
Namefinbourne-identity-sdk JSON
Version 2.1.10 PyPI version JSON
SummaryFINBOURNE Identity Service API
upload_time2024-04-22 12:23:37
authorFINBOURNE Technology
keywords openapi openapi-generator finbourne identity service api finbourne-identity-sdk
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # finbourne-identity-sdk
FINBOURNE Technology

This Python package is automatically generated by the [OpenAPI Generator]( project:

- API version: 0.0.2880
- Package version: 2.1.10
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen
For more information, please visit [](

## Requirements.

Python 3.7+

## Installation & Usage
### pip install

If the python package is hosted on a repository, you can install directly using:

pip install git+
(you may need to run `pip` with root permission: `sudo pip install git+`)

Then import the package:
import finbourne_identity

### Setuptools

Install via [Setuptools](

python install --user
(or `sudo python install` to install the package for all users)

Then import the package:
import finbourne_identity

### Tests

Execute `pytest` to run the tests.

## Getting Started

You'll need to provide some configuration to connect to the finbourne_identity application.
These can be provided using a secrets file or environment variables.

### Environment variables

In order to use [short lived access tokens]( you will need to have appropriate values set for the following environment variables:


To use a long lived Personal Access Token, you must provide the following environment variables:

You can send your requests to finbourne_identity via a proxy, by setting `FBN_PROXY_ADDRESS`. 
If your proxy has basic auth enabled, you must akso supply `FBN_PROXY_USERNAME` and `FBN_PROXY_PASSWORD`

### Secrets file

In order to use [short lived access tokens]( you will need to have appropriate values set in a `secrets.json` file in the same folder as your script.


To use a long lived Personal Access Token, you must provide a `secrets.json` with the following variables:

You can send your requests to finbourne_identity via a proxy, by adding a proxy section to your `secrets.json`. 
If your proxy has basic auth enabled, you must also supply a `username` and `password` in this section.


### Using the SDK

Please follow the [installation procedure](#installation--usage) and then run the following:


import time
import finbourne_identity
from finbourne_identity.exceptions import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

import os
from finbourne_identity import (

# Use the finbourne_identity ApiClientFactory to build Api instances with a configured api client
# By default this will read config from environment variables
# Then from a secrets.json file found in the current working directory
api_client_factory = ApiClientFactory()

# The ApiClientFactory can be passed an iterable of configuration loaders to read configuration from

api_url = ""
# Path to a secrets.json file containing authentication credentials
# See
# for a detailed guide to setting up the SDK make authenticated calls to LUSID APIs
secrets_path = os.getenv("FBN_SECRETS_PATH")

config_loaders = [
	ArgsConfigurationLoader(api_url=api_url, app_name=app_name)
api_client_factory = ApiClientFactory(config_loaders=config_loaders)

# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.

# Enter a context with an instance of the ApiClientFactory to ensure the connection pool is closed after use
async with api_client_factory:
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance =

        # ListAccessControlledResources: Get resources available for access control
        api_response = await api_instance.list_access_controlled_resources()
        print("The response of ApplicationMetadataApi->list_access_controlled_resources:\n")
    except ApiException as e:
        print("Exception when calling ApplicationMetadataApi->list_access_controlled_resources: %s\n" % e)


## Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to **

Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
*ApplicationMetadataApi* | [**list_access_controlled_resources**](docs/ | **GET** /api/metadata/access/resources | ListAccessControlledResources: Get resources available for access control
*ApplicationsApi* | [**create_application**](docs/ | **POST** /api/applications | [EARLY ACCESS] CreateApplication: Create Application
*ApplicationsApi* | [**delete_application**](docs/ | **DELETE** /api/applications/{id} | [EARLY ACCESS] DeleteApplication: Delete Application
*ApplicationsApi* | [**get_application**](docs/ | **GET** /api/applications/{id} | [EARLY ACCESS] GetApplication: Get Application
*ApplicationsApi* | [**list_applications**](docs/ | **GET** /api/applications | [EARLY ACCESS] ListApplications: List Applications
*ApplicationsApi* | [**rotate_application_secrets**](docs/ | **POST** /api/applications/{id}/lifecycle/$newsecret | [EARLY ACCESS] RotateApplicationSecrets: Rotate Application Secrets
*AuthenticationApi* | [**get_authentication_information**](docs/ | **GET** /api/authentication/information | GetAuthenticationInformation: Gets AuthenticationInformation
*AuthenticationApi* | [**get_password_policy**](docs/ | **GET** /api/authentication/password-policy/{userType} | [EXPERIMENTAL] GetPasswordPolicy: Gets password policy for a user type
*AuthenticationApi* | [**get_support_access_history**](docs/ | **GET** /api/authentication/support | GetSupportAccessHistory: Get the history of all support access granted and any information pertaining to their termination
*AuthenticationApi* | [**get_support_roles**](docs/ | **GET** /api/authentication/support-roles | GetSupportRoles: Get mapping of support roles, the internal representation to a human friendly representation
*AuthenticationApi* | [**grant_support_access**](docs/ | **POST** /api/authentication/support | GrantSupportAccess: Grants FINBOURNE support access to your account
*AuthenticationApi* | [**invalidate_support_access**](docs/ | **DELETE** /api/authentication/support | InvalidateSupportAccess: Revoke any FINBOURNE support access to your account
*AuthenticationApi* | [**update_password_policy**](docs/ | **PUT** /api/authentication/password-policy/{userType} | [EXPERIMENTAL] UpdatePasswordPolicy: Updates password policy for a user type
*IdentityProviderApi* | [**add_scim**](docs/ | **PUT** /api/identityprovider/scim | AddScim: Add SCIM
*IdentityProviderApi* | [**remove_scim**](docs/ | **DELETE** /api/identityprovider/scim | RemoveScim: Remove SCIM
*MeApi* | [**get_user_info**](docs/ | **GET** /api/me | GetUserInfo: Get User Info
*MeApi* | [**set_password**](docs/ | **PUT** /api/me/password | SetPassword: Set password of current user
*PersonalAuthenticationTokensApi* | [**create_api_key**](docs/ | **POST** /api/keys | CreateApiKey: Create a Personal Access Token
*PersonalAuthenticationTokensApi* | [**delete_api_key**](docs/ | **DELETE** /api/keys/{id} | DeleteApiKey: Invalidate a Personal Access Token
*PersonalAuthenticationTokensApi* | [**list_own_api_keys**](docs/ | **GET** /api/keys | ListOwnApiKeys: Gets the meta data for all of the user&#39;s existing Personal Access Tokens.
*RolesApi* | [**add_user_to_role**](docs/ | **PUT** /api/roles/{id}/users/{userId} | AddUserToRole: Add User to Role
*RolesApi* | [**create_role**](docs/ | **POST** /api/roles | CreateRole: Create Role
*RolesApi* | [**delete_role**](docs/ | **DELETE** /api/roles/{id} | DeleteRole: Delete Role
*RolesApi* | [**get_role**](docs/ | **GET** /api/roles/{id} | GetRole: Get Role
*RolesApi* | [**list_roles**](docs/ | **GET** /api/roles | ListRoles: List Roles
*RolesApi* | [**list_users_in_role**](docs/ | **GET** /api/roles/{id}/users | ListUsersInRole: Get the users in the specified role.
*RolesApi* | [**remove_user_from_role**](docs/ | **DELETE** /api/roles/{id}/users/{userId} | RemoveUserFromRole: Remove User from Role
*RolesApi* | [**update_role**](docs/ | **PUT** /api/roles/{id} | UpdateRole: Update Role
*TokensApi* | [**invalidate_token**](docs/ | **DELETE** /api/tokens | InvalidateToken: Invalidate current JWT token (sign out)
*UsersApi* | [**create_user**](docs/ | **POST** /api/users | CreateUser: Create User
*UsersApi* | [**delete_user**](docs/ | **DELETE** /api/users/{id} | DeleteUser: Delete User
*UsersApi* | [**expire_password**](docs/ | **POST** /api/users/{id}/lifecycle/$expirepassword | ExpirePassword: Reset the user&#39;s password to a temporary one
*UsersApi* | [**find_users_by_id**](docs/ | **GET** /api/directory | FindUsersById: Find users by id endpoint
*UsersApi* | [**get_user**](docs/ | **GET** /api/users/{id} | GetUser: Get User
*UsersApi* | [**list_runnable_users**](docs/ | **GET** /api/users/$runnable | [EARLY ACCESS] ListRunnableUsers: List Runable Users
*UsersApi* | [**list_users**](docs/ | **GET** /api/users | ListUsers: List Users
*UsersApi* | [**reset_factors**](docs/ | **POST** /api/users/{id}/lifecycle/$resetfactors | ResetFactors: Reset MFA factors
*UsersApi* | [**reset_password**](docs/ | **POST** /api/users/{id}/lifecycle/$resetpassword | ResetPassword: Reset Password
*UsersApi* | [**send_activation_email**](docs/ | **POST** /api/users/{id}/lifecycle/$activate | SendActivationEmail: Sends an activation email to the User
*UsersApi* | [**unlock_user**](docs/ | **POST** /api/users/{id}/lifecycle/$unlock | UnlockUser: Unlock User
*UsersApi* | [**unsuspend_user**](docs/ | **POST** /api/users/{id}/lifecycle/$unsuspend | [EXPERIMENTAL] UnsuspendUser: Unsuspend user
*UsersApi* | [**update_user**](docs/ | **PUT** /api/users/{id} | UpdateUser: Update User

