
Namegraphtik JSON
Version 10.5.0 PyPI version JSON
SummaryA Python lib for solving & executing graphs of functions, with `pandas` in mind
upload_time2023-04-25 21:27:37
authorKostis Anagnostopoulos, Huy Nguyen, Arel Cordero, Pierre Garrigues, Rob Hess, Tobi Baumgartner, Clayton Mellina
keywords graph computation graph dag directed acyclic graph executor scheduler etl workflow pipeline
requirements No requirements were recorded.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.

|pypi-version| |gh-version| (build-version: x.x.x, build-date: 2023-04-25T21:27:33.616654)
|python-ver| |dev-status|
|ci-status| |doc-status| |cover-status| |codestyle| |proj-lic|

|gh-watch| |gh-star| |gh-fork| |gh-issues|

.. epigraph::

    It's a DAG all the way down!


Computation graphs for Python & Pandas

**Graphtik** is a library to compose, solve, execute & plot *graphs of python functions*
(a.k.a pipelines) that consume and populate named data
(a.k.a dependencies), whose names may be nested (such as. *pandas* dataframe columns),
based on whether values for those dependencies exist in the inputs or
have been calculated earlier.

In mathematical terms, given:

- a partially populated data-tree, and
- a set of functions operating on (consuming/producing) branches of the data tree,

*graphtik* collects a subset of functions in a graph that when executed
consume & produce as many values as possible in the data-tree.


- Its primary use case is building flexible algorithms for data science/machine learning projects.
- It should be extendable to implement the following:

  - an `IoC dependency resolver <>`_
    (e.g. Java Spring, Google Guice);
  - an executor of interdependent tasks based on files (e.g. GNU Make);
  - a custom ETL engine;
  - a spreadsheet calculation engine.

*Graphtik* `sprang <>`_
from `Graphkit`_ (summer 2019, v1.2.2) to `experiment
<>`_ with Python 3.6+ features,
but has diverged significantly with enhancements ever since.

.. _features:


- Deterministic pre-decided `execution plan` (unless *partial-outputs* or
  *endured operations* defined, see below).
- Can assemble existing functions without modifications into `pipeline`\s.
- `dependency` resolution can bypass calculation cycles based on data given and asked.
- Support functions with `optional <optionals>` input args and/or `varargs <varargish>`.
- Support functions with `partial outputs`; keep working even if certain `endured` operations fail.
- Facilitate trivial `conveyor operation`\s and `alias` on `provides`.
- Support cycles, by annotating repeated updates of `dependency` values as `sideffects`,
  (e.g. to add columns into *pandas.DataFrame*\s).
- `Hierarchical dependencies <subdoc>` may access data values deep in `solution`
  with `json pointer path` expressions.
- Hierarchical dependencies annotated as `implicit` imply which subdoc dependency
  the function reads or writes in the parent-doc.
- `Merge <operation merging>` or `nest <operation nesting>` sub-pipelines.
- Early `eviction` of intermediate results from `solution`, to optimize memory footprint.
- Solution tracks all intermediate `overwritten <overwrite>` values for the same dependency.
- Elaborate `Graphviz`_ plotting with configurable `plot theme`\s.
- Integration with Sphinx sites with the new *graphtik* directive.
- Authored with *debugging* in mind.
- Parallel execution (but underdeveloped & DEPRECATED).


- It's not meant to follow complex conditional logic based on `dependency` values
  (though it does support that to `a limited degree <partial outputs>`).

- It's not an orchestrator for long-running tasks, nor a calendar scheduler -
  `Apache Airflow <>`_, `Dagster
  <>`_ or `Luigi <>`_
  may help for that.

- It's not really a parallelizing optimizer, neither a map-reduce framework - look
  additionally at `Dask <>`_, `IpyParallel
  <>`_, `Celery
  Hive, Pig, Hadoop, etc.

- It's not a stream/batch processor, like Spark, Storm, Fink, Kinesis,
  because it pertains function-call semantics, calling only once each function
  to process data-items.

