
Nameign-borea JSON
Version 0.2.2 PyPI version JSON
SummaryA package to manipulate orientation files
upload_time2024-10-07 13:26:14
licenseMIT License Copyright (c) 2024 Institut National de l'Information Géographique et Forestière Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
keywords ign-borea borea aero ign
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            [![IGNF badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/IGNF-8cbd3a)](https://www.ign.fr/) [![PyPI Downloads](https://img.shields.io/pypi/dm/ign-borea.svg?label=PyPI%20downloads)](

Borea is an open-source python package tools-box photogrammetric conversion format and transformation coordinate of image and terrain.  
Why Borea? **B** for Box and **orea** is a back slang of aero.

## Installation

#### Pip

Due to different dependency used installation of the library require `GDAL>=3.3.2`, which is not included in the dependency.
pip install ign-borea
For GDAL installation you need `libgdal-dev`:
sudo apt-get install libgdal-dev
Please note that the `GDAL` version depends on the `libgdal-dev` version.
apt-cache show libgdal-dev
# or if you are ogr
ogrinfo --version
You can find more information on [mothergeo-py](https://mothergeo-py.readthedocs.io/en/latest/development/how-to/gdal-ubuntu-pkg.html) if you have problems installing GDAL.

#### In the QGIS environment

View the doc on [borea github docs/installation/In_QGIS.md](https://github.com/IGNF/Borea/tree/main/docs/installation/In_QGIS.md).

## Tools

Some tools are already implemented in the library:
* Conversion OPK to OPK: `opk-to-opk -h` [doc](https://github.com/IGNF/Borea/tree/main/borea_tools/docs_tools/README_opk_to_opk.md) (OPK = Omega Phi Kappa)
* Control OPK file: `opk-control -h` [doc](https://github.com/IGNF/Borea/tree/main/borea_tools/docs_tools/README_opk_control.md)
* Conversion OPK to RPC: `opk-to-rpc -h` [doc](https://github.com/IGNF/Borea/tree/main/borea_tools/docs_tools/README_opk_to_rpc.md)
* Conversion OPK to Conl: `opk-to-conl -h` [doc](https://github.com/IGNF/Borea/tree/main/borea_tools/docs_tools/README_opk_to_conl.md) (Conl = light conical file, IGN France format)
* Transforms coordinates terrain from image: `pt-image-to-world -h` [doc](https://github.com/IGNF/Borea/tree/main/borea_tools/docs_tools/README_pt_image_to_world.md)
* Transforms coordinates image from terrain: `pt-world-to-image -h` [doc](https://github.com/IGNF/Borea/tree/main/borea_tools/docs_tools/README_pt_world_to_image.md)
* Transforms coordinates file terrain from image: `ptfile-image-to-world -h` [doc](https://github.com/IGNF/Borea/tree/main/borea_tools/docs_tools/README_ptfile_image_to_world.md)
* Transforms coordinates file image from terrain: `ptfile-world-to-image -h` [doc](https://github.com/IGNF/Borea/tree/main/borea_tools/docs_tools/README_ptfile_world_to_image.md)
* Calculates opk by space resection: `spaceresection-opk -h` [doc](https://github.com/IGNF/Borea/tree/main/borea_tools/docs_tools/README_spaceresection_opk.md)
* Transform projection of points file: `transform-proj-points -h` [doc](./borea_tools/docs_tools/README_transform_proj_points.md)

## Read data and instantiate worksite

Creation of a worksite object from a worksite file (.opk) to be read by `reader_orientation(pathfile, arg_dict)` with `from borea.reader.orientation.manage_reader import reader_orientation`.  
`arg_dict` is a dictionary for different args: 
* `"interval":[first_line, last_line]` is an list of int that specifies the number of lines you want to read. `first_line` allows you to skip the file header, which must not be taken into account when reading the file, as specified in the `header` variable. If `first_line = None` skips everything up to `last_line`, if `lastline = None` skips everything from `first_line` to the end, and if both are None reads the entire file.
* `"header":header` described in the section above, is a list of str e.g. `['N', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'O', 'P', 'K', 'C'] = list("NXYZOPKC")`, detail of letter at section [header of file opk](#header-of-file-opk) below. 
* `"unit_angle": "degree"` degree or radian. 
* `"linear_alteration": True` boolean saying True if z shots are corrected by linear alteration.
* `"order_axe: "opk"` string to define the order of angle to calculate rotation matrix.

