# graphene-django-plus

> Graphene itself is abandoned and most users are migrating to other better alternatives, like
> [strawberry](https://github.com/strawberry-graphql/strawberry).
> For that reason this lib is being deprecated and new features will no longer be developed for it.
> Maintenance is still going to happen and PRs are still welcomed though.
> For anyone looking for alternatives, I created
> [strawberry-django-plus](https://github.com/blb-ventures/strawberry-django-plus) to use not
> only as a migration path to the projects I maintain, but also to add even more awesome features.
> Be sure to check it out!
Tools to easily create permissioned CRUD endpoints in [graphene-django](https://github.com/graphql-python/graphene-django).
## Install
pip install graphene-django-plus
To make use of everything this lib has to offer, it is recommended to install
both [graphene-django-optimizer](https://github.com/tfoxy/graphene-django-optimizer)
and [django-guardian](https://github.com/django-guardian/django-guardian).
pip install graphene-django-optimizer django-guardian
## What it does
- Provides some base types for Django Models to improve querying them with:
- Unauthenticated user handling
- Automatic optimization using [graphene-django-optimizer](https://github.com/tfoxy/graphene-django-optimizer)
- Permission handling for queries using the default [django permission system](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/topics/auth/default/#topic-authorization)
- Object permission handling for queries using [django guardian](https://github.com/django-guardian/django-guardian)
- Relay id conversion so querying can use the global id instead of the model's id
- Provides a set of complete and simple CRUD mutations with:
- Unauthenticated user handling
- Permission handling using the default [django permission system](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/topics/auth/default/#topic-authorization)
- Object permission handling using [django guardian](https://github.com/django-guardian/django-guardian)
- Automatic input generation based on the model (no need to write your own input type or use `django forms` and `drf serializers`)
- Automatic model validation based on the model's validators
- Very simple to create some quick CRUD endpoints for your models
- Easy to extend and override functionalities
- File upload handling
## What is included
Check the [docs](https://graphene-django-plus.readthedocs.io) for a complete
api documentation.
### Models
- `graphene_django_plus.models.GuardedModel`: A django model that can be used
either directly or as a mixin. It will provide a `.has_perm` method and a
`.objects.for_user` that will be used by `ModelType` described below to
check for object permissions.
### Types and Queries
- `graphene_django_plus.types.ModelType`: This enchances
`graphene_django_plus.DjangoModelType` by doing some automatic `prefetch`
optimization on setup and also checking for objects permissions on queries
when it inherits from `GuardedModel`.
- `graphene_django_plus.fields.CountableConnection`: This enchances
`graphene.relay.Connection` to provide a `total_count` attribute.
Here is an example describing how to use those:
import graphene
from graphene import relay
from graphene_django.fields import DjangoConnectionField
from graphene_django_plus.models import GuardedModel
from graphene_django_plus.types import ModelType
from graphene_django_plus.fields import CountableConnection
class MyModel(GuardedModel):
class Meta:
# guardian permissions for this model
permissions = [
('can_read', "Can read the this object's info."),
name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
class MyModelType(ModelType):
class Meta:
model = MyModel
interfaces = [relay.Node]
# Use our CountableConnection
connection_class = CountableConnection
# When adding this to a query, only objects with a `can_read`
# permission to the request's user will be allowed to return to him
# Note that `can_read` was defined in the model.
# If the model doesn't inherid from `GuardedModel`, `guardian` is not
# installed or this list is empty, any object will be allowed.
# This is empty by default
object_permissions = [
# If unauthenticated users should be allowed to retrieve any object
# of this type. This is not dependent on `GuardedModel` and neither
# `guardian` and is defined as `False` by default
public = False
# A list of Django model permissions to check. Different from
# object_permissions, this uses the basic Django's permission system
# and thus is not dependent on `GuardedModel` and neither `guardian`.
# This is an empty list by default.
permissions = []
class Query(graphene.ObjectType):
my_models = DjangoConnectionField(MyModelType)
my_model = relay.Node.Field(MyModelType)
This can be queried like:
# All objects that the user has permission to see
query {
myModels {
edges {
node {
# Single object if the user has permission to see it
query {
myModel(id: "<relay global ID>") {
### Mutations
- `graphene_django_plus.mutations.BaseMutation`: Base mutation using `relay`
and some basic permission checking. Just override its `.perform_mutation` to
perform the mutation.
- `graphene_django_plus.mutations.ModelMutation`: Model mutation capable of
both creating and updating a model based on the existence of an `id`
attribute in the input. All the model's fields will be automatically read
from Django, inserted in the input type and validated.
- `graphene_django_plus.mutations.ModelCreateMutation`: A `ModelMutation`
enforcing a "create only" rule by excluding the `id` field from the input.
