
Namehyperstate JSON
Version 0.4.4 PyPI version JSON
SummaryLibrary for managing hyperparameters and mutable state of machine learning training systems.
upload_time2023-08-04 16:25:10
authorClemens Winter
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # HyperState

[![Documentation Status](https://readthedocs.org/projects/entity-gym/badge/?version=latest&style=flat-square)](https://hyperstate.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?badge=latest)

Opinionated library for managing hyperparameter configs and mutable program state of machine learning training systems.

**Key Features**:
- (De)serialize nested Python dataclasses as [Rusty Object Notation](https://github.com/ron-rs/ron)
- Override any config value from the command line
- Automatic checkpointing and restoration of full program state
- Checkpoints are (partially) human readable and can be modified in a text editor
- Powerful tools for versioning and schema evolution that can detect breaking changes and make it easy to restructure your program while remaining backwards compatible with old checkpoints
- Large binary objects in checkpoints can be loaded lazily only when accessed
- Fermented-vegetable free
- DSL for hyperparameter schedules 
- (planned) Edit hyperparameters of running experiments on the fly without restarts

## Quick start guide

Install with pip:

pip install hyperstate

All you need to use HyperState is a (nested) dataclass for your hyperparameters:

from dataclasses import dataclass

class OptimizerConfig:
    lr: float = 0.003
    batch_size: int = 512

class NetConfig:
    hidden_size: int = 128
    num_layers: int = 2

class Config:
    optimizer: OptimizerConfig
    net: NetConfig
    steps: int = 100

The `hyperstate.load` function can load values from a config file and/or apply specific overrides from the command line.

import argparse
import hyperstate

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("--config", type=str, default=None, help="Path to config file")
    parser.add_argument("--hps", nargs="+", help="Override hyperparameter value")
    args = parser.parse_args()
    config = hyperstate.load(Config, file=args.config, overrides=args.hps)

$ python main.py --hps net.num_layers=96 steps=50
Config(optimizer=OptimizerConfig(lr=0.003, batch_size=512), net=NetConfig(hidden_size=128, num_layers=96), steps=50)

$ cat config.ron
    optimizer: (
        lr: 0.05,
        batch_size: 4096,
$ python main.py --config=config.ron
Config(optimizer=OptimizerConfig(lr=0.05, batch_size=4096), net=NetConfig(hidden_size=128, num_layers=2), steps=100)

The full code for this example can be found in [examples/basic-config](examples/basic-config).

Learn more about:
- [Configs](#configs)
- [Versioning and schema evolution](#versioning)
- [Serializing complex objects](#unstable-feature-serializable)
- [Checkpointing and schedules](#unstable-feature-hyperstate)
- [Example application](examples/mnist)

## Configs

HyperState supports a strictly typed subset of Python objects:
- dataclasses
- containers: `Dict`, `List`, `Tuple`, `Optional`
- primitives: `int`, `float`, `str`, `Enum`
- objects with custom serialization logic: [`hyperstate.Serializable`](#serializable)

Use `hyperstate.dump` to serialize configs.
The second argument to `dump` is a path to a file, and can be omitted to return the serialized config as a string instead of saving it to a file:

>>> print(hyperstate.dump(Config(lr=0.1, batch_size=256))
    lr: 0.1,
    batch_size: 256,

Use `hyperstate.load` to deserialize configs.
The `load` method takes the type of the config as the first argugment, and allows you to optionally specify the path to a config file and/or a `List[str]` of overrides:

class OptimizerConfig:
    lr: float
    batch_size: int

class Config:
    optimzer: OptimizerConfig
    steps: int

config = hyperstate.load(Config, file="config.ron", overrides=["optimizer.lr=0.1", "steps=100"])

## Versioning

Versioning allows you to modify your `Config` class while still remaining compatible with checkpoints recorded at previous version.
To benefit from versionining, your config must inherit `hyperstate.Versioned` and implement its `version` function:

class Config(hyperstate.Versioned):
    lr: float
    batch_size: int
    def version(clz) -> int:
        return 0

When serializing the config, hyperstate will now record an additional `version` field with the value of the current version.
Any snapshots that contain configs without a version field are assumed to have a version of `0`.

### `RewriteRule`

Now suppose you modify your `Config` class, e.g. by renaming the `lr` field to `learning_rate`.
To still be able to load old configs that are using `lr` instead of `learning_rate`, you increase the `version` to `1` and add an entry to the dictionary returned by `upgrade_rules` that tells HyperState to change `lr` to `learning_rate` when upgrading configs from version `0`.

