
Namekedro-viz JSON
Version 8.0.0 PyPI version JSON
SummaryKedro-Viz helps visualise Kedro data and analytics pipelines
upload_time2024-03-04 14:48:50
licenseApache Software License (Apache 2.0)
keywords pipelines machine learning data pipelines data science data engineering visualisation
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # Kedro-Viz

<br />
<p align="center">

![Kedro-Viz Pipeline Visualisation](


<p align="center">
โœจ <em> Data Science Pipelines. Beautifully Designed</em> โœจ
<br />
Live Demo: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

<br />

[![Python Version](](
[![PyPI version](](
[![npm version](](
[![code style: prettier](](
[![Slack Organisation](](

## Introduction

Kedro-Viz is an interactive development tool for building data science pipelines with [Kedro]( Kedro-Viz also allows users to view and compare different runs in the Kedro project.

## Features

- โœจ Complete visualisation of a Kedro project and its pipelines
- ๐ŸŽจ Supports light & dark themes out of the box
- ๐Ÿš€ Scales to big pipelines with hundreds of nodes
- ๐Ÿ”Ž Highly interactive, filterable and searchable
- ๐Ÿ”ฌ Focus mode for modular pipeline visualisation
- ๐Ÿ“Š Rich metadata side panel to display parameters, plots, etc.
- ๐Ÿ“Š Supports all types of [Plotly charts](
- โ™ป๏ธ Autoreload on code change
- ๐Ÿงช Supports tracking and comparing runs in a Kedro project
- ๐ŸŽฉ Many more to come

## Installation

There are two ways you can use Kedro-Viz:

- As a [Kedro plugin]( (the most common way).

  To install Kedro-Viz as a Kedro plugin:

  pip install kedro-viz

- As a standalone React component (for embedding Kedro-Viz in your web application).

  To install the standalone React component:

  npm install @quantumblack/kedro-viz

## Usage

#### Compatibility with Kedro

Ensure your Kedro-Viz and Kedro versions are compatible by referencing the following table:

| Kedro-Viz version | Kedro version     |
| ----------------- | ----------------- |
| >=4.7             | >=0.17.5          |
| >=3.8.0, <4.7     | >=0.16.6, <0.17.5 |
| <3.8.0            | <0.16.6           |

For **Python 3.6** users, the last supported version of Kedro-Viz is **3.16.0**

### CLI Usage

To launch Kedro-Viz from the command line as a Kedro plugin, use the following command from the root folder of your Kedro project:

kedro viz run

A browser tab opens automatically to serve the visualisation at ``.

Kedro-Viz also supports the following additional arguments on the command line:

Usage: kedro viz run [OPTIONS]

  Visualise a Kedro pipeline using Kedro-Viz.

  --host TEXT               Host that viz will listen to. Defaults to

  --port INTEGER            TCP port that viz will listen to. Defaults to

  --browser / --no-browser  Whether to open viz interface in the default
                            browser or not. Browser will only be opened if
                            host is localhost. Defaults to True.

  --load-file FILE          Path to load kedro-viz data from a directory
  --save-file FILE          Path to save kedro-viz data to a directory 
  --pipeline TEXT           Name of the registered pipeline to visualise. If not
                            set, the default pipeline is visualised

  -e, --env TEXT            Kedro configuration environment. If not specified,
                            catalog config in `local` will be used

  --autoreload              Autoreload viz server when a Python or YAML file change in
                            the Kedro project

  --ignore-plugins          A flag to ignore all installed plugins in the Kedro Project
  --params TEXT             Specify extra parameters that you want to pass to
                            the context initializer. Items must be separated
                            by comma, keys - by colon, example:
                            param1:value1,param2:value2. Each parameter is
                            split by the first comma, so parameter values are
                            allowed to contain colons, parameter keys are not.
                            To pass a nested dictionary as parameter, separate
                            keys by '.', example: param_group.param1:value1.

  -h, --help                Show this message and exit.

To deploy Kedro-Viz from the command line as a Kedro plugin, use the following command from the root folder of your Kedro project:

kedro viz deploy

Usage: kedro viz deploy [OPTIONS]

  Deploy and host Kedro Viz on AWS S3.

