
Namekraken_sdk JSON
Version 0.1.0 PyPI version JSON
upload_time2023-12-06 02:32:12
authorNiklas Pfister
keywords openapi openapi-generator kraken
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # kraken-sdk
The core component of kraken-project

This Python package is automatically generated by the [OpenAPI Generator]( project:

- API version: 0.1.0
- Package version: 0.1.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen

## Requirements.

Python 3.7+

## Installation & Usage
### pip install

If the python package is hosted on a repository, you can install directly using:

pip install git+
(you may need to run `pip` with root permission: `sudo pip install git+`)

Then import the package:
import kraken_sdk

### Setuptools

Install via [Setuptools](

python install --user
(or `sudo python install` to install the package for all users)

Then import the package:
import kraken_sdk

### Tests

Execute `pytest` to run the tests.

## Getting Started

Please follow the [installation procedure](#installation--usage) and then run the following:


import time
import kraken_sdk
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = kraken_sdk.Configuration(
    host = "http://localhost"

# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.
# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
# satisfies your auth use case.

# Configure API key authorization: api_key
configuration.api_key['api_key'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]

# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# configuration.api_key_prefix['api_key'] = 'Bearer'

# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
async with kraken_sdk.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance = kraken_sdk.AdminWorkspacesApi(api_client)

        # Retrieve all workspaces
        api_response = await api_instance.get_all_workspaces_admin()
        print("The response of AdminWorkspacesApi->get_all_workspaces_admin:\n")
    except ApiException as e:
        print("Exception when calling AdminWorkspacesApi->get_all_workspaces_admin: %s\n" % e)


## Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to *http://localhost*

Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
*AdminWorkspacesApi* | [**get_all_workspaces_admin**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/admin/workspaces | Retrieve all workspaces
*AdminWorkspacesApi* | [**get_workspace_admin**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/admin/workspaces/{uuid} | Retrieve a workspace by id
*ApiKeysApi* | [**create_api_key**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/apiKeys | Create new api key
*ApiKeysApi* | [**delete_api_key**](docs/ | **DELETE** /api/v1/apiKeys/{uuid} | Delete an existing api key
*ApiKeysApi* | [**get_api_keys**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/apiKeys | Retrieve all api keys
*ApiKeysApi* | [**update_api_key**](docs/ | **PUT** /api/v1/apiKeys/{uuid} | Update an api key by its id
*AttacksApi* | [**bruteforce_subdomains**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/attacks/bruteforceSubdomains | Bruteforce subdomains through a DNS wordlist attack
*AttacksApi* | [**delete_attack**](docs/ | **DELETE** /api/v1/attacks/{uuid} | Delete an attack and its results
*AttacksApi* | [**dns_resolution**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/attacks/dnsResolution | Perform domain name resolution
*AttacksApi* | [**get_all_attacks**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/attacks | Retrieve all attacks the user has access to
*AttacksApi* | [**get_attack**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/attacks/{uuid} | Retrieve an attack by id
*AttacksApi* | [**get_bruteforce_subdomains_results**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/attacks/{uuid}/bruteforceSubdomainsResults | Retrieve a bruteforce subdomains&#39; results by the attack&#39;s id
*AttacksApi* | [**get_dns_resolution_results**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/attacks/{uuid}/dnsResolutionResults | Retrieve a dns resolution&#39;s results by the attack&#39;s id
*AttacksApi* | [**get_host_alive_results**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/attacks/{uuid}/hostAliveResults | Retrieve a host alive&#39;s results by the attack&#39;s id
*AttacksApi* | [**get_query_certificate_transparency_results**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/attacks/{uuid}/queryCertificateTransparencyResults | Retrieve a query certificate transparency&#39;s results by the attack&#39;s id
*AttacksApi* | [**get_query_unhashed_results**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/attacks/{uuid}/queryUnhashedResults | Retrieve a query dehashed&#39;s results by the attack&#39;s id
*AttacksApi* | [**get_service_detection_results**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/attacks/{uuid}/serviceDetectionResults | Retrieve a detect service&#39;s results by the attack&#39;s id
*AttacksApi* | [**get_tcp_port_scan_results**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/attacks/{uuid}/tcpPortScanResults | Retrieve a tcp port scan&#39;s results by the attack&#39;s id
*AttacksApi* | [**get_workspace_attacks**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/workspaces/{uuid}/attacks | Query all attacks of a workspace
*AttacksApi* | [**hosts_alive_check**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/attacks/hostsAlive | Check if hosts are reachable
*AttacksApi* | [**query_certificate_transparency**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/attacks/queryCertificateTransparency | Query a certificate transparency log collector.
*AttacksApi* | [**query_dehashed**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/attacks/queryDehashed | Query the [dehashed]( API.
*AttacksApi* | [**scan_tcp_ports**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/attacks/scanTcpPorts | Start a tcp port scan
*AttacksApi* | [**service_detection**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/attacks/serviceDetection | Perform service detection on a ip and port combination
*AuthenticationApi* | [**finish_auth**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/auth/finishAuth | Finishes the authentication with a security key
*AuthenticationApi* | [**finish_register**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/auth/finishRegister | Finish the registration of a security key
*AuthenticationApi* | [**login**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/auth/login | Login to kraken
*AuthenticationApi* | [**logout**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/auth/logout | Log out of this session
*AuthenticationApi* | [**start_auth**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/auth/startAuth | Starts the authentication with a security key
*AuthenticationApi* | [**start_register**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/auth/startRegister | Start the registration of a security key
*AuthenticationApi* | [**test**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/auth/test | Test the current login state
*DomainsApi* | [**create_domain**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/workspaces/{uuid}/domains | Manually add a domain
*DomainsApi* | [**get_all_domains**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/workspaces/{uuid}/domains/all | Retrieve all domains of a specific workspace
*DomainsApi* | [**get_domain**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/workspaces/{w_uuid}/domains/{d_uuid} | Retrieve all information about a single domain
*DomainsApi* | [**update_domain**](docs/ | **PUT** /api/v1/workspaces/{w_uuid}/domains/{d_uuid} | Update a domain
*GlobalTagsApi* | [**create_global_tag**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/admin/globalTags | Create a global tag.
*GlobalTagsApi* | [**delete_global_tag**](docs/ | **DELETE** /api/v1/admin/globalTags/{uuid} | Delete a global tag
*GlobalTagsApi* | [**get_all_global_tags**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/globalTags | Retrieve all global tags
*GlobalTagsApi* | [**update_global_tag**](docs/ | **PUT** /api/v1/admin/globalTags/{uuid} | Update a global tag
*HostsApi* | [**create_host**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/workspaces/{uuid}/hosts | Manually add a host
*HostsApi* | [**get_all_hosts**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/workspaces/{uuid}/hosts/all | Retrieve all hosts.
*HostsApi* | [**get_host**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/workspaces/{w_uuid}/hosts/{h_uuid} | Retrieve all information about a single host
*HostsApi* | [**update_host**](docs/ | **PUT** /api/v1/workspaces/{w_uuid}/hosts/{h_uuid} | Update a host
*LeechManagementApi* | [**create_leech**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/admin/leeches | Create a leech
*LeechManagementApi* | [**delete_leech**](docs/ | **DELETE** /api/v1/admin/leeches/{uuid} | Delete a leech by its uuid
*LeechManagementApi* | [**gen_leech_config**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/admin/leeches/{uuid}/cert | Generate a new config for the leech
*LeechManagementApi* | [**get_all_leeches**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/admin/leeches | Retrieve all leeches
*LeechManagementApi* | [**get_leech**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/admin/leeches/{uuid} | Retrieve a leech by its id
*LeechManagementApi* | [**update_leech**](docs/ | **PUT** /api/v1/admin/leeches/{uuid} | Update a leech by its id
*OAuthApi* | [**accept**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/oauth/accept/{uuid} | Endpoint visited by user to grant a requesting application access
