
Namegetdat JSON
Version 0.2.2 PyPI version JSON
SummaryA command line utility for getting resources available online
upload_time2023-12-04 17:14:51
authorChristopher Dixon
keywords cli books movies episodes anna's archive movie-web web scraper
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # *ATTENTION* - Anna's Archive enforces web scraping blocks through Cloudflare. The site is also subject to change. The `ebook` command may return `No Search Results` found. A fix is in the works that may involve a new project and archiving this one. A long term solution is [hosting an instance of Anna's Archive]( with [community support]( or possibly creating a cli by forking the main repo and building an api.

<div align="center">
    <p><i>A command line utility for getting resources available online</i></p>
        src="{{ 'assets/images/getdat-logo.png' }}"
        alt="GetDat Package Logo"
    <p align="center">
        <a href="" target="_blank">
            GetDat Theme Music

<div class="flex flex-row justify-between flex-wrap">
  <a href="" alt="Link to PyPi package homepage">
    <img class="p-2" alt="PyPI - Downloads" src="">
  <a href="" alt="Link to CI jobs for master branch">
    <img class="p-2" alt="CI" src="">
  <a href="" alt="Link to Github Issues">
    <img alt="GitHub issues" src="">

Table of Contents

- [Installation Methods](#installation-methods)
- [Commands](#commands)
- [Local Development](#local-development)
- [Deployment](#deployment)
  - [Publishing Getdat](#publishing-getdat)
  - [Publishing Docs](#publishing-docs)
- [Contributors](#contributors)

## Installation Methods

PYPI - Stable Release:
-> pipx install getdat

From Head commit of Repository:
-> pipx install git+

## Commands

### Job
Launches [Braintrust](, the job board powered by blockchain, in your default browser

### Sport
Launches [Totalsportk]( in your default browser

### Cinema
Launches []( in your default browser

<div align="center" class="gif-image">
        src="{{ 'assets/images/getdat-cinema.gif' | relative_url }}"
        alt="Gif of GetDat Cinema Command In Action"

-> getdat cinema

### Ebook
Search and download an ebook available through [Anna's Archive]( You can think of this command as "headless" Anna's Archive

<div align="center" class="gif-image">
        src="{{ 'assets/images/getdat-ebook.gif' | relative_url }}"
        alt="Gif of GetDat Ebook Command In Action"
        style="border: red"

* The demo for this command downloaded an epub format of Robert Louis Stevenson's and N.C. Wyeth's book *Treasure Island*. This book is in the public domain.
* The demo for this command opens the downloaded ebook using [epr](, a terminal epub reader to show the contents of the downloaded book. You can expect higher ebook quality by using a desktop e-reader like [librum](
* Anna's Archive `SciDB` search is not yet supported.

-> getdat ebook [OPTIONS] [Q]


| Name | Help |
| Q    | Search |

-> getdat ebook "Treasure Island Stevenson"
-> getdat ebook Treasure Island Stevenson


-> getdat ebook --help
Usage: getdat ebook [OPTIONS] [Q]...

  Search and download an ebook available through Anna's Archive

  ex: getdat ebook <Search>

  -o, --output_dir TEXT           Path to ebook's output directory from home
                                  directory. Path must be prefixed by '~' on
                                  Unix or '~user' on Windows. This argument
                                  overrides GETDAT_BOOK_DIR env var if set.
                                  Outputs book to working directory if neither
                                  are set.
  -e, --ext [pdf|epub|mobi|cbr|cbz|fb2||azw3|djvu]
                                  Preferred ebook extension for ebooks in
                                  search results.
  -l, --lang TEXT                 Preferred language of ebooks in search
                                  results. Provided Language must be ISO 639-1
                                  format. Language region extension supported.
                                  Filtering by multiple languages supported.
                                  Examples: English - en, Spanish - es,
                                  Traditional Chinese - zh-Hant, Multiple
                                  Langauges - en,es,zh-Hant
  -i, --instance [org|gs|se]      The instance of Anna's Archive you would
                                  like to use for your search:  https://annas-
                         - Default: org
  --help                          Show this message and exit.