  --region TEXT       AWS region where your S3 bucket is located  [required]
  --bucket-name TEXT  AWS S3 bucket name where Kedro Viz will be hosted
  -h, --help          Show this message and exit.

To create a build directory of your local Kedro-Viz instance with static data from the command line, use the following command from the root folder of your Kedro project:

kedro viz build

### Experiment Tracking usage

To enable [experiment tracking]( in Kedro-Viz, you need to add the Kedro-Viz `SQLiteStore` to your Kedro project.

This can be done by adding the below code to `` in the `src` folder of your Kedro project.

from kedro_viz.integrations.kedro.sqlite_store import SQLiteStore
from pathlib import Path
SESSION_STORE_ARGS = {"path": str(Path(__file__).parents[2] / "data")}

Once the above set-up is complete, tracking datasets can be used to track relevant data for Kedro runs. More information on how to use tracking datasets can be found in the [experiment tracking documentation](


- Experiment Tracking is only available for Kedro-Viz >= 4.0.2 and Kedro >= 0.17.5
- Prior to Kedro 0.17.6, when using tracking datasets, you will have to explicitly mark the datasets as `versioned` for it to show up properly in Kedro-Viz experiment tracking tab. From Kedro >= 0.17.6, this is done automatically:

  type: tracking.MetricsDataset
  filepath: ${base_location}/09_tracking/linear_score.json
  versioned: true

### Standalone React component usage

To use Kedro-Viz as a standalone React component, you can follow the example below. However, please note that Kedro-Viz does not support server-side rendering (SSR). If you're using Next.js or another SSR framework, you should be aware of this limitation.

import KedroViz from '@quantumblack/kedro-viz';
import '@quantumblack/kedro-viz/lib/styles/styles.min.css';

const MyApp = () => <KedroViz data={json} />;

To use with NextJS:

import '@quantumblack/kedro-viz/lib/styles/styles.min.css';
import dynamic from 'next/dynamic';

const NoSSRKedro = dynamic(() => import('@quantumblack/kedro-viz'), {
  ssr: false,

const MyApp = () => <NoSSRKedro data={json} />;

The JSON can be obtained by running:

kedro viz run --save-file=filename

We also recommend wrapping the `Kedro-Viz` component with a parent HTML/JSX element that has a specified height (as seen in the above example) in order for Kedro-Viz to be styled properly.

**_Our documentation contains [additional examples on how to visualise with Kedro-Viz.](**

## Feature Flags

Kedro-Viz uses features flags to roll out some experimental features. The following flags are currently in use:

| Flag               | Description                                                                             |
| ------------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| sizewarning        | From release v3.9.1. Show a warning before rendering very large graphs (default `true`) |
| expandAllPipelines | From release v4.3.2. Expand all modular pipelines on first load (default `false`)       |

To enable or disable a flag, click on the settings icon in the toolbar and toggle the flag on/off.

Kedro-Viz also logs a message in your browser's [developer console]( to show the available flags and their values as currently set on your machine.

## Maintainers

Kedro-Viz is maintained by the [Kedro team]( and a number of [contributors from across the world](

## Contribution

If you want to contribute to Kedro-Viz, please check out our [contributing guide](./

## License

Kedro-Viz is licensed under the [Apache 2.0]( License.

## Citation

If you're an academic, Kedro-Viz can also help you, for example, as a tool to visualise how your publication's pipeline is structured. Find our citation reference on [Zenodo](


