
Namejson-ntv JSON
Version 1.4.0 PyPI version JSON
SummaryJSON-NTV a semantic format for interoperability
upload_time2024-05-07 09:39:43
authorPhilippe Thomy
keywords json-ntv semantic json development environmental data
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            ### ***JSON-NTV (named and typed value)  <img src="https://loco-philippe.github.io/ES/json-ntv.PNG" alt="json-NTV" style="float:right;width:233px;height:64px;"> : a semantic format for interoperability***

*JSON-NTV is a universal representation format. It allows the sharing and conversion of any type of data.*

*The NTV format is part of the [Environmental Sensing Project](https://github.com/loco-philippe/Environmental-Sensing#readme)*

For more information, see the [user guide](https://loco-philippe.github.io/NTV/documentation/user_guide.html) or the [github repository](https://github.com/loco-philippe/NTV).

# What is NTV ?

The semantic level of shared JSON (or CSV) data (e.g. Open Data) remains low, which makes automated reuse difficult.

JSON-NTV proposes to enrich it to obtain a real interoperable exchange format.
## NTV format

The NTV format consists of representing data by three attributes: a name, a type and a value. This representation is common in programming languages (for example a variable with Python typing is defined by `age: int = 25`), however the JSON format represents data with only a value or a key:value pair.

The JSON-NTV extension consists of including the type in the name to associate it with a value (for example `{'age:int': 25}` is the JSON representation of the NTV triplet ('age', 'int' , 25 ) ).

This approach makes it possible to reversibly represent any simple or complex data by a JSON structure (high interoperability).

## Examples

In [1]: from shapely.geometry import Point
        from datetime import date
        from pprint import pprint

In [2]: pprint(Ntv.obj(21).expand())
Out[2]: {'name': '', 'type': 'json', 'value': 21}

In [3]: pprint(Ntv.obj({"paris:point": [2.3, 48.9] }).expand())
Out[3]: {'name': 'paris', 'type': 'point', 'value': [2.3, 48.9]}

In [4]: pprint(Ntv.obj({"cities::point": [[2.3, 48.9], [4.8, 45.8] }).expand())
Out[4]: {'name': 'cities',
         'type': 'point',
         'value': [{'name': '', 'type': 'point', 'value': [2.3, 48.9]},
                   {'name': '', 'type': 'point', 'value': [4.8, 45.8]}]}

In [5]: pprint(Ntv.obj({"paris:point": [2.3, 48.9], "start:date": "2023-08-03", "measurement": 45.8}).expand())
Out[5]: {'name': '',
         'type': '',
         'value': [{'name': 'paris', 'type': 'point', 'value': [2.3, 48.9]},
                   {'name': 'start', 'type': 'date', 'value': '2023-08-03'},
                   {'name': 'measurement', 'type': 'json', 'value': 45.8}]}

> *Note: This typing syntax can also be used for CSV file headers*

## NTV structure

With this approach, two NTV entities are defined:

- a primitive entity which is not composed of any other entity (NTV-single),
- a structured entity which is an ordered sequence of NTV entities (NTV-list).

as well as two JSON formats:

- simple format when the name and the type are not present (e.g. `25`),
- named format when the name or type is present ((e.g. `{'age': 25}` or `{':int': 25}`)).

The type incorporates a notion of `namespace` that can be nested.

> *For example, the type: `ns1.ns2.type_a` means that:*
> - *`ns1.` is a namespace defined in the global namespace,*
> - *`ns2.` is a namespace defined in the `ns1.` namespace.,*
> - *`type_a` is defined in the `ns2.` namespace.*

The type can be extended with additional data.

> *For example, the type: `float[kg]` means that:*
> - *`float` is a main type of the data,*
> - *`kg` is an additional type (e.g. an unit),*
> - *`float[kg]` may represent a Quantity.*

This structuring of type makes it possible to reference any type of data that has a JSON representation and to consolidate all the shared data structures within the same tree of types.

