# Jupyter Hub Python Client
An SDK and API-wrapper for the jupyter hub REST API.
- API version: 4.0.2
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen
## Requirements.
Python 3.7+
## Installation & Usage
### pip install
If the python package is hosted on a repository, you can install directly using:
pip install git+https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID.git
(you may need to run `pip` with root permission: `sudo pip install git+https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID.git`)
Then import the package:
import jh_client
### Setuptools
Install via [Setuptools](http://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools).
python setup.py install --user
(or `sudo python setup.py install` to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
import jh_client
### Tests
Execute `pytest` to run the tests.
## Getting Started
Please follow the [installation procedure](#installation--usage) and then run the following:
import time
import jh_client
from jh_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to /hub/api
# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = jh_client.Configuration(
host = "/hub/api"
# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.
# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
# satisfies your auth use case.
configuration.access_token = os.environ["ACCESS_TOKEN"]
# Configure API key authorization: token
configuration.api_key['token'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# configuration.api_key_prefix['token'] = 'Bearer'
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with jh_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = jh_client.DefaultApi(api_client)
cookie_name = 'cookie_name_example' # str |
cookie_value = 'cookie_value_example' # str |
# Identify a user from a cookie
api_response = api_instance.authorizations_cookie_cookie_name_cookie_value_get(cookie_name, cookie_value)
print("The response of DefaultApi->authorizations_cookie_cookie_name_cookie_value_get:\n")
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling DefaultApi->authorizations_cookie_cookie_name_cookie_value_get: %s\n" % e)
## Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to */hub/api*
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
*DefaultApi* | [**authorizations_cookie_cookie_name_cookie_value_get**](docs/DefaultApi.md#authorizations_cookie_cookie_name_cookie_value_get) | **GET** /authorizations/cookie/{cookie_name}/{cookie_value} | Identify a user from a cookie
*DefaultApi* | [**authorizations_token_post**](docs/DefaultApi.md#authorizations_token_post) | **POST** /authorizations/token | Request a new API token
*DefaultApi* | [**authorizations_token_token_get**](docs/DefaultApi.md#authorizations_token_token_get) | **GET** /authorizations/token/{token} | Identify a user or service from an API token
*DefaultApi* | [**groups_get**](docs/DefaultApi.md#groups_get) | **GET** /groups | List groups
*DefaultApi* | [**groups_name_delete**](docs/DefaultApi.md#groups_name_delete) | **DELETE** /groups/{name} | Delete a group
*DefaultApi* | [**groups_name_get**](docs/DefaultApi.md#groups_name_get) | **GET** /groups/{name} | Get a group by name
*DefaultApi* | [**groups_name_post**](docs/DefaultApi.md#groups_name_post) | **POST** /groups/{name} | Create a group
*DefaultApi* | [**groups_name_properties_put**](docs/DefaultApi.md#groups_name_properties_put) | **PUT** /groups/{name}/properties | Set the group properties. Added in JupyterHub 3.2.
*DefaultApi* | [**groups_name_users_delete**](docs/DefaultApi.md#groups_name_users_delete) | **DELETE** /groups/{name}/users | Remove users from a group
*DefaultApi* | [**groups_name_users_post**](docs/DefaultApi.md#groups_name_users_post) | **POST** /groups/{name}/users | Add users to a group
*DefaultApi* | [**info_get**](docs/DefaultApi.md#info_get) | **GET** /info | Get detailed info about JupyterHub
*DefaultApi* | [**oauth2_authorize_get**](docs/DefaultApi.md#oauth2_authorize_get) | **GET** /oauth2/authorize | OAuth 2.0 authorize endpoint
*DefaultApi* | [**oauth2_token_post**](docs/DefaultApi.md#oauth2_token_post) | **POST** /oauth2/token | Request an OAuth2 token
*DefaultApi* | [**proxy_get**](docs/DefaultApi.md#proxy_get) | **GET** /proxy | Get the proxy's routing table
*DefaultApi* | [**proxy_patch**](docs/DefaultApi.md#proxy_patch) | **PATCH** /proxy | Notify the Hub about a new proxy
*DefaultApi* | [**proxy_post**](docs/DefaultApi.md#proxy_post) | **POST** /proxy | Force the Hub to sync with the proxy
*DefaultApi* | [**root_get**](docs/DefaultApi.md#root_get) | **GET** / | Get JupyterHub version
*DefaultApi* | [**services_get**](docs/DefaultApi.md#services_get) | **GET** /services | List services
*DefaultApi* | [**services_name_get**](docs/DefaultApi.md#services_name_get) | **GET** /services/{name} | Get a service by name
*DefaultApi* | [**shutdown_post**](docs/DefaultApi.md#shutdown_post) | **POST** /shutdown | Shutdown the Hub
*DefaultApi* | [**user_get**](docs/DefaultApi.md#user_get) | **GET** /user | Return authenticated user's model
*DefaultApi* | [**users_get**](docs/DefaultApi.md#users_get) | **GET** /users | List users
*DefaultApi* | [**users_name_activity_post**](docs/DefaultApi.md#users_name_activity_post) | **POST** /users/{name}/activity | Notify Hub of activity for a given user.
