
Namegekkota JSON
Version 0.7.0 PyPI version JSON
SummaryPython code-generation for Python
upload_time2024-05-02 08:58:22
authorDmitry Gritsenko
keywords codegen
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage
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This is a Python code-generation module.

-   Generates any Python statement/expression
-   Places parens to ensure expression priorities are unchanged
-   Places extra newlines before/after class/function definitions to conform with PEP 8
-   100% coverage of type hints, passing strict Pyright checks on every PR
-   Meaningful type hierarchy inspired by Python grammar to guarantee syntax validity almost in every case.
-   Covered with ~~diamonds~~ tests completely
-   Compatible with [wordstreamer]( renderables via a [wrapper](#wordstreamer-compatibility)

## Installation

Just install `gekkota` package, e.g. with `python -m pip install gekkota` (or any other package manager of your choice)

## Rendering and configuration

To render any `Renderable` into a string, you could use a few approaches:

-   `str(renderable)`: renders a Renderable with default configuration (check below)
-   `renderable.render_str()`: also default configuration
-   `renderable.render_str(config)`: overrides default config options with provided in `config` mapping. Unspecified keys remain at default values

Here is current default config:

default_config: Config = {
    "tab_size": 4,  # how much chars to use in indentation
    "compact": False,  # if True, renders without redundant whitespace (e.g "for [i, e] in enumerate(a)" renders as "for[i,e]in enumerate(a)")
    "tab_char": " ",  # character used for indentation
    # "place_semicolons" and "inline_small_stmts" options have some performance impact, since those require checking for newlines in token stream before re-streaming tokens.
    # this impact is probably negligible, but be aware of it
    "place_semicolons": False,  # if True, semicolons are placed after one-line statements
    "inline_small_stmts": False,  # if True, one-line statements are inlined. Overrides "place_semicolons" if True.

## Expressions

### Basic expressions

Your starting points would be `to_expression` and `Name`:

from gekkota import Name, to_expression

# Name(name: str, annotation: Optional[Expression] = None)
# to_expression(value: int | float | complex | str | bytes | bool | None)

a = Name("a")
b = Name("b")
six = to_expression(6)

# prints 'a + b * 6'
    (a + b * six)


`Name`, as many other classes in the module, is an `Expression` instance

Expressions support most operations to combine with other expressions.  
Exceptions are:

-   Attribute reference: for that you should use `Expression.getattr(other: str)`
-   Indexing: `Expression.index(index: Expression)`
-   Slicing: `Expression.index(index: Union[SliceExpr, Sequence[SliceExpr]])`
-   Equality / Inequality: `Expression.eq(right_hand_side)` and `Expression.neq(right_hand_side)` respectively
-   `is`: `Expression.is_(right_hand_side)`,
-   `is not`: `Expression.is_not(right_hand_side)`
-   `in`: `Expression.in_(right_hand_side)`
-   `not in`: `Expression.not_in(right_hand_side)`
-   `and`: `Expression.and_(right_hand_side)`
-   `or`: `Expression.or_(right_hand_side)`
-   `await`: `Expression.await_()`
-   `:=` assignment: `Expression.assign(value)`
-   Ternary operator: `Expression.if_(condition, alternative)`

For example:

from gekkota import Name

a = Name("a")
b = Name("b")

expression = a.await_().in_(b)

print(expression) # await a in b


For any other operation on expressions you can just use familiar Python syntax:

from gekkota import Name

a = Name("a")
b = Name("b")
c = Name("c")

    (a + b * c / a(b, c)) # 'a + b * c / a(b, c)'


### Sequences

Most convenient way to create sequence literals is, again, `to_expression`:

from gekkota import to_expression, Name

a = Name("a")
b = Name("b")

    to_expression( (a, b, 6) ), # '(a, b, 6)' (notice that to_expression is recursive)
    to_expression( (a, ) ),     # '(a, )'
    to_expression([a, b]),      # '[a, b]'
    to_expression([]),          # '[]'
    to_expression({a: b}),      # '{a: b}'
    to_expression(set()),       # 'set()'
    to_expression([a, [a, b]]), # '[a, [a, b]]'

If you want to have more precise control, you can use `TupleExpr`, `ListExpr`, `SetExpr` and `DictExpr` for this.
All have same constructor signature: `(values: Sequence[Expression])` (except `DictExpr`, which has `KeyValue` values)

To create comprehensions:

from gekkota import Name, GeneratorFor, GeneratorIf
from gekkota import (
    SetComprehension, # same usage as ListComprehension

a, b, c, d = map(Name, "abcd")

# ListComprehension(generator_or_expr: GeneratorBase | Expression, parts: Sequence[GeneratorPart] = ())
            # GeneratorFor(target: AssignmentTarget, iterator: Expression, *, is_async: bool = False)
            GeneratorFor(b, c),

            # GeneratorIf(condition: Expression)
) # [a for b in c if b == d]

# DictComprehension(generator_or_expr: GeneratorBase | KeyValue, parts: Sequence[GeneratorPart] = ())
# GeneratorPart == GeneratorFor | GeneratorIf
    DictComprehension(KeyValue(a, b), [GeneratorFor(c, d), GeneratorIf(b.eq(d))])
) # {a: b for c in d if b == d}


### Keyword call args

Use `CallArg` to provide keyword call args:

from gekkota import Name, to_expression

print_ = Name("print")

# CallArg(name: str, value: Optional[Expression] = None)
        CallArg("sep", to_expression(", "))
) # print(a, b, sep=', ')


### Type hints

To annotate a name, just pass an additional parameter to `Name`:

from gekkota import Name

a = Name("a", Name("int"))

print(a) # a: int


New in version 0.6: `Name` is now generic, depending on the presence of the annotation.  
Some constructors now accept only annotated `Name`, while some others accept only unannotated (depends on syntax features allowed).  
This allows to ensure type soundness without breaking changes in API.

