
Namekabaret JSON
Version 2.3.0 PyPI version JSON
SummaryVFX/Animation Studio Framework
upload_time2024-06-20 10:52:19
authorDamien dee Coureau
keywords vfx animation framewok dataflow workflow asset manager production tracker
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.


VFX/Animation Studio Framework tailored for TDs/Scripters managing pipelines and workflows used by Production Managers and CGI Artists.

Homepage here: http://www.kabaretstudio.com

Read the doc here: http://kabaret.readthedocs.io

# Changelog

## [2.3.0] - 2024-06-20

### ! Python version support breaking change !

From this version, **only python 3.7 and up is supported !**

### Added

issue #94 - New ui options `dialog_size`, `dialog_min_size` and `dialog_max_size` to respectively set the default, minimum and maximum sizes (in pixels) of an action dialog window. If `dialog_size` is not provided, the window is resized according to its content and the size limits when provided.

issue #104 - The type of the manager of all instances of an `Object` subclass can be redefined with the class attribute `_MANAGER_TYPE`. The class attribute `_PROPAGATE_MANAGER_TYPE` can also be used to control the propagation of the manager type in the sub-tree objects: a boolean value indicates if the manager type of the object must be propagated, while a `None` value is equivalent to using the value set in the parent class. Eventually, any relation of an object can now be retrieved through the manager's `get_relation` method.

issue #120 - New `path` editor which allows to select one or more file paths through the file explorer.

issue #121 - New `image` editor which allows to load an image to the base64 format and display it. The image can be selected through the file explorer or dragged and dropped.

issue #117 - The `KabaretStandaloneGUISession` session now keeps track of the `FlowView` currently focused, which can be retrieved using the session's `current_view()` method. Whenever the current view changes, a `focus_changed` event is dispatched with the ID of the new current view.

issue #122 - Layout preset tools on the `SessionToolBar` view have been improved to handle additional view state data such as size, position, navigation history and also window geometry.
For now, presets are stored locally in `.json` files on the user session and structured by cluster. You can specify a different folder path with `--layout-savepath` command line argument.
The upcoming 'Users' actor will extend storage possibilities, such as store presets in the redis database.
Activation of layout tools is done on the `KabaretStandaloneGUISession` session and new command line arguments are here for easy disabling if needed.
A session layout autosave feature can be enabled, making backups of the last five sessions in their most recent state.

issue #127 - Documentation for `sort_order` option for maps in showcase `dev_studio.flow.unittest_project.showcase.maps`.

issue #128 - Main window can be resized to a specific width and height with `resize` function in the main window manager.

### Changed

issue #112 - Versioneer is now used for versioning control system. You can access kabaret version using : `import kabaret; print(kabaret.__version__)`. Versioneer will be more usefull for releases.

issue #118 - Logging has been improved for more readability. Disable `logging.propagate` to avoid double messages in custom project flows. Remove ICCP chunk on `.png` files to clear a libpng error.

### Fixed

Remove a stretch in layout when using Custom Page. Caused problems for resizing and fully expanding the page size.

issue #124 - `FlowPage` of a `FlowDialogView` is now updated once on init.

issue #125 - Parse ui options for action parent to a map.

issue #126 - An action dialog now appears from the center of the main window, regardless its size.

issue #129 - Layout tools command line arguments are now on the `KabaretStandaloneGUISession` session. A non-GUI session is no longer affected by this feature.

Widgets from a custom page or `FlowLayout` should now be properly deleted and avoid ghosting and UI flickering behaviour.

## [2.2.0] - 2023-02-01

### ! Python version support !

2.2 is the last version of Kabaret supporting Python 2. Incoming versions starting from 2.3 will exclusively support Python 3.

### ! Breaking changes !

The return value of the `session.cmds.Flow.ls()` command has changed to also include the related oid. This is needed by the
introduction of the new `Relative` relation with which you can no longer assume that a related object's id is

If you were using `ls` in automation scripts, you will need to update its returned value unpacking.

