
Nameimandra JSON
Version 1.0.4 PyPI version JSON
SummaryA CLI and API client library for interfacing with Imandra's web APIs
upload_time2023-09-01 13:45:52
keywords imandra
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # Imandra CLI and API client library

[Imandra]( is a cloud-native automated reasoning engine for analysis of algorithms and data.

This package contains a python library `imandra` for interacting with Imandra's web APIs, to do things such as:

- Creating cloud-hosted Imandra Core instances to interact with Imandra via:
  - Jupyter Notebooks
  - the HTTP API wrapper around an Imandra Core session,`imandra-http-api`.
- Submitting Imandra Protocol Languge (IPL) analysis jobs

If you're interested in developing Imandra models, you may also want to see the [main Imandra docs site](, and consider setting up Imandra Core locally by following the installation instructions there.

The `imandra` python API reference documentation is available [here](

The `imandra` package also adds an entry point called `imandra-cli` which exposes the `imandra` library functionality in a more discoverable way:

$ python3 -m venv ./my/venv
$ ./my/venv/pip install imandra
$ ./my/venv/bin/imandra-cli --help
usage: imandra [-h] auth,ipl,core,rule-synth,cfb ...

Imandra CLI

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

On Windows, the entry point can be found as `.\my\venv\Scripts\imandra-cli.exe`.

## Authentication

This is the first step to start using Imandra via APIs. Our cloud environment requires a user account, which you may setup like this:

$ ./my/venv/bin/imandra-cli auth login

and follow the prompts to authenticate. This will create the relevant credentials in `~/.imandra` (or `%APPDATA%\imandra` on Windows).

You should now be able to invoke CLI commands that require authentication, and construct an `auth` object from python code:

    import imandra.auth
    auth = imandra.auth.Auth()

This auth object can then be passed to library functions which make requests to Imandra's web APIs.

## Quick Start with Python APIs:

The `imandra.session` class provides an easy-to-use interface for requesting and managing an instance of Imandra Core within our cloud environment. It has built-in use of `auth` class described above.

import imandra
with imandra.session() as s:
    s.eval("let f x = if x > 0 then if x * x < 0 then x else x + 1 else x")
    verify_result = s.verify("fun x -> x > 0 ==> f x > 0")
    instance_result = s.instance("fun x -> f x = 43")
    decomposition = s.decompose("f")


for n, region in enumerate(decomposition.regions):
    print("-"*10 + " Region", n, "-"*10 + "\nConstraints")
    for c in region.constraints_pp:
        print("  ", c)
    print("Invariant:", "\n  ", region.invariant_pp) 

 Please note, while this simplifies usage, it can be less resource-efficient for repeated high-volume requests, as a new Imandra instance pod is started for each block (which may take a few seconds and be subject to availability if you're using community license). For more practical applications, manual management of your instances may be preferable:

import imandra

s = imandra.session()

print(s.verify("fun x -> x > 0 ==> f x > 0"))



We recommend using Jypyter notebooks (Python kernel) with our APIs so you can instanciate a session in one cell and repeatedly perform computation in others.

Please note: we enforce limits on the number of pods you can run simultaneously (per license level).

## (Advanced) Manually interacting with Imandra Core via HTTP

The package also includes `imandra_http_api_client`, an open-api generated API
client for `imandra-http-api`, the HTTP wrapper for Imandra itself, which can be
used for verifying Imandra models.

Although developing models is best done via a [local Imandra Core
installation](, if
you've already built a model and want to dynamically interrogate its logical
constitution using Imandra, Imandra Core's HTTP API can lend a hand by giving
you lightweight access to an Imandra Core instance, and returning responses in a
structured, machine-readable format over HTTP.

- See the [`imandra_http_api_client` API reference
  for this module.

