
Nameiman JSON
Version 1.0.22 PyPI version JSON
SummaryPython package for daily Tasks
upload_time2024-01-28 07:57:10
authorIman Sarraf
keywords python iman
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            from iman import * 


2-now() ``get time``

3-F ``format floating point``

4-D ``format int number``



7-Read(Filename) ``read txt file``

8-Read_Lines(Filename) ``read txt file line by line and return list``


10-gf(pattern) ``Get files in a directory``

11-gfa(directory_pattern , ext="*.*") ``Get Files in a Directory and SubDirectories``

12-ReadE(Filename) ``Read Excel files``

13-PM(dir) ``creat directory``

14-PB(fname) ``get basename``

15-PN(fname) ``get file name``

16-PE(fname) ``get ext``

17-PD(fname) ``get directory``

18-PS(fname) ``get size``

19-PJ(segments) ``Join Path``

20-clear() ``clear cmd``



23-RI(start_int , end_int , count=1) ``random int``

24-RF(start_float , end_float , count=1) ``random float``

25-RS(Arr) ``shuffle``


27-SJ(value , job_file_name)


29-SN(arr , np_file_name)

30-cmd(command , redirect=True) ``Run command in CMD``

31-PX(fname) ``check existance of file``

32-RC(Arr , size=1) ``Random Choice``

33-onehot(data, nb_classes)

34-exe(pyfile) ``need pyinstaller``

35-FWL(wavfolder , sr) ``Get Folder Audio Length``

36-norm(vector) ``vector/magnitude(vector)``


38-rename(fname , fout) 

39-separate(pattern,folout) ``separate vocal from music``

40-dll(fname) ``create a pyd file from py file``


42-mute_mic() ``on and off microphone``

from iman import Audio 
1-Read(filename,sr,start_from,dur,mono,ffmpeg_path,ffprobe_path) ``Read wav alaw and mp3 and others``

2-Resample(data , fs, sr)

3-Write(filename, data ,fs)



6-ReadT(filename, sr , mono=True) ``Read and resample wav file with torchaudio``

7-VAD(y,top_db=40, frame_length=200, hop_length=80)

8-compress(fname_pattern , sr=16000 , ext='mp3' , mono=True ,ffmpeg_path='c:\\ffmpeg.exe' , ofolder=None, worker=4)

9-clip_value(wav) ``return clipping percentage in audio file``

10-WriteS(filename, data ,fs) ``Convert to Sterio``

from iman import info 

1-get() info about cpu and gpu ``need torch``

2-cpu() ``get cpu percentage usage``

3-gpu() ``get gpu memory usage``

4-memory() ``get ram usage GB``

5-plot(fname="log.txt" , delay=1)

from iman import metrics 



4-wer(ref, hyp)

5-cer(ref, hyp)

6-wer_list(ref_list , hyp_list)

7-cer_list(ref_list , hyp_list)

8-DER(ref_list , res_list , file_dur=-1 , sr=8000) ``Detection Error Rate``

from iman import tsne 

1-plot(fea , label)

from iman import xvector 
1-xvec,lda_xvec,gender = get(filename , model(model_path , model_name , model_speaker_num))

from iman import web 


3-links(url , filter_text=None)

4-imgs(url , filter_text=None)

from iman import matlab 
1-np2mat(param , mat_file_name)

2-dic2mat(param , mat_file_name)

3-mat2dic (mat_file_name)

from iman import Features
1- mfcc_fea,mspec,log_energy = mfcc.SB.Get(wav,sample_rate) ``Compute MFCC with speechbrain - input must read with torchaudio``

2-mfcc.SB.Normal(MFCC) ``Mean Var Normalization Utt with speechbrain``

3- mfcc_fea,log_energy = mfcc.LS.Get(wav,sample_rate,le=False) ``Compute MFCC with Librosa - input is numpy array``

4-mfcc.LS.Normal(MFCC , win_len=150) ``Mean Var Normalization Local 150 left and 150 right``

from iman import AUG  
1-Add_Noise(data , noise , snr) 

2-Add_Reverb( data , rir) 

3-Add_NoiseT(data , noise , snr) ``(torchaudio)``

4-Add_ReverbT( data , rir) ``(torchaudio)``

5-mp3(fname , fout,sr_out,ratio,ffmpeg_path='c:\\ffmpeg.exe')