*OAuthApi* | [**deny**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/oauth/deny/{uuid} | Endpoint visited by user to deny a requesting application access
*OAuthApi* | [**info**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/oauth/info/{uuid} | Queried by the frontend to display information about the oauth request to the user
*OAuthApplicationApi* | [**create_oauth_app**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/admin/applications | Create a new application
*OAuthApplicationApi* | [**delete_oauth_app**](docs/ | **DELETE** /api/v1/admin/applications/{uuid} | Delete an application
*OAuthApplicationApi* | [**get_all_oauth_apps**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/admin/applications | 
*OAuthApplicationApi* | [**get_oauth_app**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/admin/applications/{uuid} | 
*OAuthApplicationApi* | [**update_oauth_app**](docs/ | **PUT** /api/v1/admin/applications/{uuid} | Update an application
*OAuthDecisionsApi* | [**get_decisions**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/oauthDecisions | Retrieve a user&#39;s remembered oauth decisions
*OAuthDecisionsApi* | [**revoke_decision**](docs/ | **DELETE** /api/v1/oauthDecisions/{uuid} | Revoke a user&#39;s remembered oauth decision
*PortsApi* | [**create_port**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/workspaces/{uuid}/ports | Manually add a port
*PortsApi* | [**get_all_ports**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/workspaces/{uuid}/ports/all | List the ports of a workspace
*PortsApi* | [**get_port**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/workspaces/{w_uuid}/ports/{p_uuid} | Retrieve all information about a single port
*PortsApi* | [**update_port**](docs/ | **PUT** /api/v1/workspaces/{w_uuid}/ports/{p_uuid} | Update a port
*ServicesApi* | [**create_service**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/workspaces/{uuid}/services | Manually add a service
*ServicesApi* | [**get_all_services**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/workspaces/{uuid}/services/all | List the services of a workspace
*ServicesApi* | [**get_service**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/workspaces/{w_uuid}/services/{s_uuid} | Retrieve all information about a single service
*ServicesApi* | [**update_service**](docs/ | **PUT** /api/v1/workspaces/{w_uuid}/services/{s_uuid} | Update a service
*SettingsManagementApi* | [**get_settings**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/admin/settings | Retrieve the currently active settings
*SettingsManagementApi* | [**update_settings**](docs/ | **PUT** /api/v1/admin/settings | Update the settings
*UserAdminManagementApi* | [**create_user**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/admin/users | Create a user
*UserAdminManagementApi* | [**delete_user**](docs/ | **DELETE** /api/v1/admin/users/{uuid} | Delete a user by its uuid
*UserAdminManagementApi* | [**get_all_users_admin**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/admin/users | Retrieve all users
*UserAdminManagementApi* | [**get_user**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/admin/users/{uuid} | Retrieve a user by its uuid
*UserManagementApi* | [**get_all_users**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/users | Request all users
*UserManagementApi* | [**get_me**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/users/me | Retrieve the own user
*UserManagementApi* | [**set_password**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/users/setPassword | Set a new password
*UserManagementApi* | [**update_me**](docs/ | **PUT** /api/v1/users/me | Updates the own user
*WebsocketApi* | [**websocket**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/ws | Start a websocket connection
*WordlistApi* | [**get_all_wordlists**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/wordlists | Get a list of all wordlist for the user to select from when starting an bruteforce subdomains attack
*WordlistManagementApi* | [**create_wordlist_admin**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/admin/wordlists | Create a new wordlist
*WordlistManagementApi* | [**delete_wordlist_admin**](docs/ | **DELETE** /api/v1/admin/wordlists/{uuid} | Delete an existing wordlist
*WordlistManagementApi* | [**get_all_wordlists_admin**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/admin/wordlists | Get a list of all wordlists including their paths
*WordlistManagementApi* | [**update_wordlist_admin**](docs/ | **PUT** /api/v1/admin/wordlists/{uuid} | Update an existing wordlist
*WorkspaceInvitationsApi* | [**accept_invitation**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/invitations/{uuid}/accept | Accept an invitation to a workspace
*WorkspaceInvitationsApi* | [**decline_invitation**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/invitations/{uuid}/decline | Decline an invitation to a workspace
*WorkspaceInvitationsApi* | [**get_all_invitations**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/invitations | Retrieve all open invitations to workspaces the currently logged-in user
*WorkspaceTagsApi* | [**create_workspace_tag**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/workspaces/{uuid}/tags | Create a workspace tag.
*WorkspaceTagsApi* | [**delete_workspace_tag**](docs/ | **DELETE** /api/v1/workspaces/{w_uuid}/tags/{t_uuid} | Delete a workspace tag
*WorkspaceTagsApi* | [**get_all_workspace_tags**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/workspaces/{uuid}/tags | Retrieve all workspace tags
*WorkspaceTagsApi* | [**update_workspace_tag**](docs/ | **PUT** /api/v1/workspaces/{w_uuid}/tags/{t_uuid} | Update a workspace tag
*WorkspacesApi* | [**create_invitation**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/workspaces/{uuid}/invitations | Invite a user to the workspace
*WorkspacesApi* | [**create_workspace**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/workspaces | Create a new workspace
*WorkspacesApi* | [**delete_workspace**](docs/ | **DELETE** /api/v1/workspaces/{uuid} | Delete a workspace by its id
*WorkspacesApi* | [**get_all_workspace_invitations**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/workspaces/{uuid}/invitations | Query all open invitations to a workspace
*WorkspacesApi* | [**get_all_workspaces**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/workspaces | Retrieve all workspaces that the executing user has access to
*WorkspacesApi* | [**get_search_results**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/workspaces/{w_uuid}/search/{s_uuid} | Retrieve results for a search by it&#39;s uuid
*WorkspacesApi* | [**get_searches**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/workspaces/{uuid}/search | Query all searches
*WorkspacesApi* | [**get_workspace**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/workspaces/{uuid} | Retrieve a workspace by id
*WorkspacesApi* | [**retract_invitation**](docs/ | **DELETE** /api/v1/workspaces/{w_uuid}/invitations/{i_uuid} | Retract an invitation to the workspace
*WorkspacesApi* | [**search**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/workspaces/{uuid}/search | Search through a workspaces&#39; data
*WorkspacesApi* | [**transfer_ownership**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/workspaces/{uuid}/transfer | Transfer ownership to another account
*WorkspacesApi* | [**update_workspace**](docs/ | **PUT** /api/v1/workspaces/{uuid} | Updates a workspace by its id