## Documentation For Models

 - [AccessControlledAction](docs/
 - [AccessControlledResource](docs/
 - [ActionId](docs/
 - [AddScimResponse](docs/
 - [ApiKey](docs/
 - [AuthenticationInformation](docs/
 - [CreateApiKey](docs/
 - [CreateApplicationRequest](docs/
 - [CreateRoleRequest](docs/
 - [CreateUserRequest](docs/
 - [CreatedApiKey](docs/
 - [CurrentUserResponse](docs/
 - [ErrorDetail](docs/
 - [IdSelectorDefinition](docs/
 - [IdentifierPartSchema](docs/
 - [Link](docs/
 - [ListUsersResponse](docs/
 - [LusidProblemDetails](docs/
 - [LusidValidationProblemDetails](docs/
 - [OAuthApplication](docs/
 - [PasswordPolicyResponse](docs/
 - [PasswordPolicyResponseAge](docs/
 - [PasswordPolicyResponseComplexity](docs/
 - [PasswordPolicyResponseConditions](docs/
 - [PasswordPolicyResponseLockout](docs/
 - [ResourceListOfAccessControlledResource](docs/
 - [RoleId](docs/
 - [RoleResponse](docs/
 - [SetPassword](docs/
 - [SetPasswordResponse](docs/
 - [SupportAccessExpiry](docs/
 - [SupportAccessExpiryWithRole](docs/
 - [SupportAccessRequest](docs/
 - [SupportAccessResponse](docs/
 - [SupportRole](docs/
 - [SupportRolesResponse](docs/
 - [TemporaryPassword](docs/
 - [UpdatePasswordPolicyRequest](docs/
 - [UpdatePasswordPolicyRequestAge](docs/
 - [UpdatePasswordPolicyRequestComplexity](docs/
 - [UpdatePasswordPolicyRequestConditions](docs/
 - [UpdatePasswordPolicyRequestLockout](docs/
 - [UpdateRoleRequest](docs/
 - [UpdateUserRequest](docs/
 - [UserResponse](docs/
 - [UserSummary](docs/

