
Nameevolved5g JSON
Version 1.0.13 PyPI version JSON
SummaryEvolved5G CLI prototype
upload_time2023-09-18 14:51:36
authorEVOLVED5G project
licenseApache Software License 2.0
keywords evolved5g
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
Evolved5G CLI & SDK

.. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/evolved5g.svg
        :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/evolved5g

.. image:: https://readthedocs.org/projects/evolved5g_cli/badge/?version=latest
        :target: https://evolved5g_cli.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?version=latest
        :alt: Documentation Status

* Free software: Apache Software License 2.0


* Generate a new python NetApp from a template
* Assist in connecting the new NetApp & repo with EVOLVED-5G CI/CD pipeline
* SDK Libraries for interacting with the 5G-API
* Assist in running verification pipelines for NetApps

Useful Information

The purpose of this guide is to help developers, in the EVOLVED-5G project scope, to develop a NetApp.

First, the partner to be interested in developing a NetApp must send an email to approval@evolved-5g.eu to receive access to the GitHub organization.

The email must contain the GitHub username to be added to the GitHub organization.

You will receive an invitation which you will have to accept in order to have owner permissions in this organisation, which can be found here: https://github.com/EVOLVED-5G

Once the developer has access to the organisation, he will want to create a new repository from a template. To do this, a template repository has been created and will be visible in the organisation, which contains a tool called Cookiecutter along with some Python scripts. With such scripts, the developer will be asked to introduce some inputs necessary in order to create a new repository, such repository will contain all the necessary folder and files for the creation/development of a NetApp.

First of all, in order to be able to work with Cookiecutter, it is mandatory to install it on your local computer or virtual machine. Below are the commands that should be executed to work with Cookiecutter (these commands have been tested under Ubuntu, but it is also possible to use this tool on Windows and Mac (to be checked)).

This guide has been developed to work with Ubuntu OS, so all the commands have been only tested under Ubuntu, if other OS will be used, please have in mind some of this command will differ.

To install and use the tool, please refer to:

* Documentation: https://evolved5g-cli.readthedocs.io


1.0.13 (2023-09-18)
* TSN endpoints, set ssl verify to false

1.0.12 (2023-09-14)
* Minor improvement on validation pipeline. On tests related with TSN allow the PORT to be Null in the constructor of the TSNManager class. If so, don't add the port when constructing the tsn endpoint url

1.0.12 (2023-09-14)
* Minor improvement on validation pipeline. On tests related with TSN allow the PORT to be Null in the constructor of the TSNManager class. If so, don't add the port when constructing the tsn endpoint url

1.0.11 (2023-09-12)
* Bug fix on validation pipeline. Take into account that domainName may not be present in the service description (aefProfile)
* Requirements file has been updated to remove package conflicts. Also, deploy yaml has been updated for better debugging issues.

1.0.10 (2023-09-11)
* Bug fix: On Service Discoverer class, missed a comma on security token method.

1.0.9 (2023-09-05)
* Bug fix on CAPIFConnector.offboard method
* Update validation pipeline, take into account the domainName in the service description, if it exists
* Bug fix: On Service Discoverer make sure the https port parameter is utilized properly

1.0.8 (2023-07-04)
* Bug fix on CAPIFConnector.offboard_and_deregister_netapp method
* Update on documentation

1.0.7 (2023-06-15)
* Bug fix on CLI method register_and_onboard_to_capif: Now accepts a second parameter --environment that takes values "production" or "development".
If this parameter is set to production then validation tests are running in the background, just after the registration and onboarding of the network app finishes.

1.0.6 (2023-06-14)

* The CLI command run-verification-tests now required three inputs (capif registration file, certificates folder and verification file) to launch NEF and TSN verification pipelines.
* CAPIFProviderConnector has a new method offboard_and_deregister_netapp() that allows a network app to be offboarded and deregistered from CAPIF.
* The SDK classes LocationSubscriber,ConnectionMonitor,QosAwareness don't accept the parameter 'nef_bearer_access_token' any more.
* The CLI method register_and_onboard_to_capif now accepts a second parameter --environment that takes values "production" or "development".
If this parameter is set to production then validation tests are running in the background, just after the registration and onboarding of the network app finishes.

1.0.5 (2023-05-24)
* Bug fix on CAPIFProviderConnector. When storing the capif_cert_server.pem the port was hardcoded.
* Improvement on verification pipelines. Required user and password.
* TSN verification pipeline added.
* Validation pipeline included.