## NTV uses

Several variations and use cases of the NTV format are defined:

- Tabular and multidimensional data exchange format (e.g. open-data)
- Compact, reversible and semantic pandas-JSON interface
- Comment and change management of JSON data
- visualization of JSON or NTV tree
- JSON data editor
- data validation (value conformity to the Datatype)

## NTV and JSON

The flowchart below explain how to convert and exchange native entities through NTV and JSON format.

flowchart LR
    text--->|JSON load|val
    val--->|JSON dump|text
    val--->|NTV from JSON|ntv
    ntv--->|from NTV|nat
    ntv--->|NTV to JSON|val
    nat--->|to NTV|ntv

The conversion between native entity and JSON-text is reversible (lossless round trip).

In [6]: loc_and_date = {'newyear': date(2023, 1, 2), 'Paris': Point(2.3, 48.9)}
        json_loc_date = Ntv.obj(loc_and_date).to_obj(encoded=True)
        print(json_loc_date, type(json_loc_date))
Out[6]: {"newyear:date": "2023-01-02", "Paris:point": [2.3, 48.9]} <class 'str'>

In [7]: Ntv.obj(json_loc_date).to_obj(format='obj') == loc_and_date
Out[7]: True

*Properties :*

- each NTV object has a unique JSON representation
- each JSON data corresponds to a unique NTV entity
- an NTV entity is a tree where each node is an NTV entity and each leaf an NTV-Single entity
- an NTV entity is a neutral representation (independent of a software or hardware platform)