Once the object has been created, you can add other data to it:

* Setup the projection of the worksite `work.set_proj(epsg, path_geoid)`, with:
    * `epsg` the code epsg e.g. 2154
    * `path_geoid` path to the file pyproj GeoTIFF of geoid

* The camera with `read_camera([filepath], worksite)` in `from borea.reader.reader_camera import read_camera`, this function only reads txt and xml files referencing camera data, and can take several camera files if there are several.

* Link points with `read_file_pt(filepath, header, type_point, worksite)` in `from borea.reader.reader_point import read_file_pt`. this function reads all .txt, .mes, .app and other file types, as long as the data structure in the file is column-based and delimited by spaces. The first args is the file path of one file. The second is the column type in the file detail of letter at section [header of point file](#header-of-point-file) below. The third is the type of point **'co_points'** for connecting points, **'gcp2d'** for coordinnate of gcp in images and **'gcp3d'** for gcp coordinate in the ground. And the last args is the worksite where data will be save.

* Add Dtm to your worksite `work.set_dtm(path_dtm, type_dtm)`, It converts z data between gcp and acquisition position if these are not in the same unit (one in altitude and one in height). `type_dtm` is the unit of the dtm 'altitude' or 'height'.

Examples in section [examples](#examples) below.

## Different process

* Set different parameters for shots (projection system of shot and z_nadir), mandatory if data is to be processed afterwards. `work.set_param_shot()`.

* Can calculate the position of image points in world with `ImageWorldWork(worksite).manage_image_world(type_point, type_process, type_control)` in `from borea.transform_world_image.transform_worksite.image_world_work import ImageWorldWork`.   
    * `type_point` is the type of point you want to calcule `co_points` or `gcp2d`.   
    * `type_process` is the type of process you want to use intersection with key `inter` or least square methode with key `square`.  
    * `type_control` egal None by default, is used if the type_point = gcp2d and if you want just one type code point, else None to process on all point.  

    The result can be found in `worksite.co_pts_world['name_point']` when type_point = co_points or `worksite.img_pts_world['name_point]` when type_point = gcp2d.

* Can calculate the position of terrain points in images with `WorldImageWork(work).calculate_world_to_image(type_control)` in `from borea.transform_world_image.transform_worksite.world_image_work import WorldImageWork`, with `type_control` egal None by default, is used if the type_point = gcp2d and if you want just one type code point, else None to process on all point. . The result can be found in `worksite.shots['name_shot'].gcps['name_gcp']` for each image and each gcps.

* Can calculate spatial resection for each shot in worksite with `SpaceResection(work).space_resection_on_worksite(add_pixel = (0,0))` in `from borea.transform_world_image.transform_worksite.space_resection import SpaceResection`. `add_pixel` is used to add a mainiation to the position of the points to modify the shot's 6 external parameters for data conversion.

* Can calculate spatial resection in poitn of shot for creating worksite with `SpaceResection(work).space_resection_to_worksite(pt2d, pt3d, pinit)` in `from borea.transform_world_image.transform_worksite.space_resection import SpaceResection`.  
The DataFrame **pt2d** is a table with 4 column and n line. The id of column must be:
    * `id_pt`: the id of the point
    * `id_shot`: the name of the shot where the point is located
    * `column`: column coordinate in pixel of the point in the image
    * `line`: line coordinate in pixel of the point in the image  

    it can be created with the function `read_file_pt_dataframe(path_file_pt,header_file,"pt2d")`  
The DataFrame **pt3d** is a table with 5 column and n line. The id of column must be:
    * `id_pt`: the id of the point
    * `type`: if point is gcp with type else None
    * `x`: x coordinate in your projection system of the point
    * `y`: y coordinate in your projection system of the point
    * `z`: z coordinate in your projection system of the point  

    it can be created with the function `read_file_pt_dataframe(path_file_pt,header_file,"pt3d")`  
The dictionary **pinit** which give the initialization point X, Y, Z. A point on the worksite with a z at an approximate flying height. The name of the key in the dictionary is `coor_init`.  
Example at the end of explanation of function [file](https://github.com/IGNF/Borea/tree/main/docs/functions/Space_resection.md).

