
Namelightcon JSON
Version 1.5.6 PyPI version JSON
SummaryA set of APIs to Light Conversion devices
upload_time2024-03-19 17:40:48
authorVytautas Butkus
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            # lightcon

## Installation
### Pip
```pip install lightcon```
## Changelog
### 1.1
#### Added
fast_daq module
#### Fixed
#### Removed

### 1.0
Initial release
#### Added
#### Fixed
#### Removed

## Modules

### `lightcon.beam_alignment`
Beam Alignment App REST client

### `lightcon.common`
Tools and converters

### `lightcon.laser_clients`
REST API clients for PHAROS and CARBIDE lasers

from lightcon.laser_clients import Carbide, Pharos
import time

my_laser = Pharos('')
# my_laser = Carbide('')

pp_ratio = my_laser.get_pp()
print("Pulse picker ratio: {:d}".format(pp_ratio))

target_pp_ratio = pp_ratio + 1
print("Setting pulse picker to PP={:d}...".format(
    target_pp_ratio), end='', flush=True)

my_laser.set_pp(target_pp_ratio, blocking=True)
print("OK", flush=True)

print("Setting pulse picker to PP={:d}...".format(pp_ratio), end='', flush=True)
my_laser.set_pp(pp_ratio, blocking=True)
print("OK", flush=True)

print("Enabling laser output...")

print("Waiting for 3s...")

print("Disabling laser output...")

```python console
Pharos initialized at
Pulse picker ratio: 1
Setting pulse picker to PP=2...OK
Setting pulse picker to PP=1...OK
Enabling laser output...
Waiting for 3s...
Disabling laser output...

### `lightcon.harpia`
HARPIA Service App REST client

### `lightcon.fast_daq`
Interface to the fast single-channel DAQ (E13-10023-02 or newer) DLL wrapper
import lightcon.fast_daq

fdw = lightcon.fast_daq.FastDaqWrapper()

if fdw.is_connected():
    # sets missing trigger/clock timeout, after which TimeoutException is raised
    # choose channel 'PFI0' for external clocking, 'internal' for internal clocking. Use 'rising' or 'falling' for active_edge
    fdw.configure_sample_clock(channel = 'PFI0', active_edge = 'rising')
    # choose channel 'PFI0' for external clocking, 'internal' for internal triggering
    fdw.configure_start_trigger(channel = 'internal')
    # sets external trigger delay for sampling to 100 ns
    # acquires n = 1000 samples as one-dimensional array
    data = fdw.get_daq_data(10)

### `lightcon.harpia_daq`
Interface to the universal six-channel DAQ (PE04-005-04 or newer) DLL wrapper
import lightcon.harpia_daq

# provide in ascending order to keep plot labels right
enabled_channels = ['AI0', 'AI1', 'AI3']
hdw = lightcon.harpia_daq.HarpiaDaqWrapper()
if hdw.is_connected:
    # sets missing trigger/clock timeout, after which TimeoutException is raised
    # enable analog input channels
    # choose channel 'PFI0' - 'PFI5' for external clocking, 'internal' for internal clocking. Use 'rising' or 'falling' for active_edge
    hdw.configure_sample_clock(channel = 'internal', active_edge = 'falling')
    # choose channel 'PFI0' - 'PFI5' for external clocking, 'internal' for internal triggering
    hdw.configure_start_trigger(channel = 'PFI0')
    # acquires n=1000 samples and arranges to (m,n) two-dimensonal array, where m is number of enabled channels (in ascending order)
    data = hdw.get_daq_data(1000)    

### `lightcon.timing_controller`
Timing controller API

import lightcon.timing_controller

tc = TimingController()

if tc.connected:
    print ('Trigger source', 'EXTERNAL' if tc.get_trigger_source() == 1 else 'INTERNAL {:} Hz'.format(tc.get_frequency()))
    print ('\n'.join(['Channel {:}, delay {:} ns, {:}'.format(i, tc.get_delay(i), 'ENABLED' if tc.get_enabled(i)==1 else 'DISABLED') for i in [1,2,3,4]]))

```python console
Connected to timer_stopwatch on COM12 (E131001401, firmware version: 1.0.1)
Trigger source INTERNAL 1750 Hz
Channel 1, delay 0 ns, DISABLED
Channel 2, delay 0 ns, DISABLED
Channel 3, delay 0 ns, DISABLED
Channel 4, delay 0 ns, DISABLED

### `lightcon.eth_motor_board`
EthMotorBoard API

from lightcon.eth_motor_board import EthMotorBoard

emb = EthMotorBoard()

print ('Hardware version:', emb.send('HARDWARE_VERSION'))

