
Namefasttext-numpy2 JSON
Version 0.10.4 PyPI version JSON
Summaryfasttext Python bindings, fixed numpy 2 compatibiliy
upload_time2024-11-08 16:50:17
authorOnur Celebi
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.

fasttext with one line changed to support numpy 2.


.. code:: bash

   pip install fasttext-numpy2


.. code:: bash

   # clone and cd into
   pip install -e .


.. code:: bash

   python -m build

build for pypi

see ````


all credits go to original authors.

fastText |CircleCI|

`fastText <>`__ is a library for efficient learning
of word representations and sentence classification.

In this document we present how to use fastText in python.

Table of contents

-  `Requirements <#requirements>`__
-  `Installation <#installation>`__
-  `Usage overview <#usage-overview>`__

   -  `Word representation model <#word-representation-model>`__
   -  `Text classification model <#text-classification-model>`__
   -  `IMPORTANT: Preprocessing data / encoding
      conventions <#important-preprocessing-data-encoding-conventions>`__
   -  `More examples <#more-examples>`__

-  `API <#api>`__

   -  ```train_unsupervised``
      parameters <#train_unsupervised-parameters>`__
   -  ```train_supervised`` parameters <#train_supervised-parameters>`__
   -  ```model`` object <#model-object>`__


`fastText <>`__ builds on modern Mac OS and Linux
distributions. Since it uses C++11 features, it requires a compiler with
good C++11 support. You will need `Python <>`__
(version 2.7 or ≥ 3.4), `NumPy <>`__ &
`SciPy <>`__ and
`pybind11 <>`__.


To install the latest release, you can do :

.. code:: bash

   $ pip install fasttext

or, to get the latest development version of fasttext, you can install
from our github repository :

.. code:: bash

   $ git clone
   $ cd fastText
   $ sudo pip install .
   $ # or :
   $ sudo python install

Usage overview

Word representation model

In order to learn word vectors, as `described
here <>`__,
we can use ``fasttext.train_unsupervised`` function like this:

.. code:: py

   import fasttext

   # Skipgram model :
   model = fasttext.train_unsupervised('data.txt', model='skipgram')

   # or, cbow model :
   model = fasttext.train_unsupervised('data.txt', model='cbow')

where ``data.txt`` is a training file containing utf-8 encoded text.

The returned ``model`` object represents your learned model, and you can
use it to retrieve information.

.. code:: py

   print(model.words)   # list of words in dictionary
   print(model['king']) # get the vector of the word 'king'

Saving and loading a model object

You can save your trained model object by calling the function

.. code:: py


and retrieve it later thanks to the function ``load_model`` :

.. code:: py

   model = fasttext.load_model("model_filename.bin")

For more information about word representation usage of fasttext, you
can refer to our `word representations
tutorial <>`__.

Text classification model

In order to train a text classifier using the method `described
here <>`__,
we can use ``fasttext.train_supervised`` function like this:

.. code:: py

   import fasttext

   model = fasttext.train_supervised('data.train.txt')

where ``data.train.txt`` is a text file containing a training sentence
per line along with the labels. By default, we assume that labels are
words that are prefixed by the string ``__label__``

Once the model is trained, we can retrieve the list of words and labels:

.. code:: py


To evaluate our model by computing the precision at 1 (P@1) and the
recall on a test set, we use the ``test`` function:

.. code:: py

   def print_results(N, p, r):
       print("N\t" + str(N))
       print("P@{}\t{:.3f}".format(1, p))
       print("R@{}\t{:.3f}".format(1, r))


We can also predict labels for a specific text :

.. code:: py

   model.predict("Which baking dish is best to bake a banana bread ?")

By default, ``predict`` returns only one label : the one with the
highest probability. You can also predict more than one label by
specifying the parameter ``k``:

.. code:: py

   model.predict("Which baking dish is best to bake a banana bread ?", k=3)

If you want to predict more than one sentence you can pass an array of
strings :

.. code:: py

   model.predict(["Which baking dish is best to bake a banana bread ?", "Why not put knives in the dishwasher?"], k=3)

Of course, you can also save and load a model to/from a file as `in the
word representation usage <#saving-and-loading-a-model-object>`__.

For more information about text classification usage of fasttext, you
can refer to our `text classification
tutorial <>`__.

Compress model files with quantization

When you want to save a supervised model file, fastText can compress it
