
Namehape JSON
Version 0.2.98 PyPI version JSON
SummaryHAPE Framework: Build an Automation Tool With Ease
upload_time2025-02-22 18:55:50
authorHazem Ataya
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hazemataya94/hape-framework/refs/heads/main/docs/logo.png" width="100%">

# HAPE Framework: Overview & Features

## What is HAPE Framework?
HAPE Framework is a lightweight and extensible Python framework designed to help platform engineers build customized CLI and API-driven platforms with minimal effort. It provides a structured way to develop orchestrators for managing infrastructure, CI/CD pipelines, cloud resources, and other platform engineering needs. 

HAPE Framework is built around abstraction and automation, allowing engineers to define and manage resources like AWS, Kubernetes, GitHub, GitLab, ArgoCD, Prometheus, Grafana, HashiCorp Vault, and many others in a unified manner. It eliminates the need to manually integrate multiple packages for each tool, offering a streamlined way to build self-service developer portals and engineering platforms. 

## Idea Origin
Modern organizations manage hundreds of microservices, each with its own infrastructure, CI/CD, monitoring, and deployment configurations. This complexity increases the cognitive load on developers and slows down platform operations. 

HAPE Framework aims to reduce this complexity by enabling platform engineers to build opinionated, yet flexible automation tools that simplify the work to build a platform. 

With HAPE, developers can interact with a CLI or API to create, deploy, and manage their services without diving into complex configurations. The framework also supports custom state management via databases, and integration with existing DevOps tools. 

## Done Features
### Automate everyday commands
$ make list
build                Build the package in dist. Runs: bump-version.
bump-version         Bump the patch version in setup.py.
clean                Clean up build, cache, playground and zip files.
docker-down          Stop Docker services.
docker-exec          Execute a shell in the HAPE Docker container.
docker-ps            List running Docker services.
docker-python        Runs a Python container in playground directory.
docker-restart       Restart Docker services.
docker-up            Start Docker services.
freeze-cli           Freeze dependencies for CLI.
freeze-dev           Freeze dependencies for development.
git-hooks            Install hooks in .git-hooks/ to .git/hooks/.
init-cli             Install CLI dependencies.
init-dev             Install development dependencies in .venv, docker-compose up -d, and create .env if not exist.
install              Install the package.
list                 Show available commands.
migration-create     Create a new database migration.
migration-run        Apply the latest database migrations.
play                 Run hape.playground Playground.paly() and print the execution time.
publish              Publish package to public PyPI, commit, tag, and push the version. Runs: test-code,build.
reset-data           Deletes hello-world project from previous tests, drops and creates database hape_db.
reset-local          Deletes hello-world project from previous tests, drops and creates database hape_db, runs migrations, and runs the playground.
source-env           Print export statements for the environment variables from .env file.
test-cli             Run a new python container, installs hape cli and runs all tests inside it.
test-code            Runs containers in dockerfiles/docker-compose.yml, Deletes hello-world project from previous tests, and run all code automated tests.
zip                  Create a zip archive excluding local files and playground.

### Publish to public PyPI repository
$ make publish
🔄 Bumping patch version in setup.py...
Version updated to 0.x.x
* Creating isolated environment: venv+pip...
* Installing packages in isolated environment:
  - setuptools >= 40.8.0
* Getting build dependencies for sdist...
Successfully built hape-0.x.x.tar.gz and hape-0.x.x-py3-none-any.whl
Uploading distributions to https://upload.pypi.org/legacy/
Uploading hape-0.x.x-py3-none-any.whl
100% ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 63.6/63.6 kB • 00:00 • 55.1 MB/s
Uploading hape-0.x.x.tar.gz
100% ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 54.3/54.3 kB • 00:00 • 35.6 MB/s
View at:
Pushing commits
Enumerating objects: 5, done.
Counting objects: 100% (5/5), done.
Pushing tags
Total 0 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
To github.com:hazemataya94/hape-framework.git
 * [new tag]         0.x.x -> 0.x.x
Python files detected, running code tests...
Making sure hape container is running
hape             hape:dev                "sleep infinity"         hape         9 hours ago   Up 9 hours   
Removing hello-world project from previous tests
Dropping and creating database hape_db
Running all tests in hape container defined in dockerfiles/docker-compose.yml
Running all code tests
Running ./tests/init-project.sh
Installing tree if not installed
Deleting project hello-world if exists
Initializing project hello-world
$ hape crud delete --delete test-model
Deleted: hello_world/models/test_model_model.py
Deleted: hello_world/controllers/test_model_controller.py
Deleted: hello_world/argument_parsers/test_model_argument_parser.py
All model files -except the migration file- have been deleted successfully!
All tests finished successfully!

