# json-fingerprint
![Code Climate maintainability](https://img.shields.io/codeclimate/maintainability/cobaltine/json-fingerprint)
[![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/github/cobaltine/json-fingerprint/badge.svg?branch=main)](https://coveralls.io/github/cobaltine/json-fingerprint?branch=main)
Create consistent and comparable fingerprints with secure hashes from unordered JSON data.
A JSON fingerprint consists of three parts: the version of the underlying canonicalization algorithm, the hash function used and a hexadecimal digest of the hash function output. An example output could look like this: `jfpv1$sha256$5815eb0ce6f4e5ab0a771cce2a8c5432f64222f8fd84b4cc2d38e4621fae86af`.
| Fingerprint element | Description |
| jfpv1 | JSON fingerprint version identifier: **j**son **f**inger**p**rint **v**ersion **1** |
| $ | JSON fingerprint element separator |
| sha256 | Hash function identifier (sha256, sha384 or sha512) |
| 5815eb0c...1fae86af | The secure hash function output in hexadecimal format |
<!-- TOC titleSize:2 tabSpaces:2 depthFrom:2 depthTo:6 withLinks:1 updateOnSave:1 orderedList:0 skip:0 title:1 charForUnorderedList:* -->
## Table of Contents
* [v1 release checklist (jfpv1)](#v1-release-checklist-jfpv1)
* [Installation](#installation)
* [Examples](#examples)
* [Create JSON fingerprints](#create-json-fingerprints)
* [Decode JSON fingerprints](#decode-json-fingerprints)
* [Match fingerprints](#match-fingerprints)
* [Find matches in fingerprint lists](#find-matches-in-fingerprint-lists)
* [JSON normalization](#json-normalization)
* [Alternative specifications](#alternative-specifications)
* [JSON Fingerprint v1 (jfpv1)](#json-fingerprint-v1-jfpv1)
* [Performance](#performance)
* [Example 1: flat data structures](#example-1-flat-data-structures)
* [Example 2: nested data structures](#example-2-nested-data-structures)
* [Example 3: big JSON objects](#example-3-big-json-objects)
* [Running tests](#running-tests)
<!-- /TOC -->
## v1 release checklist (jfpv1)
This is a list of high-level development and documentation tasks, which need to be completed prior to freezing the API for v1. Before v1, backward-incompatible changes to the API are possible. Since the jfpv1 spec is work in progress, the fingerprints may not be fully comparable between different _0.y.z_ versions.
**NB:** JSON fingerprints up until `v0.12.2` ignored empty objects and arrays as values. This behavior was changed in `v0.13.0` which means that JSON fingerprints created with earlier versions may produce different and incomparable hashes depending on the presence of empty objects or arrays.
- [ ] Formalized and complete jfpv1 specification
- [x] JSON type support
- [x] Primitives and literals
- [x] Arrays
- [x] Objects
- [x] Flattened "sibling-aware" internal data structure
- [x] Support nested JSON data structures with mixed types
- [x] Support most common SHA-2 hash functions
- [x] SHA256
- [x] SHA384
- [x] SHA512
- [x] Dynamic jfpv1 fingerprint comparison function (JSON string against a fingerprint)
- [x] Performance characteristics that scale sufficiently
- [ ] Extensive verification against potential fingerprint (hash) collisions
## Installation
To install the json-fingerprint package, run `pip install json-fingerprint`.
## Examples
The complete working examples below show how to use all core features of the `json_fingerprint` package.
