
Namegoogle-shopping-scraper-api JSON
Version 0.1.3 PyPI version JSON
SummaryGoogle Shopping Scraper can scrape and parse various Google Shopping page types to collect structured e-commerce data.
upload_time2024-02-22 13:46:50
keywords google-shopping google-shopping-api google-shopping-scraper
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # Google Shopping Scraper

[![Oxylabs promo code](](

As part of [**E-Commerce Scraper API**](, [Google Shopping Scraper]( extracts timely e-commerce data in raw HTML or structured JSON format. The scraper offers a maintenance-free data collection infrastructure that automates the bulk of underlying processes, from sending HTTP requests to data parsing. 

The underlying measures, such as proxies, ensure considerably fewer CAPTCHAs and IP blocks. The scraper supports localized results from almost any locale worldwide (195 countries) with country-level and postal code targeting.

Additionally, the scraper can automate recurring scraping and parsing jobs through [**Scheduler**](, load dynamic websites that use JavaScript for rendering content, and retrieve results via the API or directly to Google Cloud Storage or Amazon S3 storage bucket.

### How it works

There are various page types we can scrape and parse on Google Shopping. You can either provide us with a full [**URL**](#url) or a few input parameters via specifically built data sources (e.g. [**Search**](#shopping-search), [**Product**](#shopping-product), [**Product Pricing**](#product-pricing) so we can form the URL on our end.

### Overview

Below is a quick overview of all the available data `source` values we support with Google Shopping.

| Source                    | Description                                               | Structured data     |
| ------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------- |
| `google`                  | Submit any Google Shopping URL you like.                  | Depends on the URL. |
| `google_shopping_search`  | Search results for a search term of your choice.          | Yes.                |
| `google_shopping_product` | Product page of a product ID of your choice.              | Yes.                |
| `google_shopping_pricing` | List of offers available for a product ID of your choice. | Yes.                |

### URL

The `google` source is designed to retrieve content from various Google Shopping URLs. Instead of sending multiple parameters and letting us form and scrape Google Shopping URLs, you can provide us with a URL to the required Google Shopping page. We do not strip any parameters or alter your URLs in any other way.

This data source also supports parsed data (structured data in JSON format), as long as the URL submitted links to a page that we can parse.

#### Query parameters

| Parameter                                                 | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    | Default Value |
| --------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------- |
| <mark style="background-color:green;">**`source`**</mark> | Data source. [**More info**](                                                                                                                                                           | `google`      |
| <mark style="background-color:green;">**`url`**</mark>    | Direct URL (link) to Google page                                                                                                                                                                                                                               | -             |
| `user_agent_type`                                         | Device type and browser. The full list can be found [**here**](                                                                                                              | `desktop`     |
| `render`                                                  | Enables JavaScript rendering. [**More info.**](                                                                                                                                          |               |
| `callback_url`                                            | URL to your callback endpoint. [**More info.**](                                                                                                                                  | -             |
| `geo_location`                                            | The geographical location that the result should be adapted for. Using this parameter correctly is extremely important to get the right data. For more information, read about our suggested `geo_location` parameter structures [**here**]( | -             |
| `parse`                                                   | `true` will return parsed data, as long as the URL submitted is for Google Search.                                                                                                                                                                             | -             |

\- required parameter

#### Python code example

In this example, we make a request to retrieve a Google Shopping Search result for keyword `adidas`, as seen in New York, USA.

import requests
from pprint import pprint

# Structure payload.
payload = {
    'source': 'google',
    'url': '',
    'geo_location': 'New York,New York,United States'

# Get response.
response = requests.request(
    auth=('user', 'pass1'),

# Instead of response with job status and results url, this will return the
# JSON response with results.

Code examples for other languages can be found [**here.**](

### Shopping Search

The `google_shopping_search` source is designed to retrieve Google Shopping search results.

