
Namemosaik JSON
Version 3.3.2 PyPI version JSON
SummaryMosaik is a flexible Smart-Grid co-simulation framework.
upload_time2024-04-12 12:40:06
authormosaik development team
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.

Mosaik is a simulation compositor for Smart Grid simulations.

It lets you re-use existing simulators and couple them to simulate large-scale
Smart Grid scenarios. Mosaik offers powerful mechanisms to specify and compose
these scenarios.

License: LGPL


A simple demo scenario with mosaik::

    >>> import mosaik
    >>> sim_config = {
    ...   'ExampleSim': {'python': 'example_sim.mosaik:ExampleSim'},
    ... }
    >>> def create_scenario(world):
    ...   sim_1 = world.start('ExampleSim')
    ...   sim_2 = world.start('ExampleSim')
    ...   a_set = [sim_1.A(init_val=0) for i in range(3)]
    ...   b_set = sim_2.B.create(2, init_val=0)
    ...   for i, j in zip(a_set, b_set):
    ...     world.connect(i, j, ('val_out', 'val_in'))
    >>> world = mosaik.World(sim_config)
    >>> create_scenario(world)
    2022-11-21 15:39:48.554 | INFO     | mosaik.scenario:start:255 - Starting "ExampleSim" as "ExampleSim-0" ...
    2022-11-21 15:39:48.555 | INFO     | mosaik.scenario:start:255 - Starting "ExampleSim" as "ExampleSim-1" ...
    2022-11-21 15:40:05.187 | INFO     | mosaik.scenario:run:532 - Starting simulation.
    100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 2/2 [00:00<00:00, 539.56steps/s]
    2022-11-21 15:40:05.193 | INFO     | mosaik.scenario:run:576 - Simulation finished successfully.


Mosaik requires Python >= 3.8. Use `pip`__ to install it, preferably into
a `virtualenv`__::

    $ pip install mosaik


Documentation, Source Code and Issues

The documentation is available at

Please report bugs and ideas for improvement to our `issue tracker`__.


How to cite mosaik
If you want to cite mosaik, e.g. in a work in which you use mosaik, you can use this publication::

    C. Steinbrink, M. Blank-Babazadeh, A. El-Ama, S. Holly, B. Lüers, M. Nebel-Wenner, R.P. Ramirez Acosta, T. Raub, J.S. Schwarz, S. Stark, A. Nieße, and S. Lehnhoff, “CPES Testing with mosaik: Co-Simulation Planning, Execution and Analysis”, Applied Sciences, vol. 9, no. 5, 2019.

Or as bibtex::
        AUTHOR = {Steinbrink, Cornelius and Blank-Babazadeh, Marita and El-Ama, André and Holly, Stefanie and Lüers, Bengt and Nebel-Wenner, Marvin and Ramírez Acosta, Rebeca P. and Raub, Thomas and Schwarz, Jan Sören and Stark, Sanja and Nieße, Astrid and Lehnhoff, Sebastian},
        TITLE = {CPES Testing with mosaik: Co-Simulation Planning, Execution and Analysis},
        JOURNAL = {Applied Sciences},
        VOLUME = {9},
        YEAR = {2019},
        NUMBER = {5},
        ARTICLE-NUMBER = {923},
        URL = {},
        ISSN = {2076-3417},
        DOI = {10.3390/app9050923}

Get in touch, ask questions, discuss 💬
You have a question, a feature request or want to generally discuss the amazing 
possibilities with co-simulation and mosaik? We are curious to hear from you! 
Join us on `GitHub Discussions <>`_.


3.3.2 - 2024-04-12

- [FIX] Fix versioning issue

3.3.1 - 2024-04-12

- [FIX] Remote simulators didn't work with Python 3.12 (

3.3.0 - 2024-04-08
- [NEW] A simulator can now be connected to itself if the connection is weak or time_shifted (
- [NEW] mosaik now provides a couple of basic simulators ( ,
- [NEW] Simulators can return extra_info for their entities to be used in scenario script (
- [NEW] Simulators now can (and potentially must) be grouped in a scenario script for more fine-grained control over same-time loops (
- [IMPROVEMENT] Internal rework and refactoring of the time handling in mosaik (