### Create JSON fingerprints
JSON fingerprints can be created with the `create()` function, which requires three arguments: input (valid JSON string), hash function (SHA256, SHA384 and SHA512 are supported) and JSON fingerprint version (1).
import json
import json_fingerprint
from json_fingerprint import hash_functions
json_1 = json.dumps([3, 2, 1, [True, False], {"foo": "bar"}])
json_2 = json.dumps([2, {"foo": "bar"}, 1, [False, True], 3]) # Different order
fp_1 = json_fingerprint.create(input=json_1, hash_function=hash_functions.SHA256, version=1)
fp_2 = json_fingerprint.create(input=json_2, hash_function=hash_functions.SHA256, version=1)
print(f"Fingerprint 1: {fp_1}")
print(f"Fingerprint 2: {fp_2}")
This will output two identical fingerprints regardless of the different order of the json elements:
Fingerprint 1: jfpv1$sha256$2ecb0c919fcb06024f55380134da3bbaac3879f98adce89a8871706fe50dda03
Fingerprint 2: jfpv1$sha256$2ecb0c919fcb06024f55380134da3bbaac3879f98adce89a8871706fe50dda03
Since JSON objects with identical data content and structure will always produce identical fingerprints, the fingerprints can be used effectively for various purposes. These include finding duplicate JSON data from a larger dataset, JSON data cache validation/invalidation and data integrity checking.
### Decode JSON fingerprints
JSON fingerprints can be decoded with the `decode()` convenience function. It returns the version, hash function and secure hash in a tuple.
import json_fingerprint
fp = "jfpv1$sha256$2ecb0c919fcb06024f55380134da3bbaac3879f98adce89a8871706fe50dda03"
version, hash_function, hash = json_fingerprint.decode(fingerprint=fp)
print(f"JSON fingerprint version: {version}")
print(f"Hash function: {hash_function}")
print(f"Hash hex digest: {hash}")
This will output the individual elements that make up a fingerprint as follows:
JSON fingerprint version: 1
Hash function: sha256
Hash hex digest: 2ecb0c919fcb06024f55380134da3bbaac3879f98adce89a8871706fe50dda03
### Match fingerprints
The `match()` is another convenience function that matches JSON data against a fingerprint, and returns either `True` or `False` depending on whether the data matches the fingerprint or not. Internally, it will automatically choose the correct version and hash function based on the `target_fingerprint` argument.
import json
import json_fingerprint
json_1 = json.dumps([3, 2, 1, [True, False], {"foo": "bar"}])
json_2 = json.dumps([3, 2, 1])
# "target_fp" contains the JSON fingerprint of "json_1"
target_fp = "jfpv1$sha256$2ecb0c919fcb06024f55380134da3bbaac3879f98adce89a8871706fe50dda03"
match_1 = json_fingerprint.match(input=json_1, target_fingerprint=target_fp)
match_2 = json_fingerprint.match(input=json_2, target_fingerprint=target_fp)
print(f"Fingerprint matches with json_1: {match_1}")
print(f"Fingerprint matches with json_2: {match_2}")
This will output the following:
Fingerprint matches with json_1: True
Fingerprint matches with json_2: False
### Find matches in fingerprint lists
The `find_matches()` function takes a JSON string and a list of JSON fingerprints as input. It creates a fingerprint of the JSON input string of each different variant in the target list, and looks for matches in the fingerprint list. It can optionally also deduplicate the fingerprint input list, and results list.
import json
import json_fingerprint
# "data" produces jfpv1 (SHA256): jfpv1$sha256$d119f4d8...b1710d9f
# "data produces jfpv1 (SHA384): jfpv1$sha384$9bca46fd...fd0e2e9c
json_data = json.dumps({"foo": "bar"})
fingerprints = [
# SHA256 match
# SHA256 match (duplicate)
# SHA384 match
# SHA256, not a match
# Output all matches, including the two identical SHA256 fingerprints
matches = json_fingerprint.find_matches(input=json_data, fingerprints=fingerprints)
print(*(f"\nMatch: {match[0:30]}..." for match in matches))
# Output deduplicated matches, removing one redundant SHA256 match
deduplicated_matches = json_fingerprint.find_matches(input=json_data,
print(*(f"\nDeduplicated match: {match[0:30]}..." for match in deduplicated_matches))
This will output the following results, first the list with a duplicate and the latter with deduplicated results:
Match: jfpv1$sha256$d119f4d8b80209152...
