# fastapi-listing
Advanced items listing library that gives you freedom to design really complex listing APIs using component based architecture.
[![.github/workflows/tests.yml](https://github.com/danielhasan1/fastapi-listing/actions/workflows/tests.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/danielhasan1/fastapi-listing/actions/workflows/tests.yml) ![PyPI - Programming Language](https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/fastapi-listing.svg?color=%2334D058)
[![codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/danielhasan1/fastapi-listing/branch/dev/graph/badge.svg?token=U29ZRNAH8I)](https://codecov.io/gh/danielhasan1/fastapi-listing) [![Downloads](https://static.pepy.tech/badge/fastapi-listing)](https://pepy.tech/project/fastapi-listing)
Comes with:
- pre defined filters
- pre defined paginator
- pre defined sorter
## Advantage
- simplify the intricate process of designing and developing complex listing APIs
- Design components(USP) and plug them from anywhere
- Components can be **reusable**
- Best for fast changing needs
## Installing
Using [pip](https://pip.pypa.io/):
pip install fastapi-listing
## Quick Example
Attaching example of it running against the [mysql employee db](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/employee/en/)
There are two ways to implement a listing API using fastapi listing
- inline implementation
- class based implementation
for both we will be needing a dao(data access object) class
### First let's look at inline implementation.
# main.py
from fastapi import FastAPI
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
from datetime import date
from sqlalchemy import Column, Date, Enum, Integer, String
from sqlalchemy.orm import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
from fastapi_listing.paginator import ListingPage
from fastapi_listing import FastapiListing, MetaInfo
from fastapi_listing.dao import GenericDao
Base = declarative_base()
app = FastAPI()
class Employee(Base):
__tablename__ = 'employees'
emp_no = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
birth_date = Column(Date, nullable=False)
first_name = Column(String(14), nullable=False)
last_name = Column(String(16), nullable=False)
gender = Column(Enum('M', 'F'), nullable=False)
hire_date = Column(Date, nullable=False)
# Dao class
class EmployeeDao(GenericDao):
"""write your data layer access logic here. keep it raw!"""
name = "employee"
model = Employee # sqlalchemy model class (support for pymongo/tortoise orm is in progress)
class EmployeeListDetails(BaseModel):
emp_no: int = Field(alias="empid", title="Employee ID")
birth_date: date = Field(alias="bdt", title="Birth Date")
first_name: str = Field(alias="fnm", title="First Name")
last_name: str = Field(alias="lnm", title="Last Name")
gender: str = Field(alias="gdr", title="Gender")
hire_date: date = Field(alias="hdt", title="Hiring Date")
class Config:
orm_mode = True
allow_population_by_field_name = True
@app.get("/employees", response_model=ListingPage[EmployeeListDetails])
def get_employees(db: Session):
dao = EmployeeDao(read_db=db)
# passing pydantic serializer is optional, automatically generates a
# select query based on pydantic class fields for easy cases like columns of same table
# if not passed then provide a select query in dao layer
return FastapiListing(dao=dao, pydantic_serializer=EmployeeListDetails
).get_response(MetaInfo(default_srt_on="emp_no")) # by default sort in desc order
# let's say pydantic class contains compute fields then pass custom_fields=True (by default False)
return FastapiListing(dao=dao,
custom_fields=True # here setting custom field True to avoid unknown attributes error
Voila 🎉 your very first listing response
Auto generated query doesn't fulfil your use case❓️
# Overwriting default read method in dao class
class EmployeeDao(GenericDao):
"""write your data layer access logic here. keep it raw!"""
name = "employee"
model = Employee
def get_default_read(self, fields_to_read: Optional[list]):
Extend and return your query from here.
Use it when use cases are comparatively easier than complex.