1.0.4 (2023-04-27)
* Bug fix on ServiceDiscoverer: When creating the security context we now pass OAUTH as prefSecurityMethod

1.0.3 (2023-04-25)
* New SDK Class CAPIFLogger, that allows a provider (like NEF Emulator) to save Log information, for example capture incoming requests and responses
* New SDK Class CAPIFAuditor, that allows a provider (like NEF Emulator) to query the Log, for example filter all the Log information for a given Network APP
* Added examples of usage for CAPIFLogger and CAPIFAuditor class in examples/nef_logger_and_audit_example.py
* At CAPIFProviderConnector class when using the publish_services() method, a copy of the published to CAPIF api is saved to the local certificates folder. This is useful if you want to retrieve the relevant CAPIF ids for this service like aef_id or api_id.

1.0.2 (2023-03-09)
* Update TSN Manager class, apply security improvements.  Now each request to the TSN API uses JWT Bearer authentication. Access tokens are retrieved via CAPIF.
* Bug fix on minimum python version. Change it from 3.6 to 3.7. Installing the SDK in older ubuntu distribution raises an error at runtime requiring higher python version coming from Cookiecutter.

1.0.1 (2023-03-03)
* Bug fix on CAPIFProviderConnector: If you run it twice (for example for testing purposes) the .pem certificate should be overriden.

1.0.0 (2023-01-03)
* CAPIFExposerConnector has been a) refactored to conform to the latest CAPIF API and b) renamed to `CAPIFProviderConnector`
    * CAPIFProviderConnector registers, onboards and publishes a Provider (ex. NEF) to the CAPIF instance.
    * Breaking changes:  'CAPIFExposerConnector' class has been renamed to `CAPIFProviderConnector`

* All Libraries classes (`LocationSubscriber`,`ConnectionMonitor`,`QosAwareness`) now communicate with CAPIF server to get authorization tokens

* ServiceDiscoverer SDK class has been updated:
    * It now conforms with the latest version of CAPIF
    * Provides a way to retrieve an access token from CAPIF for a specified API Name and resource name (ex. api_name: "/tsn/api/" and resource_name: "TSN_LIST_PROFILES")
    * Provides methods to get the endpoint for a specified API Name and resource name (ex. api_name: "/tsn/api/" and resource_name: "TSN_LIST_PROFILES")

* New class TSNManager, that encapsulates call to the Time Sensitive Network (TSN) API.

* The examples folder has been updated
    * Added examples for registering to CAPIF (both for NEF and TSN)
    * Added Examples for using the service discovered in order to retrieve endpoints
    * Added examples for using the TSNManager

0.8.9 (2023-01-23)
* Bug fix on LocationSubscriber on method get_location_information.
    * Previously when calling this method the response object returned two properties:  a) cell_id and b) enode_b_id.  enode_b_id has been dropped in latest versions of the NEF emulator so it was always returned as None by the SDK.
    * With current version the following two properties are returned: a) cell_id and b) g_NB_Id
* New deploy pipeline updated and integrated.
* Added new verification tests CAPIF and NEF.
* Documentation updated including new verification tests CAPIF and NEF.

0.8.8 (2022-12-09)
* Update SDK documentation:
    * Update documentation of the SDK libraries by updating the ConnectionMonitor Library information.
    * Update SDK pipelines by updating the commands to run and check pipelines and adding new pipelines.

0.8.7 (2022-11-23)
* Update of the SDK library:
    * CAPIFExposerConnector and CAPIFInvokerConnector have capif_http_port and capif_https_port declared as "str" (via type hinting)
    * If the developer passes the parameter as integer we make sure it's casted to string and the code does not fail

0.8.6 (2022-11-23)
* Update of the SDK library, on how the CAPIF endpoints are constructed.
    * When connecting to CAPIF if standard ports are used (80,443) we now don't include them to the capif url/endpoint

        * (ex. https://capifcore/register instead of https://capifcore:443/register)

        * (ex. http://capifcore/register instead of  http://capifcore:80/register)

    * If non standard ports are used (ex. 8080) then they are included in the capif url/endpoint
        * (ex.http://capifcore:8080/register)

0.8.5 (2022-10-27)
* Update of the SDK library to be compatible with the latest release of NEF  v1.6.1

