
Namemajis-ops JSON
Version 1.0.0 PyPI version JSON
SummaryJuice/MAJIS operations toolbox
upload_time2024-06-19 21:41:35
keywords esa ias juice majis
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            MAJIS Operations Toolbox

<img src="" align="right" hspace="50" vspace="50" height="200" alt="Majis operations toolbox logo">

[![Pipeline Status](](
[![Test coverage](](
[![Documentation Status](](
[![Latest release](](

This toolbox aims to collect MAJIS Operations scripts in a common python package.

The full documentation of the package can be found in [](

🚀 Installation
python -m pip install majis-ops

🛰️ Basic examples
### 🐍 As python package
- Read a ITL file:
from majis.itl import read_itl

# Load absolute time ITL as EventsDict object
itl_abs = read_itl('absolute_time.itl')

# Load relative time ITL as EventsList object
itl_rel = read_itl('relative_time.itl', refs='events.evf', flat=True)
__Note:__ Relative datetime can be provided either with a EVF file or inline with one or multiple strings: `DATETIME  REF_NAME (COUNT = N)`

- Export one (or multiple) ITL blocks:
from majis.itl import save_itl, save_csv, save_xlsm

# Export as absolute ITL
save_itl('output.itl', itl_abs, itl_rel, …)

# Export as relative ITL
save_itl('output.itl', itl_abs, itl_rel, …, ref='DATETIME  REF_NAME (COUNT = N)')

# Export as CSV
save_csv('output.csv', itl_abs, itl_rel, …)

# Export as XLSM timeline w.r.t. C/A reference (based on default template)
save_xlsm('output.xlsm', itl_abs, ca_ref='DATETIME  REF_CA (COUNT = N)')

# Append to an existing XLSM timeline
save_xlsm(None, itl_abs, timeline='timeline.xlsm')
- When multiple ITL are provided, they will be concatenate and ordered by date.
- Absolute and relative ITL are compatible.
- Export can be either absolute or relative to a reference.
- Observation block must not overlap.

- Manipulate MAJIS timeline (`.xlsm` file):
>>> from majis import Timeline

>>> timeline = Timeline(timeline='timeline.xlsm')

# Get template version
>>> template.version

# Get template changelog
>>> template.log
'>>>    2.0 | 2024-06-04 | Vincent Carlier'
'Empty template with 500 lines pre-filled with formulas and data validation format'
'>>>    1.0 | 2022-11-08 | François Poulet'

# Get science changelog
''  # Empty by default

# Get the number of observations
>>> len(timeline)

# Get the list of observations
>>> timeline['OBS_NAME']
['OBS_001', ...]

# Get an observation details
>>> timeline[1]
{'OBS_NAME': 'OBS_001', 'start_angle': 1.5, ...}

# Get an observation property
>>> timeline['start_angle', 1]

# Append new observations from ITL file
>>> timeline.append('absolute_time.itl')

# Edit a single field
>>> timeline['start_angle', 1] = -1.5
>>> timeline['start_angle', 1]

# Save to the same XLSM timeline

# Create a new timeline from the default template and a relative ITL file
>>> timeline = Timeline('relative_time.itl', refs='events.evf')

# Compute all relative time w.r.t. to a C/A reference
>>> timeline.ca_ref = '2032-09-24T21:33:36 PERIJOVE_12PJ (COUNT = 1)'
>>> timeline['First CU_frame start wrt C/A', 1]

# Export the timeline to a new file

### 👾 As command line interface
$ majis-itl --help

usage: majis-itl [-h] [-o output.[itl|csv|xlsm]] [-f]
                 [-t "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS REF_NAME (COUNT = N)"]
                 [-r "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS REF_NAME (COUNT = N)"]
                 [--timeline timeline.xlsm] [--header "# my-custom-header"]
                 [--overlap] [--csv] [--csv-sep separator]
                 [input.itl ...]

MAJIS ITL toolbox

positional arguments:
  input.itl             Input ITL filename(s). If multiple files are provided
                        they will be concatenated.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o output.[itl|csv|xlsm], --output output.[itl|csv|xlsm]
                        Output filename, it could be either ITL, CSV or XLSM.
                        If none provided, the results will be displayed (only
                        for ITL and CSV).
  -f, --force           Overwrite the output file if already exists.
                        Input events time reference(s). If multiple values are
                        required use an `events.evf` file.
                        Reference time to be used for relative time output.
  --timeline timeline.xlsm
                        Original timeline to append. If no explicit `--output`
                        is provided new observations will be append in this
  --header "# my-custom-header"
                        ITL custom file header.
  --overlap             Allow blocks overlap.
  --csv                 Display the ITL as CSV.
  --csv-sep separator   CSV separator (default: ";")