3.2.0 - 2023-08-31
- [NEW] Visualizations for the simulation debug information (
- [NEW] Allow to open a new console for simulator (
- [FIX] Lift restriction of only one weak connection per cycle (
- [FIX] Incorrect triggering when adding several edges (
- [IMPROVEMENT] Switch from simpy to asycnio (
- [CHANGE] Removed support for Python 3.7, added support for Python 3.11 (

3.1.1 - 2023-01-11

- [FIX] Fix compatibilty with mosaik 2 simulators (

3.1.0 - 2022-11-23
- [NEW] Add progress bar to visualize simulation progress (
- [NEW] Add type annotations (
- [NEW] Add proper logging (
- [DEPRECATED] Deprecated tags for set_data und async_requests (
- [CHANGE] Improved benchmarks with new result table (
- [FIX] Unexpected behavior of (time-based) simulators whose output is not used anymore (
- [FIX] Lazy stepping does not work (
- [FIX] Negative max_advance values in same time loop (
- [FIX] Initial data for time-shifted connection for hybrid simulator (
- [FIX] Bug related to None value for "dest_sim.next_step" in particular connection structure (

3.0.2 - 2022-06-01

- [CHANGE] Updated mosaik-api version to 3.0.2

3.0.1 - 2022-05-02

- [CHANGE] Set external events via highlevel function call
- [FIX] Allow PATCH version to be included in the mosaik-api version format

3.0.0 - 2021-06-07

- This is a major upgrade to improve the discrete-event capabilities. Simulators' steps
  can now also be triggered by the output of other simulators.

- [NEW] Native support of discrete-event simulations
- [NEW] A global time resolution can be set for the scenario.
- [NEW] Simulators can request steps asynchronously via *set_event()* to react to external events.
- [NEW] Ability to specify output data as non-persistent (i.e. transient)
- [CHANGE] New api 3:
  - Simulators have now a *type* ('time-based'|'event-based'|'hybrid').
  - *time_resolution* is passed as argument of the *init* function.
  - *max_advance* is passed as argument of the *step* function.
- [CHANGE] Update of the documentation

2.6.1 - 2021-06-04

- [CHANGE] Updated ReadTheDocs to support versioning
- [CHANGE] Updated setup: mosaik-api>=2.3,<3
- [CHANGE] Updated networkx version to 2.5

2.6.0 - 2020-05-08

- [NEW] The print of the simulation progress is now optional and can be disabled via a flag, print_progress=False).
- [NEW] Additional starters can now be added via external packages (the standard ones are
  'python', 'cmd', and 'connect').

2.5.3 - 2020-04-30

- [FIX] Constrain simpy version to <4.0.0 due to incompatibility
- [CHANGE] Updated Odysseus tutorial
- [CHANGE] Eliminated shifted_cache which reduces memory consumption

2.5.2 - 2019-11-01

- [NEW] Special characters are now allowed in path names
- [NEW] Compatible to the new versions of networkx
- [CHANGE] python 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8 are currently supported, python 3.4 and 3.5 not anymore.
- [FIX] Various minor internal changes
- [FIX] Various documentation updates and fixes

2.5.1 - 2018-11-29

- [NEW] When calling the world.start() command for a simulator, users can now set a predefined
  value for the posix flag (e.g. True) to prevent automatic detection of the operating system.
  This facilitates the creation of some co-simulation cases across OS (e.g. Windows and Linux).

2.5.0 - 2018-09-05

- [NEW] Connection option "time_shifted" added as alternative to async_requests. This will
  make creating cyclic data dependencies between simulators more usable since usage of
  set_data with an API implementation will no longer be needed.

2.4.0 - 2017-12-06

- [NEW] Compatible to the new versions of networkx, simpy and
- [CHANGE] python 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6 are currently supported python 3.3 is no longer supported
- [FIX] Various bug fixes

2.3.0 - 2016-04-26

- [NEW] Allow passing environment vars to sup processes
- [FIX] Fixed a bug in the version validation which raised an error when using
  a floating point for the version

2.2.0 - 2016-02-15

- [NEW] API version 2.2: Added an optional "setup_done()" method.

- [CHANGE] API version validation: The API version is no longer an integer but
  a "major.minor" string.  The *major* part has to match with mosaik's major
  version. The *minor* part may be lower or equal to mosaik's minor version.

- [FIX] Various minor fixes and stability improvements.

