
Namemypy-boto3-connectparticipant JSON
Version 1.34.44 PyPI version JSON
SummaryType annotations for boto3.ConnectParticipant 1.34.44 service generated with mypy-boto3-builder 7.23.1
upload_time2024-02-16 20:22:00
authorVlad Emelianov
licenseMIT License
keywords boto3 connectparticipant type-annotations botocore mypy typeshed autocomplete
requirements No requirements were recorded.
Travis-CI No Travis.
coveralls test coverage No coveralls.
            <a id="mypy-boto3-connectparticipant"></a>

# mypy-boto3-connectparticipant

[![PyPI - mypy-boto3-connectparticipant](](
[![PyPI - Python Version](](
[![PyPI - Downloads](](


Type annotations for
[boto3.ConnectParticipant 1.34.44](
service compatible with [VSCode](,
[Sublime Text](,
[pyright]( and other tools.

Generated by
[mypy-boto3-builder 7.23.1](

More information can be found on
[boto3-stubs]( page and in
[mypy-boto3-connectparticipant docs](

See how it helps to find and fix potential bugs:

![boto3-stubs demo](

- [mypy-boto3-connectparticipant](#mypy-boto3-connectparticipant)
  - [How to install](#how-to-install)
    - [VSCode extension](#vscode-extension)
    - [From PyPI with pip](#from-pypi-with-pip)
  - [How to uninstall](#how-to-uninstall)
  - [Usage](#usage)
    - [VSCode](#vscode)
    - [PyCharm](#pycharm)
    - [Emacs](#emacs)
    - [Sublime Text](#sublime-text)
    - [Other IDEs](#other-ides)
    - [mypy](#mypy)
    - [pyright](#pyright)
  - [Explicit type annotations](#explicit-type-annotations)
    - [Client annotations](#client-annotations)
    - [Literals](#literals)
    - [Type definitions](#type-definitions)
  - [How it works](#how-it-works)
  - [What's new](#what's-new)
    - [Implemented features](#implemented-features)
    - [Latest changes](#latest-changes)
  - [Versioning](#versioning)
  - [Thank you](#thank-you)
  - [Documentation](#documentation)
  - [Support and contributing](#support-and-contributing)

<a id="how-to-install"></a>

## How to install

<a id="vscode-extension"></a>

### VSCode extension

[AWS Boto3](
extension to your VSCode and run `AWS boto3: Quick Start` command.

Click `Modify` and select `boto3 common` and `ConnectParticipant`.

<a id="from-pypi-with-pip"></a>

### From PyPI with pip

Install `boto3-stubs` for `ConnectParticipant` service.

# install with boto3 type annotations
python -m pip install 'boto3-stubs[connectparticipant]'

# Lite version does not provide session.client/resource overloads
# it is more RAM-friendly, but requires explicit type annotations
python -m pip install 'boto3-stubs-lite[connectparticipant]'

# standalone installation
python -m pip install mypy-boto3-connectparticipant

<a id="how-to-uninstall"></a>

## How to uninstall

python -m pip uninstall -y mypy-boto3-connectparticipant

<a id="usage"></a>

## Usage

<a id="vscode"></a>

### VSCode

- Install
  [Python extension](
- Install
  [Pylance extension](
- Set `Pylance` as your Python Language Server
- Install `boto3-stubs[connectparticipant]` in your environment:

python -m pip install 'boto3-stubs[connectparticipant]'

Both type checking and code completion should now work. No explicit type
annotations required, write your `boto3` code as usual.

<a id="pycharm"></a>

### PyCharm

Install `boto3-stubs-lite[connectparticipant]` in your environment:

python -m pip install 'boto3-stubs-lite[connectparticipant]'`

Both type checking and code completion should now work. Explicit type
annotations **are required**.

Use `boto3-stubs` package instead for implicit type discovery.