## Documentation For Models

 - [ApiErrorResponse](docs/
 - [ApiStatusCode](docs/
 - [AttackType](docs/
 - [BruteforceSubdomainsRequest](docs/
 - [BruteforceSubdomainsResultsPage](docs/
 - [CertificateTransparencyEntry](docs/
 - [Color](docs/
 - [CreateApiKeyRequest](docs/
 - [CreateAppRequest](docs/
 - [CreateDomainRequest](docs/
 - [CreateGlobalTagRequest](docs/
 - [CreateHostRequest](docs/
 - [CreateLeechRequest](docs/
 - [CreatePortRequest](docs/
 - [CreateServiceRequest](docs/
 - [CreateUserRequest](docs/
 - [CreateWordlistRequest](docs/
 - [CreateWorkspaceRequest](docs/
 - [CreateWorkspaceTagRequest](docs/
 - [DnsResolutionRequest](docs/
 - [DnsResolutionResultsPage](docs/
 - [DomainCertainty](docs/
 - [DomainResultsPage](docs/
 - [FinishRegisterRequest](docs/
 - [FullApiKey](docs/
 - [FullDecision](docs/
 - [FullDomain](docs/
 - [FullGlobalTag](docs/
 - [FullHost](docs/
 - [FullOauthClient](docs/
 - [FullPort](docs/
 - [FullQueryCertificateTransparencyResult](docs/
 - [FullService](docs/
 - [FullServiceDetectionResult](docs/
 - [FullWordlist](docs/
 - [FullWorkspace](docs/
 - [FullWorkspaceInvitation](docs/
 - [FullWorkspaceTag](docs/
 - [GetAllDomainsQuery](docs/
 - [GetAllHostsQuery](docs/
 - [GetAllLeechesResponse](docs/
 - [GetAllPortsQuery](docs/
 - [GetAllServicesQuery](docs/
 - [GetAllUsersResponse](docs/
 - [GetAllWordlistsAdminResponse](docs/
 - [GetAllWordlistsResponse](docs/
 - [GetAllWorkspacesResponse](docs/
 - [GetApiKeysResponse](docs/
 - [GetAppsResponse](docs/
 - [GetGlobalTagsResponse](docs/
 - [GetMyDecisionsResponse](docs/
 - [GetUser](docs/
 - [GetUserResponse](docs/
 - [GetWorkspaceTagsResponse](docs/
 - [HostAliveResultsPage](docs/
 - [HostCertainty](docs/
 - [HostResultsPage](docs/
 - [HostsAliveRequest](docs/
 - [InviteToWorkspace](docs/
 - [LeechConfig](docs/
 - [LeechTlsConfig](docs/
 - [ListAttacks](docs/
 - [LoginRequest](docs/
 - [ManualHostCertainty](docs/
 - [ManualPortCertainty](docs/
 - [ManualServiceCertainty](docs/
 - [OpenRequestInfo](docs/
 - [OsType](docs/
 - [PageParams](docs/
 - [PortCertainty](docs/
 - [PortOrRange](docs/
 - [PortProtocol](docs/
 - [PortResultsPage](docs/
 - [Query](docs/
 - [QueryCertificateTransparencyRequest](docs/
 - [QueryCertificateTransparencyResultsPage](docs/
 - [QueryDehashedRequest](docs/
 - [QueryOneOf](docs/
 - [QueryOneOf1](docs/
 - [QueryOneOf2](docs/
 - [QueryOneOf3](docs/
 - [QueryOneOf4](docs/
 - [QueryOneOf5](docs/
 - [QueryOneOf6](docs/
 - [QueryOneOf7](docs/
 - [QueryOneOf8](docs/
 - [QueryOneOf9](docs/
 - [QueryUnhashedResultsPage](docs/
 - [ScanTcpPortsRequest](docs/
 - [SearchEntry](docs/
 - [SearchResultEntry](docs/
 - [SearchResultEntryOneOf](docs/
 - [SearchResultEntryOneOf1](docs/
 - [SearchResultEntryOneOf2](docs/
 - [SearchResultEntryOneOf3](docs/
 - [SearchResultEntryOneOf4](docs/
 - [SearchResultEntryOneOf5](docs/
 - [SearchResultEntryOneOf6](docs/
 - [SearchResultEntryOneOf7](docs/
 - [SearchResultEntryOneOf8](docs/
 - [SearchResultEntryOneOf9](docs/
 - [SearchResultPage](docs/
 - [SearchType](docs/
 - [SearchTypeOneOf](docs/
 - [SearchTypeOneOf1](docs/
 - [SearchTypeOneOf2](docs/
 - [SearchTypeOneOf3](docs/
 - [SearchTypeOneOf4](docs/
 - [SearchWorkspaceRequest](docs/
 - [SearchesResultPage](docs/
 - [ServiceCertainty](docs/
 - [ServiceDetectionRequest](docs/
 - [ServiceDetectionResultsPage](docs/
 - [ServiceResultsPage](docs/
 - [SetPasswordRequest](docs/
 - [SettingsFull](docs/
 - [SimpleAggregationSource](docs/
 - [SimpleAttack](docs/
 - [SimpleBruteforceSubdomainsResult](docs/
 - [SimpleDnsResolutionResult](docs/
 - [SimpleDomain](docs/
 - [SimpleHost](docs/
 - [SimpleHostAliveResult](docs/
 - [SimpleLeech](docs/
 - [SimpleOauthClient](docs/
 - [SimplePort](docs/
 - [SimpleQueryUnhashedResult](docs/
 - [SimpleService](docs/
 - [SimpleTag](docs/
 - [SimpleTcpPortScanResult](docs/
 - [SimpleUser](docs/
 - [SimpleWordlist](docs/
 - [SimpleWorkspace](docs/
 - [TagType](docs/
 - [TcpPortScanResultsPage](docs/
 - [TransferWorkspaceRequest](docs/
 - [UpdateApiKeyRequest](docs/
 - [UpdateAppRequest](docs/
 - [UpdateDomainRequest](docs/
 - [UpdateGlobalTag](docs/
 - [UpdateHostRequest](docs/
 - [UpdateLeechRequest](docs/
 - [UpdateMeRequest](docs/
 - [UpdatePortRequest](docs/
 - [UpdateServiceRequest](docs/
 - [UpdateSettingsRequest](docs/
 - [UpdateWordlistRequest](docs/
 - [UpdateWorkspaceRequest](docs/
 - [UpdateWorkspaceTag](docs/
 - [UserPermission](docs/
 - [UuidResponse](docs/
 - [WorkspaceInvitationList](docs/
 - [WsMessage](docs/
 - [WsMessageOneOf](docs/
 - [WsMessageOneOf1](docs/
 - [WsMessageOneOf10](docs/
 - [WsMessageOneOf2](docs/
 - [WsMessageOneOf3](docs/
 - [WsMessageOneOf4](docs/
 - [WsMessageOneOf5](docs/
 - [WsMessageOneOf6](docs/
 - [WsMessageOneOf7](docs/
 - [WsMessageOneOf8](docs/
 - [WsMessageOneOf9](docs/

<a id="documentation-for-authorization"></a>
## Documentation For Authorization

Authentication schemes defined for the API:
<a id="api_key"></a>
### api_key

- **Type**: API key
- **API key parameter name**: id
- **Location**: 

