
Namefisp JSON
Version 0.3.0 PyPI version JSON
SummaryFISP: a 1D Fast Ion Spectra Propagator for solid cold targets.
upload_time2024-10-16 14:51:57
keywords simulation spectrum ion target
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            FISP is a 1D simulation code for the interaction of ion beams with cold solid targets. It should be seen as a less precise but much faster alternative to Monte-Carlo simulations: both types of simulations can complement each other.

Peer-reviewed paper to be published.

# Features
- Runs on a **personnal computer** with **short running times** (seconds to minutes depending on the simulation)
- **User friendly**: install as any other python package and easy to use
- **Multi-layer targets** of **any solid cold materials** of known composition
- Propagating single or **multiple spectra of any ion**
- **Reactions** between **any two nuclei** (user provides cross-section data)
- **Front and rear exiting spectra** calculation
- local **Energy deposition** calculation
- local **Number of reactions** calculation

# User guide

## Setting-up the simulation

In FISP, everything has to be manually declared. This includes atomic/ion species, materials, nuclear reactions and ion spectra.

### Ion species

Any atomic/ion species involved in a FISP simulation (in the composition of a material layer or as the product of a nuclear reaction for example) must be declared before anything else. This is done using the `Ion` class, for example let's declare an alpha particle (<sup>4</sup>He nucleus):
import fisp

Z = 2                 # Atomic number
A = 4                 # Mass number
mass = 3727.37941     # Ion mass energy in MeV
I = 41.8e-6           # Optionnal: mean excitation potential in MeV. Can be specified
                      # in the `Material` class instead. Less user-friendly.
ionization_energy = 0 # Optionnal: ionization energy in MeV. Useful for some simulations
                      # (see nuclear reactions part)
name = 'alpha'        # Optionnal: chose a name for plots
propagate = True      # Optionnal: tells FISP to propagate this type of ions. Setting
                      # this to False speeds up the calculation (especially with
                      # neutrons and thick targets), but obviously prevents FISP 
                      # from calculating relating things such as energy deposition
                      # contribution from this ion type or output spectra for this
                      # ion type: any ion that is not propagated is forgotten as
                      # soon as it is created, only counting in the created ions numbers.

He4 = fisp.Ion(Z, A, mass, I=I, ionization_energy=ionization_energy, name=name, propagate=propagate)

### Materials

Once your ions are declared, you can add them to a material type using the `Material` class, for example with natural boron:
composition = {B10:.199, B11:.801} # 19.9% of boron 10 and 80.1% of boron 11, previously
                                   # declared using the Ion class
density = 2370                     # Density in kg/m^3
molar_mass = .0108135              # Molar mass in kg/mol
I = 76e-6                          # Optionnal: mean excitation potential in MeV. Default
                                   # is the average for the components of the materials.
name = 'boron'                     # Optionnal: chose a name for plots.
disable_warnings = True            # Optionnal: FISP will warn the user if there seems to
                                   # be a unit mistake on the values given for materials.
                                   # If you know better, you can disable these warnings here.

boron = fisp.Material(composition, density, molar_mass, mean_excitation_potential=I, name=name, disable_warnings=disable_warnings)

### Nuclear reactions

**Binary nuclear reactions**

Nuclear reactions that involve two nuclei turning into two other nuclei can be expressed as follows:
                *target (projectile, ejectile) product*
They can be declared easily using the `BinaryReaction` subclass of the main `Reaction` class, that is introduced in the next paragraph.
target = B11          # Boron 11, previously declared using the Ion class
projectile = H1       # proton (hydrogen 1)
ejectile = n          # neutron
product = C11         # carbon 11
data = mydata         # cross-section data. Expected format is (xdata, ydata), with xdata
                      # being the projectile energies in the lab frame, and ydata being
                      # the corresponding cross-sections in m². Yes, square meters.
name = 'p+B11->n+C11' # Optionnal: chose a name for plots.

pb11_nC11 = fisp.BinaryReaction(B11, H1, n, C11, data)