## Statements

To render program code (with multiple statements), use `Code`:

from gekkota import Code, Assignment, Name

a = Name("a")

six = Literal(6)

create_variable = Assignment(
    six + six

print_variable = Name("print")(a)

# prints:
# a = 6 + 6
# print(a)


To render a block of code, use `Block`:

from gekkota import Block, IfStmt, Assignment, Name

a = Name("a")
b = Name("b")

six = Literal(6)

create_variable = Assignment(
    six + six

print_variable = Name("print")(a)

# prints:
# if b:
#     a = 6 + 6
#     print(a)


If the difference between two is not obvious: `Code` just renders statements on separate lines, while block also adds a newline before the first statement and indentation to every line.
Moreover, `Code([])` renders into `""`, while `Block([])` — into `"\n    pass"`

### Small statements

Here is an example of a few small statements:

from gekkota import Name, SequenceExpr
from gekkota import (

a, b, c = map(Name, "abc")

print(ReturnStmt(a)) # 'return a'

print(YieldStmt(a)) # 'yield a'
print(YieldFromStmt(b)) # 'yield from b'

print(DelStmt(a, b)) # 'del a, b'

print(AssertStmt(a)) # 'assert a'

print(BreakStmt()) # 'break'

print(ContinueStmt()) # 'continue'

print(GlobalStmt(a, b)) # 'global a, b'
print(NonLocalStmt(a, b)) # 'nonlocal a, b'

print(PassStmt()) # 'pass'

print(RaiseStmt()) # 'raise'
print(RaiseStmt(a)) # 'raise a'
print(RaiseStmt(a, b)) # 'raise a from b'

### Type statement

Gekkota 0.6 supports [PEP 695]( which adds new syntax, including `type` statement:

type Point = tuple[float, float]

To generate such statement in gekkota, use `gekkota.annotations.TypeStmt`:

from gekkota import TypeStmt

# type Point = tuple[float, float]
        TupleExpr([Name("float"), Name("float")])

The second argument is a sequence of type parameters (for genric types): `Sequence[TypeParam]`

You can use several types as TypeParam:

from gekkota import TypeParam, TypeStmt, Name, TypeVarParam, TypeVarTupleParam, ParamSpecParam

def make_type(type_params: Sequence[TypeParam]):
    return TypeStmt(

print(make_type([])) # type CoolAlias = int

# (both) type CoolAlias[T] = int

# (both) type CoolAlias[T: float] = int
print(make_type([Name("T", Name("float"))]))

# type CoolAlias[*T] = int

# type CoolAlias[**T] = int

#### Generic Functions and Classes

`FuncDef` and `ClassDef` now accept an optional keyword argument `type_params` accepting `Sequence[TypeParam]`:

from gekkota import FuncDef, Name, PassStmt

typeparam = Name("T")

newfunc = FuncDef(
    args=[Name("x", typeparam)],

def newfunc[T](x: T) -> T: pass

### Assignment

For common assigment use `Assignment`:

from gekkota import Assignment, Name

a, b, c = map(Name, "abc")

# Assignment(targets: Sequence[AssignmentTarget] | AnnotatedTarget, value: Expression)

    Assignment([a], b), # a = b
    Assignment([a.index(b)], c) # a[b] = c
    Assignment([a, b], c), # a = b = c


To annotate assignment (or just annotate a variable), use `AnnotatedTarget`:


from gekkota import Assignment, AnnotatedTarget, Name

a, b, c = map(Name, "abc")
D = Name("D")

# AnnotatedTarget(target: AssignmentTarget, annotation: Expression)
    Assignment(AnnotatedTarget(a, D), b), # a: D = b
    Assignment(AnnotatedTarget(a.index(b), D), c) # a[b]: D = c
    Assignment([a, b], c), # a = b = c


For augmented assignment (e.g. `+=`) use `AugmentedAssignment`:

from gekkota import Assignment, Name

a, b, c = map(Name, "abc")

# AugmentedAssignment(target: AugAssignmentTarget, op: str, expression: Expression)

    AugmentedAssignment(a, "+=", b), # a += b
    AugmentedAssignment(a.index(b), "*=", c) # a *= c


### Control flow

For control flow you can use `IfStmt`, `ElifStmt` and `ElseStmt`:

from gekkota import Name, IfStmt, ElifStmt, ElseStmt, Code

a, b, c = map(Name, "abc")

# IfStmt(condition: Expression, body: Statement)
# ElifStmt(condition: Expression, body: Statement)
# ElseStmt(body: Statement)
code = Code([
    IfStmt(a, b),
    ElifStmt(b, a),

if a: b
elif b: a
else: c

### Loops

Use `ForStmt` and `WhileStmt` for loops:

from gekkota import ForStmt, WhileStmt, Name

a, b, c = map(Name, "abc")

# ForStmt(target: Expression, iterator: Expression, body: Statement, *, is_async: bool = False)
    ForStmt(a, b, c)
) # for a in b: c

# WhileStmt(condition: Expression, body: Statement)
    WhileStmt(a, b)
) # while a: b

### Functions

To render a function definition, you will need a `FuncDef`:

from gekkota import Name, FuncDef

a, b, c = map(Name, "abc")

# FuncDef(
#    name: str,
#    args: Sequence[FuncArg],
#    body: Statement,
#    *,
#    rtype: Optional[Expression] = None,
#    is_async: bool = False,
#    type_params: Sequence[TypeParam] = (),
# )

) # def cool_func(a) -> c: b

_New in 0.6:_ Now FuncDef accepts a `type_params` argument (check [Generic Functions and Classes](#generic-functions-and-classes))

To provide a default value and/or annotations to arguments, use `FuncArg`:


from gekkota import Name, FuncDef, FuncArg, to_expression

a, b, c = map(Name, "abc")

# FuncDef(name: str, args: Sequence[FuncArg], body: Statement, *, rtype: Optional[Expression] = None, is_async: bool = False)
# FuncArg(
#     name: str,
#     annotation: Optional[Expression] = None,
#     default_value: Optional[Expression] = None,
#     *,
#     late_bound_default: bool = False,
# )
) # def cool_func(a: int = 0) -> c: b


_New in version 0.6:_ support for [PEP 671 (Draft) – Syntax for late-bound function argument defaults](

Other argument types are:

-   `StarArg(value: T = None)`: generates `*value`, `*` by default
-   `DoubleStarArg(value)`: same as `StarArg`, but with `**`
-   `Slash()` is `/` (a mark of positional-only arguments in Python 3.8+)

