* Works with multi screens
* Keyboard and mouse can be used in Games like Roblox
* Has only a few dependencies (all of them pure python except NumPy)
* Can simulate human-like mouse movement
* Facilitates multi key presses
<h2>Check out the videos</h2>
<h3>Some methods</h3>
<div align="left">
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YugTBZBiyE">
<img src="https://img.youtube.com/vi/1YugTBZBiyE/0.jpg" style="width:100%;">
<h3>25 minutes of Roblox botting - 900x clicks / 900x keystrokes </h3>
<div align="left">
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGPoiBnsy1M">
<img src="https://img.youtube.com/vi/OGPoiBnsy1M/0.jpg" style="width:100%;">
$pip install mousekey
from mousekey import MouseKey
mkey = MouseKey()
<h2>Before you start, enable your guardian angel :) </h2>
# Kills the whole process, does always work (even with pure except)
while True:
# After pressing ctrl+e:
Process finished with exit code 1
<h2>How to click and move </h2>
The click methods should be able to handle any Game
I have tested it with Roblox, which is known for blocking almost everything.
As far as I know, there is no Python module that can handle Roblox [(https://pypi.org/project/ahk/](https://pypi.org/project/ahk/) works, but you need to download ahk.exe)
<h2>Absolute coordinates</h2>
delay=.3, # duration of the mouse click (down - up)
min_variation=-3, # a random value will be added to each pixel - define the minimum here
max_variation=3, # a random value will be added to each pixel - define the maximum here
use_every=4, # use every nth pixel
sleeptime=(0.005, 0.009), # delay between each coordinate
print_coords=True, # console output
percent=90, # the lower, the straighter the mouse movement
) # A logarithm calculation lowers the speed when the cursor is getting close to the destination, like you do it in real life.
# Also available:
# if you don't want to click, only move, use:
mkey.move_to_natural(100,100) # natural mouse movement
mkey.move_to(3100,100) = move # no delay
# Moving without delay and clicking:
#Only clicking:
<h2>Relative coordinates</h2>
# For relative coordinates, use:
sleeptime=(0.00005, 0.00009),
sleeptime=(0.00005, 0.00009),
# move and click relatively
<h2>Pressing keys</h2>
# press a single key
mkey.press_key('f', delay=1) # delay in seconds
# You can press as many keys simultaneously as you want.
# The first value in each tuple indicates the sleep time before the next key is pressed, and presstime is the delay of the whole action.