<a id="documentation-for-authorization"></a>
## Documentation For Authorization

Authentication schemes defined for the API:
<a id="oauth2"></a>
### oauth2

- **Type**: OAuth
- **Flow**: implicit
- **Authorization URL**:
- **Scopes**: N/A

## Author


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "finbourne-identity-sdk",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": "<4.0,>=3.8",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": "OpenAPI, OpenAPI-Generator, FINBOURNE Identity Service API, finbourne-identity-sdk",
    "author": "FINBOURNE Technology",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# finbourne-identity-sdk\nFINBOURNE Technology\n\nThis Python package is automatically generated by the [OpenAPI Generator]( project:\n\n- API version: 0.0.2880\n- Package version: 2.1.10\n- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen\nFor more information, please visit [](\n\n## Requirements.\n\nPython 3.7+\n\n## Installation & Usage\n### pip install\n\nIf the python package is hosted on a repository, you can install directly using:\n\n```sh\npip install git+\n```\n(you may need to run `pip` with root permission: `sudo pip install git+`)\n\nThen import the package:\n```python\nimport finbourne_identity\n```\n\n### Setuptools\n\nInstall via [Setuptools](\n\n```sh\npython install --user\n```\n(or `sudo python install` to install the package for all users)\n\nThen import the package:\n```python\nimport finbourne_identity\n```\n\n### Tests\n\nExecute `pytest` to run the tests.\n\n## Getting Started\n\nYou'll need to provide some configuration to connect to the finbourne_identity application.\nThese can be provided using a secrets file or environment variables.\n\n### Environment variables\n\nIn order to use [short lived access tokens]( you will need to have appropriate values set for the following environment variables:\n\n``` \nFBN_TOKEN_URL,\nFBN_FINBOURNE_IDENTITY_API_URL,\nFBN_USERNAME,\nFBN_PASSWORD,\nFBN_CLIENT_ID,\nFBN_CLIENT_SECRET\n```\n\nTo use a long lived Personal Access Token, you must provide the following environment variables:\n``` \nFBN_FINBOURNE_IDENTITY_API_URL,\nFBN_ACCESS_TOKEN\n```\n\nYou can send your requests to finbourne_identity via a proxy, by setting `FBN_PROXY_ADDRESS`. \nIf your proxy has basic auth enabled, you must akso supply `FBN_PROXY_USERNAME` and `FBN_PROXY_PASSWORD`\n\n### Secrets file\n\nIn order to use [short lived access tokens]( you will need to have appropriate values set in a `secrets.json` file in the same folder as your script.\n\n``` \n{\n    \"api\":\n    {\n        \"tokenUrl\":\"<your-token-url>\",\n        \"finbourne_identityUrl\":\"<FINBOURNE-application-url>\",\n        \"username\":\"<your-username>\",\n        \"password\":\"<your-password>\",\n        \"clientId\":\"<your-client-id>\",\n        \"clientSecret\":\"<your-client-secret>\",\n    }\n}\n```\n\nTo use a long lived Personal Access Token, you must provide a `secrets.json` with the following variables:\n``` \n{\n    \"api\":\n    {\n        \"finbourne_identityUrl\":\"<FINBOURNE-application-url>\",\n        \"accessToken\":\"<your-access-token>\"\n    }\n}\n```\n\nYou can send your requests to finbourne_identity via a proxy, by adding a proxy section to your `secrets.json`. \nIf your proxy has basic auth enabled, you must also supply a `username` and `password` in this section.