
Nameimportloc JSON
Version 0.3.1 PyPI version JSON
SummaryImport Python objects from arbitrary locations specified by string
upload_time2025-02-06 19:19:44
keywords import import-module import-object import-string python
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # importloc
<!-- docsub: begin -->
<!-- docsub: include docs/ -->
> *Import Python objects from arbitrary locations specified by string.*
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[![tested with multipython](](
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# Features

* Minimalistic fully typed package
* Import from files or named modules
* Import deeply nested objects
* Import all instances or all subclasses
* Configurable module name conflict resolution
* Atomicity: on import error, new module is removed, and previous, if any, is restored
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# Installation

$ pip install importloc

# Usage

<!-- docsub: begin #readme -->
<!-- docsub: include docs/ -->
* Various locations
    <!-- docsub: begin -->
    <!-- docsub: x usage toc tests/ 'L[0-9]' -->
    * [Import from file](#import-from-file)
    * [Import from module](#import-from-module)
    * [Distinguish file and module locations](#distinguish-file-and-module-locations)
    <!-- docsub: end -->
* Various targets
    <!-- docsub: begin -->
    <!-- docsub: x usage toc tests/ 'T[0-9]' -->
    * [Import nested class](#import-nested-class)
    * [Import module as a whole](#import-module-as-a-whole)
    * [Use `Path` object when loading module](#use-path-object-when-loading-module)
    * [Import all instances of some type](#import-all-instances-of-some-type)
    * [Import all subclasses](#import-all-subclasses)
    <!-- docsub: end -->
* Custom module name
    <!-- docsub: begin -->
    <!-- docsub: x usage toc tests/ 'N[0-9]' -->
    * [Use different module name](#use-different-module-name)
    * [Generate module name at run time](#generate-module-name-at-run-time)
    <!-- docsub: end -->
* What if module is already imported?
    <!-- docsub: begin -->
    <!-- docsub: x usage toc tests/ 'R[0-9]' -->
    * [Module name conflict raises error by default](#module-name-conflict-raises-error-by-default)
    * [Reuse module that is already imported](#reuse-module-that-is-already-imported)
    * [Reload module that is already imported](#reload-module-that-is-already-imported)
    * [Replace old module with imported one](#replace-old-module-with-imported-one)
    * [Load module under different generated name](#load-module-under-different-generated-name)
    * [Combine override and rename](#combine-override-and-rename)
    <!-- docsub: end -->
* What if object does not exist?
    <!-- docsub: begin -->
    <!-- docsub: x usage toc tests/ 'O[0-9]' -->
    * [Missing object causes `AttributeError`](#missing-object-causes-attribute-error)
    <!-- docsub: end -->

## Quick start

The main and most used entity is `Location`.

from importloc import Location

## Various locations

<!-- docsub: begin -->
<!-- docsub: x usage section tests/ 'L[0-9]' -->
### Import from file


>>> loc = Location('app/')
>>> loc
<PathLocation 'app/' obj='conf'>
>>> loc.load()
<config.Config object at 0x...>

### Import from module


>>> loc = Location('app.__main__:cli')
>>> loc
<ModuleLocation 'app.__main__' obj='cli'>
>>> loc.load()
<function cli at 0x...>

### Distinguish file and module locations


>>> loc = Location('')
>>> loc
<ModuleLocation '' obj='conf'>
>>> loc.load()
Traceback (most recent call last):
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ''...

Use relative path (similar to Docker bind mount). Path separator will result in
`PathLocation` instead of `ModuleLocation`.