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "kedro-viz",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.9",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "pipelines,machine learning,data pipelines,data science,data engineering,visualisation",
    "author": "Kedro",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# Kedro-Viz\n\n<br />\n<p align=\"center\">\n\n![Kedro-Viz Pipeline Visualisation](\n\n</p>\n\n<p align=\"center\">\n\u2728 <em> Data Science Pipelines. Beautifully Designed</em> \u2728\n<br />\nLive Demo: <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>\n</p>\n\n<br />\n\n[![CircleCI](](\n[![Documentation](](\n[![Python Version](](\n[![PyPI version](](\n[![Downloads](](\n[![npm version](](\n[![License](](\n[![code style: prettier](](\n[![Slack Organisation](](\n\n## Introduction\n\nKedro-Viz is an interactive development tool for building data science pipelines with [Kedro]( Kedro-Viz also allows users to view and compare different runs in the Kedro project.\n\n## Features\n\n- \u2728 Complete visualisation of a Kedro project and its pipelines\n- \ud83c\udfa8 Supports light & dark themes out of the box\n- \ud83d\ude80 Scales to big pipelines with hundreds of nodes\n- \ud83d\udd0e Highly interactive, filterable and searchable\n- \ud83d\udd2c Focus mode for modular pipeline visualisation\n- \ud83d\udcca Rich metadata side panel to display parameters, plots, etc.\n- \ud83d\udcca Supports all types of [Plotly charts](\n- \u267b\ufe0f Autoreload on code change\n- \ud83e\uddea Supports tracking and comparing runs in a Kedro project\n- \ud83c\udfa9 Many more to come\n\n## Installation\n\nThere are two ways you can use Kedro-Viz:\n\n- As a [Kedro plugin]( (the most common way).\n\n  To install Kedro-Viz as a Kedro plugin:\n\n  ```bash\n  pip install kedro-viz\n  ```\n\n- As a standalone React component (for embedding Kedro-Viz in your web application).\n\n  To install the standalone React component:\n\n  ```bash\n  npm install @quantumblack/kedro-viz\n  ```\n\n## Usage\n\n#### Compatibility with Kedro\n\nEnsure your Kedro-Viz and Kedro versions are compatible by referencing the following table:\n\n| Kedro-Viz version | Kedro version     |\n| ----------------- | ----------------- |\n| >=4.7             | >=0.17.5          |\n| >=3.8.0, <4.7     | >=0.16.6, <0.17.5 |\n| <3.8.0            | <0.16.6           |\n\nFor **Python 3.6** users, the last supported version of Kedro-Viz is **3.16.0**\n\n### CLI Usage\n\nTo launch Kedro-Viz from the command line as a Kedro plugin, use the following command from the root folder of your Kedro project:\n\n```bash\nkedro viz run\n```\n\nA browser tab opens automatically to serve the visualisation at ``.\n\nKedro-Viz also supports the following additional arguments on the command line:\n\n```bash\nUsage: kedro viz run [OPTIONS]\n\n  Visualise a Kedro pipeline using Kedro-Viz.\n\nOptions:\n  --host TEXT               Host that viz will listen to. Defaults to\n                            localhost.\n\n  --port INTEGER            TCP port that viz will listen to. Defaults to\n                            4141.\n\n  --browser / --no-browser  Whether to open viz interface in the default\n                            browser or not. Browser will only be opened if\n                            host is localhost. Defaults to True.\n\n  --load-file FILE          Path to load kedro-viz data from a directory\n  --save-file FILE          Path to save kedro-viz data to a directory \n  --pipeline TEXT           Name of the registered pipeline to visualise. If not\n                            set, the default pipeline is visualised\n\n  -e, --env TEXT            Kedro configuration environment. If not specified,\n                            catalog config in `local` will be used\n\n  --autoreload              Autoreload viz server when a Python or YAML file change in\n                            the Kedro project\n\n  --ignore-plugins          A flag to ignore all installed plugins in the Kedro Project\n  \n  --params TEXT             Specify extra parameters that you want to pass to\n                            the context initializer. Items must be separated\n                            by comma, keys - by colon, example:\n                            param1:value1,param2:value2. Each parameter is\n                            split by the first comma, so parameter values are\n                            allowed to contain colons, parameter keys are not.\n                            To pass a nested dictionary as parameter, separate\n                            keys by '.', example: param_group.param1:value1.\n\n  -h, --help                Show this message and exit.