Alternatively fastapi-listing provides a robust way to write performance packed queries
for complex APIs which we will look at later.
query = self._read_db.query(Employee)
return query
@app.get("/employees", response_model=ListingPage[EmployeeListDetails])
def get_employees(db: Session):
dao = EmployeeDao(read_db=db)
# note we removed all optional named params here
return FastapiListing(dao=dao).get_response(MetaInfo(default_srt_on="emp_no"))
# Adding client site features
Django admin users gonna love filter feature. But before that lets do a little setup which no once can avoid to support a broad spectrum of clients unless you use native query param format which I doubt.
## Add your custom adaptor class for reading filter/sorter/paginator client request params
Below is the default implementation. You will be writing your own adaptor definition
from typing import Literal
from fastapi_listing.service.adapters import CoreListingParamsAdapter
from fastapi_listing import utils
class YourAdapterClass(CoreListingParamsAdapter): # Extend to add your behaviour
"""Utilise this adapter class to make your remote client site:
- filter,
- sorter,
- paginator.
query params adapt to fastapi listing library.
With this you can utilise same listing api to multiple remote client
even if it's a front end server or other backend server.
fastapi listing is always going to request one of the following fundamental key if you want to use it
- sort
- filter
- pagination
supported formats for
simple filter - [{"field":"<key used in filter mapper>", "value":{"search":"<client param>"}}, ...]
if you are using a range filter -
[{"field":"<key used in filter mapper>", "value":{"start":"<start range>", "end": "<end range>"}}, ...]
if you are using a list filter i.e. search on given items
[{"field":"<key used in filter mapper>", "value":{"list":["<client params>"]}}, ...]
[{"field":<"key used in sort mapper>", "type":"asc or "dsc"}, ...]
by default single sort allowed you can change it by extending sort interceptor
{"pageSize": <integer page size>, "page": <integer page number 1 based>}
def get(self, key: Literal["sort", "filter", "pagination"]):
@param key: Literal["sort", "filter", "pagination"]
@return: List[Optional[dict]] for filter/sort and dict for paginator
return utils.dictify_query_params(self.dependency.get(key))
### Once your adaptor class is set
## Adding filter feature
➡️ lets add filters on Employee for:
1. gender - return only **Employees** belonging to 'X' gender where X could be anything.
2. DOB - return **Employees** belonging to a specific range of DOB.
3. First Name - return **Employees** only starting with specific first names.
from fastapi import Request
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
from fastapi_listing.paginator import ListingPage
from fastapi_listing.filters import generic_filters # collection of inbuilt filters
from fastapi_listing.factory import filter_factory # register filter against a listing
from fastapi_listing import MetaInfo, FastapiListing
emp_filter_mapper = {
"gdr": ("Employee.gender", generic_filters.EqualityFilter),
"bdt": ("Employee.birth_date", generic_filters.MySqlNativeDateFormateRangeFilter),
"fnm": ("Employee.first_name", generic_filters.StringStartsWithFilter),
@app.get("/employees", response_model=ListingPage[EmployeeListDetails])
def get_employees(request: Request, db: Session):
dao = EmployeeDao(read_db=db)
return FastapiListing(request=request, dao=dao).get_response(
# or you dont wanna pass request?
# extract required data from reqeust and pass it directly
params = request.query_params
filter_, sort_, pagination = params.get("filter"), params.get("sort"), params.get("paginator")
dao = EmployeeDao(read_db=db)
return FastapiListing(dao=dao).get_response(
### Let's break it down
**Filter mapper** - a collection of allowed filters on your listing API. Any request outside of this mapper scope
will not be executed for filtering safeguarding you from creepy API users.
`generic_filters` a collection of inbuilt filters supported by sqlalchemy orm
A dictionary is defined with structure:
`{"alias": tuple("sqlalchemy_model.field", filter_implementation)}`
`alias` - A string used by client in case if you wanna avoid actual column names to client site.
`tuple` - will contain two items field name and filter implementation
from fastapi_listing.filters import generic_filters
emp_filter_mapper = {
"gdr": ("Employee.gender", generic_filters.EqualityFilter),
"bdt": ("Employee.birth_date", generic_filters.MySqlNativeDateFormateRangeFilter),
"fnm": ("Employee.first_name", generic_filters.StringStartsWithFilter),
Register the above mapper with filter factory.
from fastapi_listing.factory import filter_factory
filter_factory.register_filter_mapper(emp_filter_mapper) # Register in global space or module level.