* You can calculate some control point statistics to see how accurate your site is `stat = Stat(work, pathreturn, control_type)` to init the object and run for all stat with `stat.main_stat_and_save()`. Make stat on function image to world and world to image, if there are data. And save result on *pathreturn/Stat_{Name_worksite}.txt*.

Examples in section [examples](#examples) below.

## Write data

* Can write worksite object as different format OPK, RPC, Conical for GEOVIEW. The function is `manager_reader(writer, name, pathreturn, args, work)` in `from borea.writer.manage_writer import manager_writer`:
    * `writer` (str), is the type of output `"opk"`, `"rpc"`, `"con"`.
    * `name` (str), name of file to save, just to save in opk, for other format this args isn't read.
    * `pathreturn` (str), path of folder where you want to save data.
    * `args` (dict), Dictionary with different args for the format to save, detail at setion [args for writing file](#args-for-writing-file) below.
    * `work` (Worksite), the worksite to save.

Examples in section [examples](#examples) below.

## Examples

All examples are in [borea github ./examples/](https://github.com/IGNF/Borea/tree/main/examples):
* For build main class Worksite with file **eg_build_worksite_by_file.py** and with data **eg_build_worksite_by_data.py**.
* To make transformation image to world **eg_image_to_world.py**.
* To make transformation world to image **eg_world_to_image.py**.
* To make space resection on point to determine worksite **eg_space_resection.py**.
* To convert format opk to an other format opk rpc con **eg_opk_to_format.py**.

Examples of the different formats of file can be found in [borea github ./dataset/](https://github.com/IGNF/Borea/tree/main/dataset):
* An opk file **23FD1305_alt_test.OPK** with z unit is altitude.
* Cameras filesformat **Camera1.txt** and **Camera2.txt**.
* Geotiff of the French geoid for pyproj fr_ign_RAF20.tif** detail at section [info projection](#info-projection) below.
* Crops geotiff of the French DTM **MNT_France_25m_h_crop.tif** in height unit.
* Ground Control Point (GCP) in terrian **GCP_test.app** unit z in height.
* Ground Control Point (GCP) in image **terrain_test.mes**.
* Connecting points in image **liaisons_test.mes**.
* Image point to transform terrain coordinates to image coordinates to find out in which image the points are located **terrain_test0.mes**.

## Detail

### Header of file opk
`header` is used to describe the format of the opk file read. It provides information on what's in each column, and gives the data unit for Z and angles.   
Type is:
| Symbol | Details |
| :----: | :------ |
| S | to ignore the column |
| N | name of shot |
| X | coordinate x of the shot position |
| Y | coordinate y of the shot position |
| Z | coordinate z altitude of the shot position |
| H | coordinate z height of the shot position |
| O | omega rotation angle |
| P | phi rotation angle |
| K | kappa rotation angle |
| C | name of the camera |

### Header of point file

`header` is used to describe the format of the point file read. It provides information on what's in each column.   
Type is:
| Symbol | Details |
| :----: | :------ |
| S | to ignore the column |
| P | name of the point |
| N | name of shot |
| T | type of point |
| X | coordinate x of the shot position |
| Y | coordinate y of the shot position |
| Z | coordinate z altitude of the shot position |

### Camera file format

The camera file is a txt file, containing 6 pieces of information about the camera : its **name** (str), **ppax** (float), **ppay** (float), **focal** (float), image size: **width** (int) and **height** (int) in pixels.   
**Ppax** and **ppay** are the main points of image deformation in x and y directions.  
Each line of the file corresponds to a piece of information, starting with the **type = info**.
name = UCE-M3-f120-s06
ppax = 13210.00
ppay = 8502.00
focal = 30975.00
width = 26460
height = 17004
Only these 7 pieces of information will be read. You can add comments with a # in the first element of the line or other type = info, but they will not be read by the tool, unless the attribute has been added to the Camera class in *borea/datastruct/camera.py*.
An example file can be found in repository *./dataset/Camera1.txt*.  
No camera-related distortion is taken into account (distortion-free camera).