Previous return value:
`(relation_name, relation_type, is_action, is_map, ui_config), mapped_names`

New return value:
`(related_oid, relation_name, relation_type, is_action, is_map, ui_config), mapped_names`

### Added

issue #88 - Mapped items "background_color" does show in GUI.

issue #99 & #100 - New plugin system to allow code-less intallation of third party extensions. See new "Plugin"
section of the documentation: https://kabaret.readthedocs.io/en/stable/plugin_system.html

PePy download badge in README

issue #79 - New Flow command `session.cmds.Flow.set_home_oid(my_oid)` to configure the "Home" action.

issue #83 - New ui option `navigation_bar`. If set to `False`, the flow page will hide the navigation bar.
See example usages in showcase `dev_studio.flow.unittest_project.showcase.ui_config`. 
Also added an entry in the FlowView "Options" menu to toggle the navigation bar visible/hidden.

issue #78 - View titles can be formated by using a `view_id` like `<formater>|<view_id>` where formater
is used like `formater.format(some_title)`. This particularly interesting to control the title of views 
created by using `goto_target` in the return value of a `flow.Action.run()`.

issue #71 - Action menus for Relation and Map items can contain sub-menus based on the Action group. 
Use `relation.ui(action_submenus=True)` and/or `relation.ui(items_action_submenus=True)`.

issue #60 - Any session created is accessible with `kabaret.app.get_session(my_session_uid)`. You can
get the last created one with `kabaret.app.get_session()`.

issue #73 - `choice` editor support arbitrary icon for each choice using the `choice_icons` option.

issue #11 - `textarea` editor now correctly shows when edited and is correctly auto-applied in action dialogs.
A 'Cancel' button was added to revert to the last loaded value. The 'Apply' and 'Cancel' buttons are now hidden
until an edit is made. A new option `buttons_side` was added to specify the buttons side.

issue #31 - Added the ability to access other projects in the flow with `self.root().project('OtherProjectName')`

issue #74 - Added `injectable()` method on `Child` relations (and sub relations) which let developer inject their Object types inside someone else flow using the `kabaret.flow.injection` module. See the documentation at https://kabaret.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorials/injection.html for details.

issue #70 - Customizable double click behaviour on `Map` items. See usage and example in `dev_studio.flow.unittest_project.showcase.maps.map_actions`, and here: https://gitlab.com/kabaretstudio/kabaret/-/issues/70#note_409303471

issue #66 - Added a new relation `Relative` which gives access to any Object in the flow given an `oid` relative to its parent. See usage and code example in `dev_studio.flow.unittest_project.showcase.relations`.

issue #68 - Added `kabaret.flow.Connection.allow_cross_project()` to allow Connection / Ref to
an object inside another project.

merge !101 - New GUI Style in `kabaret.app.ui.gui.styles.gray.GrayStyle()`

### Changed

merge !128 - The LabelEditor text is now selectable.
issue #72 - The target view of a `flow.Action.run()` is automatically made visible / active tab.

issue #70 - You can no longer create a Mapped Item with a name used in
the Map class or its ancestor classes.

issue #56 - Use scrollbar rather than submenu when having many items in NavigationBar context menus

merge !106 - Change ChoiceValueEditor from QToolButton to QComboBox

### Fixed

issue #93 - Injections produce too many messages (info messages are now debug only message)

issue #95 - Kabaret didn't work with python 3.9

issue #30 - Removed the `redis<3.0.0` restriction in `install_requires`.

issue #72 - Fixed a bug when the return value of a `flow.Action.run()` has a `goto_target_type` and no `goto_target`.

issue #63 - In FlowView: Action buttons, Mapped items and Reference fields where inside the last Relation instead of at view toplevel.

issue #77 - 10 times faster FlowView page loading.

issue #67 - `KabaretSession.session_uid()` may return a unique id that is rejected by Redis. 

issue #45 - "Internal C++ object already deleted" error when navigating to a page before current page
loading is finished.

issue #53 - Bug in corner case scenarii when listing Object Actions.

issue #52 - When a Ref source was updated, it would not be updated for user who already loaded it.

issue #57 - Connections relations were always displayed first in GUI.

merge !102 - Scroll in MapField does not work in python3 + Fixed MappedItem background and foreground styling

merge !103 - MultiChoiceValueEditor maximum height / scrollbar + Check multiple choices at once

merge !104 - Support unicode data in Param (default editor and textarea editor)

issue #28 - Dialogless Actions inside an Action dialog closes the parent Action dialog.

issue #56 - Navigation Bar drag'n'drop start sensibility and preview.

