
NameinFairness JSON
Version 0.2.3 PyPI version JSON
SummaryinFairness is a Python package to train and audit individually fair PyTorch models
upload_time2023-04-10 19:16:12
authorIBM Research
keywords individual fairness ai fairness trustworthy ai machine learning
requirements No requirements were recorded.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
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## Individual Fairness and inFairness

Intuitively, an individually fair Machine Learning (ML) model treats similar inputs similarly. Formally, the leading notion of individual fairness is metric fairness [(Dwork et al., 2011)](; it requires:

$$ d_y (h(x_1), h(x_2)) \leq L d_x(x_1, x_2) \quad \forall \quad x_1, x_2 \in X $$

Here, $h: X \rightarrow Y$ is a ML model, where $X$ and $Y$ are input and output spaces; $d_x$ and $d_y$ are metrics on the input and output spaces, and $L \geq 0$ is a Lipchitz constant. This constrained optimization equation states that the distance between the model predictions for inputs $x_1$ and $x_2$ is upper-bounded by the fair distance between the inputs $x_1$ and $x_2$. Here, the fair metric $d_x$ encodes our intuition of which samples should be treated similarly by the ML model, and in designing so, we ensure that for input samples considered similar by the fair metric $d_x$, the model outputs will be similar as well.

inFairness is a PyTorch package that supports auditing, training, and post-processing ML models for individual fairness. At its core, the library implements the key components of individual fairness pipeline: $d_x$ - distance in the input space, $d_y$ - distance in the output space, and the learning algorithms to optimize for the equation above.

For an in-depth tutorial of Individual Fairness and the inFairness package, please watch this tutorial. Also, take a look at the [examples](./examples/) folder for illustrative use-cases and try the [Fairness Playground demo]( For more group fairness examples see [AIF360](

<p align="center">
  <a href="" target="_blank"><img width="700" alt="Watch the tutorial" src=""></a>

## Installation

inFairness can be installed using `pip`:

pip install inFairness

Alternatively, if you wish to install the latest development version, you can install directly by cloning this repository:

git clone <git repo url>
cd inFairness
pip install -e .

## Features

inFairness currently supports:

1. Learning individually fair metrics : [[Docs]](
2. Training of individually fair models : [[Docs]](
3. Auditing pre-trained ML models for individual fairness : [[Docs]](
4. Post-processing for Individual Fairness : [[Docs]](
5. Individually fair ranking : [[Docs]](

## Contributing

We welcome contributions from the community in any form - whether it is through the contribution of a new fair algorithm, fair metric, a new use-case, or simply reporting an issue or enhancement in the package. To contribute code to the package, please follow the following steps:

1. Clone this git repository to your local system
2. Setup your system by installing dependencies as: `pip3 install -r requirements.txt` and `pip3 install -r  build_requirements.txt`
3. Add your code contribution to the package. Please refer to the [`inFairness`](./inFairness) folder for an overview of the directory structure
4. Add appropriate unit tests in the [`tests`](./tests) folder
5. Once you are ready to commit code, check for the following:
   1. Coding style compliance using: `flake8 inFairness/`. This command will list all stylistic violations found in the code. Please try to fix as much as you can
   2. Ensure all the test cases pass using: `coverage run --source inFairness -m pytest tests/`. All unit tests need to pass to be able merge code in the package.
6. Finally, commit your code and raise a Pull Request.

## Tutorials

The [`examples`](./examples) folder contains tutorials from different fields illustrating how to use the package.

### Minimal example

First, you need to import the relevant packages

from inFairness import distances
from inFairness.fairalgo import SenSeI

The `inFairness.distances` module implements various distance metrics on the input and the output spaces, and the `inFairness.fairalgo` implements various individually fair learning algorithms with `SenSeI` being one particular algorithm.

Thereafter, we instantiate and fit the distance metrics on the training data, and 

distance_x = distances.SVDSensitiveSubspaceDistance()
distance_y = distances.EuclideanDistance(), n_components=50)

# Finally instantiate the fair algorithm
fairalgo = SenSeI(network, distance_x, distance_y, lossfn, rho=1.0, eps=1e-3, lr=0.01, auditor_nsteps=100, auditor_lr=0.1)

Finally, you can train the `fairalgo` as you would train your standard PyTorch deep neural network:


for epoch in range(EPOCHS):
    for x, y in train_dl:
        result = fairalgo(x, y)

##  Authors

<table align="center">
    <td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="120px;" alt=""/><br /><b>Mikhail Yurochkin</b></a></a></td>
    <td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="120px;" alt=""/><br /><b>Mayank Agarwal</b></a></a></td>
    <td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="120px;" alt=""/><br /><b>Aldo Pareja</b></a></a></td>
    <td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="120px;" alt=""/><br /><b>Onkar Bhardwaj</b></a></a></td>