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Dict, List
from hyperstate import Versioned
from hyperstate.schema.rewrite_rule import RenameField, RewriteRule

class Config(Versioned):
    learning_rate: float
    batch_size: int
    def version(clz) -> int:
        return 1

    def upgrade_rules(clz) -> Dict[int, List[RewriteRule]]:
        Returns a list of rewrite rules that can be applied to the given version
        to make it compatible with the next version.
        return {
            0: [RenameField(old_field=("lr",), new_field=("learning_rate",))],

In the majority of cases, you don't actually have to manually write out `RewriteRule`s.
Instead, they are generated for you automatically by the [Schema Evolution CLI](#schema-evolution-cli).

### Schema evolution CLI

HyperState comes with a command line tool for managing changes to your config schema.
To access the CLI, simply add the following code to the Python file defining your config:

# config.py
from hyperstate import schema_evolution_cli

if __name__ == "__main__":

Run `python config.py` to see a list of available commands, described in more detail below.

#### `dump-schema`

The `dump-schema` command creates a file describing the schema of your config.
This file should commited to version control, and is used to detect changes to the config schema and perform automatic upgrades.

#### `check-schema`

The `check-schema` command compares your config class to a schema file and detects any backwards incompatible changes.
It also emits a suggested list of [`RewriteRule`](#rewrite-rule)s that can upgrade old configs to the new schema.
HyperState does not always guess the correct `RewriteRule`s so you still need to check that they are correct.

$ python config.py check-schema
WARN  field renamed to learning_rate: lr
WARN  schema changed but version identical
Schema incompatible

Proposed mitigations
- add upgrade rules:
    0: [
        RenameField(old_field=('lr',), new_field=('learning_rate',)),
- bump version to 1

#### `upgrade-schema`

The `upgrade-schema` command functions much the same as `check-schema`, but also updates your schema config files once all backwards-incompatability issues have been address.

#### `upgrade-config`

The `upgrade-config` command takes a list of paths to config files, and upgrades them to the latest version.

### Automated Tests

To prevent accidental backwards-incompatible modifications of your `Config` class, you can use the following code as an automated test that checks your config `Class` against a schema file created with [`dump-schema`](#dump-schema): 

from hyperstate.schema.schema_change import Severity
from hyperstate.schema.schema_checker import SchemaChecker
from hyperstate.schema.types import load_schema
from config import Config

def test_schema():
    old = load_schema("config-schema.ron")
    checker = SchemaChecker(old, Config)
    if checker.severity() >= Severity.WARN:
    assert checker.severity() == Severity.INFO

## _[unstable feature]_ `Serializable`

You can define custom serialization logic for a class by inheriting from `hyperstate.Serializable` and implementing the `serialize` and `deserialize` methods.

from dataclasses import dataclass

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import hyperstate

class Config:
   inputs: int

class LinearRegression(nn.Module, hyperstate.Serializable):
    def __init__(self, inputs):
        super(Net, self).__init__()
        self.fc1 = nn.Linear(inputs, 1)
    def forward(self, x):
        return self.fc1(x)
    # `serialize` should return a representation of the object consisting only of
    # primitives, containers, numpy arrays, and torch tensors.
    def serialize(self) -> Any:
        return self.state_dict()

    # `deserialize` should take a serialized representation of the object and
    # return an instance of the class. The `ctx` argument allows you to pass
    # additional information to the deserialization function.
    def deserialize(clz, state_dict, ctx):
        net = clz(ctx["config"].inputs)
        return net.load_state_dict(state_dict)

class State:
    net: LinearRegression

config = hyperstate.load("config.ron")
state = hyperstate.load("state.ron", ctx={"config": config})

Objects that implement `Serializable` are stored in separate files using a binary encoding.
In the above example, calling `hyperstate.dump(state, "checkpoint/state.ron")` will result in the following file structure:

├── state.net.blob
└── state.ron

### _[unstable feature]_ `Lazy`

If you inherit from `hyperstate.Lazy`, any fields with `Serializable` types will only be loaded/deserialized when accessed. If the `.blob` file for a field is missing, HyperState will not raise an error unless the corresponding field is accessed.