-> getdat ebook Treasure Island Stevenson --ext=epub --output_dir=~/books/epub/ --instance=gs --lang=en,es,zh-Hant
-> getdat ebook "Treasure Island Stevenson" -e epub -o ~/books/epub -i gs -l es
-> getdat ebook "Treasure Island Stevenson"

#### Environment Variable

- `GETDAT_BOOK_DIR` - Path from home directory to destination directory. Ignored if `--output_dir` is specified as an [option](#options)

## Local Development

Python Version: `3.11`. To install python on MacOS & Debian-based systems
-> sudo apt install software-properties-common
-> sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
-> sudo apt update
-> sudo apt install python3.11

This python package uses [poetry]( for dependency management. To install:
# install pipx if you have not already
-> python3 -m pip install --user pipx
-> python3 -m pipx ensurepath
# install poetry
-> pipx install poetry

Assuming that you have *forked the repository* and have a copy on your local machine. Within the `getdat` directory, install dependencies and open a `virtualenv` shell managed by poetry.
-> poetry install
-> poetry shell
(getdat-py3.11) ->

To run/develop the cli program.
(getdat-py3.11) -> getdat
Usage: getdat [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  A command line utility for getting resources available online

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  cinema  Launches in your default browser
  ebook   Search and download an ebook available through Anna's Archive...

  Check out our docs at for more


Project uses [pytest]( for unit testing. Test run quickly with the help of [pytest-mock](
(getdat-py3.11) -> pytest -v --cov=. tests/

Style guide and code check enforced with [pre-commit](
(getdat-py3.11) -> pre-commit install

Running `docs` site locally for making changes to `github-pages` requires [ruby]( to be installed. After installation make sure to install *bundler* with `gem install jekyll bundler` as well:
-> cd docs
-> bundler install
-> bundler exec jekyll build
-> bundler exec jekyll serve

## Deployment

### Publishing Getdat

Workflow: `master` branch

- In `pyproject.toml` *bump* the version number `*.*.*`

- Create a [git tag]( with the new version number `*.*.*` you specified in `pyproject.toml`.

- Push the newly created tag `git push origin *.*.*` to the repository. This will trigger the `pre-release.yml` github workflow to publish our package to `test.pypi`. The pre-release can be seen [here]( for testing. Install with:
-> python3.11 -m pip install --index-url getdat --extra-index-url beautifulsoup4 requests click
    - *Note*: `--extra-index-url` option is pulling dependencies from `` and not `` though our package is coming in from ``. Make sure to add all dependencies from `[tool.poetry.dependencies]` in `pyproject.toml` (except python) before running this command.

- *Create* a [release]( on github. Make sure to select `Tags` from the toggle menu. Select the latest tag (highest version number). Name the release `Release *.*.*`. Make sure the version number in `pyproject.toml` syncs up with the release version. *Click* `Publish release`. This will kick off our `release.yml` workflow to publish our package to `pypi`. The release can be seen [here and installed]( for production use. Install with:
-> pipx install getdat

### Publishing Docs
Docs are published to the [site]( when a release is created for the python package to This is *automated*, but can be triggered manually by running the github workflow *Deploy Jekyll with GitHub Pages dependencies preinstalled*.