>>> loc = Location('./')
>>> loc
<PathLocation '' obj='conf'>
>>> loc.load()
<config.Config object at 0x...>

<!-- docsub: end -->

## Various targets

<!-- docsub: begin -->
<!-- docsub: x usage section tests/ 'T[0-9]' -->
### Import nested class


>>> loc = Location('app/')
>>> loc
<PathLocation 'app/' obj='Config.Nested'>
>>> loc.load()
<class 'config.Config.Nested'>

### Import module as a whole


>>> loc = Location('app/')
>>> loc
<PathLocation 'app/'>
>>> loc.load()
<module 'config' from '...'>

### Use `Path` object when loading module


>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> loc = Location(Path(''))
>>> loc
<PathLocation ''>
>>> loc.load()
<module 'config' from '...'>

### Import all instances of some type

get_instances(Location('app.__main__').load(), Callable)

>>> from import Callable
>>> from importloc import get_instances
>>> loc = Location('app.__main__')
>>> loc
<ModuleLocation 'app.__main__'>
>>> get_instances(loc.load(), Callable)
[<function cli at 0x...>]

### Import all subclasses

get_subclasses(Location('app.errors').load(), Exception)

>>> from importloc import get_subclasses
>>> loc = Location('app.errors')
>>> loc
<ModuleLocation 'app.errors'>
>>> get_subclasses(loc.load(), Exception)
[<class 'app.errors.Error1'>, <class 'app.errors.Error2'>]

<!-- docsub: end -->

## Custom module name

<!-- docsub: begin -->
<!-- docsub: x usage section tests/ 'N[0-9]' -->
### Use different module name


>>> Location('app/').load(modname='app_main')
<class 'app_main.Config'>

### Generate module name at run time


>>> from importloc import random_name
>>> Location('app/').load(modname=random_name)
<class 'u....Config'>

<!-- docsub: end -->

## What if module is already imported?

The module name conflict can be resolved with one the methods:

* ``reuse`` existing module imported before
* ``reload`` existing module
* ``replace`` existing module
* ``rename`` new module (try to import under new name)
* ``raise`` exception (default)

For details, see documentation on [ConflictResolution](

<!-- docsub: begin -->
<!-- docsub: x usage section tests/ 'R[0-9]' -->
### Module name conflict raises error by default


>>> Location('app/').load()
<class 'config.Config'>
>>> Location('app/').load()
Traceback (most recent call last):
importloc.exc.ModuleNameConflict: Module "config" is already imported

### Reuse module that is already imported


>>> C = Location('app/').load()
>>> C
<class 'config.Config'>
>>> old_id = id(C)
>>> C = Location('app/').load(on_conflict='reuse')
>>> C
<class 'config.Config'>
>>> # C is the same object:
>>> id(C) == old_id

### Reload module that is already imported


>>> import sys
>>> C = Location('app/').load()
>>> C
<class 'config.Config'>
>>> old_id = id(C)
>>> mod_id = id(sys.modules['config'])
>>> C = Location('app/').load(on_conflict='reload')
>>> C
<class 'config.Config'>
>>> # module object remains the same after reloading:
>>> id(sys.modules['config']) == mod_id
>>> # C is the new object from reloaded module:
>>> id(C) == old_id

### Replace old module with imported one


>>> import sys
>>> C = Location('app/').load()
>>> C
<class 'config.Config'>
>>> mod_id = id(sys.modules['config'])
>>> C = Location('app/').load(on_conflict='replace')
>>> C
<class 'config.Config'>
>>> # module object is the new one:
>>> id(sys.modules['config']) == mod_id

### Load module under different generated name

Location('...').load(on_conflict='rename', rename=random_name)

>>> from importloc import random_name
>>> Location('app/').load()
<module 'config' from ...>
>>> Location('app/').load(on_conflict='rename', rename=random_name)
<module 'u...'>

### Combine override and rename

Location('...').load(modname='...', on_conflict='rename', rename=random_name)

>>> from importloc import random_name
>>> Location('app/').load(modname='app_config')
<module 'app_config' from ...>
>>> Location('app/').load(
...     modname='app_config', on_conflict='rename', rename=random_name
... )
<module 'u...' from ...>

<!-- docsub: end -->

## What if object does not exist?

<!-- docsub: begin -->
<!-- docsub: x usage section tests/ 'O[0-9]' -->
### Missing object causes `AttributeError`

When module was imported but requested object does not exist, `AttributeError`
is raised.