### _[unstable feature]_`blob`

To include objects in your state that do not directly implement `hyperstate.Serializable`, you can seperately implement `hyperstate.Serializable` and use the `blob` function to mix in the `Serializable` implementation:

import torch.optim as optim
import torch.nn as nn
import hyperstate

class SerializableOptimizer(hyperstate.Serializable):
    def serialize(self):
        return self.state_dict()

    def deserialize(clz, state_dict: Any, config: Config, state: "State") -> optim.Optimizer:
        optimizer = blob(optim.SerializableAdam, mixin=SerializableOptimizer)(state.net.parameters())
        return optimizer

class State(hyperstate.Lazy):
    net: nn.Module
    optimizer: blob(Adam, mixin=SerializableOptimizer)

## _[unstable feature]_ `HyperState`

To unlock the full power of HyperState, you must inherit from the `HyperState` class.
This class combines an immutable config and mutable state, and provides automatic checkpointing, hyperparameter schedules, and the on-the-fly changes to the config and state (not implemented yet).

from dataclasses import dataclass

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import hyperstate

class Config:
   inputs: int
   steps: int

class LinearRegression(nn.Module, hyperstate.Serializable):
    def __init__(self, inputs):
        super(Net, self).__init__()
        self.fc1 = nn.Linear(inputs, 1)
    def forward(self, x):
        return self.fc1(x)
    def serialize(self) -> Any:
        return self.state_dict()
    def deserialize(clz, state_dict, ctx):
        net = clz(ctx["config"].inputs)
        return net.load_state_dict(state_dict)

class State:
    net: LinearRegression
    step: int

class Trainer(HyperState[Config, State]):
    def __init__(
        # Path to the config file
        initial_config: str,
        # Optional path to the checkpoint directory, which enables automatic checkpointing.
        # If any checkpoint files are present, they will be used to initialize the state.
        checkpoint_dir: Optional[str] = None,
        # List of manually specified config overrides.
        config_overrides: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        super().__init__(Config, State, initial_config, checkpoint_dir, overrides=config_overrides)

    def initial_state(self) -> State:
        This function is called to initialize the state if no checkpoint files are found.
        return State(net=LinearRegression(self.config.inputs))

    def train(self) -> None:
        for step in range(self.state.step, self.config.steps):
            # training code...

            self.state.step = step
            # At the end of each iteration, call `self.step()` to checkpoint the state and apply hyperparameter schedules.

### _[unstable feature]_ Checkpointing

When using the `HyperState` object, the config and state are automatically checkpointed to the configured directory when calling the `step` method.

### _[unstable feature]_ Schedules

Any `int`/`float` fields in the config can also be set to a schedule that will be updated at each step.
For example, the following config defines a schedule that linearly decays the learning rate from 1.0 to 0.1 over 1000 steps:

    lr: Schedule(
      key: "state.step",
      schedule: [
        (0, 1.0),
        (1000, 0.1),
    batch_size: 256,

When you call `step()`, all config values that are schedules will be updated.

## License

HyperState is dual-licensed under the MIT license and Apache License (Version 2.0).

See LICENSE-MIT and LICENSE-APACHE for more information.