in order to have a much smaller model file by sacrificing only a little
bit performance.

.. code:: py

   # with the previously trained `model` object, call :
   model.quantize(input='data.train.txt', retrain=True)

   # then display results and save the new model :

``model_filename.ftz`` will have a much smaller size than

For further reading on quantization, you can refer to `this paragraph
from our blog
post <>`__.

IMPORTANT: Preprocessing data / encoding conventions

In general it is important to properly preprocess your data. In
particular our example scripts in the `root
folder <>`__ do this.

fastText assumes UTF-8 encoded text. All text must be `unicode for
Python2 <>`__
and `str for
Python3 <>`__.
The passed text will be `encoded as UTF-8 by
pybind11 <>`__
before passed to the fastText C++ library. This means it is important to
use UTF-8 encoded text when building a model. On Unix-like systems you
can convert text using `iconv <>`__.

fastText will tokenize (split text into pieces) based on the following
ASCII characters (bytes). In particular, it is not aware of UTF-8
whitespace. We advice the user to convert UTF-8 whitespace / word
boundaries into one of the following symbols as appropiate.

-  space
-  tab
-  vertical tab
-  carriage return
-  formfeed
-  the null character

The newline character is used to delimit lines of text. In particular,
the EOS token is appended to a line of text if a newline character is
encountered. The only exception is if the number of tokens exceeds the
MAX_LINE_SIZE constant as defined in the `Dictionary
header <>`__.
This means if you have text that is not separate by newlines, such as
the `fil9 dataset <>`__, it will be
broken into chunks with MAX_LINE_SIZE of tokens and the EOS token is not

The length of a token is the number of UTF-8 characters by considering
the `leading two bits of a
byte <>`__ to identify
`subsequent bytes of a multi-byte
sequence <>`__.
Knowing this is especially important when choosing the minimum and
maximum length of subwords. Further, the EOS token (as specified in the
header <>`__)
is considered a character and will not be broken into subwords.

More examples

In order to have a better knowledge of fastText models, please consider
the main
`README <>`__
and in particular `the tutorials on our
website <>`__.

You can find further python examples in `the doc
folder <>`__.

As with any package you can get help on any Python function using the
help function.

For example


   +>>> import fasttext
   +>>> help(fasttext.FastText)

   Help on module fasttext.FastText in fasttext:


       # Copyright (c) 2017-present, Facebook, Inc.
       # All rights reserved.
       # This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
       # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

           Load a model given a filepath and return a model object.

           Given a string of text, tokenize it and return a list of tokens


``train_unsupervised`` parameters

.. code:: python

       input             # training file path (required)
       model             # unsupervised fasttext model {cbow, skipgram} [skipgram]
       lr                # learning rate [0.05]
       dim               # size of word vectors [100]
       ws                # size of the context window [5]
       epoch             # number of epochs [5]
       minCount          # minimal number of word occurences [5]
       minn              # min length of char ngram [3]
       maxn              # max length of char ngram [6]
       neg               # number of negatives sampled [5]
       wordNgrams        # max length of word ngram [1]
       loss              # loss function {ns, hs, softmax, ova} [ns]
       bucket            # number of buckets [2000000]
       thread            # number of threads [number of cpus]
       lrUpdateRate      # change the rate of updates for the learning rate [100]
       t                 # sampling threshold [0.0001]
       verbose           # verbose [2]

``train_supervised`` parameters

.. code:: python

       input             # training file path (required)
       lr                # learning rate [0.1]
       dim               # size of word vectors [100]
       ws                # size of the context window [5]
       epoch             # number of epochs [5]
       minCount          # minimal number of word occurences [1]
       minCountLabel     # minimal number of label occurences [1]
       minn              # min length of char ngram [0]
       maxn              # max length of char ngram [0]
       neg               # number of negatives sampled [5]
       wordNgrams        # max length of word ngram [1]
       loss              # loss function {ns, hs, softmax, ova} [softmax]