Match: jfpv1$sha256$d119f4d8b80209152...
Match: jfpv1$sha384$9bca46fd7ef7aa2e1...
Deduplicated match: jfpv1$sha384$9bca46fd7ef7aa2e1...
Deduplicated match: jfpv1$sha256$d119f4d8b80209152...
## JSON normalization
The jfpv1 JSON fingerprint function transforms the data internally into a normalized (canonical) format before hashing the output.
### Alternative specifications
Most existing JSON normalization/canonicalization specifications and related implementations operate on three key aspects: data structures, values and data ordering. While the ordering of key-value pairs (objects) is straightforward, issues usually arise from the ordering of arrays.
The JSON specifications, including the most recent [RFC 8259](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8259), have always considered the order of array elements to be _meaningful_. As data gets serialized, transferred, deserialized and serialized again throughout various systems, maintaining the order of array elements becomes impractical if not impossible in many cases. As a consequence, this makes the creation and comparison of secure hashes of JSON data across multiple systems a complex process.
### JSON Fingerprint v1 (jfpv1)
The jfpv1 specification takes a more _value-oriented_ approach toward JSON normalization and secure hash creation: values and value-related metadata bear most significance when JSON data gets normalized into the jfpv1 format. The original JSON data gets transformed into a flattened list of small objects, which are then hashed and sorted, and ultimately hashed again as a whole.
In practice, the jfpv1 specification purposefully ignores the original order of data elements in an array. The jfpv1 specification focuses instead on verifying that the following aspects of JSON datasets being compared match:
* All values in the compared datasets are identical
* The values exist in identical paths (arrays, object key-value pairs)
In the case of arrays, each array gets a unique hash identifier based on the data elements it holds. This way, each flattened value "knows" to which array it belongs to. This identifier is called a _sibling hash_ because it is derived from each array element's value as well as its neighboring values.
## Performance
The JSON fingerprint v1 specification and its first implementation have been designed with a primary focus on functional utility over performance. There are some performance-related characteristics that are good to be aware of:
* Due to the way the internal _sibling hashes_ are computed, highly nested data structures will increase the processing time significantly
* The amount of data in a single data element, or the number of elements in a flat array, is much less meaningful performance-wise than the overall depth of the data structure
Below are some examples of the performance impact when processing different types of data structures.
### Example 1: flat data structures
Processing an array of arrays with the maximum depth of 2 levels for each datum:
import json
import time
import json_fingerprint
from json_fingerprint import hash_functions
data = json.dumps(
[1, 2],
[3, 4],
[5, 6],
[7, 8],
[9, 10],
[11, 12],
start_time = time.time_ns() # Measure time in nanoseconds
iterations = 1000
for i in range(iterations):
json_fingerprint.create(input=data, hash_function=hash_functions.SHA256, version=1)
end_time = time.time_ns()
duration = round(((end_time - start_time) / iterations / 1000000), 2) # To milliseconds
print(f"Average processing time per JSON fingerprint: {duration} milliseconds")
Performance test results:
Average processing time per JSON fingerprint: 0.27 milliseconds
As seen in the test results, flat data structures perform well on modern computer hardware.
### Example 2: nested data structures
Processing a nested array of arrays with datums `11` and `12` 7 levels deep in the data structure:
import json
import time
import json_fingerprint
from json_fingerprint import hash_functions
data = json.dumps(
[1, 2, [3, 4, [5, 6, [7, 8, [9, 10, [11, 12]]]]]],
start_time = time.time_ns() # Measure time in nanoseconds
iterations = 1000
for i in range(iterations):
json_fingerprint.create(input=data, hash_function=hash_functions.SHA256, version=1)
end_time = time.time_ns()
duration = round(((end_time - start_time) / iterations / 1000000), 2) # To milliseconds
print(f"Average processing time per JSON fingerprint: {duration} milliseconds")
Performance test results:
Average processing time per JSON fingerprint: 2.75 milliseconds
Compared to the flat data structure with the same amount of data, the nesting of arrays increased the processing time tenfold.