7-volume(fname ,fout,ratio,ffmpeg_path='c:\\ffmpeg.exe')

from iman.[sad_torch_mfcc | sad_tf] import *
seg = Segmenter(batch_size, vad_type=['sad'|'vad'] , sr=8000 , model_path="c:\\sad_model_pytorch.pth" , tq=1,ffmpeg_path='c:\\ffmpeg.exe',complete_output=False , device='cuda',input_type='file')  ``TORCH``

seg = Segmenter(batch_size, vad_type=['sad'|'vad'] , sr=16000 , model_path="c:\\keras_speech_music_noise_cnn.hdf5",gender_path="c:\\keras_male_female_cnn.hdf5",ffmpeg_path='c:\\ffmpeg.exe',detect_gender=False,complete_output=False,device='cuda',input_type='file') ``TensorFlow``

isig,wav,mfcc = seg(fname)  ``mfcc output Just in torch model`` 

nmfcc = filter_fea(isig , mfcc , sr , max_time) ``Just in torch model``

mfcc = MVN(mfcc) ``Just in torch model`` 

isig = filter_output(isig , max_silence ,ignore_small_speech_segments , max_speech_len ,split_speech_bigger_than)  ``Do when complete_output=False``

seg2aud(isig , filename)



wav_speech , wav_noise = filter_sig(isig , wav , sr) ``Get Speech and Noise Parts of file - Do when complete_output=False``

from sad_tf.segmentero import Segmenter ``to use onnx models - need to install onnxruntime``

from iman.sad_torch_mfcc_speaker import *
seg = Segmenter(batch_size, vad_type=['sad'|'vad'] , sr=8000 , model_path="c:\\sad_model_pytorch.pth" , max_time=120(sec) , tq=1,ffmpeg_path='c:\\ffmpeg.exe', device='cuda' , pad=False)  ``TORCH - max_time in second to split fea output``
mfcc, len(sec)  = seg(fname)   ``mfcc pad to max_time length if pad=True``

from iman.sad_tf_mlp_speaker import *
seg = Segmenter(batch_size, vad_type=['sad'|'vad'] , sr=8000 , model_path="sad_tf_mlp.h5" , max_time=120(sec) , tq=1,ffmpeg_path='c:\\ffmpeg.exe', device='cuda' , pad=False)  ``Tensorflow (small mlp model) - max_time in second to split fea output``
mfcc, len(sec)  = seg(fname)   ``mfcc pad to max_time length if pad=True``

from iman import Report   ``Tensorboard Writer``

r.WS(_type , _name , value , itr)  ``Add_scalar``

r.WT(_type , _name , _str , itr)   ``Add_text``

r.WG(pytorch_model , example_input)   ``Add_graph``

r.WI(_type , _name , images , itr)   ``Add_image``

from iman import par
if (__name__ == '__main__'):  
res = par.par(files , func , worker=4 , args=[])   ``def func(fname , _args): ...``

from iman import Image
Image.convert(fname_pattern ,ext ='jpg',ofolder=None , w=-1 , h=-1,level=100,  worker=4,ffmpeg_path='c:\\ffmpeg.exe')

Image.resize(fname_pattern ,ext ='jpg',ofolder=None , w=2 , h=2,  worker=4,ffmpeg_path='c:\\ffmpeg.exe') ``resize to 1/h and 1/w``

from iman import Boors
Boors.get(sahm)  ``get sahm info``

from iman import Text
norm = Text.normal("c:\\Replace_List.txt")


norm.from_file(filename ,file_out=None)

from iman.num2fa import words

from iman import examples
examples.items   ``get items in examples folder``

from iman import Rar  
1-rar(fname , out="" , rar_path=r"C:\\Program Files\\WinRAR\\winrar.exe") 

2-zip(fname , out="" , rar_path=r"C:\\Program Files\\WinRAR\\winrar.exe") 

3-unrar(fname , out="" , rar_path=r"C:\\Program Files\\WinRAR\\winrar.exe") 

4-unzip(fname , out="" , rar_path=r"C:\\Program Files\\WinRAR\\winrar.exe") 

from iman import Enhance
1-Enhance.Dereverb(pattern , out_fol , sr = 16000, batchsize=16 , device="cuda"  ,model_path=r"C:\\UVR-DeEcho-DeReverb.pth")