### Install latest `hape` CLI
$ make install
$ pip install --upgrade hape

### Support Initializing Project
$ hape init project --name hello-world
Project hello-world has been successfully initialized!
$ tree hello-world 
├── Makefile
├── README.md
├── alembic.ini
├── dockerfiles
│   ├── Dockerfile.dev
│   ├── Dockerfile.prod
│   └── docker-compose.yml
├── hello_world
│   ├── __init__.py
│   ├── argument_parsers
│   │   ├── __init__.py
│   │   ├── main_argument_parser.py
│   │   └── playground_argument_parser.py
│   ├── bootstrap.py
│   ├── cli.py
│   ├── controllers
│   │   └── __init__.py
│   ├── enums
│   │   └── __init__.py
│   ├── migrations
│   │   ├── README
│   │   ├── env.py
│   │   ├── json
│   │   │   └── 000001_migration.json
│   │   ├── script.py.mako
│   │   ├── versions
│   │   │   └── 000001_migration.py
│   │   └── yaml
│   │       └── 000001_migration.yaml
│   ├── models
│   │   ├── __init__.py
│   │   └── test_model_cost_model.py
│   ├── playground.py
│   └── services
│       └── __init__.py
├── main.py
├── requirements-cli.txt
├── requirements-dev.txt
└── setup.py

### Generate CRUD JSON Schema
$ hape json get --model-schema
    "valid_types": ["string", "text", "int", "bool", "float", "date", "datetime", "timestamp"],
    "valid_properties": ["nullable", "required", "unique", "primary", "autoincrement", "foreign-key", "index"],
    "valid_foreign_key_on_delete": ["cascade", "set-null", "set-default", "restrict", "no-action"],
    "foreign_key_syntax": "foreign-key(foreign-key-model.foreign-key-attribute, on-delete=foreign-key-on-delete)",
    "model-name": {
        "column_name": {"valid-type": ["valid-property"]},
        "id": {"valid-type": ["valid-property"]},
        "updated_at": {"valid-type": []},
        "name": {"valid-type": ["valid-property", "valid-property"]},
        "enabled": {"valid-type": []},
    "example-model": {
        "id": {"int": ["primary"]},
        "updated_at": {"timestamp": []},
        "name": {"string": ["required", "unique"]},
        "enabled": {"bool": []}

### Generate CRUD YAML Schema
$ hape yaml get --model-schema
valid_types: ["string", "text", "int", "bool", "float", "date", "datetime", "timestamp"]
valid_properties: ["nullable", "required", "unique", "primary", "autoincrement", "foreign-key", "index"]
valid_foreign_key_on_delete: ["cascade", "set-null", "set-default", "restrict", "no-action"]
foreign_key_syntax: "foreign-key(foreign-key-model.foreign-key-attribute, on-delete=foreign-key-on-delete)"

      - valid-property
      - valid-property
    valid-type: []
      - valid-property
      - valid-property
    valid-type: []

      - primary
    timestamp: []
      - required
      - unique
    bool: []