Differences with *schedula*

`schedula <>`_ is a powerful library written roughly
for the same purpose, and works differently along these lines
(ie features below refer to *schedula*):

- terminology (<graphtik> := <schedula>):

  - pipeline := dispatcher
  - plan := workflow
  - solution := solution

- Dijkstra planning runs while calling operations:

  - Powerful & flexible (ie all operations are dynamic, *domains* are possible, etc).
  - Supports *weights*.
  - Cannot pre-calculate & cache execution plans (slow).

- Calculated values are stored inside a graph (mimicking the structure of the functions):

  - graph visualizations absolutely needed to inspect & debug its solutions.
  - graphs imply complex pre/post processing & traversal algos
      (vs constructing/traversing data-trees).

- Reactive plotted diagrams, web-server runs behind the scenes.
- Operation graphs are stackable:

  - plotted nested-graphs support drill-down.
  - *graphtik* emulates that with data/operation names (`operation nesting`),
    but always a unified graph is solved at once,
    bc it is impossible to dress *nesting-funcs* as a *python-funcs* and pre-solve plan
    (*schedula* does not pre-solve plan, Dijkstra runs all the time).
    See TODO about plotting such nested graphs.

- *Schedula* does not calculate all possible values (ie no `overwrite`\s).
- *Schedula* computes precedence based on weights and lexicographical order of function name.

  - Re-inserting operation does not overrides its current function - must remove it first.
  - *graphtik* precedence based insertion order during `composition`.

- Virtual *start* and *end* data-nodes needed for Dijkstra to solve the dag.
- No domains (execute-time conditionals deciding whether a function must run).
- Probably *recompute* is more straightforward in *graphtik*.
- TODO: more differences with *schedula* exist.

Quick start
Here’s how to install:


   pip install graphtik

OR with various "extras" dependencies, such as, for plotting::

   pip install graphtik[plot]

. Tip::
    Supported extras:

        for plotting with `Graphviz`_,
        for plotting in *maplotlib* windows
        for embedding plots in *sphinx*\-generated sites,
        for running *pytest*\s,
        may help for pickling `parallel` tasks - see `marshalling` term
        and ``set_marshal_tasks()`` configuration.
        all of the above, plus development libraries, eg *black* formatter.
        like *all*

Let's build a *graphtik* computation graph that produces x3 outputs
out of 2 inputs `α` and `β`:

- `α x β`
- `α - αxβ`
- `|α - αxβ| ^ 3`


>>> from graphtik import compose, operation
>>> from operator import mul, sub

>>> @operation(name="abs qubed",
...            needs=["α-α×β"],
...            provides=["|α-α×β|³"])
... def abs_qubed(a):
...     return abs(a) ** 3

Compose the ``abs_qubed`` function along the ``mul`` & ``sub``  built-ins
into a computation graph:

>>> graphop = compose("graphop",
...     operation(needs=["α", "β"], provides=["α×β"])(mul),
...     operation(needs=["α", "α×β"], provides=["α-α×β"])(sub),
...     abs_qubed,
... )
>>> graphop
Pipeline('graphop', needs=['α', 'β', 'α×β', 'α-α×β'],
                    provides=['α×β', 'α-α×β', '|α-α×β|³'],
                    x3 ops: mul, sub, abs qubed)

Run the graph and request all of the outputs
(notice that unicode characters work also as Python identifiers):

>>> graphop(α=2, β=5)
{'α': 2, 'β': 5, 'α×β': 10, 'α-α×β': -8, '|α-α×β|³': 512}

... or request a subset of outputs:

>>> solution = graphop.compute({'α': 2, 'β': 5}, outputs=["α-α×β"])
>>> solution
{'α-α×β': -8}

... and plot the results (if in *jupyter*, no need to create the file):

>>> solution.plot('executed_3ops.svg')  # doctest: +SKIP



.. |sample-plot| image:: docs/source/images/sample.svg
    :alt: sample graphtik plot
    :width: 380px
    :align: middle
.. |usage-overview| image:: docs/source/images/GraphkitUsageOverview.svg
    :alt: Usage overview of graphtik library
    :width: 640px
    :align: middle
.. |sample-sol| image:: docs/source/images/executed_3ops.svg
    :alt: sample graphtik plot
    :width: 380px
    :align: middle
.. |plot-legend| image:: docs/source/images/GraphtikLegend.svg
    :alt: graphtik legend
    :align: middle

.. _Graphkit:
.. _Graphviz:
.. _badges_substs:

.. |ci-status| image::
    :alt: GitHub Actions CI testing ok? (Linux)

.. |doc-status| image::
    :alt: ReadTheDocs ok?