<a id="emacs"></a>

### Emacs

- Install `boto3-stubs` with services you use in your environment:

python -m pip install 'boto3-stubs[connectparticipant]'

- Install [use-package](,
  [company]( and
  [flycheck]( packages
- Install [lsp-pyright]( package

(use-package lsp-pyright
  :ensure t
  :hook (python-mode . (lambda ()
                          (require 'lsp-pyright)
                          (lsp)))  ; or lsp-deferred
  :init (when (executable-find "python3")
          (setq lsp-pyright-python-executable-cmd "python3"))

- Make sure emacs uses the environment where you have installed `boto3-stubs`

Type checking should now work. No explicit type annotations required, write
your `boto3` code as usual.

<a id="sublime-text"></a>

### Sublime Text

- Install `boto3-stubs[connectparticipant]` with services you use in your

python -m pip install 'boto3-stubs[connectparticipant]'

- Install [LSP-pyright]( package

Type checking should now work. No explicit type annotations required, write
your `boto3` code as usual.

<a id="other-ides"></a>

### Other IDEs

Not tested, but as long as your IDE supports `mypy` or `pyright`, everything
should work.

<a id="mypy"></a>

### mypy

- Install `mypy`: `python -m pip install mypy`
- Install `boto3-stubs[connectparticipant]` in your environment:

python -m pip install 'boto3-stubs[connectparticipant]'`

Type checking should now work. No explicit type annotations required, write
your `boto3` code as usual.

<a id="pyright"></a>

### pyright

- Install `pyright`: `npm i -g pyright`
- Install `boto3-stubs[connectparticipant]` in your environment:

python -m pip install 'boto3-stubs[connectparticipant]'

Optionally, you can install `boto3-stubs` to `typings` folder.

Type checking should now work. No explicit type annotations required, write
your `boto3` code as usual.

<a id="explicit-type-annotations"></a>

## Explicit type annotations

<a id="client-annotations"></a>

### Client annotations

`ConnectParticipantClient` provides annotations for

from boto3.session import Session

from mypy_boto3_connectparticipant import ConnectParticipantClient

client: ConnectParticipantClient = Session().client("connectparticipant")

# now client usage is checked by mypy and IDE should provide code completion

<a id="literals"></a>

### Literals

`mypy_boto3_connectparticipant.literals` module contains literals extracted
from shapes that can be used in user code for type checking.

Full list of `ConnectParticipant` Literals can be found in

from mypy_boto3_connectparticipant.literals import ArtifactStatusType

def check_value(value: ArtifactStatusType) -> bool: ...

<a id="type-definitions"></a>

### Type definitions

`mypy_boto3_connectparticipant.type_defs` module contains structures and shapes
assembled to typed dictionaries and unions for additional type checking.

Full list of `ConnectParticipant` TypeDefs can be found in

from mypy_boto3_connectparticipant.type_defs import AttachmentItemTypeDef

def get_value() -> AttachmentItemTypeDef:
    return {...}

<a id="how-it-works"></a>

## How it works

Fully automated
[mypy-boto3-builder]( carefully
generates type annotations for each service, patiently waiting for `boto3`
updates. It delivers drop-in type annotations for you and makes sure that:

- All available `boto3` services are covered.
- Each public class and method of every `boto3` service gets valid type
  annotations extracted from `botocore` schemas.
- Type annotations include up-to-date documentation.
- Link to documentation is provided for every method.
- Code is processed by [black]( and
  [isort]( for readability.

<a id="what's-new"></a>

## What's new

<a id="implemented-features"></a>

### Implemented features

- Fully type annotated `boto3`, `botocore`, `aiobotocore` and `aioboto3`
- `mypy`, `pyright`, `VSCode`, `PyCharm`, `Sublime Text` and `Emacs`
- `Client`, `ServiceResource`, `Resource`, `Waiter` `Paginator` type
  annotations for each service
- Generated `TypeDefs` for each service
- Generated `Literals` for each service
- Auto discovery of types for `boto3.client` and `boto3.resource` calls
- Auto discovery of types for `session.client` and `session.resource` calls
- Auto discovery of types for `client.get_waiter` and `client.get_paginator`
- Auto discovery of types for `ServiceResource` and `Resource` collections
- Auto discovery of types for `aiobotocore.Session.create_client` calls

<a id="latest-changes"></a>

### Latest changes

Builder changelog can be found in

<a id="versioning"></a>

## Versioning

`mypy-boto3-connectparticipant` version is the same as related `boto3` version
and follows [PEP 440]( format.