## Author


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "kraken_sdk",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.7,<4.0",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "OpenAPI,OpenAPI-Generator,kraken",
    "author": "Niklas Pfister",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# kraken-sdk\nThe core component of kraken-project\n\nThis Python package is automatically generated by the [OpenAPI Generator]( project:\n\n- API version: 0.1.0\n- Package version: 0.1.0\n- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen\n\n## Requirements.\n\nPython 3.7+\n\n## Installation & Usage\n### pip install\n\nIf the python package is hosted on a repository, you can install directly using:\n\n```sh\npip install git+\n```\n(you may need to run `pip` with root permission: `sudo pip install git+`)\n\nThen import the package:\n```python\nimport kraken_sdk\n```\n\n### Setuptools\n\nInstall via [Setuptools](\n\n```sh\npython install --user\n```\n(or `sudo python install` to install the package for all users)\n\nThen import the package:\n```python\nimport kraken_sdk\n```\n\n### Tests\n\nExecute `pytest` to run the tests.\n\n## Getting Started\n\nPlease follow the [installation procedure](#installation--usage) and then run the following:\n\n```python\n\nimport time\nimport kraken_sdk\nfrom import ApiException\nfrom pprint import pprint\n\n# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost\n# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.\nconfiguration = kraken_sdk.Configuration(\n    host = \"http://localhost\"\n)\n\n# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters\n# in accordance with the API server security policy.\n# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that\n# satisfies your auth use case.\n\n# Configure API key authorization: api_key\nconfiguration.api_key['api_key'] = os.environ[\"API_KEY\"]\n\n# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed\n# configuration.api_key_prefix['api_key'] = 'Bearer'\n\n\n# Enter a context with an instance of the API client\nasync with kraken_sdk.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:\n    # Create an instance of the API class\n    api_instance = kraken_sdk.AdminWorkspacesApi(api_client)\n\n    try:\n        # Retrieve all workspaces\n        api_response = await api_instance.get_all_workspaces_admin()\n        print(\"The response of AdminWorkspacesApi->get_all_workspaces_admin:\\n\")\n        pprint(api_response)\n    except ApiException as e:\n        print(\"Exception when calling AdminWorkspacesApi->get_all_workspaces_admin: %s\\n\" % e)\n\n```\n\n## Documentation for API Endpoints\n\nAll URIs are relative to *http://localhost*\n\nClass | Method | HTTP request | Description\n------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------\n*AdminWorkspacesApi* | [**get_all_workspaces_admin**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/admin/workspaces | Retrieve all workspaces\n*AdminWorkspacesApi* | [**get_workspace_admin**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/admin/workspaces/{uuid} | Retrieve a workspace by id\n*ApiKeysApi* | [**create_api_key**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/apiKeys | Create new api key\n*ApiKeysApi* | [**delete_api_key**](docs/ | **DELETE** /api/v1/apiKeys/{uuid} | Delete an existing api key\n*ApiKeysApi* | [**get_api_keys**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/apiKeys | Retrieve all api keys\n*ApiKeysApi* | [**update_api_key**](docs/ | **PUT** /api/v1/apiKeys/{uuid} | Update an api key by its id\n*AttacksApi* | [**bruteforce_subdomains**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/attacks/bruteforceSubdomains | Bruteforce subdomains through a DNS wordlist attack\n*AttacksApi* | [**delete_attack**](docs/ | **DELETE** /api/v1/attacks/{uuid} | Delete an attack and its results\n*AttacksApi* | [**dns_resolution**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/attacks/dnsResolution | Perform domain name resolution\n*AttacksApi* | [**get_all_attacks**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/attacks | Retrieve all attacks the user has access to\n*AttacksApi* | [**get_attack**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/attacks/{uuid} | Retrieve an attack by id\n*AttacksApi* | [**get_bruteforce_subdomains_results**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/attacks/{uuid}/bruteforceSubdomainsResults | Retrieve a bruteforce subdomains&#39; results by the attack&#39;s id\n*AttacksApi* | [**get_dns_resolution_results**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/attacks/{uuid}/dnsResolutionResults | Retrieve a dns resolution&#39;s results by the attack&#39;s id\n*AttacksApi* | [**get_host_alive_results**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/attacks/{uuid}/hostAliveResults | Retrieve a host alive&#39;s results by the attack&#39;s id\n*AttacksApi* | [**get_query_certificate_transparency_results**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/attacks/{uuid}/queryCertificateTransparencyResults | Retrieve a query certificate transparency&#39;s results by the attack&#39;s id\n*AttacksApi* | [**get_query_unhashed_results**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/attacks/{uuid}/queryUnhashedResults | Retrieve a query dehashed&#39;s results by the attack&#39;s id\n*AttacksApi* | [**get_service_detection_results**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/attacks/{uuid}/serviceDetectionResults | Retrieve a detect service&#39;s results by the attack&#39;s id\n*AttacksApi* | [**get_tcp_port_scan_results**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/attacks/{uuid}/tcpPortScanResults | Retrieve a tcp port scan&#39;s results by the attack&#39;s id\n*AttacksApi* | [**get_workspace_attacks**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/workspaces/{uuid}/attacks | Query all attacks of a workspace\n*AttacksApi* | [**hosts_alive_check**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/attacks/hostsAlive | Check if hosts are reachable\n*AttacksApi* | [**query_certificate_transparency**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/attacks/queryCertificateTransparency | Query a certificate transparency log collector.