.. |cover-status| image::

.. |gh-version| image::
    :alt: Latest release in GitHub

.. |pypi-version| image::
    :alt: Latest version in PyPI

.. |python-ver| image::
    :alt: Supported Python versions of latest release in PyPi

.. |dev-status| image::
    :alt: Development Status

.. |codestyle| image::
    :alt: Code Style

.. |gh-watch| image::
    :alt: Github watchers

.. |gh-star| image::
    :alt: Github stargazers

.. |gh-fork| image::
    :alt: Github forks

.. |gh-issues| image::
    :alt: Issues count

.. |proj-lic| image::
    :alt: Apache License, version 2.0


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "graphtik",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.6",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "graph,computation graph,DAG,directed acyclic graph,executor,scheduler,etl,workflow,pipeline",
    "author": "Kostis Anagnostopoulos, Huy Nguyen, Arel Cordero, Pierre Garrigues, Rob Hess, Tobi Baumgartner, Clayton Mellina",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": "Windows",
    "description": "Graphtik\n========\n\n|pypi-version| |gh-version| (build-version: x.x.x, build-date: 2023-04-25T21:27:33.616654)\n|python-ver| |dev-status|\n|ci-status| |doc-status| |cover-status| |codestyle| |proj-lic|\n\n|gh-watch| |gh-star| |gh-fork| |gh-issues|\n\n.. epigraph::\n\n    It's a DAG all the way down!\n\n    |sample-plot|\n\nComputation graphs for Python & Pandas\n--------------------------------------\n\n**Graphtik** is a library to compose, solve, execute & plot *graphs of python functions*\n(a.k.a pipelines) that consume and populate named data\n(a.k.a dependencies), whose names may be nested (such as. *pandas* dataframe columns),\nbased on whether values for those dependencies exist in the inputs or\nhave been calculated earlier.\n\nIn mathematical terms, given:\n\n- a partially populated data-tree, and\n- a set of functions operating on (consuming/producing) branches of the data tree,\n\n*graphtik* collects a subset of functions in a graph that when executed\nconsume & produce as many values as possible in the data-tree.\n\n|usage-overview|\n\n- Its primary use case is building flexible algorithms for data science/machine learning projects.\n- It should be extendable to implement the following:\n\n  - an `IoC dependency resolver <>`_\n    (e.g. Java Spring, Google Guice);\n  - an executor of interdependent tasks based on files (e.g. GNU Make);\n  - a custom ETL engine;\n  - a spreadsheet calculation engine.\n\n*Graphtik* `sprang <>`_\nfrom `Graphkit`_ (summer 2019, v1.2.2) to `experiment\n<>`_ with Python 3.6+ features,\nbut has diverged significantly with enhancements ever since.\n\n.. _features:\n\nFeatures\n--------\n\n- Deterministic pre-decided `execution plan` (unless *partial-outputs* or\n  *endured operations* defined, see below).\n- Can assemble existing functions without modifications into `pipeline`\\s.\n- `dependency` resolution can bypass calculation cycles based on data given and asked.\n- Support functions with `optional <optionals>` input args and/or `varargs <varargish>`.\n- Support functions with `partial outputs`; keep working even if certain `endured` operations fail.\n- Facilitate trivial `conveyor operation`\\s and `alias` on `provides`.\n- Support cycles, by annotating repeated updates of `dependency` values as `sideffects`,\n  (e.g. to add columns into *pandas.DataFrame*\\s).\n- `Hierarchical dependencies <subdoc>` may access data values deep in `solution`\n  with `json pointer path` expressions.\n- Hierarchical dependencies annotated as `implicit` imply which subdoc dependency\n  the function reads or writes in the parent-doc.\n- `Merge <operation merging>` or `nest <operation nesting>` sub-pipelines.