### Example 3: big JSON objects
Processing a dynamically generated JSON object of three different sizes: `~256KiB`, `~512KiB`, and `~1MiB`:
import json
import time
import json_fingerprint
from json_fingerprint import hash_functions
def test_performance(data: str, size: str) -> None:
start_time = time.time_ns() # Measure time in nanoseconds
iterations = 1000
for i in range(iterations):
json_fingerprint.create(input=data, hash_function=hash_functions.SHA256, version=1)
end_time = time.time_ns()
duration = round(((end_time - start_time) / iterations / 1000000), 2) # To milliseconds
print(f"Average processing time per JSON fingerprint ({size}): {duration} milliseconds")
text = "abcdefg " * 16384 # a single text element (~128KiB)
text_list = ["hijklmn " * 128 for i in range(128)] # 128 * 1KiB text elements (~128KiB)
test_performance(json.dumps({"text": text, "text_list": text_list}), "~256KiB")
test_performance(json.dumps({"text": text * 2, "text_list": text_list * 2}), "~512KiB")
test_performance(json.dumps({"text": text * 4, "text_list": text_list * 4}), "~1MiB")
Performance test result:
Average processing time per JSON fingerprint (~256KiB): 2.91 milliseconds
Average processing time per JSON fingerprint (~512KiB): 5.42 milliseconds
Average processing time per JSON fingerprint (~1MiB): 11.18 milliseconds
Processing fairly sizeable JSON objects with text content in a flat structure scales linearly.
## Running tests
The entire internal test suite of json-fingerprint is included in its distribution package. If you wish to run the internal test suite, install the package and run the following command:
`python -m json_fingerprint.tests.run`
If all tests ran successfully, this will produce an output similar to the following:
Ran 31 tests in 0.008s
Raw data
"_id": null,
"home_page": "https://github.com/cobaltine/json-fingerprint",
"name": "json-fingerprint",
"maintainer": "",
"docs_url": null,
"requires_python": ">=3.8",
"maintainer_email": "",
"keywords": "json fingerprint hash",
"author": "Ville Lehtinen",
"author_email": "ville.lehtinen@cobaltine.fi",
"download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/df/bc/c9790bde0bb7112c29ee69f63378f90ad2991c1a2c3fcc64d6982a0cdc79/json-fingerprint-0.14.0.tar.gz",
"platform": null,
"description": "# json-fingerprint\n\n![](https://img.shields.io/github/license/cobaltine/json-fingerprint)\n[![](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/json-fingerprint)](https://pypi.org/project/json-fingerprint/)\n![](https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/json-fingerprint)\n![](https://img.shields.io/github/actions/workflow/status/cobaltine/json-fingerprint/ci.yml?branch=main&label=build)\n![Code Climate maintainability](https://img.shields.io/codeclimate/maintainability/cobaltine/json-fingerprint)\n[![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/github/cobaltine/json-fingerprint/badge.svg?branch=main)](https://coveralls.io/github/cobaltine/json-fingerprint?branch=main)\n\nCreate consistent and comparable fingerprints with secure hashes from unordered JSON data.\n\nA JSON fingerprint consists of three parts: the version of the underlying canonicalization algorithm, the hash function used and a hexadecimal digest of the hash function output. An example output could look like this: `jfpv1$sha256$5815eb0ce6f4e5ab0a771cce2a8c5432f64222f8fd84b4cc2d38e4621fae86af`.\n\n| Fingerprint element | Description |\n|:--------------------|:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n| jfpv1 | JSON fingerprint version identifier: **j**son **f**inger**p**rint **v**ersion **1** | \n| $ | JSON fingerprint element separator |\n| sha256 | Hash function identifier (sha256, sha384 or sha512) |\n| 5815eb0c...1fae86af | The secure hash function output in hexadecimal format |\n\n\n<!