2-Enhance.Denoise(pattern , out_fol , sr = 16000, batchsize=16 , device="cuda"  ,model_path=r"C:\UVR-DeNoise-Lite.pth")

from import *
1-flops(model)   ``get flops of tf model``

2-param(model)   ``return parameter number of tf model``

3-paramp(model)  ``return parameter number of tf model and print model layers``

4-gpu()    ``return True if available``

5-gpun()   ``return number of gpus``

6-limit()   ``Tf model only allocate as much GPU memory based on runtime allocations``

from iman.torch import *
1-param(model)   ``return parameter number and trainable number of torch model``

2-paramp(model)  ``return parameter number of torch model and print model layers``

3-layers(model)  ``return layers of torch model``

4-gpu()    ``return True if available``

5-gpun()   ``return number of gpus``


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "iman",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": "",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "python,iman",
    "author": "Iman Sarraf",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "from iman import * \n==================\n\n1-plt\n\n2-now() ``get time``\n\n3-F ``format floating point``\n\n4-D ``format int number``\n\n5-Write_List(MyList,Filename)\n\n6-Write_Dic(MyDic,Filename)\n\n7-Read(Filename) ``read txt file``\n\n8-Read_Lines(Filename) ``read txt file line by line and return list``\n\n9-Write(_str,Filename)\n\n10-gf(pattern) ``Get files in a directory``\n\n11-gfa(directory_pattern , ext=\"*.*\") ``Get Files in a Directory and SubDirectories``\n\n12-ReadE(Filename) ``Read Excel files``\n\n13-PM(dir) ``creat directory``\n\n14-PB(fname) ``get basename``\n\n15-PN(fname) ``get file name``\n\n16-PE(fname) ``get ext``\n\n17-PD(fname) ``get directory``\n\n18-PS(fname) ``get size``\n\n19-PJ(segments) ``Join Path``\n\n20-clear() ``clear cmd``\n\n21-os\n\n22-np\n\n23-RI(start_int , end_int , count=1) ``random int``\n\n24-RF(start_float , end_float , count=1) ``random float``\n\n25-RS(Arr) ``shuffle``\n\n26-LJ(job_file_name)\n\n27-SJ(value , job_file_name)\n\n28-LN(np_file_name)\n\n29-SN(arr , np_file_name)\n\n30-cmd(command , redirect=True) ``Run command in CMD``\n\n31-PX(fname) ``check existance of file``\n\n32-RC(Arr , size=1) ``Random Choice``\n\n33-onehot(data, nb_classes)\n\n34-exe(pyfile) ``need pyinstaller``\n\n35-FWL(wavfolder , sr) ``Get Folder Audio Length``\n\n36-norm(vector) ``vector/magnitude(vector)``\n\n37-delete(pattern) \n\n38-rename(fname , fout) \n\n39-separate(pattern,folout) ``separate vocal from music``\n\n40-dll(fname) ``create a pyd file from py file``\n\n41-get_hard_serial()\n\n42-mute_mic() ``on and off microphone``\n\nfrom iman import Audio \n======================\n1-Read(filename,sr,start_from,dur,mono,ffmpeg_path,ffprobe_path) ``Read wav alaw and mp3 and others``\n\n2-Resample(data , fs, sr)\n\n3-Write(filename, data ,fs)\n\n4-frame(y)\n\n5-split(y)\n\n6-ReadT(filename, sr , mono=True) ``Read and resample wav file with torchaudio``\n\n7-VAD(y,top_db=40, frame_length=200, hop_length=80)\n\n8-compress(fname_pattern , sr=16000 , ext='mp3' , mono=True ,ffmpeg_path='c:\\\\ffmpeg.exe' , ofolder=None, worker=4)\n\n9-clip_value(wav) ``return clipping percentage in audio file``\n\n10-WriteS(filename, data ,fs) ``Convert to Sterio``\n\nfrom iman import info \n=====================\n\n1-get() info about cpu and gpu ``need torch``\n\n2-cpu() ``get cpu percentage usage``\n\n3-gpu() ``get gpu memory