A client could request you like `v1/employees?filter=[{"gdr":"M"}]`
parse the above query_param in your adapter class like `[{"field":"gdr", "value":{"search":"M"}}]` if passed externally as kwarg then access it via `self.extra_context` in your adapter class or if passed request then
access `self.request` directly there.
Assuming everything goes right above will produce a response with items filtered on gender field matching rows with 'M'
**Sort Mapper** - a collection of allowed sort on listing any request outside of this mapper scope will
not be permitted for sort.
Simply define a dictionary with structure `{"alias": "field"}` if sorting on same column them omit model name &
if sorting on a joined table column then add sqlalchemy class name like we did for filter `{"alias":"sqlalchemy_model.field"}`
listing_sort_mapper = {
"code": "emp_no"
return FastapiListing(dao=dao).get_response(
# OR if passing request obj
return FastapiListing(request=request, dao=dao).get_response(
A client could request you like `v1/employees?sort={"code":<some_code:int>}` or followed by filter `v1/employees?filter=[{"gdr":"M"}]&sort={"code":<some_code:int>, "type":"asc"}`
and the response should contain list items sorted by employee code column in ascending order.
**Note** we didn't registered sort mapper like we did for filter mapper.
Similarly, for paginator `v1/employees?pagination={"page":1, "pageSize":10}` or followed by filter and sort `v1/employees?filter=[{"gdr":"M"}]&sort={"code":<some_code:int>, "type":"asc"}&pagination={"page":1, "pageSize":10}`
Above will produce listing page of items 10 or dynamically client could change page size.
One thing to **Note** here is fastapi listing by default limits the client to reuqest maximum of 50 items at a time to safeguard your database
if you want to increase/decrease this default limit then simply pass the limit in `MetaInfo`
**You can also change the default page size from 10 to anything you would want**
return FastapiListing(request=request, dao=dao).get_response(
max_page_size=25, # here change max page size
default_page_size=10, # here change default page size
### Class Based implementation
Quick Example to convey the context
from fastapi import FastAPI
from sqlalchemy import Column, Date, String, ForeignKey
from sqlalchemy.orm import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session, relationship
from fastapi_listing import ListingService, FastapiListing
from fastapi_listing.filters import generic_filters
from fastapi_listing import loader
from fastapi_listing.paginator import ListingPage
Base = declarative_base()
app = FastAPI()
class Title(Base):
__tablename__ = 'titles'
emp_no = Column(ForeignKey('employees.emp_no', ondelete='CASCADE'), primary_key=True, nullable=False)
title = Column(String(50), primary_key=True, nullable=False)
from_date = Column(Date, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
to_date = Column(Date)
employee = relationship('Employee')
class EmployeeDao(GenericDao):
name = "employee"
model = Employee
class TitleDao(GenericDao):
name = "title"
model = Title
class EmployeeListingService(ListingService):
"""Class based listing API implementation"""
filter_mapper = {
"gdr": ("Employee.gender", generic_filters.EqualityFilter),
"bdt": ("Employee.birth_date", generic_filters.MySqlNativeDateFormateRangeFilter),
"fnm": ("Employee.first_name", generic_filters.StringStartsWithFilter),
"lnm": ("Employee.last_name", generic_filters.StringEndsWithFilter),
# below feature will require customisation to work at query level
"desg": ("Employee.Title.title", generic_filters.StringLikeFilter, lambda x: getattr(Title, x)) # registering filter with joined table field
sort_mapper = {
"cd": "emp_no"
default_srt_on = "Employee.emp_no"
default_dao = EmployeeDao
def get_listing(self):
# similar to above inline but instead of passing meta info uncompressed we pass self
# rest is handled implicityly like filter register
# one advantage here is every expect is validated so you get error when running server
resp = FastapiListing(self.request, self.dao, pydantic_serializer=EmployeeListDetails).get_response(self.MetaInfo(self))
return resp
@app.get("/employees", response_model=ListingPage[EmployeeListDetails])
def get_employees(db: Session):
return EmployeeListingService(read_db=db).get_listing()
Check out [docs](https://fastapi-listing.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorials.html#adding-filters-to-your-listing-api) for supported list of filters.