Lambda functions are generated using `LambDef`:

from gekkota import Name, LambDef

a, b, c = map(Name, "abc")

# LambDef(args: Sequence[FuncArg], body: Expression)
) # lambda a: b

To decorate a function/class, use `Decorated`:

from gekkota import Name, FuncDef, Decorated

decorator = Name("decorator")
a, b, c = map(Name, "abc")

# Decorated(decorator: Expression, statement: ClassDef | FuncDef)
# FuncDef(name: str, args: Sequence[FuncArg], body: Statement, *, rtype: Optional[Expression] = None, is_async: bool = False)
# @decorator
# def cool_func(a) -> c: b

### Classes

To define a class, use `ClassDef`:

from gekkota import Name, ClassDef

a, b, c = map(Name, "abc")

# ClassDef(
#     name: str,
#     args: Sequence[CallArg | Expression],
#     body: Statement,
#     *,
#     type_params: Sequence[TypeParam] = (),
# )
    ClassDef("MyClass1", [], a)
) # class MyClass1: a

    ClassDef("MyClass2", [b], c)
) # class MyClass2(b): c


_New in 0.6:_ Now ClassDef accepts a `type_params` argument (check [Generic Functions and Classes](#generic-functions-and-classes))

### Imports

To render imports, use `ImportStmt` and `FromImportStmt`:

from gekkota import Name, StarArg, ImportDots, ImportSource, ImportStmt, FromImportStmt, ImportAlias

# ImportStmt(names: Sequence[ImportAlias | Name | StarArg[None]])
) # import a

    ImportStmt([Name("a"), Name("b")])
) # import a, b

# FromImportStmt(source: ImportSource | Name, names: Sequence[ImportAlias | Name | StarArg[None]])
# ImportAlias(name: Name, alias: Name | None = None)
            ImportAlias(Name("sin"), Name("tan")) # we do a little trolling
) # from math import cos, sin as tan

) # from gekkota import *

# ImportDots(length: int = 1)
) # from . import *

# ImportSource(parts: Sequence[str])
        ImportSource(["", "values"]),
) # from .values import Name


### Exceptions

from gekkota import Name, TryStmt, ExceptStmt, FinallyStmt, Block

a, b, e = map(Name, "abe")

# TryStmt(body: Statement)
) # try: a

# ExceptStmt(exceptions: Sequence[Expression] | None, alias: Name | None, body: Statement)
    ExceptStmt(None, None, a)
) # except: a

    ExceptStmt(None, None, Block([]))
# except:
#     pass

    ExceptStmt([a], None, b)
) # except a: b

    ExceptStmt([a], e, b)
) # except a as e: b

# FinallyStmt(body: Statement)
) # finally: a


### Context Managers

from gekkota import Name, WithStmt, WithTarget

a, b, e = map(Name, "abe")

# WithStmt(targets: Sequence[WithTarget | Expression], body: Statement, *, is_async: bool = False,)
    WithStmt([a], b)
) # with a: b

# WithTarget(expression: Expression, alias: str | None = None)
    WithStmt([WithTarget(a, "aaaa")], b)
) # with a as aaaa: b

    WithStmt([a], b, is_async=True)
) # async with a: b


### Pattern matching

This section is currently unfinished, check [](

## Custom rendering

If your custom element can be meaningfully represented as a combination of existing elements, you can use a function instead of a class:

from gekkota import Expression

def Square(e: Expression) -> Expression:
    return e * e


This is a pretty obvious approach, but often it works best.


While being aimed at Python code generation, `gekkota` is pretty extensible, and can be used to render different things.  
You can build custom renderables, statements, expressions, and so on.

The simplest example of a custom renderable would be:

from gekkota import Renderable, StrGen, Config

class RenderString(Renderable):
    """It renders whatever is passed to it"""

    def __init__(self, value: str):
        self.value = value

    def render(self, config: Config) -> StrGen:
        yield self.value

Let's suppose you want to render a custom expression: a custom sequence literal (obviously isn't valid in Python, but you need it for some reason).  
Suppose your custom literal would be in form of `<|value1, value2, ...|>`.

You can extend `SequenceExpr` for that:

from gekkota import SequenceExpr, Name

class MyCoolSequence(SequenceExpr):
    parens = "<|", "|>"

seq = MyCoolSequence([Name("a"), Name("b")])

print(seq) # <|a,b|>


That's it, you're ready to render this literal (which, again, isn't valid in Python but anyway).

Or you could go further and write rendering by yourself (it's easier than it sounds):

from gekkota import Expression, Config

class MyCoolSequence(Expression):
    def __init__(self, values: Sequence[Expression]):
        self.values = values

    # could be rewritten to be simpler, check `Useful utils` section below
    def render(self, config: Config) -> StrGen:
        yield "<|"

        for i, item in enumerate(self.values):
            yield from item.render(config)

            if i + 1 < len(self.values): # no comma after last element
                yield ","
                yield " "

        yield "|>"

It's fairly easy, just render every part in the right order:

-   To render a string, use `yield string`
-   To render a `Renderable`, use `yield from renderable.render(config)`

### Choosing a right base class

To choose a right base class, think in what context you want to use your renderable.  
If there is a similar context in Python (e.g. your renderable is a block statement, like `for` or `if`), extend that class.

After choosing a right base class, check if it has a predefined render, maybe you won't need to write everything by yourself.  
For example, with `BlockStmt` you need to provide `render_head` instead:

# that's the actual source from module, not an example

class BlockStmt(Statement):
    body: Statement

    def render_head(self, config: Config) -> StrGen:
        return NotImplemented

    def render(self, config: Config) -> StrGen:
        yield from self.render_head(config)
        yield ":"
        yield " "
        yield from self.body.render(config)


class ElseStmt(BlockStmt):
    def __init__(self, body: Statement):
        self.body = body

    def render_head(self, config: config) -> StrGen:
        yield "else"

### Useful utils

`gekkota.utils` provides `Utils` class which is useful for custom renderables. For example, custom `MyCoolSequence` could be implemented as:

from gekkota import Expression, Utils

class MyCoolSequence(Expression):
    def __init__(self, values: Sequence[Expression]):
        self.values = values

    def render(self, config: config) -> StrGen:
        yield from Utils.wrap(
            ["<|", "|>"],
            Utils.comma_separated(self.values, config)