- [FIX] Various documentation updates and fixes.

2.1.2 – 2014-10-29

- [FIX] ``World.shutdown()`` now checks if the socket still exists before
  attempting to close it.

- [FIX] Fixed a bug that made the last extra method of a simulator shadow all
  previous ones.

2.1.1 – 2014-10-28

- [NEW] ```` now prints a warning if you forget to connect
  a simulator's entities.
- [FIX] Fixed some problems with the data-flow cache.

2.1 – 2014-10-24

- [NEW] Mosaik can now perform real-time simulations. Before, this
  functionality needed to be implemented by simulators. Now it’s just
  ``, rt_factor=y)``, where ``rt_factor`` defines the
  simulation speed relative to the wall-clock time (issue #24).

- [NEW] Simulators can now expose extra methods via their API that can be
  called from a mosaik scenario. This allows you to, e.g., store static data in
  a data base. These extra API methods need to be specified in the simulator’s
  meta data (issue #26).

- [NEW] ``util.connect_many_to_one()`` helper function.

- [NEW] More and better documentation:

  - Tutorial for integrating simulators, control strategies and for creating

  - Sim API description

  - Scenario API description

  - Sim Manager documentation

  - Scheduler documentation

  - Discussion of design decisions

  - Logo, colors, CI

- [NEW] Added ``util.sync_call()`` which eases calling proxied methods of
  a simulator synchronously.

- [CHANGE] The *rel* attribute in the entity description returned by *create()*
  is now optional.

- [CHANGE] Moved proxied methods from ``SimProxy`` to ``SimProxy.proxy`` in
  order to avoid potential name clashes with other attributes.

- [CHANGE] Check a simulator’s models and extra API methods for potential name
  clashes with the built-in API methods.

- [CHANGE] The argument *execution_graph* of ``World`` was renamed to *debug*.
  The execution graph now also stores the time after a simulation step (in
  addition to the time before the step).

- [FIX] issue #22: The asynchronous requests *get_data()* and *set_data()*
  now check if the ``async_requests`` flag was set in ``World.connect()``.

- [FIX] issue #23: *finalize()* is now called for in-process Python

- [FIX] issue #27: Dramatically improved simulation performance (30 times as
  fast in some cases) if simulators use different step sizes (e.g. 1 minute and
  1 hour) by improving some internal data structures.

2.0 – 2014-09-22

- Mosaik 2 is a complete rewrite of mosaik 1 in order to improve its
  maintainability and flexibility.

- Removed features:

  - The *mosl* DSL (including Eclipse xtext and Java) are now gone. Mosaik now
    only uses Python.

  - Mosaik now longer has executables but is now used as a library.

  - The platform manager is gone.

  - The database is now a separate package, see `mosaik-hdf5`__.

  - The old web UI is gone.

- Mosaik now consists of four core components with the following feature sets:

  - mosaik Sim API

    - The API has bean cleaned up and simplified.

    - Simulators and control strategies share the same API.

    - There are only four calls from mosaik to a simulator: *init*, *create*,
      *step* and *get_data*.

    - Simulators / processes can make asynchronous requests to mosaik during a
      step: *get_progress*, *get_related_entities*, *get_data*, *set_data*.

    - ZeroMQ with JSON is replaced by plain network sockets with JSON.

  - Scenarios:

    - Pure Python is now used to describe scenarios. This offers you more
      flexibility to create complex scenarios.

    - Scenario creation simplified: Start a simulator to get a model factory.
      Use the factory to create model instances (*entities*). Connect entities.
      Run simulation.

    - Connection rules are are no based on a primitive *connect* function that
      only connects two entities with each other. On top of that, any
      connection strategy can be implemented.

  - Simulation Manager:

    - Simulators written in Python 3 can be executed *in process*.

    - Simulators can be started as external processes.

    - Mosaik can connect to an already running instance of a simulator. This
      can be used as a replacement for the now gone platform manager.

  - Simulation execution:

    - The simulation is now event-based. No schedule and no synchronization
      points need to be computed.

    - Simulators can have different and varying step sizes.

- Mosaik ecosystem:

  - A high-level implementation of the mosaik 2 API currently exists for
    Python__ and Java__.