\n- Early `eviction` of intermediate results from `solution`, to optimize memory footprint.\n- Solution tracks all intermediate `overwritten <overwrite>` values for the same dependency.\n- Elaborate `Graphviz`_ plotting with configurable `plot theme`\\s.\n- Integration with Sphinx sites with the new *graphtik* directive.\n- Authored with *debugging* in mind.\n- Parallel execution (but underdeveloped & DEPRECATED).\n\nAnti-features\n^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\n- It's not meant to follow complex conditional logic based on `dependency` values\n  (though it does support that to `a limited degree <partial outputs>`).\n\n- It's not an orchestrator for long-running tasks, nor a calendar scheduler -\n  `Apache Airflow <>`_, `Dagster\n  <>`_ or `Luigi <>`_\n  may help for that.\n\n- It's not really a parallelizing optimizer, neither a map-reduce framework - look\n  additionally at `Dask <>`_, `IpyParallel\n  <>`_, `Celery\n  <>`_,\n  Hive, Pig, Hadoop, etc.\n\n- It's not a stream/batch processor, like Spark, Storm, Fink, Kinesis,\n  because it pertains function-call semantics, calling only once each function\n  to process data-items.\n\nDifferences with *schedula*\n%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%\n\n`schedula <>`_ is a powerful library written roughly\nfor the same purpose, and works differently along these lines\n(ie features below refer to *schedula*):\n\n- terminology (<graphtik> := <schedula>):\n\n  - pipeline := dispatcher\n  - plan := workflow\n  - solution := solution\n\n- Dijkstra planning runs while calling operations:\n\n  - Powerful & flexible (ie all operations are dynamic, *domains* are possible, etc).\n  - Supports *weights*.\n  - Cannot pre-calculate & cache execution plans (slow).\n\n- Calculated values are stored inside a graph (mimicking the structure of the functions):\n\n  - graph visualizations absolutely needed to inspect & debug its solutions.\n  - graphs imply complex pre/post processing & traversal algos\n      (vs constructing/traversing data-trees).\n\n- Reactive plotted diagrams, web-server runs behind the scenes.\n- Operation graphs are stackable:\n\n  - plotted nested-graphs support drill-down.\n  - *graphtik* emulates that with data/operation names (`operation nesting`),\n    but always a unified graph is solved at once,\n    bc it is impossible to dress *nesting-funcs* as a *python-funcs* and pre-solve plan\n    (*schedula* does not pre-solve plan, Dijkstra runs all the time).\n    See TODO about plotting such nested graphs.\n\n- *Schedula* does not calculate all possible values (ie no `overwrite`\\s).\n- *Schedula* computes precedence based on weights and lexicographical order of function name.\n\n  - Re-inserting operation does not overrides its current function - must remove it first.\n  - *graphtik* precedence based insertion order during `composition`.\n\n- Virtual *start* and *end* data-nodes needed for Dijkstra to solve the dag.\n- No domains (execute-time conditionals deciding whether a function must run).\n- Probably *recompute* is more straightforward in *graphtik*.\n- TODO: more differences with *schedula* exist.\n\nQuick start\n-----------\nHere\u2019s how to install:\n\n::\n\n   pip install graphtik\n\nOR with various \"extras\" dependencies, such as, for plotting::\n\n   pip install graphtik[plot]\n\n. Tip::\n    Supported extras:\n\n    **plot**\n        for plotting with `Graphviz`_,\n    **matplot**\n        for plotting in *maplotlib* windows\n    **sphinx**\n        for embedding plots in *sphinx*\\-generated sites,\n    **test**\n        for running *pytest*\\s,\n    **dill**\n        may help for pickling `parallel` tasks - see `marshalling` term\n        and ``set_marshal_tasks()`` configuration.