```python console
Successfullly connected to EthMotorBoard, name: Beam alignment, firmware version: 5.5.1
Hardware version: E04-351-03

CAN extension example:
from lightcon.eth_motor_board import EthMotorBoard
from lightcon.common import BytesArrayToFloat

emb = EthMotorBoard()

can_output = emb.GetRegister(0x180, 0x0201, 2)
print ('Response status', can_output[0])
print ('Response data', can_output[1])
print ('Quadrant detector SUM voltage', BytesArrayToFloat(can_output[1]), 'V')

Successfullly connected to EthMotorBoard, name: Beam alignment, firmware version: 5.5.1
Response status 0
Response data [54, 121, 86, 64]
Quadrant detector SUM voltage 3.3511481285095215 V

### `lightcon.wintopas`
WinTopas REST client

### `lightcon.camera_app_client`
CameraApp REST client

### ``
Light Conversion style for 1D graphs


...plot whatever here...


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "lightcon",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.7",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "",
    "author": "Vytautas Butkus",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "# lightcon\r\n\r\n## Installation\r\n### Pip\r\n```pip install lightcon```\r\n<!--\r\n## Changelog\r\n### 1.1\r\n#### Added\r\nfast_daq module\r\nexamples/\r\n#### Fixed\r\n#### Removed\r\n\r\n### 1.0\r\nInitial release\r\n<!--\r\n#### Added\r\n#### Fixed\r\n#### Removed\r\n-->\r\n\r\n## Modules\r\n\r\n### `lightcon.beam_alignment`\r\nBeam Alignment App REST client\r\n\r\n### `lightcon.common`\r\nTools and converters\r\n\r\n### `lightcon.laser_clients`\r\nREST API clients for PHAROS and CARBIDE lasers\r\n\r\nExample:\r\n```python\r\nfrom lightcon.laser_clients import Carbide, Pharos\r\nimport time\r\n\r\nmy_laser = Pharos('')\r\n# my_laser = Carbide('')\r\n\r\npp_ratio = my_laser.get_pp()\r\nprint(\"Pulse picker ratio: {:d}\".format(pp_ratio))\r\n\r\ntarget_pp_ratio = pp_ratio + 1\r\nprint(\"Setting pulse picker to PP={:d}...\".format(\r\n    target_pp_ratio), end='', flush=True)\r\n\r\nmy_laser.set_pp(target_pp_ratio, blocking=True)\r\nprint(\"OK\", flush=True)\r\n\r\nprint(\"Setting pulse picker to PP={:d}...\".format(pp_ratio), end='', flush=True)\r\nmy_laser.set_pp(pp_ratio, blocking=True)\r\nprint(\"OK\", flush=True)\r\n\r\nprint(\"Enabling laser output...\")\r\nmy_laser.enable_output()\r\n\r\nprint(\"Waiting for 3s...\")\r\ntime.sleep(3)\r\n\r\nprint(\"Disabling laser output...\")\r\nmy_laser.close_output()\r\n```\r\n\r\nOutput:\r\n```python console\r\nPharos initialized at\r\nPulse picker ratio: 1\r\nSetting pulse picker to PP=2...OK\r\nSetting pulse picker to PP=1...OK\r\nEnabling laser output...\r\nWaiting for 3s...\r\nDisabling laser output...\r\n```\r\n\r\n\r\n### `lightcon.harpia`\r\nHARPIA Service App REST client\r\n\r\n### `lightcon.fast_daq`\r\nInterface to the fast single-channel DAQ (E13-10023-02 or newer) DLL wrapper\r\nExample:\r\n```python\r\nimport lightcon.fast_daq\r\n\r\nfdw = lightcon.fast_daq.FastDaqWrapper()\r\n\r\nif fdw.is_connected():\r\n    # sets missing trigger/clock timeout, after which TimeoutException is raised\r\n    fdw.set_timeout(1000)\r\n    \r\n    # choose channel 'PFI0' for external clocking, 'internal' for internal clocking. Use 'rising' or 'falling' for active_edge\r\n    fdw.configure_sample_clock(channel = 'PFI0', active_edge = 'rising')\r\n    \r\n    # choose channel 'PFI0' for external clocking, 'internal' for internal triggering\r\n    fdw.configure_start_trigger(channel = 'internal')\r\n    \r\n    # sets external trigger delay for sampling to 100 ns\r\n    