       bucket            # number of buckets [2000000]
       thread            # number of threads [number of cpus]
       lrUpdateRate      # change the rate of updates for the learning rate [100]
       t                 # sampling threshold [0.0001]
       label             # label prefix ['__label__']
       verbose           # verbose [2]
       pretrainedVectors # pretrained word vectors (.vec file) for supervised learning []

``model`` object

``train_supervised``, ``train_unsupervised`` and ``load_model``
functions return an instance of ``_FastText`` class, that we generaly
name ``model`` object.

This object exposes those training arguments as properties : ``lr``,
``dim``, ``ws``, ``epoch``, ``minCount``, ``minCountLabel``, ``minn``,
``maxn``, ``neg``, ``wordNgrams``, ``loss``, ``bucket``, ``thread``,
``lrUpdateRate``, ``t``, ``label``, ``verbose``, ``pretrainedVectors``.
So ``model.wordNgrams`` will give you the max length of word ngram used
for training this model.

In addition, the object exposes several functions :

.. code:: python

       get_dimension           # Get the dimension (size) of a lookup vector (hidden layer).
                               # This is equivalent to `dim` property.
       get_input_vector        # Given an index, get the corresponding vector of the Input Matrix.
       get_input_matrix        # Get a copy of the full input matrix of a Model.
       get_labels              # Get the entire list of labels of the dictionary
                               # This is equivalent to `labels` property.
       get_line                # Split a line of text into words and labels.
       get_output_matrix       # Get a copy of the full output matrix of a Model.
       get_sentence_vector     # Given a string, get a single vector represenation. This function
                               # assumes to be given a single line of text. We split words on
                               # whitespace (space, newline, tab, vertical tab) and the control
                               # characters carriage return, formfeed and the null character.
       get_subword_id          # Given a subword, return the index (within input matrix) it hashes to.
       get_subwords            # Given a word, get the subwords and their indicies.
       get_word_id             # Given a word, get the word id within the dictionary.
       get_word_vector         # Get the vector representation of word.
       get_words               # Get the entire list of words of the dictionary
                               # This is equivalent to `words` property.
       is_quantized            # whether the model has been quantized
       predict                 # Given a string, get a list of labels and a list of corresponding probabilities.
       quantize                # Quantize the model reducing the size of the model and it's memory footprint.
       save_model              # Save the model to the given path
       test                    # Evaluate supervised model using file given by path
       test_label              # Return the precision and recall score for each label.    

The properties ``words``, ``labels`` return the words and labels from
the dictionary :

.. code:: py

   model.words         # equivalent to model.get_words()
   model.labels        # equivalent to model.get_labels()

The object overrides ``__getitem__`` and ``__contains__`` functions in
order to return the representation of a word and to check if a word is
in the vocabulary.

.. code:: py

   model['king']       # equivalent to model.get_word_vector('king')
   'king' in model     # equivalent to `'king' in model.get_words()`

Join the fastText community

-  `Facebook page <>`__
-  `Stack
   overflow <>`__
-  `Google
   group <!forum/fasttext-library>`__
-  `GitHub <>`__

.. |CircleCI| image::


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "fasttext-numpy2",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": null,
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": null,
    "author": "Onur Celebi",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": null,
    "platform": null,