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "hyperstate",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.7.1,<3.11.0",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "",
    "author": "Clemens Winter",
    "author_email": "clemenswinter1@gmail.com",
    "download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/63/5f/186c1a4d3be1095701bdc88cd81835f04d4d75950719ec6a70bc1c99dd1c/hyperstate-0.4.4.tar.gz",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# HyperState\n\n[![PyPI](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/hyperstate.svg?style=flat-square)](https://pypi.org/project/hyperstate/)\n[![Documentation Status](https://readthedocs.org/projects/entity-gym/badge/?version=latest&style=flat-square)](https://hyperstate.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?badge=latest)\n\nOpinionated library for managing hyperparameter configs and mutable program state of machine learning training systems.\n\n**Key Features**:\n- (De)serialize nested Python dataclasses as [Rusty Object Notation](https://github.com/ron-rs/ron)\n- Override any config value from the command line\n- Automatic checkpointing and restoration of full program state\n- Checkpoints are (partially) human readable and can be modified in a text editor\n- Powerful tools for versioning and schema evolution that can detect breaking changes and make it easy to restructure your program while remaining backwards compatible with old checkpoints\n- Large binary objects in checkpoints can be loaded lazily only when accessed\n- Fermented-vegetable free\n- DSL for hyperparameter schedules \n- (planned) Edit hyperparameters of running experiments on the fly without restarts\n\n## Quick start guide\n\nInstall with pip:\n\n```\npip install hyperstate\n```\n\nAll you need to use HyperState is a (nested) dataclass for your hyperparameters:\n\n```python\nfrom dataclasses import dataclass\n\n\n@dataclass\nclass OptimizerConfig:\n    lr: float = 0.003\n    batch_size: int = 512\n\n\n@dataclass\nclass NetConfig:\n    hidden_size: int = 128\n    num_layers: int = 2\n\n\n@dataclass\nclass Config:\n    optimizer: OptimizerConfig\n    net: NetConfig\n    steps: int = 100\n```\n\nThe `hyperstate.load` function can load values from a config file and/or apply specific overrides from the command line.\n\n```python\nimport argparse\nimport hyperstate\n\nif __name__ == \"__main__\":\n    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()\n    parser.add_argument(\"--config\", type=str, default=None, help=\"Path to config file\")\n    parser.add_argument(\"--hps\", nargs=\"+\", help=\"Override hyperparameter value\")\n    args = parser.parse_args()\n    config = hyperstate.load(Config, file=args.config, overrides=args.hps)\n    print(config)\n```\n\n```shell\n$ python main.py --hps net.num_layers=96 steps=50\nConfig(optimizer=OptimizerConfig(lr=0.003, batch_size=512), net=NetConfig(hidden_size=128, num_layers=96), steps=50)\n```\n\n```shell\n$ cat config.ron\nConfig(\n    optimizer: (\n        lr: 0.05,\n        batch_size: 4096,\n    ),\n)\n$ python main.py --config=config.ron\nConfig(optimizer=OptimizerConfig(lr=0.05, batch_size=4096), net=NetConfig(hidden_size=128, num_layers=2), steps=100)\n```\n\nThe full code for this example can be found in [examples/basic-config](examples/basic-config).\n\nLearn more about:\n- [Configs](#configs)\n- [Versioning and schema evolution](#versioning)\n- [Serializing complex objects](#unstable-feature-serializable)\n- [Checkpointing and schedules](#unstable-feature-hyperstate)\n- [Example application](examples/mnist)\n\n## Configs\n\nHyperState supports a strictly typed subset of Python objects:\n- dataclasses\n- containers: `Dict`, `List`, `Tuple`, `Optional`\n- primitives: `int`, `float`, `str`, `Enum`\n- objects with custom serialization logic: [`hyperstate.Serializable`](#serializable)\n\nUse `hyperstate.dump` to serialize configs.\nThe second argument to `dump` is a path to a file, and can be omitted to return the serialized config as a string instead of saving it to a file:\n\n```python\n>>> print(hyperstate.dump(Config(lr=0.1, batch_size=256))\nConfig(\n    lr: 0.1,\n    batch_size: 256,\n)\n```\n\nUse `hyperstate.load` to deserialize configs.\nThe `load` method takes the type of the config as the first argugment, and allows you to optionally specify the path to a config file and/or a `List[str]` of overrides:\n\n```python\n@dataclass\nclass OptimizerConfig:\n    lr: float\n    batch_size: int\n\n@dataclass\nclass Config:\n    optimzer: OptimizerConfig\n    steps: int\n\n\nconfig = hyperstate.load(Config, file=\"config.ron\", overrides=[\"optimizer.lr=0.1\", \"steps=100\"])\n```\n\n## Versioning\n\nVersioning allows you to modify your `Config` class while still remaining compatible with checkpoints recorded at previous version.\nTo benefit from versionining, your config must inherit `hyperstate.Versioned` and implement its `version` function:\n\n```python\n@dataclass\nclass Config(hyperstate.Versioned):\n    lr: float\n    batch_size: int\n    \n    @classmethod\n    def version(clz) -> int:\n        return 0\n```\n\nWhen serializing the config, hyperstate will now record an additional `version` field with the value of the current version.