-- TOC titleSize:2 tabSpaces:2 depthFrom:2 depthTo:6 withLinks:1 updateOnSave:1 orderedList:0 skip:0 title:1 charForUnorderedList:* -->\n## Table of Contents\n* [v1 release checklist (jfpv1)](#v1-release-checklist-jfpv1)\n* [Installation](#installation)\n* [Examples](#examples)\n * [Create JSON fingerprints](#create-json-fingerprints)\n * [Decode JSON fingerprints](#decode-json-fingerprints)\n * [Match fingerprints](#match-fingerprints)\n * [Find matches in fingerprint lists](#find-matches-in-fingerprint-lists)\n* [JSON normalization](#json-normalization)\n * [Alternative specifications](#alternative-specifications)\n * [JSON Fingerprint v1 (jfpv1)](#json-fingerprint-v1-jfpv1)\n* [Performance](#performance)\n * [Example 1: flat data structures](#example-1-flat-data-structures)\n * [Example 2: nested data structures](#example-2-nested-data-structures)\n * [Example 3: big JSON objects](#example-3-big-json-objects)\n* [Running tests](#running-tests)\n<!-- /TOC -->\n\n\n## v1 release checklist (jfpv1)\n\nThis is a list of high-level development and documentation tasks, which need to be completed prior to freezing the API for v1. Before v1, backward-incompatible changes to the API are possible. Since the jfpv1 spec is work in progress, the fingerprints may not be fully comparable between different _0.y.z_ versions.\n\n**NB:** JSON fingerprints up until `v0.12.2` ignored empty objects and arrays as values. This behavior was changed in `v0.13.0` which means that JSON fingerprints created with earlier versions may produce different and incomparable hashes depending on the presence of empty objects or arrays.\n\n- [ ] Formalized and complete jfpv1 specification\n- [x] JSON type support\n - [x] Primitives and literals\n - [x] Arrays\n - [x] Objects\n- [x] Flattened \"sibling-aware\" internal data structure\n- [x] Support nested JSON data structures with mixed types\n- [x] Support most common SHA-2 hash functions\n - [x] SHA256\n - [x] SHA384\n - [x] SHA512\n- [x] Dynamic jfpv1 fingerprint comparison function (JSON string against a fingerprint)\n- [x] Performance characteristics that scale sufficiently\n- [ ] Extensive verification against potential fingerprint (hash) collisions\n\n\n## Installation\n\nTo install the json-fingerprint package, run `pip install json-fingerprint`.\n\n\n## Examples\n\nThe complete working examples below show how to use all core features of the `json_fingerprint` package.\n\n\n### Create JSON fingerprints\n\nJSON fingerprints can be created with the `create()` function, which requires three arguments: input (valid JSON string), hash function (SHA256, SHA384 and SHA512 are supported) and JSON fingerprint version (1).\n\n```python\nimport json\n\nimport json_fingerprint\nfrom json_fingerprint import hash_functions\n\njson_1 = json.dumps([3, 2, 1, [True, False], {\"foo\": \"bar\"}])\njson_2 = json.dumps([2, {\"foo\": \"bar\"}, 1, [False, True], 3]) # Different order\nfp_1 = json_fingerprint.create(input=json_1, hash_function=hash_functions.SHA256, version=1)\nfp_2 = json_fingerprint.create(input=json_2, hash_function=hash_functions.SHA256, version=1)\nprint(f\"Fingerprint 1: {fp_1}\")\nprint(f\"Fingerprint 2: {fp_2}\")\n```\n\nThis will output two identical fingerprints regardless of the different order of the json elements:\n```text\nFingerprint 1: jfpv1$sha256$2ecb0c919fcb06024f55380134da3bbaac3879f98adce89a8871706fe50dda03\nFingerprint 2: jfpv1$sha256$2ecb0c919fcb06024f55380134da3bbaac3879f98adce89a8871706fe50dda03\n```\n\nSince JSON objects with identical data content and structure will always produce identical fingerprints, the fingerprints can be used effectively for various purposes. These include finding duplicate JSON data from a larger dataset, JSON data cache validation/invalidation and data integrity checking.