\n\n``` \n{\n    \"api\":\n    {\n        \"finbourne_identityUrl\":\"<FINBOURNE-application-url>\",\n        \"accessToken\":\"<your-access-token>\"\n    },\n    \"proxy\":\n    {\n        \"address\":\"<your-proxy-address>\",\n        \"username\":\"<your-proxy-username>\",\n        \"password\":\"<your-proxy-password>\"\n    }\n}\n```\n\n### Using the SDK\n\nPlease follow the [installation procedure](#installation--usage) and then run the following:\n\n```python\n\nimport time\nimport finbourne_identity\nfrom finbourne_identity.exceptions import ApiException\nfrom pprint import pprint\n\nimport os\nfrom finbourne_identity import (\n    ApiClientFactory,\n    ApplicationMetadataApi,\n    EnvironmentVariablesConfigurationLoader,\n    SecretsFileConfigurationLoader,\n    ArgsConfigurationLoader\n)\n\n# Use the finbourne_identity ApiClientFactory to build Api instances with a configured api client\n# By default this will read config from environment variables\n# Then from a secrets.json file found in the current working directory\napi_client_factory = ApiClientFactory()\n\n# The ApiClientFactory can be passed an iterable of configuration loaders to read configuration from\n\napi_url = \"\"\n# Path to a secrets.json file containing authentication credentials\n# See\n# for a detailed guide to setting up the SDK make authenticated calls to LUSID APIs\nsecrets_path = os.getenv(\"FBN_SECRETS_PATH\")\napp_name=\"LusidJupyterNotebook\"\n\nconfig_loaders = [\n\tEnvironmentVariablesConfigurationLoader(),\n\tSecretsFileConfigurationLoader(api_secrets_file=secrets_path),\n\tArgsConfigurationLoader(api_url=api_url, app_name=app_name)\n]\napi_client_factory = ApiClientFactory(config_loaders=config_loaders)\n\n\n# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters\n# in accordance with the API server security policy.\n\n\n\n# Enter a context with an instance of the ApiClientFactory to ensure the connection pool is closed after use\nasync with api_client_factory:\n    # Create an instance of the API class\n    api_instance =\n\n    try:\n        # ListAccessControlledResources: Get resources available for access control\n        api_response = await api_instance.list_access_controlled_resources()\n        print(\"The response of ApplicationMetadataApi->list_access_controlled_resources:\\n\")\n        pprint(api_response)\n    except ApiException as e:\n        print(\"Exception when calling ApplicationMetadataApi->list_access_controlled_resources: %s\\n\" % e)\n\n```\n\n## Documentation for API Endpoints\n\nAll URIs are relative to **\n\nClass | Method | HTTP request | Description\n------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------\n*ApplicationMetadataApi* | [**list_access_controlled_resources**](docs/ | **GET** /api/metadata/access/resources | ListAccessControlledResources: Get resources available for access control\n*ApplicationsApi* | [**create_application**](docs/ | **POST** /api/applications | [EARLY ACCESS] CreateApplication: Create Application\n*ApplicationsApi* | [**delete_application**](docs/ | **DELETE** /api/applications/{id} | [EARLY ACCESS] DeleteApplication: Delete Application\n*ApplicationsApi* | [**get_application**](docs/ | **GET** /api/applications/{id} | [EARLY ACCESS] GetApplication: Get Application\n*ApplicationsApi* | [**list_applications**](docs/ | **GET** /api/applications | [EARLY ACCESS] ListApplications: List Applications\n*ApplicationsApi* | [**rotate_application_secrets**](docs/ | **POST** /api/applications/{id}/lifecycle/$newsecret | [EARLY ACCESS] RotateApplicationSecrets: Rotate Application Secrets\n*AuthenticationApi* | [**get_authentication_information**](docs/ | **GET** /api/authentication/information | GetAuthenticationInformation: Gets AuthenticationInformation\n*AuthenticationApi* | [**get_password_policy**](docs/ | **GET** /api/authentication/password-policy/{userType} | [EXPERIMENTAL] GetPasswordPolicy: Gets password policy for a user type\n*AuthenticationApi* | [**get_support_access_history**](docs/ | **GET** /api/authentication/support | GetSupportAccessHistory: Get the history of all support access granted and any information pertaining to their termination\n*AuthenticationApi* | [**get_support_roles**](docs/ | **GET** /api/authentication/support-roles | GetSupportRoles: Get mapping of support roles, the internal representation to a human friendly representation\n*AuthenticationApi* | [**grant_support_access**](docs/ | **POST** /api/authentication/support | GrantSupportAccess: Grants FINBOURNE support access to your account\n*AuthenticationApi* | [**invalidate_support_access**](docs/ | **DELETE** /api/authentication/support | InvalidateSupportAccess: Revoke any FINBOURNE support access to your account\n*AuthenticationApi* | [**update_password_policy**](docs/ | **PUT** /api/authentication/password-policy/{userType} | [EXPERIMENTAL] UpdatePasswordPolicy: Updates password policy for a user type\n*IdentityProviderApi* | [**add_scim**](docs/ | **PUT** /api/identityprovider/scim | AddScim: Add SCIM\n*IdentityProviderApi* | [**remove_scim**](docs/ | **DELETE** /api/identityprovider/scim | RemoveScim: Remove SCIM\n*MeApi* | [**get_user_info**](docs/ | **GET** /api/me | GetUserInfo: Get User Info\n*MeApi* | [**set_password**](docs/ | **PUT** /api/me/password | SetPassword: Set password of current user\n*PersonalAuthenticationTokensApi* | [**create_api_key**](docs/ | **POST** /api/keys | CreateApiKey: Create a Personal Access Token\n*PersonalAuthenticationTokensApi* | [**delete_api_key**](docs/ | **DELETE** /api/keys/{id} | DeleteApiKey: Invalidate a Personal Access Token\n*PersonalAuthenticationTokensApi* | [**list_own_api_keys**](docs/ | **GET** /api/keys | ListOwnApiKeys: Gets the meta data for all of the user&#39;s existing Personal Access Tokens.\n*RolesApi* | [**add_user_to_role**](docs/ | **PUT** /api/roles/{id}/users/{userId} | AddUserToRole: Add User to Role\n*RolesApi* | [**create_role**](docs/ | **POST** /api/roles | CreateRole: Create Role\n*RolesApi* | [**delete_role**](docs/ | **DELETE** /api/roles/{id} | DeleteRole: Delete Role\n*RolesApi* | [**get_role**](docs/ | **GET** /api/roles/{id} | GetRole: Get Role\n*RolesApi* | [**list_roles**](docs/ | **GET** /api/roles | ListRoles: List Roles\n*RolesApi* | [**list_users_in_role**](docs/ | **GET** /api/roles/{id}/users | ListUsersInRole: Get the users in the specified role.\n*RolesApi* | [**remove_user_from_role**](docs/ | **DELETE** /api/roles/{id}/users/{userId} | RemoveUserFromRole: Remove User from Role\n*RolesApi* | [**update_role**](docs/ | **PUT** /api/roles/{id} | UpdateRole: Update Role\n*TokensApi* | [**invalidate_token**](docs/ | **DELETE** /api/tokens | InvalidateToken: Invalidate current JWT token (sign out)\n*UsersApi* | [**create_user**](docs/ | **POST** /api/users | CreateUser: Create User\n*UsersApi* | [**delete_user**](docs/ | **DELETE** /api/users/{id} | DeleteUser: Delete User\n*UsersApi* | [**expire_password**](docs/ | **POST** /api/users/{id}/lifecycle/$expirepassword | ExpirePassword: Reset the