0.8.4 (2022-10-27)
* The SDK Library now communicates first with CAPIF server in order to discover the NEF endpoints

0.8.3 (2022-10-17)
* News SDK Library CAPIFExposerConnector, that allows exposers to register to CAPIF and publish services
* New CLI command evolved5G  register-and-onboard-to-capif  that allows NetApps to register their NetAPP to CAPIF via the command line

0.8.2 (2022-10-14)
* Bug fix on import CAPIFConnector class from sdk

0.8.1 (2022-10-12)
* New class at the Libraries: CAPIFConnector. Used in the CLI in order to onboard a netApp to CAPIF server
* New class at the Libraries: ServiceDiscoverer. Used by developers in order to discover services (endpoints) via the CAPIF server
* Bug fix on LocationSubscriber get_location_information()

0.8.0 (2022-09-23)
* New verification tests have been implemented. Such verification tests are related to NetApp code and NetApp container image analysis.
* The execution of the verification tests has been also simplify

0.7.9  (2022-09-22)
* Improvement at QosAwareness, for Guaranteed Bit Rate. Up to now, you could ask the 5G Network to send you notification when specific parameters of the QoS session cannot be guaranteed. For example a minimum 5ms delay at uplink. This notification was sent exactly once, when the environment has changed: For example when a minimum 5ms delay at uplink cannot be guaranteed, or when the a minimum 5ms delay at uplink has been established and can be guaranteed. Method create_guaranteed_bit_rate_subscription() has breaking changes. See below the change:

    .. code-block::
       :caption: Method signature create_guaranteed_bit_rate_subscription should be changed

        subscription = qos_awereness.create_guaranteed_bit_rate_subscription(

        Should be replaced by:

        subscription = qos_awereness.create_guaranteed_bit_rate_subscription(
            reporting_mode= QosAwareness.EventTriggeredReportingConfiguration(wait_time_in_seconds=10)

* New SDK Class, ConnectionMonitor: Consider a scenario where a NetApp wants to monitor 100 devices in the 5G Network. The netapp wants to track, at any given time how many NetApps are connected to the 5G Network and how many netApps are disconnected.Using ConnectionMonitor the NetApp can retrieve notifications by the 5G Network for individual devices when Connection is lost (for example the user device has not been connected to the 5G network for the past 10 seconds) Connection is alive (for example the user device has been connected to the 5G network for the past 10 seconds)

* The documentation about the usability has been updated.

0.7.8  (2022-09-02)
* It has been improved the usability. It has been added a configuration file to create the NetApp repository, rather than using a prompt input.
* Cleaning up the code.

0.7.7  (2022-07-04)
* Updates on documentation

0.7.6  (2022-07-04)
* Documentation has been updated accordingly
* Changes and optimizations for SDK pipeline integration

0.7.5  (2022-06-14)
* New build pipeline has been implemented
* Documentation has been updated accordingly

0.7.4  (2022-05-27)
* Check if the NetApp repository on which you want to run the pipeline exists on GitHub

0.7.3  (2022-05-09)
* Bug fix on value LIVE_STREAMING of enum NonGBRQosReference.
* Rename method at examples>api.py

0.7.2  (2022-04-01)
* LocationSubscriber now has a new method get_coordinates_of_cell() that allows a developer to retrieve the location of a cell, given the cell id.

0.7.1  (2022-03-14)
* Update deploy and destroy pipelines.

0.7.0  (2022-02-28)
* Adding manage exceptions features and documentation update.

0.6.9  (2022-02-23)
* Improvement for check-pipeline function

0.6.8 (2022-02-03)
* Changed Template repository location fode to NetApp Template

* Update on the NEF endpoints for monitoring event api and session with Qos.
 This ensures compatibility with latest NEF release

0.6.2 (2022-01-28)
* Improvements on LocationSubscriber.
A new method has been implemented with name

With the new method the net app developer has the option to request for location information for a device just once. No need to create subscriptions or maintain a local web server in order to get notified for location changes.
When a call to ``get_location_information`` is made, the 5G-API responds instantly with the location information (the cell id the device, that is being monitored, is connected to)

* Examples of usages have been updated
File location_subscriber_examples.py now showcases how the new method can be called

0.6.1 (2022-01-26)
* Added Pypi functionality to automate generate a new SDK pip package

