
Namefaster-fifo JSON
Version 1.4.5 PyPI version JSON
SummaryA faster alternative to Python's standard multiprocessing.Queue (IPC FIFO queue)
upload_time2023-03-25 02:16:25
authorAleksei Petrenko & Tushar Kumar
keywords multiprocessing data structures
requirements No requirements were recorded.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
[<img src="">](

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# faster-fifo

Faster alternative to Python's standard multiprocessing.Queue (IPC FIFO queue). Up to 30x faster in some configurations.

Implemented in C++ using POSIX mutexes with PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED attribute. Based on a circular buffer, low footprint, brokerless.
Completely mimics the interface of the standard multiprocessing.Queue, so can be used as a drop-in replacement.

Adds `get_many()` and `put_many()` methods to receive/send multiple messages at once for the price of a single lock.

## Requirements 

- Linux or MacOS
- Python 3.6 or newer
- GCC 4.9.0 or newer

## Installation

```pip install faster-fifo```

(on a fresh Linux installation you might need some basic compiling tools `sudo apt install --reinstall build-essential`)

## Manual build instructions

pip install Cython
python build_ext --inplace
pip install -e .

## Usage example

from faster_fifo import Queue
from queue import Full, Empty

q = Queue(1000 * 1000)  # specify the size of the circular buffer in the ctor

# any pickle-able Python object can be added to the queue
py_obj = dict(a=42, b=33, c=(1, 2, 3), d=[1, 2, 3], e='123', f=b'kkk')
assert q.qsize() == 1

retrieved = q.get()
assert q.empty()
assert py_obj == retrieved

for i in range(100):
        q.put(py_obj, timeout=0.1)
    except Full:
        log.debug('Queue is full!')

num_received = 0
while num_received < 100:
    # get multiple messages at once, returns a list of messages for better performance in many-to-few scenarios
    # get_many does not guarantee that all max_messages_to_get will be received on the first call, in fact
    # no such guarantee can be made in multiprocessing systems.
    # get_many() will retrieve as many messages as there are available AND can fit in the pre-allocated memory
    # buffer. The size of the buffer is increased gradually to match demand.
    messages = q.get_many(max_messages_to_get=100)
    num_received += len(messages)

    assert True, 'This won\'t be called'
except Empty:
    log.debug('Queue is empty')


## Performance comparison (faster-fifo vs multiprocessing.Queue)

##### System #1 (Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-7900X CPU @ 3.30GHz, 10 cores, Ubuntu 18.04)

*(measured execution times in seconds)*

|                                                   | multiprocessing.Queue |   faster-fifo, get()    |  faster-fifo, get_many()  |
|   1 producer 1 consumer (200K msgs per producer)  |         2.54          |          0.86           |           0.92            |
|  1 producer 10 consumers (200K msgs per producer) |         4.00          |          1.39           |           1.36            |           
|  10 producers 1 consumer (100K msgs per producer) |         13.19         |          6.74           |           0.94            |
| 3 producers 20 consumers (100K msgs per producer) |         9.30          |          2.22           |           2.17            |
|  20 producers 3 consumers (50K msgs per producer) |         18.62         |          7.41           |           0.64            |
| 20 producers 20 consumers (50K msgs per producer) |         36.51         |          1.32           |           3.79            |

##### System #2 (Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4200U CPU @ 1.60GHz, 2 cores, Ubuntu 18.04)

*(measured execution times in seconds)*

|                                                   | multiprocessing.Queue |   faster-fifo, get()    |  faster-fifo, get_many()  |
|   1 producer 1 consumer (200K msgs per producer)  |         7.86          |          2.09           |            2.2            |
|  1 producer 10 consumers (200K msgs per producer) |         11.68         |          4.01           |           3.88            |           
|  10 producers 1 consumer (100K msgs per producer) |         44.48         |          16.68          |           5.98            |
| 3 producers 20 consumers (100K msgs per producer) |         22.59         |          7.83           |           7.49            |