\nAny snapshots that contain configs without a version field are assumed to have a version of `0`.\n\n### `RewriteRule`\n\nNow suppose you modify your `Config` class, e.g. by renaming the `lr` field to `learning_rate`.\nTo still be able to load old configs that are using `lr` instead of `learning_rate`, you increase the `version` to `1` and add an entry to the dictionary returned by `upgrade_rules` that tells HyperState to change `lr` to `learning_rate` when upgrading configs from version `0`.\n\n```python\nfrom dataclasses import dataclass\nfrom typing import Dict, List\nfrom hyperstate import Versioned\nfrom hyperstate.schema.rewrite_rule import RenameField, RewriteRule\n\n@dataclass\nclass Config(Versioned):\n    learning_rate: float\n    batch_size: int\n    \n    @classmethod\n    def version(clz) -> int:\n        return 1\n\n    @classmethod\n    def upgrade_rules(clz) -> Dict[int, List[RewriteRule]]:\n        \"\"\"\n        Returns a list of rewrite rules that can be applied to the given version\n        to make it compatible with the next version.\n        \"\"\"\n        return {\n            0: [RenameField(old_field=(\"lr\",), new_field=(\"learning_rate\",))],\n        }\n```\n\nIn the majority of cases, you don't actually have to manually write out `RewriteRule`s.\nInstead, they are generated for you automatically by the [Schema Evolution CLI](#schema-evolution-cli).\n\n### Schema evolution CLI\n\nHyperState comes with a command line tool for managing changes to your config schema.\nTo access the CLI, simply add the following code to the Python file defining your config:\n\n```python\n# config.py\nfrom hyperstate import schema_evolution_cli\n\nif __name__ == \"__main__\":\n    schema_evolution_cli(Config)\n```\n\nRun `python config.py` to see a list of available commands, described in more detail below.\n\n#### `dump-schema`\n\nThe `dump-schema` command creates a file describing the schema of your config.\nThis file should commited to version control, and is used to detect changes to the config schema and perform automatic upgrades.\n\n#### `check-schema`\n\nThe `check-schema` command compares your config class to a schema file and detects any backwards incompatible changes.\nIt also emits a suggested list of [`RewriteRule`](#rewrite-rule)s that can upgrade old configs to the new schema.\nHyperState does not always guess the correct `RewriteRule`s so you still need to check that they are correct.\n\n```\n$ python config.py check-schema\nWARN  field renamed to learning_rate: lr\nWARN  schema changed but version identical\nSchema incompatible\n\nProposed mitigations\n- add upgrade rules:\n    0: [\n        RenameField(old_field=('lr',), new_field=('learning_rate',)),\n    ],\n- bump version to 1\n```\n\n#### `upgrade-schema`\n\nThe `upgrade-schema` command functions much the same as `check-schema`, but also updates your schema config files once all backwards-incompatability issues have been address.\n\n#### `upgrade-config`\n\nThe `upgrade-config` command takes a list of paths to config files, and upgrades them to the latest version.\n\n### Automated Tests\n\nTo prevent accidental backwards-incompatible modifications of your `Config` class, you can use the following code as an automated test that checks your config `Class` against a schema file created with [`dump-schema`](#dump-schema): \n\n```python\nfrom hyperstate.schema.schema_change import Severity\nfrom hyperstate.schema.schema_checker import SchemaChecker\nfrom hyperstate.schema.types import load_schema\nfrom config import Config\n\ndef test_schema():\n    old = load_schema(\"config-schema.ron\")\n    checker = SchemaChecker(old, Config)\n    if checker.severity() >= Severity.WARN:\n        checker.print_report()\n    assert checker.severity() == Severity.INFO\n```\n\n## _[unstable feature]_ `Serializable`\n\nYou can define custom serialization logic for a class by inheriting from `hyperstate.Serializable` and implementing the `serialize` and `deserialize` methods.\n\n```python\nfrom dataclasses import dataclass\n\nimport torch\nimport torch.nn as nn\nimport torch.nn.functional as F\nimport hyperstate\n\n@dataclass\nclass Config:\n   inputs: int\n\nclass LinearRegression(nn.Module, hyperstate.Serializable):\n    def __init__(self, inputs):\n        super(Net, self).__init__()\n        self.fc1 = nn.Linear(inputs, 1)\n        \n    def forward(self, x):\n        return self.fc1(x)\n    \n    # `serialize` should return a representation of the object consisting only of\n    # primitives, containers, numpy arrays, and torch tensors.\n    def serialize(self) -> Any:\n        return self.state_dict()\n\n    # `deserialize` should take a serialized representation of the object and\n    # return an instance of the class. The `ctx` argument allows you to pass\n    # additional information to the deserialization function.