user&#39;s password to a temporary one\n*UsersApi* | [**find_users_by_id**](docs/ | **GET** /api/directory | FindUsersById: Find users by id endpoint\n*UsersApi* | [**get_user**](docs/ | **GET** /api/users/{id} | GetUser: Get User\n*UsersApi* | [**list_runnable_users**](docs/ | **GET** /api/users/$runnable | [EARLY ACCESS] ListRunnableUsers: List Runable Users\n*UsersApi* | [**list_users**](docs/ | **GET** /api/users | ListUsers: List Users\n*UsersApi* | [**reset_factors**](docs/ | **POST** /api/users/{id}/lifecycle/$resetfactors | ResetFactors: Reset MFA factors\n*UsersApi* | [**reset_password**](docs/ | **POST** /api/users/{id}/lifecycle/$resetpassword | ResetPassword: Reset Password\n*UsersApi* | [**send_activation_email**](docs/ | **POST** /api/users/{id}/lifecycle/$activate | SendActivationEmail: Sends an activation email to the User\n*UsersApi* | [**unlock_user**](docs/ | **POST** /api/users/{id}/lifecycle/$unlock | UnlockUser: Unlock User\n*UsersApi* | [**unsuspend_user**](docs/ | **POST** /api/users/{id}/lifecycle/$unsuspend | [EXPERIMENTAL] UnsuspendUser: Unsuspend user\n*UsersApi* | [**update_user**](docs/ | **PUT** /api/users/{id} | UpdateUser: Update User\n\n\n## Documentation For Models\n\n - [AccessControlledAction](docs/\n - [AccessControlledResource](docs/\n - [ActionId](docs/\n - [AddScimResponse](docs/\n - [ApiKey](docs/\n - [AuthenticationInformation](docs/\n - [CreateApiKey](docs/\n - [CreateApplicationRequest](docs/\n - [CreateRoleRequest](docs/\n - [CreateUserRequest](docs/\n - [CreatedApiKey](docs/\n - [CurrentUserResponse](docs/\n - [ErrorDetail](docs/\n - [IdSelectorDefinition](docs/\n - [IdentifierPartSchema](docs/\n - [Link](docs/\n - [ListUsersResponse](docs/\n - [LusidProblemDetails](docs/\n - [LusidValidationProblemDetails](docs/\n - [OAuthApplication](docs/\n - [PasswordPolicyResponse](docs/\n - [PasswordPolicyResponseAge](docs/\n - [PasswordPolicyResponseComplexity](docs/\n - [PasswordPolicyResponseConditions](docs/\n - [PasswordPolicyResponseLockout](docs/\n - [ResourceListOfAccessControlledResource](docs/\n - [RoleId](docs/\n - [RoleResponse](docs/\n - [SetPassword](docs/\n - [SetPasswordResponse](docs/\n - [SupportAccessExpiry](docs/\n - [SupportAccessExpiryWithRole](docs/\n - [SupportAccessRequest](docs/\n - [SupportAccessResponse](docs/\n - [SupportRole](docs/\n - [SupportRolesResponse](docs/\n - [TemporaryPassword](docs/\n - [UpdatePasswordPolicyRequest](docs/\n - [UpdatePasswordPolicyRequestAge](docs/\n - [UpdatePasswordPolicyRequestComplexity](docs/\n - [UpdatePasswordPolicyRequestConditions](docs/\n - [UpdatePasswordPolicyRequestLockout](docs/\n - [UpdateRoleRequest](docs/\n - [UpdateUserRequest](docs/\n - [UserResponse](docs/\n - [UserSummary](docs/\n\n\n<a id=\"documentation-for-authorization\"></a>\n## Documentation For Authorization\n\n\nAuthentication schemes defined for the API:\n<a id=\"oauth2\"></a>\n### oauth2\n\n- **Type**: OAuth\n- **Flow**: implicit\n- **Authorization URL**:\n- **Scopes**: N/A\n\n\n## Author\n\\n\n\n",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
    "license": "MIT",
    "summary": "FINBOURNE Identity Service API",
    "version": "2.1.10",
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        "Homepage": "",
        "Repository": ""
    "split_keywords": [
        " openapi-generator",
        " finbourne identity service api",
        " finbourne-identity-sdk"
    "urls": [
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