## [2.1.12] - 2020-02-28

### Fixed

issue #64 - Thumbnail Sequence player fails when image is missing

## [2.1.11] - 2020-02-18

### Fixed

issue #62 - Failling "computed value" showcase in dev_studio.flow.unittest_project.UnittestProject

fixing DarkStyle css not showing the error background for Computed value fields.

## [2.1.10] - 2020-02-03

### Fixed

issue #50 - FlowView: Map is expanded when there's only one Map in the current oid

This is intended and used to be cool. But now that we have 'expanded' and 'expandable' options on Relation.ui() it is annoying.

## [2.1.9] - 2020-02-03

### Fixed

issue #58 - Flow page messed up layout 

Parent relations were causing horizontal alignment glitchs in FlowView
with PyQt5 and PySide2.

### Added

issue #7  - Support an "expandable" and "expanded" option on Relation.ui()

issue #55 - Popup menus in Navigation bar now has Copy and Paste items.
## [2.1.8] - 2019-08-25

### Fixed

fixed missing CHANGELOG.md in distribution.

## [2.1.7] - 2019-08-22

### Fixed

issue #51 - Could not hide a relation by setting `ui['hidden'] = True` in Ojbect._fill_ui()

## [2.1.6] - 2019-08-14

### Fixed

issue #50 - GUI does not show any icon on Map fields
## [2.1.5] - 2019-08-14

### Fixed

issue #49 - Custom Page not usable on Custom Home

## [2.1.4] - 2019-08-09

### Added

issue #12 - Dynamic UI Properties

Any property set on a `Relation.ui()` can now be overridden per Object instance by overridding `Object._fill_ui(ui)`
This has been a long request, especially to have dynamic value for the `icon` and `hidden` properties.

issue #48 - Custom UI Page

It is now possible to provide an arbitrary widget to display/edit an Object in the Flow view.

This can be specified at the relation's level with `Relation(...).ui(custom_page='my_module.MyWidget')`.
Or at the Object level by overridding `Object._fill_ui(ui)`.

See `dev_studio.flow.unittest_project.UnittestProject` "Custom Page" for details and example.

### Fixed

issue #12 - When expanding a Connection relation in GUI, sub fields don't update.
issue #12 - (correlated) When showing not-child item in DynamicMap (a.k.a Map as View), items don't update.

issue #47 - Fix Map item styling consistency

The `style` dict in `Map._fill_row_style` now accepts 'foreground_color' as well as 'foreground-color' etc... And
the value may be in the form (255,255,255) as well as '#FFFFFF'

## [2.1.3] - 2019-07-15

### Fixed

issue #43 - MapField summary refresh after touch().

issue #44 - Maya lose QMenu reference when using QMenu.addMenu.

### Added

Support per row as well as per column color properties in Map row style (see !73)

## [2.1.2] - 2019-04-09

### Changed

Documentation minor improvements: issue #36 #38 #39 #40

### Fixed

issue #24 - Ctrl+Click on map item works only once.
issue #37 - dev_studio UnittestProject wouldn't work without kabaret.ingrid installed.

## [2.1.1] - 2019-03-05

### Changed

Dropped the beta status because why not.

### Added

issue #29 - Added context based GUI filtering for flow.Action
+ updated dev_studio.unittest_project.showcase with doc and examples.

## [2.1.0b3] - 2019-02-05

### Fixed

python 3 compatibility

## [2.1.0b1] - 2019-01-18

### Changed

issue #25 - Refactor View class hierarchy to be able to have Toolbar and Dialog views
issue #26 - View management RFE
issue #13 - Add an option in flow.Action.get_result() to force a "goto" in a new view

- Added deprecation warnings (stdout printed) for view system changes. You should update
your code as soon as possible.
Once your code is updated, you should also update your install_requires with 'kabaret>=2.1'

- Added a built-in 'SessionToolBar' view with user/session/cluster info and layout preset tools.
The layout preset tools won't be useful without the upcoming 'Users' actor. Once this actor is
built-in, the SessionToolBar will be added to the default Standalone GUI Session.

### Fixed

issue #23 - Dialog inside another Dialog

## [2.0.0b17] - 2019-01-07

### Changed

install_requires now specify redis version <3.0.0

## [2.0.0b15] - 2018-12-17

### Fixed

issue #2: support for file drop in PythonValueEditor

## [2.0.0b15] - 2018-12-11

### Fixed

Removed Action buttons in FlowPage.