<a id="thank-you"></a>

## Thank you

- [Allie Fitter]( for
  this package is based on top of his work
- [black]( developers for an awesome formatting
- [Timothy Edmund Crosley]( for
  [isort]( and how flexible it is
- [mypy]( developers for doing all dirty work
  for us
- [pyright]( team for the new era of typed

<a id="documentation"></a>

## Documentation

All services type annotations can be found in
[boto3 docs](

<a id="support-and-contributing"></a>

## Support and contributing

This package is auto-generated. Please reports any bugs or request new features
in [mypy-boto3-builder](


Raw data

    "_id": null,
    "home_page": "",
    "name": "mypy-boto3-connectparticipant",
    "maintainer": "",
    "docs_url": null,
    "requires_python": ">=3.8",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "keywords": "boto3 connectparticipant type-annotations botocore mypy typeshed autocomplete",
    "author": "Vlad Emelianov",
    "author_email": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "platform": null,
    "description": "<a id=\"mypy-boto3-connectparticipant\"></a>\n\n# mypy-boto3-connectparticipant\n\n[![PyPI - mypy-boto3-connectparticipant](](\n[![PyPI - Python Version](](\n[![Docs](](\n[![PyPI - Downloads](](\n\n![boto3.typed](\n\nType annotations for\n[boto3.ConnectParticipant 1.34.44](\nservice compatible with [VSCode](,\n[PyCharm](,\n[Emacs](,\n[Sublime Text](,\n[mypy](,\n[pyright]( and other tools.\n\nGenerated by\n[mypy-boto3-builder 7.23.1](\n\nMore information can be found on\n[boto3-stubs]( page and in\n[mypy-boto3-connectparticipant docs](\n\nSee how it helps to find and fix potential bugs:\n\n![boto3-stubs demo](\n\n- [mypy-boto3-connectparticipant](#mypy-boto3-connectparticipant)\n  - [How to install](#how-to-install)\n    - [VSCode extension](#vscode-extension)\n    - [From PyPI with pip](#from-pypi-with-pip)\n  - [How to uninstall](#how-to-uninstall)\n  - [Usage](#usage)\n    - [VSCode](#vscode)\n    - [PyCharm](#pycharm)\n    - [Emacs](#emacs)\n    - [Sublime Text](#sublime-text)\n    - [Other IDEs](#other-ides)\n    - [mypy](#mypy)\n    - [pyright](#pyright)\n  - [Explicit type annotations](#explicit-type-annotations)\n    - [Client annotations](#client-annotations)\n    - [Literals](#literals)\n    - [Type definitions](#type-definitions)\n  - [How it works](#how-it-works)\n  - [What's new](#what's-new)\n    - [Implemented features](#implemented-features)\n    - [Latest changes](#latest-changes)\n  - [Versioning](#versioning)\n  - [Thank you](#thank-you)\n  - [Documentation](#documentation)\n  - [Support and contributing](#support-and-contributing)\n\n<a id=\"how-to-install\"></a>\n\n## How to install\n\n<a id=\"vscode-extension\"></a>\n\n### VSCode extension\n\nAdd\n[AWS Boto3](\nextension to your VSCode and run `AWS boto3: Quick Start` command.\n\nClick `Modify` and select `boto3 common` and `ConnectParticipant`.\n\n<a id=\"from-pypi-with-pip\"></a>\n\n### From PyPI with pip\n\nInstall `boto3-stubs` for `ConnectParticipant` service.\n\n```bash\n# install with boto3 type annotations\npython -m pip install 'boto3-stubs[connectparticipant]'\n\n\n# Lite version does not provide session.client/resource overloads\n# it is more RAM-friendly, but requires explicit type annotations\npython -m pip install 'boto3-stubs-lite[connectparticipant]'\n\n\n# standalone installation\npython -m pip install mypy-boto3-connectparticipant\n```\n\n<a id=\"how-to-uninstall\"></a>\n\n## How to uninstall\n\n```bash\npython -m pip uninstall -y mypy-boto3-connectparticipant\n```\n\n<a id=\"usage\"></a>\n\n## Usage\n\n<a id=\"vscode\"></a>\n\n### VSCode\n\n- Install\n  [Python extension](\n- Install\n  [Pylance extension](\n- Set `Pylance` as your Python Language Server\n- Install `boto3-stubs[connectparticipant]` in your environment:\n\n```bash\npython -m pip install 'boto3-stubs[connectparticipant]'\n```\n\nBoth type checking and code completion should now work. No explicit type\nannotations required, write your `boto3` code as usual.