### Info projection

This library can transform and process 3D data with a z in altitude or height. This is done by the pyproj library, which needs the geoid at site level to change units.

The varaible in example for adding a geoid is path_geoid, a list which contains paths of geoids, where you can enter the paths to the various geoids. If the file is stored in pyproj's native folder (pyproj.datadir.get_data_dir(), *usr/share/proj* or *env_name_folder/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pyproj/proj_dir/share/proj*) the file name is sufficient pyproj will find it on its own. 
Geoids file can be found on pyproj's github (https://github.com/OSGeo/PROJ-data).

### Args for writing file

#### OPK

There are 4 keys in the dictionary:
* "order_axe" (str): **Order of rotation matrix axes**.
* "header" (list): **List of column type** file (same to read opk).
* "unit_angle" (str): Unit of angle **'degree' or 'radian'**.
* "linear_alteration" (bool): **True** if data corrected by linear alteration or else **False**.

#### RPC

There are 3 keys in the dictionary:
* "size_grid" (int): **size of the grip** to calcule rpc.
* "order" (int): order of the polynome of the rpc. **[1, 2, 3]**
* "fact_rpc" (float): rpc factor for world coordinate when not src, we recommend **None**.

#### CON

There is no need for an additional argument, you can set **None** to the argument.

![logo ign](docs/image/logo_ign.png) ![logo fr](docs/image/Republique_Francaise_Logo.png)