  - *mosaik-web* is a simple visualization for mosaik simulations. See

  - *mosaik-pypower* is an adapter for the *PYPOWER* load flow analysis
    library. See and

  - *mosaik-csv* and *mosaik-householdsim* are simple demo simulators that you
    can use to "simulate" CSV data sets and load-profile based households. See and

  - There is a repository containing a simple demo scenario for mosaik. See

 You can find information about older versions on the `history page`__



The original concepts for mosaik were developed by Steffen Schütte and Stefan

The author of mosaik version 2 is Stefan Scherfke.

Current and former members of the mosaik team: Sharaf Alsharif, Tobias Brandt, Reef Eilers, André El-Ama,
Bengt Lüers, Okko Nannen, Annika Ofenloch, Mostafa Ramezani, Thomas Raub,
Stefan Scherfke, Florian Schloegl, Eike Schulte, Steffen Schütte, Jan Sören Schwarz,
Cornelius Steinbrink, Malte Stomberg, Deborah Tolk


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "mosaik",
    "maintainer": null,
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": null,
    "maintainer_email": null,
    "keywords": null,
    "author": "mosaik development team",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "Mosaik\n======\n\nMosaik is a simulation compositor for Smart Grid simulations.\n\nIt lets you re-use existing simulators and couple them to simulate large-scale\nSmart Grid scenarios. Mosaik offers powerful mechanisms to specify and compose\nthese scenarios.\n\nLicense: LGPL\n\nExample\n-------\n\nA simple demo scenario with mosaik::\n\n    >>> import mosaik\n    >>> sim_config = {\n    ...   'ExampleSim': {'python': 'example_sim.mosaik:ExampleSim'},\n    ... }\n    >>> def create_scenario(world):\n    ...   sim_1 = world.start('ExampleSim')\n    ...   sim_2 = world.start('ExampleSim')\n    ...   a_set = [sim_1.A(init_val=0) for i in range(3)]\n    ...   b_set = sim_2.B.create(2, init_val=0)\n    ...   for i, j in zip(a_set, b_set):\n    ...     world.connect(i, j, ('val_out', 'val_in'))\n    ...\n    >>> world = mosaik.World(sim_config)\n    >>> create_scenario(world)\n    2022-11-21 15:39:48.554 | INFO     | mosaik.scenario:start:255 - Starting \"ExampleSim\" as \"ExampleSim-0\" ...\n    2022-11-21 15:39:48.555 | INFO     | mosaik.scenario:start:255 - Starting \"ExampleSim\" as \"ExampleSim-1\" ...\n    >>>\n    2022-11-21 15:40:05.187 | INFO     | mosaik.scenario:run:532 - Starting simulation.\n    100%|\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588| 2/2 [00:00<00:00, 539.56steps/s]\n    2022-11-21 15:40:05.193 | INFO     | mosaik.scenario:run:576 - Simulation finished successfully.\n\n\nInstallation\n------------\n\nMosaik requires Python >= 3.8. Use `pip`__ to install it, preferably into\na `virtualenv`__::\n\n    $ pip install mosaik\n\n__\n__\n\nDocumentation, Source Code and Issues\n-------------------------------------\n\nThe documentation is available at\n\nPlease report bugs and ideas for improvement to our `issue tracker`__.\n\n__\n\nHow to cite mosaik\n------------------\nIf you want to cite mosaik, e.g. in a work in which you use mosaik, you can use this publication::\n\n    C. Steinbrink, M. Blank-Babazadeh, A. El-Ama, S. Holly, B. L\u00fcers, M. Nebel-Wenner, R.P. Ramirez Acosta, T. Raub, J.S. Schwarz, S. Stark, A. Nie\u00dfe, and S. Lehnhoff, \u201cCPES Testing with mosaik: Co-Simulation Planning, Execution and Analysis\u201d, Applied Sciences, vol. 9, no. 5, 2019.\n\nOr as bibtex::\n    \n    @Article{app9050923,\n        AUTHOR = {Steinbrink, Cornelius and Blank-Babazadeh, Marita and El-Ama, Andr\u00e9 and Holly, Stefanie and L\u00fcers, Bengt and Nebel-Wenner, Marvin and Ram\u00edrez Acosta, Rebeca P. and Raub, Thomas and Schwarz, Jan S\u00f6ren and Stark, Sanja and Nie\u00dfe, Astrid and Lehnhoff, Sebastian},\n        TITLE = {CPES Testing with mosaik: Co-Simulation Planning, Execution and Analysis},\n        JOURNAL = {Applied Sciences},\n        VOLUME = {9},\n        YEAR = {2019},\n        NUMBER = {5},\n        ARTICLE-NUMBER = {923},\n        URL = {},\n        ISSN = {2076-3417},\n        DOI = {10.3390/app9050923}\n    }\n\nGet in touch, ask questions, discuss \ud83d\udcac\n---------------------------------------\nYou have a question, a feature request or want to generally discuss the amazing \npossibilities with co-simulation and mosaik? We are curious to hear from you! \nJoin us on `GitHub Discussions <>`_.