact)**\n- **[transfer](#transfer)**\n\n<h3 id=\"approve\">approve</h3>\n\nWhen you want to spend non-native tokens, for instance USDT, you need to perform approving operation.\n\n```python\nfrom evm_wallet import Wallet\nmy_wallet = Wallet('your_private_key', 'Arbitrum')\nprovider = my_wallet.provider\n\nstargate_router = '0x8731d54E9D02c286767d56ac03e8037C07e01e98'\nusdt = my_wallet.get_token('0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7')\nusdt_amount = provider.to_wei(0.001, 'ether')\n\nmy_wallet.approve(usdt, stargate_router, usdt_amount)\n```\n\n<h3 id=\"build_and_transact\">build_and_transact</h3>\nIf you don't need to check estimated gas or directly use transact, you can call build_and_transact. It's based on getting\nclosure as argument. Closure is transaction's function, called with arguments. Notice that it has to be not built or \nawaited\n\n```python\nfrom evm_wallet import Wallet\nmy_wallet = Wallet('your_private_key', 'Arbitrum')\nprovider = my_wallet.provider\n\nstargate_abi = [...]\nstargate_router = '0x8731d54E9D02c286767d56ac03e8037C07e01e98'\nstargate = my_wallet.provider.eth.contract(stargate_router, abi=stargate_abi)\n\neth_amount = provider.to_wei(0.001, 'ether')\nclosure = stargate.functions.swapETH(...) \nmy_wallet.build_and_transact(closure, eth_amount)\n```\n\n<h3 id=\"build_tx_params\">build_tx_params</h3>\nYou can use build_tx_params to quickly get dictionary of params for building transaction. Public key, chain id \nand nonce are generated automatically. You also can also choose not to set a gas and the gas price\n\n```python\nfrom evm_wallet import Wallet\nmy_wallet = Wallet('your_private_key', 'BSC')\n\nmy_wallet.build_tx_params(0)\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"from\": \"0xe977Fa8D8AE7D3D6e28c17A868EF04bD301c583f\", \n  \"chainId\": 56, \n  \"nonce\": 168, \n  \"value\": 0, \n  \"gas\": 250000, \n  \"gasPrice\": 1000000000\n}\n```\n\n<h3 id=\"create\">create</h3>\nYou can use that, when you want to create all-new wallet\n\n```python\nfrom evm_wallet import Wallet\nwallet = Wallet.create('Arbitrum')\n```\n            \n<h3 id=\"estimate_gas\">estimate_gas</h3>\nWhen you want to estimate an amount of gas to send a transaction, you can use estimate_gas\n\n```python\nfrom evm_wallet import Wallet\n\nmy_wallet = Wallet('your_private_key', 'Arbitrum')\nprovider = my_wallet.provider\n\nstargate_router = '0x8731d54E9D02c286767d56ac03e8037C07e01e98'\nstargate_abi = [...]\neth_amount = provider.to_wei(0.001, 'ether')\n\nstargate = my_wallet.provider.eth.contract(stargate_router, abi=stargate_abi)\nparams = my_wallet.build_tx_params(eth_amount)\ntx_params = stargate.functions.swapETH(...).buildTransaction(params)\ngas = my_wallet.estimate_gas(tx_params)\ntx_params['gas'] = gas\n\nmy_wallet.transact(tx_params)\n```\n\n<h3 id=\"get_balance\">get_balance</h3>\nYou can get the balance of the native token of your wallet.\n\n```python\nfrom evm_wallet import Wallet\nmy_wallet = Wallet('your_private_key', 'Arbitrum')\nbalance = my_wallet.get_balance()\n```\n\n<h3 id=\"get_balance_of\">get_balance_of</h3>\nYou can get the balance of specified token of your wallet\n\n```python\nfrom evm_wallet import Wallet\nmy_wallet = Wallet('your_private_key', 'Arbitrum')\n\nusdt = my_wallet.get_token('0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7')\nbalance = my_wallet.get_balance_of(usdt, convert=True)\nprint(balance)\n```\n\n<h3 id=\"get_token\">get_token</h3>\nYou can get the ERC20Token instance, containing information about symbol and decimals. Also this function used for \nanother instance-methods of Wallet.