
Namekettlebells JSON
Version 0.2.32 PyPI version JSON
SummaryA CLI tool to create, save, and track progress of kettlebell workouts.
upload_time2024-06-30 19:08:47
authorRussell Helmstedter
keywords cli kettlebells fitness
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # Created 2024-06-30 Sun 12:06
#+options: toc:t
#+title: kettlebells
#+author: Russell Helmstedter
#+description: README file for kettlebells cli tool
#+keywords: kettlebells, iron cardio, perfect workout, abc, cli
#+language: en
#+export_file_name: ../

kettlebells is a CLI designed to create, save, and track the progress of kettlebell workouts. The inspiration for this project came from [[][Pat Flynn's conversation with Bret Jones]]. (For a more detailed look at Iron Cardio, go checkout the [[][Iron Cardio Book]] by Bret Jones.) After starting an [[][initial project]] that focused only on iron cardio, I wanted to be able to add more. This is essentially a fork of the iron-cardio project designed to add various workouts such as the armor building complex, and dry fighting weight.

As of version 0.2.1, the way workouts are constructed has completely changed. This will allow users to construct their own custom workouts in the future. It will also allow the stats to keep track of how many reps of each type of exercise have been done.

* Installation
Use [[][pipx]].

#+begin_src bash
pipx install kettlebells

* Usage
** Initialize
Run the ~init~ command to create the database.

#+begin_src bash
kettlebells init

Next, run the ~setloads~ command. This sets the units to either pounds (lbs) or kilograms (kg), the user's bodyweight, and the loads for the light, medium, and heavy kettlebell. This command can be run as needed when the user is ready to move up in load or bodyweight changes.

#+begin_src bash
kettlebells setloads

** Commands
*** random
The work out command generates a random workout. The current options are:
- ~ic~ (Iron Cardio)
- ~abc~ (Armor Building Complex)

**** iron-cardio
The ~random~ command with a workout type of ~ic~, generates a random iron cardio workout.
#+begin_src bash
kettlebells random --workout-type ic

Iron cardio workouts are built from the following parameters:

| Parameter                | Options                  |
| *Single Bell Variations* | Classic                  |
|                          | Classic + Pull-up        |
|                          | Classic + Snatch         |
|                          | Traveling 2s             |
| *Double Bell Variations* | Double Classic           |
|                          | Double Classic + Pull-up |
|                          | Double Traveling 2s      |
| *TIMES*                  | 30 mins                  |
|                          | 20 mins                  |
|                          | 10 mins                  |
| *LOADS*                  | heavy                    |
|                          | medium                   |
|                          | light                    |
| *SWINGS*                 | 0 - 150                  |

**** abc
The random command with a workout type of ~abc~ will generate a random armor building complex workout.

#+begin_src bash
kettlebells random --workout-type abc

| Parameter                | Options                    |
| *Single Bell Variations* | Armor Building Complex 2.0 |
| *Double Bell Variations* | Armor Building Complex     |
| *TIMES*                  | 30 mins                    |
|                          | 25 mins                    |
|                          | 20 mins                    |
|                          | 15 mins                    |
|                          | 10 mins                    |
| *LOADS*                  | heavy                      |
|                          | medium                     |
|                          | light                      |
| *SWINGS*                 | 0 - 100                    |

*** save
The ~save~ command saves workouts to the database. The current options are:
- [[iron-cardio][ic]]
- [[abc][abc]]
- [[abfb][abfb]]
- [[btb][btb]]
- [[pw][pw]]
- [[rop][rop]]
- [[wolf][wolf]]
- [[custom][custom]]

When run with no option, the ~save~ command will attempt to use the most recently generated random workout. Otherwise, use the ~--workout-type~ option to manually enter a workout, e.g.:

#+begin_src bash
kettlebells save --workout-type abc

**** abfb
When the ~save~ command is run with the workout type of ~abfb~, an armor building formula barbell workout is saved. Currently, the user can choose from variations of Program One, Program Two, and Program Three.

#+begin_src bash
kettlebells save --workout-type abfb

**** btb

The save command with a workout type of ~btb~ allows the user to save a Back to Basics Workout. These workouts are constructed based on The Pat Flynn Show episode with Dan John [[][The BEST Kettlebell Program for GEGINNERS | THE BTBKP]]. The choices are ladders of 2-3-5 clean and presses followed by either snatches or double front squats. The warm up and cool exercises are not included in the workout.