0.6.0 (2021-06-12)
* Added QoSAwareness to SDK. A class that allows to establish and monitor Non-GBR and GBR QoS targets
* Support for the latest version of NEF  (v1.2.0)
* LocationSubscriber now only requires an external_id as user equipment identifier. IP_4 and IP_V6 have been removed from method create_subscription()

0.5.1 (2021-03-11)
* Added class LocationSubscriber to SDK. A class that allows to get location monitoring reports from the 5G-API
* Clean-up the code
* New cli_helper.py class created to improve the code
* cli.py class updated for better practices
* Added new command options to interact with the pipelines

0.1.9 (2021-20-09)
* Added version option to CLI
* Changed 'generate' command to point to EVOLVED-5G/template at Github
* Added template option to point to your user's template. Used in tests by default pointing at skolome/netapp-ckcutter-template

0.1.4 (2021-17-09)
* Added documentation to "generate" command
* Added documentation to readthedocs

0.1.1 (2021-07-08)
* Generate command more fleshed out
* Added more detailed pytests

0.1.0 (2021-06-30)
* First prototype implementation


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "https://github.com/EVOLVED-5G/SDK-CLI",
    "name": "evolved5g",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.7",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "evolved5g",
    "author": "EVOLVED5G project",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/2a/d3/aabff611a32362d82d647ce8b9680073dcfb3a3601c8fd56eea3d6aaf8e2/evolved5g-1.0.13.tar.gz",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "*******************\nEvolved5G CLI & SDK\n*******************\n\n\n.. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/evolved5g.svg\n        :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/evolved5g\n\n\n.. image:: https://readthedocs.org/projects/evolved5g_cli/badge/?version=latest\n        :target: https://evolved5g_cli.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?version=latest\n        :alt: Documentation Status\n\n\n* Free software: Apache Software License 2.0\n\n========\nFeatures\n========\n\n* Generate a new python NetApp from a template\n* Assist in connecting the new NetApp & repo with EVOLVED-5G CI/CD pipeline\n* SDK Libraries for interacting with the 5G-API\n* Assist in running verification pipelines for NetApps\n\n==================\nUseful Information\n==================\n\nThe purpose of this guide is to help developers, in the EVOLVED-5G project scope, to develop a NetApp.\n\nFirst, the partner to be interested in developing a NetApp must send an email to approval@evolved-5g.eu to receive access to the GitHub organization.\n\nThe email must contain the GitHub username to be added to the GitHub organization.\n\nYou will receive an invitation which you will have to accept in order to have owner permissions in this organisation, which can be found here: https://github.com/EVOLVED-5G\n\nOnce the developer has access to the organisation, he will want to create a new repository from a template. To do this, a template repository has been created and will be visible in the organisation, which contains a tool called Cookiecutter along with some Python scripts. With such scripts, the developer will be asked to introduce some inputs necessary in order to create a new repository, such repository will contain all the necessary folder and files for the creation/development of a NetApp.\n\nFirst of all, in order to be able to work with Cookiecutter, it is mandatory to install it on your local computer or virtual machine. Below are the commands that should be executed to work with Cookiecutter (these commands have been tested under Ubuntu, but it is also possible to use this tool on Windows and Mac (to be checked)).\n\nThis guide has been developed to work with Ubuntu OS, so all the commands have been only tested under Ubuntu, if other OS will be used, please have in mind some of this command will differ.\n\nTo install and use the tool, please refer to:\n\n* Documentation: https://evolved5g-cli.readthedocs.io\n\n\n=======\nHistory\n=======\n\n-------------------\n1.0.13 (2023-09-18)\n-------------------\n* TSN endpoints, set ssl verify to false\n\n-------------------\n1.0.12 (2023-09-14)\n-------------------\n* Minor improvement on validation pipeline. On tests related with TSN allow the PORT to be Null in the constructor of the TSNManager class. If so, don't add the port when constructing the tsn endpoint url\n\n\n-------------------\n1.0.12 (2023-09-14)\n-------------------\n* Minor improvement on validation pipeline. On tests related with TSN allow the PORT to be Null in the constructor of the TSNManager class. If so, don't add the port when constructing the tsn endpoint url\n\n-------------------\n1.0.11 (2023-09-12)\n-------------------\n* Bug fix on validation pipeline. Take into account that domainName may not be present in the service description (aefProfile)\n* Requirements file has been updated to remove package conflicts. Also, deploy yaml has been updated for better debugging issues.