
Nameiter-pipes JSON
Version 0.1.7 PyPI version JSON
SummaryFunctional pythonic pipelines for iterables.
upload_time2024-04-16 07:45:17
keywords iterable pipes collection
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
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## `iter_pipes`: Iterable Pipes

Functional pythonic pipelines for iterables.

pip install iter-pipes

### Examples

#### map / filter:

import math

from iter_pipes import PipelineFactory

pipeline = (
    .filter(lambda x: x > math.exp(2))

assert pipeline(range(5)).to_list() == ["3.0", "4.0"]

#### Batch operations

def get_user_names_from_db(user_ids: list[int]) -> list[str]:
    # typical batch operation:
    #   - duration is roughly constant for a batch
    #   - batch size has to be below a fixed threshold
    print("processing batch", user_ids)
    return [f"user_{user_id}" for user_id in user_ids]

pipeline = (
    .batch(get_user_names_from_db, batch_size=3)
    .for_each(lambda user_name: print("Hello ", user_name))

# returns
#   ["user_0", "user_1", "user_2", "user_3", "user_4"]
# prints
#   processing batch [0, 1, 2]
#   Hello  user_0
#   Hello  user_1
#   Hello  user_2
#   processing batch [3, 4]
#   Hello  user_3
#   Hello  user_4

#### Storing state

Class with a `__call__` method provide a easy way to store a state during the processing.

class CountUsers:
    def __init__(self):
        self._count = 0

    def __call__(self, item: str) -> str:
        self._count += 1
        return f"{item} (position {self._count})"

pipeline = PipelineFactory[int]().map(lambda x: f"user {x}").map(CountUsers())

# return
#    ['user 0 (position 1)', 'user 1 (position 2)', 'user 2 (position 3)', 'user 3 (position 4)', 'user 4 (position 5)']

One could also use a closure:

def count_users():
    count = 0

    def wrapper(item: str) -> str:
        nonlocal count
        count += 1
        return f"{item} (position {count})"

    return wrapper

pipeline = PipelineFactory[int]().map(lambda x: f"user {x}").map(count_users())

# return
#    ['user 0 (position 1)', 'user 1 (position 2)', 'user 2 (position 3)', 'user 3 (position 4)', 'user 4 (position 5)']

#### Branches


pipeline = (
        lambda x: x.filter(lambda x: x % 2 == 0).map(lambda x: x**2),
        lambda x: x: -x),

expected = ["0", "0", "4", "-1", "-2", "16", "-3", "-4", "36", "-5", "-6", "-7"]
assert pipeline(range(8)).to_list() == expected

Each "branch" order will be preserved, but there is not guarantee in term of how the two are merged.

There is also `branch_off` which discard the output of the branch:


pipeline = (
        lambda x: x.filter(lambda x: x % 2 == 0).map(lambda x: x**2),

expected = ["0", "0", "4", "16", "36"]
assert pipeline(range(8)).to_list() == expected

#### Pipe operator overload

import iter_pipes.functional as itp

pipeline = (
    | itp.filter(lambda x: x > math.exp(2))  # type checker might complain

assert pipeline(range(6)).to_list() == ["3.0", "4.0", "5.0"]

note that typing of lambda function inside functional map is not as good as the one from the `Pipeline.XXX` methods. To work around this, one should either use the non functional style, either use fully typed function instead of lambda.

#### Resumability

pipeline = PipelineFactory[int]().branch(
    lambda x: x.filter(lambda x: x % 3 == 0).map(str),
    lambda x: x,

# return
#    ['0', 0, '3', 1, 2, 3, '6', 4, 5, 6, '9', 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]
# note that between each yield from the first branch, the pipeline will yield everything
# from the second branch so that we don't store too many messages in the inflight buffer.

def filter_out_everything(items: Iterable[int]) -> Iterable[int]:
    for item in items:
        if False:
            yield item

pipeline = PipelineFactory[int]().branch(
    lambda x: x.pipe(filter_out_everything).map(str),
    lambda x: x,

# return
#    [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
# print
#    starting
#    starting
#    starting

### Motivations

Goal of the library is to provide a structure to work with [collection pipelines](

> Collection pipelines are a programming pattern where you organize some computation as a sequence of operations which compose by taking a collection as output of one operation and feeding it into the next. 