\n\nChangelog\n=========\n\n3.3.2 - 2024-04-12\n------------------\n\n- [FIX] Fix versioning issue\n\n3.3.1 - 2024-04-12\n------------------\n\n- [FIX] Remote simulators didn't work with Python 3.12 (\n\n3.3.0 - 2024-04-08\n------------------\n- [NEW] A simulator can now be connected to itself if the connection is weak or time_shifted (\n- [NEW] mosaik now provides a couple of basic simulators ( ,\n- [NEW] Simulators can return extra_info for their entities to be used in scenario script (\n- [NEW] Simulators now can (and potentially must) be grouped in a scenario script for more fine-grained control over same-time loops (\n- [IMPROVEMENT] Internal rework and refactoring of the time handling in mosaik (\n\n\n3.2.0 - 2023-08-31\n------------------\n- [NEW] Visualizations for the simulation debug information (\n- [NEW] Allow to open a new console for simulator (\n- [FIX] Lift restriction of only one weak connection per cycle (\n- [FIX] Incorrect triggering when adding several edges (\n- [IMPROVEMENT] Switch from simpy to asycnio (\n- [CHANGE] Removed support for Python 3.7, added support for Python 3.11 (\n\n3.1.1 - 2023-01-11\n------------------\n\n- [FIX] Fix compatibilty with mosaik 2 simulators (\n\n3.1.0 - 2022-11-23\n------------------\n- [NEW] Add progress bar to visualize simulation progress (\n- [NEW] Add type annotations (\n- [NEW] Add proper logging (\n- [DEPRECATED] Deprecated tags for set_data und async_requests (\n- [CHANGE] Improved benchmarks with new result table (\n- [FIX] Unexpected behavior of (time-based) simulators whose output is not used anymore (\n- [FIX] Lazy stepping does not work (\n- [FIX] Negative max_advance values in same time loop (\n- [FIX] Initial data for time-shifted connection for hybrid simulator (\n- [FIX] Bug related to None value for \"dest_sim.next_step\" in particular connection structure (\n\n3.0.2 - 2022-06-01\n------------------\n\n- [CHANGE] Updated mosaik-api version to 3.0.2\n\n3.0.1 - 2022-05-02\n------------------\n\n- [CHANGE] Set external events via highlevel function call\n- [FIX] Allow PATCH version to be included in the mosaik-api version format\n\n3.0.0 - 2021-06-07\n------------------\n\n- This is a major upgrade to improve the discrete-event capabilities. Simulators' steps\n  can now also be triggered by the output of other simulators.\n\n- [NEW] Native support of discrete-event simulations\n- [NEW] A global time resolution can be set for the scenario.\n- [NEW] Simulators can request steps asynchronously via *set_event()* to react to external events.\n- [NEW] Ability to specify output data as non-persistent (i.e. transient)\n- [CHANGE] New api 3:\n  - Simulators have now a *type* ('time-based'|'event-based'|'hybrid').\n  - *time_resolution* is passed as argument of the *init* function.\n  - *max_advance* is passed as argument of the *step* function.\n- [CHANGE] Update of the documentation\n\n2.6.1 - 2021-06-04\n------------------\n\n- [CHANGE] Updated ReadTheDocs to support versioning\n- [CHANGE] Updated setup: mosaik-api>=2.3,<3\n- [CHANGE] Updated networkx version to 2.5\n\n2.6.0 - 2020-05-08\n------------------\n\n- [NEW] The print of the simulation progress is now optional and can be disabled via a flag\n, print_progress=False).\n- [NEW] Additional starters can now be added via external packages (the standard ones are\n  'python', 'cmd', and 'connect').\n\n2.5.3 - 2020-04-30\n------------------\n\n- [FIX] Constrain simpy version to <4.0.0 due to incompatibility\n- [CHANGE] Updated Odysseus tutorial\n- [CHANGE] Eliminated shifted_cache which reduces memory consumption\n\n2.5.2 - 2019-11-01\n------------------\n\n- [NEW] Special characters are now allowed in path names\n- [NEW] Compatible to the new versions of networkx\n- [CHANGE] python 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8 are currently supported, python 3.4 and 3.5 not anymore.