### Support CRUD Generate and Create migrations/json/model_name.json and migrations/yaml/model_name.yaml
$ hape crud generate --json '
    "k8s-deployment": {
        "id": {"int": ["primary", "autoincrement"]},
        "service-name": {"string": []},
        "pod-cpu": {"string": []},
        "pod-ram": {"string": []},
        "autoscaling": {"bool": []},
        "min-replicas": {"int": ["nullable"]},
        "max-replicas": {"int": ["nullable"]},
        "current-replicas": {"int": []}
    "test-deployment-cost": {
        "id": {"int": ["primary", "autoincrement"]},
        "test-deployment-id": {"int": ["required", "foreign-key(test-deployment.id, on-delete=cascade)"]},
        "pod-cost": {"string": []},
        "number-of-pods": {"int": []},
        "total-cost": {"float": []}
Generated: hello_world/argument_parsers/k8s_deployment_argument_parser.py
Generated: hello_world/controllers/k8s_deployment_controller.py
Generated: hello_world/models/k8s_deployment_model.py
Generated: hello_world/argument_parsers/test_deployment_cost_argument_parser.py
Generated: hello_world/controllers/test_deployment_cost_controller.py
Generated: hello_world/models/test_deployment_cost_model.py
Generated: hello_world/migrations/versions/000001_migration.py
Generated: hello_world/migrations/json/000001_migration.json
Generated: hello_world/migrations/yaml/000001_migration.yaml

## In Progress Features
### Create GitHub Project to Manage issues, tasks and future workfr

### Support CRUD CLI for CRUD generated models
$ hape k8s-deployment-cost --help
usage: hello-world k8s-deployment-cost [-h] {save,get,get-all,delete,delete-all} ...

positional arguments:
    save                Save K8SDeploymentCost object based on passed arguments or filters
    get                 Get K8SDeploymentCost object based on passed arguments or filters
    get-all             Get-all K8SDeploymentCost objects based on passed arguments or filters
    delete              Delete K8SDeploymentCost object based on passed arguments or filters
    delete-all          Delete-all K8SDeploymentCost objects based on passed arguments or filters

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

## TODO Features

### Create migrations/json/model_name.json and run CRUD Geneartion for file in migrations/schema_json/{*}.json if models/file.py doesn't exist
$ export MY_JSON_FILE="""
    "name": "deployment-cost"
    "schema": {
        "id": ["int","autoincrement"],
        "service-name": ["string"],
        "pod-cpu": ["string"],
        "pod-ram": ["string"],
        "autoscaling": ["bool"],
        "min-replicas": ["int","nullable"],
        "max-replicas": ["int","nullable"],
        "current-replicas": ["int"],
        "pod-cost": ["string"],
        "number-of-pods": ["int"],
        "total-cost": ["float"],
        "cost-unit": ["string"]
$ echo "${MY_JSON_FILE}" > migrations/schema_json/deployment_cost.json
$ hape crud generate
$ hape deployment-cost --help
usage: hape deployment-cost [-h] {save,get,get-all,delete,delete-all} ...

positional arguments:
    save                Save DeploymentCost object based on passed arguments or filters
    get                 Get DeploymentCost object based on passed arguments or filters
    get-all             Get-all DeploymentCost objects based on passed arguments or filters
    delete              Delete DeploymentCost object based on passed arguments or filters
    delete-all          Delete-all DeploymentCost objects based on passed arguments or filters

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

### Generate CHANGELOG.md
$ hape changelog generate
$ echo "empty" > file.txt
$ git add file.txt
$ git commit -m "empty"
$ git push
$ make publish
$ hape changelog generate # generate CHANGELOG.md from scratch
$ hape changelog update # append missing versions to CHANGELOG.md

### Support Scalable Secure RESTful API
$ export MY_JSON_FILE="""
    "name": "deployment-cost"
    "schema": {
        "id": ["int","autoincrement"],
        "service-name": ["string"],
        "pod-cpu": ["string"],
        "pod-ram": ["string"],
        "autoscaling": ["bool"],
        "min-replicas": ["int","nullable"],
        "max-replicas": ["int","nullable"],
        "current-replicas": ["int"],
        "pod-cost": ["string"],
        "number-of-pods": ["int"],
        "total-cost": ["float"],
        "cost-unit": ["string"]
$ echo "${MY_JSON_FILE}" > migrations/schema_json/deployment_cost.json
$ hape crud generate
$ hape deployment-cost --help
usage: hape deployment-cost [-h] {save,get,get-all,delete,delete-all} ...

positional arguments:
    save                Save DeploymentCost object based on passed arguments or filters
    get                 Get DeploymentCost object based on passed arguments or filters
    get-all             Get-all DeploymentCost objects based on passed arguments or filters
    delete              Delete DeploymentCost object based on passed arguments or filters
    delete-all          Delete-all DeploymentCost objects based on passed arguments or filters