- `graphene_django_plus.mutations.ModelUpdateMutation`: A `ModelMutation`
enforcing a "update only" rule by making the `id` field required in the
- `graphene_django_plus.mutations.ModelDeleteMutation`: A mutation that will
receive only the model's id and will delete it (if given permission, of
Here is an example describing how to use those:
import graphene
from graphene import relay
from graphene_django_plus.models import GuardedModel
from graphene_django_plus.types import ModelType
from graphene_django_plus.mutations import (
class MyModel(GuardedModel):
class Meta:
# guardian permissions for this model
permissions = [
('can_write', "Can update this object's info."),
name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
class MyModelType(ModelType):
class Meta:
model = MyModel
interfaces = [relay.Node]
class MyModelUpdateMutation(ModelUpdateMutation):
class Meta:
model = MyModel
# Make sure only users with the given permissions can modify the
# object.
# If the model doesn't inherid from `GuardedModel`, `guardian` is not
# installed on this list is empty, any object will be allowed.
# This is empty by default.
object_permissions = [
# If unauthenticated users should be allowed to retrieve any object
# of this type. This is not dependent on `GuardedModel` and neither
# `guardian` and is defined as `False` by default
public = False
# A list of Django model permissions to check. Different from
# object_permissions, this uses the basic Django's permission system
# and thus is not dependent on `GuardedModel` and neither `guardian`.
# This is an empty list by default.
permissions = []
class MyModelDeleteMutation(ModelDeleteMutation):
class Meta:
model = MyModel
object_permissions = [
class MyModelCreateMutation(ModelCreateMutation):
class Meta:
model = MyModel
def after_save(cls, info, instance, cleaned_input=None):
# If the user created the object, allow him to modify it
assign_perm('can_write', info.context.user, instance)
class Mutation(graphene.ObjectType):
my_model_create = MyModelCreateMutation.Field()
my_model_update = MyModelUpdateMutation.Field()
my_model_delete = MyModelDeleteMutation.Field()
This can be used to create/update/delete like:
# Create mutation
mutation {
myModelCreate(input: { name: "foobar" }) {
myModel {
errors {
# Update mutation
mutation {
myModelUpdate(input: { id: "<relay global ID>", name: "foobar" }) {
myModel {
errors {
# Delete mutation
mutation {
myModelDelete(input: { id: "<relay global ID>" }) {
myModel {
errors {
Any validation errors will be presented in the `errors` return value.
To turn off auto related relations addition to the mutation input - set global
`MUTATIONS_INCLUDE_REVERSE_RELATIONS` parameter to `False` in your
Note: in case reverse relation does not have `related_name` attribute set -
mutation input will be generated as Django itself is generating by appending
`_set` to the lower cased model name - `modelname_set`
## License
This project is licensed under MIT licence (see `LICENSE` for more info)
## Contributing
Make sure to have [poetry](https://python-poetry.org/) installed.
Install dependencies with:
poetry install
Run the testsuite with:
poetry run pytest
Feel free to fork the project and send me pull requests with new features,
corrections and translations. We'll gladly merge them and release new versions
Raw data
"_id": null,
"home_page": "https://github.com/0soft/graphene-django-plus",
"name": "graphene-django-plus",
"maintainer": "",
"docs_url": null,
"requires_python": ">=3.8,<4.0",
"maintainer_email": "",
"keywords": "graphene,django,graphql,crud,permissions",
"author": "Thiago Bellini Ribeiro",
"author_email": "thiago@bellini.dev",
"download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/ef/76/4ecc6be72bf3dffe947ff930a13c9aa7a0dd29b2c2dfdb6bcafef72bc89c/graphene_django_plus-5.1.tar.gz",
"platform": null,
"description": "# graphene-django-plus\n\n[](https://actions-badge.atrox.dev/0soft/graphene-django-plus/goto?ref=master)\n[](https://graphene-django-plus.readthedocs.io)\n[](https://codecov.io/gh/0soft/graphene-django-plus)\n[](https://pypi.org/project/graphene-django-plus/)\n\n\n\n> ## DEPRECATION WARNING\n>\n> Graphene itself is abandoned and most users are migrating to other better alternatives, like\n> [strawberry](https://github.com/strawberry-graphql/strawberry).\n>\n> For that reason this lib is being deprecated and new features will no longer be developed for it.\n> Maintenance is still going to happen and PRs are still welcomed though.\n>\n> For anyone looking for alternatives, I created\n> [strawberry-django-plus](https://github.com/blb-ventures/strawberry-django-plus) to use not\n> only as a migration path to the projects I maintain, but also to add even more awesome features.\n> Be sure to check it out!