If you have a [local Imandra Core
you can invoke `imandra-http-api` directly, and connect to it on localhost:

# In a terminal
$ imandra-http-api

# with imandra-http-api running locally on port 3000
import imandra_http_api_client

config = imandra_http_api_client.Configuration(
    host = 'http://localhost:3000',

If you do not have a local Imandra Core installation, you can create an instance
of `imandra-http-api` on our cloud (after authenticating via the CLI command
`imandra auth login`):

import imandra.auth
import imandra.instance
import imandra_http_api_client

auth = imandra.auth.Auth()
instance = imandra.instance.create(auth, None, "imandra-http-api")

config = imandra_http_api_client.Configuration(
    host = instance['new_pod']['url'],
    access_token =  instance['new_pod']['exchange_token'],

You can then use your `imandra_http_api_client.Configuration` object to make requests to `imandra-http-api`:

with imandra_http_api_client.ApiClient(config) as api_client:
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance = imandra_http_api_client.DefaultApi(api_client)
    eval_req = {
        "src": "fun x -> List.rev (List.rev x) = x",
        "syntax": "iml",
        "hints": {
            "method": {
                "type": "auto"
    req = {
        "src": "fun x -> List.rev (List.rev x) = x",
        "syntax": "iml",
        "hints": {
            "method": {
                "type": "auto"
    print("Request: ")
    verify_request_src = imandra_http_api_client.VerifyRequestSrc.from_dict(req)

        # Verify a string of source code
        api_response = api_instance.verify_by_src(verify_request_src)
        print("The response of DefaultApi->verify:\n")
    except ApiException as e:
        print("Exception when calling DefaultApi->verify: %s\n" % e)

Once you're done with your instance, terminate it with:

imandra.instance.delete(auth, instance['new_pod']['id'])