Methods provided in `Utils`:

-   `add_tab(generator: StrGen, config: Config) -> StrGen`  
     Adds indentation to a stream of tokens, using provided `config`  
     For example, `Utils.add_tab(Name("a").render(config), config)` -> Iterable of [' ', 'a']

-   `separated(separator: Sequence[str], renderables: Sequence[Renderable], config: Config) -> StrGen`  
     Inserts separator between renderables (and renders them in stream)  
     For example: `Utils.separated([",", " "], self.values, config)` - inserts ", " between elements of `self.values`

-   `separated_str(separator: Sequence[str], strings: Sequence[str], config: Config)`  
     Same as previous, but for `str` sequences

-   `comma_separated(renderables: Sequence[Renderable], config: Config) -> StrGen`  
     Alias for `Utils.separated([",", " "], renderables, config)`

-   `make_compact(generator: StrGen, config: Config) -> StrGen`  
     Filters all unneccessary whitespace from stream (doesn't respect `config["compact"]`). Config is unused at the moment, but provided for compatibility with future updates

-   `wrap(parens: Sequence[str], generator: StrGen) -> StrGen`  
     Wraps a token stream with strings from `parens` array (should have 2 elements).  
     In other words, inserts `parens[0]` at the start of the stream, and `parens[1]` at the end

## wordstreamer compatibility

gekkota contains experimental [wordstreamer]( compatibility layer to use gekkota objects in wordstreamer and vice versa.

### Use gekkota.Renderable where wordstreamer.Renderable can be used:

from gekkota import WSRenderable, Literal

ws_compatible = WSRenderable(Literal(6)) # this is a wordstreamer.Renderable now

### Use wordstreamer.Renderable where gekkota.Renderable can be used:

from gekkota import WStoG, Literal

from wordstreamer.startkit import Stringify

# create a class to define the type of renderable
class WSLiteral(WStoG, Literal):

some_number = Stringify(6)

print(WSLiteral(some_number) + Literal(8)) # "6 + 8"

### Insert a wordstreamer.Renderable in a string (gekkota.Literal)

from gekkota import WSString, Literal

from wordstreamer.startkit import Stringify

some_number = Stringify(6)

print(WSString(some_number)) # '"""6"""'