**Non binary nuclear reactions**

Other reactions can be declared using the `Reaction` class, which involves much more work from the user. For example with the reaction p + <sup>11</sup>B -> 3a (here, skipping analytical calculations):
projectile = H1
target = B11
output_ions = [(He4, .5, func1), (He4, .5, func2), (He4, .5, func3), (He4, .5, func4), (He4, .5, func5), (He4, .5, func6)]
                   # Here: - He4 is the previously declared Ion object for alpha particles
                   #       - .5 stands for the number of alpha particles with a given speed.
                   #         Indeed, the reaction emits 3 alpha particles and each of these
                   #         alpha particles has a probability of one half to go forward and
                   #         one half to go backward*. At the macroscopic scale of our
                   #         simulations, large numbers law applies: it can be considered that
                   #         for each reaction, half a particle is emited in both direction.
                   #         *simplification were done here, the point is to understand. This
                   #         result is still correct though.
                   #       - func1 to func6 are user-provided functions taking as input a numpy
                   #         array containing the projectile (in our case, protons) energies.
                   #         The function must then return the *speed* of the particles created.
                   #         These speeds must be calculated in c units and in the lab frame,
                   #         with positive values indicating forward direction and negative
                   #         values indicating backward direction.
data = mydata      # cross-section data. Expected format is (xdata, ydata), with xdata
                   # being the projectile energies in the lab frame, and ydata being
                   # the corresponding cross-sections in m². Yes, square meters.
name = 'p+B11->3a' # Optionnal: chose a name for plots.

pb11_3a = fisp.Reaction(projectile, target, output_ions, data, name=name)
Note: only reactions between two atoms/ions are supported.

### Target layers

Now that materials and reactions have been declared, one can construct the target geometry using the `Layer` class. Indeed, FISP supports multi-layer target, each layer being a different material.
material = boron              # the Material object previously declared composing the layer
thickness = 100e-6            # the thickness of the layer in m
reactions = pb11_C11, pb11_3a # the previously declared nuclear reactions occuring within the layer
outer_step_size = 1e-8        # the step size of the code on the layer's borders in m
max_inner_step_size = 1e-6    # the maximum allowed step size of the code within the layer in m
step_factor = 1.01            # the ratio between the sizes of two consecutive steps. Indeed, as
                              # inner steps have less influence on the calculation's results, the
                              # code makes them larger to speed up the calculation.

fisp.Layer(material, thickness, reactions, outer_step_size, max, inner_step_size, step_factor)
One additionnal layer is added to the simulation each time the `Layer` class is called. The order the the layers in the simulated target is the order in which the user declares the layers.
The reset the layers, see the `reset` function below.

### Ion beam

An ion beam (spectrum) can be added anywhere inside the target using the `input_spectrum` function:
ions_type = H1            # Previously declared nature type of ions
position = 0.             # Start position of the spectrum in m
direction = 'back'        # Propagation direction of the spectrum ('front'/'back' is
                          # towards the front/back of the target)
energy_data = mydataE     # the spectrum energy bins values in MeV
population_data = lydataP # corresponding ion populations in /MeV 

fisp.input_spectrum(ions_type, position, direction, energy_data, population_data)

## Additional parameters and functions

### Set energy bins

The `set_energy_bins` function can be used to tune the parameters of the simulation regarding the energy bins: the number of bins, their distribution and the resizing trigger.
import numpy as np

# These are the defaults values

number = 10000
distribution = np.linspace
resize_trigger = 100

fisp.set_energy_bins(number, distribution, resize_trigger)

### Set simulation

The `set_simulation` function tells FISP wether to calculate the location of energy deposit and stopped particles within the target.
# These are the default values

calculate_energy_deposit = True
calculate_particles_stopping = True

fisp.set_simulation(calculate_energy_deposit, calculate_particles_stopping)
If **both** calculations are turned off, the simulation speed is greatly increased in most cases.

## Calling the run function

At this point, the simulation parameters and input are completely done. The run function should be called.

## Setting-up the post-processing

FISP embarks tools for prost-processing the simulations. They should be placed under the `run` function in the user's python file.

For more information about a function listed here, please consult its docstring.