Additionally, you can create **custom filters** as well.
## Provided features are not meeting your requirements???
The Applications are endless with customisations
➡️ You can write custom:
* Query
* Filter
* Sorter
* Paginator
You can check out customisation section in docs after going through basics and tutorials.
Check out my other [repo](https://github.com/danielhasan1/test-fastapi-listing/blob/master/app/router/router.py) to see some examples
## Features and Readability hand in hand 🤝
- Well defined interface for filter, sorter, paginator
- Support Dependency Injection for easy testing
- Room to adapt the existing remote client query param semantics
- Write standardise listing APIs that will be understood by generations of upcoming developers
- Write listing features which is easy on human mind to extend or understand
- Break down the most complex listing data APIs into digestible piece of code
Why readability and code quality matters in one picture...
<img src="https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1C2ZHltxpdyq4YmBsnbOu4HF9JGt6uMfQ" width="600" height="600"/>
# Documentation
View full documentation at: https://fastapi-listing.readthedocs.io (A work in progress)
# Feedback, Questions?
Any form of feedback and questions are welcome! Please create an issue 💭
Raw data
"_id": null,
"home_page": "https://github.com/danielhasan1/fastapi-listing",
"name": "fastapi-listing",
"maintainer": null,
"docs_url": null,
"requires_python": ">=3.7",
"maintainer_email": null,
"keywords": "starlette, fastapi, pydantic, sqlalchemy",
"author": "Danish Hasan",
"author_email": "dh813030@gmail.com",
"download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/11/08/35b4df00e2b812313f190b74a3a8fe916e235963b5ef7cefacaa98a5ab94/fastapi_listing-0.3.3.tar.gz",
"platform": null,
"description": "# fastapi-listing\n\nAdvanced items listing library that gives you freedom to design really complex listing APIs using component based architecture.\n\n[![.github/workflows/deploy.yml](https://github.com/danielhasan1/fastapi-listing/actions/workflows/deploy.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/danielhasan1/fastapi-listing/actions/workflows/deploy.yml)\n[![.github/workflows/tests.yml](https://github.com/danielhasan1/fastapi-listing/actions/workflows/tests.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/danielhasan1/fastapi-listing/actions/workflows/tests.yml) ![PyPI - Programming Language](https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/fastapi-listing.svg?color=%2334D058)\n[![codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/danielhasan1/fastapi-listing/branch/dev/graph/badge.svg?token=U29ZRNAH8I)](https://codecov.io/gh/danielhasan1/fastapi-listing) [![Downloads](https://static.pepy.tech/badge/fastapi-listing)](https://pepy.tech/project/fastapi-listing)\n\nComes with:\n- pre defined filters\n- pre defined paginator\n- pre defined sorter\n\n## Advantage\n- simplify the intricate process of designing and developing complex listing APIs\n- Design components(USP) and plug them from anywhere\n- Components can be **reusable**\n- Best for fast changing needs\n\n## Installing\n\nUsing [pip](https://pip.pypa.io/):\n\n```python\npip install fastapi-listing\n```\n\n## Quick Example\n\nAttaching example of it running against the [mysql employee db](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/employee/en/) \n\nThere are two ways to implement a listing API using fastapi listing\n\n- inline implementation\n- class based implementation\n\nfor both we will be needing a dao(data access object) class\n\n### First let's look at inline implementation.