>>> Location('app/').load()
Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError: object has no attribute 'unknown'
>>> # due to import atomicity, module 'config' was removed
>>> import sys
>>> 'config' in sys.modules

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<!-- docsub: end #readme -->

# See also

* [Similar implementations](
* [Project changelog](


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": null,
    "name": "importloc",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.9",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": "import, import-module, import-object, import-string, python",
    "author": null,
    "author_email": null,
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# importloc\n<!-- docsub: begin -->\n<!-- docsub: include docs/ -->\n> *Import Python objects from arbitrary locations specified by string.*\n<!-- docsub: end -->\n\n<!-- docsub: begin -->\n<!-- docsub: include docs/ -->\n[![license](](\n[![pypi](](\n[![python versions](](\n[![tests](](\n[![coverage](](\n[![tested with multipython](](\n[![uses docsub](](\n[![mypy](](\n[![uv](](\n[![Ruff](](\n<!-- docsub: end -->\n\n\n<!-- docsub: begin -->\n<!-- docsub: include docs/ -->\n# Features\n\n* Minimalistic fully typed package\n* Import from files or named modules\n* Import deeply nested objects\n* Import all instances or all subclasses\n* Configurable module name conflict resolution\n* Atomicity: on import error, new module is removed, and previous, if any, is restored\n<!-- docsub: end -->\n\n\n# Installation\n\n```shell\n$ pip install importloc\n```\n\n\n# Usage\n\n<!-- docsub: begin #readme -->\n<!-- docsub: include docs/ -->\n* Various locations\n    <!-- docsub: begin -->\n    <!-- docsub: x usage toc tests/ 'L[0-9]' -->\n    * [Import from file](#import-from-file)\n    * [Import from module](#import-from-module)\n    * [Distinguish file and module locations](#distinguish-file-and-module-locations)\n    <!-- docsub: end -->\n* Various targets\n    <!-- docsub: begin -->\n    <!-- docsub: x usage toc tests/ 'T[0-9]' -->\n    * [Import nested class](#import-nested-class)\n    * [Import module as a whole](#import-module-as-a-whole)\n    * [Use `Path` object when loading module](#use-path-object-when-loading-module)\n    * [Import all instances of some type](#import-all-instances-of-some-type)\n    * [Import all subclasses](#import-all-subclasses)\n    <!-- docsub: end -->\n* Custom module name\n    <!-- docsub: begin -->\n    <!-- docsub: x usage toc tests/ 'N[0-9]' -->\n    * [Use different module name](#use-different-module-name)\n    * [Generate module name at run time](#generate-module-name-at-run-time)\n    <!-- docsub: end -->\n* What if module is already imported?\n    <!-- docsub: begin -->\n    <!-- docsub: x usage toc tests/ 'R[0-9]' -->\n    * [Module name conflict raises error by default](#module-name-conflict-raises-error-by-default)\n    * [Reuse module that is already imported](#reuse-module-that-is-already-imported)\n    * [Reload module that is already imported](#reload-module-that-is-already-imported)\n    * [Replace old module with imported one](#replace-old-module-with-imported-one)\n    * [Load module under different generated name](#load-module-under-different-generated-name)\n    * [Combine override and rename](#combine-override-and-rename)\n    <!-- docsub: end -->\n* What if object does not exist?\n    <!-- docsub: begin -->\n    <!-- docsub: x usage toc tests/ 'O[0-9]' -->\n    * [Missing object causes `AttributeError`](#missing-object-causes-attribute-error)\n    <!-- docsub: end -->\n\n\n## Quick start\n\nThe main and most used entity is `Location`.