## Contributors

![GitHub Contributors Image](


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "getdat",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.11,<4.0",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "cli,books,movies,episodes,anna's archive,movie-web,web scraper",
    "author": "Christopher Dixon",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# *ATTENTION* - Anna's Archive enforces web scraping blocks through Cloudflare. The site is also subject to change. The `ebook` command may return `No Search Results` found. A fix is in the works that may involve a new project and archiving this one. A long term solution is [hosting an instance of Anna's Archive]( with [community support]( or possibly creating a cli by forking the main repo and building an api.\n\n\n<div align=\"center\">\n    <h1>GetDat</h1>\n    <p><i>A command line utility for getting resources available online</i></p>\n    <img\n        src=\"{{ 'assets/images/getdat-logo.png' }}\"\n        alt=\"GetDat Package Logo\"\n        height=\"400\"\n    />\n    <p align=\"center\">\n        <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">\n            GetDat Theme Music\n        </a>\n    </p>\n</div>\n\n<div class=\"flex flex-row justify-between flex-wrap\">\n  <a href=\"\" alt=\"Link to PyPi package homepage\">\n    <img class=\"p-2\" alt=\"PyPI - Downloads\" src=\"\">\n  </a>\n  <a href=\"\" alt=\"Link to CI jobs for master branch\">\n    <img class=\"p-2\" alt=\"CI\" src=\"\">\n  </a>\n  <a href=\"\" alt=\"Link to Github Issues\">\n    <img alt=\"GitHub issues\" src=\"\">\n  </a>\n</div>\n\nTable of Contents\n\n- [Installation Methods](#installation-methods)\n- [Commands](#commands)\n- [Local Development](#local-development)\n- [Deployment](#deployment)\n  - [Publishing Getdat](#publishing-getdat)\n  - [Publishing Docs](#publishing-docs)\n- [Contributors](#contributors)\n\n## Installation Methods\n\nPYPI - Stable Release:\n```bash\n-> pipx install getdat\n```\n\nFrom Head commit of Repository:\n```bash\n-> pipx install git+\n```\n\n## Commands\n\n### Job\nLaunches [Braintrust](, the job board powered by blockchain, in your default browser\n\n### Sport\nLaunches [Totalsportk]( in your default browser\n\n### Cinema\nLaunches []( in your default browser\n\n<div align=\"center\" class=\"gif-image\">\n    <img\n        src=\"{{ 'assets/images/getdat-cinema.gif' | relative_url }}\"\n        alt=\"Gif of GetDat Cinema Command In Action\"\n    />\n</div>\n\n```bash\n-> getdat cinema\n```\n\n### Ebook\nSearch and download an ebook available through [Anna's Archive]( You can think of this command as \"headless\" Anna's Archive\n\n<div align=\"center\" class=\"gif-image\">\n    <img\n        src=\"{{ 'assets/images/getdat-ebook.gif' | relative_url }}\"\n        alt=\"Gif of GetDat Ebook Command In Action\"\n        style=\"border: red\"\n    />\n</div>\n\n* The demo for this command downloaded an epub format of Robert Louis Stevenson's and N.C. Wyeth's book *Treasure Island*. This book is in the public domain.\n* The demo for this command opens the downloaded ebook using [epr](, a terminal epub reader to show the contents of the downloaded book. You can expect higher ebook quality by using a desktop e-reader like [librum](\n* Anna's Archive `SciDB` search is not yet supported.\n\n\n```bash\n-> getdat ebook [OPTIONS] [Q]\n```\n\n#### ARGUMENTS\n\n| Name | Help |\n|------|------|\n| Q    | Search |\n\nExample:\n```bash\n-> getdat ebook \"Treasure Island Stevenson\"\n```\nor\n```bash\n-> getdat ebook Treasure Island Stevenson\n```\n\n#### OPTIONS\n\n```bash\n-> getdat ebook --help\nUsage: getdat ebook [OPTIONS] [Q]...\n\n  Search and download an ebook available through Anna's Archive\n\n  ex: getdat ebook <Search>\n\nOptions:\n  -o, --output_dir TEXT           Path to ebook's output directory from home\n                                  directory. Path must be prefixed by '~' on\n                                  Unix or '~user' on Windows. This argument\n                                  overrides GETDAT_BOOK_DIR env var if set.\n                                  Outputs book to working directory if neither\n                                  are set.\n  -e, --ext [pdf|epub|mobi|cbr|cbz|fb2||azw3|djvu]\n                                  Preferred ebook extension for ebooks in\n                                  search results.\n  -l, --lang TEXT                 Preferred language of ebooks in search\n                                  results. Provided Language must be ISO 639-1\n                                  format. Language region extension supported.\n                                  Filtering by multiple languages supported.\n                                  Examples: English - en, Spanish - es,\n                                  Traditional Chinese - zh-Hant, Multiple\n                                  Langauges - en,es,zh-Hant\n  -i, --instance [org|gs|se]      The instance of Anna's Archive you would\n                                  like to use for your search:  https://annas-\n                        ,,\n                         - Default: org\n  --help                          Show this message and exit.