## [2.0.0b14] - 2018-11-16

### Fixed

issue #22: Error in action dialog with sub-fields

## [2.0.0b13] - 2018-11-15

### Fixed

issue #21: Potential event buffer over-growth in Cluster Actor

### Added

new icons.gui resource: kabaret_logo_vector.svg

## [2.0.0b12] - 2018-10-22

### Fixed

issue #10: Project reload related

## [2.0.0b11] - 2018-10-18

### Fixed

issue #14: Unable to watch a Connection related Ref

issue #15: Map.add may sometimes mess up the ValueStore

issue #9: Map.add(name) doesn't raise if the name is already used

Label editor not showing error

Fail to log exception raised in session.tick() dispatch

## [2.0.0b10] - 2018-10-02

### Fixed
- Flow actor related bugs

## [2.0.0b8] - 2018-09-30

### Changed
- Flow actor's Home can now be overriden by a custom one.

## [2.0.0b7] - 2018-09-27

### Added
- Changelog

### Fixed
- Wrong python requires preventing pip install on python 2.7


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "http://www.kabaretstudio.com",
    "name": "kabaret",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.7",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": "vfx animation framewok dataflow workflow asset manager production tracker",
    "author": "Damien dee Coureau",
    "author_email": "kabaret-dev@googlegroups.com",
    "download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/56/d2/0fcd54011c42330f14876690b8f321d9a8a03baf21ed231c18dbc36e46e8/kabaret-2.3.0.tar.gz",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "\n[![Downloads](https://pepy.tech/badge/kabaret)](https://pepy.tech/project/kabaret)\n\nKabaret\n=======\n\nVFX/Animation Studio Framework tailored for TDs/Scripters managing pipelines and workflows used by Production Managers and CGI Artists.\n\nHomepage here: http://www.kabaretstudio.com\n\nRead the doc here: http://kabaret.readthedocs.io\n\n\n# Changelog\n\n## [2.3.0] - 2024-06-20\n\n### ! Python version support breaking change !\n\nFrom this version, **only python 3.7 and up is supported !**\n\n### Added\n\nissue #94 - New ui options `dialog_size`, `dialog_min_size` and `dialog_max_size` to respectively set the default, minimum and maximum sizes (in pixels) of an action dialog window. If `dialog_size` is not provided, the window is resized according to its content and the size limits when provided.\n\nissue #104 - The type of the manager of all instances of an `Object` subclass can be redefined with the class attribute `_MANAGER_TYPE`. The class attribute `_PROPAGATE_MANAGER_TYPE` can also be used to control the propagation of the manager type in the sub-tree objects: a boolean value indicates if the manager type of the object must be propagated, while a `None` value is equivalent to using the value set in the parent class. Eventually, any relation of an object can now be retrieved through the manager's `get_relation` method.\n\nissue #120 - New `path` editor which allows to select one or more file paths through the file explorer.\n\nissue #121 - New `image` editor which allows to load an image to the base64 format and display it. The image can be selected through the file explorer or dragged and dropped.\n\nissue #117 - The `KabaretStandaloneGUISession` session now keeps track of the `FlowView` currently focused, which can be retrieved using the session's `current_view()` method. Whenever the current view changes, a `focus_changed` event is dispatched with the ID of the new current view.\n\nissue #122 - Layout preset tools on the `SessionToolBar` view have been improved to handle additional view state data such as size, position, navigation history and also window geometry.\nFor now, presets are stored locally in `.json` files on the user session and structured by cluster. You can specify a different folder path with `--layout-savepath` command line argument.\nThe upcoming 'Users' actor will extend storage possibilities, such as store presets in the redis database.\nActivation of layout tools is done on the `KabaretStandaloneGUISession` session and new command line arguments are here for easy disabling if needed.\nA session layout autosave feature can be enabled, making backups of the last five sessions in their most recent state.