\n\n```python\nfrom importloc import Location\n```\n\n\n## Various locations\n\n<!-- docsub: begin -->\n<!-- docsub: x usage section tests/ 'L[0-9]' -->\n### Import from file\n\n```python\nLocation('app/').load()\n```\n\n_Example_\n```pycon\n>>> loc = Location('app/')\n>>> loc\n<PathLocation 'app/' obj='conf'>\n>>> loc.load()\n<config.Config object at 0x...>\n```\n\n### Import from module\n\n```python\nLocation('app.__main__:cli').load()\n```\n\n_Example_\n```pycon\n>>> loc = Location('app.__main__:cli')\n>>> loc\n<ModuleLocation 'app.__main__' obj='cli'>\n>>> loc.load()\n<function cli at 0x...>\n```\n\n### Distinguish file and module locations\n\n```python\nLocation('./').load()\n```\n\n_Example_\n```pycon\n>>> loc = Location('')\n>>> loc\n<ModuleLocation '' obj='conf'>\n>>> loc.load()\nTraceback (most recent call last):\n    ...\nModuleNotFoundError: No module named ''...\n```\n\nUse relative path (similar to Docker bind mount). Path separator will result in\n`PathLocation` instead of `ModuleLocation`.\n\n```pycon\n>>> loc = Location('./')\n>>> loc\n<PathLocation '' obj='conf'>\n>>> loc.load()\n<config.Config object at 0x...>\n```\n\n<!-- docsub: end -->\n\n\n## Various targets\n\n<!-- docsub: begin -->\n<!-- docsub: x usage section tests/ 'T[0-9]' -->\n### Import nested class\n\n```python\nLocation('app/').load()\n```\n\n_Example_\n```pycon\n>>> loc = Location('app/')\n>>> loc\n<PathLocation 'app/' obj='Config.Nested'>\n>>> loc.load()\n<class 'config.Config.Nested'>\n```\n\n### Import module as a whole\n\n```python\nLocation('app/').load()\n```\n\n_Example_\n```pycon\n>>> loc = Location('app/')\n>>> loc\n<PathLocation 'app/'>\n>>> loc.load()\n<module 'config' from '...'>\n```\n\n### Use `Path` object when loading module\n\n```python\nLocation(Path('')).load()\n```\n\n_Example_\n```pycon\n>>> from pathlib import Path\n>>> loc = Location(Path(''))\n>>> loc\n<PathLocation ''>\n>>> loc.load()\n<module 'config' from '...'>\n```\n\n### Import all instances of some type\n\n```python\nget_instances(Location('app.__main__').load(), Callable)\n```\n\n_Example_\n```pycon\n>>> from import Callable\n>>> from importloc import get_instances\n>>> loc = Location('app.__main__')\n>>> loc\n<ModuleLocation 'app.__main__'>\n>>> get_instances(loc.load(), Callable)\n[<function cli at 0x...>]\n```\n\n### Import all subclasses\n\n```python\nget_subclasses(Location('app.errors').load(), Exception)\n```\n\n_Example_\n```pycon\n>>> from importloc import get_subclasses\n>>> loc = Location('app.errors')\n>>> loc\n<ModuleLocation 'app.errors'>\n>>> get_subclasses(loc.load(), Exception)\n[<class 'app.errors.Error1'>, <class 'app.errors.Error2'>]\n```\n\n<!-- docsub: end -->\n\n\n## Custom module name\n\n<!-- docsub: begin -->\n<!-- docsub: x usage section tests/ 'N[0-9]' -->\n### Use different module name\n\n```python\nLocation('...').load(modname='app_main')\n```\n\n_Example_\n```pycon\n>>> Location('app/').load(modname='app_main')\n<class 'app_main.Config'>\n```\n\n### Generate module name at run time\n\n```python\nLocation('...').load(modname=random_name)\n```\n\n_Example_\n```pycon\n>>> from importloc import random_name\n>>> Location('app/').load(modname=random_name)\n<class 'u....Config'>\n```\n\n<!-- docsub: end -->\n\n\n## What if module is already imported?\n\nThe module name conflict can be resolved with one the methods:\n\n* ``reuse`` existing module imported before\n* ``reload`` existing module\n* ``replace`` existing module\n* ``rename`` new module (try to import under new name)\n* ``raise`` exception (default)\n\nFor details, see documentation on [ConflictResolution](\n\n<!