keystopress=[(0.1, "ctrl"), (0.1, "v")], presstime=.5
# This method will calculate the sleep time between each key presses, so you don't have to worry about it.
keystopress=["alt", "f4", "enter", "enter"],
# You can get a list with all available keys here: mkey.show_all_keys
# I covered different writing styles ('volume_mute', 'VOLUME_MUTE', 'VOLUME MUTE', 'volume mute'),
{'control-break processing': 3,
'backspace': 8,
'tab': 9,
'clear': 254,
'enter': 13,
'shift': 16,
'ctrl': 17,
'alt': 18,
'pause': 19,
'caps lock': 20,
'ime hangul mode': 21,
'ime junja mode': 23,
'ime final mode': 24,
'ime kanji mode': 25,
'esc': 27,
'ime convert': 28,
'ime nonconvert': 29,
'ime accept': 30,
'ime mode change request': 31,
'spacebar': 32,
'page up': 33,
# You can block the mouse/keyboard input while executing actions.
# That way, the user can't mess it up.
# If something goes wrong, press ctrl+alt+del
# This will automatically unlock the mouse/keyboard
# Here is one example. Always use mkey.block_user_input() / mkey.unblock_user_input()
if mkey.block_user_input():
for k in range(3):
mkey.left_click_xy_natural(10, 10)
# You can send Unicode strings as well
# I have slightly modified 2 methods from pywinauto
# Most of the code is from pywinauto, I only changed the way the window gets activated
mkey.send_keys_to_hwnd(handle=7539468, keys='babadu')
mkey.send_keystrokes_to_hwnd(handle=7539468, '%{F4}') # alt+f4
# Here are all keystrokes for those 2 methods:
{BACK}, {VK_HOME}, {F23}, {F22}, {F21}, {F20}, {VK_HANGEUL}, {VK_KANJI},
{VK_PA1}, {VK_NONAME}, {VK_LCONTROL}, {ZOOM}, {VK_ATTN}, {VK_F10}, {VK_F22},
{VK_F23}, {VK_F20}, {VK_F21}, {VK_SCROLL}, {TAB}, {VK_F11}, {VK_END},
{F3}, {F4}, {F5}, {F6}, {F7}, {F8}, {F9}, {VK_ADD}, {VK_RCONTROL},
{RMENU}, {VK_F3}, {VK_F2}, {VK_F1}, {VK_F7}, {VK_F6}, {VK_F5}, {VK_CRSEL},
{F18}, {F19}, {ESC}, {VK_MULTIPLY}, {F12}, {F13}, {F10}, {F11}, {F16},
{F17}, {F14}, {F15}, {F24}, {RIGHT}, {VK_F24}, {VK_CAPITAL}, {VK_LBUTTON},
{VK_F19}, {VK_EXECUTE}, {VK_PLAY}, {VK_RMENU}, {VK_F13}, {VK_F12}, {LWIN},
{VK_DOWN}, {VK_F17}, {VK_F16}, {VK_F15}, {VK_F14}
'+': {VK_SHIFT}
'%': {VK_MENU} a.k.a. Alt key
<h2>Activating windows </h2>
# lists all current windows and their hwnds, pid ...
WindowInfo(pid=24880, title='tooltips_class32', windowtext='', hwnd=38931464, length=1, tid=14156, status='invisible', coords_client=(0, 0, 0, 0), dim_client=(0, 0), coords_win=(0, 0, 0, 0), dim_win=(0, 0), class_name='tooltips_class32', path='C:\\Windows\\explorer.exe'),
WindowInfo(pid=24916, title='IME', windowtext='Default IME', hwnd=333592, length=12, tid=6716, status='invisible', coords_client=(0, 0, 0, 0), dim_client=(0, 0), coords_win=(0, 0, 0, 0), dim_win=(0, 0), class_name='IME', path='C:\\Windows\\System32\\notepad.exe'),
WindowInfo(pid=24916, title='IME', windowtext='Default IME', hwnd=1706956, length=12, tid=20004, status='invisible', coords_client=(0, 0, 0, 0), dim_client=(0, 0), coords_win=(0, 0, 0, 0), dim_win=(0, 0), class_name='IME', path='C:\\Windows\\System32\\notepad.exe'),
WindowInfo(pid=24916, title='MSCTFIME UI', windowtext='MSCTFIME UI', hwnd=35652702, length=12, tid=20004, status='invisible', coords_client=(0, 0, 0, 0), dim_client=(0, 0), coords_win=(0, 0, 0, 0), dim_win=(0, 0), class_name='MSCTFIME UI', path='C:\\Windows\\System32\\notepad.exe'),
WindowInfo(pid=24916, title='Notepad', windowtext='*Untitled - Notepad', hwnd=10290540, length=20, tid=20004, status='visible', coords_client=(0, 840, 0, 519), dim_client=(840, 519), coords_win=(714, 1570, 196, 774), dim_win=(856, 578), class_name='Notepad', path='C:\\Windows\\System32\\notepad.exe'),
WindowInfo(pid=24916, title='WorkerW', windowtext='', hwnd=984520, length=1, tid=6716, status='invisible', coords_client=(0, 120, 0, 0), dim_client=(120, 0), coords_win=(0, 136, 0, 39), dim_win=(136, 39), class_name='WorkerW', path='C:\\Windows\\System32\\notepad.exe')]
# pass and hwnd (code above) as argument.
mkey.activate_window(10290540) # usually this is enough to activate a window
#if not, use this method
# Activating a window is sometimes tricky. This method forces the activation of the window and works quite often when other methods don't
# Pins a window on top of all others.
# Restore the normal hierarchy.
# This method is helpful when one of your windows gets stuck during the automation in the topmost position
# Some apps hide the cursor, here can you check it
mkey.is_cursor_shown ()