#### Query parameters

| Parameter                                                 | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    | Default Value            |
| --------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------ |
| <mark style="background-color:green;">**`source`**</mark> | Data source. [**More info**](                                                                                                                                                           | `google_shopping_search` |
| `domain`                                                  | Domain localization                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            | com                      |
| <mark style="background-color:green;">**`query`**</mark>  | UTF-encoded keyword                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            | -                        |
| `start_page`                                              | Starting page number                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           | `1`                      |
| `pages`                                                   | Number of pages to retrieve                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    | `1`                      |
| `locale`                                                  | `Accept-Language` header value which changes your Google Shopping page web interface language. [**More info**](                                                                                                                              | -                        |
| `results_language`                                        | Results language. List of supported Google languages can be found [**here**](                                                                                                                                                                | -                        |
| `geo_location`                                            | The geographical location that the result should be adapted for. Using this parameter correctly is extremely important to get the right data. For more information, read about our suggested `geo_location` parameter structures [**here**]( | -                        |
| `user_agent_type`                                         | Device type and browser. The full list can be found [**here**](                                                                                                              | `desktop`                |
| `render`                                                  | Enables JavaScript rendering. [**More info.**](                                                                                                                                          | -                        |
| `callback_url`                                            | URL to your callback endpoint. [**More info.**](                                                                                                                                  | -                        |
| `parse`                                                   | `true` will return parsed data.                                                                                                                                                          | -                        |
| <p><code>context</code>:<br><code>nfpr</code></p>         | `true` will turn off spelling auto-correction.                                                                                                                                                                                                                 | `false`                  |
| <p><code>context</code>:<br><code>sort_by</code></p>      | Sort product list by a given criteria. `r` applies default Google sorting, `rv` - by review score, `p` - by price ascending, `pd` - by price descending                                                                                                        | `r`                      |
| <p><code>context</code>:<br><code>min_price</code></p>    | Minimum price of products to filter                                                                                                                                                                                                                            | -                        |
| <p><code>context</code>:<br><code>max_price</code></p>    | Maximum price of products to filter                                                                                                                                                                                                                            | -                        |

\- required parameter

#### Python code example

In this example, we make a request to retrieve the first `4` pages of Google Shopping search for the search term `adidas`, sorted by descending price and minimum price of `$20`.

import requests
from pprint import pprint

# Structure payload.
payload = {
    'source': 'google_shopping_search',
    'domain': 'com',
    'query': 'adidas',
    'pages': 4,
    'context': [
        {'key': 'sort_by', 'value': 'pd'},
        {'key': 'min_price', 'value': 20},

# Get response.
response = requests.request(
    auth=('user', 'pass1'),

# Print prettified response to stdout.
Code examples for other languages can be found [**here.**](

### Shopping Product

The `google_shopping_product` source is designed to retrieve Google Shopping product page for a specified product.

#### Query parameters

| Parameter                                                 | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    | Default Value             |
| --------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------- |
| <mark style="background-color:green;">**`source`**</mark> | Data source. [**More info**](                                                                                                                                                           | `google_shopping_product` |
| `domain`                                                  | Domain localization                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            | com                       |
| <mark style="background-color:green;">**`query`**</mark>  | UTF-encoded product code                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       | -                         |
| `locale`                                                  | `Accept-Language` header value which changes your Google Shopping page web interface language. [**More info**](                                                                                                                              | -                         |
| `results_language`                                        | Results language. List of supported Google languages can be found [**here**](                                                                                                                                                                | -                         |
| `geo_location`                                            | The geographical location that the result should be adapted for. Using this parameter correctly is extremely important to get the right data. For more information, read about our suggested `geo_location` parameter structures [**here**]( | -                         |
| `user_agent_type`                                         | Device type and browser. The full list can be found [**here**](                                                                                                              | `desktop`                 |
| `render`                                                  | Enables JavaScript rendering. [**More info.**](                                                                                                                                          |                           |
| `callback_url`                                            | URL to your callback endpoint. [**More info**](                                                                                                                                  | -                         |
| `parse`                                                   | `true` will return parsed data.                                                                                                                                                            | -                         |

\- required parameter

#### Python code example

In the code example below, we make a request to retrieve the product page for product ID `5007040952399054528` from Google Shopping on `com` domain.

import requests
from pprint import pprint

# Structure payload.
payload = {
    'source': 'google_shopping_product',
    'domain': 'com',
    'query': '5007040952399054528',

# Get response.
response = requests.request(
    auth=('user', 'pass1'),

# Print prettified response to stdout.
Code examples for other languages can be found [**here.**](

### Product Pricing

The `google_shopping_pricing` source is designed to retrieve pages containing lists of offers available for a product ID of your choice.