\n    @classmethod\n    def deserialize(clz, state_dict, ctx):\n        net = clz(ctx[\"config\"].inputs)\n        return net.load_state_dict(state_dict)\n\n@dataclass\nclass State:\n    net: LinearRegression\n\nconfig = hyperstate.load(\"config.ron\")\nstate = hyperstate.load(\"state.ron\", ctx={\"config\": config})\n```\n\nObjects that implement `Serializable` are stored in separate files using a binary encoding.\nIn the above example, calling `hyperstate.dump(state, \"checkpoint/state.ron\")` will result in the following file structure:\n\n```\ncheckpoint\n\u251c\u2500\u2500 state.net.blob\n\u2514\u2500\u2500 state.ron\n```\n\n### _[unstable feature]_ `Lazy`\n\nIf you inherit from `hyperstate.Lazy`, any fields with `Serializable` types will only be loaded/deserialized when accessed. If the `.blob` file for a field is missing, HyperState will not raise an error unless the corresponding field is accessed.\n\n### _[unstable feature]_`blob`\n\nTo include objects in your state that do not directly implement `hyperstate.Serializable`, you can seperately implement `hyperstate.Serializable` and use the `blob` function to mix in the `Serializable` implementation:\n\n```python\nimport torch.optim as optim\nimport torch.nn as nn\nimport hyperstate\n\nclass SerializableOptimizer(hyperstate.Serializable):\n    def serialize(self):\n        return self.state_dict()\n\n    @classmethod\n    def deserialize(clz, state_dict: Any, config: Config, state: \"State\") -> optim.Optimizer:\n        optimizer = blob(optim.SerializableAdam, mixin=SerializableOptimizer)(state.net.parameters())\n        optimizer.load_state_dict(state_dict)\n        return optimizer\n\n@dataclass\nclass State(hyperstate.Lazy):\n    net: nn.Module\n    optimizer: blob(Adam, mixin=SerializableOptimizer)\n```\n\n\n\n## _[unstable feature]_ `HyperState`\n\nTo unlock the full power of HyperState, you must inherit from the `HyperState` class.\nThis class combines an immutable config and mutable state, and provides automatic checkpointing, hyperparameter schedules, and the on-the-fly changes to the config and state (not implemented yet).\n\n```python\nfrom dataclasses import dataclass\n\nimport torch\nimport torch.nn as nn\nimport torch.nn.functional as F\nimport hyperstate\n\n@dataclass\nclass Config:\n   inputs: int\n   steps: int\n\nclass LinearRegression(nn.Module, hyperstate.Serializable):\n    def __init__(self, inputs):\n        super(Net, self).__init__()\n        self.fc1 = nn.Linear(inputs, 1)\n    def forward(self, x):\n        return self.fc1(x)\n    def serialize(self) -> Any:\n        return self.state_dict()\n    @classmethod\n    def deserialize(clz, state_dict, ctx):\n        net = clz(ctx[\"config\"].inputs)\n        return net.load_state_dict(state_dict)\n\n@dataclass\nclass State:\n    net: LinearRegression\n    step: int\n\n\nclass Trainer(HyperState[Config, State]):\n    def __init__(\n        self,\n        # Path to the config file\n        initial_config: str,\n        # Optional path to the checkpoint directory, which enables automatic checkpointing.\n        # If any checkpoint files are present, they will be used to initialize the state.\n        checkpoint_dir: Optional[str] = None,\n        # List of manually specified config overrides.\n        config_overrides: Optional[List[str]] = None,\n    ):\n        super().__init__(Config, State, initial_config, checkpoint_dir, overrides=config_overrides)\n\n    def initial_state(self) -> State:\n        \"\"\"\n        This function is called to initialize the state if no checkpoint files are found.\n        \"\"\"\n        return State(net=LinearRegression(self.config.inputs))\n\n    def train(self) -> None:\n        for step in range(self.state.step, self.config.steps):\n            # training code...\n\n            self.state.step = step\n            # At the end of each iteration, call `self.step()` to checkpoint the state and apply hyperparameter schedules.\n            self.step()\n```\n\n### _[unstable feature]_ Checkpointing\n\nWhen using the `HyperState` object, the config and state are automatically checkpointed to the configured directory when calling the `step` method.\n\n### _[unstable feature]_ Schedules\n\nAny `int`/`float` fields in the config can also be set to a schedule that will be updated at each step.\nFor example, the following config defines a schedule that linearly decays the learning rate from 1.0 to 0.1 over 1000 steps:\n\n```rust\nConfig(\n    lr: Schedule(\n      key: \"state.step\",\n      schedule: [\n        (0, 1.0),\n        \"lin\",\n        (1000, 0.1),\n      ],\n    ),\n    batch_size: 256,\n)\n```\n\nWhen you call `step()`, all config values that are schedules will be updated.\n\n\n## License\n\nHyperState is dual-licensed under the MIT license and Apache License (Version 2.0).\n\nSee LICENSE-MIT and LICENSE-APACHE for more information.\n",
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    "summary": "Library for managing hyperparameters and mutable state of machine learning training systems.",
    "version": "0.4.4",
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