\n\n```python\n# main.py\n\nfrom fastapi import FastAPI\nfrom pydantic import BaseModel, Field\nfrom datetime import date\n\nfrom sqlalchemy import Column, Date, Enum, Integer, String\nfrom sqlalchemy.orm import declarative_base\nfrom sqlalchemy.orm import Session\n\nfrom fastapi_listing.paginator import ListingPage\nfrom fastapi_listing import FastapiListing, MetaInfo\nfrom fastapi_listing.dao import GenericDao\n\n\nBase = declarative_base()\napp = FastAPI()\n\n\nclass Employee(Base):\n __tablename__ = 'employees'\n\n emp_no = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)\n birth_date = Column(Date, nullable=False)\n first_name = Column(String(14), nullable=False)\n last_name = Column(String(16), nullable=False)\n gender = Column(Enum('M', 'F'), nullable=False)\n hire_date = Column(Date, nullable=False)\n\n# Dao class\nclass EmployeeDao(GenericDao):\n \"\"\"write your data layer access logic here. keep it raw!\"\"\"\n name = \"employee\"\n model = Employee # sqlalchemy model class (support for pymongo/tortoise orm is in progress)\n\n\nclass EmployeeListDetails(BaseModel):\n emp_no: int = Field(alias=\"empid\", title=\"Employee ID\")\n birth_date: date = Field(alias=\"bdt\", title=\"Birth Date\")\n first_name: str = Field(alias=\"fnm\", title=\"First Name\")\n last_name: str = Field(alias=\"lnm\", title=\"Last Name\")\n gender: str = Field(alias=\"gdr\", title=\"Gender\")\n hire_date: date = Field(alias=\"hdt\", title=\"Hiring Date\")\n\n class Config:\n orm_mode = True\n allow_population_by_field_name = True\n \n\n@app.get(\"/employees\", response_model=ListingPage[EmployeeListDetails])\ndef get_employees(db: Session):\n dao = EmployeeDao(read_db=db)\n # passing pydantic serializer is optional, automatically generates a\n # select query based on pydantic class fields for easy cases like columns of same table\n # if not passed then provide a select query in dao layer\n return FastapiListing(dao=dao, pydantic_serializer=EmployeeListDetails \n ).get_response(MetaInfo(default_srt_on=\"emp_no\")) # by default sort in desc order\n # let's say pydantic class contains compute fields then pass custom_fields=True (by default False)\n return FastapiListing(dao=dao,\n pydantic_serializer=EmployeeListDetails,\n custom_fields=True # here setting custom field True to avoid unknown attributes error\n ).get_response(MetaInfo(default_srt_on=\"emp_no\"))\n```\n\nVoila \ud83c\udf89 your very first listing response\n\n![](https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1amgrAdGP7WvXfiNlCYJZPC9fz4_1CidE)\n\n\nAuto generated query doesn't fulfil your use case\u2753\ufe0f\n\n```python\n# Overwriting default read method in dao class\nclass EmployeeDao(GenericDao):\n \"\"\"write your data layer access logic here. keep it raw!\"\"\"\n name = \"employee\"\n model = Employee\n \n def get_default_read(self, fields_to_read: Optional[list]):\n \"\"\"\n Extend and return your query from here.\n Use it when use cases are comparatively easier than complex.\n Alternatively fastapi-listing provides a robust way to write performance packed queries \n for complex APIs which we will look at later.\n \"\"\"\n query = self._read_db.query(Employee)\n return query\n\n\n@app.get(\"/employees\", response_model=ListingPage[EmployeeListDetails])\ndef get_employees(db: Session):\n dao = EmployeeDao(read_db=db)\n # note we removed all optional named params here\n return FastapiListing(dao=dao).get_response(MetaInfo(default_srt_on=\"emp_no\"))\n```\n\n\n# Adding client site features\n\nDjango admin users gonna love filter feature. But before that lets do a little setup which no once can avoid to support a broad spectrum of clients unless you use native query param format which I doubt.\n\n## Add your custom adaptor class for reading filter/sorter/paginator client request params\n\nBelow is the default implementation. You will be writing your own adaptor definition\n\n```python\nfrom typing import Literal\nfrom fastapi_listing.service.adapters import CoreListingParamsAdapter\nfrom fastapi_listing import utils\n\nclass YourAdapterClass(CoreListingParamsAdapter): # Extend to add your behaviour\n \"\"\"Utilise this adapter class to make your remote client site:\n - filter,\n - sorter,\n - paginator.