|  20 producers 3 consumers (50K msgs per producer) |         66.3          |          22.3           |           6.35            |
| 20 producers 20 consumers (50K msgs per producer) |         78.75         |          14.39          |           15.78           |

## Run tests

`python -m unittest`

(there are also C++ unit tests, should run them if C++ code was altered)

## Recent PyPI releases

##### v1.4.5

* Added method `data_size()` to query the total size of the messages in queue (in bytes). Thank you [@LucaNicosia](!

##### v1.4.4

* Fixed an obscure issue with the TLSBuffer ctor being called without arguments (guessing it's Cython's weirdness)

##### v1.4.3

* Simplified usage with "spawn" multiprocessing context. No need to use `faster_fifo_reduction` anymore. Thank you [@MosBas](!

##### v1.4.2

* Fixed an issue with the custom Queue pickler

##### v1.4.1

* Fixed multithreading issues using threading.local for message recv buffer (huge thanks to [@brianmacy](!)
* Better error reporting in Cython and C++
* Added threading tests

##### v1.4.0

* Increase default receive buffer size from 10 bytes to 5000 bytes.

##### v1.3.1

* Minor change: better debugging messages + improved C++ tests

##### v1.3.0
* Now support custom serializers and deserializers instead of Pickle (thank you [@beasteers](!):
q = Queue(max_size_bytes=100000, loads=custom_deserializer, dumps=custom_serializer)

## Footnote

Originally designed for SampleFactory, a high-throughput asynchronous RL codebase

Programmed by [Aleksei Petrenko]( and Tushar Kumar at [USC RESL](

Developed under MIT License, feel free to use for any purpose, commercial or not, at your own risk.

If you wish to cite this repository:

    author={Petrenko, Aleksei and Kumar, Tushar},
    title={A Faster Alternative to Python's multiprocessing.Queue},
    journal = {GitHub repository},
    howpublished = {\url{}},


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "faster-fifo",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.6",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "multiprocessing data structures",
    "author": "Aleksei Petrenko & Tushar Kumar",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "[![tests](](\n[![Downloads](](\n[<img src=\"\">](\n\n<!-- [![codecov](]( -->\n\n# faster-fifo\n\nFaster alternative to Python's standard multiprocessing.Queue (IPC FIFO queue). Up to 30x faster in some configurations.\n\nImplemented in C++ using POSIX mutexes with PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED attribute. Based on a circular buffer, low footprint, brokerless.\nCompletely mimics the interface of the standard multiprocessing.Queue, so can be used as a drop-in replacement.\n\nAdds `get_many()` and `put_many()` methods to receive/send multiple messages at once for the price of a single lock.\n\n## Requirements \n\n- Linux or MacOS\n- Python 3.6 or newer\n- GCC 4.9.0 or newer\n\n## Installation\n\n```pip install faster-fifo```\n\n(on a fresh Linux installation you might need some basic compiling tools `sudo apt install --reinstall build-essential`)\n\n## Manual build instructions\n\n```\npip install Cython\npython build_ext --inplace\npip install -e .\n```\n\n## Usage example\n\n```Python\nfrom faster_fifo import Queue\nfrom queue import Full, Empty\n\nq = Queue(1000 * 1000)  # specify the size of the circular buffer in the ctor\n\n# any pickle-able Python object can be added to the queue\npy_obj = dict(a=42, b=33, c=(1, 2, 3), d=[1, 2, 3], e='123', f=b'kkk')\nq.put(py_obj)\nassert q.qsize() == 1\n\nretrieved = q.get()\nassert q.empty()\nassert py_obj == retrieved\n\nfor i in range(100):\n    try:\n        q.put(py_obj, timeout=0.1)\n    except Full:\n        log.debug('Queue is full!')\n\nnum_received = 0\nwhile num_received < 100:\n    # get multiple messages at once, returns a list of messages for better performance in many-to-few scenarios\n    # get_many does not guarantee that all max_messages_to_get will be received on the first call, in fact\n    # no such guarantee can be made in multiprocessing systems.\n    # get_many() will retrieve as many messages as there are available AND can fit in the pre-allocated memory\n    # buffer. The size of the buffer is increased gradually to match demand.