\n\n```python\nfrom evm_wallet import Wallet\nmy_wallet = Wallet('your_private_key', 'Arbitrum')\nusdt = my_wallet.get_token('0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7')\nprint(usdt.decimals)\n```\n            \n<h3 id=\"get_explorer_url\">get_explorer_url</h3>\nYou can get entire wallet's list of transactions\n\n```python\nfrom evm_wallet import Wallet\nfrom web3.contract import Contract\nmy_wallet = Wallet('your_private_key', 'Arbitrum')\nprovider = my_wallet.provider\n\nstargate_router = '0x8731d54E9D02c286767d56ac03e8037C07e01e98'\nstargate_abi = [...]\nstargate = Contract(stargate_router, stargate_abi)\n\neth_amount = provider.to_wei(0.001, 'ether')\nclosure = stargate.functions.swapETH(...) \ntx_hash = my_wallet.build_and_transact(closure, eth_amount)\nprint(my_wallet.get_explorer_url(tx_hash))\n```\n\n<h3 id=\"is_native_token\">is_native_token</h3>\nIf you want to check, if the specific token is native token of network, you can use is_native_token.\n\nYou can use any case in a token's ticker.\n```python\nfrom evm_wallet import Wallet\nmy_wallet = Wallet('your_private_key', 'Arbitrum')\nassert my_wallet.is_native_token('eTh')\n```\n\nOr you can pass zero-address meaning address of network's native token.\n```python\nfrom evm_wallet import Wallet, ZERO_ADDRESS\nmy_wallet = Wallet('your_private_key', 'Arbitrum')\nassert my_wallet.is_native_token(ZERO_ADDRESS)\n```\n\n<h3 id=\"transact\">transact</h3>\nAfter building transaction you can perform it, passing transaction data to transact\n\n```python\nfrom evm_wallet import Wallet\nfrom web3.contract import Contract\n\nmy_wallet = Wallet('your_private_key', 'Arbitrum')\nprovider = my_wallet.provider\n\nstargate_router = '0x8731d54E9D02c286767d56ac03e8037C07e01e98'\nstargate_abi = [...]\neth_amount = provider.to_wei(0.001, 'ether')\n\nstargate = my_wallet.provider.eth.contract(stargate_router, abi=stargate_abi)\nparams = my_wallet.build_tx_params(eth_amount)\ntx_data = stargate.functions.swapETH(...).buildTransaction(params)\ngas = my_wallet.estimate_gas(tx_data)\ntx_data['gas'] = gas\n\nmy_wallet.transact(tx_data)\n```\n\n<h3 id=\"transfer\">transfer</h3>\nYou can transfer tokens to another wallet\n\n```python\nfrom evm_wallet import Wallet\nmy_wallet = Wallet('your_private_key', 'Arbitrum')\nprovider = my_wallet.provider\n\nrecipient = '0xe977Fa8D8AE7D3D6e28c17A868EF04bD301c583f'\nusdt = my_wallet.get_token('0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7')\nusdt_amount = provider.to_wei(0.001, 'ether')\n\nmy_wallet.transfer(usdt, recipient, usdt_amount)\n```\n\n# Installing evm-wallet\n        \nTo install the package from GitHub you can use:\n\n```shell\npip install git+https://github.com/blnkoff/evm-wallet.git\n```\n\nTo install the package from PyPi you can use:\n```shell\npip install evm-wallet\n```\n\n\n",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
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    "summary": "The package, containing wrapper over EVM operations for interacting through Wallet entities",
    "version": "2.0.2",
    "project_urls": {
        "Homepage": "https://github.com/blnkoff/evm-wallet",
        "Repository": "https://github.com/blnkoff/evm-wallet"
    "split_keywords": [],
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