### Plotting functions

FISP includes several plotting functions: `plot_energy_deposition`, `plot_nuclear_reactions`, `plot_range`, `plot_stopped_ions`, `plot_stopping_power`, `plot_target`.

The `Spectrum` class has it own plotting method: `plot`. The `Reaction` class also has its own plotting method: `plot_cross_section`.

### Printing function

FISP includes one printing function: `print_created_ions'.

### Data Saving

FISP includes functions to save data as csv files: `save_energy_deposition`, `save_created_ions`, `save_nuclear_reactions`, `save_range`, `save_stopped_ions`, `save_stopping_power` and the `Spectrum` class method `save`.

### Data extraction

For more flexibility, it is possible to access data from FISP inside Python:
- Data: `range_tables`, `reactions_list`, `front_spectra`, 'rear_spectra`
- Functions: 'extract_created_ions', 'extract_energy_deposition', 'extract_nuclear_reations', 'extract_stopped_ions'

## Resetting

At the end of the Python file, the `reset` function should be called. If not done, parametric studies or any following simulations in the same console will yield nonsensic results.

## Parametric studies
The original purpose of FISP is to perform parametric studies. Thus, a function to run parametric studies is included. It works by running multiple Python interpeters at the same time with different parameters. Thus, the user needs to provide a functionning FISP namelist. In this namelist must be the flag `$parametric$` for the value to replace, for example:
my_thickness = $parametric$
This flag will be replaced by a value of the parametric study for each simulation. To run a parametric study, user has to execute a separate python file:
import fisp

values = [1e-3, 2e-3, 3e-3]       # Values of the parametric study that replace the $parametric$ flag
namelist = '' # Name of the namelist file to run (the one with the $parametric$ flag)
output = 'test'                   # Optionnal: output directory. Default is current working directory.
cpu = 1                           # Optionnal: number of CPU cores to use. Note: as FISP is high-demanding
                                  # on memory bandwidth, using a lot of core does not scale well.
ignore_overwrite = True           # Tells wether to delete past simulations if they exist in the same directory.

fisp.prun(values, namelist, output_directory=output, workers=cpu, ignore_overwrite=ignore_overwrite)

Graphs will not be displayed and prints will not be printed during parametric studies: everything has to be saved from the namelist file.

# Changelog

### Version 0.3.0

Updated documentation (`run` function and parametric studies).

Improvement of non-binary reactions automatic naming.

New feature: `propagate` parameter allows the user to select which ions the code should propagate, allowing for more optimization of each simulation and for future features.

### Version 0.2.0
Added documentation.

Changed default nuclear reactions names.

Not necessary anymore to save the output from `` and search though it to find exiting spectra: just read from `fisp.front_spectra` and `fisp.rear_spectra`.

`Spectrum` class method `save_csv` method is now named `save`.