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "inFairness",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.7",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "individual fairness,ai fairness,trustworthy ai,machine learning",
    "author": "IBM Research",
    "author_email": ",,,",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "<p align=\"center\">\n  <a href=\"\">\n     <img width=\"350\" height=\"350\" src=\"\">\n   </a>\n</p>\n\n<p align=\"center\">\n   <a href=\"\"><img src=\"\"></a>\n   <a href=\"./examples\"><img src=\"\"></a>\n   <a href=\"\"><img src=\"\"></a>\n   <a href=\"\"><img src=\"\"></a>\n   <br/>\n   <a href=\"\"><img src=\"\"></a>\n   <a href=\"\"><img alt=\"PyPI - Downloads\" src=\"\"></a>\n   <a href=\"\"><img src=\"\"></a>\n   <a href=\"\"><img src=\"\"></a>\n   <a href=\"\"><img src=\"\"></a>\n</p>\n\n\n## Individual Fairness and inFairness\n\nIntuitively, an individually fair Machine Learning (ML) model treats similar inputs similarly. Formally, the leading notion of individual fairness is metric fairness [(Dwork et al., 2011)](; it requires:\n\n$$ d_y (h(x_1), h(x_2)) \\leq L d_x(x_1, x_2) \\quad \\forall \\quad x_1, x_2 \\in X $$\n\nHere, $h: X \\rightarrow Y$ is a ML model, where $X$ and $Y$ are input and output spaces; $d_x$ and $d_y$ are metrics on the input and output spaces, and $L \\geq 0$ is a Lipchitz constant. This constrained optimization equation states that the distance between the model predictions for inputs $x_1$ and $x_2$ is upper-bounded by the fair distance between the inputs $x_1$ and $x_2$. Here, the fair metric $d_x$ encodes our intuition of which samples should be treated similarly by the ML model, and in designing so, we ensure that for input samples considered similar by the fair metric $d_x$, the model outputs will be similar as well.\n\ninFairness is a PyTorch package that supports auditing, training, and post-processing ML models for individual fairness. At its core, the library implements the key components of individual fairness pipeline: $d_x$ - distance in the input space, $d_y$ - distance in the output space, and the learning algorithms to optimize for the equation above.\n\nFor an in-depth tutorial of Individual Fairness and the inFairness package, please watch this tutorial. Also, take a look at the [examples](./examples/) folder for illustrative use-cases and try the [Fairness Playground demo]( For more group fairness examples see [AIF360](\n\n<p align=\"center\">\n  <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><img width=\"700\" alt=\"Watch the tutorial\" src=\"\"></a>\n</p>\n\n## Installation\n\ninFairness can be installed using `pip`:\n\n```\npip install inFairness\n```\n\n\nAlternatively, if you wish to install the latest development version, you can install directly by cloning this repository:\n\n```\ngit clone <git repo url>\ncd inFairness\npip install -e .\n```\n\n\n\n## Features\n\ninFairness currently supports:\n\n1. Learning individually fair metrics : [[Docs]](\n2. Training of individually fair models : [[Docs]](\n3. Auditing pre-trained ML models for individual fairness : [[Docs]](\n4. Post-processing for Individual Fairness : [[Docs]](\n5. Individually fair ranking : [[Docs]](\n\n\n## Contributing\n\nWe welcome contributions from the community in any form - whether it is through the contribution of a new fair algorithm, fair metric, a new use-case, or simply reporting an issue or enhancement in the package. To contribute code to the package, please follow the following steps:\n\n1. Clone this git repository to your local system\n2. Setup your system by installing dependencies as: `pip3 install -r requirements.txt` and `pip3 install -r  build_requirements.txt`\n3. Add your code contribution to the package. Please refer to the [`inFairness`](./inFairness) folder for an overview of the directory structure\n4. Add appropriate unit tests in the [`tests`](./tests) folder\n5. Once you are ready to commit code, check for the following:\n   1. Coding style compliance using: `flake8 inFairness/`. This command will list all stylistic violations found in the code. Please try to fix as much as you can\n   2. Ensure all the test cases pass using: `coverage run --source inFairness -m pytest tests/`. All unit tests need to pass to be able merge code in the package.\n6. Finally, commit your code and raise a Pull Request.\n\n\n## Tutorials\n\nThe [`examples`](./examples) folder contains tutorials from different fields illustrating how to use the package.\n\n### Minimal example\n\nFirst, you need to import the relevant packages\n\n```\nfrom inFairness import distances\nfrom inFairness.fairalgo import SenSeI\n```\n\nThe `inFairness.distances` module implements various distance metrics on the input and the output spaces, and the `inFairness.fairalgo` implements various individually fair learning algorithms with `SenSeI` being one particular algorithm.\n\nThereafter, we instantiate and fit the distance metrics on the training data, and \n\n\n```[python]\ndistance_x = distances.SVDSensitiveSubspaceDistance()\ndistance_y = distances.EuclideanDistance()\n\, n_components=50)\n\n# Finally instantiate the fair algorithm\nfairalgo = SenSeI(network, distance_x, distance_y, lossfn, rho=1.0, eps=1e-3, lr=0.01, auditor_nsteps=100, auditor_lr=0.1)\n```\n\nFinally, you can train the `fairalgo` as you would train your standard PyTorch deep neural network:\n\n```\nfairalgo.train()\n\nfor epoch in range(EPOCHS):\n    for x, y in train_dl:\n        optimizer.zero_grad()\n        result = fairalgo(x, y)\n        result.loss.backward()\n        optimizer.step()\n```\n\n\n##  Authors\n\n<table align=\"center\">\n  <tr>\n    <td align=\"center\"><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" width=\"120px;\" alt=\"\"/><br /><b>Mikhail Yurochkin</b></a></a></td>\n    <td align=\"center\"><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" width=\"120px;\" alt=\"\"/><br /><b>Mayank Agarwal</b></a></a></td>\n    <td align=\"center\"><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" width=\"120px;\" alt=\"\"/><br /><b>Aldo Pareja</b></a></a></td>\n    <td align=\"center\"><a href=\"\"><img src=\"\" width=\"120px;\" alt=\"\"/><br /><b>Onkar Bhardwaj</b></a></a></td>\n  </tr>\n</table>\n",
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    "summary": "inFairness is a Python package to train and audit individually fair PyTorch models",
    "version": "0.2.3",
    "split_keywords": [
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    "lcname": "infairness"
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