    "description": "fasttext-numpy2\n===============\n\nfasttext with one line changed to support numpy 2.\n\ninstall\n-------\n\n.. code:: bash\n\n   pip install fasttext-numpy2\n\nor\n\n.. code:: bash\n\n   # clone and cd into\n   pip install -e .\n\nbuild\n-----\n\n.. code:: bash\n\n   python -m build\n\nbuild for pypi\n--------------\n\nsee ````\n\nnotes\n-----\n\nall credits go to original authors.\n\nfastText |CircleCI|\n===================\n\n`fastText <>`__ is a library for efficient learning\nof word representations and sentence classification.\n\nIn this document we present how to use fastText in python.\n\nTable of contents\n-----------------\n\n-  `Requirements <#requirements>`__\n-  `Installation <#installation>`__\n-  `Usage overview <#usage-overview>`__\n\n   -  `Word representation model <#word-representation-model>`__\n   -  `Text classification model <#text-classification-model>`__\n   -  `IMPORTANT: Preprocessing data / encoding\n      conventions <#important-preprocessing-data-encoding-conventions>`__\n   -  `More examples <#more-examples>`__\n\n-  `API <#api>`__\n\n   -  ```train_unsupervised``\n      parameters <#train_unsupervised-parameters>`__\n   -  ```train_supervised`` parameters <#train_supervised-parameters>`__\n   -  ```model`` object <#model-object>`__\n\nRequirements\n============\n\n`fastText <>`__ builds on modern Mac OS and Linux\ndistributions. Since it uses C++11 features, it requires a compiler with\ngood C++11 support. You will need `Python <>`__\n(version 2.7 or \u2265 3.4), `NumPy <>`__ &\n`SciPy <>`__ and\n`pybind11 <>`__.\n\nInstallation\n============\n\nTo install the latest release, you can do :\n\n.. code:: bash\n\n   $ pip install fasttext\n\nor, to get the latest development version of fasttext, you can install\nfrom our github repository :\n\n.. code:: bash\n\n   $ git clone\n   $ cd fastText\n   $ sudo pip install .\n   $ # or :\n   $ sudo python install\n\nUsage overview\n==============\n\nWord representation model\n-------------------------\n\nIn order to learn word vectors, as `described\nhere <>`__,\nwe can use ``fasttext.train_unsupervised`` function like this:\n\n.. code:: py\n\n   import fasttext\n\n   # Skipgram model :\n   model = fasttext.train_unsupervised('data.txt', model='skipgram')\n\n   # or, cbow model :\n   model = fasttext.train_unsupervised('data.txt', model='cbow')\n\nwhere ``data.txt`` is a training file containing utf-8 encoded text.\n\nThe returned ``model`` object represents your learned model, and you can\nuse it to retrieve information.\n\n.. code:: py\n\n   print(model.words)   # list of words in dictionary\n   print(model['king']) # get the vector of the word 'king'\n\nSaving and loading a model object\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\nYou can save your trained model object by calling the function\n``save_model``.\n\n.. code:: py\n\n   model.save_model(\"model_filename.bin\")\n\nand retrieve it later thanks to the function ``load_model`` :\n\n.. code:: py\n\n   model = fasttext.load_model(\"model_filename.bin\")\n\nFor more information about word representation usage of fasttext, you\ncan refer to our `word representations\ntutorial <>`__.\n\nText classification model\n-------------------------\n\nIn order to train a text classifier using the method `described\nhere <>`__,\nwe can use ``fasttext.train_supervised`` function like this:\n\n.. code:: py\n\n   import fasttext\n\n   model = fasttext.train_supervised('data.train.txt')\n\nwhere ``data.train.txt`` is a text file containing a training sentence\nper line along with the labels. By default, we assume that labels are\nwords that are prefixed by the string ``__label__``\n\nOnce the model is trained, we can retrieve the list of words and labels:\n\n.. code:: py\n\n   print(model.words)\n   print(model.labels)\n\nTo evaluate our model by computing the precision at 1 (P@1) and the\nrecall on a test set, we use the ``test`` function:\n\n.. code:: py\n\n   def print_results(N, p, r):\n       print(\"N\\t\" + str(N))\n       print(\"P@{}\\t{:.3f}\".format(1, p))\n       print(\"R@{}\\t{:.3f}\".format(1, r))\n\n   print_results(*model.test('test.txt'))\n\nWe can also predict labels for a specific text :\n\n.. code:: py\n\n   model.predict(\"Which baking dish is best to bake a banana bread ?\")\n\nBy default, ``predict`` returns only one label : the one with the\nhighest probability. You can also predict more than one label by\nspecifying the parameter ``k``:\n\n.. code:: py\n\n   model.predict(\"Which baking dish is best to bake a banana bread ?\", k=3)\n\nIf you want to predict more than one sentence you can pass an array of\nstrings :\n\n.. code:: py\n\n   model.predict([\"Which baking dish is best to bake a banana bread ?\", \"Why not put knives in the dishwasher?\"], k=3)\n\nOf course, you can also save and load a model to/from a file as `in the\nword representation usage <#saving-and-loading-a-model-object>`__.\n\nFor more information about text classification usage of fasttext, you\ncan refer to our `text classification\ntutorial <>`__.\n\nCompress model files with quantization\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\nWhen you want to save a supervised model file, fastText can compress it\nin order to have a much smaller model file by sacrificing only a little\nbit performance.