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

### Support Scalable Secure RESTful API
$ hape serve http --allow-cidr ',' --deny-cidr ',0,,' --workers 2 --port 80
$ hape serve http --json """
    "port": 8088
    "allow-cidr": ",",
    "deny-cidr": ",0,,"
Spawnining workers
hape-worker-random-string-1 is up
hape-worker-random-string-2 failed
hape-worker-random-string-2 restarting (up to 3 times)
hape-worker-random-string-2 is up
All workers are up
Database connection established
Any other needed step

Serving HAPE on

### Support CRUD Environment Variables
$ hape env add --key MY_ENV_KEY --value MY_ENV_VALUE
$ hape env get --key MY_ENV_KEY
$ hape env delete --key MY_ENV_KEY
$ hape env get --key MY_ENV_KEY

### Store Configuration in Database
$ hape config add --key MY_CONFIG_KEY --value MY_CONFIG_VALUE
$ hape config set --key MY_CONFIG_KEY --value MY_CONFIG_VALUE
$ hape config set --key MY_CONFIG_KEY --value MY_CONFIG_VALUE
$ hape config get --key MY_CONFIG_KEY
$ hape config delete --key MY_CONFIG_KEY
$ hape config get --key MY_CONFIG_KEY

### Run Using Environment Variables or Database Configuration
$ hape config set --config_source env
$ hape config set --config_source db
$ hape config set --config_env_prefix MY_ENV_PREFIX