\n\n-------------------\n1.0.10 (2023-09-11)\n-------------------\n* Bug fix: On Service Discoverer class, missed a comma on security token method.\n\n-------------------\n1.0.9 (2023-09-05)\n-------------------\n* Bug fix on CAPIFConnector.offboard method\n* Update validation pipeline, take into account the domainName in the service description, if it exists\n* Bug fix: On Service Discoverer make sure the https port parameter is utilized properly\n\n-------------------\n1.0.8 (2023-07-04)\n-------------------\n* Bug fix on CAPIFConnector.offboard_and_deregister_netapp method\n* Update on documentation\n\n-------------------\n1.0.7 (2023-06-15)\n-------------------\n* Bug fix on CLI method register_and_onboard_to_capif: Now accepts a second parameter --environment that takes values \"production\" or \"development\".\nIf this parameter is set to production then validation tests are running in the background, just after the registration and onboarding of the network app finishes.\n\n\n-------------------\n1.0.6 (2023-06-14)\n-------------------\n\n* The CLI command run-verification-tests now required three inputs (capif registration file, certificates folder and verification file) to launch NEF and TSN verification pipelines.\n* CAPIFProviderConnector has a new method offboard_and_deregister_netapp() that allows a network app to be offboarded and deregistered from CAPIF.\n* The SDK classes LocationSubscriber,ConnectionMonitor,QosAwareness don't accept the parameter 'nef_bearer_access_token' any more.\n* The CLI method register_and_onboard_to_capif now accepts a second parameter --environment that takes values \"production\" or \"development\".\nIf this parameter is set to production then validation tests are running in the background, just after the registration and onboarding of the network app finishes.\n\n-------------------\n1.0.5 (2023-05-24)\n-------------------\n* Bug fix on CAPIFProviderConnector. When storing the capif_cert_server.pem the port was hardcoded.\n* Improvement on verification pipelines. Required user and password.\n* TSN verification pipeline added.\n* Validation pipeline included.\n\n-------------------\n1.0.4 (2023-04-27)\n-------------------\n* Bug fix on ServiceDiscoverer: When creating the security context we now pass OAUTH as prefSecurityMethod\n\n-------------------\n1.0.3 (2023-04-25)\n-------------------\n* New SDK Class CAPIFLogger, that allows a provider (like NEF Emulator) to save Log information, for example capture incoming requests and responses\n* New SDK Class CAPIFAuditor, that allows a provider (like NEF Emulator) to query the Log, for example filter all the Log information for a given Network APP\n* Added examples of usage for CAPIFLogger and CAPIFAuditor class in examples/nef_logger_and_audit_example.py\n* At CAPIFProviderConnector class when using the publish_services() method, a copy of the published to CAPIF api is saved to the local certificates folder. This is useful if you want to retrieve the relevant CAPIF ids for this service like aef_id or api_id.\n\n-------------------\n1.0.2 (2023-03-09)\n-------------------\n* Update TSN Manager class, apply security improvements.  Now each request to the TSN API uses JWT Bearer authentication. Access tokens are retrieved via CAPIF.\n* Bug fix on minimum python version. Change it from 3.6 to 3.7. Installing the SDK in older ubuntu distribution raises an error at runtime requiring higher python version coming from Cookiecutter.\n\n-------------------\n1.0.1 (2023-03-03)\n-------------------\n* Bug fix on CAPIFProviderConnector: If you run it twice (for example for testing purposes) the .pem certificate should be overriden.\n\n-------------------\n1.0.0 (2023-01-03)\n-------------------\n* CAPIFExposerConnector has been a) refactored to conform to the latest CAPIF API and b) renamed to `CAPIFProviderConnector`\n    * CAPIFProviderConnector registers, onboards and publishes a Provider (ex. NEF) to the CAPIF instance.