usage``\n\n4-memory() ``get ram usage GB``\n\n5-plot(fname=\"log.txt\" , delay=1)\n\n\nfrom iman import metrics \n========================\n1-EER(lab,score)\n\n2-cosine_distance(v1,v2)\n\n3-roc(lab,score)\n\n4-wer(ref, hyp)\n\n5-cer(ref, hyp)\n\n6-wer_list(ref_list , hyp_list)\n\n7-cer_list(ref_list , hyp_list)\n\n8-DER(ref_list , res_list , file_dur=-1 , sr=8000) ``Detection Error Rate``\n\nfrom iman import tsne \n=====================\n\n1-plot(fea , label)\n\nfrom iman import xvector \n========================\n1-xvec,lda_xvec,gender = get(filename , model(model_path , model_name , model_speaker_num))\n\n\nfrom iman import web \n====================\n1-change_wallpaper()\n\n2-dl(url)\n\n3-links(url , filter_text=None)\n\n4-imgs(url , filter_text=None)\n\nfrom iman import matlab \n=======================\n1-np2mat(param , mat_file_name)\n\n2-dic2mat(param , mat_file_name)\n\n3-mat2dic (mat_file_name)\n\nfrom iman import Features\n=========================\n1- mfcc_fea,mspec,log_energy = mfcc.SB.Get(wav,sample_rate) ``Compute MFCC with speechbrain - input must read with torchaudio``\n\n2-mfcc.SB.Normal(MFCC) ``Mean Var Normalization Utt with speechbrain``\n\n3- mfcc_fea,log_energy = mfcc.LS.Get(wav,sample_rate,le=False) ``Compute MFCC with Librosa - input is numpy array``\n\n4-mfcc.LS.Normal(MFCC , win_len=150) ``Mean Var Normalization Local 150 left and 150 right``\n\nfrom iman import AUG  \n====================\n1-Add_Noise(data , noise , snr) \n\n2-Add_Reverb( data , rir) \n\n3-Add_NoiseT(data , noise , snr) ``(torchaudio)``\n\n4-Add_ReverbT( data , rir) ``(torchaudio)``\n\n5-mp3(fname , fout,sr_out,ratio,ffmpeg_path='c:\\\\ffmpeg.exe')\n\n6-speed(fname,fout,ratio,ffmpeg_path='c:\\\\ffmpeg.exe')\n\n7-volume(fname ,fout,ratio,ffmpeg_path='c:\\\\ffmpeg.exe')\n\nfrom iman.[sad_torch_mfcc | sad_tf] import *\n===============================================================================\nseg = Segmenter(batch_size, vad_type=['sad'|'vad'] , sr=8000 , model_path=\"c:\\\\sad_model_pytorch.pth\" , tq=1,ffmpeg_path='c:\\\\ffmpeg.exe',complete_output=False , device='cuda',input_type='file')  ``TORCH``\n\nseg = Segmenter(batch_size, vad_type=['sad'|'vad'] , sr=16000 , model_path=\"c:\\\\keras_speech_music_noise_cnn.hdf5\",gender_path=\"c:\\\\keras_male_female_cnn.hdf5\",ffmpeg_path='c:\\\\ffmpeg.exe',detect_gender=False,complete_output=False,device='cuda',input_type='file') ``TensorFlow``\n\nisig,wav,mfcc = seg(fname)  ``mfcc output Just in torch model`` \n\nnmfcc = filter_fea(isig , mfcc , sr , max_time) ``Just in torch model``\n\nmfcc = MVN(mfcc) ``Just in torch model`` \n\nisig = filter_output(isig , max_silence ,ignore_small_speech_segments , max_speech_len ,split_speech_bigger_than)  ``Do when complete_output=False``\n\nseg2aud(isig , filename)\n  \nseg2json(isig)   \n\nseg2Gender_Info(isig)  \n\nseg2Info(isig)    \n\nwav_speech , wav_noise = filter_sig(isig , wav , sr) ``Get Speech and Noise Parts of file - Do when complete_output=False``\n\nfrom sad_tf.segmentero import Segmenter ``to use onnx models - need to install onnxruntime``\n\nfrom iman.sad_torch_mfcc_speaker import *\n================================================\nseg = Segmenter(batch_size, vad_type=['sad'|'vad'] , sr=8000 , model_path=\"c:\\\\sad_model_pytorch.pth\" , max_time=120(sec) , tq=1,ffmpeg_path='c:\\\\ffmpeg.exe', device='cuda' , pad=False)  ``TORCH - max_time in second to split fea output``\nmfcc, len(sec)  = seg(fname)   ``mfcc pad to max_time length if pad=True``\n\nfrom iman.sad_tf_mlp_speaker import *\n================================================\nseg = Segmenter(batch_size, vad_type=['sad'|'vad'] , sr=8000 , model_path=\"sad_tf_mlp.h5\" , max_time=120(sec) , tq=1,ffmpeg_path='c:\\\\ffmpeg.exe', device='cuda' , pad=False)  ``Tensorflow (small mlp model) - max_time in second to split fea output``\nmfcc, len(sec)  = seg(fname)   ``mfcc pad to max_time length if pad=True``\n\nfrom iman import Report   ``Tensorboard Writer``\n==================================================\nr=Report.rep(log_dir=None)\n\nr.WS(_type , _name , value , itr)  ``Add_scalar``\n\nr.WT(_type , _name , _str , itr)   ``Add_text``\n\nr.WG(pytorch_model , example_input)   ``Add_graph``\n\nr.WI(_type , _name , images , itr)   ``Add_image``\n\nfrom iman import par\n========================\nif (__name__ == '__main__'):  \n \nres = par.par(files , func , worker=4 , args=[])   ``def func(fname , _args): ...``\n\nfrom iman import Image\n=========================\nImage.convert(fname_pattern ,ext ='jpg',ofolder=None , w=-1 , h=-1,level=100,  worker=4,ffmpeg_path='c:\\\\ffmpeg.exe')\n\nImage.resize(fname_pattern ,ext ='jpg',ofolder=None , w=2 , h=2,  worker=4,ffmpeg_path='c:\\\\ffmpeg.exe') ``resize to 1/h and 1/w``\n\nfrom iman import Boors\n==========================\nBoors.get(sahm)  ``get sahm info``\n\nfrom iman import Text\n=====================\nnorm = Text.normal(\"c:\\\\Replace_List.txt\")\n\nnorm.rep(str)\n\nnorm.from_file(filename ,file_out=None)\n\nfrom iman.num2fa import words\n=============================\nwords(number)\n\nfrom iman import examples\n==========================\nexamples.items   ``get items in examples folder``\n\\n\nfrom iman import Rar  \n====================\n1-rar(fname , out=\"\" , rar_path=r\"C:\\\\Program Files\\\\WinRAR\\\\winrar.exe\") \n\n2-zip(fname , out=\"\" , rar_path=r\"C:\\\\Program Files\\\\WinRAR\\\\winrar.exe\") \n\n3-unrar(fname , out=\"\" , rar_path=r\"C:\\\\Program Files\\\\WinRAR\\\\winrar.exe\") \n\n4-unzip(fname , out=\"\" , rar_path=r\"C:\\\\Program Files\\\\WinRAR\\\\winrar.exe\") \n\nfrom iman import Enhance\n=========================\n1-Enhance.Dereverb(pattern , out_fol , sr = 16000, batchsize=16 , device=\"cuda\"  ,model_path=r\"C:\\\\UVR-DeEcho-DeReverb.pth\")\n\n2-Enhance.Denoise(pattern , out_fol , sr = 16000, batchsize=16 , device=\"cuda\"  ,model_path=r\"C:\\UVR-DeNoise-Lite.pth\")\n\nfrom import *\n=====================\n1-flops(model)   ``get flops of tf model``\n\n2-param(model)   ``return parameter number of tf model``\n\n3-paramp(model)  ``return parameter number of tf model and print model layers``\n\n4-gpu()    ``return True if available``\n\n5-gpun()   ``return number of gpus``\n\n6-limit()   ``Tf model only allocate as much GPU memory based on runtime allocations``\n\nfrom iman.torch import *\n========================\n1-param(model)   ``return parameter number and trainable number of torch model``\n\n2-paramp(model)  ``return parameter number of torch model and print model layers``\n\n3-layers(model)  ``return layers of torch model``\n\n4-gpu()    ``return True if available``\n\n5-gpun()   ``return number of gpus``\n\n\n",
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    "license": "",
    "summary": "Python package for daily Tasks",
    "version": "1.0.22",
    "project_urls": null,
    "split_keywords": [
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