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "gekkota",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": "<4.0,>=3.8",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": "codegen",
    "author": "Dmitry Gritsenko",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "[![GitHub Workflow Status](](\n[![GitHub Workflow Status](](\n[![PyPI](](\n![PyPI - Downloads](\n![PyPI - Python Version](\n[![Coveralls](](\n![License](\n![Badge Count](\n\nThis is a Python code-generation module.\n\n-   Generates any Python statement/expression\n-   Places parens to ensure expression priorities are unchanged\n-   Places extra newlines before/after class/function definitions to conform with PEP 8\n-   100% coverage of type hints, passing strict Pyright checks on every PR\n-   Meaningful type hierarchy inspired by Python grammar to guarantee syntax validity almost in every case.\n-   Covered with ~~diamonds~~ tests completely\n-   Compatible with [wordstreamer]( renderables via a [wrapper](#wordstreamer-compatibility)\n\n## Installation\n\nJust install `gekkota` package, e.g. with `python -m pip install gekkota` (or any other package manager of your choice)\n\n## Rendering and configuration\n\nTo render any `Renderable` into a string, you could use a few approaches:\n\n-   `str(renderable)`: renders a Renderable with default configuration (check below)\n-   `renderable.render_str()`: also default configuration\n-   `renderable.render_str(config)`: overrides default config options with provided in `config` mapping. Unspecified keys remain at default values\n\nHere is current default config:\n\n```python\ndefault_config: Config = {\n    \"tab_size\": 4,  # how much chars to use in indentation\n    \"compact\": False,  # if True, renders without redundant whitespace (e.g \"for [i, e] in enumerate(a)\" renders as \"for[i,e]in enumerate(a)\")\n    \"tab_char\": \" \",  # character used for indentation\n    # \"place_semicolons\" and \"inline_small_stmts\" options have some performance impact, since those require checking for newlines in token stream before re-streaming tokens.\n    # this impact is probably negligible, but be aware of it\n    \"place_semicolons\": False,  # if True, semicolons are placed after one-line statements\n    \"inline_small_stmts\": False,  # if True, one-line statements are inlined. Overrides \"place_semicolons\" if True.\n}\n```\n\n## Expressions\n\n### Basic expressions\n\nYour starting points would be `to_expression` and `Name`:\n\n```python\nfrom gekkota import Name, to_expression\n\n# Name(name: str, annotation: Optional[Expression] = None)\n# to_expression(value: int | float | complex | str | bytes | bool | None)\n\na = Name(\"a\")\nb = Name(\"b\")\nsix = to_expression(6)\n\n# prints 'a + b * 6'\nprint(\n    (a + b * six)\n)\n\n```\n\n`Name`, as many other classes in the module, is an `Expression` instance\n\nExpressions support most operations to combine with other expressions.  \nExceptions are:\n\n-   Attribute reference: for that you should use `Expression.getattr(other: str)`\n-   Indexing: `Expression.index(index: Expression)`\n-   Slicing: `Expression.index(index: Union[SliceExpr, Sequence[SliceExpr]])`\n-   Equality / Inequality: `Expression.eq(right_hand_side)` and `Expression.neq(right_hand_side)` respectively\n-   `is`: `Expression.is_(right_hand_side)`,\n-   `is not`: `Expression.is_not(right_hand_side)`\n-   `in`: `Expression.in_(right_hand_side)`\n-   `not in`: `Expression.not_in(right_hand_side)`\n-   `and`: `Expression.and_(right_hand_side)`\n-   `or`: `Expression.or_(right_hand_side)`\n-   `await`: `Expression.await_()`\n-   `:=` assignment: `Expression.assign(value)`\n-   Ternary operator: `Expression.if_(condition, alternative)`\n\nFor example:\n\n```python\nfrom gekkota import Name\n\na = Name(\"a\")\nb = Name(\"b\")\n\nexpression = a.await_().in_(b)\n\nprint(expression) # await a in b\n\n```\n\nFor any other operation on expressions you can just use familiar Python syntax:\n\n```python\nfrom gekkota import Name\n\na = Name(\"a\")\nb = Name(\"b\")\nc = Name(\"c\")\n\nprint(\n    (a + b * c / a(b, c)) # 'a + b * c / a(b, c)'\n)\n\n```\n\n### Sequences\n\nMost convenient way to create sequence literals is, again, `to_expression`:\n\n```python\nfrom gekkota import to_expression, Name\n\na = Name(\"a\")\nb = Name(\"b\")\n\nprint(\n    to_expression( (a, b, 6) ), # '(a, b, 6)' (notice that to_expression is recursive)\n    to_expression( (a, ) ),     # '(a, )'\n    to_expression([a, b]),      # '[a, b]'\n    to_expression([]),          # '[]'\n    to_expression({a: b}),      # '{a: b}'\n    to_expression(set()),       # 'set()'\n    to_expression([a, [a, b]]), # '[a, [a, b]]'\n)\n```\n\nIf you want to have more precise control, you can use `TupleExpr`, `ListExpr`, `SetExpr` and `DictExpr` for this.\nAll have same constructor signature: `(values: Sequence[Expression])` (except `DictExpr`, which has `KeyValue` values)\n\nTo create comprehensions:\n\n```python\nfrom gekkota import Name, GeneratorFor, GeneratorIf\nfrom gekkota import (\n    ListComprehension,\n    DictComprehension,\n    KeyValue,\n    SetComprehension, # same usage as ListComprehension\n)\n\na, b, c, d = map(Name, \"abcd\")\n\n# ListComprehension(generator_or_expr: GeneratorBase | Expression, parts: Sequence[GeneratorPart] = ())\nprint(\n    ListComprehension(\n        a,\n        [\n            # GeneratorFor(target: AssignmentTarget, iterator: Expression, *, is_async: bool = False)\n            GeneratorFor(b, c),\n\n            # GeneratorIf(condition: Expression)\n            GeneratorIf(b.eq(d))\n        ]\n    )\n) # [a for b in c if b == d]\n\n# DictComprehension(generator_or_expr: GeneratorBase | KeyValue, parts: Sequence[GeneratorPart] = ())\n# GeneratorPart == GeneratorFor | GeneratorIf\nprint(\n    DictComprehension(KeyValue(a, b), [GeneratorFor(c, d), GeneratorIf(b.eq(d))])\n) # {a: b for c in d if b == d}\n\n```\n\n### Keyword call args\n\nUse `CallArg` to provide keyword call args:\n\n```python\nfrom gekkota import Name, to_expression\n\nprint_ = Name(\"print\")\n\n# CallArg(name: str, value: Optional[Expression] = None)\nprint(\n    print_(\n        Name(\"a\"),\n        CallArg(\"b\"),\n        CallArg(\"sep\", to_expression(\", \"))\n    )\n) # print(a, b, sep=', ')\n\n```\n\n### Type hints\n\nTo annotate a name, just pass an additional parameter to `Name`:\n\n```python\nfrom gekkota import Name\n\na = Name(\"a\", Name(\"int\"))\n\nprint(a) # a: int\n\n```\n\nNew in version 0.6: `Name` is now generic, depending on the presence of the annotation.  \nSome constructors now accept only annotated `Name`, while some others accept only unannotated (depends on syntax features allowed).  \nThis allows to ensure type soundness without breaking changes in API.\n\n## Statements\n\nTo render program code (with multiple statements), use `Code`:\n\n```python\nfrom gekkota import Code, Assignment, Name\n\na = Name(\"a\")\n\nsix = Literal(6)\n\ncreate_variable = Assignment(\n    [Name(\"a\")],\n    six + six\n)\n\nprint_variable = Name(\"print\")(a)\n\nprint(\n    Code([\n        create_variable,\n        print_variable,\n    ])\n)\n# prints:\n# a = 6 + 6\n# print(a)\n\n```\n\nTo render a block of code, use `Block`:\n\n```python\nfrom gekkota import Block, IfStmt, Assignment, Name\n\na = Name(\"a\")\nb = Name(\"b\")\n\nsix = Literal(6)\n\ncreate_variable = Assignment(\n    [Name(\"a\")],\n    six + six\n)\n\nprint_variable = Name(\"print\")(a)\n\nprint(\n    IfStmt(\n        b,\n        Block([\n            create_variable,\n            print_variable,\n        ])\n    )\n)\n# prints:\n# if b:\n#     a = 6 + 6\n#     print(a)\n\n```\n\nIf the difference between two is not obvious: `Code` just renders statements on separate lines, while block also adds a newline before the first statement and indentation to every line.\nMoreover, `Code([])` renders into `\"\"`, while `Block([])` \u2014 into `\"\\n    pass\"`\n\n### Small statements\n\nHere is an example of a few small statements:\n\n```python\nfrom gekkota import Name, SequenceExpr\nfrom gekkota import (\n    ReturnStmt,\n    DelStmt,\n    AssertStmt,\n    BreakStmt,\n    ContinueStmt,\n    YieldStmt,\n    YieldFromStmt,\n    NonLocalStmt,\n    GlobalStmt,\n    PassStmt,\n    RaiseStmt,\n    AsyncStmt\n)\n\na, b, c = map(Name, \"abc\")\n\nprint(ReturnStmt(a)) # 'return a'\n\nprint(YieldStmt(a)) # 'yield a'\nprint(YieldFromStmt(b)) # 'yield from b'\n\nprint(DelStmt(a, b)) # 'del a, b'\n\nprint(AssertStmt(a)) # 'assert a'\n\nprint(BreakStmt()) # 'break'\n\nprint(ContinueStmt()) # 'continue'\n\nprint(GlobalStmt(a, b)) # 'global a, b'\nprint(NonLocalStmt(a, b)) # 'nonlocal a, b'\n\nprint(PassStmt()) # 'pass'\n\nprint(RaiseStmt()) # 'raise'\nprint(RaiseStmt(a)) # 'raise a'\nprint(RaiseStmt(a, b)) # 'raise a from b'\n```\n\n### Type statement\n\nGekkota 0.6 supports [PEP 695]( which adds new syntax, including `type` statement:\n\n```python\ntype Point = tuple[float, float]\n```\n\nTo generate such statement in gekkota, use `gekkota.annotations.TypeStmt`:\n\n```python\nfrom gekkota import TypeStmt\n\n# type Point = tuple[float, float]\nprint(\n    TypeStmt(\n        \"Point\",\n        [],\n        TupleExpr([Name(\"float\"), Name(\"float\")])\n    )\n)\n```\n\nThe second argument is a sequence of type parameters (for genric types): `Sequence[TypeParam]`\n\nYou can use several types as TypeParam:\n\n```python\nfrom gekkota import TypeParam, TypeStmt, Name, TypeVarParam, TypeVarTupleParam, ParamSpecParam\n\ndef make_type(type_params: Sequence[TypeParam]):\n    return TypeStmt(\n        \"CoolAlias\",\n        type_params,\n        Name(\"int\")\n    )\n\n\nprint(make_type([])) # type CoolAlias = int\n\n# (both) type CoolAlias[T] = int\nprint(make_type([Name(\"T\")]))\nprint(\n    make_type([TypeVarParam(Name(\"T\"))])\n)\n\n# (both) type CoolAlias[T: float] = int\nprint(make_type([Name(\"T\", Name(\"float\"))]))\nprint(\n    make_type(\n        [\n            TypeVarParam(\n                name=Name(\"T\"),\n                value=Name(\"float\")\n            )\n        ]\n    )\n)\n\n# type CoolAlias[*T] = int\nprint(\n    make_type(\n        [\n            TypeVarTupleParam(\n                Name(\"T\"),\n            )\n        ]\n    )\n)\n\n# type CoolAlias[**T] = int\nprint(\n    make_type(\n        [\n            ParamSpecParam(\n                Name(\"T\"),\n            )\n        ]\n    )\n)\n```\n\n#### Generic Functions and Classes\n\n`FuncDef` and `ClassDef` now accept an optional keyword argument `type_params` accepting `Sequence[TypeParam]`:\n\n```python\nfrom gekkota import FuncDef, Name, PassStmt\n\ntypeparam = Name(\"T\")\n\nnewfunc = FuncDef(\n    name=\"newfunc\",\n    args=[Name(\"x\", typeparam)],\n    body=PassStmt(),\n    rtype=typeparam,\n    type_params=[typeparam],\n)\n\nprint(newfunc)\n\"\"\"\ndef newfunc[T](x: T) -> T: pass\n\"\"\"\n```\n\n### Assignment\n\nFor common assigment use `Assignment`:\n\n```python\nfrom gekkota import Assignment, Name\n\na, b, c = map(Name, \"abc\")\n\n# Assignment(targets: Sequence[AssignmentTarget] | AnnotatedTarget, value: Expression)\n\nprint(\n    Assignment([a], b), # a = b\n    Assignment([a.index(b)], c) # a[b] = c\n    Assignment([a, b], c), # a = b = c\n)\n\n```\n\nTo annotate assignment (or just annotate a variable), use `AnnotatedTarget`:\n\n```python\n\nfrom gekkota import Assignment, AnnotatedTarget, Name\n\na, b, c = map(Name, \"abc\")\nD = Name(\"D\")\n\n# AnnotatedTarget(target: AssignmentTarget, annotation: Expression)\nprint(\n    Assignment(AnnotatedTarget(a, D), b), # a: D = b\n    Assignment(AnnotatedTarget(a.index(b), D), c) # a[b]: D = c\n    Assignment([a, b], c), # a = b = c\n)\n\n```\n\nFor augmented assignment (e.g. `+=`) use `AugmentedAssignment`:\n\n```python\nfrom gekkota import Assignment, Name\n\na, b, c = map(Name, \"abc\")\n\n# AugmentedAssignment(target: AugAssignmentTarget, op: str, expression: Expression)\n\nprint(\n    AugmentedAssignment(a, \"+=\", b), # a += b\n    AugmentedAssignment(a.index(b), \"*=\", c) # a *= c\n)\n\n```\n\n### Control flow\n\nFor control flow you can use `IfStmt`, `ElifStmt` and `ElseStmt`:\n\n```python\nfrom gekkota import Name, IfStmt, ElifStmt, ElseStmt, Code\n\na, b, c = map(Name, \"abc\")\n\n# IfStmt(condition: Expression, body: Statement)\n# ElifStmt(condition: Expression, body: Statement)\n# ElseStmt(body: Statement)\ncode = Code([\n    IfStmt(a, b),\n    ElifStmt(b, a),\n    ElseStmt(c)\n])\n\nprint(code)\n\"\"\"\nif a: b\nelif b: a\nelse: c\n\"\"\"\n```\n\n### Loops\n\nUse `ForStmt` and `WhileStmt` for loops:\n\n```python\nfrom gekkota import ForStmt, WhileStmt, Name\n\na, b, c = map(Name, \"abc\")\n\n# ForStmt(target: Expression, iterator: Expression, body: Statement, *, is_async: bool = False)\nprint(\n    ForStmt(a, b, c)\n) # for a in b: c\n\n# WhileStmt(condition: Expression, body: Statement)\nprint(\n    WhileStmt(a, b)\n) # while a: b\n```\n\n### Functions\n\nTo render a function definition, you will need a `FuncDef`:\n\n```python\nfrom gekkota import Name, FuncDef\n\na, b, c = map(Name, \"abc\")\n\n# FuncDef(\n#    name: str,\n#    args: Sequence[FuncArg],\n#    body: Statement,\n#    *,\n#    rtype: Optional[Expression] = None,\n#    is_async: bool = False,\n#    type_params: Sequence[TypeParam] = (),\n# )\n\nprint(\n    FuncDef(\n        \"cool_func\",\n        [a],\n        b,\n        rtype=c,\n    )\n) # def cool_func(a) -> c: b\n```\n\n_New in 0.6:_ Now FuncDef accepts a `type_params` argument (check [Generic Functions and Classes](#generic-functions-and-classes))\n\nTo provide a default value and/or annotations to arguments, use `FuncArg`:\n\n```python\n\nfrom gekkota import Name, FuncDef, FuncArg, to_expression\n\na, b, c = map(Name, \"abc\")\n\n# FuncDef(name: str, args: Sequence[FuncArg], body: Statement, *, rtype: Optional[Expression] = None, is_async: bool = False)\n# FuncArg(\n#     name: str,\n#     annotation: Optional[Expression] = None,\n#     default_value: Optional[Expression] = None,\n#     *,\n#     late_bound_default: bool = False,\n# )\nprint(\n    FuncDef(\n        \"cool_func\",\n        [\n            FuncArg(\n                \"a\",\n                Name(\"int\"),\n                to_expression(0)\n            )\n        ],\n        b,\n        rtype=c,\n    )\n) # def cool_func(a: int = 0) -> c: b\n\n```\n\n_New in version 0.6:_ support for [PEP 671 (Draft) \u2013 Syntax for late-bound function argument defaults](\n\nOther argument types are:\n\n-   `StarArg(value: T = None)`: generates `*value`, `*` by default\n-   `DoubleStarArg(value)`: same as `StarArg`, but with `**`\n-   `Slash()` is `/` (a mark of positional-only arguments in Python 3.8+)\n\nLambda functions are generated using `LambDef`:\n\n```python\nfrom gekkota import Name, LambDef\n\na, b, c = map(Name, \"abc\")\n\n# LambDef(args: Sequence[FuncArg], body: Expression)\nprint(\n    LambDef(\n        [a],\n        b,\n    )\n) # lambda a: b\n```\n\nTo decorate a function/class, use `Decorated`:\n\n```python\nfrom gekkota import Name, FuncDef, Decorated\n\ndecorator = Name(\"decorator\")\na, b, c = map(Name, \"abc\")\n\n# Decorated(decorator: Expression, statement: ClassDef | FuncDef)\n# FuncDef(name: str, args: Sequence[FuncArg], body: Statement, *, rtype: Optional[Expression] = None, is_async: bool = False)\nprint(\n    Decorated(\n        decorator,\n        FuncDef(\n            \"cool_func\",\n            [a],\n            b,\n            rtype=c,\n        )\n    )\n)\n# @decorator\n# def cool_func(a) -> c: b\n```\n\n### Classes\n\nTo define a class, use `ClassDef`:\n\n```python\nfrom gekkota import Name, ClassDef\n\na, b, c = map(Name, \"abc\")\n\n# ClassDef(\n#     name: str,\n#     args: Sequence[CallArg | Expression],\n#     body: Statement,\n#     *,\n#     type_params: Sequence[TypeParam] = (),\n# )\nprint(\n    ClassDef(\"MyClass1\", [], a)\n) # class MyClass1: a\n\nprint(\n    ClassDef(\"MyClass2\", [b], c)\n) # class MyClass2(b): c\n\n```\n\n_New in 0.6:_ Now ClassDef accepts a `type_params` argument (check [Generic Functions and Classes](#generic-functions-and-classes))\n\n### Imports\n\nTo render imports, use `ImportStmt` and `FromImportStmt`:\n\n```python\nfrom gekkota import Name, StarArg, ImportDots, ImportSource, ImportStmt, FromImportStmt, ImportAlias\n\n\n# ImportStmt(names: Sequence[ImportAlias | Name | StarArg[None]])\nprint(\n    ImportStmt([Name(\"a\")])\n) # import a\n\nprint(\n    ImportStmt([Name(\"a\"), Name(\"b\")])\n) # import a, b\n\n# FromImportStmt(source: ImportSource | Name, names: Sequence[ImportAlias | Name | StarArg[None]])\n# ImportAlias(name: Name, alias: Name | None = None)\nprint(\n    FromImportStmt(\n        Name(\"math\"),\n        [\n            Name(\"cos\"),\n            ImportAlias(Name(\"sin\"), Name(\"tan\")) # we do a little trolling\n        ]\n    )\n) # from math import cos, sin as tan\n\nprint(\n    FromImportStmt(\n        Name(\"gekkota\"),\n        [StarArg()]\n    )\n) # from gekkota import *\n\n# ImportDots(length: int = 1)\nprint(\n    FromImportStmt(\n        ImportDots(),\n        [StarArg()]\n    )\n) # from . import *\n\n# ImportSource(parts: Sequence[str])\nprint(\n    FromImportStmt(\n        ImportSource([\"\", \"values\"]),\n        [Name(\"Name\")]\n    )\n) # from .values import Name\n\n```\n\n### Exceptions\n\n```python\nfrom gekkota import Name, TryStmt, ExceptStmt, FinallyStmt, Block\n\na, b, e = map(Name, \"abe\")\n\n# TryStmt(body: Statement)\nprint(\n    TryStmt(a)\n) # try: a\n\n# ExceptStmt(exceptions: Sequence[Expression] | None, alias: Name | None, body: Statement)\nprint(\n    ExceptStmt(None, None, a)\n) # except: a\n\nprint(\n    ExceptStmt(None, None, Block([]))\n)\n# except:\n#     pass\n\nprint(\n    ExceptStmt([a], None, b)\n) # except a: b\n\nprint(\n    ExceptStmt([a], e, b)\n) # except a as e: b\n\n# FinallyStmt(body: Statement)\nprint(\n    FinallyStmt(a)\n) # finally: a\n\n```\n\n### Context Managers\n\n```python\nfrom gekkota import Name, WithStmt, WithTarget\n\na, b, e = map(Name, \"abe\")\n\n# WithStmt(targets: Sequence[WithTarget | Expression], body: Statement, *, is_async: bool = False,)\nprint(\n    WithStmt([a], b)\n) # with a: b\n\n# WithTarget(expression: Expression, alias: str | None = None)\nprint(\n    WithStmt([WithTarget(a, \"aaaa\")], b)\n) # with a as aaaa: b\n\nprint(\n    WithStmt([a], b, is_async=True)\n) # async with a: b\n\n```\n\n### Pattern matching\n\nThis section is currently unfinished, check [](\n\n## Custom rendering\n\nIf your custom element can be meaningfully represented as a combination of existing elements, you can use a function instead of a class:\n\n```python\nfrom gekkota import Expression\n\ndef Square(e: Expression) -> Expression:\n    return e * e\n\n```\n\nThis is a pretty obvious approach, but often it works best.