#+begin_src bash
kettlebells save --workout-type btb

The program options are:

| First block | Second Block                     |
| 2 ladders   | 60 Snatches                      |
| 3 ladders   | 80 Snatches                      |
| 5 ladders   | 100 Snatches                     |
| 2 ladders   | 10 sets of 5 Double Front Squats |
| 3 ladders   | 10 sets of 5 Double Front Squats |
| 5 ladders   | 10 sets of 5 Double Front Squats |

**** pw

The save command with a workout type of ~pw~ saves versions of [[][Dan John's Perfect Workout]]. While in the video Dan does hip thrusts until it burns, for ease of recording the workout, ~kettlebells~ offers a set number of reps for the hip thrust.

#+begin_src bash
kettlebells save --workout-type pw

The program options are:

| Variation  | Exercises                                | Sets |    Reps |
| *Original* | Half-kneeling Press                      |    3 |       8 |
|            | Hanging Leg Raise                        |    3 |       8 |
|            | Banded Hip Thrust                        |    3 |      15 |
|            | Bulgarian Goat Bag Swing                 |    3 |       8 |
|            | Goblet Squat / Broomstick Overhead Squat |    1 |       8 |
| *Indoor*   | Half-kneeling Press                      |    3 |       8 |
|            | Child's Pose                             |    3 | 20 secs |
|            | Hip Thrust / Clam Shell (15, 14, 13...)  |    1 |     120 |
|            | Goblet Squat / Broomstick Overhead Squat |    1 |       8 |
| *The Bull* | Half-kneeling Press                      |    3 |       8 |
|            | Hanging Leg Raise                        |    3 |       8 |
|            | Bulgarian Goat Bag Swing                 |    3 |       8 |
|            | Bent Over Rows                           |    3 |       8 |
|            | Goblet Squat / Broomstick Overhead Squat |    1 |       8 |

**** rop

The save command with a workout type of ~rop~ saves versions of Pavel Tsatsouline's rite of passage program from [[][Enter The Kettlebell]]. The clean and press and pullups are calculated as ladders, while the swings and snatches are straight sets.

#+begin_src bash
kettlebells save --workout-type rop

**** wolf
The save command with a workout type of ~wolf~ saves workouts from the free program [[][The Wolf]] from [[][Geoff Neupert]]. This is a gasser for sure.

#+begin_src bash
kettlebells save --workout-type wolf

**** custom
When the ~save~ command is run with the workout type of ~custom~, the user can save a custom workout. Custom workouts need a ~workout_type~ and a ~variation~. The default is ~custom~. Exercises are chosen via [[][iterfzf]]. Select ~Other~ to add a custom exercise. Select ~Done~ or press escape when finished adding all the exercises.

#+begin_src bash
kettlebells save --workout-type custom

***** Reps and Loads for Custom Exercises
Unilateral exercises such as the single arm overhead press (simply "Press" in the program) should have the reps doubled. For example, if the set and rep scheme is 3 sets of 8 single arm overhead presses on the left and right arm, that should be saved as 16 reps per set for that exercise.

When the stats are calculated, any exercise that has "Double" in it has the load multiplied by 2. So Double Pressing a pair of 24 kg kettlebells should be saved as a load of 24 kg, but the calculations will result in 48 kg per rep. If using uneven sized bells, use the average weight of the two bells rounded to the nearest integer.

***** Suggested Use for Complexes
Consider a workout out like the [[][8 - 5 - 3 Rep Scheme]] from Pat Flynn. The ~workout_type~ would be "complex", the ~variation~ would be "8-5-3 Rep Scheme". Technically, a set consists of 8 Goblet Squats, 5 Start Stop Swings, 3 Push-ups. Then you would repeat this for 5 rounds. However, in ~kettlebells~ the user will add each exercise separately. So the Goblet Squat would be 5 sets of 8. The Start Stop Swing would be 5 sets of 5, and the Push-up would be 5 sets of 3.

*** last
The ~last~ command displays the last saved workout and calculates the stats for it.

#+begin_src bash
kettlebells last

*** view
Use the ~view~ command to search for previous workouts by date. If you have [[][ripgrep]] installed, use the ~--preview~ flag to view more information about the workout based on the date.

#+begin_src bash
kettlebells view --preview

Use the ~--Program~ flag to filter workouts based on a certain workout_type.