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": null,
    "name": "ign-borea",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.9",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": "ign-borea, borea, aero, ign",
    "author": null,
    "author_email": "Antoine Cornu <antoine.cornu@ign.fr>, Nicolas Laurain <nicolas.laurain@ign.fr>",
    "download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/f2/12/aef526e88f470c89b24125960e499ccaf9d002521f06d3a3f42e152ced59/ign_borea-0.2.2.tar.gz",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "[![IGNF badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/IGNF-8cbd3a)](https://www.ign.fr/) [![PyPI Downloads](https://img.shields.io/pypi/dm/ign-borea.svg?label=PyPI%20downloads)](\nhttps://pypi.org/project/ign-borea/)\n\nBorea is an open-source python package tools-box photogrammetric conversion format and transformation coordinate of image and terrain.  \nWhy Borea? **B** for Box and **orea** is a back slang of aero.\n\n## Installation\n\n#### Pip\n\nDue to different dependency used installation of the library require `GDAL>=3.3.2`, which is not included in the dependency.\n```\npip install ign-borea\n```\nFor GDAL installation you need `libgdal-dev`:\n```\nsudo apt-get install libgdal-dev\n```\nPlease note that the `GDAL` version depends on the `libgdal-dev` version.\n```\napt-cache show libgdal-dev\n# or if you are ogr\nogrinfo --version\n```\n```\npip install GDAL==<GDAL VERSION FROM OGRINFO>\n```\nYou can find more information on [mothergeo-py](https://mothergeo-py.readthedocs.io/en/latest/development/how-to/gdal-ubuntu-pkg.html) if you have problems installing GDAL.\n\n#### In the QGIS environment\n\nView the doc on [borea github docs/installation/In_QGIS.md](https://github.com/IGNF/Borea/tree/main/docs/installation/In_QGIS.md).\n\n## Tools\n\nSome tools are already implemented in the library:\n* Conversion OPK to OPK: `opk-to-opk -h` [doc](https://github.com/IGNF/Borea/tree/main/borea_tools/docs_tools/README_opk_to_opk.md) (OPK = Omega Phi Kappa)\n* Control OPK file: `opk-control -h` [doc](https://github.com/IGNF/Borea/tree/main/borea_tools/docs_tools/README_opk_control.md)\n* Conversion OPK to RPC: `opk-to-rpc -h` [doc](https://github.com/IGNF/Borea/tree/main/borea_tools/docs_tools/README_opk_to_rpc.md)\n* Conversion OPK to Conl: `opk-to-conl -h` [doc](https://github.com/IGNF/Borea/tree/main/borea_tools/docs_tools/README_opk_to_conl.md) (Conl = light conical file, IGN France format)\n* Transforms coordinates terrain from image: `pt-image-to-world -h` [doc](https://github.com/IGNF/Borea/tree/main/borea_tools/docs_tools/README_pt_image_to_world.md)\n* Transforms coordinates image from terrain: `pt-world-to-image -h` [doc](https://github.com/IGNF/Borea/tree/main/borea_tools/docs_tools/README_pt_world_to_image.md)\n* Transforms coordinates file terrain from image: `ptfile-image-to-world -h` [doc](https://github.com/IGNF/Borea/tree/main/borea_tools/docs_tools/README_ptfile_image_to_world.md)\n* Transforms coordinates file image from terrain: `ptfile-world-to-image -h` [doc](https://github.com/IGNF/Borea/tree/main/borea_tools/docs_tools/README_ptfile_world_to_image.md)\n* Calculates opk by space resection: `spaceresection-opk -h` [doc](https://github.com/IGNF/Borea/tree/main/borea_tools/docs_tools/README_spaceresection_opk.md)\n* Transform projection of points file: `transform-proj-points -h` [doc](./borea_tools/docs_tools/README_transform_proj_points.md)\n\n## Read data and instantiate worksite\n\nCreation of a worksite object from a worksite file (.opk) to be read by `reader_orientation(pathfile, arg_dict)` with `from borea.reader.orientation.manage_reader import reader_orientation`.  \n`arg_dict` is a dictionary for different args: \n* `\"interval\":[first_line, last_line]` is an list of int that specifies the number of lines you want to read. `first_line` allows you to skip the file header, which must not be taken into account when reading the file, as specified in the `header` variable. If `first_line = None` skips everything up to `last_line`, if `lastline = None` skips everything from `first_line` to the end, and if both are None reads the entire file.\n* `\"header\":header` described in the section above, is a list of str e.g. `['N', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'O', 'P', 'K', 'C'] = list(\"NXYZOPKC\")`, detail of letter at section [header of file opk](#header-of-file-opk) below. \n* `\"unit_angle\": \"degree\"` degree or radian. \n* `\"linear_alteration\": True` boolean saying True if z shots are corrected by linear alteration.\n* `\"order_axe: \"opk\"` string to define the order of angle to calculate rotation matrix.\n\nOnce the object has been created, you can add other data to it:\n\n* Setup the projection of the worksite `work.set_proj(epsg, path_geoid)`, with:\n    * `epsg` the code epsg e.g. 2154\n    * `path_geoid` path to the file pyproj GeoTIFF of geoid\n\n* The camera with `read_camera([filepath], worksite)` in `from borea.reader.reader_camera import read_camera`, this function only reads txt and xml files referencing camera data, and can take several camera files if there are several.