\n    * Breaking changes:  'CAPIFExposerConnector' class has been renamed to `CAPIFProviderConnector`\n\n* All Libraries classes (`LocationSubscriber`,`ConnectionMonitor`,`QosAwareness`) now communicate with CAPIF server to get authorization tokens\n\n* ServiceDiscoverer SDK class has been updated:\n    * It now conforms with the latest version of CAPIF\n    * Provides a way to retrieve an access token from CAPIF for a specified API Name and resource name (ex. api_name: \"/tsn/api/\" and resource_name: \"TSN_LIST_PROFILES\")\n    * Provides methods to get the endpoint for a specified API Name and resource name (ex. api_name: \"/tsn/api/\" and resource_name: \"TSN_LIST_PROFILES\")\n\n* New class TSNManager, that encapsulates call to the Time Sensitive Network (TSN) API.\n\n* The examples folder has been updated\n    * Added examples for registering to CAPIF (both for NEF and TSN)\n    * Added Examples for using the service discovered in order to retrieve endpoints\n    * Added examples for using the TSNManager\n\n\n\n0.8.9 (2023-01-23)\n-------------------\n* Bug fix on LocationSubscriber on method get_location_information.\n    * Previously when calling this method the response object returned two properties:  a) cell_id and b) enode_b_id.  enode_b_id has been dropped in latest versions of the NEF emulator so it was always returned as None by the SDK.\n    * With current version the following two properties are returned: a) cell_id and b) g_NB_Id\n* New deploy pipeline updated and integrated.\n* Added new verification tests CAPIF and NEF.\n* Documentation updated including new verification tests CAPIF and NEF.\n\n0.8.8 (2022-12-09)\n-------------------\n* Update SDK documentation:\n    * Update documentation of the SDK libraries by updating the ConnectionMonitor Library information.\n    * Update SDK pipelines by updating the commands to run and check pipelines and adding new pipelines.\n\n0.8.7 (2022-11-23)\n-------------------\n* Update of the SDK library:\n    * CAPIFExposerConnector and CAPIFInvokerConnector have capif_http_port and capif_https_port declared as \"str\" (via type hinting)\n    * If the developer passes the parameter as integer we make sure it's casted to string and the code does not fail\n\n0.8.6 (2022-11-23)\n-------------------\n* Update of the SDK library, on how the CAPIF endpoints are constructed.\n    * When connecting to CAPIF if standard ports are used (80,443) we now don't include them to the capif url/endpoint\n\n        * (ex. https://capifcore/register instead of https://capifcore:443/register)\n\n        * (ex. http://capifcore/register instead of  http://capifcore:80/register)\n\n    * If non standard ports are used (ex. 8080) then they are included in the capif url/endpoint\n        * (ex.http://capifcore:8080/register)\n\n0.8.5 (2022-10-27)\n-------------------\n* Update of the SDK library to be compatible with the latest release of NEF  v1.6.1\n\n0.8.4 (2022-10-27)\n-------------------\n* The SDK Library now communicates first with CAPIF server in order to discover the NEF endpoints\n\n0.8.3 (2022-10-17)\n-------------------\n* News SDK Library CAPIFExposerConnector, that allows exposers to register to CAPIF and publish services\n* New CLI command evolved5G  register-and-onboard-to-capif  that allows NetApps to register their NetAPP to CAPIF via the command line\n\n\n0.8.2 (2022-10-14)\n-------------------\n* Bug fix on import CAPIFConnector class from sdk\n\n0.8.1 (2022-10-12)\n-------------------\n* New class at the Libraries: CAPIFConnector. Used in the CLI in order to onboard a netApp to CAPIF server\n* New class at the Libraries: ServiceDiscoverer. Used by developers in order to discover services (endpoints) via the CAPIF server\n* Bug fix on LocationSubscriber get_location_information()\n\n0.8.0 (2022-09-23)\n-------------------\n* New verification tests have been implemented. Such verification tests are related to NetApp code and NetApp container image analysis.\n* The execution of the verification tests has been also simplify\n\n0.7.9  (2022-09-22)\n-------------------\n* Improvement at QosAwareness, for Guaranteed Bit Rate. Up to now, you could ask the 5G Network to send you notification when specific parameters of the QoS session cannot be guaranteed. For example a minimum 5ms delay at uplink. This notification was sent exactly once, when the environment has changed: For example when a minimum 5ms delay at uplink cannot be guaranteed, or when the a minimum 5ms delay at uplink has been established and can be guaranteed. Method create_guaranteed_bit_rate_subscription() has breaking changes. See below the change:\n\n    .. code-block::\n       :caption: Method signature create_guaranteed_bit_rate_subscription should be changed\n\n        subscription = qos_awereness.create_guaranteed_bit_rate_subscription(\n            ...\n            wait_time_between_reports=10\n            ...)\n\n        Should be replaced by:\n\n        subscription = qos_awereness.create_guaranteed_bit_rate_subscription(\n            ...