#+begin_src bash
kettlebells view --Program

*** stats
The ~stats~ command displays the aggregated workout count, time, weight moved, number of reps, and density for all workout in the database.

#+begin_src bash
kettlebells stats

**** plot
To display a line plot of the weight moved per workout, use the ~--plot line~ option. Add a line at the median with ~--median~ or at the mean with ~--average~.

#+begin_src bash
kettlebells stats --plot line

To display a horizontal bar plot grouped by month, use the ~--plot bar~ option.

#+begin_src bash
kettlebells stats --plot bar

To display an event plot of the current year, use the ~--plot event~ option.

#+begin_src bash
kettlebells stats --plot event

**** calendar
To display a calendar of workouts in a given year, use the ~--calendar~ flag and pass the year as the argument.

#+begin_src bash
kettlebells stats --calendar 2023

**** best
The ~best~ command displays the top ten workout based on the weight moved.

#+begin_src bash
kettlebells stats --best

Use the ~--sort~ option to sort the table by:
- weight-moved (default)
- reps
- weight-density
- rep-density
- time


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "kettlebells",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": "<4.0,>=3.10",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": "CLI, kettlebells, fitness",
    "author": "Russell Helmstedter",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# Created 2024-06-30 Sun 12:06\n#+options: toc:t\n#+title: kettlebells\n#+author: Russell Helmstedter\n#+description: README file for kettlebells cli tool\n#+keywords: kettlebells, iron cardio, perfect workout, abc, cli\n#+language: en\n#+export_file_name: ../\n\nkettlebells is a CLI designed to create, save, and track the progress of kettlebell workouts. The inspiration for this project came from [[][Pat Flynn's conversation with Bret Jones]]. (For a more detailed look at Iron Cardio, go checkout the [[][Iron Cardio Book]] by Bret Jones.) After starting an [[][initial project]] that focused only on iron cardio, I wanted to be able to add more. This is essentially a fork of the iron-cardio project designed to add various workouts such as the armor building complex, and dry fighting weight.\n\nAs of version 0.2.1, the way workouts are constructed has completely changed. This will allow users to construct their own custom workouts in the future. It will also allow the stats to keep track of how many reps of each type of exercise have been done.\n\n* Installation\nUse [[][pipx]].\n\n#+begin_src bash\npipx install kettlebells\n#+end_src\n\n* Usage\n** Initialize\nRun the ~init~ command to create the database.\n\n#+begin_src bash\nkettlebells init\n#+end_src\n\nNext, run the ~setloads~ command. This sets the units to either pounds (lbs) or kilograms (kg), the user's bodyweight, and the loads for the light, medium, and heavy kettlebell. This command can be run as needed when the user is ready to move up in load or bodyweight changes.\n\n#+begin_src bash\nkettlebells setloads\n#+end_src\n\n** Commands\n*** random\nThe work out command generates a random workout. The current options are:\n- ~ic~ (Iron Cardio)\n- ~abc~ (Armor Building Complex)\n\n**** iron-cardio\nThe ~random~ command with a workout type of ~ic~, generates a random iron cardio workout.\n#+begin_src bash\nkettlebells random --workout-type ic\n#+end_src\n\nIron cardio workouts are built from the following parameters:\n\n|--------------------------+--------------------------|\n| Parameter                | Options                  |\n|--------------------------+--------------------------|\n| *Single Bell Variations* | Classic                  |\n|                          | Classic + Pull-up        |\n|                          | Classic + Snatch         |\n|                          | Traveling 2s             |\n|--------------------------+--------------------------|\n| *Double Bell Variations* | Double Classic           |\n|                          | Double Classic + Pull-up |\n|                          | Double Traveling 2s      |\n|--------------------------+--------------------------|\n| *TIMES*                  | 30 mins                  |\n|                          | 20 mins                  |\n|                          | 10 mins                  |\n|--------------------------+--------------------------|\n| *LOADS*                  | heavy                    |\n|                          | medium                   |\n|                          | light                    |\n|--------------------------+--------------------------|\n| *SWINGS*                 | 0 - 150                  |\n|--------------------------+--------------------------|\n\n**** abc\nThe random command with a workout type of ~abc~ will generate a random armor building complex workout.