\n\n* Link points with `read_file_pt(filepath, header, type_point, worksite)` in `from borea.reader.reader_point import read_file_pt`. this function reads all .txt, .mes, .app and other file types, as long as the data structure in the file is column-based and delimited by spaces. The first args is the file path of one file. The second is the column type in the file detail of letter at section [header of point file](#header-of-point-file) below. The third is the type of point **'co_points'** for connecting points, **'gcp2d'** for coordinnate of gcp in images and **'gcp3d'** for gcp coordinate in the ground. And the last args is the worksite where data will be save.\n\n* Add Dtm to your worksite `work.set_dtm(path_dtm, type_dtm)`, It converts z data between gcp and acquisition position if these are not in the same unit (one in altitude and one in height). `type_dtm` is the unit of the dtm 'altitude' or 'height'.\n\nExamples in section [examples](#examples) below.\n\n## Different process\n\n* Set different parameters for shots (projection system of shot and z_nadir), mandatory if data is to be processed afterwards. `work.set_param_shot()`.\n\n* Can calculate the position of image points in world with `ImageWorldWork(worksite).manage_image_world(type_point, type_process, type_control)` in `from borea.transform_world_image.transform_worksite.image_world_work import ImageWorldWork`.   \n    * `type_point` is the type of point you want to calcule `co_points` or `gcp2d`.   \n    * `type_process` is the type of process you want to use intersection with key `inter` or least square methode with key `square`.  \n    * `type_control` egal None by default, is used if the type_point = gcp2d and if you want just one type code point, else None to process on all point.  \n\n    The result can be found in `worksite.co_pts_world['name_point']` when type_point = co_points or `worksite.img_pts_world['name_point]` when type_point = gcp2d.\n\n* Can calculate the position of terrain points in images with `WorldImageWork(work).calculate_world_to_image(type_control)` in `from borea.transform_world_image.transform_worksite.world_image_work import WorldImageWork`, with `type_control` egal None by default, is used if the type_point = gcp2d and if you want just one type code point, else None to process on all point. . The result can be found in `worksite.shots['name_shot'].gcps['name_gcp']` for each image and each gcps.\n\n* Can calculate spatial resection for each shot in worksite with `SpaceResection(work).space_resection_on_worksite(add_pixel = (0,0))` in `from borea.transform_world_image.transform_worksite.space_resection import SpaceResection`. `add_pixel` is used to add a mainiation to the position of the points to modify the shot's 6 external parameters for data conversion.\n\n* Can calculate spatial resection in poitn of shot for creating worksite with `SpaceResection(work).space_resection_to_worksite(pt2d, pt3d, pinit)` in `from borea.transform_world_image.transform_worksite.space_resection import SpaceResection`.  \nThe DataFrame **pt2d** is a table with 4 column and n line. The id of column must be:\n    * `id_pt`: the id of the point\n    * `id_shot`: the name of the shot where the point is located\n    * `column`: column coordinate in pixel of the point in the image\n    * `line`: line coordinate in pixel of the point in the image  \n\n    it can be created with the function `read_file_pt_dataframe(path_file_pt,header_file,\"pt2d\")`  \nThe DataFrame **pt3d** is a table with 5 column and n line. The id of column must be:\n    * `id_pt`: the id of the point\n    * `type`: if point is gcp with type else None\n    * `x`: x coordinate in your projection system of the point\n    * `y`: y coordinate in your projection system of the point\n    * `z`: z coordinate in your projection system of the point  \n\n    it can be created with the function `read_file_pt_dataframe(path_file_pt,header_file,\"pt3d\")`  \nThe dictionary **pinit** which give the initialization point X, Y, Z. A point on the worksite with a z at an approximate flying height. The name of the key in the dictionary is `coor_init`.  \nExample at the end of explanation of function [file](https://github.com/IGNF/Borea/tree/main/docs/functions/Space_resection.md).\n\n* You can calculate some control point statistics to see how accurate your site is `stat = Stat(work, pathreturn, control_type)` to init the object and run for all stat with `stat.main_stat_and_save()`. Make stat on function image to world and world to image, if there are data. And save result on *pathreturn/Stat_{Name_worksite}.txt*.\n\nExamples in section [examples](#examples) below.\n\n## Write data\n\n* Can write worksite object as different format OPK, RPC, Conical for GEOVIEW. The function is `manager_reader(writer, name, pathreturn, args, work)` in `from borea.writer.manage_writer import manager_writer`:\n    * `writer` (str), is the type of output `\"opk\"`, `\"rpc\"`, `\"con\"`.\n    * `name` (str), name of file to save, just to save in opk, for other format this args isn't read.\n    * `pathreturn` (str), path of folder where you want to save data.\n    * `args` (dict), Dictionary with different args for the format to save, detail at setion [args for writing file](#args-for-writing-file) below.\n    * `work` (Worksite), the worksite to save.\n\nExamples in section [examples](#examples) below.\n\n## Examples\n\nAll examples are in [borea github ./examples/](https://github.com/IGNF/Borea/tree/main/examples):\n* For build main class Worksite with file **eg_build_worksite_by_file.py** and with data **eg_build_worksite_by_data.py**.