\n\nTools to easily create permissioned CRUD endpoints in [graphene-django](https://github.com/graphql-python/graphene-django).\n\n## Install\n\n```bash\npip install graphene-django-plus\n```\n\nTo make use of everything this lib has to offer, it is recommended to install\nboth [graphene-django-optimizer](https://github.com/tfoxy/graphene-django-optimizer)\nand [django-guardian](https://github.com/django-guardian/django-guardian).\n\n```bash\npip install graphene-django-optimizer django-guardian\n```\n\n## What it does\n\n- Provides some base types for Django Models to improve querying them with:\n - Unauthenticated user handling\n - Automatic optimization using [graphene-django-optimizer](https://github.com/tfoxy/graphene-django-optimizer)\n - Permission handling for queries using the default [django permission system](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/topics/auth/default/#topic-authorization)\n - Object permission handling for queries using [django guardian](https://github.com/django-guardian/django-guardian)\n - Relay id conversion so querying can use the global id instead of the model's id\n- Provides a set of complete and simple CRUD mutations with:\n - Unauthenticated user handling\n - Permission handling using the default [django permission system](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/topics/auth/default/#topic-authorization)\n - Object permission handling using [django guardian](https://github.com/django-guardian/django-guardian)\n - Automatic input generation based on the model (no need to write your own input type or use `django forms` and `drf serializers`)\n - Automatic model validation based on the model's validators\n- Very simple to create some quick CRUD endpoints for your models\n- Easy to extend and override functionalities\n- File upload handling\n\n## What is included\n\nCheck the [docs](https://graphene-django-plus.readthedocs.io) for a complete\napi documentation.\n\n### Models\n\n- `graphene_django_plus.models.GuardedModel`: A django model that can be used\n either directly or as a mixin. It will provide a `.has_perm` method and a\n `.objects.for_user` that will be used by `ModelType` described below to\n check for object permissions.\n\n### Types and Queries\n\n- `graphene_django_plus.types.ModelType`: This enchances\n `graphene_django_plus.DjangoModelType` by doing some automatic `prefetch`\n optimization on setup and also checking for objects permissions on queries\n when it inherits from `GuardedModel`.\n\n- `graphene_django_plus.fields.CountableConnection`: This enchances\n `graphene.relay.Connection` to provide a `total_count` attribute.\n\nHere is an example describing how to use those:\n\n```py\nimport graphene\nfrom graphene import relay\nfrom graphene_django.fields import DjangoConnectionField\n\nfrom graphene_django_plus.models import GuardedModel\nfrom graphene_django_plus.types import ModelType\nfrom graphene_django_plus.fields import CountableConnection\n\n\nclass MyModel(GuardedModel):\n class Meta:\n # guardian permissions for this model\n permissions = [\n ('can_read', \"Can read the this object's info.\"),\n ]\n\n name = models.CharField(max_length=255)\n\n\nclass MyModelType(ModelType):\n class Meta:\n model = MyModel\n interfaces = [relay.Node]\n\n # Use our CountableConnection\n connection_class = CountableConnection\n\n # When adding this to a query, only objects with a `can_read`\n # permission to the request's user will be allowed to return to him\n # Note that `can_read` was defined in the model.\n # If the model doesn't inherid from `GuardedModel`, `guardian` is not\n # installed or this list is empty, any object will be allowed.\n # This is empty by default\n object_permissions = [\n 'can_read',\n ]\n\n # If unauthenticated users should be allowed to retrieve any object\n # of this type. This is not dependent on `GuardedModel` and neither\n # `guardian` and is defined as `False` by default\n public = False\n\n # A list of Django model permissions to check. Different from\n # object_permissions, this uses the basic Django's permission system\n # and thus is not dependent on `GuardedModel` and neither `guardian`.\n # This is an empty list by default.\n permissions = []\n\n\nclass Query(graphene.ObjectType):\n my_models = DjangoConnectionField(MyModelType)\n my_model = relay.Node.Field(MyModelType)\n```\n\nThis can be queried like:\n\n```graphql\n# All objects that the user has permission to see\nquery {\n myModels {\n totalCount\n edges {\n node {\n id\n name\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n# Single object if the user has permission to see it\nquery {\n myModel(id: \"<relay global ID>\") {\n id\n name\n }\n}\n```\n\n### Mutations\n\n- `graphene_django_plus.mutations.BaseMutation`: Base mutation using `relay`\n and some basic permission checking. Just override its `.perform_mutation` to\n perform the mutation.