\n    **all**\n        all of the above, plus development libraries, eg *black* formatter.\n    **dev**\n        like *all*\n\nLet's build a *graphtik* computation graph that produces x3 outputs\nout of 2 inputs `\u03b1` and `\u03b2`:\n\n- `\u03b1 x \u03b2`\n- `\u03b1 - \u03b1x\u03b2`\n- `|\u03b1 - \u03b1x\u03b2| ^ 3`\n\n..\n\n>>> from graphtik import compose, operation\n>>> from operator import mul, sub\n\n>>> @operation(name=\"abs qubed\",\n...            needs=[\"\u03b1-\u03b1\u00d7\u03b2\"],\n...            provides=[\"|\u03b1-\u03b1\u00d7\u03b2|\u00b3\"])\n... def abs_qubed(a):\n...     return abs(a) ** 3\n\nCompose the ``abs_qubed`` function along the ``mul`` & ``sub``  built-ins\ninto a computation graph:\n\n>>> graphop = compose(\"graphop\",\n...     operation(needs=[\"\u03b1\", \"\u03b2\"], provides=[\"\u03b1\u00d7\u03b2\"])(mul),\n...     operation(needs=[\"\u03b1\", \"\u03b1\u00d7\u03b2\"], provides=[\"\u03b1-\u03b1\u00d7\u03b2\"])(sub),\n...     abs_qubed,\n... )\n>>> graphop\nPipeline('graphop', needs=['\u03b1', '\u03b2', '\u03b1\u00d7\u03b2', '\u03b1-\u03b1\u00d7\u03b2'],\n                    provides=['\u03b1\u00d7\u03b2', '\u03b1-\u03b1\u00d7\u03b2', '|\u03b1-\u03b1\u00d7\u03b2|\u00b3'],\n                    x3 ops: mul, sub, abs qubed)\n\nRun the graph and request all of the outputs\n(notice that unicode characters work also as Python identifiers):\n\n>>> graphop(\u03b1=2, \u03b2=5)\n{'\u03b1': 2, '\u03b2': 5, '\u03b1\u00d7\u03b2': 10, '\u03b1-\u03b1\u00d7\u03b2': -8, '|\u03b1-\u03b1\u00d7\u03b2|\u00b3': 512}\n\n... or request a subset of outputs:\n\n>>> solution = graphop.compute({'\u03b1': 2, '\u03b2': 5}, outputs=[\"\u03b1-\u03b1\u00d7\u03b2\"])\n>>> solution\n{'\u03b1-\u03b1\u00d7\u03b2': -8}\n\n... and plot the results (if in *jupyter*, no need to create the file):\n\n>>> solution.plot('executed_3ops.svg')  # doctest: +SKIP\n\n|sample-sol|\n\n|plot-legend|\n\n.. |sample-plot| image:: docs/source/images/sample.svg\n    :alt: sample graphtik plot\n    :width: 380px\n    :align: middle\n.. |usage-overview| image:: docs/source/images/GraphkitUsageOverview.svg\n    :alt: Usage overview of graphtik library\n    :width: 640px\n    :align: middle\n.. |sample-sol| image:: docs/source/images/executed_3ops.svg\n    :alt: sample graphtik plot\n    :width: 380px\n    :align: middle\n.. |plot-legend| image:: docs/source/images/GraphtikLegend.svg\n    :alt: graphtik legend\n    :align: middle\n\n\n.. _Graphkit:\n.. _Graphviz:\n.. _badges_substs:\n\n.. |ci-status| image::\n    :alt: GitHub Actions CI testing ok? (Linux)\n    :target:\n\n.. |doc-status| image::\n    :alt: ReadTheDocs ok?\n    :target:\n\n.. |cover-status| image::\n    :target:\n\n.. |gh-version| image::\n    :target:\n    :alt: Latest release in GitHub\n\n.. |pypi-version| image::\n    :target:\n    :alt: Latest version in PyPI\n\n.. |python-ver| image::\n    :target:\n    :alt: Supported Python versions of latest release in PyPi\n\n.. |dev-status| image::\n    :target:\n    :alt: Development Status\n\n.. |codestyle| image::\n    :target:\n    :alt: Code Style\n\n.. |gh-watch| image::\n    :target:\n    :alt: Github watchers\n\n.. |gh-star| image::\n    :target:\n    :alt: Github stargazers\n\n.. |gh-fork| image::\n    :target:\n    :alt: Github forks\n\n.. |gh-issues| image::\n    :target:\n    :alt: Issues count\n\n.. |proj-lic| image::\n    :target:\n    :alt: Apache License, version 2.0\n",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
    "license": "Apache-2.0",
    "summary": "A Python lib for solving & executing graphs of functions, with `pandas` in mind",
    "version": "10.5.0",
    "split_keywords": [
        "computation graph",
        "directed acyclic graph",
    "urls": [
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