fdw.set_external_trigger_delay(1000)\r\n    \r\n    # acquires n = 1000 samples as one-dimensional array\r\n    data = fdw.get_daq_data(10)\r\n    \r\n    fdw.close()\r\n```\r\n\r\n### `lightcon.harpia_daq`\r\nInterface to the universal six-channel DAQ (PE04-005-04 or newer) DLL wrapper\r\nExample:\r\n```python\r\nimport lightcon.harpia_daq\r\n\r\n# provide in ascending order to keep plot labels right\r\nenabled_channels = ['AI0', 'AI1', 'AI3']\r\nhdw = lightcon.harpia_daq.HarpiaDaqWrapper()\r\n    \r\nif hdw.is_connected:\r\n    # sets missing trigger/clock timeout, after which TimeoutException is raised\r\n    hdw.set_timeout(100)\r\n    \r\n    # enable analog input channels\r\n    hdw.enable_channels(enabled_channels)\r\n    \r\n    # choose channel 'PFI0' - 'PFI5' for external clocking, 'internal' for internal clocking. Use 'rising' or 'falling' for active_edge\r\n    hdw.configure_sample_clock(channel = 'internal', active_edge = 'falling')\r\n    \r\n    # choose channel 'PFI0' - 'PFI5' for external clocking, 'internal' for internal triggering\r\n    hdw.configure_start_trigger(channel = 'PFI0')\r\n    \r\n    # acquires n=1000 samples and arranges to (m,n) two-dimensonal array, where m is number of enabled channels (in ascending order)\r\n    data = hdw.get_daq_data(1000)    \r\n```\r\n\r\n### `lightcon.timing_controller`\r\nTiming controller API\r\n\r\nExample:\r\n```python\r\nimport lightcon.timing_controller\r\n\r\ntc = TimingController()\r\ntc.connect()\r\n\r\nif tc.connected:\r\n    print ('Trigger source', 'EXTERNAL' if tc.get_trigger_source() == 1 else 'INTERNAL {:} Hz'.format(tc.get_frequency()))\r\n    print ('\\n'.join(['Channel {:}, delay {:} ns, {:}'.format(i, tc.get_delay(i), 'ENABLED' if tc.get_enabled(i)==1 else 'DISABLED') for i in [1,2,3,4]]))\r\n```\r\n\r\nOutput:\r\n```python console\r\nConnected to timer_stopwatch on COM12 (E131001401, firmware version: 1.0.1)\r\nTrigger source INTERNAL 1750 Hz\r\nChannel 1, delay 0 ns, DISABLED\r\nChannel 2, delay 0 ns, DISABLED\r\nChannel 3, delay 0 ns, DISABLED\r\nChannel 4, delay 0 ns, DISABLED\r\n```\r\n\r\n### `lightcon.eth_motor_board`\r\nEthMotorBoard API\r\n\r\nExample:\r\n```python\r\nfrom lightcon.eth_motor_board import EthMotorBoard\r\n\r\nemb = EthMotorBoard()\r\n\r\nprint ('Hardware version:', emb.send('HARDWARE_VERSION'))\r\n```\r\n\r\nOutput:\r\n```python console\r\nSuccessfullly connected to EthMotorBoard, name: Beam alignment, firmware version: 5.5.1\r\nHardware version: E04-351-03\r\n```\r\n\r\nCAN extension example:\r\n```python\r\nfrom lightcon.eth_motor_board import EthMotorBoard\r\nfrom lightcon.common import BytesArrayToFloat\r\n\r\nemb = EthMotorBoard()\r\n\r\ncan_output = emb.GetRegister(0x180, 0x0201, 2)\r\nprint ('Response status', can_output[0])\r\nprint ('Response data', can_output[1])\r\nprint ('Quadrant detector SUM voltage', BytesArrayToFloat(can_output[1]), 'V')\r\n```\r\n\r\nOutput:\r\n```python\r\nSuccessfullly connected to EthMotorBoard, name: Beam alignment, firmware version: 5.5.1\r\nResponse status 0\r\nResponse data [54, 121, 86, 64]\r\nQuadrant detector SUM voltage 3.3511481285095215 V\r\n```\r\n\r\n\r\n### `lightcon.wintopas`\r\nWinTopas REST client\r\n\r\n### `lightcon.camera_app_client`\r\nCameraApp REST client\r\n\r\n### ``\r\nLight Conversion style for 1D graphs\r\n\r\n\r\nExample:\r\n```python\r\nimport\r\n\r\\r\n\r\n...plot whatever here...\r\n\r\\r\n```\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n",
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    "version": "1.5.6",
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