
Namekola JSON
Version 1.6.0 PyPI version JSON
Summarya Python Polars interface to kdb+/q
upload_time2025-02-15 02:40:57
keywords q kdb polars dataframe arrow
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # kola

a Python [Polars](https://pola-rs.github.io/polars/) Interface to kdb+/q

## Basic Data Type Map

### Deserialization

#### Atom

| k type      | n   | size | python type | note                        |
| ----------- | --- | ---- | ----------- | --------------------------- |
| `boolean`   | 1   | 1    | `bool`      |                             |
| `guid`      | 2   | 16   | `str`       |                             |
| `byte`      | 4   | 1    | `int`       |                             |
| `short`     | 5   | 2    | `int`       |                             |
| `int`       | 6   | 4    | `int`       |                             |
| `long`      | 7   | 8    | `int`       |                             |
| `real`      | 8   | 4    | `float`     |                             |
| `float`     | 9   | 8    | `float`     |                             |
| `char`      | 10  | 1    | `str`       |                             |
| `string`    | 10  | 1    | `str`       |                             |
| `symbol`    | 11  | \*   | `str`       |                             |
| `timestamp` | 12  | 8    | `datetime`  |                             |
| `month`     | 13  | 4    | `-`         |                             |
| `date`      | 14  | 4    | `date`      | 0001.01.01 - 9999.12.31     |
| `datetime`  | 15  | 8    | `datetime`  |                             |
| `timespan`  | 16  | 8    | `timedelta` |                             |
| `minute`    | 17  | 4    | `time`      | 00:00 - 23:59               |
| `second`    | 18  | 4    | `time`      | 00:00:00 - 23:59:59         |
| `time`      | 19  | 4    | `time`      | 00:00:00.000 - 23:59:59.999 |

#### Composite Data Type

| k type           | n   | size | python type              |
| ---------------- | --- | ---- | ------------------------ |
| `boolean list`   | 1   | 1    | `pl.Boolean`             |
| `guid list`      | 2   | 16   | `pl.List(pl.Binary(16))` |
| `byte list`      | 4   | 1    | `pl.Uint8`               |
| `short list`     | 5   | 2    | `pl.Int16`               |
| `int list`       | 6   | 4    | `pl.Int32`               |
| `long list`      | 7   | 8    | `pl.Int64`               |
| `real list`      | 8   | 4    | `pl.Float32`             |
| `float list`     | 9   | 8    | `pl.Float64`             |
| `char list`      | 10  | 1    | `pl.Utf8`                |
| `string list`    | 10  | 1    | `pl.Utf8`                |
| `symbol list`    | 11  | \*   | `pl.Categorical`         |
| `timestamp list` | 12  | 8    | `pl.Datetime`            |
| `month list`     | 13  | 4    | `-`                      |
| `date list`      | 14  | 4    | `pl.Date`                |
| `datetime list`  | 15  | 8    | `pl.Datetime`            |
| `timespan list`  | 16  | 8    | `pl.Duration`            |
| `minute list`    | 17  | 4    | `pl.Time`                |
| `second list`    | 18  | 4    | `pl.Time`                |
| `time list`      | 19  | 4    | `pl.Time`                |
| `table`          | 98  | \*   | `pl.DataFrame`           |
| `dictionary`     | 99  | \*   | `-`                      |
| `keyed table`    | 99  | \*   | `pl.DataFrame`           |

> performance is impacted by converting guid to string, deserialize the uuid to 16 fixed binary list, use .hex() to convert binary to string if required

> real/float 0n is mapped to Polars null not NaN

> short/int/long 0Nh/i/j, 0Wh/i/j and -0Wh/i/j are mapped to null

    (pl.col("uuid").apply(lambda u: u.hex()))

### Serialization

#### Basic Data Type

| python type | k type      | note                        |
| ----------- | ----------- | --------------------------- |
| `bool`      | `boolean`   |                             |
| `int`       | `long`      |                             |
| `float`     | `float`     |                             |
| `str`       | `symbol`    |                             |
| `bytes`     | `string`    |                             |
| `datetime`  | `timestamp` |                             |
| `date`      | `date`      | 0001.01.01 - 9999.12.31     |
| `datetime`  | `datetime`  |                             |
| `timedelta` | `timespan`  |                             |
| `time`      | `time`      | 00:00:00.000 - 23:59:59.999 |