# Shows you the coordinates of the current cursor position. Press ctrl+l when you have found the right coordinates.
WindowInfo(parent=-1, pid=20440, title='Edit', windowtext='', hwnd=592576, length=1, tid=17252, status='visible', coords_client=(0, 1903, 0, 1007), dim_client=(1903, 1007), coords_win=(0, 1920, 43, 1050), dim_win=(1920, 1007), class_name='Edit', path='C:\\Windows\\System32\\notepad.exe')
{'element': WindowInfo(parent=-1, pid=20440, title='Edit', windowtext='', hwnd=592576, length=1, tid=17252, status='visible', coords_client=(0, 1903, 0, 1007), dim_client=(1903, 1007), coords_win=(0, 1920, 43, 1050), dim_win=(1920, 1007), class_name='Edit', path='C:\\Windows\\System32\\notepad.exe'),
'family': [WindowInfo(parent=-1, pid=20440, title='Edit', windowtext='', hwnd=592576, length=1, tid=17252, status='visible', coords_client=(0, 1903, 0, 1007), dim_client=(1903, 1007), coords_win=(0, 1920, 43, 1050), dim_win=(1920, 1007), class_name='Edit', path='C:\\Windows\\System32\\notepad.exe'),
WindowInfo(parent=-1, pid=20440, title='Notepad', windowtext='*Untitled - Notepad', hwnd=1051364, length=20, tid=17252, status='visible', coords_client=(0, 1920, 0, 1007), dim_client=(1920, 1007), coords_win=(-8, 1928, -8, 1058), dim_win=(1936, 1066), class_name='Notepad', path='C:\\Windows\\System32\\notepad.exe'),
WindowInfo(parent=-1, pid=20440, title='msctls_statusbar32', windowtext='', hwnd=2886324, length=1, tid=17252, status='invisible', coords_client=(0, 484, 0, 23), dim_client=(484, 23), coords_win=(0, 484, 461, 484), dim_win=(484, 23), class_name='msctls_statusbar32', path='C:\\Windows\\System32\\notepad.exe'),
WindowInfo(parent=-1, pid=784, title='#32769', windowtext='', hwnd=65552, length=1, tid=984, status='visible', coords_client=(0, 1920, 0, 1080), dim_client=(1920, 1080), coords_win=(0, 1920, 0, 1080), dim_win=(1920, 1080), class_name='#32769', path='')]}
{'element': WindowInfo(parent=-1, pid=20440, title='msctls_statusbar32', windowtext='', hwnd=2886324, length=1, tid=17252, status='invisible', coords_client=(0, 484, 0, 23), dim_client=(484, 23), coords_win=(0, 484, 461, 484), dim_win=(484, 23), class_name='msctls_statusbar32', path='C:\\Windows\\System32\\notepad.exe'),
'family': [WindowInfo(parent=-1, pid=20440, title='Edit', windowtext='', hwnd=592576, length=1, tid=17252, status='visible', coords_client=(0, 1903, 0, 1007), dim_client=(1903, 1007), coords_win=(0, 1920, 43, 1050), dim_win=(1920, 1007), class_name='Edit', path='C:\\Windows\\System32\\notepad.exe'),
WindowInfo(parent=-1, pid=20440, title='Notepad', windowtext='*Untitled - Notepad', hwnd=1051364, length=20, tid=17252, status='visible', coords_client=(0, 1920, 0, 1007), dim_client=(1920, 1007), coords_win=(-8, 1928, -8, 1058), dim_win=(1936, 1066), class_name='Notepad', path='C:\\Windows\\System32\\notepad.exe'),
WindowInfo(parent=-1, pid=20440, title='msctls_statusbar32', windowtext='', hwnd=2886324, length=1, tid=17252, status='invisible', coords_client=(0, 484, 0, 23), dim_client=(484, 23), coords_win=(0, 484, 461, 484), dim_win=(484, 23), class_name='msctls_statusbar32', path='C:\\Windows\\System32\\notepad.exe'),
WindowInfo(parent=-1, pid=784, title='#32769', windowtext='', hwnd=65552, length=1, tid=984, status='visible', coords_client=(0, 1920, 0, 1080), dim_client=(1920, 1080), coords_win=(0, 1920, 0, 1080), dim_win=(1920, 1080), class_name='#32769', path='')]}
Out[18]: WindowInfo(parent=-1, pid=24916, title='Notepad', windowtext='*Untitled - Notepad', hwnd=10290540, length=20, tid=20004, status='visible', coords_client=(0, 840, 0, 519), dim_client=(840, 519), coords_win=(714, 1570, 196, 774), dim_win=(856, 578), class_name='Notepad', path='C:\\Windows\\System32\\notepad.exe')
# Gets the rgb values from coordinates and shows the values simultaneously, press ctrl+c when you are done, the method will return a list with all coordinates and colors.