\n            reporting_mode= QosAwareness.EventTriggeredReportingConfiguration(wait_time_in_seconds=10)\n            ...)\n\n* New SDK Class, ConnectionMonitor: Consider a scenario where a NetApp wants to monitor 100 devices in the 5G Network. The netapp wants to track, at any given time how many NetApps are connected to the 5G Network and how many netApps are disconnected.Using ConnectionMonitor the NetApp can retrieve notifications by the 5G Network for individual devices when Connection is lost (for example the user device has not been connected to the 5G network for the past 10 seconds) Connection is alive (for example the user device has been connected to the 5G network for the past 10 seconds)\n\n* The documentation about the usability has been updated.\n\n0.7.8  (2022-09-02)\n-------------------\n* It has been improved the usability. It has been added a configuration file to create the NetApp repository, rather than using a prompt input.\n* Cleaning up the code.\n\n0.7.7  (2022-07-04)\n-------------------\n* Updates on documentation\n\n0.7.6  (2022-07-04)\n-------------------\n* Documentation has been updated accordingly\n* Changes and optimizations for SDK pipeline integration\n\n0.7.5  (2022-06-14)\n-------------------\n* New build pipeline has been implemented\n* Documentation has been updated accordingly\n\n0.7.4  (2022-05-27)\n-------------------\n* Check if the NetApp repository on which you want to run the pipeline exists on GitHub\n\n0.7.3  (2022-05-09)\n-------------------\n* Bug fix on value LIVE_STREAMING of enum NonGBRQosReference.\n* Rename method at examples>api.py\n\n0.7.2  (2022-04-01)\n-------------------\n* LocationSubscriber now has a new method get_coordinates_of_cell() that allows a developer to retrieve the location of a cell, given the cell id.\n\n0.7.1  (2022-03-14)\n-------------------\n* Update deploy and destroy pipelines.\n\n0.7.0  (2022-02-28)\n-------------------\n* Adding manage exceptions features and documentation update.\n\n0.6.9  (2022-02-23)\n------------------\n* Improvement for check-pipeline function\n\n0.6.8 (2022-02-03)\n------------------\n* Changed Template repository location fode to NetApp Template\n\n* Update on the NEF endpoints for monitoring event api and session with Qos.\n This ensures compatibility with latest NEF release\n\n0.6.2 (2022-01-28)\n------------------\n* Improvements on LocationSubscriber.\nA new method has been implemented with name\n``get_location_information``\n\nWith the new method the net app developer has the option to request for location information for a device just once. No need to create subscriptions or maintain a local web server in order to get notified for location changes.\nWhen a call to ``get_location_information`` is made, the 5G-API responds instantly with the location information (the cell id the device, that is being monitored, is connected to)\n\n* Examples of usages have been updated\nFile location_subscriber_examples.py now showcases how the new method can be called\n\n0.6.1 (2022-01-26)\n------------------\n* Added Pypi functionality to automate generate a new SDK pip package\n\n0.6.0 (2021-06-12)\n------------------\n* Added QoSAwareness to SDK. A class that allows to establish and monitor Non-GBR and GBR QoS targets\n* Support for the latest version of NEF  (v1.2.0)\n* LocationSubscriber now only requires an external_id as user equipment identifier. IP_4 and IP_V6 have been removed from method create_subscription()\n\n\n0.5.1 (2021-03-11)\n------------------\n* Added class LocationSubscriber to SDK. A class that allows to get location monitoring reports from the 5G-API\n* Clean-up the code\n* New cli_helper.py class created to improve the code\n* cli.py class updated for better practices\n* Added new command options to interact with the pipelines\n\n\n0.1.9 (2021-20-09)\n------------------\n* Added version option to CLI\n* Changed 'generate' command to point to EVOLVED-5G/template at Github\n* Added template option to point to your user's template. Used in tests by default pointing at skolome/netapp-ckcutter-template\n\n\n0.1.4 (2021-17-09)\n------------------\n* Added documentation to \"generate\" command\n* Added documentation to readthedocs\n\n0.1.1 (2021-07-08)\n------------------\n* Generate command more fleshed out\n* Added more detailed pytests\n\n\n0.1.0 (2021-06-30)\n------------------\n* First prototype implementation\n\n\n",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
    "license": "Apache Software License 2.0",
    "summary": "Evolved5G CLI prototype",
    "version": "1.0.13",
    "project_urls": {
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    "split_keywords": [
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