\n\n#+begin_src bash\nkettlebells random --workout-type abc\n#+end_src\n\n|--------------------------+----------------------------|\n| Parameter                | Options                    |\n|--------------------------+----------------------------|\n| *Single Bell Variations* | Armor Building Complex 2.0 |\n|--------------------------+----------------------------|\n| *Double Bell Variations* | Armor Building Complex     |\n|--------------------------+----------------------------|\n| *TIMES*                  | 30 mins                    |\n|                          | 25 mins                    |\n|                          | 20 mins                    |\n|                          | 15 mins                    |\n|                          | 10 mins                    |\n|--------------------------+----------------------------|\n| *LOADS*                  | heavy                      |\n|                          | medium                     |\n|                          | light                      |\n|--------------------------+----------------------------|\n| *SWINGS*                 | 0 - 100                    |\n|--------------------------+----------------------------|\n\n*** save\nThe ~save~ command saves workouts to the database. The current options are:\n- [[iron-cardio][ic]]\n- [[abc][abc]]\n- [[abfb][abfb]]\n- [[btb][btb]]\n- [[pw][pw]]\n- [[rop][rop]]\n- [[wolf][wolf]]\n- [[custom][custom]]\n\nWhen run with no option, the ~save~ command will attempt to use the most recently generated random workout. Otherwise, use the ~--workout-type~ option to manually enter a workout, e.g.:\n\n#+begin_src bash\nkettlebells save --workout-type abc\n#+end_src\n\n**** abfb\nWhen the ~save~ command is run with the workout type of ~abfb~, an armor building formula barbell workout is saved. Currently, the user can choose from variations of Program One, Program Two, and Program Three.\n\n#+begin_src bash\nkettlebells save --workout-type abfb\n#+end_src\n\n**** btb\n\nThe save command with a workout type of ~btb~ allows the user to save a Back to Basics Workout. These workouts are constructed based on The Pat Flynn Show episode with Dan John [[][The BEST Kettlebell Program for GEGINNERS | THE BTBKP]]. The choices are ladders of 2-3-5 clean and presses followed by either snatches or double front squats. The warm up and cool exercises are not included in the workout.\n\n#+begin_src bash\nkettlebells save --workout-type btb\n#+end_src\n\nThe program options are:\n\n|-------------+----------------------------------|\n| First block | Second Block                     |\n|-------------+----------------------------------|\n| 2 ladders   | 60 Snatches                      |\n| 3 ladders   | 80 Snatches                      |\n| 5 ladders   | 100 Snatches                     |\n|-------------+----------------------------------|\n| 2 ladders   | 10 sets of 5 Double Front Squats |\n| 3 ladders   | 10 sets of 5 Double Front Squats |\n| 5 ladders   | 10 sets of 5 Double Front Squats |\n|-------------+----------------------------------|\n\n**** pw\n\nThe save command with a workout type of ~pw~ saves versions of [[][Dan John's Perfect Workout]]. While in the video Dan does hip thrusts until it burns, for ease of recording the workout, ~kettlebells~ offers a set number of reps for the hip thrust.\n\n#+begin_src bash\nkettlebells save --workout-type pw\n#+end_src\n\nThe program options are:\n\n|------------+------------------------------------------+------+---------|\n| Variation  | Exercises                                | Sets |    Reps |\n|------------+------------------------------------------+------+---------|\n| *Original* | Half-kneeling Press                      |    3 |       8 |\n|            | Hanging Leg Raise                        |    3 |       8 |\n|            | Banded Hip Thrust                        |    3 |      15 |\n|            | Bulgarian Goat Bag Swing                 |    3 |       8 |\n|            | Goblet Squat / Broomstick Overhead Squat |    1 |       8 |\n|------------+------------------------------------------+------+---------|\n| *Indoor*   | Half-kneeling Press                      |    3 |       8 |\n|            | Child's Pose                             |    3 | 20 secs |\n|            | Hip Thrust / Clam Shell (15, 14, 13...)  |    1 |     120 |\n|            | Goblet Squat / Broomstick Overhead Squat |    1 |       8 |\n|------------+------------------------------------------+------+---------|\n| *The Bull* | Half-kneeling Press                      |    3 |       8 |\n|            | Hanging Leg Raise                        |    3 |       8 |\n|            | Bulgarian Goat Bag Swing                 |    3 |       8 |\n|            | Bent Over Rows                           |    3 |       8 |\n|            | Goblet Squat / Broomstick Overhead Squat |    1 |       8 |\n|------------+------------------------------------------+------+---------|\n\n**** rop\n\nThe save command with a workout type of ~rop~ saves versions of Pavel Tsatsouline's rite of passage program from [[][Enter The Kettlebell]]. The clean and press and pullups are calculated as ladders, while the swings and snatches are straight sets.\n\n#+begin_src bash\nkettlebells save --workout-type rop\n#+end_src\n\n**** wolf\nThe save command with a workout type of ~wolf~ saves workouts from the free program [[][The Wolf]] from [[][Geoff Neupert]]. This is a gasser for sure.\n\n#+begin_src bash\nkettlebells save --workout-type wolf\n#+end_src\n\n**** custom\nWhen the ~save~ command is run with the workout type of ~custom~, the user can save a custom workout. Custom workouts need a ~workout_type~ and a ~variation~. The default is ~custom~. Exercises are chosen via [[][iterfzf]]. Select ~Other~ to add a custom exercise. Select ~Done~ or press escape when finished adding all the exercises.\n\n#+begin_src bash\nkettlebells save --workout-type custom\n#+end_src\n\n***** Reps and Loads for Custom Exercises\nUnilateral exercises such as the single arm overhead press (simply \"Press\" in the program) should have the reps doubled. For example, if the set and rep scheme is 3 sets of 8 single arm overhead presses on the left and right arm, that should be saved as 16 reps per set for that exercise.\n\nWhen the stats are calculated, any exercise that has \"Double\" in it has the load multiplied by 2. So Double Pressing a pair of 24 kg kettlebells should be saved as a load of 24 kg, but the calculations will result in 48 kg per rep. If using uneven sized bells, use the average weight of the two bells rounded to the nearest integer.\n\n***** Suggested Use for Complexes\nConsider a workout out like the [[][8 - 5 - 3 Rep Scheme]] from Pat Flynn. The ~workout_type~ would be \"complex\", the ~variation~ would be \"8-5-3 Rep Scheme\". Technically, a set consists of 8 Goblet Squats, 5 Start Stop Swings, 3 Push-ups. Then you would repeat this for 5 rounds. However, in ~kettlebells~ the user will add each exercise separately. So the Goblet Squat would be 5 sets of 8. The Start Stop Swing would be 5 sets of 5, and the Push-up would be 5 sets of 3.\n\n*** last\nThe ~last~ command displays the last saved workout and calculates the stats for it.\n\n#+begin_src bash\nkettlebells last\n#+end_src\n\n*** view\nUse the ~view~ command to search for previous workouts by date. If you have [[][ripgrep]] installed, use the ~--preview~ flag to view more information about the workout based on the date.\n\n#+begin_src bash\nkettlebells view --preview\n#+end_src\n\nUse the ~--Program~ flag to filter workouts based on a certain workout_type.\n\n#+begin_src bash\nkettlebells view --Program\n#+end_src\n\n*** stats\nThe ~stats~ command displays the aggregated workout count, time, weight moved, number of reps, and density for all workout in the database.\n\n#+begin_src bash\nkettlebells stats\n#+end_src\n\n**** plot\nTo display a line plot of the weight moved per workout, use the ~--plot line~ option. Add a line at the median with ~--median~ or at the mean with ~--average~.\n\n#+begin_src bash\nkettlebells stats --plot line\n#+end_src\n\nTo display a horizontal bar plot grouped by month, use the ~--plot bar~ option.\n\n#+begin_src bash\nkettlebells stats --plot bar\n#+end_src\n\nTo display an event plot of the current year, use the ~--plot event~ option.\n\n#+begin_src bash\nkettlebells stats --plot event\n#+end_src\n\n\n**** calendar\nTo display a calendar of workouts in a given year, use the ~--calendar~ flag and pass the year as the argument.\n\n#+begin_src bash\nkettlebells stats --calendar 2023\n#+end_src\n\n**** best\nThe ~best~ command displays the top ten workout based on the weight moved.\n\n#+begin_src bash\nkettlebells stats --best\n#+end_src\n\nUse the ~--sort~ option to sort the table by:\n- weight-moved (default)\n- reps\n- weight-density\n- rep-density\n- time\n",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
    "license": null,
    "summary": "A CLI tool to create, save, and track progress of kettlebell workouts.",
    "version": "0.2.32",
    "project_urls": {
        "Homepage": "",
        "Repository": ""
    "split_keywords": [
        " kettlebells",
        " fitness"
    "urls": [
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Elapsed time: 0.24815s