\n\n<a id=\"pycharm\"></a>\n\n### PyCharm\n\nInstall `boto3-stubs-lite[connectparticipant]` in your environment:\n\n```bash\npython -m pip install 'boto3-stubs-lite[connectparticipant]'`\n```\n\nBoth type checking and code completion should now work. Explicit type\nannotations **are required**.\n\nUse `boto3-stubs` package instead for implicit type discovery.\n\n<a id=\"emacs\"></a>\n\n### Emacs\n\n- Install `boto3-stubs` with services you use in your environment:\n\n```bash\npython -m pip install 'boto3-stubs[connectparticipant]'\n```\n\n- Install [use-package](,\n  [lsp](,\n  [company]( and\n  [flycheck]( packages\n- Install [lsp-pyright]( package\n\n```elisp\n(use-package lsp-pyright\n  :ensure t\n  :hook (python-mode . (lambda ()\n                          (require 'lsp-pyright)\n                          (lsp)))  ; or lsp-deferred\n  :init (when (executable-find \"python3\")\n          (setq lsp-pyright-python-executable-cmd \"python3\"))\n  )\n```\n\n- Make sure emacs uses the environment where you have installed `boto3-stubs`\n\nType checking should now work. No explicit type annotations required, write\nyour `boto3` code as usual.\n\n<a id=\"sublime-text\"></a>\n\n### Sublime Text\n\n- Install `boto3-stubs[connectparticipant]` with services you use in your\n  environment:\n\n```bash\npython -m pip install 'boto3-stubs[connectparticipant]'\n```\n\n- Install [LSP-pyright]( package\n\nType checking should now work. No explicit type annotations required, write\nyour `boto3` code as usual.\n\n<a id=\"other-ides\"></a>\n\n### Other IDEs\n\nNot tested, but as long as your IDE supports `mypy` or `pyright`, everything\nshould work.\n\n<a id=\"mypy\"></a>\n\n### mypy\n\n- Install `mypy`: `python -m pip install mypy`\n- Install `boto3-stubs[connectparticipant]` in your environment:\n\n```bash\npython -m pip install 'boto3-stubs[connectparticipant]'`\n```\n\nType checking should now work. No explicit type annotations required, write\nyour `boto3` code as usual.\n\n<a id=\"pyright\"></a>\n\n### pyright\n\n- Install `pyright`: `npm i -g pyright`\n- Install `boto3-stubs[connectparticipant]` in your environment:\n\n```bash\npython -m pip install 'boto3-stubs[connectparticipant]'\n```\n\nOptionally, you can install `boto3-stubs` to `typings` folder.\n\nType checking should now work. No explicit type annotations required, write\nyour `boto3` code as usual.\n\n<a id=\"explicit-type-annotations\"></a>\n\n## Explicit type annotations\n\n<a id=\"client-annotations\"></a>\n\n### Client annotations\n\n`ConnectParticipantClient` provides annotations for\n`boto3.client(\"connectparticipant\")`.\n\n```python\nfrom boto3.session import Session\n\nfrom mypy_boto3_connectparticipant import ConnectParticipantClient\n\nclient: ConnectParticipantClient = Session().client(\"connectparticipant\")\n\n# now client usage is checked by mypy and IDE should provide code completion\n```\n\n<a id=\"literals\"></a>\n\n### Literals\n\n`mypy_boto3_connectparticipant.literals` module contains literals extracted\nfrom shapes that can be used in user code for type checking.