-- docsub: begin -->\n<!-- docsub: x usage section tests/ 'R[0-9]' -->\n### Module name conflict raises error by default\n\n```python\nLocation('...').load()\n```\n\n_Example_\n```pycon\n>>> Location('app/').load()\n<class 'config.Config'>\n>>> Location('app/').load()\nTraceback (most recent call last):\n    ...\nimportloc.exc.ModuleNameConflict: Module \"config\" is already imported\n```\n\n### Reuse module that is already imported\n\n```python\nLocation('...').load(on_conflict='reuse')\n```\n\n_Example_\n```pycon\n>>> C = Location('app/').load()\n>>> C\n<class 'config.Config'>\n>>> old_id = id(C)\n>>> C = Location('app/').load(on_conflict='reuse')\n>>> C\n<class 'config.Config'>\n>>> # C is the same object:\n>>> id(C) == old_id\nTrue\n```\n\n### Reload module that is already imported\n\n```python\nLocation('...').load(on_conflict='reload')\n```\n\n_Example_\n```pycon\n>>> import sys\n>>> C = Location('app/').load()\n>>> C\n<class 'config.Config'>\n>>> old_id = id(C)\n>>> mod_id = id(sys.modules['config'])\n>>> C = Location('app/').load(on_conflict='reload')\n>>> C\n<class 'config.Config'>\n>>> # module object remains the same after reloading:\n>>> id(sys.modules['config']) == mod_id\nTrue\n>>> # C is the new object from reloaded module:\n>>> id(C) == old_id\nFalse\n```\n\n### Replace old module with imported one\n\n```python\nLocation('...').load(on_conflict='replace')\n```\n\n_Example_\n```pycon\n>>> import sys\n>>> C = Location('app/').load()\n>>> C\n<class 'config.Config'>\n>>> mod_id = id(sys.modules['config'])\n>>> C = Location('app/').load(on_conflict='replace')\n>>> C\n<class 'config.Config'>\n>>> # module object is the new one:\n>>> id(sys.modules['config']) == mod_id\nFalse\n```\n\n### Load module under different generated name\n\n```python\nLocation('...').load(on_conflict='rename', rename=random_name)\n```\n\n_Example_\n```pycon\n>>> from importloc import random_name\n>>> Location('app/').load()\n<module 'config' from ...>\n>>> Location('app/').load(on_conflict='rename', rename=random_name)\n<module 'u...'>\n```\n\n### Combine override and rename\n\n```python\nLocation('...').load(modname='...', on_conflict='rename', rename=random_name)\n```\n\n_Example_\n```pycon\n>>> from importloc import random_name\n>>> Location('app/').load(modname='app_config')\n<module 'app_config' from ...>\n>>> Location('app/').load(\n...     modname='app_config', on_conflict='rename', rename=random_name\n... )\n<module 'u...' from ...>\n```\n\n<!-- docsub: end -->\n\n\n## What if object does not exist?\n\n<!-- docsub: begin -->\n<!-- docsub: x usage section tests/ 'O[0-9]' -->\n### Missing object causes `AttributeError`\n\nWhen module was imported but requested object does not exist, `AttributeError`\nis raised.\n\n_Example_\n```pycon\n>>> Location('app/').load()\nTraceback (most recent call last):\n    ...\nAttributeError: object has no attribute 'unknown'\n>>> # due to import atomicity, module 'config' was removed\n>>> import sys\n>>> 'config' in sys.modules\nFalse\n```\n\n<!-- docsub: end -->\n\n<!-- docsub: end #readme -->\n\n# See also\n\n* [Similar implementations](\n* [Project changelog](\n",
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    "summary": "Import Python objects from arbitrary locations specified by string",
    "version": "0.3.1",
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        "Issues": "",
        "Repository": ""
    "split_keywords": [
        " import-module",
        " import-object",
        " import-string",
        " python"
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