\n\n.. code:: py\n\n   # with the previously trained `model` object, call :\n   model.quantize(input='data.train.txt', retrain=True)\n\n   # then display results and save the new model :\n   print_results(*model.test(valid_data))\n   model.save_model(\"model_filename.ftz\")\n\n``model_filename.ftz`` will have a much smaller size than\n``model_filename.bin``.\n\nFor further reading on quantization, you can refer to `this paragraph\nfrom our blog\npost <>`__.\n\nIMPORTANT: Preprocessing data / encoding conventions\n----------------------------------------------------\n\nIn general it is important to properly preprocess your data. In\nparticular our example scripts in the `root\nfolder <>`__ do this.\n\nfastText assumes UTF-8 encoded text. All text must be `unicode for\nPython2 <>`__\nand `str for\nPython3 <>`__.\nThe passed text will be `encoded as UTF-8 by\npybind11 <>`__\nbefore passed to the fastText C++ library. This means it is important to\nuse UTF-8 encoded text when building a model. On Unix-like systems you\ncan convert text using `iconv <>`__.\n\nfastText will tokenize (split text into pieces) based on the following\nASCII characters (bytes). In particular, it is not aware of UTF-8\nwhitespace. We advice the user to convert UTF-8 whitespace / word\nboundaries into one of the following symbols as appropiate.\n\n-  space\n-  tab\n-  vertical tab\n-  carriage return\n-  formfeed\n-  the null character\n\nThe newline character is used to delimit lines of text. In particular,\nthe EOS token is appended to a line of text if a newline character is\nencountered. The only exception is if the number of tokens exceeds the\nMAX_LINE_SIZE constant as defined in the `Dictionary\nheader <>`__.\nThis means if you have text that is not separate by newlines, such as\nthe `fil9 dataset <>`__, it will be\nbroken into chunks with MAX_LINE_SIZE of tokens and the EOS token is not\nappended.\n\nThe length of a token is the number of UTF-8 characters by considering\nthe `leading two bits of a\nbyte <>`__ to identify\n`subsequent bytes of a multi-byte\nsequence <>`__.\nKnowing this is especially important when choosing the minimum and\nmaximum length of subwords. Further, the EOS token (as specified in the\n`Dictionary\nheader <>`__)\nis considered a character and will not be broken into subwords.\n\nMore examples\n-------------\n\nIn order to have a better knowledge of fastText models, please consider\nthe main\n`README <>`__\nand in particular `the tutorials on our\nwebsite <>`__.\n\nYou can find further python examples in `the doc\nfolder <>`__.\n\nAs with any package you can get help on any Python function using the\nhelp function.\n\nFor example\n\n::\n\n   +>>> import fasttext\n   +>>> help(fasttext.FastText)\n\n   Help on module fasttext.FastText in fasttext:\n\n   NAME\n       fasttext.FastText\n\n   DESCRIPTION\n       # Copyright (c) 2017-present, Facebook, Inc.\n       # All rights reserved.\n       #\n       # This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the\n       # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.\n\n   FUNCTIONS\n       load_model(path)\n           Load a model given a filepath and return a model object.\n\n       tokenize(text)\n           Given a string of text, tokenize it and return a list of tokens\n   [...]\n\nAPI\n===\n\n``train_unsupervised`` parameters\n---------------------------------\n\n.. code:: python\n\n       input             # training file path (required)\n       model             # unsupervised fasttext model {cbow, skipgram} [skipgram]\n       lr                # learning rate [0.05]\n       dim               # size of word vectors [100]\n       ws                # size of the context window [5]\n       epoch             # number of epochs [5]\n       minCount          # minimal number of word occurences [5]\n       minn              # min length of char ngram [3]\n       maxn              # max length of char ngram [6]\n       neg               # number of negatives sampled [5]\n       wordNgrams        # max length of word ngram [1]\n       loss              # loss function {ns, hs, softmax, ova} [ns]\n       bucket            # number of buckets [2000000]\n       thread            # number of threads [number of cpus]\n       lrUpdateRate      # change the rate of updates for the learning rate [100]\n       t                 # sampling threshold [0.0001]\n       verbose           # verbose [2]\n\n``train_supervised`` parameters\n-------------------------------\n\n.. code:: python\n\n       input             # training file path (required)\n       lr                # learning rate [0.1]\n       dim               # size of word vectors [100]\n       ws                # size of the context window [5]\n       epoch             # number of epochs [5]\n       