\n\nFull list of `ConnectParticipant` Literals can be found in\n[docs](\n\n```python\nfrom mypy_boto3_connectparticipant.literals import ArtifactStatusType\n\n\ndef check_value(value: ArtifactStatusType) -> bool: ...\n```\n\n<a id=\"type-definitions\"></a>\n\n### Type definitions\n\n`mypy_boto3_connectparticipant.type_defs` module contains structures and shapes\nassembled to typed dictionaries and unions for additional type checking.\n\nFull list of `ConnectParticipant` TypeDefs can be found in\n[docs](\n\n```python\nfrom mypy_boto3_connectparticipant.type_defs import AttachmentItemTypeDef\n\n\ndef get_value() -> AttachmentItemTypeDef:\n    return {...}\n```\n\n<a id=\"how-it-works\"></a>\n\n## How it works\n\nFully automated\n[mypy-boto3-builder]( carefully\ngenerates type annotations for each service, patiently waiting for `boto3`\nupdates. It delivers drop-in type annotations for you and makes sure that:\n\n- All available `boto3` services are covered.\n- Each public class and method of every `boto3` service gets valid type\n  annotations extracted from `botocore` schemas.\n- Type annotations include up-to-date documentation.\n- Link to documentation is provided for every method.\n- Code is processed by [black]( and\n  [isort]( for readability.\n\n<a id=\"what's-new\"></a>\n\n## What's new\n\n<a id=\"implemented-features\"></a>\n\n### Implemented features\n\n- Fully type annotated `boto3`, `botocore`, `aiobotocore` and `aioboto3`\n  libraries\n- `mypy`, `pyright`, `VSCode`, `PyCharm`, `Sublime Text` and `Emacs`\n  compatibility\n- `Client`, `ServiceResource`, `Resource`, `Waiter` `Paginator` type\n  annotations for each service\n- Generated `TypeDefs` for each service\n- Generated `Literals` for each service\n- Auto discovery of types for `boto3.client` and `boto3.resource` calls\n- Auto discovery of types for `session.client` and `session.resource` calls\n- Auto discovery of types for `client.get_waiter` and `client.get_paginator`\n  calls\n- Auto discovery of types for `ServiceResource` and `Resource` collections\n- Auto discovery of types for `aiobotocore.Session.create_client` calls\n\n<a id=\"latest-changes\"></a>\n\n### Latest changes\n\nBuilder changelog can be found in\n[Releases](\n\n<a id=\"versioning\"></a>\n\n## Versioning\n\n`mypy-boto3-connectparticipant` version is the same as related `boto3` version\nand follows [PEP 440]( format.\n\n<a id=\"thank-you\"></a>\n\n## Thank you\n\n- [Allie Fitter]( for\n  [boto3-type-annotations](,\n  this package is based on top of his work\n- [black]( developers for an awesome formatting\n  tool\n- [Timothy Edmund Crosley]( for\n  [isort]( and how flexible it is\n- [mypy]( developers for doing all dirty work\n  for us\n- [pyright]( team for the new era of typed\n  Python\n\n<a id=\"documentation\"></a>\n\n## Documentation\n\nAll services type annotations can be found in\n[boto3 docs](\n\n<a id=\"support-and-contributing\"></a>\n\n## Support and contributing\n\nThis package is auto-generated. Please reports any bugs or request new features\nin [mypy-boto3-builder](\nrepository.\n",
    "bugtrack_url": null,
    "license": "MIT License",
    "summary": "Type annotations for boto3.ConnectParticipant 1.34.44 service generated with mypy-boto3-builder 7.23.1",
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    "project_urls": {
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        "Homepage": "",
        "Source": "",
        "Tracker": ""
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