\n\nissue #127 - Documentation for `sort_order` option for maps in showcase `dev_studio.flow.unittest_project.showcase.maps`.\n\nissue #128 - Main window can be resized to a specific width and height with `resize` function in the main window manager.\n\n### Changed\n\nissue #112 - Versioneer is now used for versioning control system. You can access kabaret version using : `import kabaret; print(kabaret.__version__)`. Versioneer will be more usefull for releases.\n\nissue #118 - Logging has been improved for more readability. Disable `logging.propagate` to avoid double messages in custom project flows. Remove ICCP chunk on `.png` files to clear a libpng error.\n\n### Fixed\n\nRemove a stretch in layout when using Custom Page. Caused problems for resizing and fully expanding the page size.\n\nissue #124 - `FlowPage` of a `FlowDialogView` is now updated once on init.\n\nissue #125 - Parse ui options for action parent to a map.\n\nissue #126 - An action dialog now appears from the center of the main window, regardless its size.\n\nissue #129 - Layout tools command line arguments are now on the `KabaretStandaloneGUISession` session. A non-GUI session is no longer affected by this feature.\n\nWidgets from a custom page or `FlowLayout` should now be properly deleted and avoid ghosting and UI flickering behaviour.\n\n## [2.2.0] - 2023-02-01\n\n### ! Python version support !\n\n2.2 is the last version of Kabaret supporting Python 2. Incoming versions starting from 2.3 will exclusively support Python 3.\n\n### ! Breaking changes !\n\nThe return value of the `session.cmds.Flow.ls()` command has changed to also include the related oid. This is needed by the\nintroduction of the new `Relative` relation with which you can no longer assume that a related object's id is\n`<relation_owner_id>/<related_name>`. \n\nIf you were using `ls` in automation scripts, you will need to update its returned value unpacking.\n\nPrevious return value:\n`(relation_name, relation_type, is_action, is_map, ui_config), mapped_names`\n\nNew return value:\n`(related_oid, relation_name, relation_type, is_action, is_map, ui_config), mapped_names`\n\n### Added\n\nissue #88 - Mapped items \"background_color\" does show in GUI.\n\nissue #99 & #100 - New plugin system to allow code-less intallation of third party extensions. See new \"Plugin\"\nsection of the documentation: https://kabaret.readthedocs.io/en/stable/plugin_system.html\n\nPePy download badge in README\n\nissue #79 - New Flow command `session.cmds.Flow.set_home_oid(my_oid)` to configure the \"Home\" action.\n\nissue #83 - New ui option `navigation_bar`. If set to `False`, the flow page will hide the navigation bar.\nSee example usages in showcase `dev_studio.flow.unittest_project.showcase.ui_config`. \nAlso added an entry in the FlowView \"Options\" menu to toggle the navigation bar visible/hidden.\n\nissue #78 - View titles can be formated by using a `view_id` like `<formater>|<view_id>` where formater\nis used like `formater.format(some_title)`. This particularly interesting to control the title of views \ncreated by using `goto_target` in the return value of a `flow.Action.run()`.\n\nissue #71 - Action menus for Relation and Map items can contain sub-menus based on the Action group. \nUse `relation.ui(action_submenus=True)` and/or `relation.ui(items_action_submenus=True)`.\n\nissue #60 - Any session created is accessible with `kabaret.app.get_session(my_session_uid)`. You can\nget the last created one with `kabaret.app.get_session()`.\n\nissue #73 - `choice` editor support arbitrary icon for each choice using the `choice_icons` option.\n\nissue #11 - `textarea` editor now correctly shows when edited and is correctly auto-applied in action dialogs.\nA 'Cancel' button was added to revert to the last loaded value. The 'Apply' and 'Cancel' buttons are now hidden\nuntil an edit is made. A new option `buttons_side` was added to specify the buttons side.