\n- [FIX] Various minor internal changes\n- [FIX] Various documentation updates and fixes\n\n2.5.1 - 2018-11-29\n------------------\n\n- [NEW] When calling the world.start() command for a simulator, users can now set a predefined\n  value for the posix flag (e.g. True) to prevent automatic detection of the operating system.\n  This facilitates the creation of some co-simulation cases across OS (e.g. Windows and Linux).\n\n2.5.0 - 2018-09-05\n------------------\n\n- [NEW] Connection option \"time_shifted\" added as alternative to async_requests. This will\n  make creating cyclic data dependencies between simulators more usable since usage of\n  set_data with an API implementation will no longer be needed.\n\n2.4.0 - 2017-12-06\n------------------\n\n- [NEW] Compatible to the new versions of networkx, simpy and\n- [CHANGE] python 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6 are currently supported python 3.3 is no longer supported\n- [FIX] Various bug fixes\n\n2.3.0 - 2016-04-26\n------------------\n\n- [NEW] Allow passing environment vars to sup processes\n- [FIX] Fixed a bug in the version validation which raised an error when using\n  a floating point for the version\n\n2.2.0 - 2016-02-15\n------------------\n\n- [NEW] API version 2.2: Added an optional \"setup_done()\" method.\n\n- [CHANGE]\u00a0API version validation: The API version is no longer an integer but\n  a \"major.minor\" string.  The *major* part has to match with mosaik's major\n  version. The *minor* part may be lower or equal to mosaik's minor version.\n\n- [FIX] Various minor fixes and stability improvements.\n\n- [FIX]\u00a0Various documentation updates and fixes.\n\n2.1.2 \u2013 2014-10-29\n------------------\n\n- [FIX]\u00a0``World.shutdown()`` now checks if the socket still exists before\n  attempting to close it.\n\n- [FIX]\u00a0Fixed a bug that made the last extra method of a simulator shadow all\n  previous ones.\n\n2.1.1 \u2013 2014-10-28\n------------------\n\n- [NEW] ```` now prints a warning if you forget to connect\n  a simulator's entities.\n- [FIX]\u00a0Fixed some problems with the data-flow cache.\n\n2.1 \u2013 2014-10-24\n----------------\n\n- [NEW]\u00a0Mosaik can now perform real-time simulations. Before, this\n  functionality needed to be implemented by simulators. Now it\u2019s just\n  ``, rt_factor=y)``, where ``rt_factor`` defines the\n  simulation speed relative to the wall-clock time (issue #24).\n\n- [NEW]\u00a0Simulators can now expose extra methods via their API that can be\n  called from a mosaik scenario. This allows you to, e.g., store static data in\n  a data base. These extra API methods need to be specified in the simulator\u2019s\n  meta data (issue #26).\n\n- [NEW] ``util.connect_many_to_one()`` helper function.\n\n- [NEW]\u00a0More and better documentation:\n\n  - Tutorial for integrating simulators, control strategies and for creating\n    scenarios.\n\n  - Sim API description\n\n  - Scenario API description\n\n  - Sim Manager documentation\n\n  - Scheduler documentation\n\n  - Discussion of design decisions\n\n  - Logo, colors, CI\n\n- [NEW] Added ``util.sync_call()`` which eases calling proxied methods of\n  a simulator synchronously.\n\n- [CHANGE] The *rel* attribute in the entity description returned by *create()*\n  is now optional.\n\n- [CHANGE]\u00a0Moved proxied methods from ``SimProxy`` to ``SimProxy.proxy`` in\n  order to avoid potential name clashes with other attributes.\n\n- [CHANGE]\u00a0Check a simulator\u2019s models and extra API methods for potential name\n  clashes with the built-in API methods.\n\n- [CHANGE]\u00a0The argument *execution_graph* of ``World`` was renamed to *debug*.\n  The execution graph now also stores the time after a simulation step (in\n  addition to the time before the step).