\n query params adapt to fastapi listing library.\n With this you can utilise same listing api to multiple remote client\n even if it's a front end server or other backend server.\n\n fastapi listing is always going to request one of the following fundamental key if you want to use it\n - sort\n - filter\n - pagination\n\n supported formats for\n filter:\n simple filter - [{\"field\":\"<key used in filter mapper>\", \"value\":{\"search\":\"<client param>\"}}, ...]\n if you are using a range filter -\n [{\"field\":\"<key used in filter mapper>\", \"value\":{\"start\":\"<start range>\", \"end\": \"<end range>\"}}, ...]\n if you are using a list filter i.e. search on given items\n [{\"field\":\"<key used in filter mapper>\", \"value\":{\"list\":[\"<client params>\"]}}, ...]\n\n sort:\n [{\"field\":<\"key used in sort mapper>\", \"type\":\"asc or \"dsc\"}, ...]\n by default single sort allowed you can change it by extending sort interceptor\n\n pagination:\n {\"pageSize\": <integer page size>, \"page\": <integer page number 1 based>}\n \"\"\"\n \n def get(self, key: Literal[\"sort\", \"filter\", \"pagination\"]):\n \"\"\"\n @param key: Literal[\"sort\", \"filter\", \"pagination\"]\n @return: List[Optional[dict]] for filter/sort and dict for paginator\n \"\"\"\n return utils.dictify_query_params(self.dependency.get(key))\n\n```\n### Once your adaptor class is set\n \n## Adding filter feature\n\n\u27a1\ufe0f lets add filters on Employee for:\n1. gender - return only **Employees** belonging to 'X' gender where X could be anything.\n2. DOB - return **Employees** belonging to a specific range of DOB.\n3. First Name - return **Employees** only starting with specific first names.\n```python\nfrom fastapi import Request\nfrom sqlalchemy.orm import Session\n\nfrom fastapi_listing.paginator import ListingPage\nfrom fastapi_listing.filters import generic_filters # collection of inbuilt filters\nfrom fastapi_listing.factory import filter_factory # register filter against a listing\nfrom fastapi_listing import MetaInfo, FastapiListing\n\n\nemp_filter_mapper = {\n \"gdr\": (\"Employee.gender\", generic_filters.EqualityFilter),\n \"bdt\": (\"Employee.birth_date\", generic_filters.MySqlNativeDateFormateRangeFilter),\n \"fnm\": (\"Employee.first_name\", generic_filters.StringStartsWithFilter),\n}\nfilter_factory.register_filter_mapper(emp_filter_mapper)\n\n\n@app.get(\"/employees\", response_model=ListingPage[EmployeeListDetails])\ndef get_employees(request: Request, db: Session):\n dao = EmployeeDao(read_db=db)\n return FastapiListing(request=request, dao=dao).get_response(\n MetaInfo(default_srt_on=\"emp_no\",\n filter_mapper=emp_filter_mapper,\n feature_params_adapter=YourAdapterClass))\n \n # or you dont wanna pass request?\n # extract required data from reqeust and pass it directly \n params = request.query_params\n filter_, sort_, pagination = params.get(\"filter\"), params.get(\"sort\"), params.get(\"paginator\")\n \n dao = EmployeeDao(read_db=db)\n return FastapiListing(dao=dao).get_response(\n MetaInfo(default_srt_on=\"emp_no\",\n filter_mapper=emp_filter_mapper,\n feature_params_adapter=YourAdapterClass,\n filter=filter_,\n sort=sort_,\n paginator=pagination))\n \n```\n\n### Let's break it down\n\n**Filter mapper** - a collection of allowed filters on your listing API. Any request outside of this mapper scope\nwill not be executed for filtering safeguarding you from creepy API users.\n\n`generic_filters` a collection of inbuilt filters supported by sqlalchemy orm\nA dictionary is defined with structure:\n\n`{\"alias\": tuple(\"sqlalchemy_model.field\", filter_implementation)}`\n\n`alias` - A string used by client in case if you wanna avoid actual column names to client site.