\n\n\n### Decode JSON fingerprints\n\nJSON fingerprints can be decoded with the `decode()` convenience function. It returns the version, hash function and secure hash in a tuple.\n\n```python\nimport json_fingerprint\n\nfp = \"jfpv1$sha256$2ecb0c919fcb06024f55380134da3bbaac3879f98adce89a8871706fe50dda03\"\nversion, hash_function, hash = json_fingerprint.decode(fingerprint=fp)\nprint(f\"JSON fingerprint version: {version}\")\nprint(f\"Hash function: {hash_function}\")\nprint(f\"Hash hex digest: {hash}\")\n```\n\nThis will output the individual elements that make up a fingerprint as follows:\n```text\nJSON fingerprint version: 1\nHash function: sha256\nHash hex digest: 2ecb0c919fcb06024f55380134da3bbaac3879f98adce89a8871706fe50dda03\n```\n\n\n### Match fingerprints\n\nThe `match()` is another convenience function that matches JSON data against a fingerprint, and returns either `True` or `False` depending on whether the data matches the fingerprint or not. Internally, it will automatically choose the correct version and hash function based on the `target_fingerprint` argument.\n\n```python\nimport json\n\nimport json_fingerprint\n\njson_1 = json.dumps([3, 2, 1, [True, False], {\"foo\": \"bar\"}])\njson_2 = json.dumps([3, 2, 1])\n# \"target_fp\" contains the JSON fingerprint of \"json_1\"\ntarget_fp = \"jfpv1$sha256$2ecb0c919fcb06024f55380134da3bbaac3879f98adce89a8871706fe50dda03\"\nmatch_1 = json_fingerprint.match(input=json_1, target_fingerprint=target_fp)\nmatch_2 = json_fingerprint.match(input=json_2, target_fingerprint=target_fp)\nprint(f\"Fingerprint matches with json_1: {match_1}\")\nprint(f\"Fingerprint matches with json_2: {match_2}\")\n```\n\nThis will output the following:\n```text\nFingerprint matches with json_1: True\nFingerprint matches with json_2: False\n```\n\n\n### Find matches in fingerprint lists\n\nThe `find_matches()` function takes a JSON string and a list of JSON fingerprints as input. It creates a fingerprint of the JSON input string of each different variant in the target list, and looks for matches in the fingerprint list. It can optionally also deduplicate the fingerprint input list, and results list.\n\n```python\nimport json\n\nimport json_fingerprint\n\n# \"data\" produces jfpv1 (SHA256): jfpv1$sha256$d119f4d8...b1710d9f\n# \"data produces jfpv1 (SHA384): jfpv1$sha384$9bca46fd...fd0e2e9c\njson_data = json.dumps({\"foo\": \"bar\"})\n\nfingerprints = [\n # SHA256 match\n \"jfpv1$sha256$d119f4d8b802091520162b78f57a995a9ecbc88b20573b0c7e474072b1710d9f\",\n # SHA256 match (duplicate)\n \"jfpv1$sha256$d119f4d8b802091520162b78f57a995a9ecbc88b20573b0c7e474072b1710d9f\",\n # SHA384 match\n (\"jfpv1$sha384$9bca46fd7ef7aa2e16e68978b5eb5c294bd5b380780e81bcb1af97d4b339bca\"\n \"f7f6a622b2f1a955eea2fadb8fd0e2e9c\"),\n # SHA256, not a match\n \"jfpv1$sha256$73f7bb145f268c033ec22a0b74296cdbab1405415a3d64a1c79223aa9a9f7643\",\n]\n\n# Output all matches, including the two identical SHA256 fingerprints\nmatches = json_fingerprint.find_matches(input=json_data, fingerprints=fingerprints)\nprint(*(f\"\\nMatch: {match[0:30]}...\" for match in matches))\n\n# Output deduplicated matches, removing one redundant SHA256 match\ndeduplicated_matches = json_fingerprint.find_matches(input=json_data,\n fingerprints=fingerprints,\n deduplicate=True)\nprint(*(f\"\\nDeduplicated match: {match[0:30]}...\" for match in deduplicated_matches))\n```\n\nThis will output the following results, first the list with a duplicate and the latter with deduplicated results:\n```text\nMatch: jfpv1$sha256$d119f4d8b80209152...