*DefaultApi* | [**users_name_delete**](docs/DefaultApi.md#users_name_delete) | **DELETE** /users/{name} | Delete a user
*DefaultApi* | [**users_name_get**](docs/DefaultApi.md#users_name_get) | **GET** /users/{name} | Get a user by name
*DefaultApi* | [**users_name_patch**](docs/DefaultApi.md#users_name_patch) | **PATCH** /users/{name} | Modify a user
*DefaultApi* | [**users_name_post**](docs/DefaultApi.md#users_name_post) | **POST** /users/{name} | Create a single user
*DefaultApi* | [**users_name_server_delete**](docs/DefaultApi.md#users_name_server_delete) | **DELETE** /users/{name}/server | Stop a user's server
*DefaultApi* | [**users_name_server_post**](docs/DefaultApi.md#users_name_server_post) | **POST** /users/{name}/server | Start a user's single-user notebook server
*DefaultApi* | [**users_name_servers_server_name_delete**](docs/DefaultApi.md#users_name_servers_server_name_delete) | **DELETE** /users/{name}/servers/{server_name} | Stop a user's named server
*DefaultApi* | [**users_name_servers_server_name_post**](docs/DefaultApi.md#users_name_servers_server_name_post) | **POST** /users/{name}/servers/{server_name} | Start a user's single-user named-server notebook server
*DefaultApi* | [**users_name_tokens_get**](docs/DefaultApi.md#users_name_tokens_get) | **GET** /users/{name}/tokens | List tokens for the user
*DefaultApi* | [**users_name_tokens_post**](docs/DefaultApi.md#users_name_tokens_post) | **POST** /users/{name}/tokens | Create a new token for the user
*DefaultApi* | [**users_name_tokens_token_id_delete**](docs/DefaultApi.md#users_name_tokens_token_id_delete) | **DELETE** /users/{name}/tokens/{token_id} | Delete (revoke) a token by id
*DefaultApi* | [**users_name_tokens_token_id_get**](docs/DefaultApi.md#users_name_tokens_token_id_get) | **GET** /users/{name}/tokens/{token_id} | Get the model for a token by id
*DefaultApi* | [**users_post**](docs/DefaultApi.md#users_post) | **POST** /users | Create multiple users
## Documentation For Models
- [AuthorizationsTokenPost200Response](docs/AuthorizationsTokenPost200Response.md)
- [AuthorizationsTokenPostRequest](docs/AuthorizationsTokenPostRequest.md)
- [Get200Response](docs/Get200Response.md)
- [Group](docs/Group.md)
- [GroupsNameUsersPostRequest](docs/GroupsNameUsersPostRequest.md)
- [InfoGet200Response](docs/InfoGet200Response.md)
- [InfoGet200ResponseAuthenticator](docs/InfoGet200ResponseAuthenticator.md)
- [InfoGet200ResponseSpawner](docs/InfoGet200ResponseSpawner.md)
- [Oauth2TokenPost200Response](docs/Oauth2TokenPost200Response.md)
- [ProxyPatchRequest](docs/ProxyPatchRequest.md)
- [RequestIdentity](docs/RequestIdentity.md)
- [Server](docs/Server.md)
- [Service](docs/Service.md)
- [ShutdownPostRequest](docs/ShutdownPostRequest.md)
- [Token](docs/Token.md)
- [User](docs/User.md)
- [UsersNameActivityPostRequest](docs/UsersNameActivityPostRequest.md)
- [UsersNameActivityPostRequestServers](docs/UsersNameActivityPostRequestServers.md)
- [UsersNameActivityPostRequestServersServerName](docs/UsersNameActivityPostRequestServersServerName.md)
- [UsersNamePatchRequest](docs/UsersNamePatchRequest.md)
- [UsersNameTokensPostRequest](docs/UsersNameTokensPostRequest.md)
- [UsersPostRequest](docs/UsersPostRequest.md)
<a id="documentation-for-authorization"></a>
## Documentation For Authorization
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
<a id="token"></a>
### token
- **Type**: API key
- **API key parameter name**: Authorization
- **Location**: HTTP header
<a id="oauth2"></a>
### oauth2
- **Type**: OAuth
- **Flow**: accessCode
- **Authorization URL**: https://hub.example/hub/api/oauth2/authorize
- **Scopes**:
- **(no_scope)**: Identify the owner of the requesting entity.