\n* To make transformation image to world **eg_image_to_world.py**.\n* To make transformation world to image **eg_world_to_image.py**.\n* To make space resection on point to determine worksite **eg_space_resection.py**.\n* To convert format opk to an other format opk rpc con **eg_opk_to_format.py**.\n\nExamples of the different formats of file can be found in [borea github ./dataset/](https://github.com/IGNF/Borea/tree/main/dataset):\n* An opk file **23FD1305_alt_test.OPK** with z unit is altitude.\n* Cameras filesformat **Camera1.txt** and **Camera2.txt**.\n* Geotiff of the French geoid for pyproj fr_ign_RAF20.tif** detail at section [info projection](#info-projection) below.\n* Crops geotiff of the French DTM **MNT_France_25m_h_crop.tif** in height unit.\n* Ground Control Point (GCP) in terrian **GCP_test.app** unit z in height.\n* Ground Control Point (GCP) in image **terrain_test.mes**.\n* Connecting points in image **liaisons_test.mes**.\n* Image point to transform terrain coordinates to image coordinates to find out in which image the points are located **terrain_test0.mes**.\n\n## Detail\n\n### Header of file opk\n`header` is used to describe the format of the opk file read. It provides information on what's in each column, and gives the data unit for Z and angles.   \nType is:\n| Symbol | Details |\n| :----: | :------ |\n| S | to ignore the column |\n| N | name of shot |\n| X | coordinate x of the shot position |\n| Y | coordinate y of the shot position |\n| Z | coordinate z altitude of the shot position |\n| H | coordinate z height of the shot position |\n| O | omega rotation angle |\n| P | phi rotation angle |\n| K | kappa rotation angle |\n| C | name of the camera |\n\n### Header of point file\n\n`header` is used to describe the format of the point file read. It provides information on what's in each column.   \nType is:\n| Symbol | Details |\n| :----: | :------ |\n| S | to ignore the column |\n| P | name of the point |\n| N | name of shot |\n| T | type of point |\n| X | coordinate x of the shot position |\n| Y | coordinate y of the shot position |\n| Z | coordinate z altitude of the shot position |\n\n### Camera file format\n\nThe camera file is a txt file, containing 6 pieces of information about the camera : its **name** (str), **ppax** (float), **ppay** (float), **focal** (float), image size: **width** (int) and **height** (int) in pixels.   \n**Ppax** and **ppay** are the main points of image deformation in x and y directions.  \nEach line of the file corresponds to a piece of information, starting with the **type = info**.\n```\nname = UCE-M3-f120-s06\nppax = 13210.00\nppay = 8502.00\nfocal = 30975.00\nwidth = 26460\nheight = 17004\n```\nOnly these 7 pieces of information will be read. You can add comments with a # in the first element of the line or other type = info, but they will not be read by the tool, unless the attribute has been added to the Camera class in *borea/datastruct/camera.py*.\nAn example file can be found in repository *./dataset/Camera1.txt*.  \nNo camera-related distortion is taken into account (distortion-free camera).\n\n### Info projection\n\nThis library can transform and process 3D data with a z in altitude or height. This is done by the pyproj library, which needs the geoid at site level to change units.\n\nThe varaible in example for adding a geoid is path_geoid, a list which contains paths of geoids, where you can enter the paths to the various geoids. If the file is stored in pyproj's native folder (pyproj.datadir.get_data_dir(), *usr/share/proj* or *env_name_folder/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pyproj/proj_dir/share/proj*) the file name is sufficient pyproj will find it on its own. \nGeoids file can be found on pyproj's github (https://github.com/OSGeo/PROJ-data).\n\n### Args for writing file\n\n#### OPK\n\nThere are 4 keys in the dictionary:\n* \"order_axe\" (str): **Order of rotation matrix axes**.\n* \"header\" (list): **List of column type** file (same to read opk).\n* \"unit_angle\" (str): Unit of angle **'degree' or 'radian'**.\n* \"linear_alteration\" (bool): **True** if data corrected by linear alteration or else **False**.\n\n#### RPC\n\nThere are 3 keys in the dictionary:\n* \"size_grid\" (int): **size of the grip** to calcule rpc.\n* \"order\" (int): order of the polynome of the rpc. **[1, 2, 3]**\n* \"fact_rpc\" (float): rpc factor for world coordinate when not src, we recommend **None**.\n\n#### CON\n\nThere is no need for an additional argument, you can set **None** to the argument.\n\n![logo ign](docs/image/logo_ign.png) ![logo fr](docs/image/Republique_Francaise_Logo.png)\n",
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    "license": "MIT License  Copyright (c) 2024 Institut National de l'Information G\u00e9ographique et Foresti\u00e8re  Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:  The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.  THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ",
    "summary": "A package to manipulate orientation files",
    "version": "0.2.2",
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    "split_keywords": [
        " borea",
        " aero",
        " ign"
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