### Version 0.1.1
Overwriting files at the end of simulations now works.

### Version 0.1
Initial release.


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": null,
    "name": "fisp",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.8",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": "simulation, spectrum, ion, target",
    "author": null,
    "author_email": "Howel Larreur <>",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "FISP is a 1D simulation code for the interaction of ion beams with cold solid targets. It should be seen as a less precise but much faster alternative to Monte-Carlo simulations: both types of simulations can complement each other.\r\n\r\nPeer-reviewed paper to be published.\r\n\r\n\r\n# Features\r\n- Runs on a **personnal computer** with **short running times** (seconds to minutes depending on the simulation)\r\n- **User friendly**: install as any other python package and easy to use\r\n- **Multi-layer targets** of **any solid cold materials** of known composition\r\n- Propagating single or **multiple spectra of any ion**\r\n- **Reactions** between **any two nuclei** (user provides cross-section data)\r\n- **Front and rear exiting spectra** calculation\r\n- local **Energy deposition** calculation\r\n- local **Number of reactions** calculation\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n# User guide\r\n\r\n## Setting-up the simulation\r\n\r\nIn FISP, everything has to be manually declared. This includes atomic/ion species, materials, nuclear reactions and ion spectra.\r\n\r\n### Ion species\r\n\r\nAny atomic/ion species involved in a FISP simulation (in the composition of a material layer or as the product of a nuclear reaction for example) must be declared before anything else. This is done using the `Ion` class, for example let's declare an alpha particle (<sup>4</sup>He nucleus):\r\n```\r\nimport fisp\r\n\r\nZ = 2                 # Atomic number\r\nA = 4                 # Mass number\r\nmass = 3727.37941     # Ion mass energy in MeV\r\nI = 41.8e-6           # Optionnal: mean excitation potential in MeV. Can be specified\r\n                      # in the `Material` class instead. Less user-friendly.\r\nionization_energy = 0 # Optionnal: ionization energy in MeV. Useful for some simulations\r\n                      # (see nuclear reactions part)\r\nname = 'alpha'        # Optionnal: chose a name for plots\r\npropagate = True      # Optionnal: tells FISP to propagate this type of ions. Setting\r\n                      # this to False speeds up the calculation (especially with\r\n                      # neutrons and thick targets), but obviously prevents FISP \r\n                      # from calculating relating things such as energy deposition\r\n                      # contribution from this ion type or output spectra for this\r\n                      # ion type: any ion that is not propagated is forgotten as\r\n                      # soon as it is created, only counting in the created ions numbers.\r\n\r\nHe4 = fisp.Ion(Z, A, mass, I=I, ionization_energy=ionization_energy, name=name, propagate=propagate)\r\n```\r\n\r\n### Materials\r\n\r\nOnce your ions are declared, you can add them to a material type using the `Material` class, for example with natural boron:\r\n```\r\ncomposition = {B10:.199, B11:.801} # 19.9% of boron 10 and 80.1% of boron 11, previously\r\n                                   # declared using the Ion class\r\ndensity = 2370                     # Density in kg/m^3\r\nmolar_mass = .0108135              # Molar mass in kg/mol\r\nI = 76e-6                          # Optionnal: mean excitation potential in MeV. Default\r\n                                   # is the average for the components of the materials.\r\nname = 'boron'                     # Optionnal: chose a name for plots.\r\ndisable_warnings = True            # Optionnal: FISP will warn the user if there seems to\r\n                                   # be a unit mistake on the values given for materials.\r\n                                   # If you know better, you can disable these warnings here.\r\n\r\nboron = fisp.Material(composition, density, molar_mass, mean_excitation_potential=I, name=name, disable_warnings=disable_warnings)\r\n```\r\n\r\n### Nuclear reactions\r\n\r\n**Binary nuclear reactions**\r\n\r\nNuclear reactions that involve two nuclei turning into two other nuclei can be expressed as follows:\r\n                *target (projectile, ejectile) product*\r\nThey can be declared easily using the `BinaryReaction` subclass of the main `Reaction` class, that is introduced in the next paragraph.\r\n```\r\ntarget = B11          # Boron 11, previously declared using the Ion class\r\nprojectile = H1       # proton (hydrogen 1)\r\nejectile = n          # neutron\r\nproduct = C11         # carbon 11\r\ndata = mydata         # cross-section data. Expected format is (xdata, ydata), with xdata\r\n                      # being the projectile energies in the lab frame, and ydata being\r\n                      # the corresponding cross-sections in m\u00b2. Yes, square meters.