#### Dictionary, Series and DataFrame

| python type              | k type    |
| ------------------------ | --------- |
| `dict`                   | dict      |
| `pl.Boolean`             | boolean   |
| `pl.List(pl.Binary(16))` | guid      |
| `pl.Uint8`               | byte      |
| `pl.Int16`               | short     |
| `pl.Int32`               | int       |
| `pl.Int64`               | long      |
| `pl.Float32`             | real      |
| `pl.Float64`             | float     |
| `pl.Utf8`                | char      |
| `pl.Categorical`         | symbol    |
| `pl.Datetime`            | timestamp |
| `pl.Date`                | date      |
| `pl.Datetime`            | datetime  |
| `pl.Duration`            | timespan  |
| `pl.Time`                | time      |
| `pl.DataFrame`           | table     |

> Limited Support for dictionary as arguments, requires `string` as keys.

## Quick Start

### Create a Connection

import polars as pl
import kola
q = kola.Q('localhost', 1800)

# with retries for IO Errors, 1s, 2s, 4s ...
q = kola.Q('localhost', 1800, retries=3)

# with read timeout error, 2s, "Resource temporarily unavailable"
q = kola.Q('localhost', 1800, retries=3, timeout=2)

### Connect(Optional)

Automatically connect when querying q process


### Disconnect

Automatically disconnect if any IO error


### String Query

q.sync("select from trade where date=last date")

### Lambda Query

When the first string starts with `{` and ends with `}`, it is treated as a lambda.

d = {"a": 1, "b": 2}
q.sync("{key x}", d)

### Functional Query

For functional query, `kola` supports Python [Basic Data Type](#basic-data-type), `pl.Series`, `pl.DataFrame` and Python Dictionary with string keys and Python [Basic Data Type](#basic-data-type) and `pl.Series` values.

from datetime import date, time

        "date": date(2023, 11, 21),
        "syms": pl.Series("", ["sym0", "sym1"], pl.Categorical),
        # 09:00
        "startTime": time(9),
        # 11:30
        "endTime": time(11, 30),

### Send DataFrame

# pl_df is a Polars DataFrame
q.sync("upsert", "table", pl_df)

# pd_df is a Pandas DataFrame, use pl.DateFrame to cast Pandas DataFrame
q.sync("upsert", "table", pl.DataFrame(pd_df))

### Async Query

# pl_df is a Polars DataFrame
q.asyn("upsert", "table", pl_df)

### Subscribe

from kola import QType

q.sync(".u.sub", pl.Series("", ["table1", "table2"], QType.Symbol), "")

# specify symbol filter
    pl.Series("", ["table1", "table2"], QType.Symbol),
    pl.Series("", ["sym1", "sym2"], QType.Symbol),

while true:
    # ("upd", "table", pl.Dataframe)
    upd = self.q.receive()

### Generate IPC

import polars as pl
from kola import generate_ipc

df = pl.DataFrame(
        "sym": pl.Series("sym", ["a", "b", "c"], pl.Categorical),
        "price": [1, 2, 3],
# without compression
buffer = generate_ipc("sync", False, ["upd", "table", df])

# with compression
buffer = generate_ipc("sync", True, ["upd", "table", df])

## Polars Documentations

Refer to

- [User Guide](https://pola-rs.github.io/polars/user-guide/)
- [API Reference](https://pola-rs.github.io/polars/py-polars/html/reference/index.html)


