
Namegeminikit JSON
Version 1.2.0 PyPI version JSON
SummaryThe python package that returns Response of Google Gemini through Cookies.
upload_time2024-08-07 06:54:42
keywords python api gemini google gemini large language model chatbot api google api chatbot
requirements httpx
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # <img src="" width="35px" alt="Gemini Icon" /> GeminiKit

**GeminiKit** is an unofficial Python wrapper developed through reverse-engineering. This tool utilizes cookie values to interact with Google Gemini for testing purposes.


## Installation

To install GeminiKit, you can use pip:

pip install -U geminikit

pip install git+

 ## Get Cookie File (chrome-net-export-log)

For a detailed video guide, [click here](

### 1. Close All Tabs

Ensure all tabs are closed in Google Chrome.

### 2. Access Network Export

- Open a new tab and navigate to `chrome://net-export/`.

### 3. Configure Logging Settings

- Check the box labeled `Include cookies and credentials`.
- Set the `Maximum log size` to `1 MB`.
- Click the `Start logging` button.

### 4. Perform Actions

- Open a new tab and go to [](
- Log in to your Gemini account.
- Send a sample message and wait for Gemini's response.

### 5. Stop Logging

- Return to the logging tab and click the `Stop logging` button.

### 6. Retrieve Cookies

- The cookies will be saved in a JSON file.

### 7. Extract Cookies from File

from geminikit import get_cookies_from_file

with open("chrome-net-export-log.json", 'r') as f:
    cookies = get_cookies_from_file(




## Usage

### Setup Gemini

<details open>

  from geminikit import get_cookies_from_file
  from geminikit import Gemini

  with open("chrome-net-export-log.json", 'r') as f:
      cookies = get_cookies_from_file(

  gemini = Gemini(cookies)

from geminikit import get_cookies_from_file
from geminikit import Asynic_Gemini as Gemini

import asyncio
import aiofiles #pip install aiofiles

async def main():
    async with"chrome-net-export-log.json", mode='r') as f:
        cookies = get_cookies_from_file(await

    gemini = await Gemini.create(cookies)

### Ask a Message

<details open>

res = gemini.ask("hello")

res = await gemini.ask("hello")

### Ask continuous message
<details open>

user = None
while True:
 text = input("Ask: ")
 res = gemini.ask(text,user=user)
 user = res

import asyncio

user = None
while True:
 await asyncio.sleep(0)
 text = input("Ask: ")
 res = await gemini.ask(text,user=user)
 user = res

### Text to Voice

<details open>

res = gemini.speech("hello")
#res = gemini.speech("hello", lang_code="en")
with open("a.wav", "wb") as f:

import aiofiles #pip install aiofiles
res = await gemini.speech("hello")
#res = gemini.speech("hello", lang_code="en")
async with"a.wav", mode='wb') as f:
        await f.write(res)

### Ask with Photo

<details open>

with open("cat.jpg", "rb") as f:
    img_link = gemini.upload_image(

photo = ['cat.jpg', img_link]  # photo name (if not available, use 'none.jpg'), link

res = gemini.ask("What is in this photo?", photo=photo)

import aiofiles #pip install aiofiles

async with"cat.jpg", mode='rb') as f:
        img_data = await
        img_link = await gemini.upload_image(img_data)

photo = ['cat.jpg', img_link]  # photo name (if not available, use 'none.jpg'), link

res = await gemini.ask("What is in this photo?", photo=photo)


### Save Response Images

<details open>

res = gemini.ask("send me some wallpapers")


#Or You can access URLs directly
for url in res['image_urls']:
    img_name  = url.split("/")[-1]
    img_bytes = gemini.get_img_bytes(url)
    with open(img_name, 'wb') as f:

import aiofiles #pip install aiofiles

res = await gemini.ask("send me some wallpapers")


#Or You can access URLs directly
for url in res['image_urls']:
    img_name  = url.split("/")[-1]
    img_bytes = await gemini.get_img_bytes(url)
    async with, mode='wb') as f:
        await f.write(img_bytes)


### Save Generated Images

<details open>

res = gemini.ask("Generate an image of a cat holding a rose.")


for url in res['generated_image_urls']:
    img_name  = url.split("/")[-1][:10] + ".png"
    img_bytes = gemini.get_img_bytes(url)
    with open(img_name, 'wb') as f:

import aiofiles #pip install aiofiles

res = await gemini.ask("Generate an image of a cat holding a rose.")