\nMatch: jfpv1$sha256$d119f4d8b80209152...\nMatch: jfpv1$sha384$9bca46fd7ef7aa2e1...\n\nDeduplicated match: jfpv1$sha384$9bca46fd7ef7aa2e1...\nDeduplicated match: jfpv1$sha256$d119f4d8b80209152...\n```\n\n\n## JSON normalization\n\nThe jfpv1 JSON fingerprint function transforms the data internally into a normalized (canonical) format before hashing the output.\n\n\n### Alternative specifications\n\nMost existing JSON normalization/canonicalization specifications and related implementations operate on three key aspects: data structures, values and data ordering. While the ordering of key-value pairs (objects) is straightforward, issues usually arise from the ordering of arrays.\n\nThe JSON specifications, including the most recent [RFC 8259](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8259), have always considered the order of array elements to be _meaningful_. As data gets serialized, transferred, deserialized and serialized again throughout various systems, maintaining the order of array elements becomes impractical if not impossible in many cases. As a consequence, this makes the creation and comparison of secure hashes of JSON data across multiple systems a complex process.\n\n\n### JSON Fingerprint v1 (jfpv1)\n\nThe jfpv1 specification takes a more _value-oriented_ approach toward JSON normalization and secure hash creation: values and value-related metadata bear most significance when JSON data gets normalized into the jfpv1 format. The original JSON data gets transformed into a flattened list of small objects, which are then hashed and sorted, and ultimately hashed again as a whole.\n\nIn practice, the jfpv1 specification purposefully ignores the original order of data elements in an array. The jfpv1 specification focuses instead on verifying that the following aspects of JSON datasets being compared match:\n\n * All values in the compared datasets are identical\n * The values exist in identical paths (arrays, object key-value pairs)\n\nIn the case of arrays, each array gets a unique hash identifier based on the data elements it holds. This way, each flattened value \"knows\" to which array it belongs to. This identifier is called a _sibling hash_ because it is derived from each array element's value as well as its neighboring values.\n\n\n## Performance\n\nThe JSON fingerprint v1 specification and its first implementation have been designed with a primary focus on functional utility over performance. There are some performance-related characteristics that are good to be aware of:\n\n * Due to the way the internal _sibling hashes_ are computed, highly nested data structures will increase the processing time significantly\n * The amount of data in a single data element, or the number of elements in a flat array, is much less meaningful performance-wise than the overall depth of the data structure\n\nBelow are some examples of the performance impact when processing different types of data structures.\n\n\n### Example 1: flat data structures\n\nProcessing an array of arrays with the maximum depth of 2 levels for each datum:\n\n```python\nimport json\nimport time\n\nimport json_fingerprint\nfrom json_fingerprint import hash_functions\n\ndata = json.dumps(\n [\n [1, 2],\n [3, 4],\n [5, 6],\n [7, 8],\n [9, 10],\n [11, 12],\n ]\n)\nstart_time = time.time_ns() # Measure time in nanoseconds\niterations = 1000\nfor i in range(iterations):\n json_fingerprint.create(input=data, hash_function=hash_functions.SHA256, version=1)\nend_time = time.time_ns()\nduration = round(((end_time - start_time) / iterations / 1000000), 2) # To milliseconds\nprint(f\"Average processing time per JSON fingerprint: {duration} milliseconds\")\n```\n\nPerformance test results:\n```text\nAverage processing time per JSON fingerprint: 0.27 milliseconds\n```\n\nAs seen in the test results, flat data structures perform well on modern computer hardware.