- Convert a single ITL with relative time as an absolute CSV ITL file:
majis-itl relative_time.itl --time-ref "2032-09-24T21:33:36 PERIJOVE_12PJ (COUNT = 1)" --output output.csv

- Concatenate two ITL with absolute and relative times as an relative ITL file:
majis-itl absolute_time.itl relative_time.itl --ref-time events.evf --relative-to "2032-09-24T21:33:36 PERIJOVE_12PJ (COUNT = 1)" --output output.itl

__Note:__ If no `--output` flag is present, the output is display in the console.

- Create a new MAJIS timeline (`.xlsm`) from a ITL the default template.
majis-itl absolute_time.itl --output output.xlsm

- Edit an existing MAJIS timeline to compute relative time w.r.t. C/A reference.
majis-itl --timeline timeline.xlsm --relative-to "2032-09-24T21:33:36 PERIJOVE_12PJ (COUNT = 1)"

__Note:__ If no `--output` flag is present, the output will be save in the original template.

👐 Contribution
If you want to contribute to this project, you need to install [`hatch`]( on your system, then clone the depot and install de default env:
git clone
cd majis-ops-toolbox

# Install dev dependencies
hatch env create

# Setup pre-commit hook
hatch -e linter run pre-commit install

To lint and format the source code:

hatch -e linter run check
hatch -e linter run format

To test the module:
hatch -e tests run tests

To build the docs:
hatch -e docs run build


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": null,
    "name": "majis-ops",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.10",
    "maintainer_email": "Beno\u00eet Seignovert <>",
    "keywords": "esa, ias, juice, majis",
    "author": null,
    "author_email": "Beno\u00eet Seignovert <>, Axelle Gottafray <>",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "MAJIS Operations Toolbox\n========================\n\n<img src=\"\" align=\"right\" hspace=\"50\" vspace=\"50\" height=\"200\" alt=\"Majis operations toolbox logo\">\n\n[![Pipeline Status](](\n[![Test coverage](](\n[![Documentation Status](](\n[![Latest release](](\n\n\nThis toolbox aims to collect MAJIS Operations scripts in a common python package.\n\nThe full documentation of the package can be found in [](\n\n\ud83d\ude80 Installation\n---------------\n```bash\npython -m pip install majis-ops\n```\n\n\ud83d\udef0\ufe0f Basic examples\n-----------------\n### \ud83d\udc0d As python package\n- Read a ITL file:\n```python\nfrom majis.itl import read_itl\n\n# Load absolute time ITL as EventsDict object\nitl_abs = read_itl('absolute_time.itl')\n\n# Load relative time ITL as EventsList object\nitl_rel = read_itl('relative_time.itl', refs='events.evf', flat=True)\n```\n__Note:__ Relative datetime can be provided either with a EVF file or inline with one or multiple strings: `DATETIME  REF_NAME (COUNT = N)`\n\n- Export one (or multiple) ITL blocks:\n```python\nfrom majis.itl import save_itl, save_csv, save_xlsm\n\n# Export as absolute ITL\nsave_itl('output.itl', itl_abs, itl_rel, \u2026)\n\n# Export as relative ITL\nsave_itl('output.itl', itl_abs, itl_rel, \u2026, ref='DATETIME  REF_NAME (COUNT = N)')\n\n# Export as CSV\nsave_csv('output.csv', itl_abs, itl_rel, \u2026)\n\n# Export as XLSM timeline w.r.t. C/A reference (based on default template)\nsave_xlsm('output.xlsm', itl_abs, ca_ref='DATETIME  REF_CA (COUNT = N)')\n\n# Append to an existing XLSM timeline\nsave_xlsm(None, itl_abs, timeline='timeline.xlsm')\n```\n__Notes:__\n- When multiple ITL are provided, they will be concatenate and ordered by date.\n- Absolute and relative ITL are compatible.\n- Export can be either absolute or relative to a reference.\n- Observation block must not overlap.\n\n- Manipulate MAJIS timeline (`.xlsm` file):\n```python\n>>> from majis import Timeline\n\n>>> timeline = Timeline(timeline='timeline.xlsm')\n\n# Get template version\n>>> template.version\n<Version('2.0')>\n\n# Get template changelog\n>>> template.log\n'>>>    2.0 | 2024-06-04 | Vincent Carlier'\n'Empty template with 500 lines pre-filled with formulas and data validation format'\n'...'\n'>>>    1.0 | 2022-11-08 | Fran\u00e7ois Poulet'\n'creation'\n\n# Get science changelog\n>>>\n''  # Empty by default\n\n# Get the number of observations\n>>> len(timeline)\n10\n\n# Get the list of observations\n>>> timeline['OBS_NAME']\n['OBS_001', ...]\n\n# Get an observation details\n>>> timeline[1]\n{'OBS_NAME': 'OBS_001', 'start_angle': 1.5, ...