rgblist = mkey.show_rgb_values_at_mouse_position(
# Getting the screen resolution
(1920, 1080)
WindowInfo(pid=11144, title='SunAwtFrame', windowtext='Python Console - dfdir', hwnd=30283760, length=23, tid=6976, status='visible', coords_client=(0, 1921, 0, 996), dim_client=(1921, 996), coords_win=(2039, 3976, 54, 1058), dim_win=(1937, 1004), class_name='SunAwtFrame', path='C:\\Program Files\\JetBrains\\PyCharm Community Edition 2020.3\\bin\\pycharm64.exe')
mkey.get_cursor_position() # executed only once
(2436, 994)
Raw data
"_id": null,
"home_page": "https://github.com/hansalemaos/mousekey",
"name": "mousekey",
"maintainer": "",
"docs_url": null,
"requires_python": "",
"maintainer_email": "",
"keywords": "automate,keystroke,mouse,games,pyautogui",
"author": "Johannes Fischer",
"author_email": "<aulasparticularesdealemaosp@gmail.com>",
"download_url": "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/f0/93/2d0d89d82c8298e140a319c383e2f156832444be8a1bd4a9f13d5d825497/mousekey-0.11.tar.gz",
"platform": null,
"description": "\n<h2>mousekey</h2>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n* Works with multi screens\n\n* Keyboard and mouse can be used in Games like Roblox \n\n* Has only a few dependencies (all of them pure python except NumPy)\n\n* Can simulate human-like mouse movement \n\n* Facilitates multi key presses \n\n\n\n\n\n<h2>Check out the videos</h2>\n\n<h3>Some methods</h3>\n\n\n\n\n\n<div align=\"left\">\n\n <a href=\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YugTBZBiyE\">\n\n <img src=\"https://img.youtube.com/vi/1YugTBZBiyE/0.jpg\" style=\"width:100%;\">\n\n </a>\n\n</div>\n\n\n\n<h3>25 minutes of Roblox botting - 900x clicks / 900x keystrokes </h3>\n\n\n\n<div align=\"left\">\n\n <a href=\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGPoiBnsy1M\">\n\n <img src=\"https://img.youtube.com/vi/OGPoiBnsy1M/0.jpg\" style=\"width:100%;\">\n\n </a>\n\n</div>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n<h2>Installation</h2>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n```python\n\n$pip install mousekey\n\nfrom mousekey import MouseKey\n\nmkey = MouseKey()\n\n\n\n\n\n```\n\n\n\n\n\n<h2>Before you start, enable your guardian angel :) </h2>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n```python\n\n# Kills the whole process, does always work (even with pure except)\n\nmkey.enable_failsafekill('ctrl+e')\n\n\n\ntry:\n\n while True:\n\n try:\n\n print('baba')\n\n time.sleep(1)\n\n except:\n\n pass\n\nexcept:\n\n pass\n\nbaba\n\nbaba\n\nbaba\n\nbaba\n\n\n\n# After pressing ctrl+e:\n\nProcess finished with exit code 1\n\n```\n\n\n\n\n\n<h2>How to click and move </h2>\n\n\n\n\n\nThe click methods should be able to handle any Game\n\n\n\nI have tested it with Roblox, which is known for blocking almost everything.\n\n\n\nAs far as I know, there is no Python module that can handle Roblox [(https://pypi.org/project/ahk/](https://pypi.org/project/ahk/) works, but you need to download ahk.exe) \n\n\n\n<h2>Absolute coordinates</h2>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n```python\n\nmkey.left_click_xy_natural(\n\n 200,\n\n 200,\n\n delay=.3, # duration of the mouse click (down - up)\n\n min_variation=-3, # a random value will be added to each pixel - define the minimum here \n\n max_variation=3, # a random value will be added to each pixel - define the maximum here \n\n use_every=4, # use every nth pixel \n\n sleeptime=(0.005, 0.009), # delay between each coordinate\n\n print_coords=True, # console output \n\n percent=90, # the lower, the straighter the mouse movement\n\n) # A logarithm calculation lowers the speed when the cursor is getting close to the destination, like you do it in real life.