In this library, each "operation" is called a "step". We differentiate different subtype for steps:
- `map` steps will operate on each item of the collection, one by one
- `filter` steps will reduce the number of item in the collection, without changing their values
- `for_each` steps will do some processing, but without impacting the following steps (they won't change the input)
- `batch` steps will operate by batch of a fixed size - can be useful for example to batch database calls.

In addition to that, we also define pipeline `branch`, which allow to run several steps after a single one.

Library goal:
- declarative, expressive syntax for the steps above
- memory efficiency:
    - pure python, so it's not optimal at all
    - but what we care about is ensuring that the memory used by the pipeline does not scale with the number of items in the collection.
- performant:
    - pure python, so the code itself is not really performant
    - but the library allow for an optimal usage of the "slow" operations (network calls mainly) that are computed in the pipeline. This is what is meant by "performant"
- lightweight usage, as in existing function can be used as a step without the need for a wrapper
- provide as good of a type experience as possible

### Documentation

Have a look at the [`docs`](./tests/docs/) part of the test suites for examples.

### Contributing

Please refer to the [`test`](./.github/workflows/test.yml) actions. 100% test coverage is a start.


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "iter-pipes",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": "<4.0,>=3.10",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": "iterable, pipes, collection",
    "author": "brightnetwork",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "[![image](](\n[![image](](\n[![image](](\n[![Code Coverage](](\n[![Actions status](](\n\n## `iter_pipes`: Iterable Pipes\n\nFunctional pythonic pipelines for iterables.\n\n\n```bash\npip install iter-pipes\n```\n\n### Examples\n\n#### map / filter:\n\n```python\nimport math\n\nfrom iter_pipes import PipelineFactory\n\npipeline = (\n    PipelineFactory[int]()\n    .map(math.exp)\n    .filter(lambda x: x > math.exp(2))\n    .map(math.log)\n    .map(str)\n)\n\nassert pipeline(range(5)).to_list() == [\"3.0\", \"4.0\"]\n```\n\n#### Batch operations\n\n```python\ndef get_user_names_from_db(user_ids: list[int]) -> list[str]:\n    # typical batch operation:\n    #   - duration is roughly constant for a batch\n    #   - batch size has to be below a fixed threshold\n    print(\"processing batch\", user_ids)\n    return [f\"user_{user_id}\" for user_id in user_ids]\n\n\npipeline = (\n    PipelineFactory[int]()\n    .batch(get_user_names_from_db, batch_size=3)\n    .for_each(lambda user_name: print(\"Hello \", user_name))\n)\n\npipeline(range(5)).to_list()\n# returns\n#   [\"user_0\", \"user_1\", \"user_2\", \"user_3\", \"user_4\"]\n# prints\n#   processing batch [0, 1, 2]\n#   Hello  user_0\n#   Hello  user_1\n#   Hello  user_2\n#   processing batch [3, 4]\n#   Hello  user_3\n#   Hello  user_4\n```\n\n\n#### Storing state\n\nClass with a `__call__` method provide a easy way to store a state during the processing.\n\n```python\nclass CountUsers:\n    def __init__(self):\n        self._count = 0\n\n    def __call__(self, item: str) -> str:\n        self._count += 1\n        return f\"{item} (position {self._count})\"\n\n\npipeline = PipelineFactory[int]().map(lambda x: f\"user {x}\").map(CountUsers())\n\npipeline.process(range(5)).to_list()\n# return\n#    ['user 0 (position 1)', 'user 1 (position 2)', 'user 2 (position 3)', 'user 3 (position 4)', 'user 4 (position 5)']\n```\n\nOne could also use a closure:\n\n```python\ndef count_users():\n    count = 0\n\n    def wrapper(item: str) -> str:\n        nonlocal count\n        count += 1\n        return f\"{item} (position {count})\"\n\n    return wrapper\n\n\npipeline = PipelineFactory[int]().map(lambda x: f\"user {x}\").map(count_users())\n\npipeline.process(range(5)).to_list()\n# return\n#    ['user 0 (position 1)', 'user 1 (position 2)', 'user 2 (position 3)', 'user 3 (position 4)', 'user 4 (position 5)']\n```\n\n#### Branches\n\n![branch](\n\n```python\npipeline = (\n    PipelineFactory[int]()\n    .branch(\n        lambda x: x.filter(lambda x: x % 2 == 0).map(lambda x: x**2),\n        lambda x: x: -x),\n    )\n    .map(str)\n)\n\nexpected = [\"0\", \"0\", \"4\", \"-1\", \"-2\", \"16\", \"-3\", \"-4\", \"36\", \"-5\", \"-6\", \"-7\"]\nassert pipeline(range(8)).to_list() == expected\n```\n\nEach \"branch\" order will be preserved, but there is not guarantee in term of how the two are merged.