}\n\n# Get an observation property\n>>> timeline['start_angle', 1]\n1.5\n\n# Append new observations from ITL file\n>>> timeline.append('absolute_time.itl')\n\n# Edit a single field\n>>> timeline['start_angle', 1] = -1.5\n>>> timeline['start_angle', 1]\n-1.5\n\n# Save to the same XLSM timeline\n>>>\n\n# Create a new timeline from the default template and a relative ITL file\n>>> timeline = Timeline('relative_time.itl', refs='events.evf')\n\n# Compute all relative time w.r.t. to a C/A reference\n>>> timeline.ca_ref = '2032-09-24T21:33:36 PERIJOVE_12PJ (COUNT = 1)'\n>>> timeline['First CU_frame start wrt C/A', 1]\n'-001.18:35:25'\n\n# Export the timeline to a new file\n>>>'new_timeline.xlsm')\n```\n\n### \ud83d\udc7e As command line interface\n```bash\n$ majis-itl --help\n\nusage: majis-itl [-h] [-o output.[itl|csv|xlsm]] [-f]\n                 [-t \"YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS REF_NAME (COUNT = N)\"]\n                 [-r \"YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS REF_NAME (COUNT = N)\"]\n                 [--timeline timeline.xlsm] [--header \"# my-custom-header\"]\n                 [--overlap] [--csv] [--csv-sep separator]\n                 [input.itl ...]\n\nMAJIS ITL toolbox\n\npositional arguments:\n  input.itl             Input ITL filename(s). If multiple files are provided\n                        they will be concatenated.\n\noptions:\n  -h, --help            show this help message and exit\n  -o output.[itl|csv|xlsm], --output output.[itl|csv|xlsm]\n                        Output filename, it could be either ITL, CSV or XLSM.\n                        If none provided, the results will be displayed (only\n                        for ITL and CSV).\n  -f, --force           Overwrite the output file if already exists.\n  -t \"YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS REF_NAME (COUNT = N)\", --time-ref \"YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS REF_NAME (COUNT = N)\"\n                        Input events time reference(s). If multiple values are\n                        required use an `events.evf` file.\n  -r \"YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS REF_NAME (COUNT = N)\", --relative-to \"YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS REF_NAME (COUNT = N)\"\n                        Reference time to be used for relative time output.\n  --timeline timeline.xlsm\n                        Original timeline to append. If no explicit `--output`\n                        is provided new observations will be append in this\n                        file.\n  --header \"# my-custom-header\"\n                        ITL custom file header.\n  --overlap             Allow blocks overlap.\n  --csv                 Display the ITL as CSV.\n  --csv-sep separator   CSV separator (default: \";\")\n```\n\n_Examples:_\n- Convert a single ITL with relative time as an absolute CSV ITL file:\n```bash\nmajis-itl relative_time.itl --time-ref \"2032-09-24T21:33:36 PERIJOVE_12PJ (COUNT = 1)\" --output output.csv\n```\n\n- Concatenate two ITL with absolute and relative times as an relative ITL file:\n```bash\nmajis-itl absolute_time.itl relative_time.itl --ref-time events.evf --relative-to \"2032-09-24T21:33:36 PERIJOVE_12PJ (COUNT = 1)\" --output output.itl\n```\n\n__Note:__ If no `--output` flag is present, the output is display in the console.\n\n- Create a new MAJIS timeline (`.xlsm`) from a ITL the default template.\n```bash\nmajis-itl absolute_time.itl --output output.xlsm\n```\n\n- Edit an existing MAJIS timeline to compute relative time w.r.t. C/A reference.\n```bash\nmajis-itl --timeline timeline.xlsm --relative-to \"2032-09-24T21:33:36 PERIJOVE_12PJ (COUNT = 1)\"\n```\n\n__Note:__ If no `--output` flag is present, the output will be save in the original template.\n\n\n\ud83d\udc50 Contribution\n---------------\nIf you want to contribute to this project, you need to install [`hatch`]( on your system, then clone the depot and install de default env:\n```bash\ngit clone\ncd majis-ops-toolbox\n\n# Install dev dependencies\nhatch env create\n\n# Setup pre-commit hook\nhatch -e linter run pre-commit install\n```\n\nTo lint and format the source code:\n\n```bash\nhatch -e linter run check\nhatch -e linter run format\n```\n\nTo test the module:\n```bash\nhatch -e tests run tests\n```\n\nTo build the docs:\n```bash\nhatch -e docs run build\n```\n",
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