\n\n- `graphene_django_plus.mutations.ModelMutation`: Model mutation capable of\n both creating and updating a model based on the existence of an `id`\n attribute in the input. All the model's fields will be automatically read\n from Django, inserted in the input type and validated.\n\n- `graphene_django_plus.mutations.ModelCreateMutation`: A `ModelMutation`\n enforcing a \"create only\" rule by excluding the `id` field from the input.\n\n- `graphene_django_plus.mutations.ModelUpdateMutation`: A `ModelMutation`\n enforcing a \"update only\" rule by making the `id` field required in the\n input.\n\n- `graphene_django_plus.mutations.ModelDeleteMutation`: A mutation that will\n receive only the model's id and will delete it (if given permission, of\n course).\n\nHere is an example describing how to use those:\n\n```py\nimport graphene\nfrom graphene import relay\n\nfrom graphene_django_plus.models import GuardedModel\nfrom graphene_django_plus.types import ModelType\nfrom graphene_django_plus.mutations import (\n ModelCreateMutation,\n ModelUpdateMutation,\n ModelDeleteMutation,\n)\n\n\nclass MyModel(GuardedModel):\n class Meta:\n # guardian permissions for this model\n permissions = [\n ('can_write', \"Can update this object's info.\"),\n ]\n\n name = models.CharField(max_length=255)\n\n\nclass MyModelType(ModelType):\n class Meta:\n model = MyModel\n interfaces = [relay.Node]\n\n\nclass MyModelUpdateMutation(ModelUpdateMutation):\n class Meta:\n model = MyModel\n\n # Make sure only users with the given permissions can modify the\n # object.\n # If the model doesn't inherid from `GuardedModel`, `guardian` is not\n # installed on this list is empty, any object will be allowed.\n # This is empty by default.\n object_permissions = [\n 'can_write',\n ]\n\n # If unauthenticated users should be allowed to retrieve any object\n # of this type. This is not dependent on `GuardedModel` and neither\n # `guardian` and is defined as `False` by default\n public = False\n\n # A list of Django model permissions to check. Different from\n # object_permissions, this uses the basic Django's permission system\n # and thus is not dependent on `GuardedModel` and neither `guardian`.\n # This is an empty list by default.\n permissions = []\n\n\nclass MyModelDeleteMutation(ModelDeleteMutation):\n class Meta:\n model = MyModel\n object_permissions = [\n 'can_write',\n ]\n\n\nclass MyModelCreateMutation(ModelCreateMutation):\n class Meta:\n model = MyModel\n\n @classmethod\n def after_save(cls, info, instance, cleaned_input=None):\n # If the user created the object, allow him to modify it\n assign_perm('can_write', info.context.user, instance)\n\n\nclass Mutation(graphene.ObjectType):\n my_model_create = MyModelCreateMutation.Field()\n my_model_update = MyModelUpdateMutation.Field()\n my_model_delete = MyModelDeleteMutation.Field()\n```\n\nThis can be used to create/update/delete like:\n\n```graphql\n# Create mutation\nmutation {\n myModelCreate(input: { name: \"foobar\" }) {\n myModel {\n name\n }\n errors {\n field\n message\n }\n }\n}\n\n# Update mutation\nmutation {\n myModelUpdate(input: { id: \"<relay global ID>\", name: \"foobar\" }) {\n myModel {\n name\n }\n errors {\n field\n message\n }\n }\n}\n\n# Delete mutation\nmutation {\n myModelDelete(input: { id: \"<relay global ID>\" }) {\n myModel {\n name\n }\n errors {\n field\n message\n }\n }\n}\n```\n\nAny validation errors will be presented in the `errors` return value.\n\nTo turn off auto related relations addition to the mutation input - set global\n`MUTATIONS_INCLUDE_REVERSE_RELATIONS` parameter to `False` in your\n`settings.py`:\n\n```\nGRAPHENE_DJANGO_PLUS = {\n 'MUTATIONS_INCLUDE_REVERSE_RELATIONS': False\n}\n```\n\nNote: in case reverse relation does not have `related_name` attribute set -\nmutation input will be generated as Django itself is generating by appending\n`_set` to the lower cased model name - `modelname_set`\n\n## License\n\nThis project is licensed under MIT licence (see `LICENSE` for more info)\n\n## Contributing\n\nMake sure to have [poetry](https://python-poetry.org/) installed.\n\nInstall dependencies with:\n\n```bash\npoetry install\n```\n\nRun the testsuite with:\n\n```bash\npoetry run pytest\n```\n\nFeel free to fork the project and send me pull requests with new features,\ncorrections and translations. We'll gladly merge them and release new versions\nASAP.\n",
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"summary": "Tools to easily create permissioned CRUD endpoints in graphene.",
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"Homepage": "https://github.com/0soft/graphene-django-plus",
"Repository": "https://github.com/0soft/graphene-django-plus"
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