- **self**: The user’s own resources _(metascope for users, resolves to (no_scope) for services)_
- **inherit**: Everything that the token-owning entity can access _(metascope for tokens)_
- **admin-ui**: Access the admin page. Permission to take actions via the admin page granted separately.
- **admin:users**: Read, write, create and delete users and their authentication state, not including their servers or tokens.
- **admin:auth_state**: Read a user’s authentication state.
- **users**: Read and write permissions to user models (excluding servers, tokens and authentication state).
- **delete:users**: Delete users.
- **list:users**: List users, including at least their names.
- **read:users**: Read user models (excluding including servers, tokens and authentication state).
- **read:users:name**: Read names of users.
- **read:users:groups**: Read users’ group membership.
- **read:users:activity**: Read time of last user activity.
- **read:roles**: Read role assignments.
- **read:roles:users**: Read user role assignments.
- **read:roles:services**: Read service role assignments.
- **read:roles:groups**: Read group role assignments.
- **users:activity**: Update time of last user activity.
- **admin:servers**: Read, start, stop, create and delete user servers and their state.
- **admin:server_state**: Read and write users’ server state.
- **servers**: Start and stop user servers.
- **read:servers**: Read users’ names and their server models (excluding the server state).
- **delete:servers**: Stop and delete users' servers.
- **tokens**: Read, write, create and delete user tokens.
- **read:tokens**: Read user tokens.
- **admin:groups**: Read and write group information, create and delete groups.
- **groups**: Read and write group information, including adding/removing users to/from groups.
- **list:groups**: List groups, including at least their names.
- **read:groups**: Read group models.
- **read:groups:name**: Read group names.
- **delete:groups**: Delete groups.
- **list:services**: List services, including at least their names.
- **read:services**: Read service models.
- **read:services:name**: Read service names.
- **read:hub**: Read detailed information about the Hub.
- **access:servers**: Access user servers via API or browser.
- **access:services**: Access services via API or browser.
- **proxy**: Read information about the proxy’s routing table, sync the Hub with the proxy and notify the Hub about a new proxy.
- **shutdown**: Shutdown the hub.
- **read:metrics**: Read prometheus metrics.