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "https://github.com/hazemataya94/hape-framework",
    "name": "hape",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.9",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": null,
    "author": "Hazem Ataya",
    "author_email": "hazem.ataya94@gmail.com",
    "download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/bb/b7/f5624d5b76dc1d1b41d3b2debb82cf6c7304680968224ec8ba5b681f5f80/hape-0.2.98.tar.gz",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "\n<img src=\"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hazemataya94/hape-framework/refs/heads/main/docs/logo.png\" width=\"100%\">\n\n# HAPE Framework: Overview & Features\n\n## What is HAPE Framework?\nHAPE Framework is a lightweight and extensible Python framework designed to help platform engineers build customized CLI and API-driven platforms with minimal effort. It provides a structured way to develop orchestrators for managing infrastructure, CI/CD pipelines, cloud resources, and other platform engineering needs. \n\nHAPE Framework is built around abstraction and automation, allowing engineers to define and manage resources like AWS, Kubernetes, GitHub, GitLab, ArgoCD, Prometheus, Grafana, HashiCorp Vault, and many others in a unified manner. It eliminates the need to manually integrate multiple packages for each tool, offering a streamlined way to build self-service developer portals and engineering platforms. \n\n## Idea Origin\nModern organizations manage hundreds of microservices, each with its own infrastructure, CI/CD, monitoring, and deployment configurations. This complexity increases the cognitive load on developers and slows down platform operations. \n\nHAPE Framework aims to reduce this complexity by enabling platform engineers to build opinionated, yet flexible automation tools that simplify the work to build a platform. \n\nWith HAPE, developers can interact with a CLI or API to create, deploy, and manage their services without diving into complex configurations. The framework also supports custom state management via databases, and integration with existing DevOps tools. \n\n## Done Features\n### Automate everyday commands\n```sh\n$ make list\nbuild                Build the package in dist. Runs: bump-version.\nbump-version         Bump the patch version in setup.py.\nclean                Clean up build, cache, playground and zip files.\ndocker-down          Stop Docker services.\ndocker-exec          Execute a shell in the HAPE Docker container.\ndocker-ps            List running Docker services.\ndocker-python        Runs a Python container in playground directory.\ndocker-restart       Restart Docker services.\ndocker-up            Start Docker services.\nfreeze-cli           Freeze dependencies for CLI.\nfreeze-dev           Freeze dependencies for development.\ngit-hooks            Install hooks in .git-hooks/ to .git/hooks/.\ninit-cli             Install CLI dependencies.\ninit-dev             Install development dependencies in .venv, docker-compose up -d, and create .env if not exist.\ninstall              Install the package.\nlist                 Show available commands.\nmigration-create     Create a new database migration.\nmigration-run        Apply the latest database migrations.\nplay                 Run hape.playground Playground.paly() and print the execution time.\npublish              Publish package to public PyPI, commit, tag, and push the version. Runs: test-code,build.\nreset-data           Deletes hello-world project from previous tests, drops and creates database hape_db.\nreset-local          Deletes hello-world project from previous tests, drops and creates database hape_db, runs migrations, and runs the playground.\nsource-env           Print export statements for the environment variables from .env file.\ntest-cli             Run a new python container, installs hape cli and runs all tests inside it.\ntest-code            Runs containers in dockerfiles/docker-compose.yml, Deletes hello-world project from previous tests, and run all code automated tests.\nzip                  Create a zip archive excluding local files and playground.\n```\n\n### Publish to public PyPI repository\n```sh\n$ make publish\n\ud83d\udd04 Bumping patch version in setup.py...\nVersion updated to 0.x.x\n* Creating isolated environment: venv+pip...