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "https://github.com/loco-philippe/NTV/blob/main/README.md",
    "name": "json-ntv",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": "<4,>=3.7",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": "JSON-NTV, semantic JSON, development, environmental data",
    "author": "Philippe Thomy",
    "author_email": "philippe@loco-labs.io",
    "download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/77/87/6812d0f5159d612bf590348dee14d11ef0b06c6eb76044fea3656041b889/json_ntv-1.4.0.tar.gz",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "### ***JSON-NTV (named and typed value)  <img src=\"https://loco-philippe.github.io/ES/json-ntv.PNG\" alt=\"json-NTV\" style=\"float:right;width:233px;height:64px;\"> : a semantic format for interoperability***\r\n\r\n*JSON-NTV is a universal representation format. It allows the sharing and conversion of any type of data.*\r\n\r\n*The NTV format is part of the [Environmental Sensing Project](https://github.com/loco-philippe/Environmental-Sensing#readme)*\r\n\r\nFor more information, see the [user guide](https://loco-philippe.github.io/NTV/documentation/user_guide.html) or the [github repository](https://github.com/loco-philippe/NTV).\r\n\r\n# What is NTV ?\r\n\r\nThe semantic level of shared JSON (or CSV) data (e.g. Open Data) remains low, which makes automated reuse difficult.\r\n\r\nJSON-NTV proposes to enrich it to obtain a real interoperable exchange format.\r\n  \r\n## NTV format\r\n\r\nThe NTV format consists of representing data by three attributes: a name, a type and a value. This representation is common in programming languages (for example a variable with Python typing is defined by `age: int = 25`), however the JSON format represents data with only a value or a key:value pair.\r\n\r\nThe JSON-NTV extension consists of including the type in the name to associate it with a value (for example `{'age:int': 25}` is the JSON representation of the NTV triplet ('age', 'int' , 25 ) ).\r\n\r\nThis approach makes it possible to reversibly represent any simple or complex data by a JSON structure (high interoperability).\r\n\r\n## Examples\r\n\r\n```python\r\nIn [1]: from shapely.geometry import Point\r\n        from datetime import date\r\n        from pprint import pprint\r\n\r\nIn [2]: pprint(Ntv.obj(21).expand())\r\nOut[2]: {'name': '', 'type': 'json', 'value': 21}\r\n\r\nIn [3]: pprint(Ntv.obj({\"paris:point\": [2.3, 48.9] }).expand())\r\nOut[3]: {'name': 'paris', 'type': 'point', 'value': [2.3, 48.9]}\r\n\r\nIn [4]: pprint(Ntv.obj({\"cities::point\": [[2.3, 48.9], [4.8, 45.8] }).expand())\r\nOut[4]: {'name': 'cities',\r\n         'type': 'point',\r\n         'value': [{'name': '', 'type': 'point', 'value': [2.3, 48.9]},\r\n                   {'name': '', 'type': 'point', 'value': [4.8, 45.8]}]}\r\n\r\nIn [5]: pprint(Ntv.obj({\"paris:point\": [2.3, 48.9], \"start:date\": \"2023-08-03\", \"measurement\": 45.8}).expand())\r\nOut[5]: {'name': '',\r\n         'type': '',\r\n         'value': [{'name': 'paris', 'type': 'point', 'value': [2.3, 48.9]},\r\n                   {'name': 'start', 'type': 'date', 'value': '2023-08-03'},\r\n                   {'name': 'measurement', 'type': 'json', 'value': 45.8}]}\r\n```\r\n\r\n> *Note: This typing syntax can also be used for CSV file headers*\r\n\r\n## NTV structure\r\n\r\nWith this approach, two NTV entities are defined:\r\n\r\n- a primitive entity which is not composed of any other entity (NTV-single),\r\n- a structured entity which is an ordered sequence of NTV entities (NTV-list).\r\n\r\nas well as two JSON formats:\r\n\r\n- simple format when the name and the type are not present (e.g. `25`),\r\n- named format when the name or type is present ((e.g. `{'age': 25}` or `{':int': 25}`)).\r\n\r\nThe type incorporates a notion of `namespace` that can be nested.\r\n\r\n> *For example, the type: `ns1.ns2.type_a` means that:*\r\n>\r\n> - *`ns1.` is a namespace defined in the global namespace,*\r\n> - *`ns2.` is a namespace defined in the `ns1.` namespace.,*\r\n> - *`type_a` is defined in the `ns2.` namespace.*\r\n\r\nThe type can be extended with additional data.\r\n\r\n> *For example, the type: `float[kg]` means that:*\r\n>\r\n> - *`float` is a main type of the data,*\r\n> - *`kg` is an additional type (e.g. an unit),*\r\n> - *`float[kg]` may represent a Quantity.*\r\n\r\nThis structuring of type makes it possible to reference any type of data that has a JSON representation and to consolidate all the shared data structures within the same tree of types.\r\n\r\n## NTV uses\r\n\r\nSeveral variations and use cases of the NTV format are defined:\r\n\r\n- Tabular and multidimensional data exchange format (e.g. open-data)\r\n- Compact, reversible and semantic pandas-JSON interface\r\n- Comment and change management of JSON data\r\n- visualization of JSON or NTV tree\r\n- JSON data editor\r\n- data validation (value conformity to the Datatype)\r\n\r\n## NTV and JSON\r\n\r\nThe flowchart below explain how to convert and exchange native entities through NTV and JSON format.\r\n\r\n```mermaid\r\nflowchart LR\r\n    text[\"#10240;#10240;JSON#10240;#10240;\\ntext\"]\r\n    val[\"#10240;JSON-NTV#10240;\\nvalue\"]\r\n    ntv[\"#10240;#10240;#10240;NTV#10240;#10240;#10240;\\nentity\"]\r\n    nat[\"#10240;native#10240;\\nentity\"]\r\n    text--->|JSON load|val\r\n    val--->|JSON dump|text\r\n    val--->|NTV from JSON|ntv\r\n    ntv--->|from NTV|nat\r\n    ntv--->|NTV to JSON|val\r\n    nat--->|to NTV|ntv\r\n```\r\n\r\nThe conversion between native entity and JSON-text is reversible (lossless round trip).\r\n\r\n```python\r\nIn [6]: loc_and_date = {'newyear': date(2023, 1, 2), 'Paris': Point(2.3, 48.9)}\r\n        json_loc_date = Ntv.obj(loc_and_date).to_obj(encoded=True)\r\n        print(json_loc_date, type(json_loc_date))\r\nOut[6]: {\"newyear:date\": \"2023-01-02\", \"Paris:point\": [2.3, 48.9]} <class 'str'>\r\n\r\nIn [7]: Ntv.obj(json_loc_date).to_obj(format='obj') == loc_and_date\r\nOut[7]: True\r\n```\r\n\r\n*Properties :*\r\n\r\n- each NTV object has a unique JSON representation\r\n- each JSON data corresponds to a unique NTV entity\r\n- an NTV entity is a tree where each node is an NTV entity and each leaf an NTV-Single entity\r\n- an NTV entity is a neutral representation (independent of a software or hardware platform)\r\n",
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        " environmental data"
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