## Author
Raw data
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"home_page": "https://github.com/americandatascience/jh-client",
"name": "jh-client",
"maintainer": "",
"docs_url": null,
"requires_python": ">=3.7,<4.0",
"maintainer_email": "",
"keywords": "OpenAPI,OpenAPI-Generator,JupyterHub",
"author": "Andrew Chang",
"author_email": "",
"download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/5c/7a/78bd6ab5367a05d71bb8052b0ca5d5decac7350d044c601c55c790dff713/jh_client-1.4.0.tar.gz",
"platform": null,
"description": "# Jupyter Hub Python Client\n\nAn SDK and API-wrapper for the jupyter hub REST API.\n\n- API version: 4.0.2\n- Package version: 1.0.0\n- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen\n\n## Requirements.\n\nPython 3.7+\n\n## Installation & Usage\n### pip install\n\nIf the python package is hosted on a repository, you can install directly using:\n\n```sh\npip install git+https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID.git\n```\n(you may need to run `pip` with root permission: `sudo pip install git+https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID.git`)\n\nThen import the package:\n```python\nimport jh_client\n```\n\n### Setuptools\n\nInstall via [Setuptools](http://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools).\n\n```sh\npython setup.py install --user\n```\n(or `sudo python setup.py install` to install the package for all users)\n\nThen import the package:\n```python\nimport jh_client\n```\n\n### Tests\n\nExecute `pytest` to run the tests.\n\n## Getting Started\n\nPlease follow the [installation procedure](#installation--usage) and then run the following:\n\n```python\n\nimport time\nimport jh_client\nfrom jh_client.rest import ApiException\nfrom pprint import pprint\n\n# Defining the host is optional and defaults to /hub/api\n# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.\nconfiguration = jh_client.Configuration(\n host = \"/hub/api\"\n)\n\n# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters\n# in accordance with the API server security policy.\n# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that\n# satisfies your auth use case.\n\nconfiguration.access_token = os.environ[\"ACCESS_TOKEN\"]\n\n# Configure API key authorization: token\nconfiguration.api_key['token'] = os.environ[\"API_KEY\"]\n\n# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed\n# configuration.api_key_prefix['token'] = 'Bearer'\n\n\n# Enter a context with an instance of the API client\nwith jh_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:\n # Create an instance of the API class\n api_instance = jh_client.DefaultApi(api_client)\n cookie_name = 'cookie_name_example' # str | \n cookie_value = 'cookie_value_example' # str | \n\n try:\n # Identify a user from a cookie\n api_response = api_instance.authorizations_cookie_cookie_name_cookie_value_get(cookie_name, cookie_value)\n print(\"The response of DefaultApi->authorizations_cookie_cookie_name_cookie_value_get:\\n\")\n pprint(api_response)\n except ApiException as e:\n print(\"Exception when calling DefaultApi->authorizations_cookie_cookie_name_cookie_value_get: %s\\n\" % e)\n\n```\n\n## Documentation for API Endpoints\n\nAll URIs are relative to */hub/api*\n\nClass | Method | HTTP request | Description\n------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------\n*DefaultApi* | [**authorizations_cookie_cookie_name_cookie_value_get**](docs/DefaultApi.md#authorizations_cookie_cookie_name_cookie_value_get) | **GET** /authorizations/cookie/{cookie_name}/{cookie_value} | Identify a user from a cookie\n*DefaultApi* | [**authorizations_token_post**](docs/DefaultApi.md#authorizations_token_post) | **POST** /authorizations/token | Request a new API token\n*DefaultApi* | [**authorizations_token_token_get**](docs/DefaultApi.md#authorizations_token_token_get) | **GET** /authorizations/token/{token} | Identify a user or service from an API token\n*DefaultApi* | [**groups_get**](docs/DefaultApi.md#groups_get) | **GET** /groups | List groups\n*DefaultApi* | [**groups_name_delete**](docs/DefaultApi.md#groups_name_delete) | **DELETE** /groups/{name} | Delete a group\n*DefaultApi* | [**groups_name_get**](docs/DefaultApi.md#groups_name_get) | **GET** /groups/{name} | Get a group by name\n*DefaultApi* | [**groups_name_post**](docs/DefaultApi.md#groups_name_post) | **POST** /groups/{name} | Create a