\n\n`tuple` - will contain two items field name and filter implementation\n\n```python\nfrom fastapi_listing.filters import generic_filters\n\n\nemp_filter_mapper = {\n \"gdr\": (\"Employee.gender\", generic_filters.EqualityFilter),\n \"bdt\": (\"Employee.birth_date\", generic_filters.MySqlNativeDateFormateRangeFilter),\n \"fnm\": (\"Employee.first_name\", generic_filters.StringStartsWithFilter),\n}\n```\n\nRegister the above mapper with filter factory. \n\n```python\nfrom fastapi_listing.factory import filter_factory\n\n\nfilter_factory.register_filter_mapper(emp_filter_mapper) # Register in global space or module level.\n```\n\nA client could request you like `v1/employees?filter=[{\"gdr\":\"M\"}]`\n\nparse the above query_param in your adapter class like `[{\"field\":\"gdr\", \"value\":{\"search\":\"M\"}}]` if passed externally as kwarg then access it via `self.extra_context` in your adapter class or if passed request then\naccess `self.request` directly there.\n\nAssuming everything goes right above will produce a response with items filtered on gender field matching rows with 'M'\n\n**Sort Mapper** - a collection of allowed sort on listing any request outside of this mapper scope will\nnot be permitted for sort.\n\nSimply define a dictionary with structure `{\"alias\": \"field\"}` if sorting on same column them omit model name &\nif sorting on a joined table column then add sqlalchemy class name like we did for filter `{\"alias\":\"sqlalchemy_model.field\"}`\n\n```python\nlisting_sort_mapper = {\n \"code\": \"emp_no\"\n }\nreturn FastapiListing(dao=dao).get_response(\n MetaInfo(default_srt_on=\"emp_no\",\n filter_mapper=emp_filter_mapper,\n sort_mapper=listing_sort_mapper,\n feature_params_adapter=YourAdapterClass,\n filter=filter_,\n sort=sort_,\n paginator=pagination))\n\n# OR if passing request obj\nreturn FastapiListing(request=request, dao=dao).get_response(\n MetaInfo(default_srt_on=\"emp_no\",\n filter_mapper=emp_filter_mapper,\n sort_mapper=listing_sort_mapper,\n feature_params_adapter=YourAdapterClass))\n```\n\nA client could request you like `v1/employees?sort={\"code\":<some_code:int>}` or followed by filter `v1/employees?filter=[{\"gdr\":\"M\"}]&sort={\"code\":<some_code:int>, \"type\":\"asc\"}` \nand the response should contain list items sorted by employee code column in ascending order.\n\n**Note** we didn't registered sort mapper like we did for filter mapper.\n\nSimilarly, for paginator `v1/employees?pagination={\"page\":1, \"pageSize\":10}` or followed by filter and sort `v1/employees?filter=[{\"gdr\":\"M\"}]&sort={\"code\":<some_code:int>, \"type\":\"asc\"}&pagination={\"page\":1, \"pageSize\":10}`\n\nAbove will produce listing page of items 10 or dynamically client could change page size.\n\nOne thing to **Note** here is fastapi listing by default limits the client to reuqest maximum of 50 items at a time to safeguard your database \nif you want to increase/decrease this default limit then simply pass the limit in `MetaInfo`\n\n**You can also change the default page size from 10 to anything you would want**\n\n```python\nreturn FastapiListing(request=request, dao=dao).get_response(\n MetaInfo(default_srt_on=\"emp_no\",\n filter_mapper=emp_filter_mapper,\n sort_mapper=listing_sort_mapper,\n max_page_size=25, # here change max page size\n default_page_size=10, # here change default page size\n feature_params_adapter=YourAdapterClass))\n```\n\n### Class Based implementation\nQuick Example to convey the context\n\n```python\nfrom fastapi import FastAPI\n\nfrom sqlalchemy import Column, Date, String, ForeignKey\nfrom sqlalchemy.orm import declarative_base\nfrom sqlalchemy.orm import Session, relationship\nfrom fastapi_listing import ListingService, FastapiListing\nfrom