#### Query parameters

| Parameter                                                 | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    | Default Value             |
| --------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------- |
| <mark style="background-color:green;">**`source`**</mark> | Data source. [**More info**](                                                                                                                                                           | `google_shopping_pricing` |
| `domain`                                                  | Domain localization                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            | com                       |
| <mark style="background-color:green;">**`query`**</mark>  | UTF-encoded product code                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       | -                         |
| `start_page`                                              | Starting page number                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           | `1`                       |
| `pages`                                                   | Number of pages to retrieve                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    | `1`                       |
| `locale`                                                  | `Accept-Language` header value which changes your Google Shopping page web interface language. [**More info**](                                                                                                                              | -                         |
| `results_language`                                        | Results language. List of supported Google languages can be found [**here**](                                                                                                                                                                | -                         |
| `geo_location`                                            | The geographical location that the result should be adapted for. Using this parameter correctly is extremely important to get the right data. For more information, read about our suggested `geo_location` parameter structures [**here**]( | -                         |
| `user_agent_type`                                         | Device type and browser. The full list can be found [**here**](                                                                                                              | `desktop`                 |
| `render`                                                  | Enables JavaScript rendering. [**More info.**](                                                                                                                                          |                           |
| `callback_url`                                            | URL to your callback endpoint. [**More info.**](                                                                                                                                  | -                         |
| `parse`                                                   | `true` will return parsed data.                                                                                                                                                            | -                         |
\- required parameter

#### Python code example

In the code example below, we make a request to retrieve the product pricing page for product ID `5007040952399054528` from Google Shopping on ``.

import requests
from pprint import pprint

# Structure payload.
payload = {
    'source': 'google_shopping_pricing',
    'domain': 'com',
    'query': '5007040952399054528',

# Get response.
response = requests.request(
    auth=('user', 'pass1'),

# Print prettified response to stdout.

Code examples for other languages can be found [**here.**](

If you have questions or concerns about Google Shopping Scraper or associated features, get in touch via ( or through the live chat on our [**website**](