\n\n- [FIX] issue #22: The asynchronous requests *get_data()* and *set_data()*\n  now check if the ``async_requests`` flag was set in ``World.connect()``.\n\n- [FIX] issue #23: *finalize()* is now called for in-process Python\n  simulators.\n\n- [FIX] issue #27: Dramatically improved simulation performance (30 times as\n  fast in some cases) if simulators use different step sizes (e.g. 1 minute and\n  1 hour) by improving some internal data structures.\n\n\n2.0 \u2013 2014-09-22\n----------------\n\n- Mosaik 2 is a complete rewrite of mosaik 1 in order to improve its\n  maintainability and flexibility.\n\n- Removed features:\n\n  - The *mosl* DSL (including Eclipse xtext and Java) are now gone. Mosaik now\n    only uses Python.\n\n  - Mosaik now longer has executables but is now used as a library.\n\n  - The platform manager is gone.\n\n  - The database is now a separate package, see `mosaik-hdf5`__.\n\n  - The old web UI is gone.\n\n- Mosaik now consists of four core components with the following feature sets:\n\n  - mosaik Sim API\n\n    - The API has bean cleaned up and simplified.\n\n    - Simulators and control strategies share the same API.\n\n    - There are only four calls from mosaik to a simulator: *init*, *create*,\n      *step* and *get_data*.\n\n    - Simulators / processes can make asynchronous requests to mosaik during a\n      step: *get_progress*, *get_related_entities*, *get_data*, *set_data*.\n\n    - ZeroMQ with JSON is replaced by plain network sockets with JSON.\n\n  - Scenarios:\n\n    - Pure Python is now used to describe scenarios. This offers you more\n      flexibility to create complex scenarios.\n\n    - Scenario creation simplified: Start a simulator to get a model factory.\n      Use the factory to create model instances (*entities*). Connect entities.\n      Run simulation.\n\n    - Connection rules are are no based on a primitive *connect* function that\n      only connects two entities with each other. On top of that, any\n      connection strategy can be implemented.\n\n  - Simulation Manager:\n\n    - Simulators written in Python 3 can be executed *in process*.\n\n    - Simulators can be started as external processes.\n\n    - Mosaik can connect to an already running instance of a simulator. This\n      can be used as a replacement for the now gone platform manager.\n\n  - Simulation execution:\n\n    - The simulation is now event-based. No schedule and no synchronization\n      points need to be computed.\n\n    - Simulators can have different and varying step sizes.\n\n- Mosaik ecosystem:\n\n  - A high-level implementation of the mosaik 2 API currently exists for\n    Python__ and Java__.\n\n  - *mosaik-web* is a simple visualization for mosaik simulations. See\n\n\n  - *mosaik-pypower* is an adapter for the *PYPOWER* load flow analysis\n    library. See and\n\n\n  - *mosaik-csv* and *mosaik-householdsim* are simple demo simulators that you\n    can use to \"simulate\" CSV data sets and load-profile based households. See\n and\n\n\n  - There is a repository containing a simple demo scenario for mosaik. See\n\n\n\n You can find information about older versions on the `history page`__\n\n__\n__\n__\n__\n\n\nAuthors\n=======\n\nThe original concepts for mosaik were developed by Steffen Sch\u00fctte and Stefan\nScherfke.\n\nThe author of mosaik version 2 is Stefan Scherfke.\n\nCurrent and former members of the mosaik team: Sharaf Alsharif, Tobias Brandt, Reef Eilers, Andr\u00e9 El-Ama,\nBengt L\u00fcers, Okko Nannen, Annika Ofenloch, Mostafa Ramezani, Thomas Raub,\nStefan Scherfke, Florian Schloegl, Eike Schulte, Steffen Sch\u00fctte, Jan S\u00f6ren Schwarz,\nCornelius Steinbrink, Malte Stomberg, Deborah Tolk\n",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
    "license": null,
    "summary": "Mosaik is a flexible Smart-Grid co-simulation framework.",
    "version": "3.3.2",
    "project_urls": {
        "Homepage": ""
    "split_keywords": [],
    "urls": [
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