group\n*DefaultApi* | [**groups_name_properties_put**](docs/DefaultApi.md#groups_name_properties_put) | **PUT** /groups/{name}/properties | Set the group properties. Added in JupyterHub 3.2. \n*DefaultApi* | [**groups_name_users_delete**](docs/DefaultApi.md#groups_name_users_delete) | **DELETE** /groups/{name}/users | Remove users from a group \n*DefaultApi* | [**groups_name_users_post**](docs/DefaultApi.md#groups_name_users_post) | **POST** /groups/{name}/users | Add users to a group\n*DefaultApi* | [**info_get**](docs/DefaultApi.md#info_get) | **GET** /info | Get detailed info about JupyterHub\n*DefaultApi* | [**oauth2_authorize_get**](docs/DefaultApi.md#oauth2_authorize_get) | **GET** /oauth2/authorize | OAuth 2.0 authorize endpoint\n*DefaultApi* | [**oauth2_token_post**](docs/DefaultApi.md#oauth2_token_post) | **POST** /oauth2/token | Request an OAuth2 token\n*DefaultApi* | [**proxy_get**](docs/DefaultApi.md#proxy_get) | **GET** /proxy | Get the proxy's routing table\n*DefaultApi* | [**proxy_patch**](docs/DefaultApi.md#proxy_patch) | **PATCH** /proxy | Notify the Hub about a new proxy\n*DefaultApi* | [**proxy_post**](docs/DefaultApi.md#proxy_post) | **POST** /proxy | Force the Hub to sync with the proxy\n*DefaultApi* | [**root_get**](docs/DefaultApi.md#root_get) | **GET** / | Get JupyterHub version\n*DefaultApi* | [**services_get**](docs/DefaultApi.md#services_get) | **GET** /services | List services\n*DefaultApi* | [**services_name_get**](docs/DefaultApi.md#services_name_get) | **GET** /services/{name} | Get a service by name\n*DefaultApi* | [**shutdown_post**](docs/DefaultApi.md#shutdown_post) | **POST** /shutdown | Shutdown the Hub\n*DefaultApi* | [**user_get**](docs/DefaultApi.md#user_get) | **GET** /user | Return authenticated user's model\n*DefaultApi* | [**users_get**](docs/DefaultApi.md#users_get) | **GET** /users | List users\n*DefaultApi* | [**users_name_activity_post**](docs/DefaultApi.md#users_name_activity_post) | **POST** /users/{name}/activity | Notify Hub of activity for a given user.\n*DefaultApi* | [**users_name_delete**](docs/DefaultApi.md#users_name_delete) | **DELETE** /users/{name} | Delete a user\n*DefaultApi* | [**users_name_get**](docs/DefaultApi.md#users_name_get) | **GET** /users/{name} | Get a user by name\n*DefaultApi* | [**users_name_patch**](docs/DefaultApi.md#users_name_patch) | **PATCH** /users/{name} | Modify a user\n*DefaultApi* | [**users_name_post**](docs/DefaultApi.md#users_name_post) | **POST** /users/{name} | Create a single user\n*DefaultApi* | [**users_name_server_delete**](docs/DefaultApi.md#users_name_server_delete) | **DELETE** /users/{name}/server | Stop a user's server\n*DefaultApi* | [**users_name_server_post**](docs/DefaultApi.md#users_name_server_post) | **POST** /users/{name}/server | Start a user's single-user notebook server\n*DefaultApi* | [**users_name_servers_server_name_delete**](docs/DefaultApi.md#users_name_servers_server_name_delete) | **DELETE** /users/{name}/servers/{server_name} | Stop a user's named server\n*DefaultApi* | [**users_name_servers_server_name_post**](docs/DefaultApi.md#users_name_servers_server_name_post) | **POST** /users/{name}/servers/{server_name} | Start a user's single-user named-server notebook server\n*DefaultApi* | [**users_name_tokens_get**](docs/DefaultApi.md#users_name_tokens_get) | **GET** /users/{name}/tokens | List tokens for the user\n*DefaultApi* | [**users_name_tokens_post**](docs/DefaultApi.md#users_name_tokens_post) | **POST** /users/{name}/tokens | Create a new token for the user\n*DefaultApi* | [**users_name_tokens_token_id_delete**](docs/DefaultApi.md#users_name_tokens_token_id_delete) | **DELETE** /users/{name}/tokens/{token_id} | Delete (revoke) a token by id\n*DefaultApi* | [**users_name_tokens_token_id_get**](docs/DefaultApi.md#users_name_tokens_token_id_get) | **GET** /users/{name}/tokens/{token_id} | Get the model for a token by id\n*DefaultApi* | [**users_post**](docs/DefaultApi.md#users_post) | **POST** /users | Create multiple users\n\n\n## Documentation For Models\n\n - [AuthorizationsTokenPost200Response](docs/AuthorizationsTokenPost200Response.md)\n - [AuthorizationsTokenPostRequest](docs/AuthorizationsTokenPostRequest.md)\n - [Get200Response](docs/Get200Response.md)\n - [Group](docs/Group.md)\n - [GroupsNameUsersPostRequest](docs/GroupsNameUsersPostRequest.md)\n - [InfoGet200Response](docs/InfoGet200Response.md)\n - [InfoGet200ResponseAuthenticator](docs/InfoGet200ResponseAuthenticator.md)\n - [InfoGet200ResponseSpawner](docs/InfoGet200ResponseSpawner.md)\n - [Oauth2TokenPost200Response](docs/Oauth2TokenPost200Response.md)\n - [ProxyPatchRequest](docs/ProxyPatchRequest.md)\n - [RequestIdentity](docs/RequestIdentity.md)\n - [Server](docs/Server.md)\n - [Service](docs/Service.md)\n - [ShutdownPostRequest](docs/ShutdownPostRequest.md)\n - [Token](docs/Token.md)\n - [User](docs/User.md)\n - [UsersNameActivityPostRequest](docs/UsersNameActivityPostRequest.md)\n - [UsersNameActivityPostRequestServers](docs/UsersNameActivityPostRequestServers.md)\n - [UsersNameActivityPostRequestServersServerName](docs/UsersNameActivityPostRequestServersServerName.md)\n - [UsersNamePatchRequest](docs/UsersNamePatchRequest.md)\n - [UsersNameTokensPostRequest](docs/UsersNameTokensPostRequest.md)\n - [UsersPostRequest](docs/UsersPostRequest.md)\n\n\n<a id=\"documentation-for-authorization\"></a>\n## Documentation For Authorization\n\n\nAuthentication schemes defined for the API:\n<a id=\"token\"></a>\n### token\n\n- **Type**: API key\n- **API key parameter name**: Authorization\n- **Location**: HTTP header\n\n<a id=\"oauth2\"></a>\n### oauth2\n\n- **Type**: OAuth\n- **Flow**: accessCode\n- **Authorization URL**: https://hub.example/hub/api/oauth2/authorize\n- **Scopes**: \n - **(no_scope)**: Identify the owner of the requesting entity.\n - **self**: The user\u2019s own resources _(metascope for users, resolves to (no_scope) for services)_\n - **inherit**: Everything that the token-owning entity can access _(metascope for tokens)_\n - **admin-ui**: Access the admin page. Permission to take actions via the admin page granted separately.\n - **admin:users**: Read, write, create and delete users and their authentication state, not including their servers or tokens.\n - **admin:auth_state**: Read a user\u2019s authentication state.\n - **users**: Read and write permissions to user models (excluding servers, tokens and authentication state).\n - **delete:users**: Delete users.\n - **list:users**: List users, including at least their names.\n - **read:users**: Read user models (excluding including servers, tokens and authentication state).\n - **read:users:name**: Read names of users.\n - **read:users:groups**: Read users\u2019 group membership.\n - **read:users:activity**: Read time of last user activity.\n - **read:roles**: Read role assignments.\n - **read:roles:users**: Read user role assignments.\n - **read:roles:services**: Read service role assignments.\n - **read:roles:groups**: Read group role assignments.\n - **users:activity**: Update time of last user activity.\n - **admin:servers**: Read, start, stop, create and delete user servers and their state.\n - **admin:server_state**: Read and write users\u2019 server state.\n - **servers**: Start and stop user servers.\n - **read:servers**: Read users\u2019 names and their server models (excluding the server state).\n - **delete:servers**: Stop and delete users' servers.\n - **tokens**: Read, write, create and delete user tokens.\n - **read:tokens**: Read user tokens.\n - **admin:groups**: Read and write group information, create and delete groups.\n - **groups**: Read and write group information, including adding/removing users to/from groups.\n - **list:groups**: List groups, including at least their names.\n - **read:groups**: Read group models.\n - **read:groups:name**: Read group names.\n - **delete:groups**: Delete groups.\n - **list:services**: List services, including at least their names.\n - **read:services**: Read service models.\n - **read:services:name**: Read service names.\n - **read:hub**: Read detailed information about the Hub.\n - **access:servers**: Access user servers via API or browser.\n - **access:services**: Access services via API or browser.\n - **proxy**: Read information about the proxy\u2019s routing table, sync the Hub with the proxy and notify the Hub about a new proxy.\n - **shutdown**: Shutdown the hub.\n - **read:metrics**: Read prometheus metrics.\n\n\n## Author\n\n\n\n\n",
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"summary": "JupyterHub",
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"Homepage": "https://github.com/americandatascience/jh-client",
"Repository": "https://github.com/americandatascience/jh-client"
"split_keywords": [
"urls": [
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