\n```\n\nTo deploy Kedro-Viz from the command line as a Kedro plugin, use the following command from the root folder of your Kedro project:\n\n```bash\nkedro viz deploy\n```\n\n```bash\nUsage: kedro viz deploy [OPTIONS]\n\n  Deploy and host Kedro Viz on AWS S3.\n\nOptions:\n  --region TEXT       AWS region where your S3 bucket is located  [required]\n  --bucket-name TEXT  AWS S3 bucket name where Kedro Viz will be hosted\n                      [required]\n  -h, --help          Show this message and exit.\n```\n\nTo create a build directory of your local Kedro-Viz instance with static data from the command line, use the following command from the root folder of your Kedro project:\n\n```bash\nkedro viz build\n```\n\n### Experiment Tracking usage\n\nTo enable [experiment tracking]( in Kedro-Viz, you need to add the Kedro-Viz `SQLiteStore` to your Kedro project.\n\nThis can be done by adding the below code to `` in the `src` folder of your Kedro project.\n\n```python\nfrom kedro_viz.integrations.kedro.sqlite_store import SQLiteStore\nfrom pathlib import Path\nSESSION_STORE_CLASS = SQLiteStore\nSESSION_STORE_ARGS = {\"path\": str(Path(__file__).parents[2] / \"data\")}\n```\n\nOnce the above set-up is complete, tracking datasets can be used to track relevant data for Kedro runs. More information on how to use tracking datasets can be found in the [experiment tracking documentation](\n\n**Notes:**\n\n- Experiment Tracking is only available for Kedro-Viz >= 4.0.2 and Kedro >= 0.17.5\n- Prior to Kedro 0.17.6, when using tracking datasets, you will have to explicitly mark the datasets as `versioned` for it to show up properly in Kedro-Viz experiment tracking tab. From Kedro >= 0.17.6, this is done automatically:\n\n```yaml\ntrain_evaluation.r2_score_linear_regression:\n  type: tracking.MetricsDataset\n  filepath: ${base_location}/09_tracking/linear_score.json\n  versioned: true\n```\n\n### Standalone React component usage\n\nTo use Kedro-Viz as a standalone React component, you can follow the example below. However, please note that Kedro-Viz does not support server-side rendering (SSR). If you're using Next.js or another SSR framework, you should be aware of this limitation.\n\n```javascript\nimport KedroViz from '@quantumblack/kedro-viz';\nimport '@quantumblack/kedro-viz/lib/styles/styles.min.css';\n\nconst MyApp = () => <KedroViz data={json} />;\n```\n\nTo use with NextJS:\n\n```javascript\nimport '@quantumblack/kedro-viz/lib/styles/styles.min.css';\nimport dynamic from 'next/dynamic';\n\nconst NoSSRKedro = dynamic(() => import('@quantumblack/kedro-viz'), {\n  ssr: false,\n});\n\nconst MyApp = () => <NoSSRKedro data={json} />;\n```\n\nThe JSON can be obtained by running:\n\n```bash\nkedro viz run --save-file=filename\n```\n\nWe also recommend wrapping the `Kedro-Viz` component with a parent HTML/JSX element that has a specified height (as seen in the above example) in order for Kedro-Viz to be styled properly.\n\n**_Our documentation contains [additional examples on how to visualise with Kedro-Viz.](**\n\n## Feature Flags\n\nKedro-Viz uses features flags to roll out some experimental features. The following flags are currently in use:\n\n| Flag               | Description                                                                             |\n| ------------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |\n| sizewarning        | From release v3.9.1. Show a warning before rendering very large graphs (default `true`) |\n| expandAllPipelines | From release v4.3.2. Expand all modular pipelines on first load (default `false`)       |\n\nTo enable or disable a flag, click on the settings icon in the toolbar and toggle the flag on/off.\n\nKedro-Viz also logs a message in your browser's [developer console]( to show the available flags and their values as currently set on your machine.\n\n## Maintainers\n\nKedro-Viz is maintained by the [Kedro team]( and a number of [contributors from across the world](\n\n## Contribution\n\nIf you want to contribute to Kedro-Viz, please check out our [contributing guide](./\n\n## License\n\nKedro-Viz is licensed under the [Apache 2.0]( License.\n\n## Citation\n\nIf you're an academic, Kedro-Viz can also help you, for example, as a tool to visualise how your publication's pipeline is structured. Find our citation reference on [Zenodo](\n",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
    "license": "Apache Software License (Apache 2.0)",
    "summary": "Kedro-Viz helps visualise Kedro data and analytics pipelines",
    "version": "8.0.0",
    "project_urls": {
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    "split_keywords": [
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        "data pipelines",
        "data science",
        "data engineering",
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