\n\n```\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n```python\n\n# Also available: \n\nmkey.middle_click_xy_natural\n\nmkey.right_click_xy_natural\n\n```\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n```python\n\n# if you don't want to click, only move, use:\n\nmkey.move_to_natural(100,100) # natural mouse movement\n\nmkey.move_to(3100,100) = move # no delay \n\n```\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n```python\n\n# Moving without delay and clicking:\n\nmkey.left_click_xy(10,10)\n\nmkey.right_click_xy(10,10)\n\nmkey.middle_click_xy(10,10)\n\n\n\n#Only clicking:\n\nmkey.left_click()\n\nmkey.middle_click()\n\nmkey.right_click()\n\n```\n\n\n\n\n\n<h2>Relative coordinates</h2>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n```python\n\n# For relative coordinates, use: \n\nmkey.left_click_xy_natural_relative(\n\n 50,\n\n 50,\n\n delay=0.1,\n\n sleeptime=(0.00005, 0.00009),\n\n print_coords=True,\n\n)\n\n\n\nmkey.right_click_xy_natural_relative(\n\n x=500,\n\n y=500,\n\n delay=0.1,\n\n sleeptime=(0.00005, 0.00009),\n\n print_coords=True,\n\n)\n\n```\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n```python\n\n# move and click relatively\n\nmkey.move_relative\n\nmkey.middle_click_xy_relative(-100,-100)\n\nmkey.move_to_natural_relative(300,-400)\n\n```\n\n\n\n\n\n<h2>Pressing keys</h2>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n```python\n\n# press a single key\n\nmkey.force_activate_window(10290540)\n\nmkey.press_key('f', delay=1) # delay in seconds\n\n```\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n```python\n\n# You can press as many keys simultaneously as you want. \n\n# The first value in each tuple indicates the sleep time before the next key is pressed, and presstime is the delay of the whole action.\n\nmkey.force_activate_window(10290540)\n\nmkey.press_keys_simultaneously_own_interval(\n\n keystopress=[(0.1, \"ctrl\"), (0.1, \"v\")], presstime=.5\n\n)\n\n```\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n```python\n\n# This method will calculate the sleep time between each key presses, so you don't have to worry about it. \n\nmkey.force_activate_window(10290540)\n\nmkey.press_keys_simultaneously(\n\n keystopress=[\"alt\", \"f4\", \"enter\", \"enter\"], \n\n presstime=1.1,\n\n percentofregularpresstime=100,\n\n)\n\n```\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n```python\n\n# You can get a list with all available keys here: mkey.show_all_keys\n\n# I covered different writing styles ('volume_mute', 'VOLUME_MUTE', 'VOLUME MUTE', 'volume mute'), \n\n{'control-break processing': 3,\n\n 'backspace': 8,\n\n 'tab': 9,\n\n 'clear': 254,\n\n 'enter': 13,\n\n 'shift': 16,\n\n 'ctrl': 17,\n\n 'alt': 18,\n\n 'pause': 19,\n\n 'caps lock': 20,\n\n 'ime hangul mode': 21,\n\n 'ime junja mode': 23,\n\n 'ime final mode': 24,\n\n 'ime kanji mode': 25,\n\n 'esc': 27,\n\n 'ime convert': 28,\n\n 'ime nonconvert': 29,\n\n 'ime accept': 30,\n\n 'ime mode change request': 31,\n\n 'spacebar': 32,\n\n 'page up': 33,\n\n ...}\n\n```\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n```python\n\n# You can block the mouse/keyboard input while executing actions.