\n* Installing packages in isolated environment:\n  - setuptools >= 40.8.0\n* Getting build dependencies for sdist...\n0.x.x\n.\nSuccessfully built hape-0.x.x.tar.gz and hape-0.x.x-py3-none-any.whl\nUploading distributions to https://upload.pypi.org/legacy/\nUploading hape-0.x.x-py3-none-any.whl\n100% \u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501 63.6/63.6 kB \u2022 00:00 \u2022 55.1 MB/s\nUploading hape-0.x.x.tar.gz\n100% \u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501\u2501 54.3/54.3 kB \u2022 00:00 \u2022 35.6 MB/s\n.\nView at:\nhttps://pypi.org/project/hape/0.x.x/\n.\nPushing commits\nEnumerating objects: 5, done.\nCounting objects: 100% (5/5), done.\n.\nPushing tags\nTotal 0 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0\nTo github.com:hazemataya94/hape-framework.git\n * [new tag]         0.x.x -> 0.x.x\nPython files detected, running code tests...\nMaking sure hape container is running\nhape             hape:dev                \"sleep infinity\"         hape         9 hours ago   Up 9 hours   \nRemoving hello-world project from previous tests\nDropping and creating database hape_db\nRunning all tests in hape container defined in dockerfiles/docker-compose.yml\n=============================================================\nRunning all code tests\n=============================================================\nRunning ./tests/init-project.sh\n--------------------------------\nInstalling tree if not installed\nDeleting project hello-world if exists\nInitializing project hello-world\n...\n$ hape crud delete --delete test-model\nDeleted: hello_world/models/test_model_model.py\nDeleted: hello_world/controllers/test_model_controller.py\nDeleted: hello_world/argument_parsers/test_model_argument_parser.py\nAll model files -except the migration file- have been deleted successfully!\n=============================================================\nAll tests finished successfully!\n```\n\n### Install latest `hape` CLI\n```sh\n$ make install\n```\nor\n```sh\n$ pip install --upgrade hape\n```\n\n### Support Initializing Project\n```sh\n$ hape init project --name hello-world\nProject hello-world has been successfully initialized!\n$ tree hello-world \nhello-world\n\u251c\u2500\u2500 MANIFEST.in\n\u251c\u2500\u2500 Makefile\n\u251c\u2500\u2500 README.md\n\u251c\u2500\u2500 alembic.ini\n\u251c\u2500\u2500 dockerfiles\n\u2502   \u251c\u2500\u2500 Dockerfile.dev\n\u2502   \u251c\u2500\u2500 Dockerfile.prod\n\u2502   \u2514\u2500\u2500 docker-compose.yml\n\u251c\u2500\u2500 hello_world\n\u2502   \u251c\u2500\u2500 __init__.py\n\u2502   \u251c\u2500\u2500 argument_parsers\n\u2502   \u2502   \u251c\u2500\u2500 __init__.py\n\u2502   \u2502   \u251c\u2500\u2500 main_argument_parser.py\n\u2502   \u2502   \u2514\u2500\u2500 playground_argument_parser.py\n\u2502   \u251c\u2500\u2500 bootstrap.py\n\u2502   \u251c\u2500\u2500 cli.py\n\u2502   \u251c\u2500\u2500 controllers\n\u2502   \u2502   \u2514\u2500\u2500 __init__.py\n\u2502   \u251c\u2500\u2500 enums\n\u2502   \u2502   \u2514\u2500\u2500 __init__.py\n\u2502   \u251c\u2500\u2500 migrations\n\u2502   \u2502   \u251c\u2500\u2500 README\n\u2502   \u2502   \u251c\u2500\u2500 env.py\n\u2502   \u2502   \u251c\u2500\u2500 json\n\u2502   \u2502   \u2502   \u2514\u2500\u2500 000001_migration.json\n\u2502   \u2502   \u251c\u2500\u2500 script.py.mako\n\u2502   \u2502   \u251c\u2500\u2500 versions\n\u2502   \u2502   \u2502   \u2514\u2500\u2500 000001_migration.py\n\u2502   \u2502   \u2514\u2500\u2500 yaml\n\u2502   \u2502       \u2514\u2500\u2500 000001_migration.yaml\n\u2502   \u251c\u2500\u2500 models\n\u2502   \u2502   \u251c\u2500\u2500 __init__.py\n\u2502   \u2502   \u2514\u2500\u2500 test_model_cost_model.py\n\u2502   \u251c\u2500\u2500 playground.py\n\u2502   \u2514\u2500\u2500 services\n\u2502       \u2514\u2500\u2500 __init__.py\n\u251c\u2500\u2500 main.py\n\u251c\u2500\u2500 requirements-cli.txt\n\u251c\u2500\u2500 requirements-dev.txt\n\u2514\u2500\u2500 setup.py\n```\n\n### Generate CRUD JSON Schema\n```sh\n$ hape json get --model-schema\n{\n    \"valid_types\": [\"string\", \"text\", \"int\", \"bool\", \"float\", \"date\", \"datetime\", \"timestamp\"],\n    \"valid_properties\": [\"nullable\", \"required\", \"unique\", \"primary\", \"autoincrement\", \"foreign-key\", \"index\"],\n    \"valid_foreign_key_on_delete\": [\"cascade\", \"set-null\", \"set-default\", \"restrict\", \"no-action\"],\n    \"foreign_key_syntax\": \"foreign-key(foreign-key-model.foreign-key-attribute, on-delete=foreign-key-on-delete)\",\n    \n    \"model-name\": {\n        \"column_name\": {\"valid-type\": [\"valid-property\"]},\n        \"id\": {\"valid-type\": [\"valid-property\"]},\n        \"updated_at\": {\"valid-type\": []},\n        \"name\": {\"valid-type\": [\"valid-property\", \"valid-property\"]},\n        \"enabled\": {\"valid-type\": []},\n    }\n    \n    \"example-model\": {\n        \"id\": {\"int\": [\"primary\"]},\n        \"updated_at\": {\"timestamp\": []},\n        \"name\": {\"string\": [\"required\", \"unique\"]},\n        \"enabled\": {\"bool\": []}\n    }\n}\n```\n\n### Generate CRUD YAML Schema\n```sh\n$ hape yaml get --model-schema\nvalid_types: [\"string\", \"text\", \"int\", \"bool\", \"float\", \"date\", \"datetime\", \"timestamp\"]\nvalid_properties: [\"nullable\", \"required\", \"unique\", \"primary\", \"autoincrement\", \"foreign-key\", \"index\"]\nvalid_foreign_key_on_delete: [\"cascade\", \"set-null\", \"set-default\", \"restrict\", \"no-action\"]\nforeign_key_syntax: \"foreign-key(foreign-key-model.foreign-key-attribute, on-delete=foreign-key-on-delete)\"\n\nmodel-name:\n  column_name:\n    valid-type: \n      - valid-property\n  id:\n    valid-type: \n      - valid-property\n  updated_at:\n    valid-type: []\n  name:\n    valid-type: \n      - valid-property\n      - valid-property\n  enabled:\n    valid-type: []\n\nexample-model:\n  id:\n    int: \n      - primary\n  updated_at:\n    timestamp: []\n  name:\n    string: \n      - required\n      - unique\n  enabled:\n    bool: []\n```\n\n### Support CRUD Generate and Create migrations/json/model_name.json and migrations/yaml/model_name.yaml\n```sh\n$ hape crud generate --json '\n{\n    \"k8s-deployment\": {\n        \"id\": {\"int\": [\"primary\", \"autoincrement\"]},\n        \"service-name\": {\"string\": []},\n        \"pod-cpu\": {\"string\": []},\n        \"pod-ram\": {\"string\": []},\n        \"autoscaling\": {\"bool\": []},\n        \"min-replicas\": {\"int\": [\"nullable\"]},\n        \"max-replicas\": {\"int\": [\"nullable\"]},\n        \"current-replicas\": {\"int\": []}\n    },\n    \"test-deployment-cost\": {\n        \"id\": {\"int\": [\"primary\", \"autoincrement\"]},\n        \"test-deployment-id\": {\"int\": [\"required\", \"foreign-key(test-deployment.id, on-delete=cascade)\"]},\n        \"pod-cost\": {\"string\": []},\n        \"number-of-pods\": {\"int\": []},\n        \"total-cost\": {\"float\": []}\n    }\n}'\nGenerated: hello_world/argument_parsers/k8s_deployment_argument_parser.py\nGenerated: hello_world/controllers/k8s_deployment_controller.py\nGenerated: hello_world/models/k8s_deployment_model.py\nGenerated: hello_world/argument_parsers/test_deployment_cost_argument_parser.py\nGenerated: hello_world/controllers/test_deployment_cost_controller.py\nGenerated: hello_world/models/test_deployment_cost_model.py\nGenerated: hello_world/migrations/versions/000001_migration.py\nGenerated: hello_world/migrations/json/000001_migration.json\nGenerated: hello_world/migrations/yaml/000001_migration.yaml\n```\n\n## In Progress Features\n### Create GitHub Project to Manage issues, tasks and future workfr\n\n### Support CRUD CLI for CRUD generated models\n```sh\n$ hape k8s-deployment-cost --help\nusage: hello-world k8s-deployment-cost [-h] {save,get,get-all,delete,delete-all} ...\n\npositional arguments:\n  {save,get,get-all,delete,delete-all}\n    save                Save K8SDeploymentCost object based on passed arguments or filters\n    get                 Get K8SDeploymentCost object based on passed arguments or filters\n    get-all             Get-all K8SDeploymentCost objects based on passed arguments or filters\n    delete              Delete K8SDeploymentCost object based on passed arguments or filters\n    delete-all          Delete-all K8SDeploymentCost objects based on passed arguments or filters\n\noptions:\n  -h, --help            show this help message and exit\n```\n\n## TODO Features\n\n### Create migrations/json/model_name.json and run CRUD Geneartion for file in migrations/schema_json/{*}.json if models/file.py doesn't exist\n```sh\n$ export MY_JSON_FILE=\"\"\"\n{\n    \"name\": \"deployment-cost\"\n    \"schema\": {\n        \"id\": [\"int\",\"autoincrement\"],\n        \"service-name\": [\"string\"],\n        \"pod-cpu\": [\"string\"],\n        \"pod-ram\": [\"string\"],\n        \"autoscaling\": [\"bool\"],\n        \"min-replicas\": [\"int\",\"nullable\"],\n        \"max-replicas\": [\"int\",\"nullable\"],\n        \"current-replicas\": [\"int\"],\n        \"pod-cost\": [\"string\"],\n        \"number-of-pods\": [\"int\"],\n        \"total-cost\": [\"float\"],\n        \"cost-unit\": [\"string\"]\n    }\n}\n\"\"\"\n$ echo \"${MY_JSON_FILE}\" > migrations/schema_json/deployment_cost.json\n$ hape crud generate\n$ hape deployment-cost --help\nusage: hape deployment-cost [-h] {save,get,get-all,delete,delete-all} ...