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "imandra",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": "",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "imandra",
    "author": "",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# Imandra CLI and API client library\n\n[Imandra]( is a cloud-native automated reasoning engine for analysis of algorithms and data.\n\nThis package contains a python library `imandra` for interacting with Imandra's web APIs, to do things such as:\n\n- Creating cloud-hosted Imandra Core instances to interact with Imandra via:\n  - Jupyter Notebooks\n  - the HTTP API wrapper around an Imandra Core session,`imandra-http-api`.\n- Submitting Imandra Protocol Languge (IPL) analysis jobs\n\nIf you're interested in developing Imandra models, you may also want to see the [main Imandra docs site](, and consider setting up Imandra Core locally by following the installation instructions there.\n\nThe `imandra` python API reference documentation is available [here](\n\nThe `imandra` package also adds an entry point called `imandra-cli` which exposes the `imandra` library functionality in a more discoverable way:\n\n```sh\n$ python3 -m venv ./my/venv\n...\n$ ./my/venv/pip install imandra\n...\n$ ./my/venv/bin/imandra-cli --help\nusage: imandra [-h] auth,ipl,core,rule-synth,cfb ...\n\nImandra CLI\n\npositional arguments:\n  {auth,ipl,core,rule-synth,cfb}\n\noptional arguments:\n  -h, --help            show this help message and exit\n```\n\nOn Windows, the entry point can be found as `.\\my\\venv\\Scripts\\imandra-cli.exe`.\n\n## Authentication\n\nThis is the first step to start using Imandra via APIs. Our cloud environment requires a user account, which you may setup like this:\n\n```sh\n$ ./my/venv/bin/imandra-cli auth login\n```\n\nand follow the prompts to authenticate. This will create the relevant credentials in `~/.imandra` (or `%APPDATA%\\imandra` on Windows).\n\nYou should now be able to invoke CLI commands that require authentication, and construct an `auth` object from python code:\n\n```py\n    import imandra.auth\n    auth = imandra.auth.Auth()\n```\n\nThis auth object can then be passed to library functions which make requests to Imandra's web APIs.\n\n## Quick Start with Python APIs:\n\nThe `imandra.session` class provides an easy-to-use interface for requesting and managing an instance of Imandra Core within our cloud environment. It has built-in use of `auth` class described above.\n\n```py\nimport imandra\nwith imandra.session() as s:\n    s.eval(\"let f x = if x > 0 then if x * x < 0 then x else x + 1 else x\")\n    verify_result = s.verify(\"fun x -> x > 0 ==> f x > 0\")\n    instance_result = s.instance(\"fun x -> f x = 43\")\n    decomposition = s.decompose(\"f\")\n\nprint(verify_result)\nprint(instance_result)\n\nfor n, region in enumerate(decomposition.regions):\n    print(\"-\"*10 + \" Region\", n, \"-\"*10 + \"\\nConstraints\")\n    for c in region.constraints_pp:\n        print(\"  \", c)\n    print(\"Invariant:\", \"\\n  \", region.invariant_pp) \n```\n\n Please note, while this simplifies usage, it can be less resource-efficient for repeated high-volume requests, as a new Imandra instance pod is started for each block (which may take a few seconds and be subject to availability if you're using community license). For more practical applications, manual management of your instances may be preferable:\n\n```py\nimport imandra\n\ns = imandra.session()\n\nprint(s.verify(\"fun x -> x > 0 ==> f x > 0\"))\n\ns.close()\n\n```\n\nWe recommend using Jypyter notebooks (Python kernel) with our APIs so you can instanciate a session in one cell and repeatedly perform computation in others.\n\nPlease note: we enforce limits on the number of pods you can run simultaneously (per license level).\n\n## (Advanced) Manually interacting with Imandra Core via HTTP\n\nThe package also includes `imandra_http_api_client`, an open-api generated API\nclient for `imandra-http-api`, the HTTP wrapper for Imandra itself, which can be\nused for verifying Imandra models.\n\nAlthough developing models is best done via a [local Imandra Core\ninstallation](, if\nyou've already built a model and want to dynamically interrogate its logical\nconstitution using Imandra, Imandra Core's HTTP API can lend a hand by giving\nyou lightweight access to an Imandra Core instance, and returning responses in a\nstructured, machine-readable format over HTTP.\n\n- See the [`imandra_http_api_client` API reference\n  documentation](\n  for this module.\n\nIf you have a [local Imandra Core\ninstallation](,\nyou can invoke `imandra-http-api` directly, and connect to it on localhost:\n\n```bash\n# In a terminal\n$ imandra-http-api\n```\n\n```py\n# with imandra-http-api running locally on port 3000\nimport imandra_http_api_client\n\nconfig = imandra_http_api_client.Configuration(\n    host = 'http://localhost:3000',\n)\n```\n\nIf you do not have a local Imandra Core installation, you can create an instance\nof `imandra-http-api` on our cloud (after authenticating via the CLI command\n`imandra auth login`):\n\n```py\nimport imandra.auth\nimport imandra.instance\nimport imandra_http_api_client\n\nauth = imandra.auth.Auth()\ninstance = imandra.instance.create(auth, None, \"imandra-http-api\")\n\nconfig = imandra_http_api_client.Configuration(\n    host = instance['new_pod']['url'],\n    access_token =  instance['new_pod']['exchange_token'],\n)\n```\n\nYou can then use your `imandra_http_api_client.Configuration` object to make requests to `imandra-http-api`:\n\n```py\nwith imandra_http_api_client.ApiClient(config) as api_client:\n    # Create an instance of the API class\n    api_instance = imandra_http_api_client.DefaultApi(api_client)\n    eval_req = {\n        \"src\": \"fun x -> List.rev (List.rev x) = x\",\n        \"syntax\": \"iml\",\n        \"hints\": {\n            \"method\": {\n                \"type\": \"auto\"\n            }\n        }\n    }\n    req = {\n        \"src\": \"fun x -> List.rev (List.rev x) = x\",\n        \"syntax\": \"iml\",\n        \"hints\": {\n            \"method\": {\n                \"type\": \"auto\"\n            }\n        }\n    }\n    print(\"Request: \")\n    print(req)\n    verify_request_src = imandra_http_api_client.VerifyRequestSrc.from_dict(req)\n\n    try:\n        # Verify a string of source code\n        api_response = api_instance.verify_by_src(verify_request_src)\n        print(\"The response of DefaultApi->verify:\\n\")\n        print(api_response)\n    except ApiException as e:\n        print(\"Exception when calling DefaultApi->verify: %s\\n\" % e)\n```\n\nOnce you're done with your instance, terminate it with:\n\n```\nimandra.instance.delete(auth, instance['new_pod']['id'])\n```\n",
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    "version": "1.0.4",
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    "split_keywords": [
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