\n\n# That way, the user can't mess it up. \n\n# If something goes wrong, press ctrl+alt+del\u00a0\n\n# This will automatically unlock the mouse/keyboard\n\n\n\n# Here is one example. Always use mkey.block_user_input() / mkey.unblock_user_input()\n\nif mkey.block_user_input():\n\n try:\n\n for k in range(3):\n\n mkey.right_click()\n\n sleep(1)\n\n mkey.left_click_xy_natural(10, 10)\n\n sleep(1)\n\n finally:\n\n mkey.unblock_user_input()\n\n```\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n```python\n\n# You can send Unicode strings as well\n\nmkey.force_activate_window(10290540)\n\nmkey.send_unicode('babab\u00f6\u00e4')\n\n```\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n```python\n\n# I have slightly modified 2 methods from pywinauto \n\n# Most of the code is from pywinauto, I only changed the way the window gets activated\n\nmkey.send_keys_to_hwnd(handle=7539468, keys='babadu')\n\nmkey.send_keystrokes_to_hwnd(handle=7539468, '%{F4}') # alt+f4\n\n\n\n# Here are all keystrokes for those 2 methods:\n\nhttps://pywinauto.readthedocs.io/en/latest/code/pywinauto.keyboard.html?highlight=VK_SPACE#pywinauto-keyboard\n\n\n\n{SCROLLLOCK}, {VK_SPACE}, {VK_LSHIFT}, {VK_PAUSE}, {VK_MODECHANGE},\n\n{BACK}, {VK_HOME}, {F23}, {F22}, {F21}, {F20}, {VK_HANGEUL}, {VK_KANJI},\n\n{VK_RIGHT}, {BS}, {HOME}, {VK_F4}, {VK_ACCEPT}, {VK_F18}, {VK_SNAPSHOT},\n\n{VK_PA1}, {VK_NONAME}, {VK_LCONTROL}, {ZOOM}, {VK_ATTN}, {VK_F10}, {VK_F22},\n\n{VK_F23}, {VK_F20}, {VK_F21}, {VK_SCROLL}, {TAB}, {VK_F11}, {VK_END},\n\n{LEFT}, {VK_UP}, {NUMLOCK}, {VK_APPS}, {PGUP}, {VK_F8}, {VK_CONTROL},\n\n{VK_LEFT}, {PRTSC}, {VK_NUMPAD4}, {CAPSLOCK}, {VK_CONVERT}, {VK_PROCESSKEY},\n\n{ENTER}, {VK_SEPARATOR}, {VK_RWIN}, {VK_LMENU}, {VK_NEXT}, {F1}, {F2},\n\n{F3}, {F4}, {F5}, {F6}, {F7}, {F8}, {F9}, {VK_ADD}, {VK_RCONTROL},\n\n{VK_RETURN}, {BREAK}, {VK_NUMPAD9}, {VK_NUMPAD8}, {RWIN}, {VK_KANA},\n\n{PGDN}, {VK_NUMPAD3}, {DEL}, {VK_NUMPAD1}, {VK_NUMPAD0}, {VK_NUMPAD7},\n\n{VK_NUMPAD6}, {VK_NUMPAD5}, {DELETE}, {VK_PRIOR}, {VK_SUBTRACT}, {HELP},\n\n{VK_PRINT}, {VK_BACK}, {CAP}, {VK_RBUTTON}, {VK_RSHIFT}, {VK_LWIN}, {DOWN},\n\n{VK_HELP}, {VK_NONCONVERT}, {BACKSPACE}, {VK_SELECT}, {VK_TAB}, {VK_HANJA},\n\n{VK_NUMPAD2}, {INSERT}, {VK_F9}, {VK_DECIMAL}, {VK_FINAL}, {VK_EXSEL},\n\n{RMENU}, {VK_F3}, {VK_F2}, {VK_F1}, {VK_F7}, {VK_F6}, {VK_F5}, {VK_CRSEL},\n\n{VK_SHIFT}, {VK_EREOF}, {VK_CANCEL}, {VK_DELETE}, {VK_HANGUL}, {VK_MBUTTON},\n\n{VK_NUMLOCK}, {VK_CLEAR}, {END}, {VK_MENU}, {SPACE}, {BKSP}, {VK_INSERT},\n\n{F18}, {F19}, {ESC}, {VK_MULTIPLY}, {F12}, {F13}, {F10}, {F11}, {F16},\n\n{F17}, {F14}, {F15}, {F24}, {RIGHT}, {VK_F24}, {VK_CAPITAL}, {VK_LBUTTON},\n\n{VK_OEM_CLEAR}, {VK_ESCAPE}, {UP}, {VK_DIVIDE}, {INS}, {VK_JUNJA},\n\n{VK_F19}, {VK_EXECUTE}, {VK_PLAY}, {VK_RMENU}, {VK_F13}, {VK_F12}, {LWIN},\n\n{VK_DOWN}, {VK_F17}, {VK_F16}, {VK_F15}, {VK_F14}\n\n\n\n'+': {VK_SHIFT}\n\n'^': {VK_CONTROL}\n\n'%': {VK_MENU} a.k.a. Alt key\n\n```\n\n\n\n\n\n<h2>Activating windows </h2>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n<table>\n\n <tr>\n\n </tr>\n\n</table>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n```python\n\n# lists all current windows and their hwnds, pid ...\n\nmkey.get_all_windows()\n\n\n\n WindowInfo(pid=24880, title='tooltips_class32', windowtext='', hwnd=38931464, length=1, tid=14156, status='invisible', coords_client=(0, 0, 0, 0), dim_client=(0, 0), coords_win=(0, 0, 0, 0), dim_win=(0, 0), class_name='tooltips_class32', path='C:\\\\Windows\\\\explorer.exe'),\n\n WindowInfo(pid=24916, title='IME', windowtext='Default IME', hwnd=333592, length=12, tid=6716, status='invisible', coords_client=(0, 0, 0, 0), dim_client=(0, 0), coords_win=(0, 0, 0, 0), dim_win=(0, 0), class_name='IME', path='C:\\\\Windows\\\\System32\\\\notepad.exe'),\n\n WindowInfo(pid=24916, title='IME', windowtext='Default IME', hwnd=1706956, length=12, tid=20004, status='invisible', coords_client=(0, 0, 0, 0), dim_client=(0, 0), coords_win=(0, 0, 0, 0), dim_win=(0, 0), class_name='IME', path='C:\\\\Windows\\\\System32\\\\notepad.exe'),\n\n WindowInfo(pid=24916, title='MSCTFIME UI', windowtext='MSCTFIME