minCount          # minimal number of word occurences [1]\n       minCountLabel     # minimal number of label occurences [1]\n       minn              # min length of char ngram [0]\n       maxn              # max length of char ngram [0]\n       neg               # number of negatives sampled [5]\n       wordNgrams        # max length of word ngram [1]\n       loss              # loss function {ns, hs, softmax, ova} [softmax]\n       bucket            # number of buckets [2000000]\n       thread            # number of threads [number of cpus]\n       lrUpdateRate      # change the rate of updates for the learning rate [100]\n       t                 # sampling threshold [0.0001]\n       label             # label prefix ['__label__']\n       verbose           # verbose [2]\n       pretrainedVectors # pretrained word vectors (.vec file) for supervised learning []\n\n``model`` object\n----------------\n\n``train_supervised``, ``train_unsupervised`` and ``load_model``\nfunctions return an instance of ``_FastText`` class, that we generaly\nname ``model`` object.\n\nThis object exposes those training arguments as properties : ``lr``,\n``dim``, ``ws``, ``epoch``, ``minCount``, ``minCountLabel``, ``minn``,\n``maxn``, ``neg``, ``wordNgrams``, ``loss``, ``bucket``, ``thread``,\n``lrUpdateRate``, ``t``, ``label``, ``verbose``, ``pretrainedVectors``.\nSo ``model.wordNgrams`` will give you the max length of word ngram used\nfor training this model.\n\nIn addition, the object exposes several functions :\n\n.. code:: python\n\n       get_dimension           # Get the dimension (size) of a lookup vector (hidden layer).\n                               # This is equivalent to `dim` property.\n       get_input_vector        # Given an index, get the corresponding vector of the Input Matrix.\n       get_input_matrix        # Get a copy of the full input matrix of a Model.\n       get_labels              # Get the entire list of labels of the dictionary\n                               # This is equivalent to `labels` property.\n       get_line                # Split a line of text into words and labels.\n       get_output_matrix       # Get a copy of the full output matrix of a Model.\n       get_sentence_vector     # Given a string, get a single vector represenation. This function\n                               # assumes to be given a single line of text. We split words on\n                               # whitespace (space, newline, tab, vertical tab) and the control\n                               # characters carriage return, formfeed and the null character.\n       get_subword_id          # Given a subword, return the index (within input matrix) it hashes to.\n       get_subwords            # Given a word, get the subwords and their indicies.\n       get_word_id             # Given a word, get the word id within the dictionary.\n       get_word_vector         # Get the vector representation of word.\n       get_words               # Get the entire list of words of the dictionary\n                               # This is equivalent to `words` property.\n       is_quantized            # whether the model has been quantized\n       predict                 # Given a string, get a list of labels and a list of corresponding probabilities.\n       quantize                # Quantize the model reducing the size of the model and it's memory footprint.\n       save_model              # Save the model to the given path\n       test                    # Evaluate supervised model using file given by path\n       test_label              # Return the precision and recall score for each label.    \n\nThe properties ``words``, ``labels`` return the words and labels from\nthe dictionary :\n\n.. code:: py\n\n   model.words         # equivalent to model.get_words()\n   model.labels        # equivalent to model.get_labels()\n\nThe object overrides ``__getitem__`` and ``__contains__`` functions in\norder to return the representation of a word and to check if a word is\nin the vocabulary.\n\n.. code:: py\n\n   model['king']       # equivalent to model.get_word_vector('king')\n   'king' in model     # equivalent to `'king' in model.get_words()`\n\nJoin the fastText community\n---------------------------\n\n-  `Facebook page <>`__\n-  `Stack\n   overflow <>`__\n-  `Google\n   group <!forum/fasttext-library>`__\n-  `GitHub <>`__\n\n.. |CircleCI| image::\n   :target:\n",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
    "license": "MIT",
    "summary": "fasttext Python bindings, fixed numpy 2 compatibiliy",
    "version": "0.10.4",
    "project_urls": {
        "Homepage": ""
    "split_keywords": [],
    "urls": [
            "comment_text": "",
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