\n\n```\n\nExample:\n```bash\n-> getdat ebook Treasure Island Stevenson --ext=epub --output_dir=~/books/epub/ --instance=gs --lang=en,es,zh-Hant\n```\nor\n```bash\n-> getdat ebook \"Treasure Island Stevenson\" -e epub -o ~/books/epub -i gs -l es\n```\nor\n```bash\n-> getdat ebook \"Treasure Island Stevenson\"\n```\n\n#### Environment Variable\n\n- `GETDAT_BOOK_DIR` - Path from home directory to destination directory. Ignored if `--output_dir` is specified as an [option](#options)\n\n## Local Development\n\nPython Version: `3.11`. To install python on MacOS & Debian-based systems\n```bash\n-> sudo apt install software-properties-common\n-> sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa\n-> sudo apt update\n-> sudo apt install python3.11\n```\n\nThis python package uses [poetry]( for dependency management. To install:\n```bash\n# install pipx if you have not already\n-> python3 -m pip install --user pipx\n-> python3 -m pipx ensurepath\n# install poetry\n-> pipx install poetry\n```\n\nAssuming that you have *forked the repository* and have a copy on your local machine. Within the `getdat` directory, install dependencies and open a `virtualenv` shell managed by poetry.\n```bash\n-> poetry install\n-> poetry shell\n(getdat-py3.11) ->\n```\n\nTo run/develop the cli program.\n```bash\n(getdat-py3.11) -> getdat\nUsage: getdat [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...\n\n  A command line utility for getting resources available online\n\nOptions:\n  --help  Show this message and exit.\n\nCommands:\n  cinema  Launches in your default browser\n  ebook   Search and download an ebook available through Anna's Archive...\n\n  Check out our docs at for more\n  details\n\n```\n\nProject uses [pytest]( for unit testing. Test run quickly with the help of [pytest-mock](\n```bash\n(getdat-py3.11) -> pytest -v --cov=. tests/\n```\n\nStyle guide and code check enforced with [pre-commit](\n```bash\n(getdat-py3.11) -> pre-commit install\n```\n\nRunning `docs` site locally for making changes to `github-pages` requires [ruby]( to be installed. After installation make sure to install *bundler* with `gem install jekyll bundler` as well:\n```bash\n-> cd docs\n-> bundler install\n-> bundler exec jekyll build\n-> bundler exec jekyll serve\n```\n\n## Deployment\n\n### Publishing Getdat\n\nWorkflow: `master` branch\n\n- In `pyproject.toml` *bump* the version number `*.*.*`\n\n- Create a [git tag]( with the new version number `*.*.*` you specified in `pyproject.toml`.\n\n- Push the newly created tag `git push origin *.*.*` to the repository. This will trigger the `pre-release.yml` github workflow to publish our package to `test.pypi`. The pre-release can be seen [here]( for testing. Install with:\n```bash\n-> python3.11 -m pip install --index-url getdat --extra-index-url beautifulsoup4 requests click\n```\n    - *Note*: `--extra-index-url` option is pulling dependencies from `` and not `` though our package is coming in from ``. Make sure to add all dependencies from `[tool.poetry.dependencies]` in `pyproject.toml` (except python) before running this command.\n\n- *Create* a [release]( on github. Make sure to select `Tags` from the toggle menu. Select the latest tag (highest version number). Name the release `Release *.*.*`. Make sure the version number in `pyproject.toml` syncs up with the release version. *Click* `Publish release`. This will kick off our `release.yml` workflow to publish our package to `pypi`. The release can be seen [here and installed]( for production use. Install with:\n```bash\n-> pipx install getdat\n```\n\n### Publishing Docs\nDocs are published to the [site]( when a release is created for the python package to This is *automated*, but can be triggered manually by running the github workflow *Deploy Jekyll with GitHub Pages dependencies preinstalled*.\n\n---\n## Contributors\n\n![GitHub Contributors Image](\n",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
    "license": "",
    "summary": "A command line utility for getting resources available online",
    "version": "0.2.2",
    "project_urls": {
        "Homepage": "",
        "Repository": ""
    "split_keywords": [
        "anna's archive",
        "web scraper"
    "urls": [
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            "filename": "getdat-0.2.2-py3-none-any.whl",
            "has_sig": false,
            "md5_digest": "5aa82cbbcd2a06cc5d5891a17a7c4438",
            "packagetype": "bdist_wheel",
            "python_version": "py3",
            "requires_python": ">=3.11,<4.0",
            "size": 11686,
            "upload_time": "2023-12-04T17:14:50",
            "upload_time_iso_8601": "2023-12-04T17:14:50.230800Z",
            "url": "",
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                "sha256": "ef9b9fdd3706e3f202c28c0fb89e4ed005cd6205066c484ed71f689f9d136bbb"
            "downloads": -1,
            "filename": "getdat-0.2.2.tar.gz",
            "has_sig": false,
            "md5_digest": "2fe7aa887ecd819f717c823c1675a4bf",
            "packagetype": "sdist",
            "python_version": "source",
            "requires_python": ">=3.11,<4.0",
            "size": 13100,
            "upload_time": "2023-12-04T17:14:51",
            "upload_time_iso_8601": "2023-12-04T17:14:51.165840Z",
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            "yanked": false,
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    "upload_time": "2023-12-04 17:14:51",
    "github": true,
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    "codeberg": false,
    "github_user": "Audiosutras",
    "github_project": "getdat",
    "travis_ci": false,
    "coveralls": false,
    "github_actions": true,
    "lcname": "getdat"
Elapsed time: 0.22128s