UI', hwnd=35652702, length=12, tid=20004, status='invisible', coords_client=(0, 0, 0, 0), dim_client=(0, 0), coords_win=(0, 0, 0, 0), dim_win=(0, 0), class_name='MSCTFIME UI', path='C:\\\\Windows\\\\System32\\\\notepad.exe'),\n\n WindowInfo(pid=24916, title='Notepad', windowtext='*Untitled - Notepad', hwnd=10290540, length=20, tid=20004, status='visible', coords_client=(0, 840, 0, 519), dim_client=(840, 519), coords_win=(714, 1570, 196, 774), dim_win=(856, 578), class_name='Notepad', path='C:\\\\Windows\\\\System32\\\\notepad.exe'),\n\n WindowInfo(pid=24916, title='WorkerW', windowtext='', hwnd=984520, length=1, tid=6716, status='invisible', coords_client=(0, 120, 0, 0), dim_client=(120, 0), coords_win=(0, 136, 0, 39), dim_win=(136, 39), class_name='WorkerW', path='C:\\\\Windows\\\\System32\\\\notepad.exe')]\n\n\n\n```\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n```python\n\n# pass and hwnd (code above) as argument.\n\nmkey.activate_window(10290540) # usually this is enough to activate a window \n\n\n\n#if not, use this method \n\n# Activating a window is sometimes tricky. This method forces the activation of the window and works quite often when other methods don't \n\nmkey.force_activate_window(17630556) \n\n```\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n```python\n\n# Pins a window on top of all others. \n\nmkey.activate_topmost(17630556)\n\n\n\n# Restore the normal hierarchy. \n\n# This method is helpful when one of your windows gets stuck during the automation in the topmost position\n\nmkey.deactivate_topmost(17630556)\n\n\n\n\n\n```\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n```python\n\n# Some apps hide the cursor, here can you check it \n\nmkey.is_cursor_shown ()\n\nTrue\n\n```\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n```python\n\n# Shows you the coordinates of the current cursor position. Press ctrl+l when you have found the right coordinates.\n\nmkey.start_showing_cursor_position(exit_keys='ctrl+l')\n\n```\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n```python\n\nmkey.get_single_element_from_coords(200,200)\n\n\n\nWindowInfo(parent=-1, pid=20440, title='Edit', windowtext='', hwnd=592576, length=1, tid=17252, status='visible', coords_client=(0, 1903, 0, 1007), dim_client=(1903, 1007), coords_win=(0, 1920, 43, 1050), dim_win=(1920, 1007), class_name='Edit', path='C:\\\\Windows\\\\System32\\\\notepad.exe')\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nmkey.get_elements_from_coords(200,200)\n\n\n\n{'element': WindowInfo(parent=-1, pid=20440, title='Edit', windowtext='', hwnd=592576, length=1, tid=17252, status='visible', coords_client=(0, 1903, 0, 1007), dim_client=(1903, 1007), coords_win=(0, 1920, 43, 1050), dim_win=(1920, 1007), class_name='Edit', path='C:\\\\Windows\\\\System32\\\\notepad.exe'),\n\n 'family': [WindowInfo(parent=-1, pid=20440, title='Edit', windowtext='', hwnd=592576, length=1, tid=17252, status='visible', coords_client=(0, 1903, 0, 1007), dim_client=(1903, 1007), coords_win=(0, 1920, 43, 1050), dim_win=(1920, 1007), class_name='Edit', path='C:\\\\Windows\\\\System32\\\\notepad.exe'),\n\n WindowInfo(parent=-1, pid=20440, title='Notepad', windowtext='*Untitled - Notepad', hwnd=1051364, length=20, tid=17252, status='visible', coords_client=(0, 1920, 0, 1007), dim_client=(1920, 1007), coords_win=(-8, 1928, -8, 1058), dim_win=(1936, 1066), class_name='Notepad', path='C:\\\\Windows\\\\System32\\\\notepad.exe'),\n\n WindowInfo(parent=-1, pid=20440, title='msctls_statusbar32', windowtext='', hwnd=2886324, length=1, tid=17252, status='invisible', coords_client=(0, 484, 0, 23), dim_client=(484, 23), coords_win=(0, 484, 461, 