fastapi_listing.filters import generic_filters\nfrom fastapi_listing import loader\nfrom fastapi_listing.paginator import ListingPage\n\nBase = declarative_base()\napp = FastAPI()\n\nclass Title(Base):\n __tablename__ = 'titles'\n\n emp_no = Column(ForeignKey('employees.emp_no', ondelete='CASCADE'), primary_key=True, nullable=False)\n title = Column(String(50), primary_key=True, nullable=False)\n from_date = Column(Date, primary_key=True, nullable=False)\n to_date = Column(Date)\n\n employee = relationship('Employee')\n\n \nclass EmployeeDao(GenericDao):\n name = \"employee\"\n model = Employee\n \nclass TitleDao(GenericDao):\n name = \"title\"\n model = Title\n \n@loader.register()\nclass EmployeeListingService(ListingService):\n \"\"\"Class based listing API implementation\"\"\"\n filter_mapper = {\n \"gdr\": (\"Employee.gender\", generic_filters.EqualityFilter),\n \"bdt\": (\"Employee.birth_date\", generic_filters.MySqlNativeDateFormateRangeFilter),\n \"fnm\": (\"Employee.first_name\", generic_filters.StringStartsWithFilter),\n \"lnm\": (\"Employee.last_name\", generic_filters.StringEndsWithFilter),\n # below feature will require customisation to work at query level\n \"desg\": (\"Employee.Title.title\", generic_filters.StringLikeFilter, lambda x: getattr(Title, x)) # registering filter with joined table field\n }\n\n sort_mapper = {\n \"cd\": \"emp_no\"\n }\n default_srt_on = \"Employee.emp_no\"\n default_dao = EmployeeDao\n\n def get_listing(self):\n # similar to above inline but instead of passing meta info uncompressed we pass self\n # rest is handled implicityly like filter register\n # one advantage here is every expect is validated so you get error when running server\n resp = FastapiListing(self.request, self.dao, pydantic_serializer=EmployeeListDetails).get_response(self.MetaInfo(self))\n return resp\n\n \n@app.get(\"/employees\", response_model=ListingPage[EmployeeListDetails])\ndef get_employees(db: Session):\n return EmployeeListingService(read_db=db).get_listing()\n```\n\nCheck out [docs](https://fastapi-listing.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorials.html#adding-filters-to-your-listing-api) for supported list of filters.\nAdditionally, you can create **custom filters** as well.\n\n## Provided features are not meeting your requirements???\n\nThe Applications are endless with customisations\n\n\u27a1\ufe0f You can write custom:\n\n* Query\n* Filter\n* Sorter\n* Paginator\n\nYou can check out customisation section in docs after going through basics and tutorials.\n\nCheck out my other [repo](https://github.com/danielhasan1/test-fastapi-listing/blob/master/app/router/router.py) to see some examples\n\n## Features and Readability hand in hand \ud83e\udd1d\n\n - Well defined interface for filter, sorter, paginator\n - Support Dependency Injection for easy testing\n - Room to adapt the existing remote client query param semantics\n - Write standardise listing APIs that will be understood by generations of upcoming developers\n - Write listing features which is easy on human mind to extend or understand\n - Break down the most complex listing data APIs into digestible piece of code \n\nWhy readability and code quality matters in one picture...\n\n<img src=\"https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1C2ZHltxpdyq4YmBsnbOu4HF9JGt6uMfQ\" width=\"600\" height=\"600\"/>\n\n# Documentation\nView full documentation at: https://fastapi-listing.readthedocs.io (A work in progress)\n\n\n\n# Feedback, Questions?\n\nAny form of feedback and questions are welcome! Please create an issue \ud83d\udcad\n[here](https://github.com/danielhasan1/fastapi-listing/issues/new).\n",
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"summary": "Advaned Data Listing Library for FastAPI",
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