\n\npositional arguments:\n  {save,get,get-all,delete,delete-all}\n    save                Save DeploymentCost object based on passed arguments or filters\n    get                 Get DeploymentCost object based on passed arguments or filters\n    get-all             Get-all DeploymentCost objects based on passed arguments or filters\n    delete              Delete DeploymentCost object based on passed arguments or filters\n    delete-all          Delete-all DeploymentCost objects based on passed arguments or filters\n\noptions:\n  -h, --help            show this help message and exit\n```\n\n### Generate CHANGELOG.md\n```sh\n$ hape changelog generate\n$ echo \"empty\" > file.txt\n$ git add file.txt\n$ git commit -m \"empty\"\n$ git push\n$ make publish\n$ hape changelog generate # generate CHANGELOG.md from scratch\n$ hape changelog update # append missing versions to CHANGELOG.md\n```\n\n### Support Scalable Secure RESTful API\n```sh\n$ export MY_JSON_FILE=\"\"\"\n{\n    \"name\": \"deployment-cost\"\n    \"schema\": {\n        \"id\": [\"int\",\"autoincrement\"],\n        \"service-name\": [\"string\"],\n        \"pod-cpu\": [\"string\"],\n        \"pod-ram\": [\"string\"],\n        \"autoscaling\": [\"bool\"],\n        \"min-replicas\": [\"int\",\"nullable\"],\n        \"max-replicas\": [\"int\",\"nullable\"],\n        \"current-replicas\": [\"int\"],\n        \"pod-cost\": [\"string\"],\n        \"number-of-pods\": [\"int\"],\n        \"total-cost\": [\"float\"],\n        \"cost-unit\": [\"string\"]\n    }\n}\n\"\"\"\n$ echo \"${MY_JSON_FILE}\" > migrations/schema_json/deployment_cost.json\n$ hape crud generate\n$ hape deployment-cost --help\nusage: hape deployment-cost [-h] {save,get,get-all,delete,delete-all} ...\n\npositional arguments:\n  {save,get,get-all,delete,delete-all}\n    save                Save DeploymentCost object based on passed arguments or filters\n    get                 Get DeploymentCost object based on passed arguments or filters\n    get-all             Get-all DeploymentCost objects based on passed arguments or filters\n    delete              Delete DeploymentCost object based on passed arguments or filters\n    delete-all          Delete-all DeploymentCost objects based on passed arguments or filters\n\noptions:\n  -h, --help            show this help message and exit\n```\n\n### Support Scalable Secure RESTful API\n```sh\n$ hape serve http --allow-cidr ',' --deny-cidr ',0,,' --workers 2 --port 80\nor\n$ hape serve http --json \"\"\"\n{\n    \"port\": 8088\n    \"allow-cidr\": \",\",\n    \"deny-cidr\": \",0,,\"\n}\n\"\"\"\nSpawnining workers\nhape-worker-random-string-1 is up\nhape-worker-random-string-2 failed\nhape-worker-random-string-2 restarting (up to 3 times)\nhape-worker-random-string-2 is up\nAll workers are up\nDatabase connection established\nAny other needed step\n\nServing HAPE on\n```\n\n### Support CRUD Environment Variables\n```sh\n$ hape env add --key MY_ENV_KEY --value MY_ENV_VALUE\n$ hape env get --key MY_ENV_KEY\nMY_ENV_KEY=MY_ENV_VALUE\n$ hape env delete --key MY_ENV_KEY\n$ hape env get --key MY_ENV_KEY\nMY_ENV_KEY=MY_ENV_VALUE\n```\n\n### Store Configuration in Database\n```sh\n$ hape config add --key MY_CONFIG_KEY --value MY_CONFIG_VALUE\n$ hape config set --key MY_CONFIG_KEY --value MY_CONFIG_VALUE\n$ hape config set --key MY_CONFIG_KEY --value MY_CONFIG_VALUE\n$ hape config get --key MY_CONFIG_KEY\nMY_CONFIG_KEY=MY_CONFIG_VALUE\n$ hape config delete --key MY_CONFIG_KEY\n$ hape config get --key MY_CONFIG_KEY\nMY_CONFIG_KEY=MY_CONFIG_VALUE\n```\n\n### Run Using Environment Variables or Database Configuration\n```sh\n$ hape config set --config_source env\n$ hape config set --config_source db\n$ hape config set --config_env_prefix MY_ENV_PREFIX\n```\n",
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