\n*AttacksApi* | [**query_dehashed**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/attacks/queryDehashed | Query the [dehashed]( API.\n*AttacksApi* | [**scan_tcp_ports**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/attacks/scanTcpPorts | Start a tcp port scan\n*AttacksApi* | [**service_detection**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/attacks/serviceDetection | Perform service detection on a ip and port combination\n*AuthenticationApi* | [**finish_auth**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/auth/finishAuth | Finishes the authentication with a security key\n*AuthenticationApi* | [**finish_register**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/auth/finishRegister | Finish the registration of a security key\n*AuthenticationApi* | [**login**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/auth/login | Login to kraken\n*AuthenticationApi* | [**logout**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/auth/logout | Log out of this session\n*AuthenticationApi* | [**start_auth**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/auth/startAuth | Starts the authentication with a security key\n*AuthenticationApi* | [**start_register**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/auth/startRegister | Start the registration of a security key\n*AuthenticationApi* | [**test**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/auth/test | Test the current login state\n*DomainsApi* | [**create_domain**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/workspaces/{uuid}/domains | Manually add a domain\n*DomainsApi* | [**get_all_domains**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/workspaces/{uuid}/domains/all | Retrieve all domains of a specific workspace\n*DomainsApi* | [**get_domain**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/workspaces/{w_uuid}/domains/{d_uuid} | Retrieve all information about a single domain\n*DomainsApi* | [**update_domain**](docs/ | **PUT** /api/v1/workspaces/{w_uuid}/domains/{d_uuid} | Update a domain\n*GlobalTagsApi* | [**create_global_tag**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/admin/globalTags | Create a global tag.\n*GlobalTagsApi* | [**delete_global_tag**](docs/ | **DELETE** /api/v1/admin/globalTags/{uuid} | Delete a global tag\n*GlobalTagsApi* | [**get_all_global_tags**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/globalTags | Retrieve all global tags\n*GlobalTagsApi* | [**update_global_tag**](docs/ | **PUT** /api/v1/admin/globalTags/{uuid} | Update a global tag\n*HostsApi* | [**create_host**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/workspaces/{uuid}/hosts | Manually add a host\n*HostsApi* | [**get_all_hosts**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/workspaces/{uuid}/hosts/all | Retrieve all hosts.\n*HostsApi* | [**get_host**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/workspaces/{w_uuid}/hosts/{h_uuid} | Retrieve all information about a single host\n*HostsApi* | [**update_host**](docs/ | **PUT** /api/v1/workspaces/{w_uuid}/hosts/{h_uuid} | Update a host\n*LeechManagementApi* | [**create_leech**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/admin/leeches | Create a leech\n*LeechManagementApi* | [**delete_leech**](docs/ | **DELETE** /api/v1/admin/leeches/{uuid} | Delete a leech by its uuid\n*LeechManagementApi* | [**gen_leech_config**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/admin/leeches/{uuid}/cert | Generate a new config for the leech\n*LeechManagementApi* | [**get_all_leeches**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/admin/leeches | Retrieve all leeches\n*LeechManagementApi* | [**get_leech**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/admin/leeches/{uuid} | Retrieve a leech by its id\n*LeechManagementApi* | [**update_leech**](docs/ | **PUT** /api/v1/admin/leeches/{uuid} | Update a leech by its id\n*OAuthApi* | [**accept**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/oauth/accept/{uuid} | Endpoint visited by user to grant a requesting application access\n*OAuthApi* | [**deny**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/oauth/deny/{uuid} | Endpoint visited by user to deny a requesting application access\n*OAuthApi* | [**info**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/oauth/info/{uuid} | Queried by the frontend to display information about the oauth request to the user\n*OAuthApplicationApi* | [**create_oauth_app**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/admin/applications | Create a new application\n*OAuthApplicationApi* | [**delete_oauth_app**](docs/ | **DELETE** /api/v1/admin/applications/{uuid} | Delete an application\n*OAuthApplicationApi* | [**get_all_oauth_apps**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/admin/applications | \n*OAuthApplicationApi* | [**get_oauth_app**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/admin/applications/{uuid} | \n*OAuthApplicationApi* | [**update_oauth_app**](docs/ | **PUT** /api/v1/admin/applications/{uuid} | Update an application\n*OAuthDecisionsApi* | [**get_decisions**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/oauthDecisions | Retrieve a user&#39;s remembered oauth decisions\n*OAuthDecisionsApi* | [**revoke_decision**](docs/ | **DELETE** /api/v1/oauthDecisions/{uuid} | Revoke