\r\nname = 'p+B11->n+C11' # Optionnal: chose a name for plots.\r\n\r\npb11_nC11 = fisp.BinaryReaction(B11, H1, n, C11, data)\r\n```\r\n\r\n**Non binary nuclear reactions**\r\n\r\nOther reactions can be declared using the `Reaction` class, which involves much more work from the user. For example with the reaction p + <sup>11</sup>B -> 3a (here, skipping analytical calculations):\r\n```\r\nprojectile = H1\r\ntarget = B11\r\noutput_ions = [(He4, .5, func1), (He4, .5, func2), (He4, .5, func3), (He4, .5, func4), (He4, .5, func5), (He4, .5, func6)]\r\n                   # Here: - He4 is the previously declared Ion object for alpha particles\r\n                   #       - .5 stands for the number of alpha particles with a given speed.\r\n                   #         Indeed, the reaction emits 3 alpha particles and each of these\r\n                   #         alpha particles has a probability of one half to go forward and\r\n                   #         one half to go backward*. At the macroscopic scale of our\r\n                   #         simulations, large numbers law applies: it can be considered that\r\n                   #         for each reaction, half a particle is emited in both direction.\r\n                   #         *simplification were done here, the point is to understand. This\r\n                   #         result is still correct though.\r\n                   #       - func1 to func6 are user-provided functions taking as input a numpy\r\n                   #         array containing the projectile (in our case, protons) energies.\r\n                   #         The function must then return the *speed* of the particles created.\r\n                   #         These speeds must be calculated in c units and in the lab frame,\r\n                   #         with positive values indicating forward direction and negative\r\n                   #         values indicating backward direction.\r\ndata = mydata      # cross-section data. Expected format is (xdata, ydata), with xdata\r\n                   # being the projectile energies in the lab frame, and ydata being\r\n                   # the corresponding cross-sections in m\u00b2. Yes, square meters.\r\nname = 'p+B11->3a' # Optionnal: chose a name for plots.\r\n\r\npb11_3a = fisp.Reaction(projectile, target, output_ions, data, name=name)\r\n```\r\nNote: only reactions between two atoms/ions are supported.\r\n\r\n### Target layers\r\n\r\nNow that materials and reactions have been declared, one can construct the target geometry using the `Layer` class. Indeed, FISP supports multi-layer target, each layer being a different material.\r\n```\r\nmaterial = boron              # the Material object previously declared composing the layer\r\nthickness = 100e-6            # the thickness of the layer in m\r\nreactions = pb11_C11, pb11_3a # the previously declared nuclear reactions occuring within the layer\r\nouter_step_size = 1e-8        # the step size of the code on the layer's borders in m\r\nmax_inner_step_size = 1e-6    # the maximum allowed step size of the code within the layer in m\r\nstep_factor = 1.01            # the ratio between the sizes of two consecutive steps. Indeed, as\r\n                              # inner steps have less influence on the calculation's results, the\r\n                              # code makes them larger to speed up the calculation.\r\n\r\nfisp.Layer(material, thickness, reactions, outer_step_size, max, inner_step_size, step_factor)\r\n```\r\nOne additionnal layer is added to the simulation each time the `Layer` class is called. The order the the layers in the simulated target is the order in which the user declares the layers.\r\nThe reset the layers, see the `reset` function below.\r\n\r\n\r\n### Ion beam\r\n\r\nAn ion beam (spectrum) can be added anywhere inside the target using the `input_spectrum` function:\r\n```\r\nions_type = H1            # Previously declared nature type of ions\r\nposition = 0.             # Start position of the spectrum in m\r\ndirection = 'back'        # Propagation direction of the spectrum ('front'/'back' is\r\n                          # towards the front/back of the target)\r\nenergy_data = mydataE     # the spectrum energy bins values in MeV\r\npopulation_data = lydataP # corresponding ion populations in /MeV \r\n\r\nfisp.input_spectrum(ions_type, position, direction, energy_data, population_data)\r\n```\r\n\r\n## Additional parameters and functions\r\n\r\n### Set energy bins\r\n\r\nThe `set_energy_bins` function can be used to tune the parameters of the simulation regarding the energy bins: the number of bins, their distribution and the resizing trigger.