\n\nissue #31 - Added the ability to access other projects in the flow with `self.root().project('OtherProjectName')`\n\nissue #74 - Added `injectable()` method on `Child` relations (and sub relations) which let developer inject their Object types inside someone else flow using the `kabaret.flow.injection` module. See the documentation at https://kabaret.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorials/injection.html for details.\n\nissue #70 - Customizable double click behaviour on `Map` items. See usage and example in `dev_studio.flow.unittest_project.showcase.maps.map_actions`, and here: https://gitlab.com/kabaretstudio/kabaret/-/issues/70#note_409303471\n\nissue #66 - Added a new relation `Relative` which gives access to any Object in the flow given an `oid` relative to its parent. See usage and code example in `dev_studio.flow.unittest_project.showcase.relations`.\n\nissue #68 - Added `kabaret.flow.Connection.allow_cross_project()` to allow Connection / Ref to\nan object inside another project.\n\nmerge !101 - New GUI Style in `kabaret.app.ui.gui.styles.gray.GrayStyle()`\n\n### Changed\n\nmerge !128 - The LabelEditor text is now selectable.\nissue #72 - The target view of a `flow.Action.run()` is automatically made visible / active tab.\n\nissue #70 - You can no longer create a Mapped Item with a name used in\nthe Map class or its ancestor classes.\n\nissue #56 - Use scrollbar rather than submenu when having many items in NavigationBar context menus\n\nmerge !106 - Change ChoiceValueEditor from QToolButton to QComboBox\n\n### Fixed\n\nissue #93 - Injections produce too many messages (info messages are now debug only message)\n\nissue #95 - Kabaret didn't work with python 3.9\n\nissue #30 - Removed the `redis<3.0.0` restriction in `install_requires`.\n\nissue #72 - Fixed a bug when the return value of a `flow.Action.run()` has a `goto_target_type` and no `goto_target`.\n\nissue #63 - In FlowView: Action buttons, Mapped items and Reference fields where inside the last Relation instead of at view toplevel.\n\nissue #77 - 10 times faster FlowView page loading.\n\nissue #67 - `KabaretSession.session_uid()` may return a unique id that is rejected by Redis. \n\nissue #45 - \"Internal C++ object already deleted\" error when navigating to a page before current page\nloading is finished.\n\nissue #53 - Bug in corner case scenarii when listing Object Actions.\n\nissue #52 - When a Ref source was updated, it would not be updated for user who already loaded it.\n\nissue #57 - Connections relations were always displayed first in GUI.\n\nmerge !102 - Scroll in MapField does not work in python3 + Fixed MappedItem background and foreground styling\n\nmerge !103 - MultiChoiceValueEditor maximum height / scrollbar + Check multiple choices at once\n\nmerge !104 - Support unicode data in Param (default editor and textarea editor)\n\nissue #28 - Dialogless Actions inside an Action dialog closes the parent Action dialog.\n\nissue #56 - Navigation Bar drag'n'drop start sensibility and preview.\n\n## [2.1.12] - 2020-02-28\n\n### Fixed\n\nissue #64 - Thumbnail Sequence player fails when image is missing\n\n\n## [2.1.11] - 2020-02-18\n\n### Fixed\n\nissue #62 - Failling \"computed value\" showcase in dev_studio.flow.unittest_project.UnittestProject\n\nfixing DarkStyle css not showing the error background for Computed value fields.\n\n## [2.1.10] - 2020-02-03\n\n### Fixed\n\nissue #50 - FlowView: Map is expanded when there's only one Map in the current oid\n\nThis is intended and used to be cool. But now that we have 'expanded' and 'expandable' options on Relation.ui() it is annoying.\n\n## [2.1.9] - 2020-02-03\n\n### Fixed\n\nissue #58 - Flow page messed up layout \n\nParent relations were causing horizontal alignment glitchs in FlowView\nwith PyQt5 and PySide2.\n\n### Added\n\nissue #7  - Support an \"expandable\" and \"expanded\" option on Relation.ui()\n\nissue #55 - Popup menus in Navigation bar now has Copy and Paste items.\n  \n## [2.1.8] - 2019-08-25\n\n### Fixed\n\nfixed missing CHANGELOG.md in distribution.