for url in res['generated_image_urls']:
    img_name  = url.split("/")[-1][:10] + ".png"
    img_bytes = await gemini.get_img_bytes(url)

    async with, mode='wb') as f:
        await f.write(img_bytes)


### Get Sharable URL

<details open>

res = gemini.ask("Hi")
url = gemini.share(res['conversation_id'], res['response_id'], res['choice_id'], res['req_id'], res['fsid'], title="test by me")

res = await gemini.ask("Hi")
url = await gemini.share(res['conversation_id'], res['response_id'], res['choice_id'], res['req_id'], res['fsid'], title="test by me")


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "geminikit",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.6",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": "Python, API, Gemini, Google Gemini, Large Language Model, Chatbot API, Google API, Chatbot",
    "author": "paviththanan",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# <img src=\"\" width=\"35px\" alt=\"Gemini Icon\" /> GeminiKit\n\n**GeminiKit** is an unofficial Python wrapper developed through reverse-engineering. This tool utilizes cookie values to interact with Google Gemini for testing purposes.\n\n<br>\n\n## Installation\n\nTo install GeminiKit, you can use pip:\n\n```bash\npip install -U geminikit\n```\nor\n\n```bash\npip install git+\n```\n\n***\n ## Get Cookie File (chrome-net-export-log)\n<details>\n \n\nFor a detailed video guide, [click here](\n\n### 1. Close All Tabs\n\nEnsure all tabs are closed in Google Chrome.\n\n### 2. Access Network Export\n\n- Open a new tab and navigate to `chrome://net-export/`.\n\n### 3. Configure Logging Settings\n\n- Check the box labeled `Include cookies and credentials`.\n- Set the `Maximum log size` to `1 MB`.\n- Click the `Start logging` button.\n\n### 4. Perform Actions\n\n- Open a new tab and go to [](\n- Log in to your Gemini account.\n- Send a sample message and wait for Gemini's response.\n\n### 5. Stop Logging\n\n- Return to the logging tab and click the `Stop logging` button.\n\n### 6. Retrieve Cookies\n\n- The cookies will be saved in a JSON file.\n\n### 7. Extract Cookies from File\n\n```python\nfrom geminikit import get_cookies_from_file\n\nwith open(\"chrome-net-export-log.json\", 'r') as f:\n    cookies = get_cookies_from_file(\n\nprint(cookies)\n```\n\n</details>\n\n***\n\n## Usage\n\n### Setup Gemini\n\n<details open>\n  <summary>Sync</summary>\n\n  ```python\n  from geminikit import get_cookies_from_file\n  from geminikit import Gemini\n\n  with open(\"chrome-net-export-log.json\", 'r') as f:\n      cookies = get_cookies_from_file(\n\n  gemini = Gemini(cookies)\n```\n</details>\n\n\n<details>\n  <summary>Async</summary>\n \n```python\nfrom geminikit import get_cookies_from_file\nfrom geminikit import Asynic_Gemini as Gemini\n\nimport asyncio\nimport aiofiles #pip install aiofiles\n\nasync def main():\n    async with\"chrome-net-export-log.json\", mode='r') as f:\n        cookies = get_cookies_from_file(await\n\n    gemini = await Gemini.create(cookies)\n\\n```\n</details>\n\n\n\n### Ask a Message\n\n\n<details open>\n  <summary>Sync</summary>\n\n  ```python\nres = gemini.ask(\"hello\")\nprint(res['text'])\n```\n</details>\n\n\n<details>\n  <summary>Async</summary>\n \n```python\nres = await gemini.ask(\"hello\")\nprint(res['text'])\n```\n</details>\n\n\n\n### Ask continuous message\n<details open>\n  <summary>Sync</summary>\n\n  ```python\nuser = None\nwhile True:\n text = input(\"Ask: \")\n res = gemini.ask(text,user=user)\n user = res\n print(res['text'])\n```\n</details>\n\n\n<details>\n  <summary>Async</summary>\n \n```python\nimport asyncio\n\nuser = None\nwhile True:\n await asyncio.sleep(0)\n text = input(\"Ask: \")\n res = await gemini.ask(text,user=user)\n user = res\n print(res['text'])\n ```\n</details>\n\n\n\n\n### Text to Voice\n\n<details open>\n  <summary>Sync</summary>\n\n  ```python\nres = gemini.speech(\"hello\")\n#res = gemini.speech(\"hello\", lang_code=\"en\")\nwith open(\"a.wav\", \"wb\") as f:\n    f.write(res)\n```\n</details>\n\n\n<details>\n  <summary>Async</summary>\n \n```python\nimport aiofiles #pip install aiofiles\nres = await gemini.speech(\"hello\")\n#res = gemini.speech(\"hello\", lang_code=\"en\")\nasync with\"a.wav\", mode='wb') as f:\n        await f.write(res)\n```\n</details>\n\n\n\n### Ask with Photo\n\n<details open>\n  <summary>Sync</summary>\n\n  ```python\nwith open(\"cat.jpg\", \"rb\") as f:\n    img_link = gemini.upload_image(\n\nphoto = ['cat.jpg', img_link]  # photo name (if not available, use 'none.jpg'), link\n\nres = gemini.ask(\"What is in this photo?\", photo=photo)\nprint(res['text'])\n```\n</details>\n\n\n<details>\n  <summary>Async</summary>\n \n```python\nimport aiofiles #pip install aiofiles\n\nasync with\"cat.jpg\", mode='rb') as f:\n        img_data = await\n        img_link = await gemini.upload_image(img_data)\n\nphoto = ['cat.jpg', img_link]  # photo name (if not available, use 'none.jpg'), link\n\nres = await gemini.ask(\"What is in this photo?\", photo=photo)\nprint(res['text'])\n\n\n```\n</details>\n\n\n\n\n\n### Save Response Images\n\n<details open>\n  <summary>Sync</summary>\n\n  ```python\nres = gemini.ask(\"send me some wallpapers\")\n\nprint(res['text'])\n\n#Or You can access URLs directly\nfor url in res['image_urls']:\n    img_name  = url.split(\"/\")[-1]\n    img_bytes = gemini.get_img_bytes(url)\n    with open(img_name, 'wb') as f:\n        f.write(img_bytes)\n```\n</details>\n\n\n<details>\n  <summary>Async</summary>\n \n```python\nimport aiofiles #pip install aiofiles\n\n\nres = await gemini.ask(\"send me some wallpapers\")\n\nprint(res['text'])\n\n#Or You can access URLs directly\nfor url in res['image_urls']:\n    img_name  = url.split(\"/\")[-1]\n    img_bytes = await gemini.get_img_bytes(url)\n    async with, mode='wb') as f:\n        await f.write(img_bytes)\n\n```\n</details>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n### Save Generated Images\n\n<details open>\n  <summary>Sync</summary>\n\n  ```python\nres = gemini.ask(\"Generate an image of a cat holding a rose.\")\n\nprint(res['text'])\n\nfor url in res['generated_image_urls']:\n    img_name  = url.split(\"/\")[-1][:10] + \".png\"\n    img_bytes = gemini.get_img_bytes(url)\n    with open(img_name, 'wb') as f:\n        f.write(img_bytes)\n```\n</details>\n\n\n<details>\n  <summary>Async</summary>\n \n```python\nimport aiofiles #pip install aiofiles\n\nres = await gemini.ask(\"Generate an image of a cat holding a rose.\")\n\nprint(res['text'])\n\nfor url in res['generated_image_urls']:\n    img_name  = url.split(\"/\")[-1][:10] + \".png\"\n    img_bytes = await gemini.get_img_bytes(url)\n\n    async with, mode='wb') as f:\n        await f.write(img_bytes)\n\n```\n</details>\n\n\n\n\n### Get Sharable URL\n\n<details open>\n  <summary>Sync</summary>\n\n  ```python\nres = gemini.ask(\"Hi\")\nurl = gemini.share(res['conversation_id'], res['response_id'], res['choice_id'], res['req_id'], res['fsid'], title=\"test by me\")\nprint(url)\n```\n</details>\n\n\n<details>\n  <summary>Async</summary>\n \n```python\nres = await gemini.ask(\"Hi\")\nurl = await gemini.share(res['conversation_id'], res['response_id'], res['choice_id'], res['req_id'], res['fsid'], title=\"test by me\")\nprint(url)\n```\n</details>\n\n\n\n\n",
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    "summary": "The python package that returns Response of Google Gemini through Cookies.",
    "version": "1.2.0",
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    "split_keywords": [
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        " gemini",
        " google gemini",
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        " google api",
        " chatbot"
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