\r\n```\r\nimport numpy as np\r\n\r\n# These are the defaults values\r\n\r\nnumber = 10000\r\ndistribution = np.linspace\r\nresize_trigger = 100\r\n\r\nfisp.set_energy_bins(number, distribution, resize_trigger)\r\n```\r\n\r\n### Set simulation\r\n\r\nThe `set_simulation` function tells FISP wether to calculate the location of energy deposit and stopped particles within the target.\r\n```\r\n# These are the default values\r\n\r\ncalculate_energy_deposit = True\r\ncalculate_particles_stopping = True\r\n\r\nfisp.set_simulation(calculate_energy_deposit, calculate_particles_stopping)\r\n```\r\nIf **both** calculations are turned off, the simulation speed is greatly increased in most cases.\r\n\r\n## Calling the run function\r\n\r\nAt this point, the simulation parameters and input are completely done. The run function should be called.\r\n```\r\\r\n```\r\n\r\n## Setting-up the post-processing\r\n\r\nFISP embarks tools for prost-processing the simulations. They should be placed under the `run` function in the user's python file.\r\n\r\nFor more information about a function listed here, please consult its docstring.\r\n\r\n### Plotting functions\r\n\r\nFISP includes several plotting functions: `plot_energy_deposition`, `plot_nuclear_reactions`, `plot_range`, `plot_stopped_ions`, `plot_stopping_power`, `plot_target`.\r\n\r\nThe `Spectrum` class has it own plotting method: `plot`. The `Reaction` class also has its own plotting method: `plot_cross_section`.\r\n\r\n### Printing function\r\n\r\nFISP includes one printing function: `print_created_ions'.\r\n\r\n### Data Saving\r\n\r\nFISP includes functions to save data as csv files: `save_energy_deposition`, `save_created_ions`, `save_nuclear_reactions`, `save_range`, `save_stopped_ions`, `save_stopping_power` and the `Spectrum` class method `save`.\r\n\r\n### Data extraction\r\n\r\nFor more flexibility, it is possible to access data from FISP inside Python:\r\n- Data: `range_tables`, `reactions_list`, `front_spectra`, 'rear_spectra`\r\n- Functions: 'extract_created_ions', 'extract_energy_deposition', 'extract_nuclear_reations', 'extract_stopped_ions'\r\n\r\n## Resetting\r\n\r\nAt the end of the Python file, the `reset` function should be called. If not done, parametric studies or any following simulations in the same console will yield nonsensic results.\r\n\r\n## Parametric studies\r\nThe original purpose of FISP is to perform parametric studies. Thus, a function to run parametric studies is included. It works by running multiple Python interpeters at the same time with different parameters. Thus, the user needs to provide a functionning FISP namelist. In this namelist must be the flag `$parametric$` for the value to replace, for example:\r\n```\r\nmy_thickness = $parametric$\r\n```\r\nThis flag will be replaced by a value of the parametric study for each simulation. To run a parametric study, user has to execute a separate python file:\r\n```\r\nimport fisp\r\n\r\nvalues = [1e-3, 2e-3, 3e-3]       # Values of the parametric study that replace the $parametric$ flag\r\nnamelist = '' # Name of the namelist file to run (the one with the $parametric$ flag)\r\noutput = 'test'                   # Optionnal: output directory. Default is current working directory.\r\ncpu = 1                           # Optionnal: number of CPU cores to use. Note: as FISP is high-demanding\r\n                                  # on memory bandwidth, using a lot of core does not scale well.\r\nignore_overwrite = True           # Tells wether to delete past simulations if they exist in the same directory.\r\n\r\nfisp.prun(values, namelist, output_directory=output, workers=cpu, ignore_overwrite=ignore_overwrite)\r\n\r\n```\r\nGraphs will not be displayed and prints will not be printed during parametric studies: everything has to be saved from the namelist file.\r\n\r\n\r\n# Changelog\r\n\r\n### Version 0.3.0\r\n\r\nUpdated documentation (`run` function and parametric studies).\r\n\r\nImprovement of non-binary reactions automatic naming.\r\n\r\nNew feature: `propagate` parameter allows the user to select which ions the code should propagate, allowing for more optimization of each simulation and for future features.\r\n\r\n### Version 0.2.0\r\nAdded documentation.\r\n\r\nChanged default nuclear reactions names.\r\n\r\nNot necessary anymore to save the output from `` and search though it to find exiting spectra: just read from `fisp.front_spectra` and `fisp.rear_spectra`.\r\n\r\n`Spectrum` class method `save_csv` method is now named `save`.\r\n\r\n### Version 0.1.1\r\nOverwriting files at the end of simulations now works.\r\n\r\n### Version 0.1\r\nInitial release.\r\n",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
    "license": null,
    "summary": "FISP: a 1D Fast Ion Spectra Propagator for solid cold targets.",
    "version": "0.3.0",
    "project_urls": {
        "Homepage": ""
    "split_keywords": [
        " spectrum",
        " ion",
        " target"
    "urls": [
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