\n    messages = q.get_many(max_messages_to_get=100)\n    num_received += len(messages)\n\ntry:\n    q.get(timeout=0.1)\n    assert True, 'This won\\'t be called'\nexcept Empty:\n    log.debug('Queue is empty')\n\n```\n\n## Performance comparison (faster-fifo vs multiprocessing.Queue)\n\n##### System #1 (Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-7900X CPU @ 3.30GHz, 10 cores, Ubuntu 18.04)\n\n*(measured execution times in seconds)*\n\n|                                                   | multiprocessing.Queue |   faster-fifo, get()    |  faster-fifo, get_many()  |\n|---------------------------------------------------|:---------------------:|:-----------------------:|:-------------------------:|\n|   1 producer 1 consumer (200K msgs per producer)  |         2.54          |          0.86           |           0.92            |\n|  1 producer 10 consumers (200K msgs per producer) |         4.00          |          1.39           |           1.36            |           \n|  10 producers 1 consumer (100K msgs per producer) |         13.19         |          6.74           |           0.94            |\n| 3 producers 20 consumers (100K msgs per producer) |         9.30          |          2.22           |           2.17            |\n|  20 producers 3 consumers (50K msgs per producer) |         18.62         |          7.41           |           0.64            |\n| 20 producers 20 consumers (50K msgs per producer) |         36.51         |          1.32           |           3.79            |\n\n\n##### System #2 (Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4200U CPU @ 1.60GHz, 2 cores, Ubuntu 18.04)\n\n*(measured execution times in seconds)*\n\n|                                                   | multiprocessing.Queue |   faster-fifo, get()    |  faster-fifo, get_many()  |\n|---------------------------------------------------|:---------------------:|:-----------------------:|:-------------------------:|\n|   1 producer 1 consumer (200K msgs per producer)  |         7.86          |          2.09           |            2.2            |\n|  1 producer 10 consumers (200K msgs per producer) |         11.68         |          4.01           |           3.88            |           \n|  10 producers 1 consumer (100K msgs per producer) |         44.48         |          16.68          |           5.98            |\n| 3 producers 20 consumers (100K msgs per producer) |         22.59         |          7.83           |           7.49            |\n|  20 producers 3 consumers (50K msgs per producer) |         66.3          |          22.3           |           6.35            |\n| 20 producers 20 consumers (50K msgs per producer) |         78.75         |          14.39          |           15.78           |\n\n## Run tests\n\n`python -m unittest`\n\n(there are also C++ unit tests, should run them if C++ code was altered)\n\n## Recent PyPI releases\n\n##### v1.4.5\n\n* Added method `data_size()` to query the total size of the messages in queue (in bytes). Thank you [@LucaNicosia](!\n\n##### v1.4.4\n\n* Fixed an obscure issue with the TLSBuffer ctor being called without arguments (guessing it's Cython's weirdness)\n\n##### v1.4.3\n\n* Simplified usage with \"spawn\" multiprocessing context. No need to use `faster_fifo_reduction` anymore. Thank you [@MosBas](!\n\n##### v1.4.2\n\n* Fixed an issue with the custom Queue pickler\n\n##### v1.4.1\n\n* Fixed multithreading issues using threading.local for message recv buffer (huge thanks to [@brianmacy](!)\n* Better error reporting in Cython and C++\n* Added threading tests\n\n##### v1.4.0\n\n* Increase default receive buffer size from 10 bytes to 5000 bytes.\n\n##### v1.3.1\n\n* Minor change: better debugging messages + improved C++ tests\n\n##### v1.3.0\n* Now support custom serializers and deserializers instead of Pickle (thank you [@beasteers](!):\n```Python\nq = Queue(max_size_bytes=100000, loads=custom_deserializer, dumps=custom_serializer)\n```\n\n## Footnote\n\nOriginally designed for SampleFactory, a high-throughput asynchronous RL codebase\n\nProgrammed by [Aleksei Petrenko]( and Tushar Kumar at [USC RESL](\n\nDeveloped under MIT License, feel free to use for any purpose, commercial or not, at your own risk.\n\nIf you wish to cite this repository:\n\n```\n@misc{faster-fifo,\n    author={Petrenko, Aleksei and Kumar, Tushar},\n    title={A Faster Alternative to Python's multiprocessing.Queue},\n    publisher={GitHub},\n    journal = {GitHub repository},\n    howpublished = {\\url{}},\n    year={2020},\n}\n```\n",
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