a user&#39;s remembered oauth decision\n*PortsApi* | [**create_port**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/workspaces/{uuid}/ports | Manually add a port\n*PortsApi* | [**get_all_ports**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/workspaces/{uuid}/ports/all | List the ports of a workspace\n*PortsApi* | [**get_port**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/workspaces/{w_uuid}/ports/{p_uuid} | Retrieve all information about a single port\n*PortsApi* | [**update_port**](docs/ | **PUT** /api/v1/workspaces/{w_uuid}/ports/{p_uuid} | Update a port\n*ServicesApi* | [**create_service**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/workspaces/{uuid}/services | Manually add a service\n*ServicesApi* | [**get_all_services**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/workspaces/{uuid}/services/all | List the services of a workspace\n*ServicesApi* | [**get_service**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/workspaces/{w_uuid}/services/{s_uuid} | Retrieve all information about a single service\n*ServicesApi* | [**update_service**](docs/ | **PUT** /api/v1/workspaces/{w_uuid}/services/{s_uuid} | Update a service\n*SettingsManagementApi* | [**get_settings**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/admin/settings | Retrieve the currently active settings\n*SettingsManagementApi* | [**update_settings**](docs/ | **PUT** /api/v1/admin/settings | Update the settings\n*UserAdminManagementApi* | [**create_user**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/admin/users | Create a user\n*UserAdminManagementApi* | [**delete_user**](docs/ | **DELETE** /api/v1/admin/users/{uuid} | Delete a user by its uuid\n*UserAdminManagementApi* | [**get_all_users_admin**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/admin/users | Retrieve all users\n*UserAdminManagementApi* | [**get_user**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/admin/users/{uuid} | Retrieve a user by its uuid\n*UserManagementApi* | [**get_all_users**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/users | Request all users\n*UserManagementApi* | [**get_me**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/users/me | Retrieve the own user\n*UserManagementApi* | [**set_password**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/users/setPassword | Set a new password\n*UserManagementApi* | [**update_me**](docs/ | **PUT** /api/v1/users/me | Updates the own user\n*WebsocketApi* | [**websocket**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/ws | Start a websocket connection\n*WordlistApi* | [**get_all_wordlists**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/wordlists | Get a list of all wordlist for the user to select from when starting an bruteforce subdomains attack\n*WordlistManagementApi* | [**create_wordlist_admin**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/admin/wordlists | Create a new wordlist\n*WordlistManagementApi* | [**delete_wordlist_admin**](docs/ | **DELETE** /api/v1/admin/wordlists/{uuid} | Delete an existing wordlist\n*WordlistManagementApi* | [**get_all_wordlists_admin**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/admin/wordlists | Get a list of all wordlists including their paths\n*WordlistManagementApi* | [**update_wordlist_admin**](docs/ | **PUT** /api/v1/admin/wordlists/{uuid} | Update an existing wordlist\n*WorkspaceInvitationsApi* | [**accept_invitation**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/invitations/{uuid}/accept | Accept an invitation to a workspace\n*WorkspaceInvitationsApi* | [**decline_invitation**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/invitations/{uuid}/decline | Decline an invitation to a workspace\n*WorkspaceInvitationsApi* | [**get_all_invitations**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/invitations | Retrieve all open invitations to workspaces the currently logged-in user\n*WorkspaceTagsApi* | [**create_workspace_tag**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/workspaces/{uuid}/tags | Create a workspace tag.\n*WorkspaceTagsApi* | [**delete_workspace_tag**](docs/ | **DELETE** /api/v1/workspaces/{w_uuid}/tags/{t_uuid} | Delete a workspace tag\n*WorkspaceTagsApi* | [**get_all_workspace_tags**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/workspaces/{uuid}/tags | Retrieve all workspace tags\n*WorkspaceTagsApi* | [**update_workspace_tag**](docs/ | **PUT** /api/v1/workspaces/{w_uuid}/tags/{t_uuid} | Update a workspace tag\n*WorkspacesApi* | [**create_invitation**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/workspaces/{uuid}/invitations | Invite a user to the workspace\n*WorkspacesApi* | [**create_workspace**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/workspaces | Create a new workspace\n*WorkspacesApi* | [**delete_workspace**](docs/ | **DELETE** /api/v1/workspaces/{uuid} | Delete a workspace by its id\n*WorkspacesApi* | [**get_all_workspace_invitations**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/workspaces/{uuid}/invitations | Query all open invitations to a workspace\n*WorkspacesApi* | [**get_all_workspaces**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/workspaces | Retrieve all workspaces that the executing user has access to\n*WorkspacesApi* | [**get_search_results**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/workspaces/{w_uuid}/search/{s_uuid} | Retrieve results for a search by it&#39;s uuid\n*WorkspacesApi* | [**get_searches**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/workspaces/{uuid}/search | Query all searches\n*WorkspacesApi* | [**get_workspace**](docs/ | **GET** /api/v1/workspaces/{uuid} | Retrieve a workspace by id\n*WorkspacesApi* | [**retract_invitation**](docs/ | **DELETE** /api/v1/workspaces/{w_uuid}/invitations/{i_uuid} | Retract