\n\nThere is also `branch_off` which discard the output of the branch:\n\n![branch-off](\n\n\n```python\npipeline = (\n    PipelineFactory[int]()\n    .branch_off(\n        lambda x: x.filter(lambda x: x % 2 == 0).map(lambda x: x**2),\n    )\n    .map(str)\n)\n\nexpected = [\"0\", \"0\", \"4\", \"16\", \"36\"]\nassert pipeline(range(8)).to_list() == expected\n```\n\n#### Pipe operator overload\n\n```python\nimport iter_pipes.functional as itp\n\npipeline = (\n    PipelineFactory[int]()\n    |\n    | itp.filter(lambda x: x > math.exp(2))  # type checker might complain\n    |\n    |\n)\n\nassert pipeline(range(6)).to_list() == [\"3.0\", \"4.0\", \"5.0\"]\n```\n\nnote that typing of lambda function inside functional map is not as good as the one from the `Pipeline.XXX` methods. To work around this, one should either use the non functional style, either use fully typed function instead of lambda.\n\n\n#### Resumability\n\n```python\npipeline = PipelineFactory[int]().branch(\n    lambda x: x.filter(lambda x: x % 3 == 0).map(str),\n    lambda x: x,\n)\n\nprint(pipeline.process(range(12)).to_list())\n# return\n#    ['0', 0, '3', 1, 2, 3, '6', 4, 5, 6, '9', 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]\n# note that between each yield from the first branch, the pipeline will yield everything\n# from the second branch so that we don't store too many messages in the inflight buffer.\n\n\ndef filter_out_everything(items: Iterable[int]) -> Iterable[int]:\n    print(\"starting\")\n    for item in items:\n        if False:\n            yield item\n\n\npipeline = PipelineFactory[int]().branch(\n    lambda x: x.pipe(filter_out_everything).map(str),\n    lambda x: x,\n    max_inflight=5,\n)\n\nprint(pipeline.process(range(9)).to_list())\n# return\n#    [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]\n# print\n#    starting\n#    starting\n#    starting\n```\n\n### Motivations\n\nGoal of the library is to provide a structure to work with [collection pipelines](\n\n> Collection pipelines are a programming pattern where you organize some computation as a sequence of operations which compose by taking a collection as output of one operation and feeding it into the next. \n\nIn this library, each \"operation\" is called a \"step\". We differentiate different subtype for steps:\n- `map` steps will operate on each item of the collection, one by one\n- `filter` steps will reduce the number of item in the collection, without changing their values\n- `for_each` steps will do some processing, but without impacting the following steps (they won't change the input)\n- `batch` steps will operate by batch of a fixed size - can be useful for example to batch database calls.\n\nIn addition to that, we also define pipeline `branch`, which allow to run several steps after a single one.\n\nLibrary goal:\n- declarative, expressive syntax for the steps above\n- memory efficiency:\n    - pure python, so it's not optimal at all\n    - but what we care about is ensuring that the memory used by the pipeline does not scale with the number of items in the collection.\n- performant:\n    - pure python, so the code itself is not really performant\n    - but the library allow for an optimal usage of the \"slow\" operations (network calls mainly) that are computed in the pipeline. This is what is meant by \"performant\"\n- lightweight usage, as in existing function can be used as a step without the need for a wrapper\n- provide as good of a type experience as possible\n\n\n\n### Documentation\n\nHave a look at the [`docs`](./tests/docs/) part of the test suites for examples.\n\n### Contributing\n\nPlease refer to the [`test`](./.github/workflows/test.yml) actions. 100% test coverage is a start.\n\n",
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