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "google-shopping-scraper-api",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.6",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "google-shopping,google-shopping-api,google-shopping-scraper,",
    "author": "Oxylabs",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# Google Shopping Scraper\n\n[![Oxylabs promo code](](\n\n\nAs part of [**E-Commerce Scraper API**](, [Google Shopping Scraper]( extracts timely e-commerce data in raw HTML or structured JSON format. The scraper offers a maintenance-free data collection infrastructure that automates the bulk of underlying processes, from sending HTTP requests to data parsing. \n\nThe underlying measures, such as proxies, ensure considerably fewer CAPTCHAs and IP blocks. The scraper supports localized results from almost any locale worldwide (195 countries) with country-level and postal code targeting.\n\nAdditionally, the scraper can automate recurring scraping and parsing jobs through [**Scheduler**](, load dynamic websites that use JavaScript for rendering content, and retrieve results via the API or directly to Google Cloud Storage or Amazon S3 storage bucket.\n\n### How it works\n\nThere are various page types we can scrape and parse on Google Shopping. You can either provide us with a full [**URL**](#url) or a few input parameters via specifically built data sources (e.g. [**Search**](#shopping-search), [**Product**](#shopping-product), [**Product Pricing**](#product-pricing) so we can form the URL on our end.\n\n### Overview\n\nBelow is a quick overview of all the available data `source` values we support with Google Shopping.\n\n| Source                    | Description                                               | Structured data     |\n| ------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------- |\n| `google`                  | Submit any Google Shopping URL you like.                  | Depends on the URL. |\n| `google_shopping_search`  | Search results for a search term of your choice.          | Yes.                |\n| `google_shopping_product` | Product page of a product ID of your choice.              | Yes.                |\n| `google_shopping_pricing` | List of offers available for a product ID of your choice. | Yes.                |\n\n### URL\n\nThe `google` source is designed to retrieve content from various Google Shopping URLs. Instead of sending multiple parameters and letting us form and scrape Google Shopping URLs, you can provide us with a URL to the required Google Shopping page. We do not strip any parameters or alter your URLs in any other way.\n\nThis data source also supports parsed data (structured data in JSON format), as long as the URL submitted links to a page that we can parse.\n\n#### Query parameters\n\n| Parameter                                                 | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    | Default Value |\n| --------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------- |\n| <mark style=\"background-color:green;\">**`source`**</mark> | Data source. [**More info**](                                                                                                                                                           | `google`      |\n| <mark style=\"background-color:green;\">**`url`**</mark>    | Direct URL (link) to Google page                                                                                                                                                                                                                               | -             |\n| `user_agent_type`                                         | Device type and browser. The full list can be found [**here**](                                                                                                              | `desktop`     |\n| `render`                                                  | Enables JavaScript rendering. [**More info.**](                                                                                                                                          |               |\n| `callback_url`                                            | URL to your callback endpoint. [**More info.**](                                                                                                                                  | -             |\n| `geo_location`                                            | The geographical location that the result should be adapted for. Using this parameter correctly is extremely important to get the right data. For more information, read about our suggested `geo_location` parameter structures [**here**]( | -             |\n| `parse`                                                   | `true` will return parsed data, as long as the URL submitted is for Google Search.                                                                                                                                                                             | -             |\n\n\\- required parameter\n\n#### Python code example\n\nIn this example, we make a request to retrieve a Google Shopping Search result for keyword `adidas`, as seen in New York, USA.\n\n```python \nimport requests\nfrom pprint import pprint\n\n# Structure payload.\npayload = {\n    'source': 'google',\n    'url': '',\n    'geo_location': 'New York,New York,United States'\n}\n\n# Get response.\nresponse = requests.request(\n    'POST',\n    '',\n    auth=('user', 'pass1'),\n    json=payload,\n)\n\n# Instead of response with job status and results url, this will return the\n# JSON response with results.\npprint(response.json())\n```\n\nCode examples for other languages can be found [**here.**](\n\n### Shopping Search\n\nThe `google_shopping_search` source is designed to retrieve Google Shopping search results.\n\n#### Query parameters\n\n| Parameter                                                 | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    | Default Value            |\n| --------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------ |\n| <mark style=\"background-color:green;\">**`source`**</mark> | Data source. [**More info**](                                                                                                                                                           | `google_shopping_search` |\n| `domain`                                                  | Domain localization                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            | com                      |\n| <mark style=\"background-color:green;\">**`query`**</mark>  | UTF-encoded keyword                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            | -                        |\n| `start_page`                                              | Starting page number                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           | `1`                      |\n| `pages`                                                   | Number of pages to retrieve                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    | `1`                      |\n| `locale`                                                  | `Accept-Language` header value which changes your Google Shopping page web interface language. [**More info**](                                                                                                                              | -                        |\n| `results_language`                                        | Results language. List of supported Google languages can be found [**here**](                                                                                                                                                                | -                        |\n| `geo_location`                                            | The geographical location that the result should be adapted for. Using this parameter correctly is extremely important to get the right data. For more information, read about our suggested `geo_location` parameter structures [**here**]( | -                        |\n| `user_agent_type`                                         | Device type and browser. The full list can be found [**here**](                                                                                                              | `desktop`                |\n| `render`                                                  | Enables JavaScript rendering. [**More info.**](                                                                                                                                          | -                        |\n| `callback_url`                                            | URL to your callback endpoint. [**More info.**](                                                                                                                                  | -                        |\n| `parse`                                                   | `true` will return parsed data.                                                                                                                                                          | -                        |\n| <p><code>context</code>:<br><code>nfpr</code></p>         | `true` will turn off spelling auto-correction.                                                                                                                                                                                                                 | `false`                  |\n| <p><code>context</code>:<br><code>sort_by</code></p>      | Sort product list by a given criteria. `r` applies default Google sorting, `rv` - by review score, `p` - by price ascending, `pd` - by price descending                                                                                                        | `r`                      |\n| <p><code>context</code>:<br><code>min_price</code></p>    | Minimum price of products to filter                                                                                                                                                                                                                            | -                        |\n| <p><code>context</code>:<br><code>max_price</code></p>    | Maximum price of products to filter                                                                                                                                                                                                                            | -                        |\n\n\\- required parameter\n\n#### Python code example\n\nIn this example, we make a request to retrieve the first `4` pages of Google Shopping search for the search term `adidas`, sorted by descending price and minimum price of `$20`.\n\n```python\nimport requests\nfrom pprint import pprint\n\n\n# Structure payload.\npayload = {\n    'source': 'google_shopping_search',\n    'domain': 'com',\n    'query': 'adidas',\n    'pages': 4,\n    'context': [\n        {'key': 'sort_by', 'value': 'pd'},\n        {'key': 'min_price', 'value': 20},\n    ],\n}\n\n# Get response.\nresponse = requests.request(\n    'POST',\n    '',\n    auth=('user', 'pass1'),\n    json=payload,\n)\n\n# Print prettified response to stdout.\npprint(response.json())\n```\nCode examples for other languages can be found [**here.**](\n\n### Shopping Product\n\nThe `google_shopping_product` source is designed to retrieve Google Shopping product page for a specified product.\n\n#### Query parameters\n\n| Parameter                                                 | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    | Default Value             |\n| --------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------- |\n| <mark style=\"background-color:green;\">**`source`**</mark> | Data source. [**More info**](                                                                                                                                                           | `google_shopping_product` |\n| `domain`                                                  | Domain localization                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            | com                       |\n| <mark style=\"background-color:green;\">**`query`**</mark>  | UTF-encoded product code                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       | -                         |\n| `locale`                                                  | `Accept-Language` header value which changes your Google Shopping page web interface language. [**More info**](                                                                                                                              | -                         |\n| `results_language`                                        | Results language. List of supported Google languages can be found [**here**](                                                                                                                                                                | -                         |\n| `geo_location`                                            | The geographical location that the result should be adapted for. Using this parameter correctly is extremely important to get the right data. For more information, read about our suggested `geo_location` parameter structures [**here**]( | -                         |\n| `user_agent_type`                                         | Device type and browser. The full list can be found [**here**](                                                                                                              | `desktop`                 |\n| `render`                                                  | Enables JavaScript rendering. [**More info.**](                                                                                                                                          |                           |\n| `callback_url`                                            | URL to your callback endpoint. [**More info**](                                                                                                                                  | -                         |\n| `parse`                                                   | `true` will return parsed data.                                                                                                                                                            | -                         |\n\n\\- required parameter\n\n#### Python code example\n\nIn the code example below, we make a request to retrieve the product page for product ID `5007040952399054528` from Google Shopping on `com` domain.\n\n```python\nimport requests\nfrom pprint import pprint\n\n\n# Structure payload.\npayload = {\n    'source': 'google_shopping_product',\n    'domain': 'com',\n    'query': '5007040952399054528',\n}\n\n# Get response.\nresponse = requests.request(\n    'POST',\n    '',\n    auth=('user', 'pass1'),\n    json=payload,\n)\n\n# Print prettified response to stdout.\npprint(response.json())\n```\nCode examples for other languages can be found [**here.**](\n\n### Product Pricing\n\nThe `google_shopping_pricing` source is designed to retrieve pages containing lists of offers available for a product ID of your choice.\n\n#### Query parameters\n\n| Parameter                                                 | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    | Default Value             |\n| --------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------- |\n| <mark style=\"background-color:green;\">**`source`**</mark> | Data source. [**More info**](                                                                                                                                                           | `google_shopping_pricing` |\n| `domain`                                                  | Domain localization                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            | com                       |\n| <mark style=\"background-color:green;\">**`query`**</mark>  | UTF-encoded product code                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       | -                         |\n| `start_page`                                              | Starting page number                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           | `1`                       |\n| `pages`                                                   | Number of pages to retrieve                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    | `1`                       |\n| `locale`                                                  | `Accept-Language` header value which changes your Google Shopping page web interface language. [**More info**](                                                                                                                              | -                         |\n| `results_language`                                        | Results language. List of supported Google languages can be found [**here**](                                                                                                                                                                | -                         |\n| `geo_location`                                            | The geographical location that the result should be adapted for. Using this parameter correctly is extremely important to get the right data. For more information, read about our suggested `geo_location` parameter structures [**here**]( | -                         |\n| `user_agent_type`                                         | Device type and browser. The full list can be found [**here**](                                                                                                              | `desktop`                 |\n| `render`                                                  | Enables JavaScript rendering. [**More info.**](                                                                                                                                          |                           |\n| `callback_url`                                            | URL to your callback endpoint. [**More info.**](                                                                                                                                  | -                         |\n| `parse`                                                   | `true` will return parsed data.                                                                                                                                                            | -                         |\n\\- required parameter\n\n#### Python code example\n\nIn the code example below, we make a request to retrieve the product pricing page for product ID `5007040952399054528` from Google Shopping on ``.\n\n```python\nimport requests\nfrom pprint import pprint\n\n\n# Structure payload.\npayload = {\n    'source': 'google_shopping_pricing',\n    'domain': 'com',\n    'query': '5007040952399054528',\n}\n\n# Get response.\nresponse = requests.request(\n    'POST',\n    '',\n    auth=('user', 'pass1'),\n    json=payload,\n)\n\n# Print prettified response to stdout.\npprint(response.json())\n```\n\nCode examples for other languages can be found [**here.**](\n\nIf you have questions or concerns about Google Shopping Scraper or associated features, get in touch via ( or through the live chat on our [**website**](\n\n",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
    "license": "MIT",
    "summary": "Google Shopping Scraper can scrape and parse various Google Shopping page types to collect structured e-commerce data.",
    "version": "0.1.3",
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