an invitation to the workspace\n*WorkspacesApi* | [**search**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/workspaces/{uuid}/search | Search through a workspaces&#39; data\n*WorkspacesApi* | [**transfer_ownership**](docs/ | **POST** /api/v1/workspaces/{uuid}/transfer | Transfer ownership to another account\n*WorkspacesApi* | [**update_workspace**](docs/ | **PUT** /api/v1/workspaces/{uuid} | Updates a workspace by its id\n\n\n## Documentation For Models\n\n - [ApiErrorResponse](docs/\n - [ApiStatusCode](docs/\n - [AttackType](docs/\n - [BruteforceSubdomainsRequest](docs/\n - [BruteforceSubdomainsResultsPage](docs/\n - [CertificateTransparencyEntry](docs/\n - [Color](docs/\n - [CreateApiKeyRequest](docs/\n - [CreateAppRequest](docs/\n - [CreateDomainRequest](docs/\n - [CreateGlobalTagRequest](docs/\n - [CreateHostRequest](docs/\n - [CreateLeechRequest](docs/\n - [CreatePortRequest](docs/\n - [CreateServiceRequest](docs/\n - [CreateUserRequest](docs/\n - [CreateWordlistRequest](docs/\n - [CreateWorkspaceRequest](docs/\n - [CreateWorkspaceTagRequest](docs/\n - [DnsResolutionRequest](docs/\n - [DnsResolutionResultsPage](docs/\n - [DomainCertainty](docs/\n - [DomainResultsPage](docs/\n - [FinishRegisterRequest](docs/\n - [FullApiKey](docs/\n - [FullDecision](docs/\n - [FullDomain](docs/\n - [FullGlobalTag](docs/\n - [FullHost](docs/\n - [FullOauthClient](docs/\n - [FullPort](docs/\n - [FullQueryCertificateTransparencyResult](docs/\n - [FullService](docs/\n - [FullServiceDetectionResult](docs/\n - [FullWordlist](docs/\n - [FullWorkspace](docs/\n - [FullWorkspaceInvitation](docs/\n - [FullWorkspaceTag](docs/\n - [GetAllDomainsQuery](docs/\n - [GetAllHostsQuery](docs/\n - [GetAllLeechesResponse](docs/\n - [GetAllPortsQuery](docs/\n - [GetAllServicesQuery](docs/\n - [GetAllUsersResponse](docs/\n - [GetAllWordlistsAdminResponse](docs/\n - [GetAllWordlistsResponse](docs/\n - [GetAllWorkspacesResponse](docs/\n - [GetApiKeysResponse](docs/\n - [GetAppsResponse](docs/\n - [GetGlobalTagsResponse](docs/\n - [GetMyDecisionsResponse](docs/\n - [GetUser](docs/\n - [GetUserResponse](docs/\n - [GetWorkspaceTagsResponse](docs/\n - [HostAliveResultsPage](docs/\n - [HostCertainty](docs/\n - [HostResultsPage](docs/\n - [HostsAliveRequest](docs/\n - [InviteToWorkspace](docs/\n - [LeechConfig](docs/\n - [LeechTlsConfig](docs/\n - [ListAttacks](docs/\n - [LoginRequest](docs/\n - [ManualHostCertainty](docs/\n - [ManualPortCertainty](docs/\n - [ManualServiceCertainty](docs/\n - [OpenRequestInfo](docs/\n - [OsType](docs/\n - [PageParams](docs/\n - [PortCertainty](docs/\n - [PortOrRange](docs/\n - [PortProtocol](docs/\n - [PortResultsPage](docs/\n - [Query](docs/\n - [QueryCertificateTransparencyRequest](docs/\n - [QueryCertificateTransparencyResultsPage](docs/\n - [QueryDehashedRequest](docs/\n - [QueryOneOf](docs/\n - [QueryOneOf1](docs/\n - [QueryOneOf2](docs/\n - [QueryOneOf3](docs/\n - [QueryOneOf4](docs/\n - [QueryOneOf5](docs/\n - [QueryOneOf6](docs/\n - [QueryOneOf7](docs/\n - [QueryOneOf8](docs/\n - [QueryOneOf9](docs/\n - [QueryUnhashedResultsPage](docs/\n - [ScanTcpPortsRequest](docs/\n - [SearchEntry](docs/\n - [SearchResultEntry](docs/\n - [SearchResultEntryOneOf](docs/\n - [SearchResultEntryOneOf1](docs/\n - [SearchResultEntryOneOf2](docs/\n - [SearchResultEntryOneOf3](docs/\n - [SearchResultEntryOneOf4](docs/\n - [SearchResultEntryOneOf5](docs/\n - [SearchResultEntryOneOf6](docs/\n - [SearchResultEntryOneOf7](docs/\n - [SearchResultEntryOneOf8](docs/\n - [SearchResultEntryOneOf9](docs/\n - [SearchResultPage](docs/\n - [SearchType](docs/\n - [SearchTypeOneOf](docs/\n - [SearchTypeOneOf1](docs/\n - [SearchTypeOneOf2](docs/\n - [SearchTypeOneOf3](docs/\n - [SearchTypeOneOf4](docs/\n - [SearchWorkspaceRequest](docs/\n - [SearchesResultPage](docs/\n - [ServiceCertainty](docs/\n - [ServiceDetectionRequest](docs/\n - [ServiceDetectionResultsPage](docs/\n - [ServiceResultsPage](docs/\n - [SetPasswordRequest](docs/\n - [SettingsFull](docs/\n - [SimpleAggregationSource](docs/\n - [SimpleAttack](docs/\n - [SimpleBruteforceSubdomainsResult](docs/\n - [SimpleDnsResolutionResult](docs/\n - [SimpleDomain](docs/\n - [SimpleHost](docs/\n - [SimpleHostAliveResult](docs/\n - [SimpleLeech](docs/\n - [SimpleOauthClient](docs/\n - [SimplePort](docs/\n - [SimpleQueryUnhashedResult](docs/\n - [SimpleService](docs/\n - [SimpleTag](docs/\n - [SimpleTcpPortScanResult](docs/\n - [SimpleUser](docs/\n - [SimpleWordlist](docs/\n - [SimpleWorkspace](docs/\n - [TagType](docs/\n - [TcpPortScanResultsPage](docs/\n - [TransferWorkspaceRequest](docs/\n - [UpdateApiKeyRequest](docs/\n - [UpdateAppRequest](docs/\n - [UpdateDomainRequest](docs/\n - [UpdateGlobalTag](docs/\n - [UpdateHostRequest](docs/\n - [UpdateLeechRequest](docs/\n - [UpdateMeRequest](docs/\n - [UpdatePortRequest](docs/\n - [UpdateServiceRequest](docs/\n - [UpdateSettingsRequest](docs/\n - [UpdateWordlistRequest](docs/\n - [UpdateWorkspaceRequest](docs/\n - [UpdateWorkspaceTag](docs/\n - [UserPermission](docs/\n - [UuidResponse](docs/\n - [WorkspaceInvitationList](docs/\n - [WsMessage](docs/\n - [WsMessageOneOf](docs/\n - [WsMessageOneOf1](docs/\n - [WsMessageOneOf10](docs/\n - [WsMessageOneOf2](docs/\n - [WsMessageOneOf3](docs/\n - [WsMessageOneOf4](docs/\n - [WsMessageOneOf5](docs/\n - [WsMessageOneOf6](docs/\n - [WsMessageOneOf7](docs/\n - [WsMessageOneOf8](docs/\n - [WsMessageOneOf9](docs/\n\n\n<a id=\"documentation-for-authorization\"></a>\n## Documentation For Authorization\n\n\nAuthentication schemes defined for the API:\n<a id=\"api_key\"></a>\n### api_key\n\n- **Type**: API key\n- **API key parameter name**: id\n- **Location**: \n\n\n## Author\n\\n\n\n",
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