\n\n## [2.1.7] - 2019-08-22\n\n### Fixed\n\nissue #51 - Could not hide a relation by setting `ui['hidden'] = True` in Ojbect._fill_ui()\n\n## [2.1.6] - 2019-08-14\n\n### Fixed\n\nissue #50 - GUI does not show any icon on Map fields\n \n## [2.1.5] - 2019-08-14\n\n### Fixed\n\nissue #49 - Custom Page not usable on Custom Home\n\n## [2.1.4] - 2019-08-09\n\n### Added\n\nissue #12 - Dynamic UI Properties\n\nAny property set on a `Relation.ui()` can now be overridden per Object instance by overridding `Object._fill_ui(ui)`\nThis has been a long request, especially to have dynamic value for the `icon` and `hidden` properties.\n\nissue #48 - Custom UI Page\n\nIt is now possible to provide an arbitrary widget to display/edit an Object in the Flow view.\n\nThis can be specified at the relation's level with `Relation(...).ui(custom_page='my_module.MyWidget')`.\nOr at the Object level by overridding `Object._fill_ui(ui)`.\n\nSee `dev_studio.flow.unittest_project.UnittestProject` \"Custom Page\" for details and example.\n\n### Fixed\n\nissue #12 - When expanding a Connection relation in GUI, sub fields don't update.\nissue #12 - (correlated) When showing not-child item in DynamicMap (a.k.a Map as View), items don't update.\n\nissue #47 - Fix Map item styling consistency\n\nThe `style` dict in `Map._fill_row_style` now accepts 'foreground_color' as well as 'foreground-color' etc... And\nthe value may be in the form (255,255,255) as well as '#FFFFFF'\n\n## [2.1.3] - 2019-07-15\n\n### Fixed\n\nissue #43 - MapField summary refresh after touch().\n\nissue #44 - Maya lose QMenu reference when using QMenu.addMenu.\n\n### Added\n\nSupport per row as well as per column color properties in Map row style (see !73)\n\n## [2.1.2] - 2019-04-09\n\n### Changed\n\nDocumentation minor improvements: issue #36 #38 #39 #40\n\n### Fixed\n\nissue #24 - Ctrl+Click on map item works only once.\nissue #37 - dev_studio UnittestProject wouldn't work without kabaret.ingrid installed.\n\n## [2.1.1] - 2019-03-05\n\n### Changed\n\nDropped the beta status because why not.\n\n### Added\n\nissue #29 - Added context based GUI filtering for flow.Action\n+ updated dev_studio.unittest_project.showcase with doc and examples.\n\n## [2.1.0b3] - 2019-02-05\n\n### Fixed\n\npython 3 compatibility\n\n## [2.1.0b1] - 2019-01-18\n\n### Changed\n\nissue #25 - Refactor View class hierarchy to be able to have Toolbar and Dialog views\nissue #26 - View management RFE\nissue #13 - Add an option in flow.Action.get_result() to force a \"goto\" in a new view\n\n- Added deprecation warnings (stdout printed) for view system changes. You should update\nyour code as soon as possible.\nOnce your code is updated, you should also update your install_requires with 'kabaret>=2.1'\n\n- Added a built-in 'SessionToolBar' view with user/session/cluster info and layout preset tools.\nThe layout preset tools won't be useful without the upcoming 'Users' actor. Once this actor is\nbuilt-in, the SessionToolBar will be added to the default Standalone GUI Session.\n\n### Fixed\n\nissue #23 - Dialog inside another Dialog\n\n## [2.0.0b17] - 2019-01-07\n\n### Changed\n\ninstall_requires now specify redis version <3.0.0\n\n## [2.0.0b15] - 2018-12-17\n\n### Fixed\n\nissue #2: support for file drop in PythonValueEditor\n\n## [2.0.0b15] - 2018-12-11\n\n### Fixed\n\nRemoved Action buttons in FlowPage.\n\n## [2.0.0b14] - 2018-11-16\n\n### Fixed\n\nissue #22: Error in action dialog with sub-fields\n\n## [2.0.0b13] - 2018-11-15\n\n### Fixed\n\nissue #21: Potential event buffer over-growth in Cluster Actor\n\n### Added\n\nnew icons.gui resource: kabaret_logo_vector.svg\n\n## [2.0.0b12] - 2018-10-22\n\n### Fixed\n\nissue #10: Project reload related\n\n## [2.0.0b11] - 2018-10-18\n\n### Fixed\n\nissue #14: Unable to watch a Connection related Ref\n\nissue #15: Map.add may sometimes mess up the ValueStore\n\nissue #9: Map.add(name) doesn't raise if the name is already used\n\nLabel editor not showing error\n\nFail to log exception raised in session.tick() dispatch\n\n## [2.0.0b10] - 2018-10-02\n\n### Fixed\n- Flow actor related bugs\n\n## [2.0.0b8] - 2018-09-30\n\n### Changed\n- Flow actor's Home can now be overriden by a custom one.\n\n## [2.0.0b7] - 2018-09-27\n\n### Added\n- Changelog\n\n### Fixed\n- Wrong python requires preventing pip install on python 2.7\n",
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