\n\n---\n\nWhile being aimed at Python code generation, `gekkota` is pretty extensible, and can be used to render different things.  \nYou can build custom renderables, statements, expressions, and so on.\n\nThe simplest example of a custom renderable would be:\n\n```python\nfrom gekkota import Renderable, StrGen, Config\n\n\nclass RenderString(Renderable):\n    \"\"\"It renders whatever is passed to it\"\"\"\n\n    def __init__(self, value: str):\n        self.value = value\n\n    def render(self, config: Config) -> StrGen:\n        yield self.value\n```\n\nLet's suppose you want to render a custom expression: a custom sequence literal (obviously isn't valid in Python, but you need it for some reason).  \nSuppose your custom literal would be in form of `<|value1, value2, ...|>`.\n\nYou can extend `SequenceExpr` for that:\n\n```python\nfrom gekkota import SequenceExpr, Name\n\nclass MyCoolSequence(SequenceExpr):\n    parens = \"<|\", \"|>\"\n\n\nseq = MyCoolSequence([Name(\"a\"), Name(\"b\")])\n\nprint(seq) # <|a,b|>\n\n```\n\nThat's it, you're ready to render this literal (which, again, isn't valid in Python but anyway).\n\nOr you could go further and write rendering by yourself (it's easier than it sounds):\n\n```python\nfrom gekkota import Expression, Config\n\n\nclass MyCoolSequence(Expression):\n    def __init__(self, values: Sequence[Expression]):\n        self.values = values\n\n    # could be rewritten to be simpler, check `Useful utils` section below\n    def render(self, config: Config) -> StrGen:\n        yield \"<|\"\n\n        for i, item in enumerate(self.values):\n            yield from item.render(config)\n\n            if i + 1 < len(self.values): # no comma after last element\n                yield \",\"\n                yield \" \"\n\n        yield \"|>\"\n```\n\nIt's fairly easy, just render every part in the right order:\n\n-   To render a string, use `yield string`\n-   To render a `Renderable`, use `yield from renderable.render(config)`\n\n### Choosing a right base class\n\nTo choose a right base class, think in what context you want to use your renderable.  \nIf there is a similar context in Python (e.g. your renderable is a block statement, like `for` or `if`), extend that class.\n\nAfter choosing a right base class, check if it has a predefined render, maybe you won't need to write everything by yourself.  \nFor example, with `BlockStmt` you need to provide `render_head` instead:\n\n```python\n# that's the actual source from module, not an example\n\nclass BlockStmt(Statement):\n    body: Statement\n\n    def render_head(self, config: Config) -> StrGen:\n        return NotImplemented\n\n    def render(self, config: Config) -> StrGen:\n        yield from self.render_head(config)\n        yield \":\"\n        yield \" \"\n        yield from self.body.render(config)\n\n[...]\n\nclass ElseStmt(BlockStmt):\n    def __init__(self, body: Statement):\n        self.body = body\n\n    def render_head(self, config: config) -> StrGen:\n        yield \"else\"\n```\n\n### Useful utils\n\n`gekkota.utils` provides `Utils` class which is useful for custom renderables. For example, custom `MyCoolSequence` could be implemented as:\n\n```python\nfrom gekkota import Expression, Utils\n\n\nclass MyCoolSequence(Expression):\n    def __init__(self, values: Sequence[Expression]):\n        self.values = values\n\n    def render(self, config: config) -> StrGen:\n        yield from Utils.wrap(\n            [\"<|\", \"|>\"],\n            Utils.comma_separated(self.values, config)\n        )\n```\n\nMethods provided in `Utils`:\n\n-   `add_tab(generator: StrGen, config: Config) -> StrGen`  \n     Adds indentation to a stream of tokens, using provided `config`  \n     For example, `Utils.add_tab(Name(\"a\").render(config), config)` -> Iterable of [' ', 'a']\n\n-   `separated(separator: Sequence[str], renderables: Sequence[Renderable], config: Config) -> StrGen`  \n     Inserts separator between renderables (and renders them in stream)  \n     For example: `Utils.separated([\",\", \" \"], self.values, config)` - inserts \", \" between elements of `self.values`\n\n-   `separated_str(separator: Sequence[str], strings: Sequence[str], config: Config)`  \n     Same as previous, but for `str` sequences\n\n-   `comma_separated(renderables: Sequence[Renderable], config: Config) -> StrGen`  \n     Alias for `Utils.separated([\",\", \" \"], renderables, config)`\n\n-   `make_compact(generator: StrGen, config: Config) -> StrGen`  \n     Filters all unneccessary whitespace from stream (doesn't respect `config[\"compact\"]`). Config is unused at the moment, but provided for compatibility with future updates\n\n-   `wrap(parens: Sequence[str], generator: StrGen) -> StrGen`  \n     Wraps a token stream with strings from `parens` array (should have 2 elements).  \n     In other words, inserts `parens[0]` at the start of the stream, and `parens[1]` at the end\n\n## wordstreamer compatibility\n\ngekkota contains experimental [wordstreamer]( compatibility layer to use gekkota objects in wordstreamer and vice versa.\n\n### Use gekkota.Renderable where wordstreamer.Renderable can be used:\n\n```python\nfrom gekkota import WSRenderable, Literal\n\nws_compatible = WSRenderable(Literal(6)) # this is a wordstreamer.Renderable now\n```\n\n### Use wordstreamer.Renderable where gekkota.Renderable can be used:\n\n```python\nfrom gekkota import WStoG, Literal\n\nfrom wordstreamer.startkit import Stringify\n\n# create a class to define the type of renderable\nclass WSLiteral(WStoG, Literal):\n    pass\n\nsome_number = Stringify(6)\n\nprint(WSLiteral(some_number) + Literal(8)) # \"6 + 8\"\n```\n\n### Insert a wordstreamer.Renderable in a string (gekkota.Literal)\n\n```python\nfrom gekkota import WSString, Literal\n\nfrom wordstreamer.startkit import Stringify\n\nsome_number = Stringify(6)\n\nprint(WSString(some_number)) # '\"\"\"6\"\"\"'\n```\n",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
    "license": "MIT",
    "summary": "Python code-generation for Python",
    "version": "0.7.0",
    "project_urls": {
        "Homepage": "",
        "Repository": ""
    "split_keywords": [
    "urls": [
            "comment_text": "",
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