\n\n\n### Example 2: nested data structures\n\nProcessing a nested array of arrays with datums `11` and `12` 7 levels deep in the data structure:\n\n```python\nimport json\nimport time\n\nimport json_fingerprint\nfrom json_fingerprint import hash_functions\n\ndata = json.dumps(\n [\n [1, 2, [3, 4, [5, 6, [7, 8, [9, 10, [11, 12]]]]]],\n ]\n)\nstart_time = time.time_ns() # Measure time in nanoseconds\niterations = 1000\nfor i in range(iterations):\n json_fingerprint.create(input=data, hash_function=hash_functions.SHA256, version=1)\nend_time = time.time_ns()\nduration = round(((end_time - start_time) / iterations / 1000000), 2) # To milliseconds\nprint(f\"Average processing time per JSON fingerprint: {duration} milliseconds\")\n```\n\nPerformance test results:\n```text\nAverage processing time per JSON fingerprint: 2.75 milliseconds\n```\n\nCompared to the flat data structure with the same amount of data, the nesting of arrays increased the processing time tenfold.\n\n\n### Example 3: big JSON objects\n\nProcessing a dynamically generated JSON object of three different sizes: `~256KiB`, `~512KiB`, and `~1MiB`:\n\n```python\nimport json\nimport time\n\nimport json_fingerprint\nfrom json_fingerprint import hash_functions\n\n\ndef test_performance(data: str, size: str) -> None:\n start_time = time.time_ns() # Measure time in nanoseconds\n iterations = 1000\n for i in range(iterations):\n json_fingerprint.create(input=data, hash_function=hash_functions.SHA256, version=1)\n end_time = time.time_ns()\n duration = round(((end_time - start_time) / iterations / 1000000), 2) # To milliseconds\n print(f\"Average processing time per JSON fingerprint ({size}): {duration} milliseconds\")\n\n\ntext = \"abcdefg \" * 16384 # a single text element (~128KiB)\ntext_list = [\"hijklmn \" * 128 for i in range(128)] # 128 * 1KiB text elements (~128KiB)\ntest_performance(json.dumps({\"text\": text, \"text_list\": text_list}), \"~256KiB\")\ntest_performance(json.dumps({\"text\": text * 2, \"text_list\": text_list * 2}), \"~512KiB\")\ntest_performance(json.dumps({\"text\": text * 4, \"text_list\": text_list * 4}), \"~1MiB\")\n```\n\nPerformance test result:\n```text\nAverage processing time per JSON fingerprint (~256KiB): 2.91 milliseconds\nAverage processing time per JSON fingerprint (~512KiB): 5.42 milliseconds\nAverage processing time per JSON fingerprint (~1MiB): 11.18 milliseconds\n```\n\nProcessing fairly sizeable JSON objects with text content in a flat structure scales linearly.\n\n\n## Running tests\n\nThe entire internal test suite of json-fingerprint is included in its distribution package. If you wish to run the internal test suite, install the package and run the following command:\n\n`python -m json_fingerprint.tests.run`\n\nIf all tests ran successfully, this will produce an output similar to the following:\n\n```text\n...............................\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\nRan 31 tests in 0.008s\n\nOK\n```\n",
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"license": "MIT",
"summary": "Create consistent and comparable fingerprints with secure hashes from unordered JSON data",
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"Homepage": "https://github.com/cobaltine/json-fingerprint",
"Source": "https://github.com/cobaltine/json-fingerprint",
"Tracker": "https://github.com/cobaltine/json-fingerprint/issues"
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"urls": [
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