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": null,
    "name": "kola",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.9",
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": "q, kdb, polars, dataframe, arrow",
    "author": null,
    "author_email": "Jo Shinonome <jo.shinonome@gmail.com>",
    "download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/04/e6/66a0daca1f505c7b90cbd231931e44a159e81aeb09b549f9fb08c8af2fac/kola-1.6.0.tar.gz",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# kola\n\na Python [Polars](https://pola-rs.github.io/polars/) Interface to kdb+/q\n\n## Basic Data Type Map\n\n### Deserialization\n\n#### Atom\n\n| k type      | n   | size | python type | note                        |\n| ----------- | --- | ---- | ----------- | --------------------------- |\n| `boolean`   | 1   | 1    | `bool`      |                             |\n| `guid`      | 2   | 16   | `str`       |                             |\n| `byte`      | 4   | 1    | `int`       |                             |\n| `short`     | 5   | 2    | `int`       |                             |\n| `int`       | 6   | 4    | `int`       |                             |\n| `long`      | 7   | 8    | `int`       |                             |\n| `real`      | 8   | 4    | `float`     |                             |\n| `float`     | 9   | 8    | `float`     |                             |\n| `char`      | 10  | 1    | `str`       |                             |\n| `string`    | 10  | 1    | `str`       |                             |\n| `symbol`    | 11  | \\*   | `str`       |                             |\n| `timestamp` | 12  | 8    | `datetime`  |                             |\n| `month`     | 13  | 4    | `-`         |                             |\n| `date`      | 14  | 4    | `date`      | 0001.01.01 - 9999.12.31     |\n| `datetime`  | 15  | 8    | `datetime`  |                             |\n| `timespan`  | 16  | 8    | `timedelta` |                             |\n| `minute`    | 17  | 4    | `time`      | 00:00 - 23:59               |\n| `second`    | 18  | 4    | `time`      | 00:00:00 - 23:59:59         |\n| `time`      | 19  | 4    | `time`      | 00:00:00.000 - 23:59:59.999 |\n\n#### Composite Data Type\n\n| k type           | n   | size | python type              |\n| ---------------- | --- | ---- | ------------------------ |\n| `boolean list`   | 1   | 1    | `pl.Boolean`             |\n| `guid list`      | 2   | 16   | `pl.List(pl.Binary(16))` |\n| `byte list`      | 4   | 1    | `pl.Uint8`               |\n| `short list`     | 5   | 2    | `pl.Int16`               |\n| `int list`       | 6   | 4    | `pl.Int32`               |\n| `long list`      | 7   | 8    | `pl.Int64`               |\n| `real list`      | 8   | 4    | `pl.Float32`             |\n| `float list`     | 9   | 8    | `pl.Float64`             |\n| `char list`      | 10  | 1    | `pl.Utf8`                |\n| `string list`    | 10  | 1    | `pl.Utf8`                |\n| `symbol list`    | 11  | \\*   | `pl.Categorical`         |\n| `timestamp list` | 12  | 8    | `pl.Datetime`            |\n| `month list`     | 13  | 4    | `-`                      |\n| `date list`      | 14  | 4    | `pl.Date`                |\n| `datetime list`  | 15  | 8    | `pl.Datetime`            |\n| `timespan list`  | 16  | 8    | `pl.Duration`            |\n| `minute list`    | 17  | 4    | `pl.Time`                |\n| `second list`    | 18  | 4    | `pl.Time`                |\n| `time list`      | 19  | 4    | `pl.Time`                |\n| `table`          | 98  | \\*   | `pl.DataFrame`           |\n| `dictionary`     | 99  | \\*   | `-`                      |\n| `keyed table`    | 99  | \\*   | `pl.DataFrame`           |\n\n> performance is impacted by converting guid to string, deserialize the uuid to 16 fixed binary list, use .hex() to convert binary to string if required\n\n> real/float 0n is mapped to Polars null not NaN\n\n> short/int/long 0Nh/i/j, 0Wh/i/j and -0Wh/i/j are mapped to null\n\n```\ndf.with_columns([\n    (pl.col(\"uuid\").apply(lambda u: u.hex()))\n    ])\n```\n\n### Serialization\n\n#### Basic Data Type\n\n| python type | k type      | note                        |\n| ----------- | ----------- | --------------------------- |\n| `bool`      | `boolean`   |                             |\n| `int`       | `long`      |                             |\n| `float`     | `float`     |                             |\n| `str`       | `symbol`    |                             |\n| `bytes`     | `string`    |                             |\n| `datetime`  | `timestamp` |                             |\n| `date`      | `date`      | 0001.01.01 - 9999.12.31     |\n| `datetime`  | `datetime`  |                             |\n| `timedelta` | `timespan`  |                             |\n| `time`      | `time`      | 00:00:00.000 - 23:59:59.999 |\n\n#### Dictionary, Series and DataFrame\n\n| python type              | k type    |\n| ------------------------ | --------- |\n| `dict`                   | dict      |\n| `pl.Boolean`             | boolean   |\n| `pl.List(pl.Binary(16))` | guid      |\n| `pl.Uint8`               | byte      |\n| `pl.Int16`               | short     |\n| `pl.Int32`               | int       |\n| `pl.Int64`               | long      |\n| `pl.Float32`             | real      |\n| `pl.Float64`             | float     |\n| `pl.Utf8`                | char      |\n| `pl.Categorical`         | symbol    |\n| `pl.Datetime`            | timestamp |\n| `pl.Date`                | date      |\n| `pl.Datetime`            | datetime  |\n| `pl.Duration`            | timespan  |\n| `pl.Time`                | time      |\n| `pl.DataFrame`           | table     |\n\n> Limited Support for dictionary as arguments, requires `string` as keys.\n\n## Quick Start\n\n### Create a Connection\n\n```python\nimport polars as pl\nimport kola\nq = kola.Q('localhost', 1800)\n\n# with retries for IO Errors, 1s, 2s, 4s ...\nq = kola.Q('localhost', 1800, retries=3)\n\n# with read timeout error, 2s, \"Resource temporarily unavailable\"\nq = kola.Q('localhost', 1800, retries=3, timeout=2)\n```\n\n### Connect(Optional)\n\nAutomatically connect when querying q process\n\n```python\nq.connect()\n```\n\n### Disconnect\n\nAutomatically disconnect if any IO error\n\n```python\nq.disconnect()\n```\n\n### String Query\n\n```python\nq.sync(\"select from trade where date=last date\")\n```\n\n### Lambda Query\n\nWhen the first string starts with `{` and ends with `}`, it is treated as a lambda.\n\n```python\nd = {\"a\": 1, \"b\": 2}\nq.sync(\"{key x}\", d)\n```\n\n### Functional Query\n\nFor functional query, `kola` supports Python [Basic Data Type](#basic-data-type), `pl.Series`, `pl.DataFrame` and Python Dictionary with string keys and Python [Basic Data Type](#basic-data-type) and `pl.Series` values.\n\n```python\nfrom datetime import date, time\n\nq.sync(\n    \".gw.query\",\n    \"table\",\n    {\n        \"date\": date(2023, 11, 21),\n        \"syms\": pl.Series(\"\", [\"sym0\", \"sym1\"], pl.Categorical),\n        # 09:00\n        \"startTime\": time(9),\n        # 11:30\n        \"endTime\": time(11, 30),\n    },\n)\n```\n\n### Send DataFrame\n\n```python\n# pl_df is a Polars DataFrame\nq.sync(\"upsert\", \"table\", pl_df)\n```\n\n```python\n# pd_df is a Pandas DataFrame, use pl.DateFrame to cast Pandas DataFrame\nq.sync(\"upsert\", \"table\", pl.DataFrame(pd_df))\n```\n\n### Async Query\n\n```python\n# pl_df is a Polars DataFrame\nq.asyn(\"upsert\", \"table\", pl_df)\n```\n\n### Subscribe\n\n```python\nfrom kola import QType\n\nq.sync(\".u.sub\", pl.Series(\"\", [\"table1\", \"table2\"], QType.Symbol), \"\")\n\n# specify symbol filter\nq.sync(\n    \".u.sub\",\n    pl.Series(\"\", [\"table1\", \"table2\"], QType.Symbol),\n    pl.Series(\"\", [\"sym1\", \"sym2\"], QType.Symbol),\n)\n\nwhile true:\n    # (\"upd\", \"table\", pl.Dataframe)\n    upd = self.q.receive()\n    print(upd)\n```\n\n### Generate IPC\n\n```python\nimport polars as pl\nfrom kola import generate_ipc\n\ndf = pl.DataFrame(\n    {\n        \"sym\": pl.Series(\"sym\", [\"a\", \"b\", \"c\"], pl.Categorical),\n        \"price\": [1, 2, 3],\n    }\n)\n# without compression\nbuffer = generate_ipc(\"sync\", False, [\"upd\", \"table\", df])\n\n# with compression\nbuffer = generate_ipc(\"sync\", True, [\"upd\", \"table\", df])\n```\n\n## Polars Documentations\n\nRefer to\n\n- [User Guide](https://pola-rs.github.io/polars/user-guide/)\n- [API Reference](https://pola-rs.github.io/polars/py-polars/html/reference/index.html)\n\n",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
    "license": null,
    "summary": "a Python Polars interface to kdb+/q",
    "version": "1.6.0",
    "project_urls": {
        "Repository": "https://github.com/jshinonome/kola"
    "split_keywords": [
        " kdb",
        " polars",
        " dataframe",
        " arrow"
    "urls": [
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