484), dim_win=(484, 23), class_name='msctls_statusbar32', path='C:\\\\Windows\\\\System32\\\\notepad.exe'),\n\n WindowInfo(parent=-1, pid=784, title='#32769', windowtext='', hwnd=65552, length=1, tid=984, status='visible', coords_client=(0, 1920, 0, 1080), dim_client=(1920, 1080), coords_win=(0, 1920, 0, 1080), dim_win=(1920, 1080), class_name='#32769', path='')]}\n\n \n\n \n\nmkey.get_elements_from_hwnd(2886324)\n\n\n\n{'element': WindowInfo(parent=-1, pid=20440, title='msctls_statusbar32', windowtext='', hwnd=2886324, length=1, tid=17252, status='invisible', coords_client=(0, 484, 0, 23), dim_client=(484, 23), coords_win=(0, 484, 461, 484), dim_win=(484, 23), class_name='msctls_statusbar32', path='C:\\\\Windows\\\\System32\\\\notepad.exe'),\n\n 'family': [WindowInfo(parent=-1, pid=20440, title='Edit', windowtext='', hwnd=592576, length=1, tid=17252, status='visible', coords_client=(0, 1903, 0, 1007), dim_client=(1903, 1007), coords_win=(0, 1920, 43, 1050), dim_win=(1920, 1007), class_name='Edit', path='C:\\\\Windows\\\\System32\\\\notepad.exe'),\n\n WindowInfo(parent=-1, pid=20440, title='Notepad', windowtext='*Untitled - Notepad', hwnd=1051364, length=20, tid=17252, status='visible', coords_client=(0, 1920, 0, 1007), dim_client=(1920, 1007), coords_win=(-8, 1928, -8, 1058), dim_win=(1936, 1066), class_name='Notepad', path='C:\\\\Windows\\\\System32\\\\notepad.exe'),\n\n WindowInfo(parent=-1, pid=20440, title='msctls_statusbar32', windowtext='', hwnd=2886324, length=1, tid=17252, status='invisible', coords_client=(0, 484, 0, 23), dim_client=(484, 23), coords_win=(0, 484, 461, 484), dim_win=(484, 23), class_name='msctls_statusbar32', path='C:\\\\Windows\\\\System32\\\\notepad.exe'),\n\n WindowInfo(parent=-1, pid=784, title='#32769', windowtext='', hwnd=65552, length=1, tid=984, status='visible', coords_client=(0, 1920, 0, 1080), dim_client=(1920, 1080), coords_win=(0, 1920, 0, 1080), dim_win=(1920, 1080), class_name='#32769', path='')]}\n\n\n\n\n\nmkey.get_single_element_from_hwnd(10290540)\n\n\n\nOut[18]: WindowInfo(parent=-1, pid=24916, title='Notepad', windowtext='*Untitled - Notepad', hwnd=10290540, length=20, tid=20004, status='visible', coords_client=(0, 840, 0, 519), dim_client=(840, 519), coords_win=(714, 1570, 196, 774), dim_win=(856, 578), class_name='Notepad', path='C:\\\\Windows\\\\System32\\\\notepad.exe')\n\n```\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n```python\n\n# Gets the rgb values from coordinates and shows the values simultaneously, press ctrl+c when you are done, the method will return a list with all coordinates and colors. \n\nrgblist = mkey.show_rgb_values_at_mouse_position( \n\n sleeptime=0.01,\n\n on_left_click=False,\n\n on_right_click=False,\n\n rgb_values=True,\n\n rgba_values=True,\n\n coords=True,\n\n time_value=True,) \n\n```\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n```python\n\n# Getting the screen resolution\n\nmkey.get_screen_resolution()\n\n(1920, 1080)\n\n\n\nmkey.get_active_window()\n\nWindowInfo(pid=11144, title='SunAwtFrame', windowtext='Python Console - dfdir', hwnd=30283760, length=23, tid=6976, status='visible', coords_client=(0, 1921, 0, 996), dim_client=(1921, 996), coords_win=(2039, 3976, 54, 1058), dim_win=(1937, 1004), class_name='SunAwtFrame', path='C:\\\\Program Files\\\\JetBrains\\\\PyCharm Community Edition 2020.3\\\\bin\\\\pycharm64.exe')\n\n\n\nmkey.get_cursor_position() # executed only once\n\n(2436, 994)\n\n```\n\n\n\n",
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"license": "MIT",
"summary": "Automates mouse/keyboard, works with games like Roblox!",
"version": "0.11",
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